autumnslance · 5 years
First impression - Ah, there he is; this game’s Cid is apparently an amnesiac awkward priest, OK. But still a mechanical genius. Nice they don’t just insta-fix his memory issues, we gotta take some time to get to that point.
Impression now - A solid friend and put-upon leader of the Ironworks. Which is entirely his own fault, given his relationship with Nero, and he has Jessie around specifically to keep himself in line (and run the business for him so he can just invent things and go on adventures). Cid’s our go-to for a lot of things and juggles the Scion/Ironworks braincell so we can just hit things.
Favorite moment - Cid’s face journey in Sigmascape when Nero busts out his new armor and hammer. I didn’t play 1.0, but have seen the video of Cid telling off Gaius to his face which is just great (I am torn on wanting to see him and Nero tell off Gaius again, or keeping them safely malms away from that man)
Idea for a story - Nothing in mind lately, but maybe something about his interactions with Maxima and the rest of the Populares who recently escaped. Or more with him and Lucia during the HW story. Just more about Cid interacting with other Garlean Expats and the difficult situation of loving/hating their homeland and what it’s become.
Unpopular opinion - Dunno if I have one? The beard makes him look a lot older (he’s only in his early/mid-30s), but he definitely needs to keep it. People just tend to forget he’s not actually all that old, even if he’s often treated like he’s older in canon. Cid is one of those “feels and acts older than he is” types.
Favorite relationship - While I adore the back-and-forth with Nero, I’ve a special place for his relationship with Father Iliud, enough that I’ve written about it, and have headcanons for them. After everything, Cid just needs an older parental figure that isn’t going to neglect him or push him or manipulate him.
Favorite headcanon - That he visits the Church and Father Iliud between his wacky raid adventures, fixes things around the place, and tells the priests stories of what he’s been up to with (or without!) the WoL.
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nyctoheart · 5 years
Would you ever consider starting a Discord specifically for talking about KH lore? Or is that a thing already? (And if it is, may I please join?)
Umm I’m not interested in starting my own because I am just WAY too introverted for that. I get tired from speaking one on one in people’s PMs. So being responsible for a larger group chat and having to monitor it sounds like it would be way to overwhelming for me :( I’m so sorry!!
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draw-you-coward · 5 years
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can’t be tamed
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ask meme - urianger - thancred 1
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ishgard · 5 years
Ahhhh, the bff, or bbf - best bro forever. 
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First impression
I hadn’t played 1.0, but I seem to recall squinting under Marquis’s hood and thinking *”I think you’re that Cid guy...”* which yanno, made sense with his amnesia and all. Early impressions in general were along the lines of “I’ve only had Cid for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I’d kill everyone on this star and then myself.” more or less.
Impression now
Pretty much the same, except he’s got his memories and can take care of himself now. Absolute BFF.He’s such a well-meaning, level-headed voice of reason and even though he’s played a big role throughout our adventures time and again, I still feel like it’s not enough and wanna see more of him! ;; And I miss my frand.
Favorite moment
There are a lot... Some that jump to mind though are right before Ghimlyt where he was worried about us, and one that always haunts me is his flashback to the WoL giving him his goggles seriously what the HECK was up with that? That one scene from 1.0 with Gaius was also :thumbs_up: you tell him, Cid.
Idea for a story
I just love the idea of the WoL, Cid, and Nero getting into some more wild and whacky (and ultimately death-defying) antics. Ahru and Nero are always quibbling back and forth leaving him to be the one having to reel things in and keep them on course.
Unpopular opinion
Uh... hm. I’m not the biggest fan of his hair/beard? Like maybe if he just trimmed up or did something different with one or the other, even slightly...? The hair moreso than the beard though. :|
Favorite relationship
The WoL’s relationship with him is Pretty Good, but I’m a simple girl, and his old married couple bickering with Nero sustains and fuels me. Not even necessarily in a shippy way just in general.
Favorite headcanon
Less a headcanon, more a hope for upcoming expansions; I’d love if he got to come along with us on an expedition to Bozja investigating (???) and really digging into some more of his backstory with his father and all. I have some minor hopes that whatever Gaius is looking for that was ‘missing from the capital’ as of 5.1 is somehow related to Bozja/the original Project Meteor, but we’ll see how that pans out.
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elanorpam · 5 years
Not even just his subordinate, Gaius macked on his traumatized ADOPTIVE DAUGHTER.
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adelphoisaie · 5 years
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“ since you are a black mage... ” weapon in her hands, fidgeting with the rapier. she tries to think of the right way to ask her question. “ i was wondering... ” come on, it isn’t even a difficult request. “ you even dabbled in the art of being a red mage... ” alisaie, for the love of god. just spit it out. 
