#rachel amber bot
yameoto · 5 months
I love your life is strange bots!! Chloe and Rachel are some of my all time favourite characters! so truly thank you. :D
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oh YO thank you so much!! this ask took me off-guard (wonderfully) bc they were made for purely self-indulgence. played LIS for the first time recently and hollyyy fuck.. so frankly i’m just glad someone even found them!!! chloe and rach are also my favs so a big fat mwah to you, too <3
chloe & rachel ★ | motel room lovers. chloe price ✦ | wake n' bake, baby. ✧ | your dealers' sweet on you. ✦ | you're all she's got. rachel amber ✦ | best friend privileges. ✧ | keeping her alive is tough work. ✦ | golden couple.
contrary to what this botlist may convey, i am both an amberprice and pricefielder. can 3 beautiful women not love each other at once?
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sayruq · 2 years
Lmao I saw one of those weirdos compile a big list of “proof that Amb*r was the abuser this whole time” and it included stuff like:
-“She was upset and crying that he got out of control drunk and was rude to her friends, which ruined her birthday party. This is textbook emotional abuse.”
-Pictures from her Instagram of her kickboxing class, a very popular type of exercise class
-Jason Momoa making jokes about her character Mera being able to kick his ass, which apparently means Amb*r also abused him???
-Her sister said they used to roughhouse as kids, so she abused the sister as well
-“Here’s irrefutablee proof that bi whore was fucking the entire 2016 Dallas Cowboys and all the cheerleaders too because she tweeted a selfie with some of the players”
-talking about burning your wife Alive and raping her corpse, and calling your wife and her friends actual slurs is totally fine, but calling an abuse rep alcoholic has-been a “fat old loser” is emotional abuse
-“She have a polite smile to the judge when she walked in, this is proof she’s lying because she wouldn’t be capable of smiling if she really was traumatized. I know this because I got my PhD in body language studies five minutes ago.”
I’m going to start biting people I stg.
its actually insane. i saw a long thread of how she's supposedly acting to cover up her tracks and one of the videos was amber briefly smiling while someone handed her something. there was a viral tweet about how she was looking at her nails while depp's therapist talks about diagnosing amber with bpd. i would have done worse if someone diagnosed me with an illness before they even met me after being hired by my abusive ex-husband.
everything she does is twisted to prove that she's this evil monster from the suits she wears to putting on glasses at the same time at depp because they were both looking evidence. its completely unhinged. even outspoken feminists are steering clear which is so disappointing. this case is more important than people realise. he is suing her for defamation in an op-ed that doesn't mention him. amber being punished for merely alluding it's startingto him. if this becomes precedent (and it's start to look that way with his bff marilyn manson suing evan rachel wood) victims can't even talk about their experiences vaguely without backlash.
we're literally watching all the progress we made in terms of abuse survivors being rolled back. i didn't realise it until i saw a big make up brand joining in. mind you johnny depp has lost 2 court cases, he is being sued by a crew member, his decades of violent outbursts are public, and yet the milano still joined in the witch hunt as if they knew they wouldn't receive blowback from the public.
i tried to console myself by thinking about how de*p's people use bot farms and that if people truly genuinely cared about him he wouldn't have been in one flop after another. but the truth is a lot of people hate women and this gives them the perfect chance to attack abuse victims and ensure that every woman who steps forwards is guaranteed to get witch hunted. no wonder marilyn manson has began using the same technique.
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nellievances · 2 years
I hoped that after today the comments about Amber would improve but people have kept pretending he did nothing wrong. It's tough to watch
I hope Megan Thee Stallion and Evan Rachel Woods get (and are getting) more support than Amber in their legal battles this is absolutely disturbing to witness.
I just know that in 10/20 years there's going to be one of those 'we failed them moment :('.
I do think that the narrative will change in a bit. Remember, today is only the first day of testimony. We also have to remember that D*pp has many more supporters (bots) so social media will be flooded with support for him, no matter what, sadly.
I hope so too, but people already don't believe them. Evan Rachel Wood has actual mountains of evidence saved, but M*nson is already suing her. Megan Thee Stallion has fucking bullet fragments still in her foot and people say she's lying. You can't get any more proof than that.
It's very scary to see. You're absolutely right. This case has massive implications for all survivors of domestic violence, especially those that aren't famous.
