#rainries ask
Hangman + purple mood board? 💜
You ask and I create! 💜
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 months
“You and me, together for the rest of our lives. How does that sound?” from the "together" prompts.
“Hey.” Lucy looks at the shiny steel doors, at the toes of her boots, at the little vent in the ceiling, at the glowing lights on the button panel. Anything to avoid looking at Tim, standing next to her in the elevator car, on the way down to the division lobby.
“Hi.” She doesn’t need to see him to feel the awkward discomfort filling the space around them.
“How have you … been?” She bites her lip as soon as the words are out, wondering if she should have asked at all. He’s only a couple of days back from leave, and she hasn’t been alone with him since … well, since the last time they were in the elevator together.
“Yeah, good.” From the corner of her eye, she sees him rub at the back of his neck. “I mean … fine. Keeping busy. It’s good to be back.”
“Yeah.” Lucy hesitates. “You know, it’s OK ifyou’re not. Good, I mean. You don’t have to be.”
“Sure, yeah. But I am. So it’s … good.”
“Well … if there’s ever anything you need, I’m …” Lucy trails off, uncertain again of how much she has a place to offer. Tim has pulled himself away from her life, and she’s not quite ready to forgive him for it yet.
But still, they’re friends, right? And friends are there for each other. If it were John or Celina or anybody else, she’d offer to help them too.
“Yeah.” Tim’s fingers twitch against his thigh, then he’s reaching out to pull the emergency stop.
“Do you think …” He trails off, then starts over. “If I’m overstepping, just say so. I’m not … this isn’t to push you toward anything.”
“Tim.” This time, his name isn’t a question. “What is it?”
“Could I have a hug?”
“Oh, Tim.” Lucy turns and reaches for him, all in one motion.
He meets her halfway, stooping down until he can bury his face in her neck. His arms come around her waist, squeezing tightly as she holds on around his neck. She feels the tension bleed out of him, sagging back against her with a heavy sigh.
“I’m working on it,” he says against her skin. “On being OK.”
“I know,” Lucy whispers, bending her arm uncomfortably to slide her hand along his shoulders in a gesture that’s meant to be soothing.
“I’ll get there. I will. I’m not giving up on it. Me. Us. Any of it.”
“I know,” she says again, loosening her grip as Tim steps back out of the hug.
“I’m not asking you to wait for me. But I’ll get there.” He’s staring into her eyes now, focusing his full intensity on her. Even now, even after everything, it’s enough to make her shiver a little bit. “I know I walked away. But if you’ll have me, when I’m ready to come back …”
“I know.” Lucy reaches for his fingers, but aborts the gesture when she sees Tim shift his hand away. “I’ll be here.”
“It’ll be you and me,” he says. “When the time is right. Together, for the rest of our lives. How does that sound?”
“Not yet,” Lucy clarifies. “I’m not ready yet either. But someday, when the time is right?”
Tim nods.
“It sounds pretty amazing.”
Together prompts!
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
Yes please make Jack into a cat boy. I'll probably yeet myself into the sun if you do.
But 🥹🥹please???
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i could probably do better when i can focus but behold
a menace
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elitehoe · 5 months
United Empire shall save the day!
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Help Me to Feel Again - Yuta x Emery
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I've been in my Yoots feels lately, and then with what I saw happened at All In yesterday, this happened.
Can't promise that I'm 100% back with Dark Angel- as with work and college, I'm pretty busy all the time, BUT something once in a while might pop up :)
Didn't start out like I imagined either, but I guess my mind thought there needed to be more to the story? I don't question it anymore.
Part of the Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
Word Count: 2484
TW: dizziness, passing out, suggestive themes (but nothing descriptive)
Tag List: @katries @rainries @summertimefun1982
(border by)
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How it was already eight months into the year, Emery couldn’t understand. Another month, she felt as if her world had been turned upside down. Everything she knew, everything she had, it was slipping through her fingers- and she didn’t know where to turn or even to pick up the pieces.
Kenny was still gone, with no return in sight.
Hangman had lost his mind, no longer her lovable cowboy.
Wheeler kept his cold distance from her, being aligned with the BCC.
The Bucks…. She didn’t even want to think about how that had all gone wrong.
OC and Chuckie had moderately distanced themselves from her since the Trent betrayal- though they were slowly coming around. Slowly.
Eddie was out with an injury, with no return in sight.