“ wouldyouwanttotrainwithme? ” finally! she got what she wanted to say out. even if all the words got muddled together as her face goes bright red from embarrassment. looking up to the warrior of light, she feels like asking for some help would be a normal thing to do. but, she would prefer to learn and perfect the art on her own. by the twelve, she knows that isn’t working out as she has planned. it was time to bite the bullet and ask for some help. ( @rahelauillces / sc. )
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musesbyarya-a · 5 years
@rahelauillces​ | FINAL FANTASY XIV ASK MEME
>> 6. Favorite Scion out of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn? >> 7. Least favorite character(s)?
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My favorite Scion? All of them! Oh… Just one? Impossible to pick JUST one!!! So… Thancred Waters and Y’shtola Rhul?
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And my least favorite character? Rowena... Can you imagine how many billions of gils she had to earn thanks to us over the last 6 years by selling us her different equipment each time? XD 
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thechocobros · 5 years
re: your ask post about Nomura and what happened to Versus; Do you have a source regarding the part about him not being on good terms with Naoki Yoshida over FFXIV 1.0? Because I couldn't find anything describing the working/personal relationship of those two. But Nomura did make a wonderful pencil drawing for the third anniversary of XIV's relaunch, so it can't be that bad now.
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I don’t know much about Nomura-Yoshida’s relationship status right now, actually. They may have set things right, or maybe Nomura may have done that drawing just because it was his job, not a personal favor. Things change in time, so I can’t tell. 
Anyway, this is the extremely detailed article where i took all those informations from: CLICK HERE  Sadly enough, it’s only in italian (and in french too), but if you scroll down, you’ll find a very long list of sources, on which the entire article (4 parts long) is based. 
Take a look :)
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sangpassione · 5 years
It was the first time, the first time he knelt to her height, but his intention had been to hold her. To wrap his arms around her shivering body and protect her from the falling snow. She had kissed him and he paused where the cloak he wore was being lifted, to savour the kiss to hold her lips to his own as they braved the blizzard.
Vishap was dead, but the carnage was great, the lives lost would not be forgotten but in that moment he was searching through the soldiers to a petite form and he smiled when his eyes found the soft, almost fluffy reddish hair. Apparently Rahela had seen him as well as she was quicker to his side than he to hers and she offered him a greeting in the means of a kiss.
It would be the last time, he knew that as she had kissed him when he cupped her cheeks. He felt the wool beneath his armour grow heavy and wet with blood. He felt the cold creeping in as the snows never had before. He felt his breath growing shallow and his heart struggling through the damage it endured, but in her kiss he could forget the world knew death for a moment and linger in memories of what were, of what might have been.
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biff-adventurer · 5 years
rahelauillces replied to your post: someone pls make a kh joke about the drk clone...
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lightsmercy · 5 years
send in ⭐ to touch my muse’s hair. // ACCEPTING.
The wind is not kind.
Minfilia finds that hair of sunlight, is torn from its home of braids, that she has so carefully arranged. Sacred is the hymn that escapes her lips, as she wades into the sea. Vesper Bay is radiant, once one is free from the shadow of burdens. 
The sea is beautiful. It shimmers and shines ‘neath the burning sun, and if she were a child—she would believe it to be jewels.
The water clings to her after she dives in.
Lips part in quiet surprise when she comes up for air and unknown hands tug wet locks from her face; oh, how comical, she must have looked.
She peers at Rahela.
❝ You truly did not have to—...❞
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hisburden-blog · 5 years
What is your muse’s favorite place(s) to be touched?
IT’S SINDAY.          accepting.
this is probably going to be a list because many of them are... pretty straightforward:
thighs. neck. chest. just above the waistline. just below the waistline. fingers in his mouth. 
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squirrelwrangler · 5 years
rahelauillces replied to your post: FFXIV Lore theory: Drest, the Garlean deserter...
That’s canon! He specifically mentions Dalmasca in every language but English. (He also appears briefly in the Return to Ivalice questline)
Awesome! I’m spoiled for what happens in HW and most of SB, but haven’t got to them yet so hadn’t seen it. So I’m very happy that my theory is confirmed :D
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hextfyre-blog · 6 years
“ let me take you out on a date. “
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“ a date? ” lyse pauses, tilting her head for a moment in thought before she smiles and nods. “ sure, i don’t see why not. it would be nice to break from our duties and spend some time with each other. ”
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scionmage-blog · 6 years
rahelauillces replied to your post: you know what gets me to this day Ilberd drops a...
It’s a minion version of the Canis Pugnax attack dogs that the Garleans were using. So it’s NOT Ilberd’s dog and I do not trust him with any dogs.
i figured its still amusing to think of him with a dog bc of all the shit he’s pulled
like. the wol is looting after the fight and they just. find this dog
and ilberd freaks out
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ishgard · 6 years
rahelauillces replied to your video “best quality: his wiggles”
'best quality' meaning 'his only good quality' :U
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