#raestrao x reader
seduce-me-imagines · 2 years
Journaled Confessions - James x Reader
A/N: My first fic on this blog! I can't wait to keep writing. For now, enjoy the first of many to come! I love this one with all my heart, and I hope you will too!
Pairing: James x Reader
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Cursing, mild violence (if you can call it that), self-doubting.
Do you ever get the feeling that you're destined to fail? That whatever you do, it's all gonna come back and bite you in the ass? That's how you felt trying to gather your courage to tell James how you felt. 
You'd think it'd be metaphorically easy, confessing to a literal sex demon that he's all you think about at night. (Sorry Damien) But it's not. He's thwarted your efforts, whether conscious or not, every time you've tried to pull yourself together and tell him how you felt. 
There were many times you could remember trying to bring up love in a conversation or trying to ask him a question only for something else to catch his attention and squander your confidence completely. Or he just changed the subject and you never got to attempt to tell him how you felt at all. 
Living with him plus his brothers wasn't any help either. 
"SAM! Give it back!" You shouted at the middle incubus brother who had snooped in your room and grabbed your journal. He was in one of his teasing moods, and unfortunately Matthew was out of the house. So you got the brunt of his attack. 
Sam smirked at you, dangling the journal high up where you couldn't grab it. "Oh yeah? Why don't you just come up and get it?" He taunted. You growled, a snarl pulling onto your face. 
"I swear to god Sam-!" You cursed, making another dive for your journal as Sam tried to dangle it closer to you. You failed to grab it as Sam pulled it away just in time for your hands to barely touch it. He let out a cackle of laughter, holding the journal up close to the ceiling, making you huff with annoyance. 
"What? You afraid I'll find out all of your little secrets, Y/N?" Sam teased further. You were beginning to lose your patience. You now understood how Matthew felt when being teased by Sam. You really wanted to hit him somewhere it hurts. But you knew better. 
Your one mission here, although you were losing, was to keep Sam out of your private thoughts. Although it wasn't a secret, you thought no one else knew of your crush on the eldest incubus brother. You couldn't help it, there was something about him that you just couldn't place. Something that made your heart jump wildly in your chest when the two of you would read together in the library on his days off or when he'd watch your favorite show with you when the other boys wouldn't. Something about your show being too difficult to follow, or whatever that meant. James watched it with you though whenever he could, discussing it in much deeper detail than anyone else could. 
But you couldn't tell him about your feelings. They were silly! And besides, the boys meant a lot to you. You weren't about to ruin your peaceful co-existence with them by adding the awkwardness of a failed confession. So that was why you had to keep Sam from reading your journal. Because if your secret was in anyone else's hands, you knew for sure it'd end up back to James somehow. And then where would we be?
"Sam, just please give it back!" You sighed in exasperation as you pleaded once again for Sam to return your belongings. 
"No way! You're acting too protective for me to give it back now. I wanna know what Miss Y/N Anderson writes in her little journal-" Sam teased again as he turned to give you a mischievous smirk, failing to realize how low the journal had gotten because of his distraction. You took your chance and reached out for the journal, finally getting a good grip on it. 
Sam immediately began to pull back on it, making your grip loosen slightly around the journal. "Come on, I'm just playing around!" He teases again. You grip harder, pulling twice as hard to try and pull your private life from his hands. Albeit, you knew this was a losing battle. Once it was in Sam's hands, you were never getting it back. 
"I don't want you looking at my journal Sam!" You shouted again, pulling as hard as you could, refusing to give up even when you knew you were losing. If you could keep James from knowing, even if just a little longer, it was worth the effort to keep your relationship as it was. 
"What is going on here?!"
Suddenly you felt Sam's grip on the journal completely fall away, sending you tumbling back and crashing into the wall. You let out a groan of pain, a harsh throbbing beginning from where your head hit the wall. Your journal fell from your hands and laid on the hardwood floors as if cast aside. 
James appeared in front of you in the next instant, his whiskey brown eyes filled with worry as he examined you for any injuries. You felt your heart tighten as you watched him, his skin seemingly glistening in the rays of the sun that leaked through the window a few inches to your left. His hair seemed perfectly fallen atop his head, despite being finger-brushed. His touch was gentle as he caressed your shoulders and touched your head to inspect for any damage.
"Thank god you're alright. I don't see anything concerning. Though I have to ask, what was so important to be shouting about?" James spoke beside you, knelt down to your level. His voice was exasperated and filled with mild irritation. You felt your heart sinking as you looked up at him through the corner of your eye, knowing he had no idea how you felt. He never would, and you knew that well. 
 Your lip quivered as tears threatened to spill from your eyes not from the pain from your fall, but from the fact that you knew you could never tell him how you felt. Usually you'd save these tears for late nights. But something about your feelings almost getting out had turned you into a faucet. 
You covered your eyes with one of your hands, desperate not to cry. When your attempt failed, and you felt tears spilling into your hand, you let out a soft gasp and without a second thought you stood up and made a dash for your room, closing the door behind you. 
You could hear both James and Sam yelling from behind your door, but you couldn't make yourself care. You locked the door and, for good measure, pulled one of the armchairs in the room to the base of the door to block it from being opened. Just in case they managed to get it unlocked somehow. Although that probably wouldn't help with Sam in the picture, but you weren't exactly thinking clearly. 
You breathed heavily, slowly letting yourself sob as you cowered at the foot of your bed. You pulled your legs up to your chest, hugging your knees as you just let yourself cry harder than you can ever remember. 
He was perfect. He was the perfect gentleman and you didn't deserve him. You just so happened to be the one he and his brothers had found after being injured by Malix. You were sure he'd treat any and all other girls the same. You weren't special. 
You could hear James's voice soften as he continued to call your name and beg to be let inside. You closed your eyes tightly, trying to force his voice from your mind. 
"Miss please, open the door. You… you left your journal out here." 
You felt your body go rigid as fear entered you and your heart dropped completely into your stomach. How could you be so stupid as to leave your journal outside when it was the only place you poured all of your feelings for the man currently trying to coerce you into opening the damn door? What if he knew? 
What were you thinking? He probably already knew! Now you'd never be able to face him again. You'd have to ignore him for the rest of your life. 
You groaned and grabbed a pillow from the chair beside your bed and shoved your face into it. Like you could really ignore him for the rest of your life. James wouldn't allow that. If anything, he'd sit you down and then gently tell you that he only sees you as a close friend. God, you could already feel your heart breaking. 
You could feel your cheeks brighten with a raging fire of embarrassment. Your cheeks burned as you will yourself to at least shout one last thing to try and remedy the issue. "None of it's real! I didn't mean any of it!" 
The room was quiet for a moment, no sound came from either party on either side of the door. You thought for sure he'd taken your words and stood up to walk away. You kind of hoped he had. But that wasn't the case. 
A gentle rustling sounded from behind the door, alerting you to the small space between the door and the floor as you saw your journal being pushed into your room. 
You stared at it for a moment, unsure of what this was. You were surprised when James spoke up again. 
"I didn't read any of it, Y/N. Please, will you let me in?" James replied in a voice that you knew was genuine. He was worried, and you could feel his words lifting your heart slightly out of hope that he didn't know about your hopeless feelings. 
You stared at the door for a moment, almost as if you could see the man who was no doubt knelt behind it to try and talk to you. You felt your throat go dry, unsure of anything to say. 
Before you could really discern what you were doing, you found yourself on your feet and taking hold of the chair that you had moved in front of the door. You stopped for a moment, trying to decide whether you should truly let him in. 
Your heart gave a gentle thump, giving you your answer. You took in a deep breath, closing your eyes for the briefest of moments. When you opened them again, you pulled the chair away from the door and unlocked the door with a single click from the doorknob. You stood in front of the door, waiting for James to turn the knob himself. However, a moment passed and he still didn't open the door. Of course, ever the gentleman. 
You took another deep breath in before you rested your hand on the knob and slowly turned it. Upon opening the door, you found James standing there with concern swirling in his eyes. His eyebrows upturned as he gazed at you, probably looking for some sort of answer for your behavior. You sniffled softly and took a step back, looking down at the journal you'd forgotten to pick up. 
James's gaze followed yours, reaching down to grab it before holding back out to you. "I believe this belongs to you?" He spoke quietly. Nodding, you take the journal and press it against your chest. The two of you don't move for another couple moments, unsure of what first move to make. 
Eventually, you moved first and walked over to your bed, taking a seat. James followed, taking a seat beside you silently. You felt your heart jump at his closeness, before quickly stomping out the rising embers of a crush you knew you couldn't keep stoking. 
You sheepishly looked up into his eyes, not finding annoyance or any form of irritation at your behavior. You swallowed hard, wishing he would just say something. Anything. 
How was this man real? Incubus or not, he was a complete gentleman and you didn't know how to handle it. Who could blame you for your little crush? It wasn't hard to not fall for him. What with his shining smile, his just messy enough to be sexy hair, his well-kept appearance, the muscles you had a hard time ignoring when he would sit or move. Don't get you started on his personality. He was absolutely perfect, treating you like the princess Erik had dubbed you. And yet, he never complained. He never had one measly complaint about serving or helping you. 
But he didn't, obviously giving you the space to speak when you felt like it and to allow you to have his presence to help calm you in the meantime.
And what were you? A simple human girl who managed to have a panic attack over a stupid journal. You weren't sophisticated or well mannered enough for him. You knew that. You just couldn't be his type. 
You felt the storm brewing in your chest grow stronger, making it hard not to continue crying now that you've stopped. You rubbed your eyes free from remaining tears, returning your hands to your journal. 
"I…" you began, knowing that one of you had to say something or you were both going to stay silent for the rest of the day. "I'm sorry. You shouldn’t have had to see me like that." You managed to say just above a whisper. Anything louder was impossible. 
James slowly moved closer to you, his eyes never losing their concern as they continued to gaze upon you. "Don't apologize for your feelings. They're a part of you." James spoke softly, not making any more attempts to get closer to you. 
You sigh and look down again. Even now, he couldn't stop being the gentleman you had fallen in love with. You felt completely cared for in that moment, making opening up seem not so bad. You stopped yourself, determined not to burden James with your stupid feelings. 
James swallowed for a moment, before he began to speak again as calmly as he could. "What I'm concerned about, is how you're feeling, Y/N. First, I rush upstairs after hearing you and Sam yelling, then you manage to hit your head and run off before I can even evaluate what the situation was." James was concerned about you, that was evident as his body subconsciously moved closer to yours as you tried to put some distance between you by scooting a bit away. 
"I'm just worried about you. What did Sam do that troubled you this much?" James continued, his gaze never leaving your form. You continued to stare downwards, trying to think of a way to avoid your feelings. He didn't need to know. It was better that he didn't. 
"It…" you began, sighing for a moment as you tried to recollect yourself. "It's nothing, James. Really. Sam was just playing around and took my journal after snooping in my room. It's not that big a deal." You explain, refusing to look him in the eyes. You hoped he would take the bait and drop the conversation, but that was wishful thinking. 
