#rafael barba drabble requests
sinsiriuslyemo · 9 months
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Dearest Anon,
I tried to answer this in the original ask box but apparently not only can they not be edited in drafts, they also cannot be edited once posted. This came out more as a drabble than anything else. I hope you like it, and I'm desperately sorry for the long wait.
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He could practically already hear her before he even picked up the phone, and to be perfectly honest, he was beyond not in the mood. Still, Rafael hadn’t spoken to his mother in weeks. Better to answer now and get it over with rather than not answer and run the risk of irritating her even more.
   “¿Rafael, cómo vas a aparecer en un programa sin el pelo peinado?”
   “Mami, what are you talking about?” he asked incredulously. “Do you have any idea how long I spend on my hair? Too much time.”
   “Bueno, Rafa, I don’t know what to tell you porque the angle wasn’t the best, pero parecía como una escoba. The light was behind you though, parecía un ángel.”
   He rolled his eyes at the blatant exaggeration that was quickly followed by a compliment that she regularly employed.
   “If you knew you were going to be on TV, why didn't you dress nicer?” she asked. “You know how many women watch this show?”
   “Mami, I’m a bit busy right now. I promise, I will call you later, but we’re sort of dealing with a crisis at the —”
   “Niño, pero, why do you think I’m calling?!” she asked.
   He let out a silent sigh as his eyes closed. 
   “Rafi. Rafi.”
   “Yes, I’m here, Mami,” he replied.
   “Why didn’t Benson do anything?”
   “Mami,” he said with a little more bite than he meant to use. Taking a breath, he said, “Listen to me, those producers, Jeffrey and Regina Prince, they’re lying. Not just that, they’re setting up their producer to take the fall when they were the ones who tried to cover this whole thing up.”
   “No me diga,” she replied. “Aye la pobrecita Melanie. She seems like a nice girl. Her mother must be so worried.”
   “We’re doing everything we can for Melanie, Mami, I promise.”
   “I know you are, mijo. I’m very proud of you, Rafi,” she replied. “Pero if you’re ever going to be on another reality show again, por favor, make sure that at least your tie is on straight.”
¿Rafael, cómo vas a aparecer en un programa sin el pelo peinado? - Rafael, how are you going to appear on a program without your hair brushed?
pero parecía como una escoba - it looked like a broom
parecía un ángel - you looked like an angel
No me diga - you don’t say
Aye la pobrecita Melanie - Oh poor Melanie
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dannygpino · 3 months
are you interested in writing a bamaro fic? If not, do you have any recs?🥹
Yes, I am!!!! It just depends on the subject and what's going on. Did you wanna request something? 😉
As for recs:
"it's only entrapment if you aren't looking for it" by celli_puzzle, period. This was the first (if not, one of the first) Barmaro fics I ever read and it still gets me every time. It begins with the squad trying to catch a serial rapist and murderer. Nick's undercover. Barba joins him. The characterization, the exposition, the plot. Chef's kiss.
"This is the Way the World Ends" by spacegeography aka @keenestpeach. He wrote it for me years ago and it's fantastic. It's set during Hurricane Sandy and Barba goes to Nick's house cause his apartment was in an evacuation zone. It's slow burn, beautiful, sweet. Very insightful on Barba's end. It's in character as well.
"La Pesadilla" by ceralynn. Short and sweet. Also, painful. Nick has a nightmare about Nicolas. Barba comforts him.
"bloodshot" by starboykeith aka @starboykeith. This was my reintroduction to Barmaro after dropping them for a bit. Nick and Rafael are in the early days of dating. Then, Rafael gets kidnapped. Need I say more?
"this will have to serve" by alwaysbuddy. Also one of the first fics I read. Nick is having a hard time in California. Barba arrives at his door. It's very sweet, well written. Very real for what Nick may have been going through after the events of 16x23. I've been thinking about rereading it for a while and I just might tonight!
Also, I have a fic recs tag with drabbles and ficlets. They are all so good!
Enjoy, anon! 😉🤗
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duchesschameleon · 2 months
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requests are open!! I will happily take drabble requests at this time, please follow these rules as this will help expedite your request :) these drabbles will be (hopefully) under 1,000 words just to set expectations and there will be no smut requests
prompt lists can be found here - feel free to send me a prompt from any of the lists in this tag! just make sure to include the prompt or send me the number & name of the prompt list
please give me some time to complete the request - at least 24 hours
make sure you specify the person/character you want the prompt written for!
at this time I will be taking requests for:
Law & Order: SVU - Nick Amaro, Rafael Barba, Mike Dodds, Olivia Benson, Sonny Carisi, and the ship of Rafael Barba/Olivia Benson
Criminal Minds - Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, and some character ships
Top Gun - pretty much any character and ship from the original and Top Gun: Maverick
Percy Jackson - ships only please, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Jason Grace/Piper McLean, Jason Grace/Nico DiAngelo, Nico DiAngelo/Will Grace, Selena Beauregard/Charles Beckendorf, Grover Underwood/Juniper
Formula 1 Grid - I will write for most of the grid
one last note: if I choose to not fill your request for some reason, I will let you know
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
Can I have a stand off between Barba and his daughter or son. I mean... he's a lawyer and there's no chance a kid won't pick it up. I imagine something like his kid (maybe a toddler) is standing on a chair or on the coffee table and they have a discussion. It could be about the tie his going to wear to his suit or the toddler finding out his getting a baby brother or sister but he / she wanted the other gender.
