#rafe x fem!bodyguard
Word Count: 3.9K
Pairing(s): Ward x Reader, Sarah x Reader, Rafe x protective!reader
Warnings: Flirting, Violence, Gun Violence, Home Invasion, SMUT MDNI 18+
Summary: Fem!reader has been hired by Ward to protect his children when a business arrangement takes a turn for the worse and he discovers that a reward has been offered for their capture.
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Part 1
Today marked the day when I was employed by Ward Cameron to ensure the safety of his children. I received an invitation to my boss's office, where I had the opportunity to meet Ward and discuss the specifics of my new role.
He extended his hand for a handshake and proceeded to explain his situation, suggesting that a young woman would seamlessly fit into his family and serve as an ideal undercover bodyguard. My boss then handed me three files containing the names of each child: Wheezie Cameron, Sarah Cameron, and Rafe Cameron.
After the meeting, we all stood up, and Ward returned to shake my hand once more. "Remember, no one can discover the existence of this arrangement," he emphasized, and I nodded in agreement. The reward for this assignment was set at $1 million per child or $4 million for all three. I was entrusted with their protection at any cost. 
Ward Cameron had been a highly respected figure in the Outer Banks until this deal went awry. I was uncertain whether the children were aware of his business, but it was my responsibility to investigate and ensure their safety from any potential threats.
That evening, I dove into each of the files, beginning with Sarah Cameron:
Age: 16 Description: Blonde hair Height: 150cm Noteworthy details: Friends with the Pogues, straddles the line between being a Kook and classifying as a Pogue. She's exceptionally bright with outstanding grades and seems to have a close bond with her father.
These were the key highlights from her file.
Moving on to Wheezie Cameron:
She didn't appear to be of much concern, as she mostly stayed at home with Rose.
Rafe Cameron's file, on the other hand, contained the most substantial information:
Age: 20 Description: Dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes Height: 188cm Notable details: He's a typical frat boy, the eldest child, known as the Kook Prince, has issues with anger, and appears to be somewhat spoiled.
Rafe's file was particularly intriguing because it reminded me of my own past less than two years ago.
The following day marked my first day on the job. I pulled up at Tanny Hill in my sleek Matt Black Maserati dressed in a cute beach outfit.
As I arrived, I encountered Ward, who was coming out of the house with Rose. He introduced me to Rose as one of his clients' daughters and explained that I would be staying with them for a while.
Ward kindly assisted me with my luggage and guided me indoors to meet the rest of the family. Upon entering the kitchen, I was greeted by two lovely young girls.
"Sarah, Wheezie, meet Y/N," Ward announced as he circled the island counter.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I greeted them warmly, offering a friendly smile.
"Sarah, could you please show Y/N to her bedroom?" Ward requested, and she readily agreed. She picked up one of my suitcases and led me upstairs to the third floor. There were only two bedrooms on this level.
"This is your room, and your ensuite is through there," she indicated the closed door in the corner of the room.
"I'm having a few friends over tonight, and you're welcome to join us if you'd like," she added as she placed my suitcase on the bed.
"Yeah, I'd be delighted to join," I responded as I began unpacking my belongings.
"Great. I'm just going to change; if you need me, I'll be on the second floor, first door on the right," Sarah informed me, to which I nodded in acknowledgment.
After she left the room, I proceeded to set up all my security and surveillance equipment. Around 6 in the evening, I could hear her friends arriving, prompting me to decide to head downstairs and introduce myself.
Sarah introduced me to Kiara, Pope, JJ, and her boyfriend John B, a detail I hadn't come across in the files. We all made our way to the fire pit and gathered around, discussing how they had all met Sarah.
To be honest, they weren't my usual crowd; they were sitting there, casually smoking weed. But in the end, I reminded myself that my primary responsibility was to protect Sarah.
As the evening progressed and the temperature dropped, JJ suggested that we all get into the spa to warm up. Everyone agreed and hopped in. Since I had my bikini on underneath my clothes, there was no need for me to change. The spa, while not large, had enough room for all of us. 
We stayed in for a while, engaging in a conversation about life. Eventually, Pope, JJ, and Kiara had to leave, and I got out as well to grab a drink from inside the house.
Upon reentering the house, I encountered someone who I presumed to be the eldest son, Rafe. Viewed from behind, his muscular physique was absolutely striking.
He turned around, revealing his sun-kissed, well-toned abs, which sent shivers through my body. He was undoubtedly the most handsome and attractive man I had ever seen. He was shirtless, and his pronounced V-line left little to the imagination, knowing that he’s big.
"You must be Y/N, my father mentioned you'd be staying with us," he remarked, eyeing me up and down. Closing the distance, he positioned himself a few feet away.
"Yes, I am, and you must be Rafe," I replied, playfully pointing my finger back at him with a smirk. He nodded and let out a small laugh.
"To be completely honest, when I heard one of my client's daughters was coming to stay, I wasn't thrilled. But now that I see what a beautiful girl you are, I think I've changed my mind," he confessed, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear and running his index finger along my jawline to my chin.
His touch made my cheeks flush with warmth. I took a step back and moved around him, heading for the sink to pour a glass of water. "Is that what you say to all the girls?" I quipped, looking back at him with a mischievous grin.
He chuckled and shook his head, walking over to me. I turned back around as he placed his hands on either side of my body, effectively trapping me.
"Feel like something a bit stronger than that, sweetheart?" he murmured, leaning in closer. I could feel his arousal pressing against my clothed pussy, causing me to grow increasingly aroused by the second.
"Only if you're on the menu," I flirted back, leaning in as I trailed my fingertips along his arm and up to his shoulder. "You should come join us in the spa, and then I won't be the only one that's wet," I whispered into his ear, teasingly. With that, I pushed past him and returned outside to the spa.
As we continued our time in the spa, Sarah and John B suggested playing truth or dare. It happened to be Sarah's turn to do a dare. "Sarah............I dare you to make out with Y/N," John B declared, his eyes fixed on Sarah.
Just as Sarah settled down beside me, Rafe emerged from the house and made his way over to the spa. He gracefully entered and took a seat next to me, resting his arms on the edge, with his fingertips gently brushing against my shoulder.
"Rafe, you've arrived just in time. I dared Sarah to kiss Y/N," John B announced with a grin, causing Rafe's gaze to quickly return to me.
Sarah leaned and I tilted my head, our lips connected and her hand came to my waist. My hand rested in her neck and then she slipped her tongue in.
The kiss lasted about 6 seconds and when I returned to my seat the boy's faces were red hot. I could see Rafe fixing the bulge in his pants and shifting closer to me. 
Sarah took her turn and directed her gaze at her brother. "Rafe, I dare you to suck any part of Y/N's body from the neck down for 10 seconds," she challenged, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Rafe smiles and turns to me, he gestures for me to sit on the edge of the pool and he kneels down and opens my legs. He brings his head down and sucks on my inner thigh.
His nose brushes my clothed clit and moan leaves my lips. My cheeks went bright pink, but it felt so good. He knew what he was doing. 
After the 10 seconds had passed, Rafe grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back into the water. We continued to enjoy our time in the spa for a few more minutes.
Eventually, Ward called out, signaling that it was time to head back inside. Reluctantly, we all made our way back to the house. John B left, and Rafe retreated to his room.
One Week Later,
Since that night in the spa, Sarah and I had become close friends. We spent most of our time by the pool or out on their jetty. She would share stories about John B and how she envisioned a future with him, along with all the typical topics that teenagers discuss.
As we strolled along the jetty, Ward approached us with an announcement. He explained that they were going to visit their grandparents for the night and would return around lunchtime the next day.
