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Maybe it's my own fault for not checking the news
UK folks, listen, it's time for you to unify to destroy the UK once and for all. Scotland & Wales, do everything to declare independence, Ireland, become one again, English people, get rid of those nobles treating you like dirt. Overwelm them, get your freedom back. Others gov cannot support you, but the people are. The EU is waiting for you, folks.
Now, excusez-moi, but I'm going to prepare myself for my brother saying that British are happy to not have heat if the King gets a great ceremony.
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cy-lindric · 1 year
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full cover for the calendar !
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regnigt · 18 days
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Magnificent double-page spread of Paris at the eve of the Revolution in spring 1789, from the graphic novel "Révolution: 1. Liberté" by Florent Grouazel and Yoann Locard, which I am currently making my way through.
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diana-andraste · 4 months
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Je ne vois pas la [femme] cachée dans la forêt La Révolution surréaliste, Paris no. 12, December 15, 1929
The Surrealist group around Magritte's I do not see the (Woman) hidden in the Forest
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bonbonanza · 8 months
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ecofmaster · 1 month
wait what is the revolution??
also hi :3 🎀💖
How did you manage to ignore all of that and not notice there is A WAR going on?!?!?!
I am fighting a war against @21ducky aka the queen.
And I'm winning.
I also have an omniversal being on my side.
(My OC)
(also when I talk with parentheses it's not canon)
(just to clear that up)
Plz join the revolution
We are the cooler side
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king-clyde-wy · 1 year
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Thank you rest of the world for the support💯💯💯
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little-red-phrygian · 7 months
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commission art w/ @naxim 😇😇🙏🏻(I'm not the author of this art! )
*petition on more young Robespierre content 🫡
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empirearchives · 8 months
Descriptions of Napoleon’s personality by Adam Zamoyski
“He was kind by nature, quick to assist and reward. He found comfortable jobs and granted generous pensions to former colleagues, teachers, and servants, even to a guard who had shown sympathy during his incarceration after the fall of Robespierre. He was generous to the son of Marbeuf, promoted his former commander at TouIon Dugommier and looked after his family when he died, did the same for La Poype and du Teil, and even found the useless Carteaux a post with a generous pension. Whenever he encountered hardship or poverty, he disbursed lavishly. He could be sensitive, and there are countless verifiable acts of solicitude and kindness that testify to his genuinely wishing to make people happy.”
“He was most at his ease with children, soldiers, servants, and those close to him, in whom he took a personal interest, asking them about their health, their families, and their troubles. He would treat them with a joshing familiarity, teasing them, calling them scoundrels or nincompoops; whenever he saw his physician, Dr. Jean-Nicolas Corvisart, he would ask him how many people he had killed that day.”
“He possessed considerable charm and only needed to smile for people to melt. He could be a delightful companion when he adopted an attitude of bonhomie. He was a good raconteur, and people loved listening to him speak on some subject that interested him, or tell his ghost stories, for which he would sometimes blow out the candles. He could grow passionate when discussing literature or, more rarely, his feelings.”
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cy-lindric · 1 year
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charming & terrible, etc
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roehenstart · 9 months
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Toussaint L'Ouverture by George De Baptiste.
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azzrael99 · 25 days
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Et Voilá!!! Maxime's color drawing is here. I decided to put the walls green because he gave me that feeling. He matches her green eyes💚My favorite color is green
I love your eyes Maxime
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fellshish · 8 months
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Fics where they do a little dance and they both KNOW they are doing it but can’t outright SAY IT my beloved (link)
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belle-keys · 9 months
Vampires being Southern confederates in the American pop culture tradition makes so much sense to me logically. Not saying that I don't believe it's propaganda, because it absolutely is. But planter vampires and confederate vampires (Jasper, Damon, Lestat, Louis, Bill Compton) make a lot of sense in the American context, as much as aristocratic and “Old World” vampires make sense in the British context.
If vampires are inherently Gothic, then vampires must symbolize and personify the vestiges of a long-gone past – one which only simmers to life from far below the surface when it’s time to reveal the horrors, or the romance, of what is usually an oft-forgotten history. In 19th-century Britain, through vampire short stories and novellas, and later Dracula, vampires evoked the (misunderstood and misappropriated) time of the Goths. This, in turn, brought to readers’ minds images of towering castles, the superstition of Eastern Europe, and the so-called barbarism of the Old World, that which was made to appear antiquated in its monstrosity and secret imperialist desires. (*sarcastic voice*) The Old World was so at odds with enlightened, modern, industrializing Britain! It’s no wonder that vampires in British literature took the forms of counts, noblemen, and princes – they were the conspiring, powerful leaders of the Old World, or the medieval world, or some forgotten pre-Industrial feudal world.
And if we are to apply this concept of what vampires should represent for the United States, it only makes perfect sense that vampires would be planters and confederates. Slavers, planters, and confederate fighters also evoke the Old America, conjuring images of Southern chivalry, the great Antebellum, and the humble pioneers of this free nation of God and goodness and prosperity! And then the confederates got their ass beat really bad. And they could only hold on to these romantic images of that former “honour and glory” through propagation of the Lost Cause myth. What better vehicle to wield this romanticisation of, yunno, the defense of chattel slavery than through vampire softbois?! Immortal beings who symbolize the survival and resilience of the Antebellum South through time. Why don’t we make them hot guys who were just protecting the South in our pop culture? Sure. If the vestiges of America’s long-gone past are slavery and genocide and, uh, chivalric Southern honour, then vampires do a pretty effective job of reminding us of this horrifying/romantic (you choose here) history. Spoiler alert: it’s horrifying.
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ecofmaster · 2 months
Anon it is then :)
(You don't know me lmao, I'm not one of your mutuals.)
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