Rafael is trying to reason with his five year old daughter, who refuses to put on her shoes. She's standing atop the coffee table in the middle of your living room.
"Let's no-geez-ate!" She crosses her arms like he does when he challenges someone in court. He knows she means negotiate.
Clearly, Her chocolate brown hair and green eyes were not the only thing she inherited from him.
Where did you learn that word? He crosses his own arms and gives her a look.
"You, daddy," She giggles. "Come on, no-geez-ate!"
"You don't even know what that means, chiquita," He chuckles.
"It means if you want me to put on my shoes, you give me something," She grins.
"Ay dios." He shakes his head. "So what do you want?"
"Chocolate," She grins again.
"Of course," He rolls his eyes with a smile.
He knows she knows he keeps a stash in his home office, he had caught her rummaging around in it looking for them on more than one occasion.
He goes into his office and returns with three candy kisses.
"You get one for each shoe you put on," He smiles devilishly at her. She jumps off the coffee table and grabs her shoes from him, slipping them on.
After doing so, she holds out her hand for her prize.
Rafael has to proudly smile at his very intelligent five year old while handing her two of the kisses.
"And what's the third one for?" She makes a pouty face and puts both hands on her hips.
"Me, obviously mijita," He chuckles, popping it into his mouth. "For being such a good negotiator,"
"Meh," She rolls her eyes as she starts to walk away. "I've seen better,"
"Oh really?" He scoffs with a laugh. "And who might that be?"
She turns around slowly and just grins widely at him while answering in the sweetest voice: "Mommy,"
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darkcozyforest · 4 years
For Once in Your Life Don’t Argue
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Reader
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Angst, Mention of guns, shootings, rape, blood
Author’s Note: Request by @woakiees Trying to get back into writing and this is my first piece in over a year.
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Everything was going fine and that is exactly what worried you. In the last few years you hadn’t necessarily become cynical but were very skeptical of good days. The weeks where everything seemed to be going perfectly were when you were the most on edge, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. So as you walked toward the courthouse steps to meet your boyfriend for lunch a million thoughts were going through your head about things you may have forgotten or things that could go wrong. The case he was trying had given you no reason to worry but you did as you would with any case, ever since he gave some hitman his home address, trying to be a hero.
As you made your way towards the courtroom, you bumped into Sonny waiting for the elevator. He always seemed so cool and collected in his own awkward way and you envied that about him. Something today was different though, his usually slicked back neat appearance seemed a little more ruffled, hair a mess, tie crooked, and where his demeanor used to rub off on you and helped to wash away the racing of your thoughts, this version of him only made the hair on the back of your neck stand.
Something was wrong.
Almost as if he could hear your thoughts, he turned and straightened as he saw you standing behind him.
“Hey Y/N, what uh-- what’re you doin’ here?”
“Meeting Raf for lunch, I assumed they were getting ready to break like they usually do. Is everything alright?”
“No, yea, everything’s fine, just a snag. But it’s gonna be fine. Barba might be runnin’ a little longer than normal though, the defense has been givin’ him hell.”
“Oh okay well, I’ll just wait with you if that’s alright. Are you heading in?”
“I don’t know if that’s a great idea Y/N, this case…”
“Sonny I’ve sat in on his trials before, it’ll be fine.”
Before he could protest more, you slid quietly in and found a spot in the back row. It was less about watching the trial and more about just being able to lay eyes on Rafael to make sure he was okay. After you had seen Sonny, your heart had begun to race and this helped to ease the rising tension.
He was in full swing when you snuck in, in the middle of what seemed a cross-examination that always was so effortless to him. He did it with such ease it was almost like watching a dance.
“Oh sure I get it boys will be boys and you were just a boy trying to have a little fun, why should that be something to get punished for? She should be honored that you picked her after all? Is that it? She was lucky?”
“Of course she was lucky! Nobody wanted her and I did her a favor!”
There was a pause in the courtroom almost as if a wave of silence pushed it all of the air out of the room.
“You did her a favor..is this what you call a favor Mr. Turner?” He held up a photograph of the victim. “Raping her, beating her within an inch of her life and leaving her for dead behind a dumpster? And when she was found she was rushed to hospital, went into a coma and put on a ventilator, only to die from the injuries she sustained a week later. Is that the favor you were talking about? No further questions.”
He started to walk back to his desk and as he turned he caught sight of you in the back and froze for just a moment before sitting down. He reached for his cell and after a second and sat it on his desk at the same time you felt a buzz in your pocket.
-You need to get out of here
-It’s fine. I’ll just wait here until you’re finished. I like watching you work. ;)
-Don’t argue. Just do it!
-Raf it’s fine. I’ve watched you a million times before.
