#r1999 spoilers
sleepyminty · 17 days
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Come on blue epoch, where’s the diversity from your early days
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im back 😈with more basic info compiled yippeeeee this one will be abt vertin
possible name references for vertin:
vert means green in french which might be the reference to her hair and eye color that is a greenish gray
vertin is an altered form of a german vertein a nickname for service obligation (vertin working for the foundation)
her CN name 维尔汀 Wéi ěr tīng uses the characters like 維 Wéi can have the meaning preserve, maintain, or safeguard. while 尔 ěr can have the meaning you; that; those. and 汀 tīng having the meaning of low, level land along the river, or spit of land. (might not have any leads but this is how they write vertin in CN) could reference on how vertin tries to preserve things before getting hit by the storm
switching the syllables on vertin's name can turn it into invert
thats it for the name
vertin is 16 yrs old
she's saved 63 unregistered arcanists
she became the timekeeper at 12 (poor girl has been overworked since she was 12 :( )
the youngest arcanist being adopted by the foundation at one month old
vertin's love language is implied to be physical affection and gift giving can be found on john titor, cristallo, sotheby, marcus's voicelines and main story where lil vertin gives little trinkets to sonetto when she was in SPDM and the alcohol she gave lilya in chapter 4? i think
she has a scar on her back with the shape of a moon, an eye, and interesting lines
her immunity to the storm is because she possesses an antibody called Asymmetric Protein G that lets her withstand the storm without getting reversed
on oliver fogs wilderness conversation its said that vertin doesn't know why she chose to become the timekeeper as this might imply that she has dissociative amnesia from trauma (is probably wrong i love yapping 💕)
her arcane skills are weak though she can still cast some skills unlike when she was a child
she is highly intelligent in battle and has a high perception towards arcanum
she has high endurance and strength both mentally and physically
she has a habit of not knocking (click and matilda's greetings voiceline)
she often faked her sickness back in SPDM to visit tooth fairy in the infirmary and get toffees
she used to be covered in bruises and small wounds when she was a child most likely from her exploring
she likes to collect things that she finds interesting
she has a magazine called "1930's Girls Sensual Parts Clippings" in the attic from Necrologist's voiceline (vertin girlkisser is so real dont use this as an excuse to sexualize her tho i will nuke u 😡)
she took a random bottle off the ground and drank it, the drink had a label "The Walden Potion Bar" (from Chapter 1 "In Our Time" intermission)
in kakania's idle voiceline it was said that she can sleep while standing up
will add more if i find more things soon!
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socoolinmypajamas · 2 months
Mesmer Jr. spent 4 and a half weeks taking care of Vertin while she was in a coma. Sure, it was her duty, but an interesting thing is how most of the times we see her in that chapter she's just... Sitting there. Besides her.
Considering how stressful has to be dealing with patients with severe mental issues, taking care of Vertin must've been such a welcome change of peace.
But also... That's her friend. She expressed several times that, despite everything, she still appreciates and holds her in (at least) above average regards. Considering her role in the incident at the end of chapter 3, as well as the current state of her mental health (thanks Constantine), being there for the one friend who survived was probably... quite cathartic, I guess?
Her reaction when Lilya broke through the glass is pretty understandable: It must've triggered several things at the same time to seen a safe space burst like that.
I hope we get to see Mesmer Jr. getting the help or at least the confort she needs.
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pepa16 · 11 months
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heart been brocken, heart been brocken so many times-
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kiwikipedia · 11 months
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I will sob and cry
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glazzzzzzzze · 2 months
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As soon as I saw Ezra's new skin I got to work
Haw yee
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hardcoretanoc · 4 days
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solns · 5 months
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i cant tell what era they're in with that background lol like is it in the 60s or 70s? the cars look older though
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sevicia · 9 months
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Vertin as a Jesus figure; screenshot that looks like it's a tender moment from a yuri VN (sadly it's not); Sonetto trying to be subtle about her very very obvious crush on Vertin like girl just shoot your shot things are dire as hell anyways .... also the narrator calling me a freak like what's his damage
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sleepyminty · 2 months
Between schneider playable only in the beta only for her to be killed off, diggers and isolde in vertin suitcase despite the fact that they both joins the manus. There might be the possibility that Blue epoch might pull a ‘never let you go’ of hi3 or pull a [DATA LOST] of fgo. If u know what i mean
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i have been getting a tad bit too obsessed with reverse 1999 lately and compiled some stuff around might edit it if i find more
this yapping session will be abt sonetto
her name is deprived from a fourteen line poetry called the Sonnet while also having the meaning of “little song or sound’
her udimo is a dog called Cirneco Dell’Etna a breed that originated from italy as stated in her storyboard
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she doesn't know her date of birth and uses the date of when she was adopted by the foundation as her birthday (January 10th)
she's 16 yrs old
she's speculated to be 5'3 ft or 160 cm
her compliments are so sincere that people are often too shy to face her (the rizzler)
back in SPDM she was worried about vertin's arcane skill exams and tutored her privately
a helper in the SPDM once found a challenge letter with pink heart patterns in the trash bin (might imply that the letter was from matilda to sonetto)
sonetto is an artist as stated in her 80% bond story and glassfeder's description
sonetto likes collecting newspapers and treasures them
every year she gets a present from vertin on her birthday which is mostly a collection of poems
it’s implied (this is really obvious) that she has a crush on the timekeeper/Vertin and has also been implied sonetto's va during the reddit Q&A
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on her medal she has an embroidered dog on it (i just thought this was cute)
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since she doesn't know much about the outside world or her culture she doesn't see anything wrong with pineapple pizza or gelato pizza for that matter (april fools and pizza hut collab comic)
she keeps a frog in a jar in her room
time for voiceline analysis
"Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle.”
