#rafaelbarba x reader
thatesqcrush · 3 years
12 Steps to Love: Restoration
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Rafael Barba x Reader. WC: 1.6K, CW: None
AN: For @storiesofsvu’s holiday bingo - holiday party square
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Rafael was early to the Tuesday meeting. Weeks of attendance had shown that it was good and supportive. Bonus, you were there.
You were attractive to him. Your hair, your eyes, the curve of your hips. That first night he saw you at the meeting, his mind immediately began to wonder what you were like outside of meetings. He had learned about you to an extent via your shares. But he longed for more. When he held your hand during the Serenity Prayer at the last meeting, he could have sworn there was something about it that felt right.
Rafael wanted to gather the courage to ask you out but he was unsure. He didn’t want to overstep bounds and you were newer to the program than he was. Relationships that were born from the program tended to become emotionally intimate quickly.
As he waited, he perused the bulletin board that hung outside. There were flyers for other meetings - some for alcoholics and some for other addictions. Some flyers were for guitar lessons or looking for sober roommates. Rafael looked at his watch - he felt anxious. He paced a bit when the sound of the door ripening, caused him to still.
It was you.
You smiled brightly at Rafael. “Hey, good to see you.” Your heart quickened at the sight of him in his bespoke suit. Lust punched through you and you wanted nothing more to grab him by his tie and do unspeakable things. Of course it wasn’t just physical attraction for you - Rafael was kind, intelligent and had a dry wit that you appreciated.
The two of you just stared at each other before you shook the cobwebs from your mind and struck up a conversation.
“Our holiday party is next week.” You thrusted a flier at Rafael and as he took it from you, you let your eyes linger on his fingers. You swallowed hard, your mouth suddenly dry. “You should come. It’ll be fun.”
Rafael nodded, as he reached around to scratch the back of his neck. “I don’t know - I am not the party type.”
Rafael didn’t miss the look of disappointment that flashed quickly. He cleared his throat. “I guess I could stop by.”
You lit up at the response. “Great! It’s a lot of fun. I think you’ll have a good time.”
The holiday party at the was nowhere near the parties of years past that Rafael was used to. Hanging off the ceiling were paper white snowflakes and sparkly red and green tinsel garland covered the yellow walls. Silver and gold poinsettias flanked the end corners of the tables. Balloon Christmas trees adorned the room. A menorah and a kinara for good measure as well. Holiday music filled the room as people chatted and laughed. But it was much more mellow and less rambunctious. ‘At least it’s guaranteed I won’t be puking in the punch bowl.’ Rafael thought.
Rafael removed his gray peacoat, revealing dark jeans and a fitted burgundy sweater. He scratched his beard as he scanned the room. In one corner was Gerald, the wise old coot, chatting up CeCe, the once wealthy socialite who had been cast out of her family as the black sheep after one too many binges. Then there was William, a slender man, about Rafael’s age who still taught at NYU - attending a meeting uptown meant no one - students or colleagues - knew of his prior vodka bottle a day habit.
Rafael was able to spot you by the dessert table, talking to another member, while you ladled some kind of punch in a red solo cup. You wore a black sweater with a bejeweled neckline and dark denim,giving you a look of holiday spirit. Your hair was pulled off your face and your makeup was muted.
You turned and spotted Rafael from across the way. You gave him a smile and waved him over. You resumed speaking to the other member and as he grew closer, his ears perked as he started to pick up the conversation you were having as he made his way over.
“There's only nine more days till Christmas, and I'm starting to lose hope. I mean, how is it this package has no one to unwrap it on Christmas morning? The holidays are rough enough without drinking.”
“At this point, I'd let anyone stuff my turkey... put it in the oven and finish decorating.”
You let out a laugh, before letting out a sigh as you place your hands on your hips. “I haven't had a boyfriend since… just a little sex right now would be great. Maybe... cuddle me by the fire at his lake house, tell me I'm special, while he slowly undresses me.”
Rafael locked eyes with the other member - Monica something and raised his brows. Monica smacked your arm and pointed in Rafael’s direction. Monica winked at you before taking off in the opposite direction.
You turned around. “Rafael! Glad you made it.”
“Same. You look really, really lovely.”
You felt your cheeks burn. “Thank you. Um, care for something to drink?” You pointed to the punch bowl.
Rafael looked over - there were two: one with what he assumed to be eggnog and the other was red with orange slices and cinnamon sticks. “Which do you recommend?”
You scrunched your nose. “Neither, but the cranberry you can cut with sprite and it becomes somewhat tolerable.”
Rafael laughed and got himself a drink. The two of you made way to two chairs and sat down. The hours ticked by and conversation flowed easily between the two of you, especially as you exchanged stories about past inebriation.
You’re laughing really hard as you struggle to tell a story from Christmas prior. “So, I go to buy a few last minute presents and it turns out that the toy store is across the street from a bar — you know, all the parents who can’t deal with their kids end up there. And so, after waiting in line for hours for this Magic Mixies toy for my niece and then not getting it, I go to the bar for a drink - or ten. And then I get into it with some dad of the year who was bragging how he managed to get two of those damn toys and was going to flip it for twice the price.”
“So what happens next?” Rafael asked. You realized he’s leaning in and you find yourself lost in his eyes momentarily.
“Um… I end up breaking my fist and on the six o’clock news. But the dad has a broken nose and I ended up with the toy for free!”
Rafael’s eyes widened. “Wait - I think I read about that in the paper the next day!”
You laughed again. “Sometimes I get looks from people on the street and you can tell they are trying to figure out where they know me from.”
You looked around, noting how the party was starting to dwindle.
Rafael glanced around as well and then at his watch. “Um, do you think… maybe perhaps…”
You raised an eyebrow, noting how he looked suddenly awkward. "Yes?"
"Perhaps you could tell me the whole story of your moment of notoriety?" He smiled and you were drawn to those earnest green eyes, the way they crinkled at the corners.
"There's not much more to tell," you shrugged. "I think you'd be bored."
"Perhaps I like being bored," he returned, and you noted his frown. "I mean, it wouldn't be,” he quickly clarified. “We could have coffee…"
"To keep you awake?" Your eyes danced, as you understood what he was trying to do. Teasing him was tempting. But it seemed like his response to that might go either way, so you just smiled.
"No, I'm sure you'd keep me awake." Rafael blushed, eyes widening, as he realized how that sounded, but he added a cheeky grin.
“Are you flirting with me?” You asked as you stood, meeting his gaze. You slipped your coat on and Rafael followed.
As the two of you began to head out, Rafael responded.
“You couldn't tell? Well, um, what I'm trying to say is, uh, if you happen to be free tomorrow, although it is midnight, so tomorrow is now, so uh, today.”
You came to a stop at the door and turned to Rafael. His eyes searched yours and he waited for your response with baited breath. You pointed upwards and Rafael followed, looking up himself. Someone had hung up fake mistletoe on the casing. Your eyes met once more. Feeling emboldened, you placed your hands on his chest, enjoying the solid feel beneath the soft sweater. You leaned upwards and pressed your lips against his ever so briefly. His lips were warm and soft, and his beard tickled your skin ever so slightly..
“Dinner is perfect. I'd really that.” You murmured against his lips. You felt his body sag slightly, perhaps with relief. “I’ll give you my number.”
“I’ve wanted to do that since my first meeting here.” Rafael confessed.
You nodded, feeling warm and dizzy from the kiss and scent of his cologne which wrapped around you. You curled your fingers into his beard, and pulled him in for another kiss. Rafael deepened the kiss and you moaned into his mouth. His strong arms closed around your back and pulled you tightly against him. The kiss seemed to go on for eternity, but it was only mere moments, when you pulled away.
