#rachel green layouts
dumpitos · 10 months
can u please do jennifer aniston as rachel green layouts? thank you ❤️
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ilovts · 2 years
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mushroomybee · 15 days
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please like or reblog before using !
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roweicons · 2 months
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slugsby-pt3 · 3 months
zero day headcannons
- andre is always bruised the fuck up from assholes at school because cal always has some smart shit to say and andre has to whiteknight him
- cal does not cut but andre….yall aren’t ready for that
- cal is depressed in the way that he is dissatisfied with the world and not the type where he feels the need to punish himself
- cal’s surprisingly a really good big brother and was really excited to get a baby brother
- andre and his older brother fight like dogs, andre has definitely chased his brother around the kitchen with a knife as siblings do
- andre isn’t a wall puncher because he’s so anal about his room looking a certain way so he goes down to his basement and breaks shit
- andre doesn’t listen to music, like he doesn’t have a favorite band at all. He listens to whatever’s on the radio that isn’t ear piercing and whatever cal listens to
- andre is a secret hopeless romantic, i.e keeping that note from a girl in eighth grade
- cal knows Rachel likes him and just see it as a non factory (plus a secret thing of liking how reactive andre gets where cal brings her up)
- andre unknowingly is in love with cal and just sees them as best friends that really care for each other (in a I just wanna kiss him in a bro way) and doesn’t understand his parents telling him they are “codependent”
- andre’s internalized homophobia is the reason him and cal died virgins
- even if they ended up realizing it, cal wouldn’t be able to get it up (hiii dylan)
- andre’s room is insanely tidy, like has the layout and an organizer so everything goes where it should
- cal’s room is dirty as all fuck, clean/dirty clothes on the floor, growing cultures in all the dirty moldy bowls on his bed side table and around his bed
- cal smells like applesauce and cheap weed
- andre is accidentally straightedge, not because he like believes in that ideology. He’s just very particular in the things he allows himself to do. (Plus cal got him high one time in tenth grade and andre hella greened out and it ruined it for him forever of it)
- people at school don’t know andre is jewish and just think he’s obsessed with German shit in a edgy nazi teenage boy way
- cal hates school functions, and even skips assemblies, but always comes to Andre’s cross country and track meets
- andre is very protective over mel and uses his money from his pizza job to buy her toys and clothes
- when andre and cal have sleepovers at Andre’s house, cal’s expected to adhere to mel having a specific spot on Andre’s bed since she was “here first”
- andre was known as the angry kid in elementary after throwing a printer towards a teacher in the second grade (giving Connor realness)
- andre has fun saying shit in French/german to confuse cal
- andre is that fucking irritating kid that plays devil advocate in history/government class
- andre took lineleader crazily serious in elementary school, fully letting that small sense of superiority completely control him
- he also took kahoot and dodgeball to the next level (andre was one of those shitty teenage boys that would throw it as hard as he could and then be a dick saying ‘I didn’t even throw it that hard’ as if he didn’t nearly pull a goddamn muscle doing that shit)
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 month
Chapter Seven: Uncharted Territory
Heiress of Gotham
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!Reader
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Summary: The day has finally arrived! Getting to know your newfound family and friends a little more on your special day, you try to forget everything that’s troubling you.
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Cursing, Teasing, Sexual Inferences, Hurtful Comments, Reckless Driving(?)
A/N: Though it's been awhile, I still have my layout for the plot points I want to hit and make sure happen within the final few chapters of this part in the series. This chapter has been super fun for me to write though, and I'm excited for all the characters that are being introduced! It's been hard trying to fit all the info into the last four chapters which is why it's taken so long.
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“Woah…” stunned into silence, your eyes trail up the giant woman before you.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I’m Koriand’r.” Met with green eyes, you can’t help but stare in utter astonishment and amazement. Not only is she orange-skinned, but she has neon green eyes, super long flowing reddish hair, and is tall… but she’s also super toned. “Is… there something wrong?” She looks to Dick who stands beside her, a hand on the small of her back.
As Dick opens his mouth to speak on your behalf, you beat him to it. “Like the seed?” Though you'd attempted to make a joke on behalf of her name in an attempt to ease things, an awkwardness settles in the air before you speak again. “I-I just… haven’t met anyone like you before,” you mutter, still in a daze. With a shake of your head, you try to gather yourself. “You’re so tall… and pretty.”
A chuckle leaves her lips and her perplexed expression quickly turns into a smile. “Thank you,” she says your name and places a warm hand on your shoulder, “I believe I owe you a congratulations for surviving another revolution around the sun?”
“I-it’s 'Happy Birthday', Kori,” Dick reminds her, an amused and somewhat flustered look appearing on his face. A hand comes up to the back of his neck to rub at it. "Though, I suppose that's also not technically wrong," he mumbles to himself.
“Happy Birthday, then,” she repeats, eyes sincere as she returns your smile. After a moment she spots something behind you, as she suddenly squeals out an ‘ooh!’ before taking off. Both you and Dick watch as she examines and plays with a spiral straw within one of the colorful cups adorning a nearby table.
“Oh!” Dick calls your name again, tearing your attention away from the confusing sight you’d been observing. “These are my friends, Gar, and Rachel,” he introduces, patting them on the shoulders. “No Victor?”
“He… didn’t think this was the best place, you know, pool party—not to mention he got called off to Mogo with-“ Rachel whispers to Dick, though your attention is more drawn to their hair.
“It’s actually Garfield, but my friends call me Gar,” he extends a hand, to which you happily shake. “I hear it’s your birthday? How old are you turning?”
With a nod, you reply. “Sixteen.”
“Oh, boy! I remember those days,” Gar announces with a laugh, his arms stretching upward before one of them comes down to wrap around Rachel’s shoulder. “What a time.” Dick departs the conversation with a small wave in your direction as he walks toward Kori.
