sgtgrunt0331-3 · 1 year
"Now you may not believe this, but under fire, Animal Mother is one of the finest human beings in the world. He just needs some to throw hand grenades at him the rest of his life."
(Full Metal Jacket, 1987)
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raftergirl · 1 year
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My baby Rafterman getting his trigger time 💞😈
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faint-kitten · 2 years
from RafterMan on Youtube
This remake of the Classic Map Gridlock in Halo infinite's forge is INSANE.
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shiftwux · 5 months
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crabs-and-bongos · 7 months
You guys should read the novella that Full Metal Jacket was based on, it's wild. Gunny Hartman smiles with pride after Pvt Pyle shoots him. Animal Mother is so respected because he used to be a Staff Sergeant before fragging his officer. Rafterman dies because they take drugs and he gets run over by a tank. They all cheer when a lone surviving VC shoots down the Huey that had killed the rest of his squad.
It, more than any other book I've read, comes the closest to portraying the cultlike side of the Marine Corps.
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pvtjxker · 1 year
Some random FMJ headcanons because of the lack of content on this platform - A thread
Self explanatory title.
(AN: it's very short but who cares lol)
Eightball is an absolute stoner, he smokes almost all the time. If you ask him to share a joint with you, he'll be happy to do it. If you ask him to teach you how to roll one up, you'll be taught by the best teacher around 'Nam. Him and Elias from Platoon would get so along.
Joker has a huge passion for animals: he has a little frog and a possum. He just thinks it's reassuring to have a pet around you, during hard times. Cowboy and Animal always pretend they don't like'em, but, if you're sneaky enough, you'll be able to catch them playing with the possum or petting little frog's head. They're like the mascots of the Lusthogs. You can't prove me wrong.
If the Lusthog platoon members had a role each, Cowboy would be the Desperate Father™: "Joker no, you CAN'T pick up that plushie: there can be a mine under it." "No Mother, you can't pin Eightball on the wall and punch him." "RAFTERMAN, DON'T RUN AROUND WITH THE KNIFE-". He just can't stop himself from doing it, it's in his genes. Also, he's a very wise and smart man: he can give advice like no other.
Rafterman is always scared of sudden noises, in part because of the PTSD, in part because of an already present phobia and this makes him unable to sleep well at night. This also makes him very sleepy during the day. Whenever they can stop somewhere or he finds a confortable place, he won't hesitate taking a nap right there on the spot. Poor boy.
Animal is a kleptomaniac, expecially when it comes to cars or motorcycles. You ask him to steal something for you and you can be 99% sure he'll come back with it getting away with the crime. The other 1% is when he gets cought. It happened only once though, during the draft. It happened before the Lusthogs as we know them were formed, with his old sergeant. Nobody knows what happened or how. He doesn't like to talk about it.
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magnvmchasm · 10 months
(Main of majorpolatli)
yes omg!! ive loved fmj for a bit now its my fav 🫶 big fan of rafterman.. soo cool seeing a fmj enjoyer here!!!
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edwardnortonwhore · 1 year
Found ||| private joker x reader
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It was early morning when joker heard it. The shouting from outside. He was quick to rise from his bed, pulling on the sage green army vest and hastily lacing his shiny black boots.
He ran toward the commotion alongside rafterman only to find a crowd of officers, lower and higher ranks crowded around the medical unit.
"The fuck is happening?" Joker asked rafterman who just turned and shrugged his shoulders.
Despite his efforts, he couldn't figure out what was happening or who was being dealt with at that moment so he left it.
He was on his way back to his barrack when another soldier approached him quickly, jogging over and handing him a piece of paper.
A photograph.
"Private joker, you recognise this photo?" He studied it attentively for a moment.
"Yeah you fuckin idiot that me!" He said, confused.
"Well private joker, this was found in the pocket of a soldier found about 30 meters from the camp border. Brought into med back a while back. Shot twice."
"They have a name on 'em?"
"Yes private."
The man handed joker the soldiers dog tags.
Private whiplash
It was therez engraved in the metal like a memory. And suddenly joker recognised the photo more than he thought he did.
It was taken of him right before he came to Vietnam. By y/n. Private whiplash. Name given as a result of his amazing speed and stamina. He had stolen the camera and snapped the photo of him while he was asleep.
Then it hit him properly.
Y/n was shot. And in med bay. And he didn't even know he was in 'nam.
He ran to the building and pushed past people heavily. He opened the door and was stopped by a mam he didn't know.
"Is everything okay private?" He asked loudly.
"The man just brought in. Private whiplash. He alive?"
"Yeah, he's alive. What's it to you?"
"I gotta see him sir. Old friend."
The man stepped aside and joker headed toward where the man kay
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fav character in FMJ?
Rafterman tbh
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emetophobiahelp · 2 years
full metal jacket (1987)
joker and rafterman get on a helicopter, and rafterman g* all the way through. they keep cutting back to him, it's a little triggering but he doesn't v* at any point. the rest is safe.
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lillytimetravel · 4 years
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raftergirl · 1 year
Me with the FMJ boys ♥️
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Especially with Rafterman right now 💞🥰
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unis-trash-stash · 4 years
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I watched Full Metal Jacket again today
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shiftwux · 5 months
More Rafterman content please I love that silly guy
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i thought about him getting a ltitle crush and giggled and drew this
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Rafterman from Full Metal Jacket is gay and plays Roblox
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pvtjxker · 2 years
A collection of aesthetics for the FMJ boys
(because I have nothing better to do in my life)
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