Ward instructed Sarah to pack her belongings for the overnight stay and join them in the car. After Sarah departed to prepare, he confided in me that Rafe would be staying behind while the rest of us were leaving.
"Please keep a close eye on my son," he requested. "Sometimes when we're away, he can get a bit lonely." I nodded in understanding as they drove off.
With their departure, Rafe remained in his room. He had spent the previous night at a friend's house and was nursing a hangover. 
I had turned off all the lights, preparing to start watching a movie when I suddenly heard a noise outside. Although the house was securely locked up, that didn't guarantee someone couldn't find a way inside.
I cautiously approached the window and pulled back the curtain slightly to peer outside. What I saw sent a shiver down my spine: a man with a gun and a knife tucked into his back pocket.
In a rush of panic, I quickly and quietly made my way upstairs to retrieve my own gun, concealing it in my pants. My next destination was Rafe's bedroom, which fortunately was right next to mine.
Just as I was about to knock on Rafe's door, I heard the sound of glass shattering, confirming my fears that the intruder was now inside the house. My heart pounding, I moved towards the staircase and glanced over the railing, where I saw him roaming around, gun in hand, scanning for his next move.
I quietly retreated to Rafe's door, not bothering to knock. He was lying face down, wearing gray track pants. Carefully, I approached him to ensure he was still alive. Placing two fingers below his jaw, I felt for a heartbeat. His head shifted slightly as my cold fingers made contact with his skin.
He turned over, "About time -" He was cut off by my hand swiftly covering his mouth as I sat down on his bed. I sensed a smirk beneath my hand and signalled for him to remain silent. With a gentle retreat, I removed my hand.
"Shhhhhhh, don't panic. There's someone in the house, and he's armed!" I whispered urgently. Rafe attempted to rise, but I firmly pushed him back onto the bed. He sat there, trying to pull me closer, but I shook my head and went to lock the door.
Just as I was about to return to him, I heard footsteps just outside the door, followed by the intruder's phone ringing. Rafe shifted to the other side of the bed, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
The intruder answered his phone with an unsettling message:
"Hey, I'm in. I don't think anyone's home... I'll check all the rooms before I leave... I'll see you in 20." After ending the call, he proceeded further into my room.
I hastily returned to Rafe, grasping his arm and pulling him into the ensuite. We both entered the shower and shut the door, our hearts pounding. Moments later, we heard the intruder forcefully open the door to Rafe's room.
I paced nervously around the shower, and then Rafe's phone rang, a mistake on our part as we had left it behind when we hid.
"I know someone is here, you left your phone behind!" the intruder yelled. He continued to approach the bathroom door, and I could feel Rafe's heart racing.
I turned to him, placing my hand over his heart, and slowly retrieved my gun, aiming it towards the man. Rafe's arms enveloped me, his shock evident upon discovering the weapon in my possession.
The intruder cornered us in the bathroom, spotting both of us, and demanded that I put the gun down. However, I held my ground. "You put yours down first!" I yelled back at him.
As he stepped closer, I sensed Rafe stepping out from behind me and pushing the intruder against the wall. Rafe started throwing punches at the intruder's abdomen, but the intruder retaliated by striking Rafe over the head with the gun, causing him to collapse to the floor.
Turning back to me, the intruder saw me placing the gun into my pants and decided to challenge me directly. I signaled for him to come at me, and he lunged.
He threw punches and tried his best moves, but I managed to evade each of his attacks. When he was finally down, I used my handcuffs to secure him to the heater near the window.
I rushed back over to Rafe, who was holding his head, and the area around it had started to bleed. I helped him up and sat him on the edge of the bed. Turning away from the intruder, I knelt down to inspect Rafe's wounds. That was my second mistake. 
The intruder had managed to cut himself free with his knife and sneaked up behind me, holding the knife to my throat. Rafe tried to assist, but he was in too much pain.
I shifted my body to the side, stepped on the intruder's foot, threw my head back, and thrusted my elbow into his chest, causing him to release me. He grabbed his gun and regained control of the situation.
“Bitch………I’ll kill you for that, or better yet I’ll kill him and I don’t care about the reward. Your reward enough!” The intruder's threat was chilling as he pointed the gun directly at my head, then turning to point it at Rafe.
Time seemed to slow as I considered my options and the gravity of the situation. Every move had to be calculated and precise to ensure his safety.
As the intruder menacingly questioned me with the gun pointed at his head, I could feel the tension in the room escalating. The air seemed heavy with anticipation as he asked, "Any last words, Mr. Cameron?" His finger hovered over the trigger, and the threat was imminent.
In a split-second decision to defend Rafe, I managed to wrestle the gun from his grasp and fired a shot that struck him in the chest. He stumbled backward and collapsed to the floor, but he was still alive.
I hovered over him, the gun aimed at him once more, and asked firmly, "Who do you work for?" 
Bending down, I awaited his response, determined to uncover the truth behind this intrusion.
In a final act of defiance, the intruder defiantly spat out blood and threatened, "You'll die for this!"
I responded resolutely, "No, you will if you don't tell me who you work for."
With a bitter grin, he retorted, "Kill me then, they already know who shot me, see this…" He pointed to his jacket pocket. "You're on camera, bitch."
Determined to eliminate any evidence, I promptly shot his camera and then him, ending the immediate threat. Now, the challenge was to uncover the larger conspiracy that had brought him here and potentially placed us all in danger.
I turned back to where Rafe was sitting, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and admiration. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him, straddling my legs comfortably on his lap.
With a deft motion, he took the gun from me and tossed it behind him on the bed. The intense moment we had just experienced lingered in the air between us. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”. His hands coming to squeeze my butt. 
"Are you okay?" I asked him, my hands gently resting on his shoulders as I glanced at his deep cut. He nodded in response, and then he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
I moved closer to him, my hands snaking around his neck, and we deepened the kiss, finding comfort and solace in each other's embrace amidst the tension and danger that had just unfolded.
I pulled back from our passionate moment and glanced toward the intruder's lifeless body, then back at Rafe. "As much as I want feel you inside me, we have to clean this mess up" I said with a playful smile. Rafe agreed, and he lifted me back up.
I instructed him to go grab an old blanket, and he left to do so. Meanwhile, I began searching the intruder's body for any signs of identification, hoping to uncover some answers to the dangerous situation we had just faced.
I gathered all the personal belongings from the intruder and placed them on the bed. When Rafe returned with an extra-large blanket, I instructed him to turn the intruder on his side so we could slip the blanket underneath him.
Once that was done, he rolled the intruder back over, and I wrapped him up securely. Rafe then carried the bundled intruder downstairs.
As we descended, I asked Rafe, "Do you have any weights and rope?" He nodded and quickly fetched the necessary items from the garage, understanding the need to ensure the intruder remained concealed and secure.
We carried the intruder to the end of the jetty and placed him in the small boat. Driving the boat out into the marsh, we ensured his body was weighted down, ensuring it would sink. It was a somber and grim task that needed to be done.
Returning to the dock, it was already around 1 in the morning. We docked the boat and made our way back to the house. Heading up to Rafe's room, we set about cleaning up the blood, using bleach to remove any traces of the ordeal.
By the time we finished, both of us had blood and chemicals on our shirts.
After cleaning, Rafe turned on the shower. He removed his shirt, walked over to me, and placed a hand around my waist, tugging at my pants.
He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips, followed by a couple on my neck. With a swift motion, he lifted my top above my head and tossed it onto the floor, igniting a passionate moment between us.
SMUT BELOW......18+
After that, he led me into the bathroom and took off his pants, showing me his rock-hard dick and the well-defined vein lines that ran down to his tip.