“Heh, yeah. Crazy… that’s for sure,” Rachel comments, her eyes only register you then when they turn from Gar onto you. They’re purple. “Happy Birthday! It’s nice to finally meet you, I’m Rachel. I hope it’s okay Dick invited us. We left your present on the present table. We weren’t really sure what you’d like-“
“-Had no clue, in fact!” Gar comments.
“-but we left a gift receipt in case you don’t. I know we just met, but Dick mentioned you guys didn’t get off on the best foot, and… I just want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you.” Raven finishes. One of her hands wrapping itself around the elbow of her other arm.
“Yeah, Dick can totally be a--well--you know, a dick sometimes,” Gar jokes. “Seriously though. He means well, but it just takes time to get used to him.”
“Thank you so much. You… didn’t have to get me anything, but thank you… and it means a lot,” you respond, an appreciative smile on your lips as you place a friendly hand on her shoulder. “I love your guys’ hair by the way, super cool.”
“Hey, thanks!” Gar speaks, while Rachel simply smiles appreciatively.
Though your Father, Alfred, Jason, and Dick kept pestering you about your upcoming birthday for the weeks leading up to it, you can’t deny that the scene before you does anything but warm your heart.
The man you now know as ‘Uncle’ Clark—even if you don’t entirely feel quite comfortable enough to call him that yet—flips burgers on the grill making idle conversation with your Father. The usually prim and proper infamous Gothamite Playboy is nursing a beer in his hand, and for once, is actually dressed in what you’d classify as something fatherly. Sunglasses sit on the top of his quaffed hair, a playful blue short-sleeve button-up adorned with flamingoes screams the theme of today’s party.
You’d always wanted one as a kid, and while some had them at the local community ones, you never got the chance to. Now, with your own indoor and outdoors… a pool party was perfectly within the realm of grasp when Alfred asked what kind of party you’d wanted.
The butler had taken it upon himself to make the cucumber sandwiches that you’d discovered you actually enjoy this Independence Day when he’d made them. Much to the boy’s chagrin, you might add. Nevertheless, when you’d spotted them earlier in the kitchen, you’d given the older man a hug and smile, thanking him. Now he takes a break as he sits at the patio table in a high chair sipping at some fruity drink with a twisty straw, a little umbrella toothpick punctured into a piece of pineapple resting against the rim.
“So…. Which one’s him?” Your childhood best friend, Daisha asks. Quickly following her gaze, you see she’s onto the right group of people, at least. He’s there, all right. “If I didn’t know he was your brother, I would’ve guessed green shorts just based off type,” she verbally points out Damian with a chuckle and nudge to your side.
A scoff escapes you before you can prevent it. Hand flying to your chest, you make a face of disgust. “Eww… why you would say that-?!”
“Lemme guess- Superman shorts?” She teases, studying your reaction. “I was just kidding! Calm down. Geez!” You can't bear it, however, still disgusted even by the implication, you shake your head before finally gathering enough strength to shoot her dagger eyes. "Okay, so I'll take that as a 'no'. That leaves only one option left: orange shorts," she announces.
Lying on the pool float nearby, hands clasped across his stomach relaxedly, eyes hidden behind sunglasses, their blue orbs follow the same path that the girls' do. Listening on their conversation, Tim revels in the fact that it seems they haven't picked up on it, yet he's getting all the juicy information. "He's cute. Simple, but cute, I guess. It's his eyes, isn't it?" It's the way your friend, what was it... Daisha? He's pretty sure it was. Daisha says it in such a sure way that makes him almost burst out laughing. You refute it, but the way your cheeks darken a bit doesn't lie. He watches you splash her meekly before a little war ensues, sending you swimming away, finally calming once you're both sat in the little alcove by the random steps along the side.
Unfortunately, the both of you are out of earshot now. While he'd want to drop a foot into the water off the float and try to use it to get momentum to drift in that direction, it'd be too obvious. However, just as Tim decides he has to do so, Gar and Dick come splashing noisily in his direction quick. As they pass in their little show of bravado of 'who can swim to the other end there and back faster?' their strokes send a current of waves making his floatie rock and his body wobble as he grips onto the sides, eager not to fall in. After all, he's only just gotten warm. Luckily, however, it would seem someone really is looking out for him as momentum sends the floatie in the direction of the alcove.
"So where's your hot brother?" Daisha asks
“Ouch,” Tim comments, sucking in a breath between his teeth. He lowers his shades down the bridge of his nose, revealing bright blue eyes that stare down at the two of you. “I have to assume you don’t mean me, considering I’m right here,” he partially jokes, feigning hurt as he puts his hand over his bare pale chest. It’s only after an awkward moment of you two worrying you’d offended him that he laughs.
It’s contagious. Daisha laughs, meanwhile you can’t help but smile, eventually joining in. Even if your thoughts still course through the back of your mind. Had he heard your conversation? Would he tell? Would he even care? “It’s okay,” he speaks up again, breaking the silence. “I didn’t take it personally. Though I will say that whoever it is you do think is ‘the hot brother’ is can guarantee you isn’t worth it, sunshine,” he divulges with a scoff as he shakes his head, shades back up in their proper position.
“Oh,” Daisha quietly exclaims in surprise, scooting closer to the edge of the underwater ledge. “And what makes you say that?” She baits, knowing it’s a sort of tactic many can’t resist. Give someone room to vent, and eight times out of ten they’ll dish. As she leans closer, expectantly waiting with a mischievous smile upon her lips, you can’t help but perk up, somewhat interested in the prospect of hearing his opinion on the family and whatever secret sides you’ve yet to witness.
“You really want to know?” Tim baits her back, teasing her with a hint of teetering on the edge of juicy gossip. “Might tarnish your image of whoever it is,” he throws out there with a singsong voice, followed by a mock yawn for exaggeration.
“Well you can’t just say something like tha-” Daisha begins to argue, brows furrowing.