“I know exactly what you mean.”
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@mgarner1227 @madpanda75 @teamsladsandgents @storiesofsvu @beccabarba @itsjustmyfantasyroom @adarafaelbarba @witches-unruly-heart @sass-and-suspenders @neely1177 @dreamlover31 @dreila03 @prurientpuddlejumper @detective-giggles @mommakat32 @greeneyedblondie44 @bananas-pajamas @pieceofshittytitty @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @alwaysachorusgirl @bisexual-dreamer02 @blueberryt @i-justreally-like-cats-okay @law-nerd105 @qvid-pro-qvo @averyhotchner @its-just-me-chey @amelia-song-pond @tintinxtintin @chasingeverybreakingwave @jazzyjoi @rachelxwarren @garturbo @rampantmuses @whatisthislife28 @ottosuricato @berniesilvas @whoamelinda @emandems10 @youreverycolor
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mcbenson25 · 3 years
One Night Destiny (Fin)
Request: "Can you do a fin x reader where the reader works with the svu and finds out she's pregnant from a one night stand with fin (I'm sorry if it's weird or too much, if you want you can just do a simpler fin reader)"
Part 1 Part 2
Ugh. Getting drunk is a bad idea.
A raging headache greeted you as you awoke in unfamiliar surroundings. As you sat up trying to figure out where you were at you heard a deep snore that made you flinch.
There was someone next to you.
It wasn't just anyone though.
Oh no.
It was your coworker Fin.
You internally panicked as you tried to get out of bed without disturbing the figure next to you. You went to find your belongings and found they were scattered all around the apartment. You ran your hand through your hair.
You really messed up this time.
You found your phone on the sofa and saw it was 7:45 am.
You had 15 minutes to get to work.
You tiptoed out of Fin's apartment making sure you had all of your things before running out of the building to the station.
As you ran, the memories of last night flooded your mind.
It was loud. Large warm hands roaming down your body. One thing led to another.
When you arrived at the station Carisi was grinning at your appearance.
"Looks like someone had a good night," he said smiling.
You felt the extreme need to punch your best friend's grin off his face.
"Carisi shut up and cover me I have to change"
He said dramatically. "Why do I always have to cover you?"
"Because you're my best friend"
He chuckled. "Fine but if Liv finds out about this you'll never hear the end of it"
You forced a laugh. "Forget Liv. Its gonna be real awkward being with Fin now"
He flashed a grin at you before leaving to tell Liv you were having "lady issues" in the bathroom.
As you changed and got somewhat presentable you thought about last night.
You were embarrassed that you had gotten that drunk. He was your coworker for crying out loud. How stupid of an idea had crossed your mind.
You shook your head.
You were gonna let him know it was a mistake. You were drunk and weren't thinking straight. That would eliminate any and all awkwardness and regret he probably had.
You gave yourself one more look in the mirror before going out where the rest of the squad was. You spotted Fin near your desk.
You walked over trying to calm the nerves going on in your stomach.
He looked up at you. "Hey"
You started fiddling with a nearby pen as you struggled to find the words you wanted to say.
"So about last night," he said interrupting your thoughts.
To the point. Of course, this is probably more embarrassing to him than to me.
"Yeah. Um. Honestly don't even worry about it we were super drunk. We're both mature adults and it was just a moment that won't happen again."
You glanced at him. He looked at you understandingly and you noticed a spark of something flash through his eyes.
You mentally shook your head. Of course not. Why would he be upset? It was just a drunk moment.
"Yeah okay sure," he said before walking away.
Instead of feeling better, you felt worse. The interaction had been more than awkward. This was the exact opposite you were hoping for.
"It'll get better," you thought to yourself. "It was just a one night stand it didn't mean anything" ------------------------------ *One month later*
"Fin what is that smell?" You asked your partner in disgust.
"Um, it's my burrito?" He said as he took a bite from it.
You gagged. It smelled terrible.
He looked at you questionably.
"You good?"
"Yeah I think I just have a stomach bug"
It had been a month since that night. There had been an awkward phase at the beginning where Fin seemed to avoid you but then you both got back into your work dynamic. For the last couple of days, it seemed as if everything had gone back to normal except of course for your current stomach bug.
You were both having lunch before court. Well, Fin was. You felt too sick to eat anything.
Your phone ringed.
"Court is starting in 15"- SunBun (Carisi)
"We got to get back. I'm the first person Barba wants to put on the stand and Carisi said they are starting in 15" you said.
Fin took a huge bite of his burrito which made you want to hurl but you held it in.
"Okay well I'm gonna stop by the bathroom so go on without me"
As you walked into the courthouse you felt lightheaded and dizzy. You spotted Carisi talking to Barba and walked over to them.
Carisi spotted you and looked concerned.
"Doll you okay? You don't look too good"
You waved him off. "I'm fine just a stomach bug"
Carisi didn't seem too convinced and Barba wasn't having it.
"Y/N you look like your going to pass out. I'm not putting you on the stand like that" he said.
"I'm fine" you reassured them but the world seemed to be spinning.
You felt yourself sway as you grabbed onto Carisi's arm.
It was the last thing you heard before everything went dark. ------------------------- You woke up to the sound of monitors and lights chatter.
You were in a hospital.
You groaned and cursed your weak stomach.
Right then Carisi walked in with an unreadable expression.
"Hey," you said tiredly.
He looked nervous. "Hey"
Something was up.
"Am I gonna die?" You said worriedly.
He let out a light laugh. "No, you're not"
He looked at you uneasily.
"Okay, then what's wro-"
"You're pregnant"
Your mouth went open. "What?"
No. This was bad. You couldn't be pregnant.
Carisi nodded sheepishly.
Your hand went to your stomach in shock.
"Oh my God."
At that moment the last person you wanted to see burst through the door.
"You're awake!" Fin said. He looked worried and concerned.
Carisi looked at you waiting for direction.
"Carisi can you leave us?"
He nodded as he gave you a quick hug before leaving.
"Barba and Carisi told me what happened at the courthouse," he said.
You looked at him for the longest time trying to figure out how to break the news.
"I should have seen you weren't well" he continued.
"I'm pregnant" you blurted.
There was a second of silence but to you, it seemed like an eternity.
"Is it-"
Fin was in shock. He looked at your face and then your stomach and then your face again.
"Are you gonna keep it?" He asked quietly.
You sighed. You hadn't thought about it that far yet.
"I don't know. I mean it was unexpected and I don't think you want another kid right now and I don't know if I can handle it"
He looked at you with something you could quite read.
"It wasn't just a one-night stand for me." He said quietly.
You looked at him in surprise.
"What?" you said quietly.
"Look I've had feelings for you for a while now and then that happened and you didn't seem interested in me so I let it go" he explained as he sat beside you on the hospital bed.
That's why he seemed disappointed when you had told him to forget about it.
You didn't know what to say. Or how you felt. You had worked with Fin as his partner for a couple of years and came to care about him deeply but not like that.
He grabbed your hand, "I get if you just think of me as just a friend but I just needed for you to know"
This was too much.
"Fin. Look to me you are just a friend but I am going to keep the baby. We can raise it together but I just don't like you like that."
He smiled sadly. "Alright I got you"
You felt terrible for crushing his feeling but you simply didn't feel the same way.
"Well, are we gonna tell the squad the news?" he asked with a grin.
You smiled as you rubbed your stomach.
"Of course"
Hope y'all enjoyed! Also I'll be trying to get new chapters posted for The Lawyer's Daughter and Dear. B. If you haven't checked those out please do!