I licked my base lip and hauled my fingers down his toned body. He unclipped my bra with one hand while lowering my shorts and panties. He wrapped his arms around me as he led me back to the warm shower.
As I slowly moved my hand down his side to reach his big cock, I pushed my boobs against his chest. A groan left his lips and he kissed me more profound.
I slowly started to fall to my knees and moved my hand faster around his cock. I looked up at him through my lashes and opened my mouth and took his cock into my mouth and started working on him.
He assembled my hair in his grasp and began face fucking me. Hot cum ropes hit my throat as I felt his cock twitch in my mouth. I carried him through his high and swallowed his seed. 
He pulled me back up and kissed my lips tasting himself on me. He massaged my boobs and sucked on my left breast using his other hand to play with my other nibble. Moans left my lips uncontrollably, I threaded my fingers through his hair.
His hand left my breast and trailed down my front coming to toy with my clit. His fingers teased my entrance and inserted one finger in, pumping it in and out. As he moved quickly my fingers dug into his shoulder.
A knot started to form in my stomach, 'I was getting close. He pulled out just as I was a about to cum. “I want you to cum on my face” He said as he made his way down my throbbing pussy.
He hoisted my leg up onto his shoulder and brushed his nose against my clit making me grind my body into his face. He dove his tongue into my wet pussy and began to eat me out.
His tongue made circles and that feeling was coming up again. “Rafe….gonna…..cum” I screamed as I felt myself squirt all over his face. He licked up all my juices and rubbed at my clit again.
The feeling was so intense, I felt my legs slowly start to give way, but he held me up with his strong muscles. He stood back up and stroked himself a few times before inserting himself into me.
He lifted my leg up again to get a better angle. He stretched me out with his huge size. He started slow and then sped up his movements. Pounding into me, all that could be heard was skin slapping and our moans. 
He pressed my back against the wall and lifted me up to hit me at a new and deeper angle. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled my body on his. He then let go and turned my body around. He lined himself back up and thrusted into me from behind.
My hands came to land on the shower screen, while his hand started rubbing circles on my clit. My legs started to shake again as I felt my orgasm approaching. He wrapped his strong arm around me and I arched my back and dropped my head back onto his shoulder.
I felt my walls start to clench around is cock and he quickened his pace, leaving me a moaning mess. The shower was hot and steamy and I felt him spill into me, he rode me through my high and then pulled out.
Turning me around he sat down on the bench in the shower, pulling me onto his lap straddling him and I lined myself up with him. 
I rode him like my life depended on it. My boobs bounced out of control and he held on to me to for intense pleasure. I could feel the wetness in-between us starting to leak out. He thrusted up while I sunk back down, he was making me feel so full. “I think this is the best sex I’ve ever had” he said as he kissed me deeper and more passionately. 
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uchispeach · 2 months
Sycamore Tree (Ch. 1)
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Pairing: Dark! Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence, underage drinking and manipulative! Rafe…
This fic will contain dark content: such as dub-con/non-con and violence. You have been warned.
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You laid on your back as you flipped the dusty pages of an old magazine. The weather was nice and the sun kept your skin warm, helping you get the slight tan you were wishing for.
Tranquility was in the air, and you were losing yourself in it just as the fence croaked. Your focus was now on the brunette stomping her way into the front yard.
“Hi!” You greeted her effusively, ignorant to the frown on her face. Your lips parted in surprise as you saw her slam the door while dismissing you with a sigh.
Your shock lasted a few seconds, quickly recovering your soft smile. You knew better than to take your sister’s actions by heart. Kiara had always possessed a tough character, while you were the calmest one.
Your father was quick to follow Kie and you soon joined the scene as the shouting coming from the inside of the house became louder.
”I’m sick of you following me around like some bodyguard. I can’t even buy some records in peace!” She shook the tote bag filled with vinyls.
“Sweetheart, we’ve talked about this…you just have to gain our trust again” The look on your mom’s face was sympathetic; her hands reached out for Kiara’s face, a gesture she quickly avoided by turning around and running off to her room.
The slam on the door made you flinch and your head felt heavy as you thought about the different ways you could comfort your sister without making the situation worse.
”Please, don’t disappear in the middle of the night with JJ” Your brows furrowed while you begged your sister to be in line.
”For the eleventh time, Y/N. I will not run away with him!..not again” The taller girl shouted as she took off her seatbelt.
You tried to swallow your concern as you both stepped out of the car, your eyes focused on the illuminated beach filled with drunk teenagers.
“Wait!” You were too late to shout as you saw the brunette slipping away to meet with her own friends. Great, you thought to yourself. A party was the last thing you wanted to attend but Kiara was pretty insistent on getting you to cover up for her tonight; and you were too considerate to ignore her desperate request.
”Y/N!” A sweet scent filled your senses as you were pulled to the side by a smiley girl. “You didn’t tell me you were coming. I could’ve picked you up!” Jennifer interlocked her arm with yours in an affectionate manner and you slowly relaxed at her presence.
Jenny was a nice girl you met during your last year in high school, and now you both hung out occasionally, mostly during the summer.
“I wasn’t really planning to-“ You were interrupted by a manly voice. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you all night!” A dark haired boy stood in front of you, muscles shining under his unbuttoned shirt.
You were quick to recognize him and the two other boys who followed right behind. The black haired girl stepped away from you, all to get closer to Kelce, who received her with open arms and a cold beer.
You were a bit confused as to why your friend was suddenly so comfortable around the Kook, chatting effusively with him while a slight blush colored her cheeks. A few deadly minutes passed by, until you were again included. “Oh! This is Y/N by the way” Her slim fingers reached out for your cold shoulder, pulling you closer to the little reunion.
“Well…” she continued to talk as she sensed you tensing up “…This is Rafe, you’ve probably seen him ‘round. And Topper, he’s Sarah’s boyfriend” The latter smiled slightly at the mention while the older boy remained stoic.
You looked at the Cameron boy with surprise, noticing how his blue orbs were already glued to you. His gaze was filled with shameless intensity as he confidently scanned you from head to toe.
His poker face slowly turned into a smirk, the kind of smirk someone makes after making a great discovery. “Kiara’s sister, right?” His voice fitted him perfectly, rough and deep with such a nice touch of huskiness.
You could only nod, feeling like a wrong move would lead to fatality. Rafe’s lips only stretched further. “We should get some drinks!” Your friend was quick to interrupt, pushing you all to the crowded side of the beach.
Even with your back turned, you could still feel the burning eyes of a certain blond.
“Do you want some?” You jumped at the sudden voice, earning a chuckle from the young man. You lifted up your face, big doe eyes staring up at a smiling Rafe. Then, your gaze unsurely traveled to the Mai Tais he held in big hands. “I don’t dri-” “It’s just one, besides, I hate drinking alone” He sounded truthful, leaving you with no choice but to accept the drink from his calloused fingers.
He let out a groan when he sat next to you on the dry log, spreading his legs and consequently causing his thigh to rub yours. The sound of a can opening was followed by a look filled with expectancy. You took the hint and opened your own beverage. “You know…” He took a sip. “...I got a little upset when I stopped seeing you around the house.”
You felt the liquid trying to find its way out of your throat, making you cough. “I kind of enjoyed your little visits.” You could tell he was being honest and that just made you feel ashamed. “Well, things just got…complicated” By complicated you meant unsustainable. Because everytime anyone mentioned Sarah Cameron around your sister it was like all hell had broken loose.
It was strange, Rafe Cameron reaching out to you, just to tell you he missed all those times you would go to his house on playdates. Mostly, because you never really interacted with him, just saw his younger face every now and then behind his bedroom door or on the other side of a huge dining table.