James frowned. "But it's hurting you, Y/N. You can't tell me it isn't a big deal if you're still bothered by it. Especially to this degree." James expressed, laying a hand on your shoulder. You wanted it so badly to have caressed your cheek instead. The thought almost had you in tears. 
"You don't get it… It isn't a big deal, cause it only affects me." You respond softly with a small white lie, sniffling as tears try to escape again. James's hand tightened a bit at your comment, taking a deep breath out of disbelief. 
"What? You can't be serious, Y/N. Of course it affects us. Your well-being and safety are my brothers and I's top priority. You mean a lot to us. A lot… to me. " James spoke earnestly, looking away as he finished his statement. What? What did he mean by that? 
You made yourself look at him, confused as to what he had meant. Before you could ask, he spoke again. "Just… just know we all care about you. Even Sam. Although he sometimes has a hard time showing it." James added, grumbling as he mentioned his middle brother. 
You took another breath, your mind completely occupied with trying to decipher what James had meant before. "I… James…" you began, unsure of how to inquire what he had meant. "W-what did you mean before, when you said that I meant a-a lot to you?" You manage to ask. James's eyes widened at your question, swallowing nervously. 
"I-I… it's uh…" he began, seeming to swap his demeanor with you. "You are special to everyone, t-that is…uh…" James added, his cheeks growing slightly pink with embarrassment. 
You couldn't believe your ears or your eyes. Was… was James blushing? Avoiding your question as though there was more that he was keeping from you?
You scoot closer to him, a newfound confidence blooming inside you. Could he just so happen to feel the same? And you were just blind to it all this time? 
"I know I'm special to you boys. But you said I was specifically special to you…" you reiterated, hoping that you weren't making the issue worse. 
James blushed harder at your closeness, but he didn't move. He just swallowed and averted his eyes. "Y-yes…I…" he started, sighing in defeat. "There is no way I'm getting out of this, is there?" He asked no one in particular. You shook your head, a new playful mood taking hold of you. James looked up into your eyes, a smile pulling onto his lips. "Well at least you've cheered up." He says softly. You smile gently, staying silent out of respect for the eldest incubi. 
James's whiskey colored eyes filled with doubt and a small twinge of… fear? You couldn't help but feel dumbfounded at that. Fear? Of what? 
"Y/N…" he began, his eyes finding yours and staring intently into them. "You mean a lot to me. Our time together is my favorite thing in this world and the next. The thought of spending time with you, whether it be reading some new novel you've found or watching that show when the new episodes come out, it makes my day that much better just by thinking of you." 
You felt your heart squeeze with a new hope. He… he really enjoyed your time together that much? You looked down at his hand that remained in his lap, finding it clenched tightly in a nervous fist. 
James looked away, taking his hand and running it through his hair nervously. "I believe what I'm trying to say is… I… I like you a lot, Y/N. More than I probably should." James spoke, finally looking into your eyes as he spoke. In almost a split second, everything slipped into place. You stared at James, dumbfounded. Was he seriously confessing to you right now?! 
James sighed almost in defeat, finding it in himself to look back into your eyes. "I don't expect you to fully reciprocate, Y/N. Please, don't feel that you have to. You just… you deserve to know that people care about you. More than you believe that they should." James expressed with a look of determination that quickly overtook his doubt. 
You stared back at him, dumbfounded and in shock once again. This man was seriously surprising you again. He felt the same way? Seriously? Your silly little crush wasn't just a crush? You scrambled through your mind to try and communicate that you truly did reciprocate, coming up with blanks for a few seconds. 
Then, it hit you. The realization almost hits you like a truck. 
You pull your journal from your chest and quickly open it, surprising James with the sudden movement. He raises an eyebrow, confused as to what you're doing. 
"Miss--What are you–" he started, never actually finishing his statement as you had flipped to the page you were looking for. 
"Tuesday the 16th, I cannot keep living like this. Every moment I spend with him is another moment where I can't stop looking at him with the undeniable urge to kiss him. I can't hear him speak to me without wondering just what it would be like for him to call me something other than 'Miss'. I can't help but wonder what sweet nothings he would say to me and only me if only I were his. This is absolute torture. What did I ever do to deserve him?" You finish the page, flipping it quickly. James stares at you, unsure of how to even begin as you begin another page. 
"Thursday the 18th, he sat beside me today. It wasn't that big a deal, we were just watching some new show. But I couldn't stop thinking about what it would look like if he were the guy I was watching on the screen and I was the leading woman. His love interest. And then he goes and smiles at me with that damned sunshine-personified smile that melts my insides and turns me into moldable putty. If he asked me to do anything, all he'd have to do is flash me that smile and I'm a goner.How can he not know the power he holds?" You read, not even looking at James at this point, turning to the next page and reading the next entry. 
"Friday the 19th, I cannot keep doing this to myself. He just made breakfast. But he was such a gentleman while doing it. Don't get me started on how he looked in that apron, I can't get that image out of my head. He made my pancakes seperate from the rest, adding blueberries to mine while the others had plain ones. What did I do to deserve having this man in my life? I don't deserve him, I don't think I ever will." You finished the third entry, ready to go onto the next, but you saw James's hand lay itself onto your journal, stopping you from continuing. You felt your heart pounding in your chest as you looked up at him, seeing him staring intently at you with his loveable whiskey brown eyes. 
He didn't speak, his eyes seemingly searching for answers in yours. You look down at his hand and place yours on top of his. You gathered what confidence that remained in your chest and spoke up again. 
"Page after page of my gushing over how much I like you and how much I wish I could just kiss you and it have no consequences. Pages of my shameless rambling over a man I have wanted since I met him. That's what I didn't want Sam to see. I didn't want him reading this and then going running to you. Because then… if you didn't feel the same?" You paused, looking away as you began to lose confidence with James's lack of a reaction.
 "Then life wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be able to look at you without knowing I screwed things up by having stupid feelings. I wouldn't be able to sit and read with you in silence knowing I ruined everything by having feelings for a demon when I'm just some measly human-" you continued to rant, growing frantic and slightly louder as you unloaded almost years of uncertainty upon the object of your affections. 
The thing that stopped you, however, was the sudden touch of his lips against yours. 
Completely blindsided, you widen your eyes at the sudden kiss. Soon, however, you melt into it, feeling James's lips soften and press slightly harder back against yours. You tilt your head just a bit, pressing your lips back against his own. You lean closer to him, raising one of your hands and placing it on the back of his head and pulling him closer to you. You don't feel the drain of your energy that you'd come to expect from an incubi kiss, but instead feel the spark of something in your core. Like a fire being relit after having been stomped out one too many times. 
James lifts his hand from where it had laid on your shoulder and laid it on your cheek, cupping your face in his palm. Your heart began to pump faster in your chest, feeling as though it might give out. His other hand found your waist, pulling you closer to him and practically into his lap. You didn't mind. You wanted this, you wanted to be as close to him as possible. 
Your lips danced with each other, his tongue brushing against your lips and asking for permission to deepen it. You don't think twice. You press yourself closer to him, pulling his face closer to yours. It was perfect, the kiss was everything you dreamed of. It was a shame it had to end. 
James finally pulled away after a few moments, panting as he had run out of breath. A string of saliva connected your mouths, reminding you of the previous moment's events He stared at you unblinking, his eyes slightly blown with a want. A need. 
After a moment of catching his breath, James's hand left your waist and pulled your hand from his neck and held it close. "You… are not just…'some measly human', Y/N. You are everything to me. I will not let you put yourself down like that." He insists, staring directly into your eyes with a newfound determination.
"...James…" you reply, feeling your heart pounding again in your chest somehow faster than it had during your kiss. 
"I wish I had known how you felt sooner. Then maybe we could have avoided you and Sam wrestling over a journal. Maybe then… this wouldn't have to feel so rushed." James added, his free hand leaving your cheek and rubbing his neck awkwardly. As he looks away from you, you lean in and press a gentler kiss to his cheek, catching his attention again.
"Nothing can change how I see you, Y/N. You are an amazing woman and I am honored that you let us stay here. That we are allowed occupancy in your home despite being what we are. You may not see it, but when I look at you I see the most beautiful woman in all five worlds. You talk of my smile? Yours could bring me to my knees if you commanded it." James rattled off in earnest, smiling brightly as he described just how much he cared for you. Maybe, maybe even loved you. 
"It's okay, James. I'm fine. I told you, the journal wasn't that big a deal. I was just worried you'd find out and then-" you began again, quickly getting cut off by James. 
"James… I…" you stop, smiling and gasping as you try to come up with a reply. He shook his head. 
"You don't have to keep convincing me, Y/N. I am yours, for as long as you want me. I will remain by your side till the end of time should you wish for it." James replied, his hand reaching up to your cheek again and cupping your face. "You, are the light of my life. I don't know what I'd do without you." James looked into your eyes lovingly, almost squandering the remaining doubt inside your chest. His next words completely silenced them. 
"I love you, Y/N." 
You felt a sob catch in your throat and you immediately swallowed it, tears flowing from your eyes soon after. James widened his eyes at the sudden appearance of your tears, looking into your eyes in hopes that he hadn't upset you. Before he could speak, you lean in again and kiss him tearfully. His hesitance melted away once more as he gently kissed you again, somehow pulling you even closer. 
"Oy, could you lovebirds knock it off? Somebody still needs to make lunch." Sam's voice echoed into the room, quickly ruining the moment. You didn't have to be Damien to feel the anger radiating off of James as he pulled away and turned to his brother with a hardened glare. 
"Then why don't you make it, Sam? You're perfectly capable of cooking yourself." James retorted, clearly annoyed that his moment with you was ruined. Sam gave his eldest brother a look of annoyance. 
"But isn't it supposed to be your job? I tried cooking and you got mad at me for making a mess!" Sam reminded, only making his situation worse. James huffed, almost growling. 
"Then be careful to NOT make a mess while you do it. I'm busy." James snapped, his hold on your hand remaining but tightening at the annoyance of his brother. Sam rolled his eyes and shrugged. 
"Fine. I'll just tell you that again later when you get mad that the kitchen's a wreck." Sam tossed back, soon after heading back down the stairs and clearly to the kitchen. James huffed again, turning his head back to you. 
"I swear it's like I live with ruffians." James growled. You giggled softly and kissed his cheek. James soon let go of his anger and instead looked at you with love. 
"I love you too, James." You spoke gently, catching him off guard for a moment. His whiskey irises danced with the wonder of your statement as he began to smile. 
He pressed his forehead against yours, his smile bright and happy. You smiled back, realizing that no words needed to be said. 
"JAMES! HELP! Sam tried to make spaghetti, and the sauce is literally everywhere!" Matthew's voice called back up the stairs, sounding urgent. You rolled your eyes, snickering. James grumbled and sat back, shaking his head. 
"I cannot even take five minutes for myself." James muttered under his breath. He stood up, his hands leaving you reluctantly. You stood after him, standing beside him. 