this quote is derived from the poem L’Infinito by Giacomo Leopardi in the autumn of 1819 the poem is meant to show how he yearns to travel beyond his restrictive hometown of Recanati and experience more of the world that he studied.
this can also show the way sonetto might have wished to see the outside world just as she studied on the textbooks
"Regna sereno intenso ed infinito.”
a line from the poem Mezzogiorno Alpino written after a short stay in Courmayeur, Giosuè Carducci reflects on the clear Alpine landscape, with the aim of highlighting the power of nature.
the trees stood as if to enjoy the pleasure of the sunlight penetrating their branches, absolute silence dominates, broken only by the rustling of the river water.
this might show how much interest and adoration sonetto shows towards things outside of the foundation
“So long lives this and this gives power to thee.”
a line from the famous poem Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare, where he used this poem to praise the beauty of his beloved where their beauty is more preferable than a hot summer day. theres a bit of a change in the lines "So long lives this and this gives life to thee." the original line used life instead of power, it wouldn't really make sense if they used life for a buffer it would've been more of a healing skill so i get it
(i actually don't know what link this has towards sonetto soo fun fact sonnet 18 was about a man)
"I know the moon and this is an alien city”
the line is derived from the poem A London Thoroughfare 2 A.M by Amy Lowell the meaning of this poem is the feeling of being lost in a busy city, expressing emotions such as loneliness and being overwhelmed and how the only thing familiar to the writer was the moon. (aight im sorry idk how to word this one again another fun fact Amy Lowell is a sapphic and likes to call her muse or lover Lady of the moon)
“Each moment, now night.”
One of the lines from the poem Night by Max Weber (not the sociologist, also not sure on what to write since i dont actually know what the poem actually means i like to think that its about the silence and darkness of the night to show loneliness)
so basically most of these references loneliness and adoration towards the things the writer wrote about which might link to how sonetto might feel adoration and curiosity for the outside world and how she might've felt lonely in the foundation after being closed off from the outside world
(sorry if some words might not make sense and for how many things i've kept blank i failed literature so feel free to correct me im always up for discussion, its funny the way i found out most poets are queer are because of this)
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socoolinmypajamas · 22 days
Rayashki and Zeno: How a harsh environment shapes actions.
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Sometimes, a perception is taken as a principle. A "cruel reality" can be described as a negative perception of the material world, used to assert a situation. "Reality is cruel", however consists in using the previously descrived perception as a fundamental truth or a proposition in which to base the foundations of a system of belief, of behaviour or of a chain of reason. Both are heavily present in Farewell Rayashki, a story all about the strenght of the colective, the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity and what shapes the actions of those who persue a goal. With that in mind, I wanted to write... Not an analysis per se, but rather to build some sort of structure or perspective (whatever you want to call it) through which the story can be analyzed.
Now, imagine a matrix diagram where the X-axis goes from "Gemeinschaft" (Community) to "Gesellschaft" (Society), two terms taken from german sociologist, Ferdinand Tönnies, and the Y-axis goes from "Deontic" to "Epistemic" in a mix between a Gretchen McCulloch's linguistic sense and a Józef Maria Bocheński's philosophical sense. If everything I just said made no sense, don't worry. Here's a (very) rough explanation of what I'll mean with these two dichotomies through this post: X-axis: A classification of societal ties. "Gemeinschaft" refers to personal, direct interactions with emotional relationships (such as families or small towns like Rayashki) formed by people who strive to archive the goals of a collective. "Gesellschaft", on the other hand, is about indirect and formal interactions, with more rational relationships (like a company or an institution like Zeno) in which everyone band together to persue personal goals in common. Y-axis: A classification of actions as both modality (McCulloh) and authority (Bochenski). Roughly: "actions based on interpretations and beliefs done by someone with an authority based on their ammount of knowledge and experience" (Epistemic)" vs "actions based on rules and/or desires done by someone with a role or position that gives them the power to enforce them" (Deontic).
