#rabas de magano
rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Ranch Day
Usually a sidekick for a variety of other foods, National Ranch Day brings that delightful flavor of this delicious dressing to the forefront of attention. No longer a condiment or an afterthought, ranch dressing is definitely the special guest star of the day!
History of National Ranch Day
The story of ranch dressing dates back several decades, to the late 1940s. In fact, the claim to the first creation of this strictly American condiment goes to a man named Steve Henson who originally thought of the concoction of buttermilk and herbs when he was working in Alaska.
After moving to California and purchasing the Hidden Valley dude ranch in California, Henson started serving and selling his salad dressing commercially. The company grew through mail-order and started to become very popular throughout the United States.
Ranch style dressing was originally sold as dry packets of herbs and spices that were meant to be mixed with milk and mayonnaise. Today, it can still be found in this powdered style, which is particularly easy for travel, or it can be purchased in bottles that are pre-mixed and ready to eat.
Now, one of the most popular salad dressings and condiments that is sold in the United States. Beyond just pouring it on top of salads, ranch dressing has some other versatile serving options that can’t be beat!
National Ranch Day is here to show appreciation for and pay attention to the deliciousness of ranch dressing.
How to Celebrate National Ranch Day
Take a break from boring and enjoy National Ranch Day with lots of fun and different ways to celebrate. Get started with some of these ideas:
Enjoy Ranch Dressing
One of the best things that can be done in honor of National Ranch Day is to include it in any and every meal and snack eaten on this day! Of course, ranch dressing can be poured on top of a delicious and nutritious salad, but there are other ways to eat it also.
Make it up into a delicious dip for veggies like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and celery. Or use it for dipping items like chicken nuggets or fish sticks. Other ideas for eating ranch might include drizzling it on top of tasty pizza or a pile of french fries. Some people like to put ranch dressing on corn on the cob, or even on top of chili. Of course, it is delicious with buffalo wings!
Whatever way is preferred, this is definitely the day for getting creative with ranch dressing.
Hold a Ranch Dressing Taste Test
National Ranch Dressing Day is a great time to have fun checking out which ranch dressing is the best one of all. It might be fun to host a ranch dressing taste test in the breakroom at work or just in the kitchen at home. Have coworkers or friends participate in a blind taste test, have each person vote on which one is best, and then name the winning brand as the reigning champion!
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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National Tartar Sauce Day
French fries with ketchup. Chicken wings with barbecue sauce. And fish with tartar sauce. These pairings of food with sauces are classics that just about anyone will love. And today is the day to celebrate the sauce.
Specifically, it’s National Tartar Sauce Day! So get ready to grab some seafood and pile on the tartar sauce!
History of National Tartar Sauce Day
While National Tartar Sauce Day is a fairly recent celebration, it has roots that go back to approximately 1400 years ago. When Pope St. Gregory declared that people should abstain from eating meat on Fridays, the people started eating fish, instead, since it wasn’t considered to be flesh. The significance of Friday is that the Christian tradition believes that Jesus Christ died on a Friday.
In the 1960s, the rules changed a bit and many people of the Catholic tradition began abstaining from meat on Fridays only during the Lenten season. Lent is the period of time that falls 40 days (not counting Sundays) prior to Easter. Many people still continue this tradition of eating fish on Fridays during Lent.
And of course, with the tradition of eating fish regularly often comes the delicious addition of tartar sauce!
National Tartar Sauce Day was founded in 2017 by Frisch’s Big Boy, a chain of classic restaurants in the American Midwest. The restaurant established the day in celebration of the sauce that pairs so well with fish, which is eaten in larger quantities during this time of year.
In fact, National Tartar Sauce Day is a rolling holiday that follows the religious calendar and always falls on the first Friday of Lent, either in late February or early March. So get ready to enjoy some seafood because it’s time to celebrate National Tartar Sauce Day!
How to Celebrate National Tartar Sauce Day
Get involved with celebrating National Tartar Sauce Day with some of these fun ideas:
Order Up Some Fish with Tartar Sauce
Of course, the best way to pay heed to National Tartar Sauce Day is to enjoy some with a serving of fish. Head out to a restaurant that serves seafood, like Frisch’s Big Boy, for instance, and order up a plate of fish with tartar sauce. Even McDonald’s serves its Filet-O-Fish sandwich with a portion of tartar sauce on the bun!
Try Making Tartar Sauce at Home
Those who are feeding a family or who just prefer to eat at home might want to have their own fish fry on National Tartar Sauce Day! And what is the best thing to serve with that fish? Well, it’s the sauce, of course!
Making tartar sauce at home actually isn’t very difficult at all and only requires a few ingredients. The main base is mayonnaise with a few other ingredients, like mustard, sweet pickle relish and lemon juice. For additional flavor, some people might prefer to add a dash of Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper, black pepper or capers.