Wardlow had aligned himself with a new devil, Adam, and had since ignored her completely.
Kris had turned as well, no longer the friend Emery once had.
Jungleboy was long gone, replaced by this new version of himself that he aligned with the Bucks.
Darby… was there for her, but he kept a slight distance- not wanting her to get hurt because of his antics against the Bucks.
Kyle. That seemed to be the one person she had left right now that kept her sane. Her longtime best friend. Her brother. Her rock.
 She wanted to be able to wrestle, to take her mind off of everything, but unfortunately, the doctors wouldn’t clear Emery. A wave of dizziness had caused a misstep in training last week, leading her to awkwardly fall from the top rope. Although she had shaken it off and walked away, the dizziness seemed to stick around. No concussion came up in the scans, and there was no apparent reason for the swimming vision. The doctors and Tony Khan wanted to be sure, though- be sure that she wouldn’t accidentally hurt herself or her opponent, so no matches until the dizziness was gone for two straight weeks.
It wasn’t the first time this had happened, though, and a part of her wondered if it was the beginning of the signs telling her to end her career. Back in the early stages of AEW, Emery had constant dizzy spells that on-and-off lasted for almost two months. That, however, had been the effect of a botched move, where she had awkwardly landed on the back of her neck. Doctors were surprised that she didn’t have a fractured spine and wouldn’t need any surgery.
Now? All these years later, with all the shit she’d done in the ring since then? With everything else going on around her? Maybe it was fate telling her it was time to hang up the boots. She needed someone to talk to…. But who? Emery didn’t want to worry any of her friends…. The ones she had left anyway. The one she wanted to speak to…. It wasn’t much of an option because of the company he kept. Not that it mattered; Yuta had made it obvious last year that he didn’t want anything to do with her.
Sighing, Emery got out of her chair and began walking down the hall but immediately had to stop and lean against the wall as her vision swam. A small bout of nausea crept into her gut, and she had to close her eyes, willing it to all go away.
“Hey—you okay girl?” Willow asked, walking up to her, concern lacing her voice.
“I’m—I’m good, yeah,” Emery swallowed, focusing on breathing evenly until it all passed.
“You sure? I can go get OC or Kyle—”
“No—no, it’s…. I’m fine, really,” Emery argued, her voice soft, “Just…. Stood up too fast.”
Okay, that was a lie—but the last thing Emery wanted to do was worry either of them, especially right before their match.
“Alright, well—if you need anything, just let me know, okay?” Willow told her, a small, warm smile on her face. As the feeling ebbed away, Emery opened her eyes to look at the upbeat and friendly person who had recently become a good friend, bonding over the betrayal of Trent and Kris.
“I will…. Thanks.”
With a slight nod, Willow walked off in the opposite direction. Emery closed her eyes again, taking a moment to compose herself before continuing down the hall. Maybe some fresh air would help?
Before she knew it, August had passed and it was now September. Yet another month with no change to her life. Orange and Chuck slowly became themselves again, being around Emery more often, and Orange allowed himself to smile a bit more often.
Darby had gone radio silent since his loss to Jack at All In last month—just when she needed his calming touch. It was weird—how someone so chaotic like Darby could be the calming presence in another person's life, but that’s how it was for her. That was precisely what she needed, more and more lately, as the dizziness only worsened with each passing week. Emery tried not to think about it, tried not to let those close to her see how much she was struggling, but it was getting more difficult to hide.
The night of All Out – it all changed, as hiding it became impossible. She, Willow, and Mark Briscoe were walking down the hallway of the Chicago arena, waiting for Orange to arrive. Emery was trying to be happy and supportive of her friends, as they all had important matches that night – but the nausea in her stomach was intensifying with each step. The two competitors walked in front of her as Emery followed along, keeping her eyes downcast, focusing on breathing through the discomfort. Their conversation became muddled as a sudden intense wave of dizziness hit her, causing Emery to nearly crash into the wall beside her. Suddenly, Willow’s concerned face was right there, asking her something- but Emery couldn’t hear any of the words. Mark was over Willow’s shoulder, his fatherly instincts kicking in, knowing something was wrong with the younger talent. He asked Willow questions, trying to figure out what was going on, but before Willow could provide any answers, she lurched forward to catch Emery before she hit the floor completely, the strength completely leaving her body.
“Wha’ should I do?!”
“See if you can find Orange—or Chuck—someone!”
“On it—yous keep her safe!”
