pocket-stars · 3 months
does kai make any friends with the other scavengers in the city or are they mainly a loner
theyre a loner but i think they have people they get along with, maybe occasionally share turf or trade with, among other things
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dragongirlsnout · 1 year
is there a way to submit a bug report to dashboard unfucker without making a github account or is that the main way?
Assuming you weren't the person who opened an issue on github today; you can submit it via ask, but github is more convenient for the purposes of me working on it, especially in the case of back and forth discussion
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rotshop · 2 years
it'd be pretty epic if you made more pride flags from splat promo art
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more flags except i BETRAYED YOU i TRICKED YOU ohhhhh i fucking GOT YOU SOOOOO GOOD !!!!!! you thought it wouldbe next wave pomo art but it WASNT because i totally SET YOU UP!!!!!! ohhhhohohho just you fuckin WAIT till my subscibers see this shit you should have seen your FACE when i revealed my epic fucking prank. oh my god. ohhh i got your ass. prankt. absolutely fucking wrecked. its splatoon 2 story art. get PRANKT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[ flag names under cut ]
nonbinary - bi - agender
pan - trans
gay - aro - ace
oshian - lesbian
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vmeemo · 2 years
"appreciate the view, honey." (whatever context yall want this in )
Today was an interesting day for both the inkling and octoling. The reason being? Melone managed to convince Bruno to take her out to a spa treatment day. And the best part? She convinced him to pay for the batter bath she's seen crustaceans occasionally go through. Granted they will both have to be placed in an experimental bath order to properly handle it by wearing some exoskeleton suits, (as inklingns don't tend to ask for that sort of thing) but that's a sacrifice Melone will have to deal with.
Standing outside the spa place, the couple enters the building. It didn't seem very busy this time of day, but luckily they got an entire room for themselves, courtesy of Jackie. After confirming the appointment with the receptionist, the two head over to the big private room. While neither of them really questioned why the room was so large, they can very much see the bath bubbling away. After being informed of the potential issues, the two prepare themselves by wearing the suits and covering themselves in batter before carefully walking into the hot bath. Once they were both settled in, Melone shuffles closer to Bruno.
"How are you liking it so far?"
She sees him think it over before letting out some air, "I think it's going well. Wasn't sure about this at first, but as long as we get out in time we should be fine."
Nodding at this Melone sinks a little bit deeper into the bath, enjoying the heat of it. That's when she notices that Bruno is getting out, his suit looking mostly red but with no deep fried look to it. Upon being stared at, the inkling answers, "I'm just gonna see if I can get myself a drink. Maybe even spice up the bath with something. I'll be right back."
Nodding at this Melone continues to relax in the heat, protected by the exoskeleton suit. Luckily it doesn't take long before her man comes back, stepping back into the deep fry, holding a drink. He takes a sip of it before sliding closer to Melone, "So how about you, you enjoying yourself here?"
"I would say so. I got you after all." She gives him a small kiss on the cheek before letting herself settle. Melone watches as he takes gulps of his drink, feeling envious of how she didn't think about getting her own. And as much as she would steal a sip from him, she was too comfortable sizzling here. It wasn't long before the heat gets to her and she starts to close her eyes, despite her knowing that wouldn't be such a good idea. Though as she fails to resist the call, she hears a small cracking sound in the air. Confused as to where the sound came from, she looks to Bruno to see if he heard it as well. Seeing that he hasn't made her wonder if she was going crazy for a moment before witnessing her boyfriend seemingly grow an extra few inches.
Now, as much as Melone should by all means tell her boyfriend that he's growing before her very eyes, she is in fact curious how this happened and how far it can go. Watching him grow, however slow, also invoked... Feelings inside of her. So she keeps quiet for the time being.
Low and behold, her gaze is soon rewarded with Bruno growing some more, now at what she thinks is 8 feet tall and still going. Though what she didn't anticipate however was the cracking she heard earlier physically form in Bruno's exoskeleton suit. She watches as Bruno, unknowingly makes more cracks in his outfit as he continues growing.