Pile the tartar sauce high on the plates, right next to the fish, and watch the family dig in!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Ranch Day
Usually a sidekick for a variety of other foods, National Ranch Day brings that delightful flavor of this delicious dressing to the forefront of attention. No longer a condiment or an afterthought, ranch dressing is definitely the special guest star of the day!
History of National Ranch Day
The story of ranch dressing dates back several decades, to the late 1940s. In fact, the claim to the first creation of this strictly American condiment goes to a man named Steve Henson who originally thought of the concoction of buttermilk and herbs when he was working in Alaska.
After moving to California and purchasing the Hidden Valley dude ranch in California, Henson started serving and selling his salad dressing commercially. The company grew through mail-order and started to become very popular throughout the United States.
Ranch style dressing was originally sold as dry packets of herbs and spices that were meant to be mixed with milk and mayonnaise. Today, it can still be found in this powdered style, which is particularly easy for travel, or it can be purchased in bottles that are pre-mixed and ready to eat.
Now, one of the most popular salad dressings and condiments that is sold in the United States. Beyond just pouring it on top of salads, ranch dressing has some other versatile serving options that can’t be beat!
National Ranch Day is here to show appreciation for and pay attention to the deliciousness of ranch dressing.
How to Celebrate National Ranch Day
Take a break from boring and enjoy National Ranch Day with lots of fun and different ways to celebrate. Get started with some of these ideas:
Enjoy Ranch Dressing
One of the best things that can be done in honor of National Ranch Day is to include it in any and every meal and snack eaten on this day! Of course, ranch dressing can be poured on top of a delicious and nutritious salad, but there are other ways to eat it also.
Make it up into a delicious dip for veggies like carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and celery. Or use it for dipping items like chicken nuggets or fish sticks. Other ideas for eating ranch might include drizzling it on top of tasty pizza or a pile of french fries. Some people like to put ranch dressing on corn on the cob, or even on top of chili. Of course, it is delicious with buffalo wings!
Whatever way is preferred, this is definitely the day for getting creative with ranch dressing.
Hold a Ranch Dressing Taste Test
National Ranch Dressing Day is a great time to have fun checking out which ranch dressing is the best one of all. It might be fun to host a ranch dressing taste test in the breakroom at work or just in the kitchen at home. Have coworkers or friends participate in a blind taste test, have each person vote on which one is best, and then name the winning brand as the reigning champion!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Tartar Sauce Day
French fries with ketchup. Chicken wings with barbecue sauce. And fish with tartar sauce. These pairings of food with sauces are classics that just about anyone will love. And today is the day to celebrate the sauce.
Specifically, it’s National Tartar Sauce Day! So get ready to grab some seafood and pile on the tartar sauce!
History of National Tartar Sauce Day
While National Tartar Sauce Day is a fairly recent celebration, it has roots that go back to approximately 1400 years ago. When Pope St. Gregory declared that people should abstain from eating meat on Fridays, the people started eating fish, instead, since it wasn’t considered to be flesh. The significance of Friday is that the Christian tradition believes that Jesus Christ died on a Friday.
In the 1960s, the rules changed a bit and many people of the Catholic tradition began abstaining from meat on Fridays only during the Lenten season. Lent is the period of time that falls 40 days (not counting Sundays) prior to Easter. Many people still continue this tradition of eating fish on Fridays during Lent.
And of course, with the tradition of eating fish regularly often comes the delicious addition of tartar sauce!
National Tartar Sauce Day was founded in 2017 by Frisch’s Big Boy, a chain of classic restaurants in the American Midwest. The restaurant established the day in celebration of the sauce that pairs so well with fish, which is eaten in larger quantities during this time of year.
In fact, National Tartar Sauce Day is a rolling holiday that follows the religious calendar and always falls on the first Friday of Lent, either in late February or early March. So get ready to enjoy some seafood because it’s time to celebrate National Tartar Sauce Day!
How to Celebrate National Tartar Sauce Day
Get involved with celebrating National Tartar Sauce Day with some of these fun ideas:
Order Up Some Fish with Tartar Sauce
Of course, the best way to pay heed to National Tartar Sauce Day is to enjoy some with a serving of fish. Head out to a restaurant that serves seafood, like Frisch’s Big Boy, for instance, and order up a plate of fish with tartar sauce. Even McDonald’s serves its Filet-O-Fish sandwich with a portion of tartar sauce on the bun!
Try Making Tartar Sauce at Home
Those who are feeding a family or who just prefer to eat at home might want to have their own fish fry on National Tartar Sauce Day! And what is the best thing to serve with that fish? Well, it’s the sauce, of course!
Making tartar sauce at home actually isn’t very difficult at all and only requires a few ingredients. The main base is mayonnaise with a few other ingredients, like mustard, sweet pickle relish and lemon juice. For additional flavor, some people might prefer to add a dash of Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper, black pepper or capers.
Pile the tartar sauce high on the plates, right next to the fish, and watch the family dig in!
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Food in Northern Spain (No. 3)
Cantabrian cuisine includes seafood from the Cantabrian Sea, salmon and trout from the upper basins of the rivers, vegetables and dairy products from the valleys, and veal and game from the Cantabrian mountains.