“I’d be curious to know,” you admit, voice waning in volume the longer you speak. Unsure whether indulging in gossiping behind the other brothers’ backs is a good idea in the long run. This garners his attention as he lowers his shades again to eye you, the only person who hadn’t chimed in until now. There’s a brief look of speculation before a smirk breaks across his face. Pushing the shades back so they’re resting atop his head, Tim returns his gaze forward as he looks across the yard.
“Well… say it’s Dick,” the boy proffers, “he and Kori are constantly on and off at best. That’s just a lot more drama than I’d want to deal with, personally, but if that’s your thing- be my guest.” Of course, you’re sure he isn’t actually advising Daisha to go off and start flirting with them considering your age gaps. You can’t deny the tidbits he’s only starting to divulge utterly capture your attention, however. “But if that’s not enough, he’s so… hot-headed. Either cool as a cucumber or a flaming douchewad”
“Honestly… I could see it,” Daisha comments with a tilt of her head as her eyes drift to the couple across the yard, talking on the patio with their other friends: Gar and Rachel.
“Really? I wouldn’t have guessed,” you respond. “Well, the first part anyways.”
“And if it’s Damian?” Tim scoffs again, a sort of laugh having mixed with it. “Forget about it! The little devil only cares if you’re an animal, and has no sense of a filter.”
“And lastly, if it’s Jason… well… then actually he’s probably your best bet. I mean, he’s sensitive, smarter than he looks, and is a good cook. Though he’s also somewhat impatient, righteous, and then there’s definitely the way that he’s more of a lone wolf, so… if you can put with that then, I guess by all means.” Tim chuckles as he shrugs, curious as to Daisha’s thoughts. As the girl looks over the party’s guests, she looks back at Tim with a dumbfounded look. Everyone has their red flags, you suppose.
Opening the back door, you tug your towel a little tighter around yourself as you try to keep it from falling. The empty platter you’d been asked to bring in by Mister Kent makes balancing the tasks tedious. Really, you’d wanted any task to get your mind off things, and perhaps go inside for a moment alone.
“Are you kidding me? You’re really going to fight this?!” Jason shouts. Finally raising your eyes to the scene before you in the kitchen, the men stand circled on the other side of the room behind the island.
“What? Like it caused a huge problem? She-” Dick scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Like she has any friends! We were only trying to help,” Damian says. Hands settling on his hips, he tilts his head in triumph up at the group.
“Boys-” Bruce grits through his teeth. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“Oh really?” Tim chimes in. “Because you were so thoughtful!”
“It’s her birthday,” Bruce adds on.
“Oh, like you were being thoughtful by inviting Clark and Diana,” Dick accuses Bruce, turning his attention on the older man. The slow movement of the empty platter in your hand onto the counter to your left catches his attention. Out of the corner of his eyes he spots you.
Bruce clears his throat and straightens his posture. “Actually, I-” he tries to clarify himself.
“Exactly! Took the words out of my mouth,” Tim comments pridefully as he turns his focus from Dick to Bruce.
“It’s not your party either! You don’t get a say,” Damian argues with Tim.
“Guys,” Dick calls, his eyes on you with a guilty look. His eyes linger on you.
“And you’re still arguing this,” Jason sighs.
Tim clears his throat, having spotted you along with Dick. Before the rest of the group catches on, Alfred comes in from the dining room directly to your right. “What’s wrong?” He asks you worriedly. The unexpected voice is what gauges everyone’s attention. As Alfred’s hand slips onto your shoulder as he looks down at your wet cheeks, he has a sympathetic look on her face. “What’s going on?” His kindness suddenly turns sour as he turns his attention onto the men before you.
“We-” Damian begins, but a pointed look from Alfred shuts him up. If anyone was going to give a valuable explanation of what truly aspired, it certainly wasn’t Damian.
“I was trying to point out how shitty it was that they all invited their friends when the party isn’t for them,” Jason elucidates with a cross of his arms over his chest.
“We just thought it might be nice for there to be more people,” Dick adds on, rebutting Jason’s point.
“Yeah, she only has one friend!” Damian chides exasperatedly.
Alfred puts his hand up, effectively shutting them all up from any further comments. “Well, quite frankly I am sorely disappointed in the lot of you. Each of you knew better and even if you had good intentions in mind, it is still Miss-” he says your name, “birthday, and yet you have all made her cry.”
With a shake of your head, you wipe the tears from your cheeks, no longer crying. “It’s okay! Really,” you protest, “I’m not crying because anyone invited anyone, I just…” head hanging a little, you sigh before facing Alfred again. “If there was anyone I really wanted here, it was my mom. I realized that… she’s not gonna be there for anymore of my birthdays. And she was always the one who was there.” Voice dwindling the longer you speak, you find yourself getting choked up again. So much so that you have to turn toward the door again, the bright and festive landscape just outside the screen a stark contrast to the dark shadow seemingly surrounding you.
You don’t know if the sudden quiet in the kitchen is appreciated or not compared to the fighting that’d been taking place just moments ago. Behind your back all the men give each other looks as no one truly knows what to do, how to make it better for you. Yet, the old man comes through once more. With a hesitant and gentle touch of his hand to your shoulder again, Alfred’s presence is known. Perhaps it’s the warmth in his touch that makes you feel somehow cared for, or the way he’d stuck up for you when you didn’t even know you needed someone to.
“May I offer you a tidbit I’ve been pondering on,” Alfred proposes quietly. While you don’t face him, you simply nod; wiggling your nose, you don’t want any of them to see this side of you, crying, nose starting to run. “I may not have known your mother, yet, from everything I’ve heard about her, I can surmise that… I believe she would be happy that you’re taken care of, and, that it looked like you were having fun today.”
He lets the sentiment linger in the air for a moment before ever so gently tugging on your shoulder, encouraging you to face him. “Would you say that’s at least a somewhat accurate assumption?” The old man questions, the inkling of a smile on his lips as he simultaneously looks you over. It’s hard to say, really, the thought hadn’t crossed your mind… yet, deep down you know he’s right. Lips curling in on themselves, you nod slowly.