"It's alright. It's to be expected." You began, giggling as you thought of Sam somehow spraying the spaghetti sauce all over the kitchen. You place your hand in his and smile. "Nothing we can't fix." 
James looked at you and smiled again, squeezing your hand. "Alright. Now let's see just how much of a mess we're dealing with here." He sighed, pulling you alongside him as you both made your way downstairs into the fray.
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wildestgirls · 2 years
Crime and Punishment
Chapter 1: Who is She?
Aomaris x reader
I was thinking of doing a bit of a 3 part story, with part 2 being the actual gala, and part 3 being heavy smut because I'm a whore
Words: 1.1k
Please tell me what you think :)
Divider credit is igneysect
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Raestrao was concerned, to say the least. His father's newest advisor. He could never pin point what she was thinking, what her goals were, what her next move would be. He even questioned Izroul, but was shocked to find that not even he could read into her mind.
So yes, he was concerned about the fact that she'd be attending one of the largest galas of the season.
He didn't know where she came from, what sort of demon she was, if she even was one, or, why she was as powerful as she was.
She had this effect on everyone. No one would be spared from her all-knowing gaze.
Sometimes Raestrao was required to attend Royal meetings with his father, and every time this woman opened her mouth, his father seemed to sharpen up. Not like he was preparing to cut her down, but like he was bracing himself for something. He'd never heard anything like it, let alone seeing it happen in front of him!
He'd probably never forget the tiny bit of fear that was lurking in his father's eyes when she openly disagreed with him for the first time. It was unnoticeable to any of the other people in the room, but to Raestrao, who had lived his whole life stuck under his father's boot, secretly yearning for an opening against his strict rule, well, it was truly something.
However, there was something he knew about her, or rather, something he had at least an idea on.
What exactly her relationship was with his younger brother, Aomaris.
Ever since she showed up in the castle that he called home, she had her eyes on Aomaris. Maybe she thought he was the strongest, maybe she thought he was stupid enough to manipulate after one meeting, or maybe she just wanted her brains fucked out by him.
He didn't know, and he doubted he ever would.
Nevertheless, ever since she showed up, they seemed drawn to eachother, like a moth to a flame.
Only it seemed that neither of them knew who was the moth, and who was the flame.
Raestrao wasn't crystal clear on how close they were exactly, but he knew they had something. And that gave him an advantage. Leverage against her.
Raestrao braced himself infront of the grand mirror in his Chambers. He would not let himself fall to her level. He wouldn't use his brothers, the only people who actually cared about him in all 5 worlds, as bait.
For that's what Aomaris would've been if Raestrao had carried on with his earlier train of thought.
Well, Raestrao thought, Go big or Go Home.
Aomaris was feeling agitated. Not angry, yet, just agitated that he had to attend the stupid fucking gala. He couldn't stand that superficial nicety that came with just about everyone there, who all fucking stank of it.
He used to only go when he was younger because his brothers would be there, and he got to spend all his time with them.
Not all of them, to start off with, though. Just Uzaeris and Zecaeru, but that was more than enough for him. Raestrao would always be off with their father, being forced to talk to some brain dead duke or something. Izroul, well, was never there, but that was the fun part.
Aomaris smiled slightly as he recalled all the times his mother caused a big enough distraction for Raestrao to slip away and join himself and the other 2 so they could sneak into the dungeons to be with Izroul.
She was kind like that.
However, now he was older. Raestrao was still always talking to royalty, just this time, it's more serious, as none of them are quite sure if the person he's talking to will end up either trying to kill him, or wed him. Uzaeris was always flirting with someone, his mother keeping a watchful eye, as he led another demon away from the party to either his Chambers, or even the closest dark corridor to fuck them.
Then there was Zecaeru. He was always present at the galas, just never around. However he was easy to spot. All you had to do was looking out for the floating blue orb that was his mother, and you'd see Zecaeru beside it, with a tired, but reassuring look on his face.
Now Izroul had to spend these lavishly fake galas all by himself, locked away in the dungeons.
However that's only some of the time. It's always and forever been Aomaris' go to spot for hanging out when the galas got too draining.
But now, Aomaris had things himself to worry about.
From a young age, he'd always been more invested in his father's lineage than any of his brothers. He learnt all about his Brute Demon culture, and was extremely proud and grateful to say that he'd been chosen to take a part in many important ceremonies, celebrating their ways. He was on good terms with the vast majority of brute demons that came to his father's galas, and would spend a good amount of time with them, laughing and talking until he grew bored.
And then of course, there was her. The woman who caught his gaze and never let it go. He'd spend all his hours with her, let alone just the gala.
She'd never told him why she was here, or how she got here, but he was eternally grateful that she decided to show up in the castle and upend his life.
Speaking of which, he thought.
He gave himself one last look in the grand mirror in his room, and gave himself a resolute look.
He will be the one who She spends her time on tonight. He will be the one She chooses tonight. He will be the one who She thinks of when thinking of someone who She wants to talk to. He will be the one that She will spend her night with. He swears it.
For if he's not, what will he do with himself?
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Her 'Near Death' Experience
Platonic Reader X Incubi
So, my charger just caught on fire like two hours ago. Thus, this fic was born.
Mika laid on the couch, her head on Damien’s lap as he gently played with her hair. Erik sat on the other end of the couch, giving her a foot massage, and Sam sat on the floor as Mika idly combed through his hair, using her free hand to scroll on TikTok. James and Matthew were preparing snacks for their movie night, and the others had decided to just relax as they waited.
Finally, James and Matthew joined the group, setting the food, which ranged from popcorn to candy to cheesecake, on the large coffee table. Mika looked at the charge on her phone, which read 23 percent, and sat up. “I’m gonna go plug my phone up, I’ll be quick.”
Sam rolled his eyes, silently mourning the feeling of her fingers against his scalp. “Hurry, doofus. I wanna watch this movie.”
Mika nodded before rushing up the stairs and walking in her room. She walked over towards the outlet near her bed, quickly finding her charger. It was pretty worn out, some of the wires visible, and she was definitely due to buy a new one. I’ll buy one later this week.
However, as Mika went to pick it up from her floor, the sudden popping sound and flames made her fall backwards and shriek. “AOMARIS, IZROUL, ZECEARU, RAESTRAO, UZAERIS”
With each summoning, the bright white light and gust of wind that would occur with a summoning became a few seconds longer before finally dying out. The incubi all stared at the odd sight they’d been called to, and Mika, who was sitting against the furthest wall, looking almost deathly pale. 
James was the first to speak, walking towards Mika as she seemed to have a moment of realization. “Miss, is everything alright?”
Mika began to remember what’d happened, and before she could defend her impromptu summoning of the boys, Damien began to chuckle quietly, making Mika glare at him in disbelief. “Don’t laugh at me, I thought I was gonna die!” She said, quickly standing up.
Damien cleared his throat and stopped laughing but became hysterical as Matthew gasped in horror. “DIE?”
Erik chuckled slightly, walking towards her and gently bringing her knuckles to his lips. “Now Princess, you know we’d protect you from anything.”
Sam began to grow impatient, just wanting to watch the damn movie. “Doofus, what the hell did you call us for? And what’s that smell?” He asked, making the others notice the slight burning smell in the air.
Mika began to glare at the floor, as if it were the cause of her predicament. “My charger just sparked, and I thought it had caught on fire.” she mumbled, and James cleared his throat, obviously amused.
He walked over to the charger, which had completely snapped, and lifted the two pieces up to show the others. “You mean, this charger?”
As Mika looked at the state of her charger, her jaw dropped. “How does that even happen?” Matthew asked, laughing in disbelief.
Erik raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Princess, if I may. I believe we’d discussed you needing a new charger soon. Would-” He was cut off by his own giggles. “Would this be the charger in question?”
Mika began to laugh, holding her hand over her mouth as she tried to take in everything that happened. It wasn’t long before all of the incubi were laughing as well. Sam, Mika and Matthew ended up curling over themselves on the floor while Erik, James and Damien were standing, trying to hold themselves upright. Eventually the group calmed down and went to watch the movie. The rest of the night was perfect, even with the constant teasing and jokes about Mika’s ‘near death’ experience.
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theincuhusbands · 3 years
The Jealous Cold Shoulder - (James x Reader)
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Summary – James has been acting cold and distant towards Y/N and their sick of it. He was their best friend. The one they always wanted to talk to and their determined to get to the bottom of this, Will things get worse if they call him out on it?
Warnings – Strong Language, Fighting, Kissing, Long, Stressed Reader
Word Count – 1963
I smiled as I snuggled into my new fluffy blanket, relishing in its warmth. I had been so stressed out about school lately, I’d barely had a moment to think. Matthew created this blanket for me while I was at school so now, I get to snuggle up in the library and read my favourite book for the billionth time.
When I mentioned that I was going to go read in the library I had hoped that someone would join me… but he didn’t seem interested. Usually, James and I could spend hours in the library by the fire talking about our favourite books or my favourite TV shows, that’s what made me fall head over heels for him. The way he said my name, like sweet honey dripping off his lips, could make me buckle at the knees. His laugh echoing throughout the room filling it beautifully, but recently, it’s as if he’s put off by the thought of spending time with me.
I understand that I might not be the best to be around when I’m stressed but I guess he must be quite stressed too, with the company and all. With all my feelings aside, I miss spending time with him.
I sigh as I flick through the chapters of my book trying to find my favourite one. Today it doesn’t seem to be bringing the usual joy. I eventually find the page and start reading but it doesn’t take long for me to put the book back on the shelf.
I guess just not today…
My attention is quickly drawn to the hall as I see the blurs of Matthew running away from Sam. I giggle as I start to run after them, sliding around corners in my socks to catch up. I eventually catch Sam and lunge for him, jumping onto his back. All three of us laugh as I gently hit Sam on the back.
We snap out of it though as soon as we hear a very annoyed “Ahem.”
I look up to see James standing with a spilt coffee all over his grey jumper. I hear Sam snicker and look to see Matthew trying to hide his smile. I walk over to James and try to take his cup but he yanks it away from me, just spilling more tea onto the floor and himself. “You three should watch where you’re going.” His voice was stern and powerful.
I was used to him telling Matthew and Sam off but he had NEVER spoke to me like that. “Em, what?” James looks down at me with disgust in his eyes. The look shoots right through me making my stomach drop to the floor. That one look made me feel worse than anything anyone’s ever said to me, well maybe besides my father.
“I expected better from you.”
I cross my arms and snort back. “Yeah, well this is my house. I’ll do what I want asshole.”
James looks at me for a second studying my face. I don’t think he was expecting me to say anything back, least of all that. “Your behaving like a little girl. Y/N. What would your grandfather say if he could see you right now?”
I felt blood rush to my face as I took a step back lowering my face to the floor. The venom dripping from his voices cut through me like a knife. The name he used to say so sweetly, now used against me. I felt utterly humiliated. I look to the side to see Sam and Matthew’s faces. Their twisted in anger or mortification… to be honest it could be either. Sam’s fists were balled up. “That’s too far James.”