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sej2020 · 3 years
Fly Away - Chapter 7
Barba and You Grabbing Drinks After His Argument With Olivia
‘So…’ you said as you paid for the drinks. ‘What’s going on with you and Olivia?’ you asked as Barba took a long drink.
‘I never should have taken this case to court, it was such a poor call on my part, but also I feel like maybe she hasn’t found her feet being in charge’ sighed Barba as you glanced at him with the last bit.
‘Look I know she’s had the worst year, but this is a case you can win Raf, I’m not saying it to boost your ego… maybe you both need to sit down and figure out a way to see this case through’ you said shrugging slightly.
‘I was harsh on her earlier today’ admitted Barba.
‘I kind of figured as much’ you said nudging him playfully making Barba roll his eyes.
‘I may of said it was her ego and said something about her traumatic year’ sighed Barba drinking.
‘Oh you didn’t…Rafael’ you sighed patting his back softly.
‘Yeah, mouth always has got me in trouble’ said Barba making you chuckle.
‘It certainly does… look Raf I’m not going to sit here and make you apologise but figure something out and fast’ you said finishing your drink.
‘I will, I will, god this case is a mess’ grumbled Barba pinching his nose.
‘You’ll figure it out, I have to go, need to get back to the precinct’ you said smirking at Barba as you left.
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Nick Amaro x Reader- Chapter 13
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“Nick, remember the guy is a psycho. Please don’t try to be a hero.” 
You were all currently dealing with a hostage situation. A kid had taken his entire class hostage, after being sexually assaulted by some bullies. You, Nick and Olivia were already in the building. Neither of you thought this was how the evening would turn out. You were supposed to follow up with the boy. Especially after the entire case fell through. The victim must have felt hopeless, so he’d taken matters into his own hand, trying to eradicate the one responsible for his. Unfortunately in his haste he’d taken the entire class hostage. Now the three of you were stuck there, along with the rest of the class in the room. You had no doubt the building was probably surrounded by cops now. You just hoped Olivia could defuse the situation before it got worse. 
“Jack look at me, not them.” the blond teen’s eyes darted to Olivia’s direction, the gun in his hand shaking unsteadily. There were about a dozen kids, the one boy he was looking for cowering behind a desk where Jack’s gun was aimed at. 
“Listen, you haven’t done anything yet, we can still help you. If you pull that trigger, all bets are off. “ You and Nick still had your weapons drawn. Olivia had holstered her own in hopes of calming down Jack. 
“You can’t help me, no one can. His rich dad made everything go away, now no one believes me. Andy blackmailed my best friend into lying on the stand. I can't let him get away with this. He's dying today!” he stepped forward and Olivia moved to block Jack's path. “We’ll make sure he gets what he deserves Jack. I’ll get your friend to testify against him. We can clear this all up, the legal way. Just put the gun down.” 
“I can’t do that detective. I know you can’t guarantee that. Jason already lied once. What jury is going to believe him now. I know he didn’t have a choice, Andy’s dad controls everything. Jason’s parents could have lost their jobs. He was protecting his family. I forgive him. I don’t blame him for this.” 
“That’s good. So you understand that you can’t make him pay. He needs to stand trial. This has to be done the right way. No one will know the monster he is if you kill him. “
Olivia had Jack distracted, but neither of you thought Andy would try and make a run for it. He scampered from his spot behind the table, going towards the door. You panicked. Jack’s eyes raged and he raised the gun pointing. 
“DON’T!” Olivia’s scream rang throughout the room and you jumped just as Jack fired the shots. She tackled him to the floor, knocking the gun out of his possession. Nick rushed over at your side the moment he saw the two prominent bullet wounds in your chest. Olivia was handcuffing Jack and yelling for the students to leave quickly. You knew it was just a matter of time before the police came marching in. 
Nick pulled you into his side on the ground. You could see the tears gathering in his eyes. 
“Dammit don’t do this to me, why didn’t you just use your powers!” he shouted. You forced a smile, blood now running from your lips. 
“E..even I’m not that fast Nick..” you tried to laugh, but it was a challenge. 
“No no no this wasn't supposed to happen I have to help her!!” Jack was yelling and struggling against Olivia’s hold. 
“You bastard you’re the one that did this!!” Nick fired. 
Jack shook his head. “You don’t understand. Those bullets are laced with a deadly poison. I-I made it. I wanted to make sure Andy paid, even if the cops made it to him in time, the poison would reach him before they could help. “ The information made Nick visibly pale. 
“I-I never meant for anyone else to get hurt. I-It was only supposed to be him. If she doesn't get those bullets out of her within the next minute, it won’t matter. S-She’ll be dead before the paramedics get here. “
“No..” Olivia mumbled. Nick could feel his heartbeat slow. 
You blinked, trying to straighten. “I-I need to sit up, help me. I-I can get them out..” you winced. Nick looked at you like you were crazy. 
“Nick..w-we don’t have time. I-I can get them out. Cops are going to flood here any minute I have to..” you didn’t have to finish. He pulled you over, trying to avoid causing more pain as he leaned you against the wall. 
When you were finally in a somewhat stable position, you moved your hand over the bullet wounds. Nick watched as you closed your eyes taking a deep breath. When your eyes reopened your irises were golden. Nick took your other hand, giving you an encouraging squeeze. 
Your hand twitch and you held back a scream of pain as you tried to mentally force the bullets out of your skin. The pieces of metal were slowly moving out of your flesh. Your hold on Nick tightened and you cried out, tears running down your cheeks. Nick watched helplessly, unable to provide anything but very little physical support. 
Olivia watched as the bullets flew into your palm as if on their own. Nick let out a breath. You looked up at Nick, completely spent. Nick..I..” Before you could finish the sentence, your body sagging, eyes shut almost instantly. He felt his breath stagger when your grip on him loosened. 
“H-How did she...that’s not possible..” Jack saw the entire thing, 
“If you tell anyone what you saw today, I’ll kill you myself.” Nick threatened. His gaze moved back to you and S.W.A.T stormed the room. Their weapons lowered when they saw that the threat was already neutralized. The medics were the next wave of people to rush into the classroom. Nick helped the paramedics lift your body on the gurney, taking you out of the room. He followed hurriedly out of the room, your blood stained on his arms and clothing. Olivia watched as they carried Jack out of the school. She exchanged a look, and he knew. 
“I won’t say anything.” he whispered before he was gone. As soon as she made it outside she could see the ambulance. Nick was already in the back with you. “Liv are you okay?” Amanda and Fin were  relieved when they saw her unharmed. 
“Yes I’m fine. (Y/N) she..she jumped in front of the bullet. It should have been me. “ 
Amanda shook her head. “It’s not going to help blaming yourself. Nick is already with her. Let’s go, I’m driving.” she instructed. 
The ambulance pulled away, the sirens blaring, tires screeching down the streets.
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wake me up when september ends — sonny carisi
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'summer has come
and past. innocence
can never last.
wake me up when
september ends.'
Lily Lane used to be the happiest girl alive. She was a popular girl in high school. Dating the football star of the school. Everything was perfect. Until it wasn't. After Lily graduated high school, she got into university. Lily broke up with the football star who treated her like an absolute princess. She needed to focus on herself. It was what was best. As Lily got herself set up at university, she met Charlie Douglas. He treated her so perfectly, until he turned into the biggest asshole ever. Charlie became angry. Beating on Lily when he was stressed out or mad, not letting her go out anywhere, he even kept her trapped. Away from her parents and away from school. No one had seen her in weeks. Even months. Lily finally had enough of Charlie and his messy self. She wanted to leave. To escape. One night, Lily decided to sneak out and never come back but Charlie caught her. He had other plans. They fought, he beat her until she was bruised and sexually assaulted her. When he fell asleep afterwards, she ran. Ran far, far away from that place and that awful man.