The judge’s voice made your head snap up. You had no idea what was going on with these boys today, why neither of them wanted you in the courtroom? Rafael had never had an issue before. The feeling you got when you saw Sonny at the elevator started creeping its way back up your spine.
“I think, gentlemen, that we will stop there for lunch. We’ll hear your closing arguments when we return.”
She started out of the room and as the crowd rose you made your way toward your boyfriend. Getting your arms around him was the only thing on your mind. Weaving through the crowd you arrived at the last place you’d laid eyes on him.
“So what was so urgent that you needed me to leave as soon as I — ”
“Hold still. Sir--Sir you need to stop. Sir- I need back up!”
In a flash, the defendant had shoved the court officer to the wall and pulled his gun. Rafael pushed you back before shouting for you to run, but you were frozen. Everything moved in slow motion as the man across the aisle set his sights on Rafael and then shifted to you.
“Y/N, go! Now!”
A tug on the back of your jacket knocked you to the ground and you hit your head on a bench, the breath shooting out of your lungs and vision becoming foggy. You tried to scramble to your feet, to get back to your boyfriend who was no longer in your line of sight but stumbled backwards just as quickly as you had risen. You felt yourself getting ready to pass out just as a scream pierced through the tunnel you felt yourself collapsing into as shots rang out and your eyes frantically tried to search for Rafael.
“Call a bus” was the last thing you heard before you gave way to unconsciousness, hoping, praying to anyone who would listen that it wasn’t meant for him.
The images replayed in your head over and over, the sound of gunshots and the picture of the man you loved, his face twisted in a mixture of anger and fear. Reaching out to him and trying to run but always being one step too far. Tears began a steady stream down your face as you found yourself alone in the hospital room, a dull ache on the side of your head from being slammed against something you didn’t quite remember. If he wasn’t in this room standing next to you then he wasn’t going to be.
The door opened but you buried your face in your hands, you knew something was off and still you didn’t listen and because of that he was gone. He would have run to safety if you hadn’t been there, been more on guard. This was on you.
“He’s dead, isn’t he,” you said unmoving, afraid to look up into the face of whoever they had sent in to deliver the news.
“Well I sure hope not mi amor, otherwise this is one interesting out of body experience.”
Snapping up and looking into those beautiful green eyes you let out one of the loudest sobs and reached for him.
“Rafi, I thought--”
He walked to you, crawling into the bed and pulling you to him, calming your fears. He knew what you thought, it was the same thing he had thought about you when he had seen all the blood after Carisi had shoved you a little too hard out of the way trying to protect you and take down the shooter. He’d have to thank him later for blocking you but chastise his methods. Couldn’t let his ego get too big.
“I’m sorry I didn’t listen.”
“It’s fine. But next time I tell you to leave or a detective tells you it's not a good idea to go, for once in your life, don’t argue. Just do it.
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detective-giggles · 4 years
Another little Barisi drabble for my collection on AO3. The request was for Rafael finding out that Sonny stress-bakes. (Don’t we all?)
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“What’s going on here?” Rafael looked around. Every inch of counter space was full of cookies, cupcakes, or brownies.
Sonny pulled the last pan out of the oven and set it down, setting a timer for two minutes. “I, uh, I was stressed.”
“You were stressed?”
“I bake when I’m stressed.”
Sonny shrugged and explained, “It’s…calming, you know? But everything has to be exact, so it’s a distraction.” He handed Rafael a still-warm cookie.
“This is good,” he murmured as he chewed thoughtfully and raised an eyebrow. “But next time you need a distraction, let me help?”
Taglist: @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @moderateshouting​
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mforpaul · 6 years
♗: One falling asleep with their head in the other’s lap.- With Sonny being the one falling asleep please? and Rafael admiring Sonnys facial features.
Hi Anon, I loved that one. Thank you for that and sorry for the tiny delay.
When Rafael hears the key unlocking the door, he immediately feels relief.
“Sonny”, he calls out just when his boyfriend is coming with heavy steps into the living room. “I thought I’d never see you again.”
“I’m fucked.”
“Did you get any sleep at all?”
Rafael walks towards Sonny to welcome him in an embrace. Sonny folds his tall figure to lie his forehead on Rafael’s shoulder.
Rafael scrunches his nose. Sonny smells like murder.
“I am so fucked, you cannot believe it, Rafi”, Sonny mumbles into his shoulder. “I am so deeply and profoundly fucked. This is how I go.”
Rafael pads Sonny’s shoulders. Lucky for Sonny, Rafael cannot see his face because sometimes he is not sure whether Sonny makes fun of him when he is being this dramatic.
“It was a long shift, just have a shower and then go to bed. You can blow me tomorrow.”
“I can’t sleep now, Rafi. Amanda got me so mad.”
Sonny walks towards the couch, starting to tell the story about how Rollins used to sleep with a man who is now a substantial witness.
Sonny slumps heavily onto the couch and keeps talking.
Rafael thinks he pretty much got the point of the story so he doesn’t listen. It is one o’clock in the night, Sonny had been called off to a case thirty three hours ago. So Rafael decides that getting him to bed is the priority.