In that moment something in James’s eyes snapped. His face fell as the realisation sunk in of what he had just said. I felt my eyes start to well with tears and my vision become blurry. I furiously wiped my tears with my sleeve.
“Y/N I-“
“Get away from me!” I lashed out screaming. James tried to step forward to say something but before the words could come out, I cut him off. “Don’t talk to me you bastard!” I quickly turned on my heal, running out of the room as more and more tears fell from my eyes.
I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut, sliding down it I sob harder and harder into my hands. What did I do to him?! I hear loud knocking on the door as someone tries the knob. “Your highness? Can I come in?”
There’s no point in punishing Erik… He didn’t do anything wrong. I stand up and open the door, standing back into the middle of my room. Erik comes in quietly and locks the door. When he sees me his face melts. “Highness...”
He sweeps me up into a bear hug, wrapping me tightly in his arms as I sob into his chest. Erik sighs leaning his head on top of mine. “Highness… if your grandfather saw you now… he’d be proud beyond compare! Think of all the things you’ve accomplished!” I sniffle and look up at Erik.
“It’s not even that that bothers me… he knows that stings and he said it anyway… why would he say that though?”
Erik smiles weakly. “Because as smart as my brother likes to think he is. He really isn’t, especially not when it comes to- …”
I look up at Erik puzzled waiting for him to finish his sentence but he never does. “When it comes to?” Erik goes a slight shade of pink probably realising he’s said too much. “You… Highness” I pull back from Erik slightly moving over to sit on my bed. “Me?”
Erik nods as he makes his way over to my nightstand. He picks up a small framed photo of all the boys, Diana, Saero and I at the beach. We’re all laughing and having fun. It’s definitely one of my favourites! And not just because James has his arm around me. “When it comes to you Highness… although it may not seem like it right now… James cares a great deal about you. More than I’ve seen him care about anyone who isn’t one of us…”
“Then why would he-“
“He’s confused. He’s not good at this sort of stuff. I know it’s horrible but just let him work himself out.” Erik sits beside me gently pressing the frame into my hands. I gently run my fingers over James’s face. I nod slowly and Erik leans in to hug me.
By the time seven o’clock rolls around, Sam, Damien and Matthew have all asked me to come down and join them for dinner. Each time I declined though. I have decided to plunge myself back into school work, working on a 5,000-word scripted essay due for next month.
I sit with my headphones on, listening to the new album I bought. I was about half way through it when I felt a gently tap on my shoulder. I turned around taking my headphones off and jumped in surprise to see James.
His face was torn in guilt. His eyebrows were glued together and his eyes were filled with sadness. His hair was slightly messy and ruffled, a really odd thing for the perfectionist. The sight of him almost made me forget all the anger and sadness. Almost.
“What are you doing in here?”
“I knocked but you didn’t answer…”
“Ever think that was because I didn’t want to talk to you?”
It was a lie of course. I had been hoping all afternoon that he would come upstairs so we could get over this. I had been looking over my shoulder every few minutes hoping to see him standing there however, he seemed to have believed me. He sighs and runs his hands through his messy hair. “I… deserved that…”
He walks over to the side of my desk, perching himself on it. “I’m sorry Y/N… I really am… I just got so… angry…”
“but why?” I stood up from my chair looking at his face, hoping for any sign, any hint of an answer. His gaze dropped from my face to the ground at my feet. “Y/N please come down stairs and eat… you shouldn’t have to-“
“Don’t tell me what to do James.” I warn him. Not viciously but with enough warning in there that he knew I was serious. He nods, still refusing to make eye contact with me. This was too strange. I had to know.
“James tell me why you were angry.”
My voice sounded more like a plea than I would have wish but it finally got James to lift his eyes, if only for a moment. “I… if I say- you must promise to eat.” I nod to him sitting on my bed, getting comfortable and preparing for whatever he is about to say. “I was jealous… you were spending time with Sam and Matthew…” I look at him, dumbfounded in shock. He was jealous of Matthew and Sam? I couldn’t help but let out a shocked simple laugh. James looked at me, his face still covered in guilt.
“But you’ve been avoiding-“
And it suddenly clicked. It was a clear as day to me. I could hear Erik’s words ringing in my ears.
James cares a great deal about you, He’s not good at this sort of stuff. 
and now he’s jealous of Sam and Matthew.
Suddenly I became determined. I had to make him say it. Out loud. “And why were you jealous?” He says nothing. He doesn’t move. He’s silent. I look up at him, I can feel my face burning and my fists ball up as I stand on my knees.
“Say it!”
“I’m in love with you Y/N…”
I sit back down, in stunned silence. He actually said it. I stare at him saying nothing, almost in a hazy daze. He stares back at me, looking almost terrified. “Y/N say something… please…”
“Why?” It’s nothing more than a whisper but it’s all I can manage. I feel tears start to form in my eyes. “Why ignore me? Why say what you did? Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
James shakes his head looking to the ground. “Because I love you and it scares me… Y/N I don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt like this before…”
“Well, me neither.” The tears start to overflow as a couple spill out my cheeks. James looks at me shocked. He walks over to me and kneels in front of my bed to be at my level. He gently lifts his hand to wipe a couple of stray tears. “What did you just-“
I cut him off by grabbing his shirt and pulling him in for a kiss. The kiss is needy and passionate and he responds almost immediately. My hands wonder to his chest as his hands roam up my body and tangle themselves into my hair. I pull him closer to me and toss him onto the bed, climbing on top of him. “I love you too… I don’t know what I’d do without you… please don’t shut me out.”
James shakes his head as he cups my face with his hands. “Not anymore love…” He kisses me again except this time it’s softer, more tender. I lean into it, wanting to be as close to James as possible. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. After a while we pull apart to catch our breath and James’s half-smile makes my heart skip a beat. He’s utterly gorgeous.
“Will you join me for dinner now, Y/N?
My face flushes red as I nod, grinning ear to ear. “I’d love to.”
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znova-is-bi · 3 years
~pics you take together/FAKE INSTAGRAM POSTS~
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     Liked by /Your Username\ and 2,000 others
~.James.~ ti amo tanto @/Your Username\
  /Your Username\ <3
Erik/ Uzaeris
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  Liked by /Your Username\ and 2,000 others
Lover._.Boy._ je t'aime tellement  @/Your Username\
 /Your Username\ we look so cute <3
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     Liked by /Your Username\ and 100 others
~Samm~ Te amo  @/Your Username\
  /Your Username\ <3
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   Liked by /Your Username\ and 500 others   
{Matthew..} today was so much fun  @/Your Username\
   /Your Username\ mhm it was!!
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   Liked by /Your Username\ and 400 others
Soft_boi_introvert  私はあなたをとても愛しています  @/Your Username\
  /Your Username\ I love you <3
Diana/ Ezaeur
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Liked by /Your Username\ and 200 others
Diana.seduce Y/N is soo clingy... but I love them
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incubae-fics · 3 years
Someday [AU!Raestrao]
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Pairing: AU!James x Female!Reader
Warnings: Major angst, trigger warning for a dark-ish theme. 
A/N: hi im alive and this is what I have to give. I will never get into explicit details of the things AU!James endured, but what I am implying can be triggering for some. This AU gets very dark and it stems from my shitty mind I guess? When playing the game, I felt like their ‘father’ would actually be far worse and that their mothers would be their only saving grace. They simply became corrupted because of him. Especially when he took their physical forms. I feel like he’d take their forms bc they were, in his eyes, making his potential heirs weak. While he intends for james to take over, he still needed back-ups should he or any of his brothers fail. Also I want to flesh out my au. Prepare for another like this, but with sam having a weird premonitional dream of his love, and waking up to cold reality. oop
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Featherlight touches of warmth glide across his bare skin. It feels as though someone is tracing soft patterns along the expanse of his chest and neck. For some odd reason, he does not panic. He simply lays still and basks in the sweet attention. He has no idea who is touching him but... he does not feel gross. He feels.. happy?
He can hear her huff out a soft laugh near his ear, her breath ever so slightly brushing on his skin. A sweet scent wafts past his nose- everything feels soft around him. His head is well cushioned and whatever sheets he can feel are smooth against him. His bleary eyes struggle to see anything. A figure hovers above him, another giggle slipping out.
“Raestrao... we can’t sleep in all day..”
The sound of his name leaving her lips sends a shudder throughout his body. It is not the usual disgusted shiver he gets when.. someone else says it, no. This shiver makes the very tips of his fingers and toes tingle. It makes his mind beg him to open his mouth and say ‘call for me again’. It makes him want in way he had never felt before. 
All his eyes can catch are what he believes is a soft and faded pink color. Like an odd sunrise he’s never seen in his realm. Off-white walls, a slight mound of soft sheets. He wishes his mouth would open- he had questions but.. he’d never felt so content. So.. loved- was this love? Was it truly?
“Raestrao...”, she calls again, voice sweeter than the finest sugars the demon realm could produce.
He can feel fingers lacing through his own- soft- small, almost. Unintentionally, he brings the hand up to where he believes his mouth is, placing a kiss to the back of it. The sweet scent from earlier returns, more potent now. Something like a warm vanilla..
Another huff of laughter, this one more delighted than the last. “Lazy bones.. get up..”
Her fingers move to his face, softly cupping his cheek, “Wake up now..”
The fingers turn cold- chilling him to his core. The pinks turn to a dark purple that he recognizes- disgust gnaws it’s way into the deepest pit of his belly- he feels like he is plummeting. Everything is falling away.
“Raestrao! Raestrao no!”, her voice is pleading- close to absolutely screaming-
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Laughter soon fills his ears again. This laughter is not happy or delighted- it  is familiar. Bitter amusement.. some slight caution.
“Dreaming of me, dear? I’m so flattered.”, her voice feels so cruel to him on this morning.
What a lovely dream to have in the middle of his own personal hell. Love? For a demon? He can no longer believe in such fairy tales. He’s trapped here, with this awful woman. Her touches make him feel vile and used. He wishes he could scrape off every single last piece of his skin that her fingertips have ever touched.
“Speechless because you’ve been caught? How cute..”, she says. He doesn’t have to open her eyes to know her eyes hold irritation. He can’t look at her now.
He fears his eyes may betray him if he does. They burn in a familiar way. How many times has he shed tears this past week? His father would have his head if he knew. Or he’d force him to do a repeat of last month. Force him to... desensitize himself.
‘You cannot feel anything for anyone! Not your mother! Not your brothers! Not even me!’, he had told him, and then.. he handed him the whip.
“Raestrao, dear. I’d appreciate it if you gave me some attention. Or must I drag your father in to teach you how to-”
“No. I’m tired.”, he snaps. It’s all he can do to stop himself from breaking down in front of her. He hates that he’s sure she’d like that. All she ever wants is to force feed him or.. have control over him. He felt like some rare possession, and not in a good way.
She looked at him like he was something to be won..
Not like the tired and broken young man she made him into. Stealing him away into the night, no matter how much he said no..