“Yeah,” you quietly respond. “I just… didn’t think about her at all, until… now.” While you’d managed to quell the silent tears, the hard truth you hadn’t wanted to admit stirs something in your gut as your eyes begin to well up.
“Can I give you a hug?” Alfred asks, hand tacitly beckoning forth the men outside your peripheral vision. Tentatively you nod in response, which leads to the man enveloping you in his arms. Clearly he doesn’t care if your bathing suit or towel dampen him. The tears naturally fall, and you grieve the loss of your mother once again. Yet, somehow the burden is slightly lessened as you feel not one pair, but two, then three, then so many you’ve lost count begin to surround you. It’s somewhat suffocating, honestly, yet the knowledge that you’re not alone, and these people actually care for you is something that makes you feel exactly what he’d said: cared for.
When you finally all break off and head back outside, you find that falling back into the rhythm and excitement of the party is easy. Overall, it’d been a fun day! Seeing Lois Lane in a stunning one piece and gigantic sun hat was so unlike anything you’d ever seen before, not to mention that you’d gotten to play football with their son, Jon. Sure, maybe a part of it was to impress Billy with your skills, but you’d all had a blast! You’d also gotten to meet your Father’s closest friends. Getting to know Clark Kent better, he seems like a nice and fun guy. Diana Prince was definitely fun to talk to, her business in art restoration eliciting a lot of curious questions on your behalf. Then there was also the fact that she was just generally stunning and you wish you could know some of her beauty secrets.
Then there was Steph who showed up with another friend in tow: Connor. He was fun, offering for you to join them as they played a sort of makeshift Volleyball game in the pool. Surprisingly, your team of you, Connor, and Daisha won against Steph, Tim, and another friend who’d showed up later: Kara. You’d have thought she and Stephanie were practically twins if she hadn’t introduced herself. Unfortunately, she couldn’t stay long and you didn’t really get the chance to talk to her all that much, but her cheery personality definitely uplifted the energy of the party.
Next, you finally were introduced to your apparent cousin who’d come late: Helena, as your Father introduced. She definitely appeared bougie from the looks of her, though that’s something you actually were impressed by, silently wishing to one day embody such an aesthetic. Lastly, Billy’s brother ‘intruded’ for a few minutes as his family had come to pick him up, the brother named Freddy exuding a whirlwind of excitement as he raved about your family’s legacy. You couldn’t deny he was funny, and you had wished he’d showed up earlier.
Lying in bed that night, you run over the day’s events and can’t help but feel that it was a definite success as you remember the way everyone had gathered around you with the lights turned off on the patio as they sang Happy Birthday to you. The wish had taken a moment as you hadn’t known what to possibly wish for, yet ultimately it came to you. Everyone made you feel utterly whole, and as you’d taken the time to talk to your mom’s picture later, informing her of the day’s events, you can’t help but feel that maybe, just maybe you’re making progress. It’d been a good day. Heck, a great day. You’d even gotten a few moments to flirt with Billy when Daisha distracted the other two with her words and charms.
The others’ birthdays pass in quick succession. Alfred and Jason have a joint birthday, the party lively and filled with a nice dinner and board games to follow. You’d been surprised by your Father’s talent at charades, while Damian’s struggle at Scrabble was somewhat illuminating.
Next is Damian’s birthday, which is everything you’d expect of a teen turning fifteen. Filled with his close knit of friends, you all enjoyed a day of laser tag, cake, and putting up with the birthday boy’s behavior. It wasn’t awful, but it’d been interesting to see the boy attempt to truly enjoy himself. Weirdly it seemed as though it came second nature for him.
Knocking on the door, you’re quickly met by someone unexpected. Lips parting in shock, your eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Billy?” As the two of you stare at one another, it doesn’t take long for a bigger hand to wind up on the door, opening it wider.
“Aren’t you gonna invite her in?” Mister Kent asks with a chuckle. “Come on in,” he says your name. It elicits an appreciative smile, as you hadn’t thought he’d remembered, or that he cared, but apparently you were wrong. “You two know each other?” He asks, closing the door behind you as the two of you shuffle further inside.
“We’ve met,” Billy replies hesitantly, green eyes shifting over to meet yours. A sheepish smile sits on his lips.
“Briefly,” you add. “I just came by to pick up-“
“-Damian. Of course! No problem,” Mister Kent repeats your name, “we’re just setting the table. Do you want to help? The boys are out back, but we’re about to sit down and have dinner.” Upon this revelation, you’re confused as to why Billy’s here, nevertheless, you put on a gracious smile and nod your head.
“Sure!” You respond. Mister Kent shoves forks and knives in your hands, a stack of plates wedged in the crook of his arm.
“I’m assuming you’ll be joining us? Do you mind grabbing another set, Billy?” Mister Kent asks. “You showed up just in time!” With a smile in your direction, you feel a little embarrassed. Now you’re the one with a sheepish smile. Billy nods and heads into where you assume the kitchen is. As Mister Kent walks through the open doorway to the dining room, you find yourself feeling bad for having to turn them down.
“Alfred is actually making us something right now. I was just sent to pick up Damian, since I’m working on my driver’s license right now,” you reveal. With a thick swallow, you meet the man’s eyes with a saddened smile.
“Well, it’ll take at least an hour and a half to drive back, so what if you call up Alfred and tell him you’ll be late? No sense in him starting something when we’ve got plenty to share. Plus, I’m sure Jon would love to see you again.”
Mentally debating it, Mister Kent distracts you with another question. Multitasking, he starts putting down the plates and arranging the cups that were already on the table. “Also, if you only have your permit—forgive me,” he states your name, “-but how did you drive all the way here? Aren’t you supposed to have an adult with you to supervise?”