The blond only nodded, seeming to understand what you meant. “You look cute today” Such an inoffensive compliment and he still said it with a predatory smirk. “Pink has always been your color” He took the liberty of stroking the edge of your sundress.
You felt the heat rising up to your cheeks as you looked down on his fingers tugging at the fabric. “Thanks… I like your shirt. That-That cut looks great on you” Rafe threw his head back in laughter, making you want to sink impossibly further into the hard piece of wood.
“That’s what I like about you” He looked at you through the corner of his eyes. ”You’re always so kind…always having the need to give back.” His words were said in a serious tone, no playfulness between the lines.
A strange feeling installed itself on the pit of your stomach, tickling your senses in a nice way. Suddenly, the North Carolina breeze stopped chilling your bones. You felt warm.
You swallowed your awkwardness with a gulp. Doing your best to slow down your heart rate. “And…How have you been doing?” Your eyes were deep in his.
The can touched his lips again, staying there for a long time before answering: “Nothing has really changed, at least not for good” Behind his irises you could see some emptiness, and that made your chest tighten a little.
Fights, fits, constant shouting and scolding, you remembered it distantly. The Cameron household was far from perfect and preferences seemed to have been decided since long before you met them, leaving the blond boy in a disfavored place.
“Well…sooner or later, I’m sure you’ll be able to turn things around.” You wore a shy smile on your soft lips. ”So optimistic” Rafe threw back at you with a hint of humor. “Wish others had that same level of faith in me.” A dry laugh left his throat.
Your face looked for his, getting closer in a comforting gesture. “It’s probably hard to feel like you constantly have to prove yourself…” Your tongue spoke faster than your brain. “…to others”
The older boy’s gaze was deeply set on you, the intensity of it making you back away carefully. “I’m-“ His factions were still, almost making him look upset. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know why I said that” You stumbled with your own words. The regret of making bold assumptions clouding your head.
But then he talked, deep and clear for you to hear: “I don’t mind.” A warm limb rubbed against your back, followed by the feeling of his hot breath on your skin.
The Cameron boy had you secured by his side, with one hand lazily going up and down all along your spine and his body heat wrapping around you like a blanket.
His closeness started to make you feel dizzy, totally unsure on what to think about it.
After a few seconds, discomfort started gurgling deep within you as his hefty hand prevented you from putting some distance between the both of you. With no hesitation, his strength pulled you right back by the waist.
“I-” A loud noise made you stand up with a jump. “Did you hear that?” Your brows furrowed in worry as your eyes searched for the disturbance’s cause. Screams were soon to follow, as well as curses and rough words coming from young voices. One of them you were able to recognize.
Pope dragged a pair of sweaty and agitated boys. JJ and John B rooked rough, the latter one even presenting a few bruises and cuts. Kiara was soon to follow, shouting at the trio to move faster.
Your sister was frantically looking around, and almost like an automatic response your legs moved to join her. “Hey, let me drive you.” A solid grip was quick to take you back. Rafe had a decided look on his face. “I can’t, I have to go back with my sister” You politely shook your arm, trying to liberate yourself without seeming rude. But the blond had other plans, keeping you in the same place with an even tighter hold.
“Next time?” You said with a pleading face. Rafe’s eyes, with an unreadable intensity, pierced through yours. He seemed to weigh your words before nodding reluctantly, his fingers loosening their grip but not entirely letting go. “Alright, I’ll see you ‘round,” he said, his tone almost imperceptibly softer. He let go, but his gaze lingered, a mix of frustration and something else you couldn’t quite place.
You pushed away the goosebumps of your last encounter, only to solely focus on getting as fast as you could to the brunette’s side.
“Kiara!” You were out of breath as soon as you reached the parking lot. Pope on the old van’s wheel while JJ struggled to throw John B inside. “Hurry up! You have to get out of here” The younger girl was anxiously leaning against the vehicle’s door. “What-” You were cut short by the sight of a metallic object.
Kie’s boyfriend was quick to hide the gun under the seat. “Come on. Before the police arrive!” Your mouth was wide open, shocked by the nervous display. You were too occupied trying to decipher what was going on, that you didn’t even feel your sister shaking you hard by the shoulders.
“Y/N, we have to leave. Gimme the keys!” Kiara groaned in exasperation as she saw you struggling to comprehend the words coming out her mouth. “Now!”
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A/N: Characters are aged up. Reader is 19 and the Pogues are all over 18.
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cwritesforfun · 8 days
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Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader: Garcia’s BFF 
Daisy Jones & The Six
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: LOVE
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader: Introverts & Parties Don't Mix Well
Gilmore Girls
Logan Huntzberger x Fem!Reader: Eras Tour
Logan Huntzberger x Fem!Reader: Love Languages (Request)
House Of The Dragon
Aemond Targaryen x  Dorne!Fem!Reader: Arranged Marriage
Emma D'Arcy x Fem!Reader: Co-Workers or Something More? Part Two
Outer Banks
Kiara Carrera x Fem!Reader: New Waitress
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: Girl Crush
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: In Love
Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: Club Night
JJ x Fem!Reader: KISS
JJ x Fem!Reader: I’m Madly In Love With You
JJ x Fem!Reader: Romeo, Save Me
JJ x Fem!Reader: Secret Relationship Gone Public
Rafe x KookFem!Reader: Party Boy
Rafe x Fem!Reader: Alternate Ending to Season 1
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Hurt
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Friends don’t look at friends that way
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Fake Wedding Date
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: I still want you part one.    
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: I still want you part two
SERIES WITH ALTERNATE ENDINGS: Sarah Cameron x Fem!Reader: I’m Done With The Secrets - and the different endings - 
Rafe Cameron x Fem!Reader: Pining 
Kiara Carrera x Fem!Reader: Get The Girl
Jake Ballard x Fem!Reader: Stay Forever?
Shadow and Bone
Nikolai Lantsov x Fem!Reader: Fake Marriage, Real Feelings
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson x Henderson!Sister: Promise not to leave me?
Eddie Munson x Henderson!Sister: English Help
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Soulmates
Robin x Fem!Reader: Crush
Robin x Fem!Reader: Date?
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader: I might love you
Steve Harringon x Fem!Reader: Soulmates
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Only One Bed
Only One Bed - Part Two
Ted Lasso
Jaime Tartt x Fem!Reader: Neighbors
The Bear
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Business Dinner
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Your Dad's Biggest Fan (Request)
Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Crush Crush Part Two
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto x Fem!Reader: Anxiety Attacks & Rude Customers Part Two: You’re the light in the dark Part Three: The Walk
The Summer I Turned Pretty:
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: this is me trying
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: Confessions
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: Only You (Request)
Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader: I like you
11 notes · View notes
thequeenreaders · 4 years
I Lust You (I/?)
PAIRINGS: Sam Drake x Fem! plus size reader
WARNINGS: modern au, bodyguard! Sam (eventually), age gap (Reader is 24 and Sam is 36, 12 years difference), drinking, mentions of sex, drunk and perverted men, swearing, slight sexual harassment, cringy fighting scenes, injuries, flirting, robbery, gun use, threats, rescuing, a bit awkward. (🫑☕)
The Drake brothers were trying to rob a mansion and got caught. They were about to face their death, but someone, who they were not expecting and supposedly not to see, interrupts.