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shrimpmandan · 2 years
u seem like a reasonable person so i just want to put this out there re: the depp-heard trial
this trial being televised was requested by depp's legal team precisely to garner the reaction that it did. depp's team bought bots to drive the online conversation to be very biased (hence popular monikers such as amber t*rd abt an incident that has been thoroughly debunked). multiple legal experts (who are not grifters ie profiting from the agreeableness of their views) have commented on how irregular depp's legal team's strategy was — not only did they fail to really prove any financial damages, given depp lost major roles of his own volition, but they resorted to character assassination because this was more about PR for depp than winning the case. this became exceedingly clear to me when i watched one of amber's full cross examinations — the lawyer on the other end was exceedingly rude, cut her off at multiple points (when she asked a question!), and generally seemed like she was trying to get as many tiktok soundbites in as possible (which worked, i guess. lol). unlike heard's lawyers, depp's team also perpetuated harmful DV myths such as "why didn't she leave," "why didn't she document all her injuries," "why didn't she have darker bruising," "why did she buy her abuser gifts," "why didn't she tell anyone," and so on. (never mind that she did all the things we tell abuse victims to do!) heard is also the first person to ever provide televised sa testimony — which, btw, was immediately used as a tiktok sound by depp fangirls commenting on how they found it hot and would love to be on the receiving end of it.
i also want to address the anon who talked about msm journalists pushing an agenda or whatever, which.. lol. i think anytime u start distrusting credible news outlets and raving about how the mAinStReAm mEDiA is out to get u, ur veering into to qanon/trumper territory. the only outlets to lend depp support are right-wing, such as ben shapiro's daily wire — and that's not a coincidence. op i totally understand the inclination to avoid pro-AH perspectives given the terfs who have flocked to her, but a significantly larger proportion of depp supporters are MRAs/incels, so ur not going to avoid bad ppl no matter who u support.
some anecdata — literally all DV experts i've come across (such as lundy bancroft who wrote one of the most acclaimed DV books ever, the person who coined the term DARVO (and said it was the legal strategy depp employed against heard), julie owens who wrote a 27-page paper explaining why heard was the abused party, and the literal national coalition against domestic violence) have supported heard in this trial. msm journalists have largely avoided the subject of who is guilty, but have commented on the damaging consequences of the online conversation and how it's not as onesided as social media coverage would have u believe. and anyone who HAS commented explicitly has supported AH.
it's also worth reading the article she was sued over, in case u haven't already, because it's so laughably not about depp that it makes it even clearer to me that this was a circus and not a trial. but anyway
given the way u talk abt this case i don't think you've really dug into it, which i respect tbh, but i also think it's important to acknowledge the sweeping ramifications this will have for abuse victims everywhere. hundreds withdrew their abuse filings in the hours after the verdict was announced, and depp has just demonstrated a very effective playbook to the world by which someone can sue their victim and win. depp's bestie marilyn manson (accused by over 10 women) has done the same to evan rachel wood, and their trial will begin in few months' time i believe.
some starting articles i would rly recommend are "the bleak spectacle of the depp-heard trial" by michael hobbes and "who's afraid of amber heard" by rayne fisher-quann. they're short but informative reads.
obviously i would have loved to never care abt this —i was actually a huge potc fan and casually thought "good for johnny" when all this first began. but it's been inescapable and has been the largest online explosion of misogyny i've ever witnessed. i hope you reconsider ur stance and i'd be happy to provide some more resources for u if you'd like to start digging. thanks
I'ma be honest this is hard as fuck to read just because it's a giant text wall but I'm going to do my best to respond to each point individually.
First and foremost, I don't disagree that there was heavy media bias towards Depp. There were plenty of outlets in support of Heard as well, but generally speaking a lot of people were (and still are) on Depp's side. You have to remember that this is a defamation case, not a domestic violence case, which is why there was so much emphasis on PR. Depp (from what any of us understand) was falsely accused of abuse and took Heard to trial for defaming him, NOT for abusing him, even though that did become a big part of the case later on. I also don't see how the legal team of either of these people is a reflection of THEIR views, but I'll get back to that in a bit.
I should also state that there were people in the public sphere, both in defense of Depp and Heard, perpetuating myths about domestic violence, sexism, and blatant victim blaming. The mutual abuse argument is one I've seen used a lot in defense of Heard which is quite literally an abuse tactic, especially in response to reactive "abuse."
Also, mainstream media is a disease, I'm sorry. Both the pro-Depp and the pro-Heard ones, it doesn't matter, I hate any and all msm with a burning passion and comparing a distrust of it to a fucking far-right internet conspiracy cult is incredibly tone-deaf. The majority of news is just what the government WANTS us to hear and not what is actually going on, but I digress.
Lumping MRAs in with incels is equally tone-deaf and while I don't consider myself to be an MRA outright, I do follow a decent number of MRA blogs (some of which run by women!) who have been incredibly helpful to me as both a trans man and a male victim of abuse.