An awkward chuckle leaves your lips as your free hand comes up to rub at the back of your neck. “I did! Sort of… everyone else is away, so Alfred was the only one available and he was on FaceTime the whole time I was driving-“
“-so you were on the phone and driving the whole way here?! Absolutely not, I’ll-“
“-It was Alfred’s idea! Plus, he said he didn’t have time to pick up Damian and go with me for driving hours, so-“ You defend.
“-I still don’t see in any way how that’s a-“
“-Oh, hush now, Clark. She was obviously safe, and if anything were to happen then at least Alfred would be able to call someone, right?” A woman interrupts as she walks out from the kitchen holding a plate of corn cobs and a bowl of baked beans. Sliding around the big man, she places the items down on the table. Billy chuckles in the doorway of the kitchen as he watches the man capitulate to the woman’s defense.
“Right…” you slowly get out. Though it dawns on you who this is, now that you can see her face. “You’re Lois Lane! The reporter- the journalist from the Daily Planet!” It comes out before you can stop it, and you’re suddenly visibly in awe at the fact that you’re literally in the room with a celebrity.
“That, I am. I take it you’re a fan? I’m glad some kids are still into literature and current events in this day and age,” she responds, “lord knows so many kids are all about that tick talk now and all those different YouTube celebrities.” With a deep breath, she places her hands on the back of the chair at the head of their table.
“Anyway, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she says your name, “I’ve heard so little of you I was beginning to think you were just a story my boys made up! Please, sit. We’re just bringing out the rest of the food. Don’t let Clark guilt you into helping him like he did, Billy,” she chides. With a laugh she heads back into the kitchen, sneaking around her husband once more.
“I did not guilt him,” Clark defends, “did I guilt you into helping me, Billy?” The man looks over at the boy leaning against the doorway’s frame watching the whole scene pan out before him. Suddenly with the attention on him, he jumps into action, placing the final setting in the last seat open at the table.
“I wouldn’t say ‘guilt’… though I did only come in to use the bathroom,” Billy responds, chuckling at the end as he tries to play his words off as a joke. “I don’t mind helping though. I have to do this every Tuesday night at home anyways.”
“Why Tuesdays?” Clark questions, finally standing up to his full height again as he’s done straightening the plates and cups.
A goofy smile emerges on the boy’s lips as he shrugs. “I don’t know, cause every other day was taken, I guess? I mean, there are six of us, so there’s not a lot of other days to choose from when they’ve all already picked, you know?” He jokes.
Processing all this new information, you’re still stunned that Lois Lane knew your name, and heard about you from the men. While you’d probably wonder what they’d told her any other time, Billy’s words have you wishing he’d say more, curious to hear more about him. “You… have six siblings?”
“Don’t you have, like, five?” He retorts, looking down at you from where he stands by the opposite head of the table Lois had been at.
“Touché,” you reply, “though to be fair, I didn’t know I had any till a few months ago, and… really I’m only related to one of them.”
“I guess that’s cool. I mean, I’m not technically related to any of my siblings so there’s that,” Billy comments.
Lois pesters Clark to sit down, so he heads to the other end of the table to sit at the other head. She lies a plate full of veggies and another with buns and burgers on them upon the table. “Would you guys mind getting the boys? Then let me know what you’d all like to drink.” As she heads back into the kitchen, you look from the man to Billy, who nods for you to follow him.
Rounding the wall cutout between the dining room and living room, you walk past their couch, coffee table, and television to the sliding glass door. “So… you’re getting your license?” Billy asks.
“Trying to,” you joke. As you brush your hair behind your ears, you listen as the boy goes on about summer coming to an end.
“You’re gonna be a… Senior?” He questions, turning his green eyes on you as he comes to a stop only a few meters from the house.
“Yeah! And you?”
“Same. I honestly can’t believe it,” he admits with a shake of his head. As the two of you linger there, eyes meeting and averting each other, he eventually draws his attention to the laundry hung up on the clothesline a yard in front of you. “Jon! Damian! Dinner time,” he yells between cupped hands.
Soon enough you’re all sat around the table. A prayer ensues before you all dig in, passing dishes around the table in a manner you’re more accustomed to than dinner at home. “Do you have any plans for the fall?” Lois asks you, your name falling off her tongue easily.
With a swallow of the corn in your mouth, you nod your head. “Well, Alfred has really been pushing for me and Damian to do something after school, like sports or something,” you begin, everyone’s attention falling onto you with intent expectation. “And I thought maybe it’d be fun to try out for the cheerleading squad. The tryouts are next week, so, I’ve been trying to practice and get ready.”
“That’s amazing! I hope tryouts go well,” Lois compliments. “Are you trying out for anything Damian?”
An annoyed scoff slips past his lips as the boy has to restrain himself from rolling his eyes. “No. I think not, though there are a few clubs that may have caught my intrigue. I doubt they’ll be up to standard but it’s worth scouting out the competition.”
“I’m joining Chess Club!” Jon adds.
“Well, these all sound like fruitful endeavors. What about you Billy?” Clark asks.
A thoughtful hum comes from the boy, even if he has his head downward on his plate, pushing the food around. “I’m not entirely sure yet.”
“Well, I know some sports stop taking people before the school year starts, and clubs fill up fast. So I’d check with the school to see what you can do! It’d definitely look good on your resume going forward,” Lois posits.
Continuing to indulge in idle conversation throughout dinner, soon enough it’s ended and of course Lois insists she can handle the dishes. Bidding the Kent family goodbye, Lois and Clark offer you a tight hug before stopping you at the door. “You’re welcome here anytime,” Clark states.
“We wanted you to know that. While we don’t know the entire circumstance of your situation, we wanted to let you know we’re here for you,” Lois expands.