Word Count: 3362
Corny title, haha... I couldn't think of any soooo, yeah. ANYWAYS! I was just scrolling through Tumblr and randomly thought of Rafe Adler from Uncharted 4, so I searched him and been thirsting for him for the past few weeks and I stumbled upon Sam Drake. That's when I realized that he's hot and couldn't get enough of him. When I saw that there aren't many Sam Drake fics, Ima also write some. :D In this fic, the brothers are not treasure hunters, just hardcore thieves, there's a lot of made-up stories here, just for the sake of the fic, and some (probably wrong) translations I got from a translator app :,). This is my first time writing an uncharted fic so sorry if the characters are not accurate here. I hope you enjoy this fic and stay safe! ❤🍑
Masterlist || Navigation - Part I, Part II, Part III, and ???
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(C/S) = Color of Skin
(C/H) = Color of Hair
(C/C) = Choice of Color
(E/C) = Eye Color
The sound of jazz music faintly playing in the background helped soothe Sam's mind as he chugged his scotch down in one gulp and gently slammed it down the counter, the alcohol warming down his throat. The bar is lightened up by red and blue neon lights, complimenting the plain, bricked wall and dark wooden floor. He sensed some comfort with the designs and add to that, a couple of women were there to have a good time as him, checking them out from afar as they sway on the dancefloor and a small smile formed upon his lips as the memory of his brother calling him a 'Playboy'.
Sam thought that he will have a good time and have someone warm his bed tonight, after a week of stealing artifacts from a museum, but luck was not on his side as they got hired by a client to steal another artifact and was offered a huge amount of money, and who wouldn't turn down such a big deal?
He used the remaining time for himself to hit the bar and cool his mind off, 'Maybe next time,' he thought as he turned away from the ladies and as soon as he raised his hand to order another drink, his phone made a small 'Ding!' sound, signaling him he got a new message. Sam took his phone out and saw the text from Nate, saying he's almost there to pick him up.
Sighing, he paid for his drink and head out of the pub, inhaling the refreshing breeze of the night as it softly hit his face. Sam tried to enjoy his time before his brother picks him up and a shit ton of brainstorming will happen. This time, the relic they need to get is a six-thousand years old amulet, and the client gave the location of where it is, and it's hidden somewhere in a mansion that belonged to an old man.
This profession of theirs is dangerous and risky, but life was being rough on the Drake brothers and didn't give them an opportunity to change pathways, having no choice but be thieves for a living, working for collectors and rich, corrupted people who paid them to rob a particular item or a certain amount of money.
Sam can feel the stress getting to him and can hear his pack of cigarettes, telling him to light one of them up. He took it from his pocket and got one, getting his zippo next when he heard a couple of men around the corner. He didn't mind it at first, thinking that they're just a bunch of drunk guys hanging around until he heard a woman's firm voice and he became alert, senses that a lady got into a situation where she got cornered by a group of dirty men. He thought of the next worst thing that could occur and he wouldn't let that happen, so he put everything back in his patch and followed the sounds.
He peeked around the other side of the bar and saw six tipsy men, surrounding and trying to convince a plump lass who looks very annoyed and moved away every time they get close. Sam observed the gal and couldn't help but think of how adorable her grumpy look is, perhaps it's the reason why these bozos weren't taking her seriously despite rejecting them several times. Then a guy tried to sniff her neck, causing the woman to quickly turn around and pushed him, cursing him out and that's when Sam decided to step up, not wanting them to continue their disgusting acts, "Woah there, easy now. Just leave the lady alone, will you? You guys have a hard time understanding what 'No' means." He joined in, all of the attention is now on him and his mind is screaming at himself for not plotting first about how he could take care of all six of them without getting beaten up to death.
A lean guy scoffed and approached him, a smirk on his face as he stood in front of Sam, their height just about the same, "And who the hell are you?"
"The name's Sam."
The guy hummed and patted his shoulder, Sam could tell that the man wanted to punch him for interrupting their fun but he's holding back, "Well Sam, why don't you mind your own business and let us do our thing, hmm?"
Samuel glanced towards you and see that you're looking back at him, and he was confused at your expression because you seem to be worried for him than you were for yourself. He looked back to the guy, unfazed by his intimidating look, "What about her? It bothers me that you find this funny while she's clearly upset." He countered and reading his body language, he prepared himself for the upcoming fight.
The man snickered and just as Sam predicted, he swung his fist at him and luckily, he was able to dodge it and struck back, the force of his blow was enough to knock the guy down easily. Then someone wrapped their arm around his neck, holding him in a chokehold and the other one sent a punch to his stomach, groaning in pain and instantly gained his strength back. He kicked the guy in front of him at the abdomen and elbowed the one behind him, releasing him from the lock and took quick breaths before battering them up until they fell into a deep slumber.
The Drake panted, he was ready to fight off the three remaining guys, so he looked around for them and saw them on the ground, knocked out as well, "Holy shit..." He mumbled and snapped his face towards the woman who was panting as well. "Hey," he called out, her head whirled towards him, "You good?"
She let out an exhausted chuckle and nodded, "Yeah, I am. Not expecting to fight somebody today, though." Her breathing slowly went back to normal and wiped the dirt off from her clothes. As she did that, Sam scanned her from head to toe, she's wearing a colored nude plunge bodysuit which showed a hint of cleavage, partnered up with dark blue, ripped jeans and a pair of black kitten heels. His gaze stayed a bit longer on the curve of your breasts and hips, and quickly snapped out of his thoughts and proceeded towards her.
She saw from the corner of her eye that he came close, so she fixed her clothes and stood straightly back up, faced him, and was quite taken back by how tall and handsome he was from up close. She guessed by the few wrinkles on his face that he's maybe around 30s or older, not that it mattered if he still has the toughness to beat some ass up. "Thanks for helping me," she grinned up at him and hid her hands behind her back, fiddling her fingers as she checked Sam out. He is wearing a blue denim jacket and under that is a black V-line shirt, showing a bit of his slightly sweaty chest. Her eyes moved to his beefy biceps and almost bit her lip at how strong he looks.
Sam smirked as he noticed the way she was eyeing his body, "You're welcome, couldn't let those bastards hurt a pretty woman like you." His heart skipped a beat when she giggled at his statement, "What happened, anyway?"
She pursed her lips and looked down at the passed out bodies on the ground, "Aahhh... Well, me and my friends were heading to the bar, but my dad texted me to go home right now. My driver told me he'll be here at fifteen minutes, so I wanted to join my besties at the moment but these guys stopped me from doing so." Her eyes slightly widened in realization and it worried Sam at first, but immediately relaxes when she sniggered and pressed her hands to her cheeks, making a little pouty face which caused Sam's internal to melt in cuteness, "Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is (Y/N)."
"I'm Sam, it would've been nice to see you at the bar and maybe take you for a dance." Your cheeks became a bit red at his flirtatiousness and playfully waved him off, noticing how his voice went a bit lower as he said that and it made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
Another realization came in your mind, scolding yourself for being so forgetful around a man who made you feel certain things, "Hey, umm... Again, I wanna thank you for helping me. I don't know how I can repay you. Do you want cash?" You offered.
Sam thought about it, some fine cash for saving someone could make his day, yet with the way your cute face is staring back at his, there's something else that will make his day better, even if it's a bad idea, "Sounds good, but..." He paused, his eyes hurriedly raking your body up and down before suggesting, "I know it's bad timing and shit, but maybe a kiss is enough?" There was a pause, (Y/N) gaping at him after what he said and he felt his insides churn for asking an awful question, especially if you started to think that he's just the same as other guys.