Lily was found walking the streets of New York. Clothes ripped, bruised and bleeding, she didn't even have shoes on. Luckily, someone came across her. They called the police and the police called the SVU. Lily was traumatized. She possibly would be for the rest of her life. Lily was officially a Special Victims Unit victim. Lily stopped being herself after that night. The Special Victims Unit took over her case. Lily met Sonny Carisi the night the SVU arrived where she was found. Lily wouldn't talk to Liv or Amanda but she'd talk to Sonny. He was sweet to her when he questioned her. Lily was scared of every other guy but him. There was something about his touch that felt safe. Lily was finally able to go back to school, although she was nervous and freaked out. Lily moved back in with her parents as she didn't have anywhere else to go.
As Lily’s case got more complicated, things were hard for her. Everyone blamed her for what happened. They all thought she was lying but Charlie was always a master manipulator. He could spin any story and people would believe it. The only people who really believed her were her parents, the SVU team, Sonny, and even Rafael Barba. Lily’s life was screwed over anyway, what happened if it just got worse? Lily barely trusted men, she barely even trusted her own father. Lily lost all her faith in humanity. She was traumatized and hurt and she didn’t think anybody could fix it. Although, Sonny Carisi existed. Maybe he could be the one who changed her opinion on her new found, miserable, depressing life. Maybe he gave her a reason to keep on living.
Without him, she definitely would’ve ridded herself from the horrible, shitty world.
'here comes the
rain again. falling
from the stars. drenched
in my pain again.
becoming who we are.'
zoey deutch as
lily lane
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'i can never trust
anyone again. don't you
get that? because
of charlie, my life is ruined!
it's ruined, sonny, and i
don't know how to
get it back'
peter scanavino as
dominick 'sonny' carisi
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'we're gonna get you
through this. i know this
is hard. i get that. i do.
you're a strong woman,
lily. you're gonna
survive this.'
'20 years has
gone so fast.
wake me up when
september ends.'
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zoeykaytesmom · 5 years
I have a question? Why does everyone seem to HATE your OC, Izzy Rossetti, when she is more relatable than any other OC I’ve read Barba with? It’s like they hate her cause of her name or something. None of it makes sense. I’ve seen stories similar to yours and they get so much praise but all you get is hateful ass comments. Would they like it better if you wrote “Reader x Barba” so they could imagine them as the reader? Jeez! Anyone could be Izzy. #rafaelbarba #svufanfic #areyoukiddingme
I have no idea, anon. People have said they can’t relate to her but I take a lot of her traits from myself. Who knows?
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
NSFW Valentine’s Cards + REE Characters (& fics I associate with)
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Kinktober - Angry Sex @melk917 (Barba x reader)
Witness - by me 😘 (Barba x reader)
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Pirate’s Plunder - @madpanda75 (Nevada x reader)
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A Very Kneef Proposal - @prurientpuddlejumper (Kneef x reader)
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Performance Review - from yours truly 😉 (Kneef x reader)
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Open Wide - @beccabarba (Barba x reader)
The Club - also from moi (Kneef x reader)
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
Card exchange between Rafael Barba x Reader on their anniversary.
From Rafael:
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From reader:
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
VDay Bingo prize for @itsjustmyfantasyroom. Rafael Barba x Reader x Nick Amaro. CW: this is a threesome fic/polyamory fic. It is MFM, smutty and NSFW. Additional cw include: spanking, dirty talk, oral sex (male & female), double penetration, improper use of champagne 😏. Kind of a follow-up on my Barba/Amaro x reader series.
WC: 1.9K
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You woke up in a mess of tangled limbs and twisted sheets. Two very large arms opposite of one another pinned you down by your abdomen. Sun shone through the curtain windows and was beginning to lighten the room. Your head pounded slightly and your mouth felt dry. The urge to use the bathroom was suddenly prominent and you panicked slightly, seeing as you were pinned by those arms - those golden arms that belonged to two different men who brought you to the height of passion numerous times the night prior. You held your breath as you carefully moved each arm off of you, pausing each time to see if either man stirred. Satisfied they were both still asleep, you scooted down the middle of the bed, until you were off of it. Turning back once more, you confirmed that they were both asleep and you darted off to the bathroom.
Once you were done relieving yourself, you went to wash your hands and wash your face. As you patted your face dry, you gave yourself a good look in the mirror. Your body was littered with marks and distinct fingertip bruises. Your breasts were covered in beard rash burn. Your fingers trailed the bruises and marks, and your mind wandered to the events of the night prior.
You were standing on the bar top, looking down at the crowd of revelers that were crowding Forlini’s. “Here is to the new Bureau Chief, Rafael Barba!”
The crowd cheered and from some corner, confetti was blasted into the air. You took a long drag of your drink before looking down at Rafael - who also happened to be your boyfriend. He reached up and you took his hand as you squatted back down to then slide off the bar top. He pulled you in for a kiss and you wrapped your arms around him, kissing him deeply in return.
The sound of a whistle behind you caused the kiss to break and when you turned around, your eyes met soft chocolate brown ones that belonged to Nick Amaro. To your squad, Nick was just your partner and friend, nothing more. But in reality, he was the secondary partner in the hierarchical polyamorous relationship with you and Rafael. What started as a “one-time” thing on your birthday many moons ago had now become a full fledged relationship. The three of you were completely content to keep the relationship under wraps. 
You smirked at Nick. “Oh shush now.”
Nick raised his brows. “Excuse me now?”
“You heard me.” You winked. You took a step back and wrapped your arm around Rafael’s side. 
Rafael moved to nuzzle your cheek and you shivered as he made way to your ear. “You’re gonna pay for that later.”
It always worked the same way. On special occasions, a hotel room would be booked. Nick would swing by at check-in, get everything brought up to the rooms, and then get the key-cards. He would go back to the squad room where he would bring the two remaining key-cards to you and then on your weekly lunch “check-in” with Rafael, you would drop off the other key-card to him. 
Once in the room, Rafael would call and tell the front desk that the room was not to be disturbed for the night. You would hang the “DND” sign on the door anyway. Nick would pour some drinks and then it was on. 
And tonight was no different. 
Your head rested on Rafael’s shoulder as he cupped your naked breasts from behind. All three of you were on the bed, passing a bottle of champagne. Nick poured some champagne down your abdomen, and then pressed soft wet kisses, licking up the liquid. When he got to your navel, he sucked the champagne that pooled there and then sucked a mark into your skin. You hissed slightly and then moaned as Nick ran his tongue over your skin, soothing it. Rafael turned your face to him and captured your lips with his, his tongue exploring your mouth. 
Nick settled between your legs and spread them apart. Kisses were pressed along your thighs. Your heart was racing in anticipation of what was to come. His fingers explored, tracing your folds before teasing your clit. “Already so wet.” Nick praised quietly.
You gasped as a sharp slap was delivered to your cunt. The sizzling sting only served to heighten your arousal. Nick looked up at you, his eyes meeting yours and then slapped your pussy again, this time more sharply. You sucked in a breath. “Oh god!”
“This is for earlier.” Nick replied. “Barba, count her spanks.”