Rafael walks to the couch and one after another takes off Sonny’s shoes, his coat, his tie, his shirt, his pants. The goofy smile in Sonny’s face tells him how sweet he finds Rafael’s gestures, but he had actually merely meant to stall time. Unfortunately, Sonny is still rambling on when he sits stripped to his underwear on the couch.
Sonny rubs his tired face and Rafael just takes his chance. He walks into the kitchen to fill a glass half with water and half with Scotch. When he returns to the living room, Sonny is still talking.
“Drink that and sleep, you look like a ghost”, Rafael interrupts him, handing him the glass.
Sonny accepts the glass, but taps with his hand next to him. “I can’t sleep right now. I’m so pissed. I just can’t even…”
With a sigh Rafael sits down next to him. Distorting his face, Sonny dutifully drinks the Scotch that he doesn’t like.
In his rambling, Sonny suddenly lays his head into Rafael’s lap.
Rafael likes the weight in his lap and the warmth that radiates from Sonny’s body.
“I mean, am I not right?”
Rafael sighs. He hadn’t listened, but usually the problems with Rollins are always the same. He fixes his gaze on the television that is not turned on. He had somehow broken actually, but Rafael had managed to keep that fact secret from Sonny for two weeks.
“She had been sexually abused.” Blindly, Rafael stretches his fingers to Sonny head and starts stroking his hair. “She had to testify in open court about it. I think she just doesn’t want her private life get entangled with a case again. Don’t you…”
Rafael looks down when he hears a low snore.
Sonny had fallen asleep.
His plush red lips are slightly parted, just the way Rafael likes them. Inviting him for a deep kiss, not just a peck. But this time they are not wanting, but indeed totally relaxed.
His boyfriend’s whole face is relaxed. Rafael knows that this is rare which is why it makes his heart jump to know that he seems to feel safe enough with him to fully let himself relax in his lap.
Rafael sees light lines on Sonny’s forehead, when he is concentrated there are usually deep furrows of worry. Now they look like they are nestling on the smooth, pale skin.
Around Sonny’s eyes, Rafael discovers the many small laughter lines that he loves so much. He is beautiful when he smiles. No, he is actually beautiful always. When he looks at Rafael with his deep blue eyes or when he is simply asleep, peacefully.
Rafael loves everything about this man. His edgy features, the round chin, the sharp cheekbones and even his big, manly nose. With the back of his index finger Rafael strokes over Sonny’s stubbles. Looking closely, Rafael even finds the ghost of his dimples on his cheeks.
He is absolutely perfect.
Awake and looking at him with those eyes, Rafael cannot deny Sonny anything. But if he is honest with himself, also sleeping like this with his beautiful face resting calmly on his lap, Rafael would do anything for him.
Rafael yawns. It is really late.
He doesn’t want to wake Sonny up, so he cautiously slips out from under him. Sonny basically gives no reaction, he is just that tired.
Rafael somehow hovers him into a comfortable position on the couch and throws a blanket over him.
With one last… five minutes watching him sleep, Rafael finally switches off the light and goes to bed himself.
After he places himself under the comforter, he automatically turns to his right to wrap an arm around Sonny. But he is not there. Rafael sighs. But it would be cruel of him to wake Sonny up to make him come to bed. He is so exhausted.
Rafael stares to the ceiling. The bedsheets are cold.
He takes one last deep breath and gets up.
He walks into the living room and stops in front of the couch.
“Sonny”, Rafael whispers. “Make some space for me.”
Still no reaction.
But the monotone sound of breathing tells Rafael that Sonny is still alive. Just very tired.
Rafael had managed to hover that bunch of limbs around before, he will manage to do it again.
He pushes against Sonny until there is minimal space for him.
So Rafael throws the blanket over himself and snuggles up to Sonny.
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melk917 · 3 years
Melk's 250 Follower Celebration!
Ah! I’ve hit my first fairly-major follower milestone! As such, I wanted to celebrate with a bingo idea that has been on my mind for ages: What’s Your Fantasy.
I love writing smut and so it only seems appropriate to celebrate with a bingo card full of possibilities. 😈
Each bingo square will be a line from this classic piece of work by the sage poet, Ludacris. If you don’t know the song, go take a listen. For your own education and sheer enjoyment.
Rules are laid out in detail below the cut along with the card but the overview:
I will be accepting requests from today until 1/18 for 250-500 word fills. Feel free to send in a request for Rafael Barba, Nevada Ramirez, Jackson Neill, or Paul Mendelson + a square. Each square will get filled only once. I will be posting the fills as my schedule allows starting Feb 1. If you're writing/producing your own content, there's a lot more you can write for, but I will only be doing these four boys.
This is a bingo! So I’d love for other people to do their own fills as well. See below for more details + the card.
Even if you’re not participating, please share! I’d love to see how wide-reaching this can go and what creative things people can do. This is about community, and I want to celebrate that.
NOTE: Nothing about this song or the card itself is SFW so participation is restricted to 18+ ONLY. This is a hard and fast rule. If I discover anyone requesting is under 18, you will be blocked. If you are under 18 and participating, you will be blocked & your media removed from the bingo.