He is beginning to regret letting himself ask such a request and hung his head, looking away from you, "S-Sorry, forget it... That probably sounds creepy," he let out a nervous laugh to lighten up the tension and his breath nearly stopped when Sam saw you walked closer to him, thinking that you're going to slap him but all those thoughts vanished when you placed your hands on his torso and stood on your tippy-toes, leaning in and placed a kiss on the right corner of his lips. His eyes almost fluttered closed at how soft your lips are, putting his hands on your hips and about to pull you closer but the kiss ended shortly and (Y/N) leaned away, a half-smirk on her lips as she saw the dreamy look on his face and waited for his reaction.
Sam let out a small, breathy chuckle, "Tease," he muttered and his eyes are locked into yours, "You could've moved a little bit more to the right, you know?"
You giggled and lightly patted his cheek, "You didn't say where, Sammy." You swore you saw his pupils dilated at the nickname and he was eyeing your lips from time to time, "I guess you should show me where?" Your arms slowly snake around his neck and started to play with his hair, twirling a lock around your finger.
Sam had no idea how he got a charming, bootylicious woman to flirt with him at the alley but right now, he just hopes that he won't fuck up the kiss that he's yearning for. He softly grabbed your chin with his index and thumb and leaned in, expecting his lips to land into those sweet lips of yours when all he felt was a chubby cheek. His brows furrowed in confusion and saw you looking in a different direction, so he followed suit and there was a car, stopped at the sideway where the both of you are, and giving a few honks to catch your attention.
"Shit..." You mumbled and looked back at Sam with slightly sad eyes, backing away from him and not missing the way he almost clung onto your shirt, "I'm sorry, Sam. I have to go now." You turned and about to fast walk when he grabbed your wrist, preventing to go further your car and you looked back at him in question.
He never felt like this with someone, afraid that he will never see that person again. He could just find another one to replace, especially if it is going to be just a fling, but seeing how you fight the bozos and tease him with your looks and words? He knew that you are something else that he might be craving in his life. Sam gulped, "Will I, uh... Will I ever see you again?"
You sighed, hoping that you will definitely see him again, but with the circumstances with your father lately, it mostly won't likely to happen, "I don't know, Sam. I don't think we will."
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"Got it," Nate muttered and the lock of the balcony door opens, putting back his lock pick in his pockets and feeling the flashlight on his side, "Okay, so you still remember the plan?" He looked towards his older brother for an answer and Sam looked back at him with a look as if he isn't an expert in this.
"Of course! I'm not that old yet, Nathan." he playfully assumed as he set his hand on the knob and ready to get in business, but Nate refrained him and said, "Hmm, not long ago, you've been staring off and thinking about something. I just... don't want you to get distracted, 'kay?"
Nate was right. It has been four days and he was still thinking back to what happened at the alley. His mind was full of you all day, asking himself questions like what would have happened if he did kiss you on the lips, or maybe had a dance with you at the bar and it could lead to something more fun. He wasn't able to focus during the preparation of the scheme and brushing it off when someone points it out, and it made Nate and Sully concern about his behavior because he is never like this before. Now, the Drake brothers were at the terrace at the midnight at one of the luxurious mansions they have broken into while Sully is waiting for them behind the house, outside the gates. They were successful in hacking the security system and the next step is to find the location of where the talisman is, gonna knock some of the guards out if necessary.
Sam took a deep breath and lifted his shoulder in a half shrug, "I'm fine, let's just get the thing, shall we?" He dismissed and carefully opened the door, checking both ways before entering without making a loud noise. There are some lamps that dimly lit the house and the bright moon providing some light through the windows, which helped them see the way and scan the rooms and hallways for watchmen.
Halfway through the process, a few guards have their neck snapped by the intruders and they finally found the room, all they have to do now is to pick with the lock and that is Nate's job while Sam was glancing around and listening to make sure no one saw them as he helped by holding the flashlight.
A huge relief coursed through their veins when they heard a sound of the lock unlocking, the imaginary sight of the money they're going to receive just at the tip of their fingers and those thoughts immediately vanish into thin air when they heard cocked guns and they can feel the muzzle pressed behind the back of their head, freezing at the spot and slowly raised their hands in surrender, "Fuck..." Sam muttered and dropped the flash from his hand.
"¡Ven y átales las manos, rápido!" A guy commanded and another one came up and got a hold of their wrist, cuffing it behind their back and forced them to turn around, seeing a load of guards with big guns and both of them gulped, they could have just shot them right then and there and that's the tragic ending of the Drake brothers.
"Hey, take it easy, man," Nate grumbled as they are both surrounded by the armed men and pushed them, physically telling them to walk forward as they lead them downstairs.
Sam hummed, expecting this night to go through smoothly and not guide them through their last moments of being thieves, "It looks like this is it. Huh, brother?"
"Don't say that, Sam." Nate glared at him for thinking that this is the end, but he couldn't deny the feeling as well, feeling deflated that this is their final adventure.
"Just saying it in advance, just in case." They were taken to a large living room and the guards pushed them on their knees. They heard a pair of guards came in and turned their heads, seeing Sully cuffed behind his back and put him in the same position as them. Victor groaned in pain when his knees came in contact with the hard, marble floor, "Jesus, you said there won't be that many."
"I didn't know that it'll be this many."
"Told you, we should've brought guns." Sam quietly bickered.
Nate sighed, "I know."
"Silencio!" A gruff voice shouted and they flinched on how strong his accent is, the sound of footsteps getting louder and louder, and all of them lifted their chins to identify the source of the sound and they couldn't believe what their eyes are seeing right now. A feared crime lord came in, also being known as Hector Alcazar, stopped in front of them, a scowl on his face and threw his hands up, "Mira lo que tenemos aquí, another bunch of thieves!" He exclaimed and grabbed a handgun from one of his men.
The three of them were terrified that the Hector Alcazar was a foot away from them, god knows what his cruel mind is thinking next. They were definitely not looking forward to meeting the Butcher of Panama, knowing how violent and ruthless he can be to his victims and enemies.
Hector inspected each of them and the one that interested him was Sam, so he approached him and lowered himself to his level, kneeling down and snickered when he saw the terrified look in his eyes, "What are you hijos de puta doing in my damn house?"
Sam swallowed the lump in his throat and reluctantly answered, "We were t-trying to get the amulet and supposedly bring it to our client for a hundred grand." He explained shortly as he cringed at the weakness of his voice and was surprised when Hector let out an amused cackle, his chuckle echoing across the room.
After a moment, his laughter slowly died and his hand was on his belly to relax his breathing, "You tontos!" He called as he stood up and the small smile on his face instantly dropped, "Lástima que no lo tendrás." He positioned the gun on Sam's head and the other two were quick to protest, panicked.
Samuel was bracing himself for his death, but hearing that voice again had his mouth open, even Hector was halted from pulling the trigger. They all looked up from the staircase and the moment he saw the person, his heart leaped with excitement regardless of the current situation.
There you were, wearing a silky, (C/C) robe that goes above your knees and you had your hair tied into a ponytail, a few baby hairs sticking out. You were focused on your phone with your brows furrowed in annoyance and your fingers repeatedly tapped on the screen as you stopped halfway the stairs, seems like you're texting somebody.
Alcazar groaned as he palmed his face with his hand and walked closer to the stairwell, looking up at you, "¡Hija, se supone que debes estar en tu habitación!"
Both the brothers' eyes widened in shock, clearly understanding the language and catching that one specific word caught them off guard. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, not surprised to be told to go to her room whenever her father is doing his dirty business, "Lo sé, but tío keeps on texting me about your- Sam?" She finally averted from her phone and looked at the living room, seeing the armed men around but a certain, handsome someone caught her attention. The two of you stared at each other, your heart drumming in delight once your (E/C) eyes locked with the familiar brown ones.
Sam let out an awkward chuckle, "H-Hi, gorgeous."