“With pleasure.” Rafael replied. He counted out loud as he began to massage your tits harder, pulling, tugging and twisting your nipples. Nick doled ten more sharp spanks to your cunt. By the time he was done, your pussy was hot, red and needy. Nick palmed your cunt and then used the heel of his palm to rub your clit. You let out a whimper as you felt your orgasm begin to build. Nick continued to rub your clit, his brows furrowed in concentration, watching as your arousal dripped out. Suddenly his hand left your pussy and you let out a groan of denial which then turned into another gasp as Nick poured champagne all over your bare pussy before delving in. You gasped in shock and then let out a moan as Nick licked a broad stripe on your core. You rocked against Nick’s mouth, moaning and sighing. 
“Fuck! Fuck, oh fuck!” You moaned as Rafael continued to play with your tits and Nick ate you out.  He chose to focus on your swollen nub, rubbing small circles on your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your legs shook and Nick used his hands to keep you steady as he fucked you with his mouth and fingers.
The familiar coil in your belly began to tighten once more and you knew you wouldn’t last long as your legs began to shake. 
“That’s it – come for us.” Rafael encouraged you. Nick twisted his fingers inside of you and focused his energy again on your clit. The coil snapped and you squeezed your eyes shut as you groaned out Nick’s name.  Nick continued to lap at you as you rode out your orgasm.
You shuddered, your breath heavy and you tried to move up and away, your body overstimulated. Your skin was slick with sweat and it was starting to get sticky from the champagne. Nick made his way back up to you and kissed you, his tongue sweeping yours. You could taste the mix of your release and the champagne on his tongue. Nick grabbed your arms and encouraged you off Rafael, rolling you on top of him.
You rolled your hips and slid your cunt against his cock, which was red and weeping. Rafael moved off the bed and walked over to the table where the lube and condoms were. He watched as you began to bounce on Nick’s cock as he slid the condom on and slicked it with lube. 
He squeezed some more lube onto his hand and then made way back to the bed. He leaned over and sucked on your breast before moving back and pressing his hand down the small of your back, leaning you forward. You acquiesced, knowing what the intentions were. Rafael slicked your rosebud with lube and slid a finger in quickly. 
Nick brought you down, so you were almost lying completely on top of him. Rafael returned and he squirted a glob of lube over your ass before gently inserting his finger.
You groaned at the sensation. You bit your lip as Rafael played with your ass. “How’s that? That feel good?” Rafael whispered, as he gently grazed your skin with his teeth.
Rafael was able to see you nod. Nick held you in his arms, as he also stilled his movements. You felt Rafael’s cock brush against your ass before pushing the head of his fat cock inside of you. Rafael worked his way inch by inch until he was fully seated in your ass. You let out a wrecked moan at feeling so completely full. Both men stayed still – letting you adjust to the feeling. 
Rafael laid down a spank on your ass before grabbing a fistful of flesh with both hands and used it to drag you against his cock. 
“God that ass is so tight.” Rafael groaned. “You take my cock in your ass so well. Tell us how much you love getting fucked by two cocks.”
“I-I- love it.” You groaned as now Nick began to pump up and into you. “Love being...oh, fu-so, full.”
“Such a good slut taking both our cocks.” Nick grunted as his hands moved to grab your tits. “Needy slut needs to be filled. One cock isn’t good enough, hmm? You need two don’t you?”
“Yes! I need it! I need to be filled. Use me papi, use my holes!”
The sound of skin on skin filled the room along with the sounds and grunts the three of you were releasing. 
“Yes, oh God, yes!” you cried out. You pussy throbbed with need and you were so close to the precipice again. Just a few strokes on your clit by Nick and you were done. You wailed both their names over and over again as you came, your pussy gripping Nick’s cock and your ass clenching Rafael. You completely dissolved into pleasure as your orgasm rippled through your body. Nick stiffened as he came, grunting your name. You could feel his release drip out of you.
“I’m gonna - fuck!” Rafael babbled and he suddenly withdrew. He pulled off the condom he wore and squatted over you. 
“Open that mouth.” Rafael roughly ordered.
Rafael fed his cock into your willing mouth and began to fuck your mouth. You let out a muffled moan as Rafael abused your throat the way he abused your asshole. Rafael let out a string of spanish curses as he stiffened, shooting his salty load in your mouth. He rubbed his cock roughly, squeezing his length making sure you got every drop. “Clean that cock.” 
You complied, licking and slurping his cock, making sure every drop of his release was licked off. Satisfied, he then withdrew from your mouth and immediately latched onto your tits, sucking. Nick reached down and began stroking your clit. 
“Your turn hermosa. Come for us again.” Nick ordered.
You let out a whine as you did, feeling your orgasm wash over you - at this point, you lost count at how many times you had cum. Rafael removed his mouth from your tit and looked up at your wrecked face. “Good girl.”
In post-coital bliss, the three of you just laid there, panting and trying to recuperate. Eventually you all both fell asleep, completely spent.
You made your way back to the bedroom. You found both men awake, Rafael reading his phone, and Nick ordering room service.
“Morning sweetheart.” Rafael greeted. You smiled and crawled back into bed. You noticed his morning wood and began to stroke him as you kissed him. Nick turned to watch you and Rafael begin to go at it. 
“Okay, yeah, that’s it. Okay. 45 minutes.” Nick rushed on the phone, before slamming it back down onto the receiver.
“We got 45 minutes.” Nick said loudly. “What can we do in all that time?” 
You broke the kiss and turned to Nick, a large smile on your face. “Hmmm, what can we do?” You wondered as Rafael began to make his way down so you could sit on his face. 
Tags: @mgarner1227 @madpanda75  @tropes-and-tales @dreamlover31 @beardedmccoy @youreverycolor @neely1177 @witches-unruly-heart @mrsrafaelbarba @skittle479 @ottosuricato @sass-and-suspenders @mommakat32 @dreila03  @beccabarba @garturbo @lovebennycolonmiguelgalindo @imjustreallynosy @sweetsummertime99 @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @annabelleb49 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @redlipstickandblacktea​ @zoeykaytesmom @differentshadesofgray @misssirenlove​ @esparza-army​ @bananas-pajamas​ @mishaissocoolike @thefanficfaerie​ @theenchantedgalleryofstories​ @catnip987 @storiesofsvu​ @choppedgalaxynerd @pieceofshittytitty​ @ktiz90​ @evee87​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @detective-giggles​ @rampantmuses​ @jazzyjoi​ @i-justreally-like-cats-okay​ @rachelxwayne​ @prurientpuddlejumper​ @lv7867​ @permanentlydizzy​ @bisexual-dreamer02​ @madamsnape921​ @averyhotchner​ @teamsladsandgents​ @qvid-pro-qvo​ @alwaysachorusgirl​ @amelia-song-pond​ @wanniiieeee​  @tintinxtintin​ @law-nerd105​
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
thigh riding barba 👀
Rafael kissed you hard as you rocked along his thighs. The friction of his jeans against your clit felt so good. “Look at the mess you’re making.” Rafael cooed. “Making it easy for me to shove that cock inside your pussy, hmmm?” “Please fuck me, I need it.” You whimpered.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
Ouuuu for the NSFW headcanons… out dancing with Rafael and things turn steamy? … Maybe a vibe along the lines of Downtown by Anitta & J Balvin?
Rafael’s hands were on your hips as he danced with you. It was Amaro’s wedding reception as he and Maria re-married. The hall was dark, drinks flowed, inhibitions were loose. You were aware of Rafael’s hands sliding under your skirt and making their way to your pussy. He held you against him as he slid a thick digit easily inside of you.