For writing/creating your own work: Pick a single square, a row, four corners, fill the whole card. Up to you. No pressure - this is supposed to be fun!
For requests: send a square + one of the 4 boys marked with MK below.
How to use the squares? You can take them as literally as you want. They’re intended as inspiration, so feel free to use it to just set the tone, or feel free to incorporate the lyric literally. Let the muse lead you how it will. (And even though the bingo card itself is explicit, the fic can be anything from G to E. However you want it, as Luda would say.)
Types of media: you can do mood/storyboards, artwork, long fics, one shots, drabbles, HC... whatever your fancy. Want to do all fics? Great! Want to mix and match? Ok! All moodboards? No problem!
If your story is more than 500 words, you must use a “keep reading”. Anything explicit must also be below a cut.
One square per fic (note: multi-chapters can use more than one square, but it must be one per chapter).
Characters allowed (**can be reader insert or OC or fandom pairing. I will only write reader inserts**):
Rafael Barba (Can request from MK)
Jackson Neill (Can request from MK)
Nevada Ramirez (Can request from MK)
Paul Mendelson (Can request from MK)
Frederick Chilton
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Sonny Carisi
Nick Amaro
Mike Dodds
Rita Calhoun
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Want to write for someone else? Feel free to shoot me a message for requests. No promises, but open to requests.
No RPF/real-person fanfiction. No underage character (incl. reader/OC). No non-con. If you have any questions about something, feel free to shoot me a message. I also reserve the right to refuse any requests or add additional restrictions on a case-by-case basis, should there be an issue that arises.
Posting will be between 2/1 & 2/28 (this goes for both requests I fill and anything you wish to post)
Please tag me in your entries! I want to see the madness you create. Please also use the following hashtag: #melk917fantasybingo.
Any questions let me know. AGAIN HAVE FUN. Bingo card is below
You do not have to participate but a signal boost is always nice!
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treesnutsandleaveswrites Masterlist
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Trainwreck (Rafael Barba x oc): pt i, pt ii
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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier:
Against the Grain Series (Baron Zemo x Reader): pt i, pt ii, pt iii
The Villain (Baron Zemo x Reader)
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The Bad Batch:
Polyam Series (The Bad Batch x Reader), pt i: What Isn’t Noticed, pt ii: Guilt of Prosperity, pt iii: Lodestar, pt iv: Night on the Town, pt v: Skin; pt vi: Stay Close, pt vii: Sarad, pt viii: The Matters of Privacy, pt ix: An Echo from Your Lips, pt x: Trouble, pt xi: Careful, Not Careless, pt xii: Cin Vhetin, pt xiii: Aftermath, pt xiv: Finding Home, pt xv: Familiar yet Strange, pt xvi: Crossing Paths, pt xvii: Rescue Mission, pt xviii: To Be Okay, pt xix: Negotiation, pt xx: Unlikely Friend, pt xxi: Left Behind; pt xxii: What Cannot Change; pt xxiii: Hide Away; pt xxiv: Not This Time; pt xxv: Passing the Time; pt xxvi: Real; pt xxvii: A Surge; pt xxviii: Friend or Foe
Just Go With It (Wrecker x Reader)
Height of it All (Hunter x Reader)
Avoid All Distraction (Crosshair x Reader)
Five Reminders Of Fives (Echo Drabble)
The Clone Wars:
Endless Sky (Captain Rex x Reader): Pt 1, Pt 2
The Mandalorian:
A Big Job (Mando x reader x the Child?)
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Nothing yet!
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Nothing yet!
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Nothing yet!
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Nothing yet!
Requests are open, please look at my guidelines post, and all of my writings are found under the tag: treesnutsandleaves writes
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hey, congratulations on the milestone! you deserve it 🥰🎉 may i please request for a drabble for barba with the prompts "cuddling in bed for longer than usual because it's obvious that they need it" + "pressing small kisses all over their body because they're beautiful" ? and if it's not too much trouble, can reader's character also be a lawyer, or a doctor perhaps? thanks and congratulations again!!! 🥳🎂
12. Cuddling in bed for longer than usual because it's obvious that they need it + 25. Pressing small kisses all over their body because they're beautiful
a/n: I’m still doing these! just not accepting requests anymore. sorry for the delay -- i have some serious family stuff going on right now. 
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When your phone rings, you hear Rafael grumble in your ear. His stomach pressed against you, his face buried in your shoulder, and he mumbles something as you reach for your cell to pick it up.
"Hello?" and its McCoy -- asking you about your progress on the McCullen case, "Yes Jack, I have a negotiation scheduled with opposing counsel on--" and Rafael is groaning, his scruffy face dragging against your skin, “Yes, I’m alone,” you nudge Rafael with your shoulder, but he only tightens his arms around you. 
His lips begin to press kisses to your back, “Yes, I have today off,” and Rafael hums against your skin to almost remind you, his hands tracing your curves. 
“You want me to come in, today?” and you feel Rafael frown, “right now?” 
But Rafael is shaking his head, lighting a trail with his lips, brushing against the curve of your shoulder, and you bite you lip, holding back a shiver, “Is it really necessary?” 
