radixnt-gxrden · 2 years
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‟ The Garden has welcomed you! ”
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Please pull up a chair and take a moment to go through the rules and enjoy a cup of tea. This is a home of multi-muses you can be accompanied with and enjoy a brisk time together. But do not forget to know the organizer behind this function of course.
Please enjoy your time here and your cup of tea! Thank you for participating in today’s tea party!
Mind helping anyone else find the function too? A like and reblog will do greatly!
Tracking tag: radixnt-gxrden
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5.13.22: Rules have been updated. Please read them over.
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vigilant-shadow · 2 years
A gentle tap to Xiao’s shoulder and Guizhong was behind him, smiling.
“I assumed you must had been hungry today, little bird,” she spoke.
Xiao was stood on top of a mountain, just staring at the wrold below, surrounded by small Qingxins that were beginning to bloom. He was still learning that it wasn't a cruel, dark place that he had known throughout his life, most memories of his life before locked behind a wall, his mind still not ready to grapple with them.
The small boy turned around in an instant at the sensation of something touching his shoulder, only to calm immediately upon seeing it was the woman he'd learned to see as a mother of sorts.
He tilted his head lightly at her in greeting, long hair swaying with the wind, giving her a warm smile. "Mama!" His response to the question was a small nod, as he had gotten a little hungry by now. "A little bit, yeah."
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
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⚅ — @radixnt-gxrden​ asked: — ⚅ ⚅ — ❛ when someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying ‘haven’t decided yet’ is typically a good response. ❜ — MEGUMI — ⚅
Incorrect Quotes Prompts
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Hanekoma chuckled and tugged lightly at his chin, “Comin’ from you, boss, I would call that more of a threat than were it to come from the average individual. But hey, I suppose it would be a good way to get everyone to leave ya alone. Personally, I just like to say black is the most flatterin’ color for the figure. Not many can disagree with that logic. Somethin’ I can getcha, or did ya just stop by to make jokes?”
Not that he minded jokes. If that really was the only reason, Hanekoma would have a blast anyway.
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theyakshaofliyue · 2 years
Leto was being a pest, their tail thumping against the Pyro Yaksha, mischevious look in their eye.
Huǒ rolled her eyes fondly at the wolf, finding the action almost endearing, as she turned to face them with a small smirk. The look in their eye told her that whatever they had planned, it'd be fun. For her, at least. She wasn't quite as sure about her siblings.
"Want something?"
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the-grim-heaper · 3 years
“You are doing your best, that is what matters!” From Mia
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The Reaper blinked, slowly shuffling away. ".....why the hell are you being nice? You got some hidden variable up your sleeve? I ain't falling for that shit!"
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scarfbond · 2 years
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he pulls lightly on epona’s reigns,  bringing her to a stop just before the grass on the side of the road dies off,  overtaken by the rocky base of the mountain.  she whines  &  trots back  &  forth a few paces as link looks above  &  around momentarily.  he dismounts the horse,  patting her neck as he nears the entrance of the caverns  (  he doesn’t bother to tie her to a tree or post,  he knows she won’t run off.  )  
silently,  he enters the lava filled mountain,  wiping sweat from his brow as he ventures further in.
@radixnt-gxrden​  for  volga !
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risingsouls · 2 years
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" Hm...well, I suppose I can indulge you. If it will put you in a better mood."
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muses-of-the-memory · 2 years
Ken hummed as he and Wormmon walked about, Wormmon back into his in training form. It seemed Ken was looking for Davis.
Davis was out in the Digital World with his partner, Veemon, and the two noticed Ken and Wormmon out in the open, but Wormmon was in his In-Training form, Minomon.
"Davis! It's Ken and Minomon!" Veemon shouted. "Ken? What happened to Wormmon?" Davis asked.
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freezing-scholar · 3 years
@radixnt-gxrden​: - “You know for once I agree with this list.” — Mia
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“..You are kidding me?”
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potestasaeterna · 3 years
     It is always a façade, a mask to hide the distaste and annoyance.
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     “Do you find yourself amused or vaguely satisfied with your decisions. . .?” Despite the possibility of annoyance or agitation in the context of the words, there is no emotion in his tone. Such a chore to deal with others. . . yet necessary to get the goals complete.
   ────⊹⊱  @radixnt-gxrden​ ♥  Starter ⊰⊹────
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lordofoblivion · 3 years
He needed to go to Twilight Town for some of his own personal research. He had been looking for sister again and, at the moment, was looking for what he heard were pods in the Abandoned Mansion. Maybe they would have a clue or at least some pointer to where he could find some real clues.