“Oh my..”, she says, amusement now in her tone, “Tough today, aren’t we? Alright. I suppose you’ve earned some rest. However, in return, I do expect that same roughness for our lesson tonight, yes?”
Her vile hand slides across his chest in a way that makes him wish he’d spontaneously combust. She gives one last huff of laughter before seeing herself out. He holds his breath, listening to the door slide shut, and then waiting on her footsteps to fully fade down the hall before inhaling once more.
His breaths become shaky, chest shuddering with each raw intake of breath. He feels the weight of everything crash on him. The hazy memory of the dream crashing down onto him- it caves his chest in. It forces him to roll over and silently scream into his pillow. No one could hear him. No one could watch over him as he absolutely collapsed.
He couldn’t even see the floating orb of his mother- or what was left of her. She had been locked away for good now. 
His brothers- he had to push them away for their safety.
There was no one to talk to- there was no mystery love.. nothing-
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“O-oh, hi. Uh- I’m ___. I’m ___’s best friend, I’ve heard good things about you.”
Her voice oddly strikes him as familiar, but he banishes the thought immediately. “Nice to meet you.”, he says, plainly with not even an ounce of interest. He’d come to regret it later.
It isn’t his fault though. No one ever really knows who the love of their life is as soon as they meet them. Life would be no fun if that were the case..
@pinkmousey​ ilysm im sorry asdfgh
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devils-servent · 4 years
“I said use my name when your in danger” “mmm i am though”
I like to call this the “i took a joke to far and I feel bad, so here @elvingleaf i know you like james and im sorry~”
wholesome fluff with James x reader
You woke up warm, feeling your husband's arms around you as you snuggled into his chest, not wanting to greet the day just yet. You secretly hoped James was still sleeping, then neither of you had to leave the safety of bed for a while.
Glancing up from your place in his arms you see his sleepy face, he always looked softer when he was asleep. His seriousness seemed to fade away into nothingness. His breathing was slow and his eyes lay closed and head tilted in such a way that you could bury your face into his neck.
So you did, laying calmly in his embrace you dropped back off into the land of slumber, only awoken by your human...demon pillow moving. 
“Ah sorry love, i didn't mean to wake you” he smiled, his usual smile, although you couldn't see it, you felt the movement of his jaw on the top of your head.
“Mmmm it's kay..” 
He chuckled at your sleepy state and you sat up a little in front of him, opening your eyes to his amber ones gazing back softly not yet shrouded by his glasses. Not that he didn't look good with his glasses but-
You felt a shift in the sheets and soon fell into some pillows with james leaving the bed, “hey wait where.-?”
He ran his hand through his black locks tilting his head to see you in the pillow blanket heep, “i'm making us some breakfast love”
You looked up at him from the heap, stretching your arm out in an attempt to reach him, “no~ come back to bed”
“Haha” he sighed and held your hand, kissing your forehead before walking out of the room, “later, we both need to eat, and we both get a little grumpy when we’re hungry”
And with that he kissed the top of your forehead lovingly and strolled out of the room leaving you alone in the blankets, at least they were still warm, and still smelt like him. 
“you don't get away that easily” you murmured before speaking out your secret weapon.
And in a flash there he was, standing by your bedside looking a little confused before seeing you still in the same spot.
“Love I thought i told you to only use my real name when you're in danger, this is-”
“im in danger,” you finished, reaching for James and getting his leg, pulling him a bit closer to you on the bed before koala hugging his leg.
“Danger of what?”
“Danger of dying of loneliness in my comfy bed~” you spoke smugly, and he rolled his eyes.
“And what if i leave again” he spoke confidently, hand stroking your head as he spoke. 
“I'll call you back”
“What if i keep  leaving” he voiced smugly, clearly thinking you hadn't thought this through.
“I'll call the cops on you...well more specifically sam ya know?”
As those words left you you felt his body press against your back, his warmth returning to you. 
“There 5 more minutes then i'll cook” he buried his head into your shoulder as he spoke giving you a little kiss on the neck.
“Sure sure~”
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seducey-diabolik · 5 years
by Meltingpotlady
New project in the SM rewrite saga: “Just Another Day”: Where it’s Poly and in character and…nice. Sort of a prologue into what will connect with 'Five' in a way that's VERY poly and good. More V-adjacent stuff.
Words: 992, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of V-adjacent Seduce Me AU
Fandoms: Seduce Me (Visual Novel), Seduce Me the Otome - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Sam | Aomaris (Seduce Me), James | Raestrao (Seduce Me), Erik | Uzaeris (Seduce Me), Matthew | Zecaeru (Seduce Me), Damien | Izroul (Seduce Me)
Relationships: All the Boys X Reader, sam x reader, James x Reader, Erik x Reader, Matthew x reader, Damien x Reader
Additional Tags: Self-Insert, Reader-Insert, Polyamory, Pre-Poly, like a long prologue to the actual good stuff, not-quite-spite writing but close enough, for my friends and my guilty pleasure
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znova-is-bi · 3 years
~where they like to kiss you and who kissed the other first~ Seduce Me the Otome
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A/N: This is after yall start dating 
All imagines are gender-neutral unless I say
Who kissed the other first
You did 
Where they like to kiss you
He likes to kiss you on the forehead. He is very tall so it's easy to kiss your forehead.
Erik/ Uzaeris
Who kissed the other first
He did
Where they like to kiss you
He likes to kiss you on the lips and the back of your neck.
Who kissed the other first 
He did
Where they like to kiss you
He likes to kiss you on the back of your neck 
Who kissed the other first
You did 
Where they like to kiss you
He likes to kiss you on the lips. He always asks for consent CONSENT IS KEY.
Who kissed the other first 
You did
Where they like to kiss you
He likes to kiss you on the cheek. He just loves how cute you look when he does it.
Diana/ Ezaeur
Who kissed the other first
She did
Where they like to kiss you
She likes to kiss you on the neck. She loves putting her head on your shoulder so it's easy to kiss your neck.
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znova-is-bi · 3 years
~Top, Bottom, Or Switch~ and ~SLOW AND SENSUAL OR FAST AND ROUGH~
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Top, Bottom, or Switch
slow and sensual or fast and rough
-slow and sensual
-he likes to take he time with you 
-James will take his time with you
Erik/ Uzaeris
Top, Bottom, or Switch
- Switch but mostly Top.
slow and sensual or fast and rough
-fast and rough
-play boy go fast (I'm sorry)
-he likes overstimulation ok
Top, Bottom, or Switch
- Switch
slow and sensual or fast and rough
-sometimes he is fast and rough and other times slow and sensual
-it honestly is what happens at the moment
-he more likes going slow and sensual
Top, Bottom, or Switch
- Switch
slow and sensual or fast and rough
-slow and sensual + fast and rough
-if he's bottoming he wants to go fast and rough
-if he's topping he wants to go slow and sensual
Top, Bottom, or Switch
- Switch but mostly bottom
slow and sensual or fast and rough
-sometimes he is fast and rough and other times slow and sensual
-it honestly is what happens at the moment
-he more likes going slow and sensual
Diana/ Ezaeur
Top, Bottom, or Switch
- Top.
slow and sensual or fast and rough 
-slow and sensual
-she likes to take her time with you 
-Diana will take her time with you
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incubae-fics · 5 years
Selfish Or Unaware [AU!Raestrao]
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Pairing: AU!James x Female!Reader
Warning: Cursing, mentions of dark and or traumatizing things (could be triggering, please read at your own risk, especially if you have not read my brief decription of said AU)
A/N: Reader is based loosely on someone, hurr hurr, I tried to be vague but y’knoww. Also, one or two interactions with one of his brothers is from a previous stand-alone (An AU!Sam one). Can’t link shit bc tungle is dumb. also yayyy for random shiitt
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The life James has led so far was far from a good one. He’s seen things, done things, that no one should have. He’s aware he suffered far less physical abuse than his brothers- in fact, he’s horrifically aware of it. He knows he was the favorite- that he would have been the one to have the throne and rule over everything their bastard father had. He knows, and it haunts him. It haunts him because he shouldn’t feel how he feels. He shouldn’t have yearned so strongly for freedom or.. or for her.
He yearns for things he knows he doesn’t deserve- especially with how he’s acted. He’s aware of how he’s made her feel- how he hurt her and the friend she holds dear. He was cruel and nasty. His words could rival his brute brothers attitude.
Yet he still yearns and wants- he craves, and it’s so odd to him. He’s never truly felt his incubus urges, not unless he was absolutely starving, and even then, it was simply an annoyance. However, this wasn’t an incubus urge this was.. it was just a selfish want- a terrible need. A need that would never die- she captured a part of him he was certain had died the day of his thirteenth birthday. A part that only ever existed because his sweet mother allowed him to indulge in sweet stories. Sweet stories humans would call fairy tales.
It’s the only thing he wishes she’d never done for him.
If she hadn’t, perhaps his entire world wouldn’t have flipped how it had that day.. or at the very least, it wouldn’t have scarred him quite as deep. He hates that it scarred him at all. It was a normal incubus thing- it was supposed to be a gift but..
It still gives him nightmares- everything does. It’s why he hates to sleep.
Every night, cold clammy hands grasp at him in sickening manners- sickly sweet voices whisper uncomfortably close in his ears. They claim to want him, they promise to feed him well. They swear to be perfect brides- swear to give him all he wants. Others he just hears agonized screaming and the cracking of a whip- he’s thankful for the mercy of darkness in those nightmares. He’s seen that sight far too much to be able to bear watching it every single night.
He hears those screams often though, if not agonized at night, they’re angry during the day. Thankfully the cracking whip is long gone- but scars forever remain.
The nightmares are proof of how undeserving he is, though. He stood by and watched while his own brothers were ruthlessly abused and terrorized. Allowed himself to indulge in peaceful and sappy sweet stories while they cried out and bled elsewhere. Allowed himself to be sickened by what should be normal- yet has the audacity to have wanted freedom. As though he deserves it, yet he gained it anyway.
So of course, his newest want was just disgustingly selfish. Horrific simply in thought. As if she’d want such a man? Such a cowardly and selfish prick?
Even Sam, who was caught up with his own insane wants, laughed at the thought.
“You told me I couldn’t get what I want- that it’ll never happen, so what makes you think you’re so damn special? You were the favorite back there, but not here. Fuck off.”
That was the end of it. Sam was right, and he was a fool to even think of telling him. Of course he’d lash out. He’d only told him his own so called ‘love’ was merely infatuation and would never come to fruition. James was projecting, but wasn’t aware until later that night. He refused to admit that he was.. envious. The love Sam felt, the want he had, it could easily be mutual. He could see it- could sense it, and it was damn well deserved. James knew Sam deserved a love after all he’s been through. He deserved a happy life, for the rest of his life and he knew the one he’d found would give him that. It was just a matter of time and proper circumstance.