You feel Rafael murmur a ‘no’ against your skin, and you almost laugh, “I don’t think I can, Jack,” you sigh, as Rafael hums against your skin, “I have a prior engagement,” 
“You have a personal life?” Rafael hears Jack’s voice this time, and snorts. You elbow him, as Jack bids you goodbye, “congrats, counselor -- I’ll have Nawak come instead.” 
The phone clicks off, and Rafael tugs you closer, as you squirm, laughing as his bristly face tickles you, “What was that laugh earlier?” 
“What laugh?” he asks innocently, and you roll your eyes.
“you’re gonna have to do better than that, Barba,” and he only smiles. 
“I was too busy thinking how beautiful you were -- you’re going to have to be more specific,” and he presses a kiss to your pulse, “or I can keep doing this instead.” 
He continues to kiss you, until you relent, settling back into him, a small chuckle rumbling against you, “You make a good argument, counselor,” 
And he laughs this time, the rich noise making your heart squeeze as he tilts your head, leaning close as his breath warms your lips, “Only the best.” 
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locke-writes · 3 years
To-Do List
All requests received will be placed here under the category they fall in. This is not indicative of the order they will be written/posted. Requests will be crossed out once written and deleted from this list once posted.
Fics (including Prompts & Song Fics)
Into the Spiderverse - Peter B Parker - Fic where Peter is set up on a blind date and has to deal with falling in love all over again
Mad Max: Fury Road - Max Rockatansky - Song Fic with Rise by Glitch Mob
Inception - Eames - Fic where Eames goes after the reader in limbo when a job or trial run goes run
Marvel - Steve Rogers - Fic where trans!reader is touch starved and gravitates towards Steve but feels insecure about being needy and distances themselves. Eventual mutual confession.
Stranger Things - Steve Harrington - Prompts: “You can’t keep it bottled up forever”, “It’s okay to cry you know”, and “You’re safe, I promise”
View Askew/Clerks - Randal Graves - Drabble using the prompt “I think I could use that hug right now”
Gif Imagines
Character Letters
Clerks/View Askew - Jay - HCs for dating Jay (Currently Writing)
Clerks/View Askew - Randal Graves - HCs for dating Randal
Mallrats/View Askew - Brodie Bruce - HCs for domestic/romantic intimacy (non-NSFW) with Brodie (ie. hand-holding, etc.)
Booksmart - Amy Antsler - HCs for dating Amy
Character Playlists
Character Aesthetics
X-Men - Charles Xavier (AOS Trilogy) - Fic where Charles and his wife are exploring a haunted house
Fright Night - Jerry Dandridge - Fic with Jerry and a vampire hunter!reader
Entered Writing Challenges
Own Ideas
Arthur Shelby x Reader Fic - Writing. Section 4 of 6
Law & Order SVU Series. Mike Dodds x Trans!Male OC (rewrite of previous series) - Currently Outlining
Nick Amaro x Reader (male!reader) - Song Fic: St. Bernard - Lincoln
Arthur Curry x Reader - Magic AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine having to team up with Arthur to fight an ancient evil. The only problem is the two of you come from rival kingdoms and fight each other on every decision
Frederick Chilton x Reader - Bodyguard AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being hired as Chilton’s personal bodyguard after the Gideon incident
Scott Lang x Reader - Coffee Shop AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being a hacker and working with Scott while he bounced from job to job after getting out of jail
Freddy Newandyke x Reader - FBI AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being Freddy’s FBI partner
Wade Felton x Reader - Professor AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being the new professor on staff and Wade being like a mentor to you
Arthur Shelby x Reader - Soulmate AU - Fic adaption of aesthetic - Imagine being Arthur’s soulmate
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt x Mildred Gunning - The story of their relationship from how it began all through their lives to episode 7 - Currently Outlining
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt x Gunning Family - Alternate take on Ep 7 if Sarah had taken the sacrament and fully understood who John was after - Currently Outlining
Midnight Mass - John Pruitt - Mildred Gunning had twins rather than just Sarah. John’s son is an alter boy at one point. An exploration of a father-son relationship that is seen as such by one party. - Currently Outlining
Prodigal Son series rewrite. Eventual Malcolm Bright x OC. - Currently Outlining
Criminal Minds - Aaron Hotchner x OC - Currently Outlining
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike x OC - Series Re-Write - Currently Outlining
Law & Order SVU - Rafael Barba x Reader - Ex Spouses to Lovers (Reconnecting and rekindling a romance) - Currently Outlining
Baby Driver - Buddy x Reader (Platonic) - Part 4 to the Twitch Series (dealing with hallucinations)
Daredevil - Frank Castle x Reader - Clusterhug by IDKhow
Daredevil - Frank Castle x Reader - In Our Bedroom After the War by Stars
Stranger Things - Eddie Munson x Reader - Wednesday Morning, 3am by Simon and Garfunkel
Ted Lasso - Trent Crimm x Ted Lasso - A fic where Ted realizes that Trent’s ‘love our chats’ is basically his version of the Princess Bride ‘as you wish’
Law and Order SVU - Sonny Carisi x Male!Reader (or OC - undecided) - A look into the navigation of the relationship from first meeting throughout parenthood (potentially series or one fic with varying vignettes)
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duchesschameleon · 4 years
Could I request a drabble for Barba, something about him being a different person at home with his girlfriend, more relaxed. Thank you
absolutely you can!!