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thatesqcrush · 3 years
5 sentence fics: You're waiting for Barba at Forlini's having seen him in court for the 25 Acts trial. You run your fingers over his belt buckle. "So Counselor...you seem to know far too much for an average Joe..." He grabs your hand in his warm fingers...
Barba raises a brow at you as he sips his scotch. He motions to the bartender and tells him to put your drink on his tab. “I’m going to the bathroom. Meet me in 5. I’ll show you how more than average I am.”
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
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Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Rafael Barba x Reader. CW: Some sexy banter. AN: Prompt #27 (Snowman) from the @thefanficfaerie Christmas OTP challenge found here.
Tags: @madpanda75 @ottosuricato @delia26 @dreila03 @sass-and-suspenders @glimmerglittergirl @melsquared79 @mommakat32 @garturbo @southern-magnolia @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @southern-magnolia @tropes-and-tales @niyashell @imjustreallynosy @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @evee87 @sweetsummertime99 @redlipstickandplaid @cesarofangirl78 @zoeykaytesmom
You furiously texted your best friend, Enid. “So what exactly do you get someone you’ve been seeing for a little over two months for Christmas?”
You watched as three dots appeared and then disappeared.
[Enid, 6:20 AM]: Edible underwear. FFS, why are you texting me so early? Is everything okay?
You burst into obnoxious laughter. The people in front of you turned around, glaring and you gave them a sheepish smile.
You quickly texted back that you were fine. You were on line at the toy store, ready to buy the newest Frozen release - “Follow me Olaf.” The snowman was motorized, so it sang and followed you around. Your niece just had to have it for Christmas and it happened to be one of the hottest toys to be released in advance of the upcoming holiday.
So there you were, at this god awful hour standing on line to get this toy. You shivered, the cold winter wind blew a chill into your bones. You hugged yourself and bounced in place, a futile attempt to warm yourself. You glanced at your watch - almost another two hours before the store opened. You groaned.
The crowd burst into “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” and you groaned again. The song was cute, but had a way of worming its way into your brain. To distract yourself, you decided to scroll online for a gift for Rafael.
You bit your lip, as you scrolled through endless ties, tie clips, and socks. It didn’t seem “enough.” You shivered once more.
Your scrolling was interrupted by an incoming call. It was Rafael.
Rafael smiled when you answered the phone.
“Hola cariño,” he greeted, balancing the phone between his shoulder and ear, as he straightened his tie. Rafael could hear your teeth chattering as you detailed your mission to buy this toy for your niece. He glanced at the clock - he didn’t have court until the afternoon and was just going to the office to catch up on paperwork.
“How long until the store opens?” Rafael asked, reaching for his coat.
The crowd had burst into their umpteenth verse of “Do You Want to Be a Snowman?” and you were ready to drive the spiky heel of the Louboutins the woman in front of you was wearing into your ear.
You yelped as you felt your shoulder being tapped. You turned around to see Rafael with two coffee cups in hand.
“I couldn’t stand the thought of you standing here by yourself trying to get - what is it again?” Rafael questioned, waving a coffee.
“You’re the best!” you squealed, wrapping your arms around Rafael’s neck. You pressed a kiss to his lips, which he returned. You broke the kiss, and cocked your brow. “A Follow Me Friend Olaf. Don’t you have court?”
“Later this afternoon,” Rafael replied, his eyes scanning the line. “How — this is — wow.”
You snorted. “I know.”
Hours later, you walked out with Rafael. One arm held his, the other with a shopping bag with a much coveted Christmas present.
Rafael wrapped an arm around you, bringing you close. You hummed as you took in the scent of his cologne. “I was thinking of your Christmas present,” you murmured, as he raised his hand to hail a cab.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Rafael questioned as a cab approached, slowing down. Rafael opened the door, letting you in first.
“I was thinking a tie clip or perhaps, edible underwear?” you commented cheekily, as he climbed in after you.
“Do I get to pick the flavor?” Rafael asked, shutting the cab door. “And do they offer rush shipping?”
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
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“Rafael let me plan the activities for today. We went ice skating at Rockefeller Center, something I’ve always wanted to do! He was such a good sport and we only fell 465728 times. Afterwards, our bruised egos (and tushies) enjoyed hot cocoa while watching other skaters.”
Rafael Barba x Reader • CW: Fluff
AN: Prompt #22 (Ice Skating) from the @thefanficfaerie Christmas OTP challenge.
Tags: @madpanda75 @ottosuricato @delia26 @dreila03 @sass-and-suspenders @glimmerglittergirl @melsquared79 @mommakat32 @garturbo @southern-magnolia @niyashell @tropes-and-tales @imjustreallynosy @whyissvuruiningmylovelife @sweetsummertime99 @evee87 @scarletsoldierrr @cesarofangirl78 @redlipstickandplaid @thefanficfaerie @theenchantedgalleryofstories @zoeykaytesmom
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
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AN: It’s Galileo day and I am beyond excited. Couldn’t sleep so I put the muse to work. CW: language, sex, def NSFW. References: The Undiscovered Country, S.19,E.13
Reader x Rafael. CW: language, sex, you know the drill. It’s Barba’s first day as a professor of law. Reader pays a visit!
Rafael dusted the chalk off that rubbed onto his vest. Rolling back his sleeves, he took a step back and looked at his scribbles on the board. Today was a new day for him. After leaving the D.A.’s office after being acquitted from the Householder case, Rafael took much needed time off to reconvene and figure out his priorities.
But Rafael wasn’t meant to be a homebody. He was growing increasingly bored and irritated at home.
It was only at your prodding that he interviewed for the professor opening at New York University.
“Rafael,” you said your boyfriend’s name firmly. “I love you but wasting away here at home. You have got to get back out there.”
“No one will hire me. I was acquitted formally but everyone will just think I am a baby killer,” Rafael protested, irritated. He scratched his 5 o’clock shadow and took a large gulp of his scotch. He sat down at the table in the apartment you two shared. Smells of roast chicken and yellow plantains mixed in the air.
You began to slice some tomatoes for the salad you were preparing. You picked up the slivered fruit and tossed them in the bowl with rest of the vegetables and wiped your hands on your apron. You turned to Rafael and placed your hands on your hips.
“Rafael, you live in a place that the men who wrote the law don’t even think about. You’re not a class A felon. This is not your Achilles heel. Just go - go for the interview. Who knows what will happen,” you reasoned. Rafael looked at you intently. You met his stare and cocked your brow, your lips pursed.
Rafael gave an exasperated sigh and threw his hands up. “Fine cariño. I’ll apply.”
“You have to get back out there love. You can’t stay inside forever. It’s not you,” you replied bringing the salad over to the table. You bent down and kissed Rafael softly.
Rafael pulled you into his lap and nuzzled your neck, breathing in your scent. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
Rafael’s phone buzzed loudly against the wooden desk, shaking him out of his reverie and back to reality. He saw that it was you and he answered it eagerly.
“¿Chula, que tal?” Rafael greeted you. “Can’t wait to see you later. I made dinner reservations.”
You sighed on the other line, knowing you were about to disappoint him. “Rafi, bad news. The deposition took forever and I missed my flight. I won’t be home until tomorrow morning.”
Rafael sighed, disappointed. “Okay.”
“I just wanted to wish you good luck on your first day. You’re going to do great Professor Barba. Love you.”
“Love you too,” Rafael replied. “Be safe. Call me before you take off.”
You promised you would and you hung up. You looked at the building in front of you, and smiled entering. After speaking with security, you made your way to the lecture hall that Rafael was teaching at.
Through the glass partition, you saw Rafael’s back was to you, so you quietly opened the door and sat in the first empty seat you saw in the back row. Taking the baseball cap from your bag, you slid it on and lowered the brim so that he couldn’t see your face.