Upper-left: Gemeinschaft/Epistemic
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Windsong's quest, mostly percieved as a fool's errand, is a classic underdog story. The lone reasercher who, disheartened by the lack of support from all the important academic institutions and societies, finds in the small town of Rayashki a more hospitable enviroment to persue her goals. She creats emotional conections with the community and soon finds more self-fulfilment in helping the townfolk than in other things like taking Zeno's offer or abandoning her studies, which are presented as more beneficial options from a rational point of view.
She confronts the notion of "cruel reality" and rejects "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This action comes from what she knows (her study of ley lines) and beliefs (the people of Rayashki, the usefullness of her field of research).
Bottom-Left: Gesellschaft/Epistemic
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You'll think he should be at the opposite side of Windsong BUT Bertolt, as the classical evil guy in your everyday underdog story, actually rejects the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. His emotional detachment from the people of Rayashki, their values, and even their very same idea of community, comes from his role as a member of Zeno, an institution that exemplfies the impersonal and formal relationships of the Gesellschaft. He doesn't see himself as the evil corporate guy who's there to destroy their dream for a greedy goal, but as the savior who comes to provide the light of rationality to this uncultured rural people who are willing to risk their lives for the sake of primitive traditions and values. He defines himself as a "simple representative of Zeno, bound by their rules and orders, working tirelessly to help people in a world wreaked by The Storm", a description that allows him to minimize his negative perception of the reality of others while justifying operating under the principle of Reality is Cruel.
Bottom-Right: Gesellschaft/Deontic
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Evgeni is shown through the story as a leader of Rayashki who deeply cares about his community BUT is willing to destroy it for the sake of a rational goal: protecting the lives of the townfolk.
He embraces the notion of "cruel reality", and accepts "Reality is Cruel" as a principle.
But how is HE in the opposite side of Windsong, instead of Bertolt? In Tönnies dichotomy of Gesellschaft and Gemeinschaft, the relationships that are meant to keep people in communities and societies can also push them out: is all about wether the social ties become too tight or too lose to help us find self-fulfilment in them. Windsong found in a community what she couldn't find in society (validation and encouragment for her study of ley lines), while Evgeni thought he found in a society what he couldn't find in his community (a positive prospective for the people of Rayashki).
Upper-Right: Gemeinschaft/Deontic
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While Bertolt is a man of the world, trying to expand the benefits of globalization by placing the needs of bigger groups above those of the little ones, what Vila is persuing isn't just a goal to archive, but a dream to share. She didn't became a part of Rayashki only to build an utopia: everyone living there were already doing that and Vila found meaning in developing strong emotional ties with everyone as they strive together to work hard for Rayashki.
However, unlike Windsong, she accepts the notion of "cruel reality", even if she doesn't agree with "Reality is Cruel" as a principle. This one si a bit tricky to explain.
It all comes down to their experiences while chasing their dreams and how that shaped their understanding of what a dream is.
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For Vila, is something that kept her going. A cherished wish that inspired her to leave the rusalki and search for a new home. A goal she could share with the people of Rayashki. A hope to cling unto while she nourishes the sprouts of Rayashki while they are passengers of the ship called "St Pavlov's Foundation" while adrift in the vast sea of the outside world, so they can carry on the spirit of Rayashki. She accepts the "cruel reality" as something that could hinder her dreams, force her to adapt them, but never crush them.
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For Windsong, the dream was but a promise turned into a burden. It was not something that comforted her if held tight, but rather something it pained her to let go. Accepting the "cruel reality" meant letting something die, and for someone who was struggling in all fronts, it meant taking a toll way to big for her to handle.
As the last ley line hunter, the dream is but a gamble turned into an investment. The chance of failure is there no matter what. Only thing she can do, is to work hard to reduce it as much as possible. To her, a "cruel reality" is something that crushes dreams. Is not enough to reject the use of this perception as a principle: her own experiences taught her that the perception itself can be a cancer. She might have a tendency to put herself down, to have doubts on what she does and to even be "realistic" in any situation she encounters. But there's ALWAYS a part of her fighting her perception of reality from turning into a negative one even if she lacks the proper arguments or mental state to do it effectively. Vila noticed that from day one, and began to slowly share with her the tools Windsong lacked, helping her become a more confident and capable person, while inadvertibly gaining a trusty partner to rely on.
Their experiences shaped them into people who complement each other incredibly well. Leaning into each other, they'll plant their seeds of hope into a new generation. For the study of ley lines; for Rayashki; for those who live in a world affected by The Storm; for those who'll survive it. *** To anyone who'll read this... whatever the hell it was till the end, thank you for time! Feel free ask me anything, correct me, chew this to bits with your bare teeth, whatever you like. I just haphazardly wrote it because I love this game so much.
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tsukasa · 4 months
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also semmelweis is so... hello...
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offinelsewhere · 8 months
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Am I evil if I laugh
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divinevoyage · 10 months
Is it just me or is this supposed to be an “uh oh” moment?
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just seeing the word "orange" gives me severe flashbacks ...
truly an "uh oh" moment if you ask me 💔
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horizon-penblade · 3 days
Frickfrickfrick is 37's mom Arcana???
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