With the warm sentiment and full bellies, you’re off. Still somewhat giddy that you’d gotten a hug from Billy, you try to memorize the feeling. You’d also gotten one from Jon, too, which was nice, but… you can’t help the way you feel about Billy. While Damian had vaguely put up a fight against you driving, it was his only option of getting home, so he acquiesced. Nevertheless, you’re feeling hopeful for the beginning of the new school year!
forever taglist: @ohdamnadam , @safarigirlsp , @jynzandtonic , @moonlightsolo , @penelopepine
hog taglist: @luvly-writer , @clairese1980 , @theroyalmanatee , @azazel-nyx , @nightrose-18 , @vanessa-boo , @ih4temy5elfs0b4d , @agent-nobody-knows , @scarlett13 , @hoeinthehouse , @huhhuhh , @maxinehufflepuffprincess , @no-lessthan3
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ulkaralakbarova · 4 months
An orphaned boy raised by underground creatures called Boxtrolls comes up from the sewers and out of his box to save his family and the town from the evil exterminator, Archibald Snatcher. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Archibald Snatcher (voice): Ben Kingsley Eggs (voice): Isaac Hempstead-Wright Winnie Portley-Rind (voice): Elle Fanning Fish / Wheels / Bucket (voice): Dee Bradley Baker Lady Cynthia Portley-Rind (voice): Toni Collette Lord Portley-Rind (voice): Jared Harris Mr. Trout (voice): Nick Frost Mr. Pickles (voice): Richard Ayoade Mr. Gristle (voice): Tracy Morgan Herbert Trubshaw (voice): Simon Pegg Oil Can / Knickers (voice): Nika Futterman Fragile / Sweets (voice): Pat Fraley Clocks / Specs (voice): Fred Tatasciore Sir Langsdale (voice): Maurice LaMarche Sir Broderick / Male Workman 1 / Male Workman 2 (voice): James Urbaniak Boulanger / Male Aristocrat (voice): Brian George Female Aristocrat (voice): Lori Tritel Shoe / Sparky (voice): Steve Blum Female Townsfolk 1 / Female Townsfolk 2 (voice): Laraine Newman Background Boy (voice): Reckless Jack Baby Eggs (voice): Max Mitchell Film Crew: Screenplay: Irena Brignull Director: Graham Annable Adaptation: Anthony Stacchi Novel: Alan Snow Music: Dario Marianelli Animation: Travis Knight Screenplay: Adam Pava Animation: Stephen Bodin Animation: Malcolm Lamont Animation: Matias Liebrecht Animation: Brian Leif Hansen Animation: Payton Curtis Animation: Joon Soo Song Animation: Adam Lawthers Animation: Shane Prigmore Animation: Chris Tootell Animation: Kyle Williams Animation: Mike Hollenbeck Animation: Danail Kraev Animation: Kristien Vanden Bussche Animation: Adam Fisher Animation: Anthony Straus Animation: Sean Burns Animation: Mael Gourmelen Animation: David Vandervoort Animation: Dan MacKenzie Animation Supervisor: Brad Schiff Animation: Kevin Parry Adaptation: Phil Dale Producer: David Bleiman Ichioka Animation: Jon David Buffam Animation: Rachelle Lambden Animation: Gabe Sprenger Animation: Philippe Tardif Animation: Ian Whitlock Animation: Daniel Alderson Animation: Charles Greenfield Animation: Jason Stalman Casting: Mary Hidalgo Line Producer: Matthew Fried Sculptor: Toby Froud Visual Effects Coordinator: Jeremy Fenske Choreographer: Nicole Cuevas Visual Effects Coordinator: Claudia Amatulli Sculptor: Benjamin William Adams Set Designer: Emily Greene Additional Editing: Ralph Foster Visual Effects Editor: Todd Gilchrist Set Designer: Carl B. Hamilton Sculptor: Scott Foster Production Design: Paul Lasaine Production Coordinator: Jocelyn Pascall Editor: Edie Ichioka Art Direction: Curt Enderle Editorial Coordinator: Dave Davenport Art Department Coordinator: Zach Sheehan CG Supervisor: Rick Sevy Music Supervisor: Maggie Rodford Music Editor: James Bellany Songs: Eric Idle Visual Effects Supervisor: Steve Emerson Costume Design: Deborah Cook Production Manager: Dan Pascall Additional Writing: Vera Brosgol Post Production Supervisor: David Dresher Editorial Manager: Trevor Cable Visual Effects Supervisor: Brian Van’t Hul Additional Editing: Christopher Murrie Director of Photography: John Ashlee Prat Set Designer: Polly Allen Robbins Visual Effects Producer: Annie Pomeranz Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Ren Klyce ADR Voice Casting: Barbara Harris Gaffer: James WilderHancock Modeling: Paul Mack Publicist: Maggie Begley Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tom Myers Production Design: Michel Breton Prop Designer: Alan Cook Animation: Paul Andrew Bailey Assistant Art Director: Phil Brotherton Executive In Charge Of Post Production: Ben Urquhart First Assistant Director: Samuel Wilson Layout: Daniel R. Casey Layout: Simon Dunsdon Orchestrator: Geoff Alexander Set Dresser: Duncan Gillis Third Assistant Director: David J. Epstein Animation: Anthony Elworthy Animation: Dan Ramsay Animation: Jan-Erik Maas CG Animator: Carolyn Vale Digital Compositors: Daniel Leatherdale Digital Compositors: James McPherson Foley Editor: Thom Brennan Production Illustrator: Ean McNamara Sound Effects Editor: David C. Hughes Finance: Erin Baldwin Finance: Jason Bryant CG Animator: Jeff Croke Con...