What Lauriam wasn’t expecting, however, was to find a very familiar silver haired figure on his way. And that it would take all his inner strengh to not point a keyblade to him.
“What are you doing here?”
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revaeli · 3 years
//slams hands on desk
So I was playing AoC and you know revali better than me (I’m more for a fan of Urbosa and the Gerudo). So when going to get his hearts I believe in Heba region, it was the soured honeymoon. Do you think revali is married?
i don't think r.evali is married so much as he wouldn't mind it in the future.  r.evali respects marriage as far as it would mean to others  /  especially his future partners,  but it’s easier to be unattached and with no one to mourn him..  a spouse mourning him might just be enough to make him hesitate with his own impulsiveness.  so not married he is,  as much as i think he definitely craves the intimacy and what it could,  ideally,  mean.  
his desire to assist with that one quest,  i think,  is inspired by how much he does care for his people  /  friends;  he’s willing to go out of his way for something which seems,  on the surface,  to be frivolous.  it's easy to overlook but he is protective of those he knows and cares for.  he is protective of his people.  revali is reserved and doesn't easily express if  /  when he cares,  but he does (surprisingly) often volunteer to assist with minor tasks.  
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@radixnt-gxrden Asks: Cue Mia sneaking up behind Ienzo, grinning.
Ienzo couldn’t help but jump, dropping his clipboard as he felt a presence. Call it instinct from his time in the organization and having Xemnas or Saix appear behind you expecting a report. “Oh, it’s just you.” Ienzo’s tone was more relieved than anything. He meant it in a friendly way of course, anything would be better than Xemnas. “Sorry about that.”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
⚅ — Continued from here. — ⚅
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Hanekoma shrugged and made one smooth movement to sit down beside Kitaniji, “I just got here. Hope ya don’t mind me lettin’ myself in. You wanna talk about it, what’s on your mind? I don’t mind lendin’ ya an ear.”
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theyakshaofliyue · 2 years
// Closed starter for @radixnt-gxrden with Bosaicus | Diàn!
It was so bright.
That was the first thought in his mind as he managed to finally get out of that hole. How long had it been since he got stuck down there, along with the calamity? He couldn't tell. Time didn't pass there the same way it did in the overworld, after all. It could have been a day, it could have been decades, and he would be none the wiser, still exactly the same as the day he'd vanished.
Carefully stretching out all four of his arms, he groaned lightly, feeling everything set back into place. The warmth of the sun was pleasant on purple-tinted skin, a welcome change from the cold of the chasm. He sat down by the rock, waiting patiently for his energy to calm and refill, trying to sense anyone he might recognize. Surely at least Alatus was still around... Right?
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lostmemorias · 3 years
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@radixnt-gxrden​  asked  :  “   How many of them were there? This doesn’t look like one heartless’s doing.  “
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this  mission  was  heavier  than  usual ,   but  it  was  the  way  xion  wanted  it.  they  began  to  doubt  her  again ,   her  and  her  worth.   and  of  course  she  wanted  nothing  more  than  proof  her  worth ,   that’s  why  this  time  she  took  on  a  mission  that  were  actually  for  a  tag  team ,   but  xion  took  on  this  mission  solo.
her  target  were  multiple  lesser  heartless ,  leaded  by  one  bigger  heartless.  after  striking  down  the  lesser  heartless  -  already  exhausted  and  injured  -  she  dealed  with  the  bigger  heartless.   a  dragon  heartless ,   with  an  enormously  power.   xion  manged  it  somehow  to  proof  strong  against  the  heartless  and  defeated  it  at  the  end.
but ,   it  left  xion  very  damaged  and  injured ,   her  coat  was  teared  on  several  places ,   but  her  right  arm  was  damaged  the  most.  the  big  crawls  of  the  heartless  dragon  moved  over  her  whole  arm ,   left  behind  a  big  scratch  that  really  bad  bleeded.
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after  she  was  done  with  her  mission ,   she  wanted  to  go  back  to  the  castle ,   but  an  unfamiliar  voice  that  spoke  to  her  stopped  xion.   she  turned  around ,   and  grey  eyes  looked  over  to  the  stranger.   her  face  was  hidden  by  the  hood ,   pulled  deep  in  her  face ,   holding  her  injured  and  still  bleeding  arm.  who  was  he  and  why  did  he  care  about  her  . .  ? 
❝  i  am  fine ,   don’t  worry  about  me.   it’s  just  a  little  scratch ,   nothing  more.  but ,   who  are  you ?   did  you  watch  me  while  i  fought  the  heartless  . .  ?   ❞
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