It eventually got to the point where Melone became concerned for his safety. This deep fry bath is pretty hot first off, and second, if he keeps growing he will get himself hurt from the oils they're bathing in. Before she can warn/tell him however, Bruno grows another two feet, the shell covering him straining to hold all of him in. The inkling lets out a groan at this point, unable to avoid the tightness forming around him.
"Damn it... Just a little bit longer..."
Wait what.
Just as Melone was about to confront Bruno on what he meant by that, the inkling surges upwards in size, making waves in the deep fry bath as he grows more and more. At this point the exoskeleton that was given to him is now completely broken, and at first Melone was worried that he would be screaming in pain.
Only to see that Bruno isn't doing that? That's when the now 25 foot inkling sheepishly looks down at Melone, the remains of the exoskeleton barely covering his body at this point. The brief hypothesis of the drink Bruno had giving him immunity to the deep fry bath crossed her mind before he looks down at her.
"A-Appreciate the v-view, honey?" Bruno gives her a weak smile as the words echo throughout the large room. Melone can feel the cringe roll off of him as he says those words. But you know what? She doesn't mind it.
"Heh." Melone swims over to the giant inkling, floating by his leg, "I do appreciate the view, darling. However-" She grins as she eyes her giant man.
"I think you can go a little bit bigger. For me to properly appreciate the view a bit more."
Seeing her expression, Bruno lets a smirk form on his face, grabbing another drink that Melone saw him with earlier, and didn't know she had more of.
"Then I guess I'll keep going then. For my little octoling."
And he downs the other drink, Melone waiting with anticipation at what will happen next, as he starts to grow again...
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thevalkyriewarrior · 2 years
how fluffy is marth? will bunni be just as, if not more than, fluffy?
Both Marth and Bunni are Very Fluffy!! The fluff around their necks can be either long or short based on Personal Preference. Bunni will often switch hers around depending on her mood.
They Can Also look EXTRA Fluffy If they're startled or Trying to look Intimidating!
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(Bonus little sketch for you!)
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mosshugs · 1 year
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happy birthday cotton I hope you like these cats
I'm late and finally answering asks because I'm on my laptop for once, but these are beautiful babies!! Can I know their names? They're so cute!
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anemonequeen · 1 year
I said my tumblr mutuals could use me as a summon in battle but only one of yall is actually doing it
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sanitizarium · 1 year
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commission i did for @radical124!! i had a lot of fun with this one......
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melon-official · 1 year
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blake (@aanonymu-s ) simmering in a pot of soup (for @radical124 )
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cambriancutie · 1 year
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commission for @radical124 - thank you!!
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aanonymu-s · 8 months
Garlic phone shenanigans
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Credit to these goobers @radical124 @pocket-stars @am-lucifer
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pocket-stars · 3 months
what kind of interesting stuff did kai find in that city
anything you can find in any abandoned house. it’s like a giant antique store that’s really really dusty
kai really likes their lighting systems- lots of pretty lamps, string lights, and lanterns. they like glowy things
i think they also like raiding the wine cellars, mostly because cool colorful bottles, but some of that wine might still be good
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dailyhatsune · 2 years
love how the art varies so much that we can get very detailed paintings and then the next day little doodles of pirate miku
i just like to keep everyone on their toes y’know
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Pk: cringe child, into the pit you go
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vmeemo · 2 years
melone for the character writing?
Oh man sorry I didn't notice this. Getting to it now then.
To me in order to accurately depict Melone, is to make her kinda on the comedy side of things, but not to an exaggerated degree. She's fun loving sure, but when she needs to take care/reassure a friend she will drop the silly and do her best to care about her friends.
I also need to make her teasing in a way as well, mainly to Bruno. Ironically enough however, she never once noticed Bruno's feelings for her until he told her himself. So while she is good at interjecting in other people's lives and doing what she thinks they might want based on a hunch, she's not exactly good at recognizing how other people feel about it.
And as for the inventive side of things, a thing I do my best to consider is that she is more or less self taught, but knows the basics due to being in the Octarian Military. Doesn't mean she's not above breaking a few OSHA rules however.
There’s like a few more that’s there but it’s tricky to put into words and the fact that I wasn’t expecting an ask about it in the first place.
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hools · 3 years
hi I love your art a lot it's so cool and your art style is so nice and satisfying idk how to describe it but it's just so good I love it
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