James, however, wasn’t so lucky. He had a hand in his brothers abuse. Their blood stained his hands. He was of no help- Sam was the only one to offer up proper protection by taking the brunt of everything. James was too fearful of death to do a damn thing. He’d seen what his father had done to his own blood- to sons he had made, so whats to say he wouldn’t do it to James, ten-fold for disobeying? He’d come close but once, and he only ever relived it in bad night terrors once in a blue. It was buried so deep, he couldn’t remember it properly if he tried.
So why would she choose to give him such warmth? To adore him like in the books he’d read? Why would she hold him in a way he’d never craved before now? He wanted her near often- liked to hear her sweet voice when she spoke about things she enjoyed. He loved the joy in her eyes when she saw her favorite color anywhere or in anything. He adored seeing her with her friend- how hard she’d laugh and how bright she’d look.
It was bittersweet only because it hurt. He wasn’t the cause of her happiness. He didn’t bring anything good to her life, she probably only tolerated him now because he mustered up some sorry apology..
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Her laughter rings throughout the kitchen, bubbly and bright. A sound that used to irritate him when he was working in the dining room. Now it was welcomed and something he enjoyed after a long days work. Nothing really uplifted him more, or in such a bittersweet manner.
She was enjoying time with her friend and his childish brother, Matthew. He’s sure he heard them say something about sweets- but then again, he’s certain it’s always about sweets. It seems so fitting with her, the sweetest woman must surely love sweets. He never really pays any mind to what they’re doing or saying, he only captures bits and pieces.
However, when he hears something about some other man, his interest is piqued. Surely, they mean a man in a friendly manner. Or maybe some man from her friends job- something that won’t fatally wound him deep down. James isn’t wrong often, but when he is, it’s almost always at his own expense.
The words come out softly and with a giggle, “I dunno, maybe you should take him up on his offer? He seems sweet and you deserve something like that.”
Deserve something like that..
He loathes how his heart sinks. Absolutely seethes at how he feels envious of a complete stranger. Negative and gut wrenching feelings coursed through him. He hate how strongly he felt over this- how wound up she had him in less than a year. He hated how the very thought of this burned him, he had no right to feel anything. She wasn’t his to love and hold and want. She wasn’t his love to keep near- she wasn’t his anything. He’d ruined all chances.
He ruined one now, as he assured himself that he’d move on. That he’d live through the pain.
He was awfully unaware of how she’d turned the idea down.
Completely oblivious to how she sometimes looked up at him. Couldn’t see the smiles she hid and the looks she kept amazingly subtle. Her feelings were buried deep, only for her own protection. She didn’t really want them, they just came about on their own. If he’d just let her in- let her see, why he was so closed up, he’d gain what he feels he doesn’t deserve. He’d see how he really isn’t to blame. How he did what he had to to keep himself alive and keep his brothers from dying at an early age.
He was abused just as much.
He was not selfish, and she adored him..
He was just unaware..
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theincuhusbands · 3 years
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Summary – Y/N has a close friend who goes to another school so they rarely get to see each other. Luckily for them today is one of those amazing days where they do. However when they meet the boys for the first time it all goes a little wrong...
Warnings – Strong language, injury, comical?
Word Count – 1239
Author's Note:
F/N = 'Friends Name'
There was a mistake when I was uploading this that removed the ask. I still had a screenshot of it luckily. Sorry about that Xxxx
The world was moving UNBEARABLY slow. I couldn't take it any longer! I was perched on top of the couch, sitting over the back of it, staring intently out the window. The window had a clear view of the drive.
I was aware a couple of the boys were behind me. I had heard their footsteps walking in and out behind me. "Highness, this seems rathe-"
I jumped up, getting a better look out the window where I could see the gates opening and a blue car rolling in. I moved so quickly I waver and loose my balance, falling behind the couch. I hear a collective "Y/N!" from the boys as they rush to move the couch and pull me up.
I grab James and Damien's hands and they pull me over the sofa, their faces flooded with concern. Damien sighed "I know you're excited but you have to be careful or you'll hurt yourself..."
How am I supposed to calm down?! My heart his hammering in my chest! I nodded and smiled before running out into the main hall the boy's following in toe. I can hear the car on the pebbles outside pull to a halt.
Suddenly I feel a creep of nervousness jump into my throat. My hand freezes on the doorknob. I turn to look at the boys hesitantly. Matthew laughs a bit "Well? What are you waiting for?!"
I smile and throw the door open to see F/N standing outside the door. F/N had been one of my best friends for years but since they went to another school and we were busy with end of year tests, we hardly found the time to see each other. Their H/C hair had been styled carefully and their outfit perfectly planned to make it look like zero effort was put into it, when in reality a lot of consideration had. Just like mine.
Their E/C eye's widened just for a moment as they met mine. It only took a moment before they threw their arms around my shoulders and hurling themselves into me, almost knocking me clean off my feet. I wrap my arms around their waist hugging them tightly, trying not to let us fall.
We spin around for a second hugging tightly before they leaned back to look at me. "Wow... Y/N. You look amazing! So different from when I last saw you!" I laugh a little nervously. "Good different, or?" They gently shove my shoulder, grinning ear to ear, laughing a bit. "Of course it's good! What changed? "
They looked behind me and froze. They stared dumbfounded at them while the boys looked mildly petrified. F/N looked back at me again, pulling me in closer and whispering "These are the guys?"
I giggled and nodded eagerly. I turned around to face the boys, wrapping my arm around F/N. "F/N. Meet my roommates and friends. James, Erik, Sam, Matthew and Damien". F/N smirked and nudged my ribs "They aren't exactly all just frie-"
Cutting them off I shout "Hey guys! Come say hi!"
The boys don't hesitate to swarm us asking F/N every question under the sun; some about where they're from, others more about me. James is quick to offer his hand to shake which F/N gladly accepts.
Matthew is rattling off questions quicker than I can think, while Damien is clearly skimming through their head.
The ruckus is a nightmare. I intercept grabbing F/N's hand gently and pulling them away a couple inches. "Give her a little bit of space. Will you?" I laugh a little but F/N is smiling brightly and... blushing a little?
I had forgotten how nice it was to just talk to someone with such simple problems. Don't get me wrong your ex-partner stealing your toothbrush is absolutely scandalous but it doesn't have the same energy as 'a succubus hunted me down, almost killed me multiple times to kidnap my friends'...
Just ever so slightly different...
They took a sip of their drink and look around the room before putting it back on the living room coffee table. The boys went to the other side of the house a while ago to give us some space. "So... when are you planning to tell me about him?" 
I feel my cheeks heat up and I grab my mug a little tighter. "I... uh... what?" I laugh nervously, trying to play it off; and failing miserably. "What on earth are you talking about?"
They rase their eyebrows at me and take another sip of their tea, really taking their time.
"You told me a while ago you started seeing someone. If I remember correctly you said he had ginger hair, greyish almost purple ey-"
I stare at them mortified they remembered that. They just laugh, beaming with pride. "What? You thought I'd forget? So... tell me. He's the tall quiet one... isn't he?"
They lean in closer to me, their voice getting quieter as they see it. Mischief seeping through their tone. I put my face in my hands, feeling it almost melt the skin it's so hot. They just laugh. "Well then... I think I'm due my best friend speech! I'll be back."
They stand up quickly dashing out the room. Mortified I know this can't be good. I jump up almost spilling my drink everywhere. I put it down and sprint after them trying to stop them.
I chase them through the halls but they are always just a couple metres ahead of me. They stop every couple of doors trying to look inside but they are REALLY good at doging my attempts to catch them. I reach my hand out trying to grab onto them but I can't get close enough. I feel my chest starting to cave in as my breathing becomes more ragid.
"F/N!" I call out panting.
They just keep running until eventually they come to the door on the bend of the hallway. They stand there speechless and panting, for a minute I think they are about to faint. When I catch up I put a gentle hand on their shoulder, hoping to keep them steady. "F/N?"
I look inside the room and my stomach drops. There. Right there. Is Sam holding up a desk above his head, clearly looking for something underneath it but now... straight at F/N. The sight makes him stumble and he trips backwards the desk falling on top of him.
F/N and I screamed and I ran forward into the room and next to him. He coughed a bit before letting out a strained laugh, looking at me. I grab the biggest book from the shelf next to me and wack it off his arm "YOU DICK!"
He laughs again and I sit back a bit letting out a relieved sigh. I turn to see F/N completely mortified, their hands clapped over their open mouth. They say nothing for a couple seconds. Their face totally blank.
I look at Sam for help but the dickheads sitting with his hands behind his head. He looks like he's going for a fucking nap. A fucking nap.
I look back up at F/N who is staring intently at Sam. "Do... you- uh... need an ambulance?" Sam just shrugs and shakes his head. They pause for a minute before nodding and just turning around and walking back down the hall.
I have a lot of explaining to do...
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theincuhusbands · 4 years
Christmas Decorating - (Sam x Reader)
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Summary - When the boys and Y/N finally get around to decorating for Christmas this year, nothing will stop Y/N and Sam having some Christmas fun!
Warnings - LONG, Kissing, Snow-violence and Cheesy
Word Count - 1818
Erik passed the last box down the ladder to Matthew as I squealed in excitement “That's the last one, right?! We can start now?!” James laughed a little as he climbed down the attic ladder “Yes Miss, we can start now.”
I had been waiting all of December for this! James had been away on business trips and Erik's business had been busier than ever so if we decorated it would have been without them and so we were all waiting until we could do it together. Which now happened to be Christmas eve.
I desperately grabbed the box of tinsel at my feet and hurried down the stairs. I swooned around the main lobby with idea's running around my head about how I could decorate this already gorgeous mansion and make it the most magical, winter wonderland anyone had ever seen. I was determined to make this the best Christmas I ever could. The boy's deserved the most magical first proper Christmas they could dream of, even if they don’t understand the holiday.
Christmas been a favourite holiday of mine, not the day itself, spending a day with my Father and having to pretend to enjoy it sucked, all while he goes on and on at me about school and my studies and most dreaded of all… ‘my future company'.
However, I loved the season. The snow, the going shopping with friends, the drinking hot chocolate by the fire, the decorating and everything else festive about the season but this year was different, this year I had someone special to spend it with.
I looked up the top of the stairs to see Sam leaning with his arms on the banister, holding a box filled with decorations, staring at me smiling. I shout up at him smiling “Don't drop those! Read the box their fragile!” Sam rolls his eyes as he stands up laughing “Can't read Doofus.”
Sam and I weren't official but we've been on a couple “hangouts” which more closely resembled dates and we'd kissed a couple times. It was pretty well known I liked him and I've walked in on my fair share of conversations I wasn't supposed to which included incessant teasing about his feelings. I had never had someone to share Christmas with like this. I mean I've had Naomi and Suzu to celebrate with but this is different. it feels more like celebrating with family than it ever has with the boys.
Matthew ran down the stairs, brushing past Sam and up to me holding three boxes. “Where'd you want these boss?!