“Welcome to Torts. I’m Professor Barba. There are few ground rules...”
You smiled as Rafael went through the ins and outs of the class and his expectations.
“Tort law is the area of law that protects people from bad acts of others. When someone acts in an unreasonably dangerous way, it is called a tortious act. However, tort law is not criminal law. Tort law gives a victim a civil remedy in the courts. The four elements to every successful tort case are: duty, breach of duty, causation and injury,” Rafael continued, his voice booming, filling the hall.
You smiled and discreetly looked around, seeing all the students transfixed on Rafael. You knew he’d be perfect - he had an audience in the courtroom- and now he had one right here.
“The four conditions must be met, each are necessary. None in itself is sufficient. There must be a duty or an obligation. This duty must have been breached. The breach must have a caused...” Rafael continued.
Ninety minutes later, Rafael ended his class, giving instructions on what readings to complete prior to the next class and hinting about a possible quiz in the immediate future.
As the class slowly emptied out, Rafael noticed you in the back, your head still bent.
“Can I help you? I have office hours this afternoon, but another class will be here in about thirty minutes,” Rafael called out you, as he packed up his briefcase.
You looked up, and removed your cap, revealing yourself. “Oh, I think I will need so much help, Professor.”
Rafael was surprised and he gave you a toothy grin. “Y/N - what are you doing here? I thought you had missed a flight.”
“I’m a lawyer darling. I know how to lie,” you teased as you negotiated the stairs and approached him. You pressed your hands against his chest and kissed Rafael.
Rafael returned your kiss and cupped your chin, tilting your face more towards him. You broke the kiss and hopped onto his desk. “You know,” you began, running a finger down the neckline of your blouse, “I never had a professor who looked as good as you.”
Rafael eyed your cleavage and smirked. “No?”
You shook your head. “No... your students are very lucky. I bet your office hours will be packed with students who just cannot seem to focus. They’ll need extra time with their sexy professor.” You began unbuttoning your blouse. Rafael swallowed hard, and ran a hand through his dark hair.
“Cariño,” Rafael warned, his eyes darting to see if anyone was around.
“What?” You asked innocently, batting your lashes, letting your shirt hang open to reveal your lace encased breasts.
“Y/N! It’s my first day!” Rafael hissed. “We can play at home.”
You rolled your eyes and hopped off the desk, turning to show off your derrière. “Oh come on Professor Barba,” you continued to goat. “I bet all of your students will be fantasizing about getting under you. I know if you were mine, it would be all that I could think about.”
Rafael swallowed hard. He could feel his cock twitch as he took in your form. ‘It would be so easy,’ he thought - to just take you where you were. He would just flip up your skirt and unzip his fly... he just knew how wet you were and how easily your pussy would welcome his cock.
“Okay y/n, but we make it quick,” Rafael agreed. Before you could react, Rafael was on you, like a hyena capturing a wildebeest. Rafael spun you around and kissed you hard. Your tongue tangled with his. Rafael tasted like coffee, mint, and something that was uniquely him. You moaned softly as Rafael suckled on your sweet spot. He nipped your neck and you hissed in pleasure. His tongue snaked out to soothe the hickey he left and you groaned again. Your panties were soaking already - you were so turned on and the two of you had just started.
Reaching to your thighs, you shimmied your skirt up and then reached down to pull down your panties to mid-thigh. Rafael copped a feel and he growled at how wet you already were. You writhed against his hand, trying to increase pressure or get him to finger fuck you. Rafael took the hint and slipped one digit inside of you. Your hips bucked automatically to Rafael’s ministrations. You head fell forward, as Rafael thrusted his finger in and out of you in a languid pace. Rafael used his other large hand to undo the fly of his pants and released his aching, weeping cock. Rafael slipped his finger out and you whined at the lost sensation.
Your whines were replaced with moans as you felt the head of Rafael’s cock at your entrance. You lowered yourself further into the desk and braved yourself. Rafael spread your legs a bit further- or as further as they could go with your underwear still at your thighs. “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he murmured as he took in the sight of your naked ass. Teasingly he ran his cock up and down your slit before entering you. The two of you groaned at the sensation. “Remember, gotta be quick,” Rafael groaned. You nodded. “I...I know,” you choked out.
Rafael began thrusting in and out of you quickly. Each snap of his hip propelled you forward. You met his thrusts eagerly and the sounds of furious fucking filled the lecture hall, echoing off the empty room. Rafael reached down to rub your swollen clit and you choked back a sob as pleasure coursed your body.
“I am so close,” you panted. “Give it to me. I want it.”
“Take it y/n,” Rafael growled in response. “Take that cock.”
Rafael’s filthy words were your undoing and you came around his cock, his name on your lips. Rafael followed soon thereafter, his hips stiffening as he emptied his load into you. Rafael chanted your name as if it were a prayer.
The two of you stayed intimately connected for a minute before Rafael slipped out of you. As he tucked himself back into his pants, you reached down to pull up your panties and slip down your skirt. You could feel Rafael’s cum drip out of you and pool in your panties, and out the sides, to your thighs. You felt erotically charged.
“Well, safe to say you’re having a great first day,” you teased pressing a chaste kiss against his lips. Rafael wrapped his arms around you, and returned the kiss.
“That I am. But I have to return to my office and get ready for my next class. I’ll see you tonight, definitely dinner.”
You nodded, pulling away to grab your belongings. As you headed to the stairs, you looked back at Rafael. “Hey Professor Barba?”
Rafael looked at you, a flicker of lust in his eyes. “Yes?”
“I think I’ll drop by during office hours. Make sure your door lock works,” you winked.
“You’re incorrigible!” Rafael teased watching you bound up the stairs.
“But you love it,” you called back before exiting.
“That I do,” Rafael murmured as he gathered the rest of his stuff. “That I do.”
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thatesqcrush · 6 years
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Reader & Rafael. Set: During The Undiscovered Country, right up to the trial BUT our homeboy is still the ADA.
CW: Let’s be real. Nothing I write is safe for work. You have been warned! But real talk: sex, language, hurt/angst.
You stared at the pregnancy test. It was positive. You put it down on the sink and picked up the second test. Two pink lines. You were pregnant. Your eyes watered. What should have been an extremely happy moment was filled with dread and anxiety.
“Well,” you mumbled. “If your daddy ends up in prison, at least I won’t be alone.”
The knock on the door startled you, causing you to drop the test on the floor. The plastic clattered against the tiled floor.
“Y/N? Are you ready? We have to go. I need to meet Dworkin in 30 minutes,” you heard Rafael state from the other side of the door.
“Uh, just a minute. I will be right out,” you called out. You picked up the fallen test and the one on the counter and threw them in the trash, and covered them with crumpled toilet paper. You flushed and washed your hands before giving yourself a once-over in the mirror. You straightened your black shift dress and exited.
“I’m meeting your mamí outside the courthouse yes?” You asked, walking up to your boyfriend who was tying his tie. He kept messing up and you could hear his patience thinning. You swatted his hands away and helped tie his tie.
“Yes,” Rafael stated looking down at you. You gave him a small smile while finishing the tie and then smoothed it. You could see how nervous he was. Your heart was breaking for him, for your relationship, the future, the unknown.
“This could be the last time together,” he said softly and you tried to not lose it.
“I know,” you replied, your voice cracking. “Te amo.”
Rafael leaned down to kiss you. “Y yo también. Te amo para siempre.”
You broke the kiss and hugged him, taking in his scent. You tried to burn it in your memory.