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"¡Ven y átales las manos, rápido!" = Come and tie their hands, quick!
"Silencio!" = Silence!
"Mira lo que tenemos aquí" = Look at what we have here
"Hijos de puta" = Fuckers
"Tontos" = Fools!
"Lástima que no lo tendrás" = Too bad, you won't have it
"¡Hija, se supone que debes estar en tu habitación!" = Daughter, you're supposed to be in your room!
"Lo sé" = I know
"Tío" = Uncle
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Part 2
‼️ "I humbly declare that I possess no ownership over any of the animated images employed within this communication." ‼️
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Word Count: 3.1k
Pairing(s): Rafe x protective!reader, Sarah x Reader, Ward x Reader
Warnings: Fingering, Make out, Unprotected Sex, Mentions of violence
Summary: Fem!reader has been hired by Ward to protect his children when a deal goes south and he sees a bounty has been placed on their heads.
Part 1 Part 2
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The following morning, I awoke in Rafe's bed, where he held me in an embrace with his arms around my waist, and his head nestled on my chest. Given the eventful night we had shared, it wasn't surprising that he was still sound asleep.
On the contrary, I've grown accustomed to experiences that involve people pointing guns at me and dealing with the aftermath of such situations. This has become rather commonplace for me.
We lingered together for some time, and I gently ran my fingers through his hair. Sensing a subtle shift in his position, he adjusted himself to be on top of me. He raised his head, gazing at me, and his hands gracefully traced a path up my thighs. I responded with a smile, and with a gentle touch, I brushed his bangs away from his eyes and smoothed them back through his hair.
Rafe started leaving soft kisses along the outside of my legs, slowly opening my knees, he pulled my panties down. Spreading my legs for him, Rafe dragged his hands down the inside of my thighs, pressing his thumb into my clit, rubbing at a teasing pace.
Lifting my hips to get more friction, he pushed me back down “So needy,..……..I love it” he said before attaching his lips to my clit. Loud moans left my mouth, he started licking stripes up and down.
Grabbing onto his hair I pushed his head deeper into me. He lift one leg up and held it out. “Rafe gonna cum” I moaned out. “Let go f’me, cum on my face” that's all that was needed for me to snap. I felt my orgasm tighten in stomach than let go, he rubbed my clit through my high.
“Fuck that was HOT!!!” He said coming back up to kiss my lips, I could taste myself on him. “What?” I questioned “you squirted and it was fucking hot, …………………. I have never been able to get someone to squirt” he smirked down at me, capturing my lips in another passionate kiss.
Upon hearing the front door slam and Sarah's audible complaints, I swiftly left his bed, hastily putting on my bra and panties, while scanning the room for the rest of my clothes. He draped a sheet around his waist and offered me his shirt.
When I reached out to take it, he playfully pulled it away, suggesting, "Shirt for a kiss?" Leaning in, I eagerly accepted the offer, capturing his lips and drawing him closer, my hands tracing the contours of his well-defined physique. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me slightly, causing me to rise on my tiptoes.
After breaking away from the kiss, I gently retrieved the shirt from his hand and draped it over my form. Sneaking out of his room and returning to mine, I proceeded to the bathroom for a refreshing shower.
After hearing all the stories from their night out, Sarah approached her father with a request for a birthday party, questioning, "Dad, why can't I have a party for my 17th? Rafe had one." She patiently awaited his response.
"I'm sorry, darling, not this year," he replied, firmly closing down the conversation.
"Fine, can I go on a shopping spree with Kie and Y/n then?" she proposed, looking at him and receiving a discreet nod from me.
"Okay, just make sure you're back that night for the birthday dinner," he consented, and Sarah hugged him.
"Thanks, Dad, love you." She hurried back upstairs and called Kie. As everyone dispersed to their rooms, Ward approached me.
"Y/n, could I have a moment of your time, please?" he requested, leading me to his office. 
"Anything happen last night, anything to report?" he inquired, as though sensing that something had occurred.
"Yes, we had a guy break in, but the situation has been resolved," I answered.
"What do you mean, who was it?"
"He broke in and confronted us, but I managed to defuse the situation."
"Us? Did Rafe witness this?"
"Yes, he was caught up in it. The intruder held a gun to his head and almost pulled the trigger, but I intervened. He won't be a problem again."
Ward paced the room, absorbing the information. "What happened to him, where is he now?" he inquired.
"I'm sorry, Ward, but I can't disclose that information," I replied, showing some understanding of the situation. He nodded in acknowledgment.
"How is Rafe? I should go talk to him. Yes, I'm going to tell him the truth about this whole thing," he decided, then opened the door and walked upstairs to have a conversation with Rafe.
Ward returned to the ground floor and walked over to where I was seated. "How did it go?" I inquired.
"I told him everything about my business deal and how it went awry, about everything you're involved in, the bounty on their heads. I asked him about last night, but he didn't offer much," he replied in a hushed tone.
“It’s not uncommon in these situations," I reassured him, trying to provide some comfort.
"Could you please talk to him? You're the only one who knows what he's going through," he implored, sounding desperate.
"Of course," I agreed, before making my way upstairs toward Rafe's room. After knocking on his door, he responded with a "come in."
Upon entering, I found him sitting on the edge of his bed. Closing the distance between us, I gently approached him.
"Hey, are you okay?" I inquired, but he remained silent. "I understand you might be angry with me for not telling you, but your father asked me not to say anything," I explained.
He rose from his seat and faced me. "I'm not mad at you; I'm upset with my father for keeping me in the dark about the bounty on my head. I deserve to be aware if I'm in danger," he expressed his frustration.
"I could never be angry with the girl who saved my life," he whispered softly, gently holding my face in his hand.
"But with everything that's happening, are you comfortable being here now, in both senses of the word?" I inquired, curious about his response.
“Definitely, do you know how hot I thought you were when you were pointing that gun at him, protecting me” he grunted and peppered my neck with kisses.
"We must keep this between us, or I'll risk losing my job," he acknowledged, then returned to seal the agreement with a kiss.
*DING* A message came through from Sarah.
S:Hey, come to my room. We need to discuss outfits for our shopping trip tomorrow.
Gazing up at Rafe, I sighed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry," I whispered. He took a deep breath and responded with an understanding "It's okay."
Leaving his room and entering Sarah's, I found her with multiple outfits spread out on the bed.
"I don't know what to wear tomorrow," she confessed, throwing tops in all directions. She hurried around the room, gathering different shoes for the various outfits.
"Here, try this one on," I suggested, handing her the pink body-con dress.
"OMG, Y/n, this one's perfect!" she exclaimed, coming over to hug me. After trying on the outfits, she began putting the clothes back into her wardrobe but left one dress out.
She handed it to me, saying, "I picked this one for you."
"Sarah, I can't pull off that dress, and aren't we just going shopping?" I asked, handing it back to her.
"One, you can definitely pull this off; you've got the body for it. Two, yes, we are just going shopping, but I've booked us a table at the Ocean Baths Restaurant, and we have to be over 18 to get in. Hence the dresses and heels," she explained, handing the dress back to me. I took it and decided to try it on. I couldn't deny that it looked stunning, and I knew a particular someone would appreciate it.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I turned to face Sarah.
"OMG, I told you, you look fantastic, girl!" she exclaimed, motioning for me to do a quick spin.
"This is the dress, now take it off so no one sees," she instructed, unzipping me and gently pushing me back into the bathroom.
The following day, Sarah woke me up early as we were determined to kick off her birthday celebrations. We both got ready and made our way downstairs.
Rafe had already started preparing a breakfast smoothie. We joined him in the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading out to pick up Kie.