I giggle as I point to one of the tables next to the staircase. “Over there. those are decorations for the tree! So, keep them close too here” Matthew nods like he’s on a mission and puts them down on the table. Erik smiles as he brings down a couple more boxes from the landing. “Is that why we bought that tree? To decorate it?” I nod firmly smiling as I start to wrap some red tinsel around the stair’s railings. Damien smiles at me as he passes more tinsel up to me. “From what you think about Christmas it must be the most amazing time ever.”
James clears his throat, bringing all our attention to him. “Alright, I think it would be more productive if we divide and concur.” I clap my hands in excitement as I back down the stairs. James smiles as he picks up a box. “Erik and I will decorate the dinning room and the kitchen, Matthew and Damien can decorate the main hall and Y/N and Sam could do the outside?” I smile brightly. “Yeah sounds great! I’ll go get my jacket.”
The cold winter night was bitter and chilly as I rubbed my hands together. “You cold?” I turned to face Sam who had a small worried smile on his face as I shook my head. “Let’s get started. Ours is going to look the best” Sam gave me a devilish grin. “You bet it Doofus!”
I’m a little bit shocked at first at how quick Sam is decorating until I hit myself and realised, incubi. Duh. I grab some of the Christmas lights and start wrapping them around a window when I realise Sam is preoccupied setting up some plastic reindeer on the drive. I slowly lean down and grab a handful of snow and shape it into a ball. I aim it ever so carefully and throw it with all my might.
I snicker as I turn around back at my lights as I hear Sam turn around in confusion muttering to himself “what in the hel-“ I hear the penny drop. “YOU!” His voice dripped with venom and anger as I burst out laughing and start running away. Sam gives chase as we run around the garden throwing half made snowballs at each other laughing and mucking around.
Sam bends down to make a snowball and I take the chance to jump behind some of James’s gardens, hidden by huge bushes. By the time Sam finishes and stands up he’s lost track of me and I’m perfectly hidden by the bushes. I sneak quietly to where he is looking around for me and calling out for me suspiciously. “Y/N? Y/N?”
I take my moment and lunge out the bushes jumping on him and push him to the ground and into the snow. “Got ya’!” I shout giggling as he bursts out laughing. After a couple moments the laugher stops at, we’re left smiling like idiots, looking into each other’s eyes. I start to blush realising I’m straddling him. I sigh leaning in and resting my forehead on his “Merry Christmas Sam”. He smiles sweetly looking down at my lips for a second before letting his eyes meet mine. “Merry Christmas Doofus”.
I gently lean my hands on his chest as I lean in for a short kiss. His lips are as heavenly as always and an amazing contrast of warmth against the freezing cold snow touching my legs and knees. As we finally pull apart, we laugh a little as we can see our breath in the cold air. “I can’t wait till you see what I got you” Sam said smiling affectionately making my heart skip a beat. “Y-You bought me something?” He gives me an amused smile as he laughs making his body shake and making my stomach tie itself up in knots. “What you didn’t think I’d get you something?” I shook my head smiling slightly “never thought about it”.
I stand up as I brush the snow off me. “Come on, we should get inside, it’s really chilly out here” I offer Sam a hand to pull him up which he takes as we start walking around the house to the front door.
As we walk up the porch I jump as I feel Sam’s hand on my waist as he pulls me into him. I must be redder than the tinsel right now. As we walk inside, my jaw drops. It’s gorgeous. The boys have made this so beautiful. The chandelier is decorated with tinsel and there are stockings hung over the railings along with candy canes and decorations set out all over the main hall. “wow…” I breathed out in amazement. It took me a while to realise all the boys were staring at me, or more specifically the hand that was on my waist. “This is amazing guys” I say as I move away from Sam looking at all the decorations. Erik laughs leaning against the bottom post of the railing. “I get that it’s snowy out there but you two are awfully wet.”
I smirk as I think about the snowball fight and I hear Damien’s laugh fill the room. “They’ve been having some Christmas fun of their own.” Matthew looks at me with an eyebrow quirked however all I do is wink back. I turn around and look into the dinning room when I see the tree we picked out standing up in a stand ready to be decorated. “Yes! This is the best bit” I run and hang my jacket up by the fire before running back to the tree skidding in my socks.
The boys crowd around the tree as we decorate it with tinsel, baubles, crackers and everything else. James smiles at me “You really love this Miss, don’t you?” I chuckle as I reach back into the box for the perfect decoration. “what gave it away?” James smiles charmingly at me “the stars in your eyes” I laugh gently placing the decoration on the tree when something catches the corner of my eye. A blur dashing out the room. “I’ll be back. Two moments”
I follow the burr out the room and up the stairs to my room. “Sam?” When I open the door, Sam turns to face me with a small present in his hands. “Hey… I couldn’t wait” He holds it out to me gently as I walk over and take it. It’s not wrapped very well and the green ribbon is a bit crumpled. It’s not hard to see he had to try and wrap this quite a few times but it’s just perfect.
I softly open the wrapping paper to reveal a flat green velvet box. I turn to Sam confused but he just smiles at me nervously “open it…”. I open it to reveal a brand-new shiny chain bracelet with a beautiful dog tag hanging from it. I gasp in shock and in aww looking at it. He bought me a matching dog tag, maybe some people would be insulted but it’s so cute. I hear him breathe shakely as he bites his lip. “So?” I lunge at him again wrapping my arms around is neck attacking him with hugs. “I love it Sam! Thank you!”
I feel him let out a sigh of relief and I hug him tighter. I eventually pull apart from him as I look down at the box. I open it and gently pull the bracelet out and put it on. It’s so pretty and sweet I could cry. I quickly stand up and lean under my bed pulling out Sam’s present. “This is for you” Sam looks at me cheerfully as he takes it -and not so gracefully- rips the paper off to reveal a framed photo of us two in the summer when we went on holiday to Hawaii. Matthew took the photo and I’m jumped up on Sam’s back as we’re eating ice cream. He looks at it and rubs his thumb over the frame before he looks up at me the hint of tears in his eyes.
He stands up suddenly pulling me into a hug so tight it almost smothers me. “Thank you… Y/N…” I smile into him hugging him tighter and breathing in his sent “anytime…”.
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theincuhusbands · 3 years
To New Beginnings - (James x Reader)
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Summary – When preparing for their mini–New Year’s Party for Y/N and the boys, Sam drinks all the drinks leaving James and Y/N to walk to the store but when she has a huge crush on him, will the new year bring new love?
Warnings – Strong language, kissing, cheesy, alcohol, drunk, long
Word Count – 1646
The kitchen was bustling as Matthew and James hurry to cook snacks for our New Years party! I couldn’t be more excited! I was sitting on top of the island counter -out of the boys’ ways- watching them dash around. I learnt pretty early on living with the boys not to try help them cook, I just get in the way.
Matthew had already made some nachos, some sandwiches and a couple of handmade pizzas and was now cooking some pigs and blankets. James had made some fondue, popcorn, crisps and about every other snack under the sun and was now trying to ice the most delicious cupcakes I’ve ever seen.
“Matthew where did you- the spoon?”
Matthew stuttered as he tried to think. Out of the corner of my eye I spot the spoon. I grab it excitedly. “James! It’s over here!” When James turned to face me, he looked relieved, shooting me a half smile he walks over and takes the spoon. I giggle as I wipe a spot of yellow icing off of James nose. He laughs gently, looking into my eyes and smiling before I look away feeling a deep blush spread over my cheeks.
It was no secret to everyone but James I, that I’ve had a HUGE crush on him ever since the boys started living with me. There was just something about him I couldn't get out my head. He was tall, sophisticated and extremely smart; and in any case, I'm not alone. Apparently loads of women all over the world agree since he was voted the 10th sexiest man.
I'm brought out my chain of thought by Sam stumbling into the kitchen. “WhEreS The ReST oF tHe BeEr?” I watched as he stumbled his way to my side, clutching at the counter. I laughed a little “I thought alcohol doesn't effect demons" I smile at him when he gives me the biggest goofy grin I've ever seen. I lift a hand and ruffle his hair, which spooks him enough to send him crashing to the floor, straight on his ass. “It does when you drink a lot of it” I jump of the counter and start trying to pick Sam up, failing miserably, the lug weighs a metric ton!
James walks around the counter and helps lift Sam up by his arm while I get the other one. James speaks in a much more serious tone while holding his brother up, almost solely on his own. “Yeah. A LOT of alcohol, how much did you have?” We carry him through to the dining room and sit Sam down on a chair at the table. Matthew runs after us with a cup of water.
“All of it...”
James steps back losing his cool and trying to recollect himself. He rubs the side of his temples and pushes his glasses up. “Sam. That was enough to do all of us till the end of January" Matthew looks worried as he turns to James. “Well, we'll need to go get more.”
I stand up and walk to the doorway. “I'll go it's a quick trip to the shop anyways" James shakes his head, walking to the coat rack. “You’re not old enough to buy it. I'll go" I grab my jacket and throw it around my shoulders. “At least let me come then? I could use the walk.”
James turned around to look at me. His eyebrow furrowed slightly but his face quickly softened. “Yeah, come on then Miss”
The outside was air was freezing. We hadn’t had a white Christmas this year but the grass was covered in frost. It crunched under our every step. There were spots of ice on the path making me wish I had worn winter shoes, anything that isn’t the slippery pair of trainers I have on now. I gripped the inside of my jacket pockets trying to warm up as I shiver in the icy-cold air, watching my breath freeze in the air.
I turn slightly to look up at James who’s face is plastered in concern; his eyebrows furrowed and his whiskey-coloured eyes were glazed with worry. I shake my head, and pull my scarf down and away from my mouth. “I’m f-fine. Just cold”
Before I can think I hear James nervously ask “Well if it’s not too forward… I could warm you up Miss?” I stop walking in surprise and James stops just a couple paces ahead of me. He pulls his hand up and rubs the back of his neck and I can see a faint tint of red across his cheeks. He almost looks flustered. I smile and jog up to his side thanking him. He gently puts an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him and I put my arm inside his jacket clinging to his natural body heat and at the same time feeling the toned muscles of his back through his shirt.
Damn James is hot.
It doesn’t take us long to get the beer and carry it back to the house. By the time we get back there’s only 15 minutes ‘till the new year. Sam seemed to have sobered up. A bit. Matthew had finished James’s cupcakes and set all the food out in the living room. We had all decided to play a classic game of truth or dare. I had played it with Matthew, Damien and Sam before and the boys had already taken the liberty to explain the rules to Erik and James.
“AlrIgHt wHo GoEs firSt?”
Sam was sitting on the floor COMPLETELY shitfaced. Erik piped up a hint of mischief in his voice. “Alright Sam, truth or dare” Sam waves his hand. “Dare. I ain’t chicken” Erik sniggers whispering under his breath “we’ll see about that. Do a cartwheel” I sit eagerly in anticipation for this monstrosity. Sam stumbled he way to his feet, downing his cup of water shouting “I’m not chicken!” Before leaning to the side and falling over. There’s a silence before we hear a muttered
“I did it!”