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Title: Borne
Author: Jeff VanderMeer
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2017
Genres: fiction, science fiction, fantasy, dystopia
Blurb: In a ruined, nameless city of the future, a woman named Rachel makes her living as a scavenger, and finds a creature she names Borne entangled in the fur of Mord, a gigantic, despotic bear. Mord once prowled the corridors of the biotech organisation known as the Company, which lies at the outskirts of the city, until he was experimented on, grew large, learned to fly, and broke free. Driven insane by his torture at the Company, Mord terrorises the city even as he provides sustenance for scavengers like Rachel. At first, Borne looks like nothing at all - just a green lump that might be a Company discard. The Company, although severely damaged, is rumoured to still make creatures and send them to distant places that have not yet suffered Collapse. Borne somehow reminds Rachel of the island nation of her birth, now long lost to rising seas. She feels an attachment she resents; attachments are traps, and in this world, any weakness can kill you...yet when she takes Borne to her subterranean sanctuary, the Balcony Cliffs, Rachel convinces her lover Wick not to render Borne down to raw genetic material for the drugs he sells. She cannot break that bond. Wick is a special kind of supplier, because the drug dealers in the city don’t sell the usual things. They sell tiny creatures that can be swallowed or stuck in the ear, releasing powerful memories of other people’s happier times or pull out forgotten memories from the user’s own mind...or just produce beautiful visions that provide escape from the barren, craterous landscapes of the city. Against his better judgement, out of affection for Rachel or perhaps some other impulse, Wick respects her decision. Rachel, meanwhile, despite her loyalty to Wick, knows he has kept secrets from her. Searching his apartment, she finds a burnt, unreadable journal titled Mord, a cryptic reference to the Magician (a rival drug dealer), and evidence that Wick has planned the layout of the Balcony Cliffs to match the blueprint of the Company building. What is he hiding...and why won’t he tell her about what happened when he worked for the Company?
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Read-Alike Friday: In the Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune
A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers
Centuries before, robots of Panga gained self-awareness, laid down their tools, wandered, en masse into the wilderness, never to be seen again. They faded into myth and urban legend.
Now the life of the tea monk who tells this story is upended by the arrival of a robot, there to honor the old promise of checking in. The robot cannot go back until the question of "what do people need?" is answered. But the answer to that question depends on who you ask, and how. They will need to ask it a lot. Chambers' series asks: in a world where people have what they want, does having more matter?
This is the first volume in the “Monk and Robot” series. 
Borne by Jeff VanderMeer
In a ruined, nameless city of the future, a woman named Rachel, who makes her living as a scavenger, finds a creature she names “Borne” entangled in the fur of Mord, a gigantic, despotic bear. Mord once prowled the corridors of the biotech organization known as the Company, which lies at the outskirts of the city, until he was experimented on, grew large, learned to fly and broke free. Driven insane by his torture at the Company, Mord terrorizes the city even as he provides sustenance for scavengers like Rachel.
At first, Borne looks like nothing at all—just a green lump that might be a Company discard. The Company, although severely damaged, is rumoured to still make creatures and send them to distant places that have not yet suffered Collapse. Borne somehow reminds Rachel of the island nation of her birth, now long lost to rising seas. She feels an attachment she resents; attachments are traps, and in this world any weakness can kill you. Yet when she takes Borne to her subterranean sanctuary, the Balcony Cliffs, Rachel convinces her lover, Wick, not to render Borne down to raw genetic material for the drugs he sells—she cannot break that bond.
Against his better judgment, out of affection for Rachel or perhaps some other impulse, Wick respects her decision. Rachel, meanwhile, despite her loyalty to Wick, knows he has kept secrets from her. Searching his apartment, she finds a burnt, unreadable journal titled “Mord,” a cryptic reference to the Magician (a rival drug dealer) and evidence that Wick has planned the layout of the Balcony Cliffs to match the blueprint of the Company building. What is he hiding? Why won’t he tell her about what happened when he worked for the Company?
This is the first volume in the “Borne” series. 
Anthropocene Rag by Alexander C. Irvine 
In the future United States, our own history has faded into myth and traveling across the country means navigating wastelands and ever-changing landscapes.
The country teems with monsters and artificial intelligences try to unpack their own becoming by recreating myths and legends of their human creators. Prospector Ed, an emergent AI who wants to understand the people who made him, assembles a ragtag team to reach the mythical Monument City.
In this nanotech Western, Alex Irvine infuses American mythmaking with terrifying questions about the future and who we will become.
Wanderers by Chuck Wendig
Shana wakes up one morning to discover her little sister in the grip of a strange malady. She appears to be sleepwalking. She cannot talk and cannot be woken up. And she is heading with inexorable determination to a destination that only she knows. But Shana and her sister are not alone. Soon they are joined by a flock of sleepwalkers from across America, on the same mysterious journey. And like Shana, there are other "shepherds" who follow the flock to protect their friends and family on the long dark road ahead.
For as the sleepwalking phenomenon awakens terror and violence in America, the real danger may not be the epidemic but the fear of it. With society collapsing all around them--and an ultraviolent militia threatening to exterminate them--the fate of the sleepwalkers depends on unraveling the mystery behind the epidemic. The terrifying secret will either tear the nation apart--or bring the survivors together to remake a shattered world.
This is the first volume in the “Wanderers” series. 
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spoilertv · 2 months
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petnews2day · 2 years
couple traveling the world in ambulance bought on eBay
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-travel-news/couple-traveling-the-world-in-ambulance-bought-on-ebay/
couple traveling the world in ambulance bought on eBay
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(CNN) — Two veterinarians driving around the world in an ambulance with their dog in tow might sound like the premise of a movie.
But it’s very much the reality for UK couple Lawrence Dodi and Rachel Nixon, who are currently about a year into a global trip across more than 50 countries in a bid to set the Guinness World Record for the longest journey in an ambulance.
The pair, who set off in October 2021, have been attracting quite a bit of attention as they move from country to country in the former private ambulance, a white Land Rover Defender with green and fluorescent yellow stripes, which was previously used at equine events.
“We’ve never had anyone approach us for medical assistance,” says Dodi, pointing out that the ambulance doesn’t really look like the emergency vehicles used in any of the places they’ve been driving through.