Mark ran down the hall, rushing past all in his way, yelling in his Briscoe way for people to move.
“He’s a strange one,” Claudio remarked, shaking his head as he readjusted his Trios championship on his shoulder.
“You’re telling me,” Bryan chuckled, “Come on, let’s get to the locker room- get ready for our matches.”
The two older BCC members, followed by Yuta, began walking down the hall, crossing at the intersection where Briscoe had run past them. They heard the frantic voice of Willow Nightengale down the hall to their left, and each briefly glanced towards her before turning their attention back to in front of them. However, as soon as Yuta did, his head snapped back to the left, squinting his eyes to see who was on the ground beside Willow.
“Wheeler?” Claudio questioned, looking back at the younger man. As Bryan turned to look, Yuta’s eyes went wide in concern as he took off in a full sprint down the hall—every animosity and confrontation from the past two years gone from his mind.
“Ree!” Yuta exclaimed, skidding to a stop beside her unconscious form on the ground. Willow looked at him, uncertainty in her eyes, but he paid her no mind as he knelt beside them.
“What happened?” Yuta demanded, his hand reaching out to gently brush Emery’s cheek, pushing some hair behind her ear. A pained groan reverberated through her body, her already closed eyes squeezing themselves further together.
“I-I don’t know! She seemed fine, but—”
“She’s obviously not!” Yuta snapped, but when another pained groan reached his ears, he swallowed the lump in his throat, “I--- I’m sorry. There…. There has to be something---”
“I don’t know if it’s what’s going on… but she’s complained about being dizzy lately?” Willow offered.
“Dizzy?” Yuta repeated as Claudio and Bryan walked up to stand near them. As Willow nodded, Yuta traveled down memory lane to 2020, shortly after he joined AEW. When he had been with the Best Friends. When Emery and he were close…. When he had wanted to ask her out…. She had some dizzy spells back then, too—due to a head injury of sorts.
“Wheeler—we should go,” Claudio tried, attempting to pry the younger man away verbally. He and Bryan knew how Yuta felt about Emery and how he had tried everything to get her off his mind.
“I--- Where’s Cassidy? Chuck?!”
“Mark went off to find them—We were the first three to the arena…” Willow explained.
He looked up to his BCC companions, a grimace on his face when he nodded. Chuck and Orange would be there soon. It’d be okay. She’d be okay. Right?
As Yuta went to stand up, he felt a tug on his jacket and looked down, his eyes widening at the sight below him. Emery had reached out, her subconscious just barely aware of his presence. Her hand was gripping the bottom of his jacket. It took everything in him not to see it as a sign to stay.
He needed to leave. But how could he leave her there when she needed him? When she wanted him to stay?
“I--- One second….” Yuta asked of the older two as he reached up and unzipped his hoodie. It wasn’t a BCC one but a personal hoodie that he had carried for several years. Shrugging it off his body, Yuta gently placed it over Emery’s upper body, covering her head to shield her from the light around her.
“If…. If it’s the dizziness… the light will only make it worse…” Yuta explained, glancing at Willow briefly before standing up. As he did, one of the medic staff hurried over, having passed Mark Briscoe in the hall.
“Let’s give them some space…” Bryan whispered, knowing from personal experience how bad head injuries of any kind could affect a person. Yuta gave a slight nod, looking down at Emery’s form once more before following along behind Claudio and Bryan. Hopefully, the rest of the night went better for Emery and himself. As they turned the corner, Yuta heard Mark’s voice in the distance, but more importantly, when he looked up, he saw Briscoe flanked by Chuck Taylor.
“Good…. She won't be alone…”
It was nearing midnight when Emery found herself walking down a hotel hallway towards one of the rooms. Not a room she ever thought she’d be going to again- but it was something she needed to do.
Especially after the ending of All Out.
Something in her told Emery that maybe…. Just maybe…. He needed her just as much as she needed him. Stopping outside the right room, she hoped he was alone. It’d make it easier on her if she didn’t have to deal with anyone else in BCC.
Dealing with BCC was never easy for her.
They had taken her Yuta from her.
Changed him into something…. Different.
Taking a deep breath, her grip tightening on the fabric in her arms, Emery reached up and knocked on the wooden door. It seemed like forever until the tell-tale sound of a lock being turned sounded and the door slowly opened, revealing a shirtless Yuta. They stood there momentarily, neither saying a word, before Emery extended her arms towards him. The black hoodie dangled from her grip, swaying in the space between them.