Seafood is widely used, from the entire coast and the Bay of Santander in particular, including clams, mussels, pod razors, cockles, crabs, barnacles, crayfish, snails, lobster, and squid. Fish include sea bass, hake, scorpion fish, anchovy, sardine, and albacore.
The albacore or bonito del norte is used in one of the most typical dishes of the region: marmita or sorropotún. Some of the most renowned Cantabrian dishes are hake in green sauce (merluza en salsa verde), squid with onions (maganos encebollados) and cuttlefish in its ink sauce (cachon en su tinta), and clam casserole. "Rabas" (Squid sticks deep fried) is the most popular snack in the coast, typically companied with a white wine or a vermouth.
Processed anchovies from the town of Santoña are highly appreciated and have a first class reputation worldwide.
Source: Wikipedia   
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Tapas Day 
Enjoy an array of small dishes or appetizers in place of a big meal in order to thank the country of Spain for introducing the world to tapas.
Spain is responsible for so many wonderful things, and their food and drink is among some of the best in the world. There are a lot of factors that play a role when it comes to enjoying some of the most delicious food in the world. If you are looking for the perfect taste of Spain, then tapas is going to be the choice for you. So, try to make sure you do what you can to experience the most delicious and amazing tapas as much as possible. You have a lot to consider if you want to make the most of the tapas Spain has to offer.
One of the key things you need to consider is World Tapas Day, as this is going to be the perfect occasion to celebrate all things tapas. Never tried tapas? Then you’re missing out! On World Tapas Day, we’re all about celebrating everything that makes these bite-size savory dishes so great and tasty. Tapas is so ingrained in Spanish culture that it is going to play a massive part in your experience. There are a lot of things that you need to consider, and it is important to make sure you sample as much as you can before you get to World Tapas Day. You have so many different types of dishes to choose from, and this is the ultimate opportunity to make the most of this right now.
This mainstay of Spanish cuisine is often served up as a snack or as an appetizer before a meal, and can include lots of tasty things from olives and cheese to hams and squid.
Be sure to take the time out to try at least one tapas today – or perhaps visit a tapas restaurant and find out which ones you love best! There are so many different choices when you want to indulge in tapas, and this is one of the most appealing things about it. Whether you want a filling main meal, or a snack over some glasses of wine, this is the perfect day for you to make the most of right now.
History of World Tapas Day
The third Thursday of the month of June was designated as World Tapas Day by the country of its creation, Spain, in 2016. Being such a popular and famous method of serving up delicious goodies, it’s no wonder that it got its own day. The word ‘tapas’ comes from the Spanish word ‘tapar’, which is a verb meaning ‘to cover’. The actual action of serving up small dishes was popularized before the 19th century when travelers visiting inns would often be served up small samples of food available.
There’s also a story that says that tapas was originally bread or meat which was draped over the mouths of sherry glasses in-between sips, to prevent flies from getting into the sweet beverage. Especially salty meats such as chorizo would be used to encourage the punters to keep drinking. It’s crazy to think what this has evolved to, and how prevalent tapas is now as a Spanish delicacy. From humble beginnings, it has grown to become one of the most important choices in all of Spanish cuisine, and this is something you need to consider right now if you want to make the most of this day.
This is an annual event uniting tapas lovers from all over the world, who come together to make the most of these delightful Spanish dishes. There are a lot of elements that you should consider here, and you are going to have plenty of time to make the most of this right now.
How to celebrate World Tapas Day
Because tapas is essentially small portions of traditional or popular Spanish cuisine, there are so many types of tapas that you could try today. Olives, Chorizo sausage, crusty bread, tender beef, battered squid, cabrales cheese, vegetables, fried quail eggs, anchovies, pork scallops, battered prawns, stuffed mussels, meatballs – the potential combinations are endless! Many restaurants give you the option of making your own meal combo with the variety of tapas available. Even the pickiest of eaters will find something to love!
Many restaurants give you the option of making your own meal combo with the variety of tapas available. One of the best tips that we would recommend is to make sure you choose something as a group of friends. If you all pick a dish or two each and then share from one another, this is one the best ways of being able to find the right experience for such an iconic and important day. A lot of the tapas you will find often includes pork, beef or fish – but there is a whole wealth of vegetarian tapas to enjoy if you’re not a meat eater.
There are a lot of things you need to consider when it comes to World Tapas Day, and one of the best things you can do is plan out the right kind of approach. And if you’re feeling adventurous on World Tapas Day, you could have a go at making your own homemade tapas. You’d be surprised how simple some are to make! There are plenty of excellent recipes online that you can use to help you make the most of your home tapas ideas, and you should check some of these ideas out as much as possible.
Alternatively, you might consider hitting a tapas bar with friends and sampling a few of the things on the menu right now. This is something you need to make sure you get right moving forward right now, and it will definitely help you in the future.
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