When Rafe turned around from the fridge, I could have sworn his eyes widened, and I noticed him adjusting his pants discreetly.
"Okay, just called Kie and told her we're about to leave after I use the bathroom," Sarah announced hurriedly, leaving us in the kitchen.
Rafe sneaked up behind me, whispering, "It's taking a lot for me not to rip that dress off you right now," pulling me closer to him, feeling his excitement pressing against me. I turned around, stood on my tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his lips. 
I attempted to pull away, but he held me in, kissing me with an intensity that made it clear he didn't want to let go. I ran my hands up his biceps and clung to him.
His hands left my waist and ventured under my dress, his fingers teasing my sensitive areas.
"Rafe," I moaned into the kiss. He continued to kiss along my jawline and to my neck, but we were abruptly interrupted by the bathroom door closing. Disentangling from the moment, Rafe headed upstairs to address his situation, and I left with Sarah.
Going from shop to shop was quite exhausting; I couldn't recall the last time I embarked on a full day shopping spree. Sarah and Kie were occupied trying on new bikinis, while I wandered around, searching for the right sizes.
Kie was taking her time with outfits, so I informed Sarah that I was going to buy her a birthday gift and would return shortly. While roaming the shopping mall, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the YSL jewellery shop.
Enthralled by the white YSL clutch bags, I began searching for the most expensive one to buy for Sarah. As I walked to the counter to make the purchase, my peripheral vision caught sight of a Gold Chain that had just been shipped in from Dubai.
Seeing it displayed within its lavish case, I thought it would be a fantastic gift for Rafe since it was also his birthday. I inquired about the price with the saleswoman.
"This one just arrived today, and it's priced at $3K,” she informed me.
"I'll take it, and this handbag too!" I declared, handing them to her.
Once I had reconnected with Sarah and Kie, we waited in line at the Ocean Baths Restaurant. We had no trouble securing a table with a scenic view of the water.
We chatted for a while before the gift-giving part of the celebration. Kie presented her gift first.
"OMG Kie, I've been wanting this for ages. How did you manage to get it? Usually, you need to be over 18 to buy this special type of Tequila," Sarah inquired.
"I have my ways," Kie replied with a sly grin.
Then it was my turn. I handed Sarah her gift, and she screamed so loudly that it caught the attention of a few onlookers. "OMG Y/N, I LOVE IT!" she exclaimed, rushing over to hug me. 
As we sat back down, she inquired if anyone wanted drinks, and the waiter came over to check everyone's IDs. Margaritas were served. I had about three, but the others consumed around six.
I used ‘being a lightweight’ as an excuse, but the truth was I needed to stay sober for my job. Eventually, I suggested we return home for the family dinner.
We dropped Kie off at her home, and Sarah thanked her for celebrating with her. Upon our return home, I helped Sarah upstairs to her room to sober up before her father, Ward, saw her.
That evening, we descended the stairs and entered the dining room, where the table was set with an extravagant arrangement.
I was seated next to Rafe, and his hand discreetly rested on my thigh. Waitresses brought out the drinks, and champagne was served for the occasion, even for the younger guests. The entrees and mains followed, featuring medium-rare steaks and chicken schnitzels. 
After dinner, a shared birthday cake was presented—a triple chocolate mud cake adorned with strawberries. They sang "Happy Birthday," and the tradition was invoked:
"Sarah, you and Rafe touched the bottom, so you have to kiss the closest boy or girl," Wheezie said, giggling. Sarah kissed her father on the cheek, and I happened to be the closest to Rafe. He glanced at me and gave a swift kiss on the cheek.
After the dinner, everyone went their separate ways. I went to my room to retrieve Rafe's gift and then walked next door to his room. I knocked on the door before entering, finding him lying on his bed, engrossed in a movie.
"Hey," he greeted, getting up from the bed to give me a kiss and wrapping his arms around my waist. After breaking away from the kiss, he noticed the box in my hand.
"What do you have there?" he inquired, looking back at me.
"This is for you; it's your birthday too, you know," I responded with a smile. I handed him the box, and we sat down on the bed together.
He unwrapped the box and unclasped the lock for safety.
"You might not know this, but I've always wanted this exact Gold Chain from YSL, and the fact that you got it makes it even more special," he expressed, kissing me passionately. Smiling into the kiss, I pulled away, saying,
"Let me help you put it on." I took the necklace out of the glass box and carefully fastened it around his neck.
After placing it on I started placing small kisses down his neck and onto his shoulders, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling slightly causing a moan to escape from his lips. I moved around and sat on his lap.
I dragged my hands down his chest and pulled at the hem of his top, signally him to take it off which he did. He started to kiss my neck and I felt his fingers already trying to enter me. I grabbed his hand and pulled it back out.
Raising his eyebrows he looked me questioning.
“It’s your birthday, I’m going to make you feel really good tonight” I said before pulling my top off, revealing my perky tits. I kissed down his jaw and leading down his abs. Pushing his back down to meet the bed, I cup his clothed cock in my hand moving it teasingly slowly. 
He grabs my hand it holds it, before pulling his pants and boxers down, letting his hard shaft spring up. He lets go and my hand resumes its position. Taking his long and veiny cock into my hand, I grip him tightly and start to move my hand faster making him moan out my name.
Seeing the pre-cum seeping out I bring my lips down and over his tip licking over the head and swallowing him whole. 
Bobbing my head up and down for several minutes I finally had him where I wanted him, cumming down my throat with hot thick ropes. He pulled me up and tasted himself on me, he flipped me over and pulled my shorts and panties down, diving straight into me.
His tongue swirled around and his lips attached to my clit, sucking on it turning it red. My stomach started to tighten and I felt my release wash over me, he rode me through my high and then started kissing back up my chest.
His hand grabbed onto my breast and suck on it while toying with the other one. Swapping between them both I grinned my cunt against his dick, causing some friction and pre cum spilling out again.
Releasing my breasts from my mouth he slid his two fingers down and through my folds inserting them both and sucking big purple marks on my neck.
Thrusting his fingers in and out I clamped down on him, but before I could cum he removed his fingers “your cumming on my cock baby” he said before inserting himself into me and placing his thumb on my clit rubbing circles to get me closer. God I love the nickname.
His thrusts got faster and harder, my legs wrapped around his waist pulling him deeper into me. “Fuck Rafe” I screamed out, louder than I was expecting.
“Shhhhh baby, don’t want me dad to hear us” he said coming down to its me to silence my moans. 
“Taking me so well baby, I’m close” he said, slightly slowly but still as forceful. “Rafe gonna cum!”
I said before I completely let go all over him and down my thighs. Rafe followed right after, riding us both through our highs, feeling his thick cum ropes paint my walls. 
He collapsed next to me, his face turning towards mine.
"I love you, Y/N," he said, touching my cheek and kissing me. I was taken aback, and he noticed my surprise, but it didn't stop me from saying it back. I knew it was wrong to fall in love with my client's son, but I had never felt this way about anyone before. I loved him.
In the following week, Rafe and I continued to secretly date. We had a date the day after his birthday on the mainland where we had some alone time. However, there were new updates the danger had shifted, focusing solely on Rafe.
This meant I was the only one he could see, no friends, no more going out without me.
That night, I received a message from my cycle tracker indicating that I was 8 days late. I checked the app to see when my last period was – 38 days ago. Not good.
I left the house that night and went to the drugstore to purchase three pregnancy tests. I know, it might seem excessive. Returning to my ensuite, I took the tests and anxiously waited for 9 minutes for all three to provide results. When the timer went off, my heart raced as I turned them over.
"They're positive!"
"Damn it, I'm pregnant."
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