“I… I wanted to return this. I know it means a lot to you.”
“Willow tell you it was mine? She didn’t have to—”
“I knew it was yours,” Emery shook her head, finally looking into his eyes for longer than a few seconds, “It’s uh—got the green stitching on the inside of the pockets…. From where your gramma patched up a hole….”
Yuta paused, his face warming up slightly at the fact that she remembered such a fact. Slowly, he reached out and gently accepted the jacket from her, “Oh… uh… Right. Thanks….”
Silence stretched between them once more before Emery spoke up, “I wanted to uh… check on you… after what happened tonight…. With Bryan. I know you looked up to him—and what happened couldn’t have been easy….”
Yuta felt his throat constrict as he recalled the moment. The BCC—Mox and Claudio, mostly—turning on Bryan like they did. Holding him back from aiding Bryan. It made him sick to his stomach. It made him want to punch someone. Yuta’s grip on the jacket tightened momentarily, not going unnoticed by Emery. His stare burned a hole in a spot on the floor behind her.
“Sorry… You probably don’t want to talk about it…. I get it…. I—I understand betrayals…. More than you know…. It seems like that’s all I’ve experienced lately, heh….” Emery gave a weak chuckle, it dying on her tongue, before she cleared her throat, “It’s… late. I’ll let you get back to bed…. Good night… Yuta….”
Slowly, she turned to walk away, but before she even stepped, a hand was clasped around her wrist. It was tight at first but loosened quickly. Emery glanced up at Yuta, who was staring at her now, his brown eyes swimming with several different emotions simultaneously.
Did he dare say what he has wanted to for years? Did he finally make the move that he should’ve years ago?
Emery herself was conflicted. Everything that had happened between her and the BCC—whether that was with the Best Friends or the Elite. Could she overlook everything—could she let herself possibly give in, for this night, allow herself to finally feel something for once- something she hadn’t done in so long?
“Stay….?” Yuta asked of her, finally making up his mind.
“I…. I don’t know…. If I should….”
Yuta tossed the jacket in his free hand, somewhere in the room, off behind him. Then, taking a considerable risk, he reached forward and pulled Emery closer to him. Chest to chest. He stared down into her wide eyes, feeling her breathing hitch in her throat at the sudden force.
“Stay?” He asked of her once more, sounding more certain of himself.
Slowly, Emery shook her head once, breathing out an ‘Okay…’, causing Yuta to give a small smile. Effortlessly, he dropped his arms to her thighs and picked her up, Emery’s arms wrapping around his head as she leaned in towards him more. Turning around, Yuta closed the door with his foot and walked them into the room's darkness.
Yesterday hadn’t gone great, but perhaps they could start the new day better?
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"Silver Knight and Little Clover"
*contains slight angst and JD is calling LA Knight "daddy" in this a lot cause its older man/younger man, If you don't like don't read*
*this is for my awesome mutual @afterdarkprincess for being my friend and handling my weird ass! Fic cover is made by my awesome internet sister @rainries *
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JD feels like complete shit and an utter failure. He cost Damian and Finn the match at Fastlane and made them lose their tag team championships. Not only does Damian want to annihilate him now but what destroyed JD was the disappointed look on Finn's face.
The man who brought him into this industry, the man who took him under his wing and taught him everything he knew, the man who was the only person that JD never wanted to disappoint… told him he had enough of JD and told him to get the hell out of his locker room.
JD felt tears run down his cheeks as he remembered what Finn said to him. His throat still hurts from Damian's massive hands being wrapped around his throat and being lifted off the ground and almost getting the life choked out of him. He has one last shot to get back into Finn's good graces if he defeats Drew McIntyre in a match later on tonight.
"I have to win this match or else I'll just be another disgrace in Finn's eyes" JD thought as more tears were streaming down his face. He was crying, in pain and his mind was thinking of negative thoughts. He needs to decompress and get his mind straight for tonight's match. He needs his lover, his husband, his daddy to cuddle him and make him feel better.
He went to the door of his daddy's locker room and hesitantly knocked on the door. "Hope he hasn't seen what happened…" JD thought as he started to cry again. "Who is it?" A deep and alluring voice asked that sent shivers down JD's spine. "I-It's me d-daddy" JD says as he tries to suppress the sob that's trying to claw out of his throat. "Awww babycakes, you know you don't have to knock! Come and see daddy!" the voice says which sets JD's mind at ease a bit. JD opens the locker room door and his jaw drops.