the moment rafael barba gets home from work he starts shedding his suit. the tie, suspenders, pants, all of it comes off and is traded for a pair of jeans or sweatpants and a comfy sweater. in the summer, he prefers athletic shorts and t-shirts to battle the heat but no matter the season nor the day, he always changes first thing when he gets home.
well, first thing after he kisses you hello. you almost always beat him home and are settled on the couch reading a book or watching tv, sometimes in the kitchen working on dinner the nights you cook. no matter where in the apartment you are, he finds you and wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss.
“hello hermosa,” he whispers against your lips with a smile. and then he pecks your lips once more before going to the bedroom to change and hang up his suit.
when he comes back out into the living room, he’s softer and lighter. you see the weight of the day, of his job, lift from his shoulders. his smiles are wider and his eyes crinkle at the corner, just the way you love. he joins you on the couch and snuggles in next to you, an arm around your shoulder and legs tangled with yours.
it’s a routine, has been since you first moved in together. a quiet way for him to wind down and shed the day away, but it also reminds him that you are here. he has you, this solace and bright spot in a sometimes very bleak world. And rafael always makes sure you know how much he appreciates you. he presses a kiss to the side of your head and whispers, “thank you for being you.”
request rules here!
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altsvu · 4 years
Law and Order SVU Masterlist
Tumblr media
(will be updated regularly!)
✨- denotes smut
total completed works: 26
✰ fitting in (sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ three way phone - part 1 | part 2✨- coming soon! (sonny carisi x peter stone x detective!fem!reader)
✰ unusual reunion (candy hearts bingo - sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ sneaky on the 8th floor (love you, love you not bingo - sonny carisi x female reader) ✨
✰ returning the favor (love you, love you not bingo - peter stone x female reader) ✨
✰ pre-motion shenanigans (love you, love you not bingo - sonny carisi x female reader) ✨
✰ new beginnings (request - peter stone x female reader)
✰ wet dream (request - sonny carisi x ada!female!reader) ✨
✰ strapped up - coming soon! (casey novak x black!detective!fem!reader) ✨
✰ more than just my intern (sonny carisi x fem!reader)
✰ wanted him back (request - nick amaro x fem!reader)
✰ long lost (peter stone x black!fem!reader) ✨
✰ you saved me - coming soon! (request - amanda rollins x black!teen!reader)
✰ fainting spells - coming soon! (request - sonny carisi x black!fem!detective!reader)
✰ massage envy - coming soon! (sonny carisi x black!fem!reader) ✨
✰ top secret - (peter stone x fem!reader)
✰ surprise, let’s be valentines (love you, love you not bingo - rafael barba x gender neutral reader)
✰ fantasies (rafael barba x female reader) ✨
✰ truth or dare (100 celebration - sonny carisi x gender neutral reader)
✰ we’re not dating! (100 celebration - sonny carisi x female reader)
✰ dress shopping (100 celebration - nick amaro x female reader)
✰ tattoo ridden (200 celebration - rafael barba x fem!reader) ✨
✰ secretly in love (request - rita calhoun x gn!reader)
✰ talk through it (request - sonny carisi x fem!reader) ✨
✰ too fast… or not fast enough (request - sonny carisi x fem!reader) ✨
✰ mea culpa - (peter stone x fem!detective!reader)
✰ one true love (request - rafael barba x gn!reader)
✰ gala ready (wsvu week - cabenson)
✰ a little excerpt (sonny carisi x oc)
✰ 5 minute drabble (rafael barba x gn!reader)
181 notes · View notes
uncpanda · 3 years
29 and 30 definitely with barba. have you seen those arms? 🥵
Fluffy, happy, casual barba? Sign me up!!!! 
Drabble Requests are closed, I’m just finishing up what’s in my inbox ;)
Rafael Barba x fem!reader
Prompt 29: tickling the other one
Prompt 30: grabbing onto their arm
Rafael Barba x fem!reader 
Counselor Barba and Rafael are two very different people. You’ve known this since you met him at Harvard. 
The lawyer is always spick and span, with his hair perfectly styled. He’s ready with his quick with and prickly remark. And he seeks justice endlessly. 
Rafael, your Rafael, is very different. He wears jeans and walks around the apartment barefoot, and allows a bit of stubble to cover his face. He tucks the kids into bed, and reads to them in Spanish. He also wears these tee-shirts that show off his arms. You’re fairly certain that’s how you ended up with your child on the way. Overall he’s amazing. 
You watch from the couch, as your two boys come streaming into the room giggling at the top of their lungs. Their little legs carry them across the floor as Rafa comes tearing in after them, laughing deep in his throat.
He reaches out and scoops them up with both arms and starts tickling them, just as their sister launches a sneak attack from behind the couch and flings herself at Rafa. She clings to his arm, and he quickly adjusts so that they all fall safely  on the couch.