I also know from experience that situations like these are rarely one-sided. Coincidentally enough, while the Heard/Depp conversation is resurging, my stepdad is currently in prison on a domestic violence charge that my mom didn't even press to begin with -- it was pressed on her behalf. "It's important to acknowledge the sweeping ramifications this will have for abuse victims everywhere" my ass, the law is still HEAVILY skewed against men considering our prosecutor has literally been filing charges under my mom's name without her permission in order to persecute a man who she didn't feel victimized by to begin with and, on her own admission, provoked and engaged in combat with on her own volition. I know this is nothing more than anecdotal but you cannot seriously tell me that women are going to die when ONE male celebrity won a defamation case. Again, not a domestic violence case, a defamation case.
You're right that I didn't actively follow the trial. As I've stated before I don't give two shits about Depp or Amber and their personal lives. What I DO give a shit about is blatant fearmongering and misinformation. If this case supposedly is soooo harmful to abuse victims, then why is my stepdad falsely imprisoned on a DV charge that my mom didn't even press to begin with, under the guise of “protecting women”, months after the Depp vs Heard trial? Hm? Riddle me that.
You strike me as a person who believes everything that other people tell you. You believe the mainstream media that all have their own agenda, you believe the experts who are not infallible or immune to bias, and you believe senseless fearmongering even though nothing has really changed.
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cunninghamchrissie · 2 years
just like monica lewinsky, we’re gonna look back at these johnny wife-beater trials n 10, 20 years and say to ourselves “wow how did we let amber get so mistreated, ppl were disgusting” and y’all are gonna say you “didn’t know” the truth or that you though “both sides were equally as toxic” when there’s a literal judgement affirming he was abusive at least a dozen times and plenty of video and photographic evidence of mr jack sparrow beating the shit out of his wife, calling the mother of his children an extortionist cunt, winona ryder and kate moss talking abt him trashing hotel rooms and now his buddy and godfather of his daughter brian warner (aka marilyn manson) sharing the same counsel and suing evan rachel wood for defamation bc this joke of a trial opened a precedent
i don’t wanna hear a fucking peep from any of you spreading disinformation bullshit his russian backed lobbyist lawyer is paying bots to spread not now and esp not years from now when you finally come to your goddamn senses and amber has already been further traumatized and stripped of all her money bc of this lowlife keith richards wannabe, that is if she’s not killed by one of this asshole’s fans like they are already planning to do and she’s had to hire security for
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TWC No. 32: Fandom and Politics
Transformative Works and Cultures, No. 32, Fandom and Politics, edited by Ashley Hinck and Amber Davisson (March 15, 2020)
Ashley Hinck & Amber Davisson, Fandom and politics
Tibor Dessewffy & Mikes Mezei, Fans and politics in an illiberate state
Kyra Osten Hunting, The role of popular media in 2016 US presidential election memes
Viktor Chagas, Vivian Luiz Fonseca, Faster, higher, stronger: Sports fan activism and mediatized political play in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Hannah Carilyn Gunderman, Fan geographies and engagement between geopolitics of Brexit, Donald Trump, and Doctor Who on social media
Lucy Miller, "Wolfenstein II" and MAGA as fandom
Rachel Winter, Fanon Bernie Sanders: Political real person fan fiction and the construction of a candidate
Paromita Sengupta, Positivity, critical fan discourse, and "Humans of New York"
Allyson Gross, To wave a flag: Identification, #BlackLivesMatter, and populism in Harry Styles fandom
Kate Elizabeth McManus, Hidden transcripts and public resistance
Rachel O'Leary Carmona, How One Direction prepared young women for the revolution
Alex Xanthoudakis, Mobilizing minions: Fan activism efficacy of Misha Collins fans in "Supernatural" fandom
Simone Driessen, Taylor Swift, political power, and the challenge of affect in popular music fandom
Mary Ingram-Waters, Click here to buy. Click here to vote.
Sabrina McMillin, The fandomization of political figures
Michael Reinhard, Automating fandom: Social bots, music celebrity, and identity online
CarrieLynn D. Reinhard & joan miller, Academic dialogue: Why study politics and fandom?
Caitlin McCann, "Productive fandom: Intermediality and affective reception in fan cultures," by Nicolle Lamerichs
Maria Alberto, "Politics for the love of fandom: Fan-based citizenship in a digital world," by Ashley Hinck
Michelle Cho, "Straight Korean female fans and their gay fantasies," by Jungmin Kwon
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fandombarf · 5 years
Top Ten
Woo! I got tagged by @the-redlion thank you much! (For anyone who wants to do this, do it and pretend I tagged you!)
List Ten of your favorite characters from Ten different Gaming Fandoms. 
*Okay first of all, this is really hard because I love so many characters T^T So just know that none of them are raked because they’re all equal.