“But we get a lot of stares. In traffic, everyone’s looking at you.”
Ambulance challenge
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UK couple Lawrence Dodi and Rachel Nixon are attempting to set the Guinness World Record for the ‘Longest Journey in an Ambulance’.
Lawrence Dodi
Dodi and Nixon, who are both veterinarians, were looking for a vehicle to convert into a camper van and travel the world in, when Nixon happened to stumble across the ambulance on eBay back in 2018.
“The initial plan wasn’t to buy an ambulance or try to set a world record or anything like that,” explains Dodi.
“We were looking for a functional vehicle to go traveling in and we fell in love with the ambulance and the aesthetics.”
After they purchased the vehicle, which still had all of the fittings and fixtures of an ambulance inside along with a stretcher, Nixon came across an article about a group who were trying to set a record for the longest distance driven in a fire truck.
When she discovered that no one seemed to have formally attempted this in an ambulance, the couple contacted Guinness World Record to ask if they could give it a try.
Nixon and Dodi were told that they’d need to meet a list of specifications, such as ensuring that the vehicle retained the capability to function as an ambulance (even though it wouldn’t be used as an emergency vehicle,) and that it still resembled an ambulance externally.
They say they took this on board while designing the interior layout, and were able to keep to the guidelines, while still having room for a cooker and a fridge “and all the other things you would associate with a camper van.”
In the many months since they left the UK, the pair have driven around 24,000 kilometers (nearly 15,000 miles), and traveled to 24 countries, including Armenia and Bosnia, with Nixon acting as “chief driver.”
Canine companion
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Nixon happened to stumble across a listing for the ambulance back in 2018 when the pair were searching for a van to travel in.
Lawrence Dodi
Although they’ve already completed the minimum distance of 20,000 kilometers initially set by Guinness World Record, they’re “going to keep going and try to set the highest figure possible.”
Taking along their springer spaniel Peggy Sue, who has an EU pet passport, as well as the necessary rabies vaccination and blood test required for animals to travel within Europe, was always part of the plan, and the pair say she’s been “living her best life” during their time on the road.
“She might be 10, but she thinks she’s two,” says Dodi. “She can hike all day, and if she needs to sit in the van all day, she can do that. So in terms of us doing our outdoor pursuits, it’s not been a major problem.”
While they’ve had to skip a few activities where dogs weren’t permitted, and some countries have been less dog friendly than others, Dodi and Nixon have absolutely no regrets about taking Peggy with them.
“I think it’s probably brought us more opportunities,” says Dodi, noting that Peggy has been something of a people magnet.
Dodi and Nixon, who’ve been sharing their travels on their online blog, had originally planned for the trip “to be a true global circumnavigation,” that would see them travel through Central Asia to Russia before shipping the ambulance to North America.
However, due to various factors, such as the war in Ukraine, a conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the nationwide protests occurring in Iran, and the fact that some borders in Central Asia are still closed due to Covid-19 restrictions, they’ve been forced to change their route.
The couple are now planning to travel back to the UK early next year, before shipping the ambulance to Halifax in Canada, and driving the PanAmerican Highway, the longest drivable road in the world, to the bottom of Argentina. Their final destination will be Liverpool FC — a football team in Montevideo, Uruguay with the same name as their hometown team in the UK.
Raising awareness
At present, they’re unsure whether they’ll be bringing Peggy to South America with them, and are considering leaving her in the UK with family when they briefly return early next year.
“I think if we don’t take her we’re going to miss her a lot,” says Dodi, before explaining that Peggy has struggled with the heat at some points of the trip and they’re concerned about how she’ll manage in South America.
“But equally, we don’t want to put her through anything she’s not gonna be happy with.”
Although Dodi and Nixon had originally planned to spend two years completing the challenge, they’ve since extended this by another six to 12 months.
The couple has been raising funds for two charities: Anthony Nolan, a UK charity that connects people with blood cancer with volunteer donors, and independent charity Vet Life, which provides emotional, financial and mental health support to the veterinary community.
According to a 2020 study by Merck Animal Health in partnership with the American Veterinary Medical Association, veterinarians are 2.7 times more likely to die by suicide than members of the general public.
Dodi and Nixon say they’ve both lost colleagues and friends in the industry to suicide and are keen to raise awareness on this issue.
Making memories
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The set off from the Albert Dock in Liverpool back in October 2021.
Sarah Eddon
Although they’ve explored some incredible sites, including the highest peaks in Kosovo, Montenegro and Armenia, they say it’s the people they’ve met along the way and the experiences they’ve had that have stood out the most.
Dodi recalls a night when they were driving around Georgia looking for a place to stay overnight and ended up being invited to the home of a local, who happened to be having a birthday party.
“We were treated like honored guests,” he says. “They put us up in a bedroom the following day and served us breakfast.”
The couple say that a number of locals have extended dinner invitations to them while they’ve been driving around Turkey and they’ve attended various barbecues.
“The world is full of very lovely people,” says Dodi. “It’s really warmed our hearts to see that it’s not some scary, horrible place.”
While their lives are somewhat on hold as they continue their journey, they’ve been looking to the future, and say they plan to return to the UK and settle down once they’ve completed this challenge.
“The money will eventually run out,” says Nixon, explaining that they’ve set themselves a £30 (around $26) a day budget and plan to pick up temporary work when they’re in the UK, where the ambulance is booked for its MOT, a mandatory test to ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy, in February.
“We need to think about going back and having a family at some point,” adds Dodi.
For the time being, they’re very happily enjoying the freedom of being able to travel the world together and making connections with other travelers along the way.
“We’ve met so many people doing such fantastic trips,” says Dodi. “There’s always someone doing it for longer, going to more places and doing it in some weirder way, that always makes you envious. And you think ‘If only I could do it like that.'”
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folklorde08 · 2 years
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moondust-edits · 2 years
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filmlorelai · 4 years
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