“Careful, watch out for Mommy and the baby.” He gives a pointed look at your ever growing belly before the kids scamper off and back towards their rooms, most likely to make a larger toy mess. 
He grins up at you, his hair all disheveled, “How in the world are we going to handle four of them? 
You allow your body to fall sideways, and his arm wraps around you so that his hand settles on your bump, “You have the strongest arms in the world Rafael Barba, the most loving ones too. We’ll be perfectly fine.” 
He snorts, “The damn tee-shirts are what got us number four.” 
You just laugh as he starts peppering your face with kisses. 
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mforpaul · 6 years
"One character adjusting the other's jewelry/necktie/etc" that was made for barisi
Hello anon, thanks so much for the request. Sorry for the little delay. I agree this one was made for Barisi. This is why Barba is not adjusting Sonny’s tie.
“You’re a mess”, Rafael tells Sonny.
“You are not helping, Rafi.” Sonny sends him a withering look through the mirror, but soon he looks back to his reflection trying to get the tie of his uniform in perfect shape. He hadn’t even closed the buttons of his shirt.
“Sorry, I just still don’t get why you are nervous. It’s your promotion.”
“Because not everyday a queer detective becomes sergeant.”
Rafael leans against the doorframe of their bedroom and observes the misery that is his partner fumbling his tie clumsily. 
Sonny had moved into his apartment merely three months after they had started dating. This is now more than three years ago. Until today Rafael cannot explain how easy it had been for him to let someone so close. Actually, he had been convinced that he would just spend his life alone. Until Sonny.
While they couldn’t be any happier privately, disclosing had been even harder than Rafael had thought it would be. And defense attorneys continously mentioning him sleeping with a younger NYPD detectives was nothing compared to Sonny who from then on was constantly overlooked with promotions, who from then on feared if he would even get back up from his fellow officers if he needed it.
Rafael remembers when Sonny had finally admitted that particular fear to him. He was about to go off to an undercover mission in a gay bar and had told him with a shaking voice how the back up team had made homophobic jokes.
Rafael remembers that he had been barely able to breathe that night.
“Why do you do that then?”, he had asked him desperately.
“I’m a cop, this is what I do”, Sonny had answer with no less desperation.
Rafael had looked at him, had soaked in the beauty of the man he loves so much and with tears fearing to reach his eyes, he had understood. 
“Why are you with me then?”
Sonny had looked at him surprised. “I love you.”
“And I love you”, Rafael had answered and already contemplated how he would need to end things with him on the spot. The rumors about all the advantages Sonny allegedly received for being the ADA’s boytoy were already endangering his prospect career enough, there had been no way Rafael would allow him to bring himself in actual life threatening danger. He loves him too much for that. And maybe Sonny in all his kindness wouldn’t be able to see what is good for him. 
“And even though I’m scared, I was never happier”, Sonny had continued. “I don’t want to be anything else than a cop. And especially, I don’t want to be without you. Rafi”, Sonny had huffed. “I know you don’t like it when I am so sappy but I have never in my entire life felt so strong about anything ever before. I think without you, this, everything, would all become meaningless.” Then Sonny had smiled. “Besides, should I quit just because it’s hard? What would you think of me?”
And Rafael had never told him how he had been one second away of breaking up.
Now, Rafael thinks about the last three years where Sonny had been active in several queer cop groups and had devotedly advocated for their rights, following the path that god had obviously chosen for him.
These three years had basically been full of disappointments.
Sonny had not once given up.
And now he is finally promoted to sergeant. 
Looking at his nervous ball of energy of a partner with an open shirt and a mess of a tie knot, Rafael couldn’t be prouder.
Finally, Sonny throws the tie away in some corner.
“Rafi, why don’t you help me?”
“You got this.”
Rafael walks over to the chest of drawers. He opens the first drawer and opens the box with his cufflinks. Nearly in awe, he takes out a certain golden neclace with a cross on it.
He walks over to his partner who still stands in front of the mirror looking anxiously at his reflection.
“Come here”, Rafael whispers.
Sonny turns around, apparently expecting to be kissed. All the more startled he looks when Rafael puts the cross around his neck.
“Abuelita bought me this for my christening.”
Rafael hooks up the neclace.
“My mother got angry at her. They could barely afford paying the electric bill and she bought a golden cross for an infant.”
Rafael turns the fine golden chain around so that the clasp is at the back of Sonny’s neck.
“But Abuelita said ‘He is smart, he is brave. He will do great things, he will need it.’“
Rafael takes a step back to look at the cross around Sonny’s neck. 
“But as I said, I was a two week old baby and my mother had needed a c-section.”
The gold gently nestles against the white cotton of his undershirt.
“I stopped wearing it in my early twenties when I came out.”
Rafael tuggs the cross underneath Sonny’s shirt.
“Abuelita would have loved you.”
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thatesqcrush · 4 years
It’s SunSinDay! 🔥
Drop me some filthy HCs/drabble requests for the following:
Rafael Barba
Nevada Ramirez
Bryan Kneef
Kevin Mulrooney
Jonas Nightengale
The ladies of SVU
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