1. Detroit Become Human - Simon (but also everyone else)
2. Fallout 4 - Paladin Danse, Hancock, & Preston Garvey
3. Life is Strange - Sean Diaz, Chloe Price, & Rachel Amber
4. Oxenfree - Alex & Jonas
5. Assassin’s Creed - Jacob & Evie Frye, Ned Wynert, James Kidd/Mary Reed, Elise de la Serre, Sean Hastings
6. Bioshock - Robert & Rosalind Lutece, The Security Bots, Little Sisters
7. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice - Senua, Dillion, the Furies
8. The Last of Us - Joel, Ellie, Henry, Sam, Riley (Okay, like everyone except that creepy rapist)
9. Dreamfall Series - April Ryan, Zoe Castillo, Saga
10. Overwatch - Ana Amari & Soldier 76 
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thestangossip · 2 years
"Evan Rachel Wood is a disappointment." Why?
She posted an article about how Amber Heard’s online abuse was mainly bots and caused abuse. So people clearly took it as a signal of support. Then last night she went on an IG rant about how she isn’t actually supporting Amber and flat out made a weird comparison between Amber and Harvey Weinstein. Which is super disgusting considering Amber suffered sexual abuse at the hands of JD.
The whole thing is fucked.
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destiny-smasher · 7 years
My feelings towards Chloe were mixed prior to playing BtS. I wanted to love her but I saw so much of her bad side that at the end of the day, I couldn't. After playing BtS, I find myself more attached to Chloe, I understand her on an emotional level that I just couldn't in LiS1. BtS did a far better job at making Chloe more real and not just an angry tumblr lesbian than it did telling us about Rachel Amber, who unfortunately remained a mystery. This game wasn't completely useless.
Never said BtS was “completely useless.” Not at all. Just that I feel it was kinda pointless as a prequel, compared to what it strived to be. ^_^; At the very least, it let me down.
Weird, because for me BtS did not really give me any new information on Chloe’s character that was substantial. Even though she was the main character, it mostly tread ground I already intuited and picked up from the original game, primarily because her character at 16 was...too similar to her character at 19 to really illustrate much growth or change. But I know sometimes folks need more of a hands-on experience with a character to “Get” them, and that’s fair. In that regard, I do think BtS will help people understand Chloe. Unfortunately, for many this has come at the unreasonable and downright backwards cost of understanding Max less, which is rather troubling.
Definitely do not understand where you get off adding “tumblr” in a list of descriptors for Chloe Price, BTW. She would hate this website’s culture, I feel.
The primary thing BtS did with Chloe as a character for me was flesh out her connection with William. It did also offer specific moments and contexts as to why/how Chloe fell for Rachel so hard. But episode 3 made me relate with her less than the previous two, because she functioned more or less as a “Would you kindly” plot bot of sorts, just...doing what she was told or reacting to the immediate situation in front of her, yet without narrative action? It was weird.
They so clearly wanted to tell a story about Rachel and yet despite the plot revolving so much around Rachel, we ultimately do not know that much about her. I feel like LiS1 taught us so much more about Chloe than BtS taught us about Rachel, though a bit part of that is how Chloe (literally?) wears herself on her sleeve. Problem is, Chloe does have a lot of “bad side” and Rachel definitely does, too, but their story here backpedaled on really exploring that, which sucked so much of the story’s wind out in the final act. It’s an unfortunate approach to try to cover up or ignore your protagonist’s flaws. It might make them look nicer and more “good” but that also can make them feel less real and less relatable.
In either case, all three of these women are interesting, complex characters deserving to be understood and appreciated, so if BtS helped you do that then I’d say it at least accomplished something very good for you.
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rules: tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better tagged by: @lycabird​ & @truthorslap (technically u tagged my ren blog but I’m not retyping this mess)
Name/Nickname: Nicolas/Nic/Prince/Ren (so many names oops) Gender: trans boy yo Star sign: leo Height: ,,,,,,4′11″,,,, Sexual orientation: pan & some on the ace spectrum???? probably demi??? Hogwarts House: 👏 mother 👏 fucking 👏 huffle 👏 puff 👏 (although a number of people would say gryffindor)  Fave color: orange or bronze Fave animal: otters,,,,and tigers,,,,,,and bears oh my Average hours of sleep: like,,,,,5-ish? maybe? Cat or Dog person: dogs,,,,I lov both but I’m allergic to cats lmao Fave fictional characters:  👏 Rachel 👏 Dawn 👏 Amber 👏 Number of blankets I sleep with: just 1,,,,sometimes none,,,sometimes 3,,,,idk Fave singer/band: lemme tell ya about this band called July Talk Dream trip: shit idk I really wanna go to italy I guess like with alexx maybe, that’d be fucking dope Dream job: idk,,,,,,I want to make cartoons I guess? When was this blog created: oh shit like feburary smth 2013 Current number of followers: 919 When did your blog reach its peak? like a few hours ago with 920 but it was just a bot lol What made you decide to make this Tumblr? shit idk I was still on deviantart and all my fave artists were slowly moving here or smth
idk who to tag so,,,,,
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