 Damion face palms while Matthew and I throw our hands in the air clapping and cheering. James and Erik just laugh. When I turn away from Sam, I make eye contact with James. I smile slightly at him before I’m interrupted.
“Y/N’s TuRn! Y/N kIsS JaMEs!”
I blush furiously as I feel my face burn. I turn around mortified to see Sam perched on the seat behind me with a stupid smug smile. All the boys are speechless as they stare at him, jaws dropped to the floor.
I look at James who’s face is redder than I’ve ever seen and I can’t tell wither it’s in anger or embarrassment. Sam turns to look at Erik and just mouths ‘I’m helping’
“Sam! How dare you put Y/N in a position like-“
“I’ll do it.”
Everyone turns to face me surprised. I hear Sam cheer before there’s a thud and he falls behind the sofa. “I-It’s a new year’s tradition anyways so it’s no big deal.” I rub my hands together as they get sweatier and sweatier and I try to hide them in my lap. Erik stands up grabbing his glass and taking a sip before saying “alright then. We’ll give you two some privacy” Matthew gets up jumping over his couch and on his way out, when he passed me, he leaned down and whispered in my ear “You’ve got this.” Before leaving.
It takes a while for Damien and Erik to get Sam out of the room. They have to pick him up and practically drag him out.
“Let’s go Sam.”
“NooOOooOoo I wanna watch!”
But eventually they do.
And then it’s James and I.
I check my phone. 23:57. I look up to see James, a blushing mess and a looking quite worried. “You know we don’t have to-“ I feel a sudden surge of confidence flow through my veins, maybe it was excitement? Maybe adrenaline? Maybe the fear I’d built up over months of being too scared to do this? What ever the reason I do something I’m sure I’ll regret later.
I walk forwards towards James standing a couple feet Infront of him. “I already said I wanted to do this. James do YOU want to kiss me tonight?” I bite my lip starting to feel a bit of that confidence shake worrying that he didn’t and he didn’t see me like that. I watch as James gulps looking me up and down for a second before nodding silently. That was all I needed.
“Then come and do it.”
That was enough for James to snap out of being all mannered as he took quick long strides to me. He gently cupped my face with his hands before leaning in and kissing me. The kiss was passionate and needy but filled with love. I moved my hands up to his hair grasping at it trying to pull him closer to me as I feel his hands start to move from my face, down to my back as he pulls me closer and closer as if he can’t get enough of me. I feel his tongue press against my lips asking for permission which I gladly give.
The kiss is everything I dreamed it would be and everything I could have hoped for. Eventually we pull apart when we hear the bangs of fireworks outside and the cheers of the brothers in the other room.
I come off my tip toes and rest my head on his chest, smiling. I feel him softly place his head on top of mines. I can’t help but smile like an idiot when I feel my raw lips. I hear James muffledly say through my hair “Happy New Year Y/N…”
I smile, hugging him tighter.
“To new beginnings.” 
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OMG! It’s finally done! I have been working on this piece for ages. This goes along with my CEO Trouble Series if you haven’t read the chapters I have up. 
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CEO Troubles Series
Chapter 7
Summary: Back in the demon world, James the eldest demon was told to use his mark to find his soulmate, but he soon discovers that his mate is human and wants nothing to do with him. He is also in charge of a large toy company that was previously run by Mr. Anderson the warlock that brought his brothers to freedom. Now 1 year later, James took the position as Mika is now his VP. Will Kayla accept her fate or will she fight?
Chapter summary: Tony finally meets the one who gave him demon powers as he teaches him how to use his new gifts. Back in the Anderson household, Mika, Kayla and the brothers are all confused as to see another mark on her. As they try to figure out what is going on they might be a little bit too late.
Word Count: 1,840
Tony's POV
“Ugh, what the hell happened to me?” I groaned in the quiet room as I slowly stand up from the floor and take in my surroundings.
I see that my living room is destroyed with large black demon markings all over the walls. As I get closer towards these marks, I see that they are burned and smell like rubber. I shudder as I remember how I got here in the first place. I made my way towards the bathroom as I wanted to take some painkillers for my massive headache. I walked into the bathroom as I take a double look at myself in the mirror as I couldn’t believe what I turned into.
I saw that my once white hair turn brown as my eyes have a ginger tint. I look towards my body as I see my apricot pointed horns on my head. I see some dark orange lines all over my body that made their way down to my legs. I look down as I saw hooves. Did I have hooves!? I screamed as the current memories flooded back reminding myself what I have done.  
“I made a deal with a demon to destroy James Anderson. I am a demon-human hybrid with the powers of seduction and rage.”
Again, as I spoke aloud as I heard no response I only saw my reflection. Before I could make another sound It heard like something was burning in the living room. I quickly ran towards the noise to see the burned pentagram glowing along with the demon markings on the wall. I glance around the room to see no active fire, but the room smelt like burned wood. I make my way towards it only to be pushed back towards the wall. There was a loud thud as all of my family pictures fell off creating a crashing sound that echoed around the small room. I saw a large built man in front of me, with black hair, fur and hooves. Before I could cower in fear the creature spoke.
“Earth to stupid. It’s me. The demon you made your deal with. Now, lets get introductions out of the way.”
He cleared his throat before speaking again, “I’m the Demon Lord, the king of hell! I have given you the powers to stop my son, Reastreo, from leaving and coming to this chaos of freedom.”
“You mean James right?” I questioned the lord as he rolled his eyes back, clearly annoyed at my question.
“Yes! That’s his true name! The name that I gave him! They must have ‘human’ names now.” He mumbled the last part as he glared towards me.
“Why did he leave?” I asked again, but I got shot down with an evil glare.
“That’s not part of our deal!” He gave me a cocky grin as he ignored my question, “You wanted to gain the power to win Kayla back and take your rightful place as the new CEO of Anderson Toys.”
I nodded but looked down at my demon form, “How will this, help me?”
“Come with me,” he formed another portal that he walked in backwards. I silently followed as we ended up in a dark alley way behind a seedy nightclub.
I looked down to see my human form with my white hair but my same coloured eyes. I looked puzzled at the demon, but I saw that he wore human clothes that was jeans with boots that showcased his slick black hair and his abs were clearly noticeable that barred his large black lineage marks.
“Sorry, it’s not everyday when I see a demon with abs and no shirt.” I snickered as he caught on that I was starting.
“You fool! Back in the Demon World we are shirtless, baring their lineage colours on their body’s is a sign of power and pride! As I am in the human world for the time being I wear this.” He looked at his outfit, “Now, to explain how this works.”
“You were given the main powers of seduction, rage, and manipulation. These will be your three keys to get what you want most in life. You can seduce any man or women to get them to do anything that they deeply desire. With manipulation you can be able to smooth talk to anyone to get your way. You also get my rage and you are able to collect Kayla’s energy through this mark that I bared to you. You are also stronger, faster, and clever than before as a demon.”
I rolled up my sleeve to see a sliver crown with demon symbols of revenge. It flickered in the light as it looked like a tattoo.
“Just one more thing,” he exclaimed, “If you can’t destroy Reastreo in two weeks your soul and body will be mine. I will bring you back to the demon world for you to pay for fucking me over! Don’t make me wrong, human pig!”
He then disappeared into darkness as I am left alone back in my bedroom.
‘So, I have two weeks to get Kayla, my dream job and to kill James for taking it away from me.’
I walked towards the broken glass as I lifted up a photo of my parents, “Don’t worry, I’ll make you proud of me. No matter the cost.”
I burnt the photo in my hands causing ashes to form. Before it hit the floor I snapped my fingers and the ashes blew into the air. I decided to pay James and Kayla a visit since I wanted to explore my new demon side.  
It’s been a couple of minutes since Mika expelled the old mark we are all looking at the new mark confused; I saw Kayla back away on the couch clearly scared. The silence broke when Mika cleared her throat in the large room.
“James,” Mika started as she looked worried, “Could you lift up your sleeve, to see if you have the same mark?”
I nodded but as I lifted up my jacket sleeve to show my bare arm, I noticed that it was gone. Mika eyes widened as well as mine.
“But, if you’re not the one who marked you.. Who did?”
I could sense that something was wrong. I tried to shake off that feeling as we were trying to figure out what was going on. In the corner of my eye I saw Kayla jump off the couch and screamed in pain as we all turned our heads towards her to see shaking while in front of a mirror while we all gathered around her.  
“What the hell happened! Mika! I have another mark, I thought that you removed the one on James!” her brown eyes were in tears as she growled at the new mark on her soft skin. Mika’s greens eyes cast downward as she didn’t have an explanation as to what was going on.  I slowly approached her as she turned to the mirror in shame. I could feel her shallow breathing as I turned her around to comfort her as she leaned in my chest.
“Can I see the new mark?” I questioned, “James,” she looked at me with a sad smile as she took her right arm. It was almost the same as my mark like before, but it was a sliver crown that was circled around demon symbols of revenge.
I start to think about all of people that could have marked my flower. My mind was blank as I looked around the room to see my brothers and Mika considering who would do such a thing but to no avail. As I held Kayla in my arms I felt like something was burning. She pulls away from me as she grips her marked arm to see the mark glowing and letting off steam. Before I could calm her down we all looked towards the ground to see the familiar pentagram, under Kayla’s feet.
“James?” her voice was scared as she looked towards me. My eyes widen as I scream towards her as she is falling into the darkness.
“Don’t you worry, my flower! I will find you! I will always find you!” My frantic body spring into action as I tried to grab her. My strong hand found hers, but a strong force pulled her down further into the darkness. I wanted to jump inside to save her, but Mika pulled me back with her dainty hands on the back of my shirt. I face here with her green eyes full of worry.
“What the hell!” I start to rage as I can feel my golden markings slowly come onto my body as I was slipping away from the human form, “Why did you pull me back!” I roared.
I see her straighten her stance as she marches towards me. Everyone in the house remained silent as all of the attention in the room was on these two.
“James!” I hear her start as she is able to block out my demon magic, “If you went in that portal than you and Kayla would have been trapped in the darkness! I know you want to save her but at what cost will be enough for you Reastreo!”
As soon as I heard my true name I appeared right before her as all of my anger was gone. I was more relaxed as I remembered that Mika is not my enemy here. She wants to save Kayla just as much as I do. I felt my magic slowly disappear as she touches my arm where the previous mark was.
“See James,” she coos at me, “I am not your enemy here. We are going to bring Kayla back. I have a plan.” I perked up as soon as she said plan.
“Since you have marked her before you can still smell her energy even after I removed your mark. Despite everything that happens you are her soulmate James.” She walks up towards me as she touches my forearm where the mark was, “You were able to sense her in pain before she got the new mark and even now,” she slowly rubs her fingers to see some golden dust, “You knew that she was going to be harmed and yet you were going to risk your life for her.”
I smile down at her as I nodded to answer her statements. I look at my previous mark, knowing that I never meant to hurt Kayla like I did.
“What’s the plan Mika?” My voice becomes dangerous as I clutched my fists so tight my hands appeared to be white.
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