A few minutes later, the two of you exited the apartment building hand in hand.
You sat in the gallery next to Lucia, her hand clutching yours. Never in your wildest dreams would you have pictured yourself in this scenario. You understood deep down why Rafael did what he did. Subconsciously you placed your other hand on your stomach and rubbed it. Lucia looked over at you and you smiled faintly. “Mi estomago,” you explained. “Estoy nerviosa.”
Lucia nodded. The door opened and the jury walked back in. She clutched your hand tighter.
A sea of relief echoed through the courtroom as the not guilty verdict was read. Rafael shook Dworkin’s hand, thanking him before turning to Olivia who embraced him in a hug.
“¡Gracias a Dios!” Lucia replied, rushing up to hug her son. Rafael smiled wordlessly as he embraced his mother. He introduced his mother to Olivia and let them make small talk before excusing himself. Rafael made his way through the near empty gallery to the last row but he didn’t see you.
“Mami, have you seen Y/N?” Rafael asked, worried.
“She was just there,” Lucia replied, looking around for you. “Oh! She said her stomach was bothering her.”
“I’ll check the bathroom,” Olivia replied.
Your stomach recoiled again and you emptied its contents into the porcelain bowl once more.
“Y/N? Is that you?” You heard Olivia’s voice.
“Yes,” you replied meekly, sticking your head outside the door. “Just my nerves are shot. That’s all.”
“Let me help you,” offered Olivia but you shook your head.
“No. I’m fine. Look just tell Rafa that I will meet him home.”
Rafael didn’t come home immediately. You were angry with him. Not because he didn’t come home. Just his actions, the whole ordeal. Again you understood why he did what he did but you couldn’t understand why he didn’t think of how his life, the lives of others would be impacted. It was selfish you knew in the grand scheme of things. But things could have gone terribly today and Rafael could have been awaiting a prison sentence.
You decided to go take a shower. You wanted your dress off and to just sleep. You let the hot water run over you and before you knew it, you had broken down and crumpled onto the floor into a heap and sobbed.
Rafael entered your shared apartment. He placed his suit jacket on a nearby chair.
“Y/N?” he called out your name. He heard a muffled sound and called your name once more before he heard the shower running. “Y/N?” he called out once more, concern growing.
He turned the knob to the bathroom and the door gave no resistance. There you were in the corner of the shower, still sobbing. The water had turned cold and you shivered in between sobs.
“Y/N!” Rafael cried your name out loud before swooping in to turn off the shower, getting himself yet. He grabbed an oversized towel and covered you. He picked you up and you curled instinctively towards him. The sobs wracked your body, and Rafael could feel your hot tears.
Rafael carried you to bed draped the comforter over you, so you wouldn’t be cold while he dried you. “Cariño, talk to me.”
“I hate you Rafael,” you cried.
Rafael froze and gently placed your leg down. “You can’t be serious.”
“Okay, I don’t hate you but I am so angry. I wish I could but I can’t because I love you so damn much,” you replied before breaking down. “I could have lost you today. WE could have lost you.”
“But you didn’t. We had a good jury. Yes I am lucky... wait. Did you say we?” Rafael trailed off.
You sat up, naked, vulnerable. You drew your hands to your abdomen. “I’m pregnant.”
Rafael’s gaze dropped to your where your hands laid. “But you don’t look...”
“I know, I’m very early. Like 3 or 4 weeks,” you replied softly. “I think that’s part of the why I was sick in the courthouse earlier.”
“A baby... wow. Some timing.”
“And you could have ended up in prison!” You shouted bitterly. “And then what? We would have been alone.”
“That’s not true. You would have had my mom, the SVU team, your family.”
“Don’t you get it?” You seethed. “I just want you. And I almost lost you today!”
“But you didn’t,” exclaimed Rafael. “I’m here!”
You stared at him blankly.
“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Actually I spoke to McCoy about work and—“
“Rafael Barba, did you quit your job?! Tell me you didn’t quit your job.”
“I didn’t. But I am taking some time off.
A few weeks. I was thinking we could go somewhere, spend some time just us together.” Rafael cupped your face with one hand and with the other, pushed away the wet strands covering your face.
You shivered. “I’d like that. A lot.” You crawled into Rafael’s lap and nuzzled his neck. Rafael ran his hands down your sides before running them back up. He pulled your chin up, and looked into your eyes.
You sat up and moved closer before kissing him softly. “Make love to me.”
“Por supuesto.” Rafael replied before kissing you. His tongue traced the bottom of your lip, seeking permission to enter. You opened your mouth and your tongues dueled. Rafael pushed you gently down on the bed. “I’m going to take care of you,” he promised.
Rafael stood up and began to remove his clothes. Off came the vest, then the suspenders and shirt, followed by his pants. You watched him under heavy eyes, taking in the view. You hummed in appreciation. Clad just in his boxers, Rafael joined you back in the bed. He pushed you gently onto your back, placing kisses along your clavicle, moving down to your breasts. He ran his tongue over one nipple, alternating sucking and swirling. He grazed his teeth on your nipple, giving it a small nip. You moaned in pleasure, running your hands through his hair. Rafael gave equal treatment to your other breast while a hand reached down to your thighs. His fingers stroked your folds, feeling how wet you were becoming. You parted your legs and Rafael slipped a finger inside you. You moaned as he pumped his finger in and out of you. Another finger joined, then another. You gripped the sheets as Rafael continued his ministrations.
“Fuck, I am going to cum,” you moaned. You grabbed your breasts, tugging on your nipples. Your hips met Rafael’s finger thrusts.
“That’s it,” Rafael encouraged. His thumb rubbed your clit, and you felt your orgasm build and build before spilling over you.
“Oh yes, yes, Rafael!” you cried out, unraveling.
Rafael removed his fingers and before you could protest, his tongue was in between your legs, lapping at your wetness. His tongue traced your folds, before darting in and then back out. He shook his head and you groaned in pleasure.
“You taste like euphoria,” Rafael replied in between licks. He continued to lap you like a cat with a saucer of milk. You pulled at his hair, trying to somehow bring him closer you. His hair tickled your thighs.
Your second orgasm came quickly and you lost yourself to Rafael again. Rafael placed kisses as he made his way back up to you. You kissed him and tasted yourself on him. You reached down to grab him and he swatted your hand away.
“No amor; it’s all about you right now,” Rafael replied. He turned you onto your side, and laid directly behind you. You could feel his cock on your lower back, your back briefly wet from the pre-cum leaking from his cock. Rafael lifted your leg, and raised it and you hooked it around his butt. Rafael propped himself up on his elbow and slowly entered you. You both moaned at the sensation. You rested your head on your forearm while Rafael grabbed onto your thigh and began thrusting into you.
“You feel so good papi,” you mewled in pleasure. “Don’t stop.”
“Never,” Rafael promised in between thrusts. You looked back at him and you kissed each other.
“So tight, so wet. That’s all for me right princesa?”
“All for you,” you groaned, feeling your third orgasm. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Rafael reached down to your sensitive and swollen nub and roughly rubbed you. You shouted Rafael’s name as you came again. Rafael’s thrusts became more erratic and he followed soon after, chanting your name as if it were a prayer. Rafael’s thrusts slowed down until he came to a stop. Rafael reached down to slip himself out and you turned over to face him.
“Mi amor.” He gave you a sad smile. “Perdoname.”
“Ay Rafa, te perdono,” you replied, staring into his green eyes.
¿Qué puedo hacer para compensarte? Rafael asked. “I’ll do anything.” You placed his hands on your stomach.
“Just hold us and never let go.”
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