There sits his husband and daddy, LA Knight in all of his sexy glory. He's drinking whiskey from a glass while only wearing his shoes and a pair of basketball shorts which do nothing to hide the prominent bulge he's sporting. JD loves everything about his daddy. From his muscular legs and thick thighs and bubbly ass, to his soft but sturdy hairy stomach and thick hairy chest that's a mix of muscle and fat.
He loves to kiss every line on Knight's face which reminds him of how special his daddy is. From the faint lines on his forehead to the crows feet at the corners of his eyes and his favorite is when he kisses his daddy's plush lips then kisses the lines on the sides of his mouth. He also loves to feel his daddy's prickly gray beard when they kiss. To top it all off, his husband is a silver fox which means his daddy is gray from head to foot and it drives JD wild. For being sixty-three, Knight is everything that JD has ever dreamt of. JD feels like he doesn't deserve him sometimes…
He came back to his senses when he saw Knight give him a concerned look. "Clover? What happened? Why are you crying?" Knight asks worryingly. His daddy caring about him is what sent JD over the edge and for him to start sobbing. The next thing he knew was hearing the clink of a glass being put on a table and his daddy picking him up and sitting him on his lap on the big leather couch. He felt Knight's calloused thumbs try to wipe the stream of tears on JD's cheeks but to no avail.
"Shhh it's ok Clover" Knight says as lays JD's head on his thick chest. JD can feel the soft pelt of gray hair on his daddy's chest on his face and his calloused fingers lightly scratching on his scalp. He definitely doesn't deserve this man. Everytime his daddy comforts him like this JD feels even more like a burden. "You're ok Clover, daddy's here to take care of his little twinkie" Knight says which causes JD to blush immensely.
After a couple minutes of JD crying into his husband's chest, JD wiped his face with his shirt and looked up at his daddy. Knight gave him a loving smile that made his eyes crinkle at the corners. "There's my little Clover! Are you feeling any better?" Knight asked as JD nodded. "You wanna talk about it?" Knight asks as he kisses JD on the forehead. "It was just some Judgment Day stuff…" JD says which causes Knight to growl.
"Is that why you have handprints wrapped around your neck baby?" Knight asks as he gently touches the marks which causes JD to whimper. "Damian g-got mad at m-me for costing him and Finn at Fastlane" JD says, trembling a bit from what happened not even an hour ago. This causes Knight to wrap his arms around JD and hug him protectively while letting out an even deeper growl. "I'm gonna kill that fucking prick" Knight said with anger in his voice.
"It's fine d-daddy! If I win in tonight's match against McIntyre then Damian won't hurt me and Finn won't be disappointed in me anymore!" JD says hopefully which causes his daddy to sigh. "Clover, why do you take their abuse every week? Just because Finn was your mentor doesn't mean you gotta hide in his shadow" Knight says which causes JD to hide his face in his husband's chest.
"I know but Finn… he's like a big brother to me and I don't wanna feel like a burden by having you protect me all the time" JD says sadly. He feels fingers under his chin and his head is tilted up so he can look into his daddy's beautiful tired blue eyes. "Jordan…" Knight said in a serious voice which caused a shiver to go down JD's spine.
"You are not a burden to me and you never will be. Now what's on your finger right now?" Knight asks which gives him a questioning look from JD. He looks at his left hand and sees the silver wedding band with an emerald engraved in the middle on his ring finger. "It's my wedding ring, why do you ask?" JD asks with a little smile. His daddy just lovingly smiles at him and shows him the matching wedding band on his ring finger, but instead of emeralds it's engraved with little sapphires all around it.
"Clover, if I thought you were a burden I wouldn't have asked you to be mine thirteen years ago" Knight says as he grabs JD's hand and kisses the top of it, causing JD to blush. "I don't deserve you daddy" JD says as he wraps his arms around Knight's neck. "Baby, I should be asking you that! Considering you're still with this old man after all this time" Knight says with a hint of blush on his cheeks.
"Who says I'm not into silver foxes? Maybe I like being with a much older man that can handle me…" JD says as he grabs the sides of Knight's face and kisses him deeply. JD can feel the hard outline of his daddy's bulge against his ass and starts to grind lightly. He felt Knight stop his hips as he smiled against JD's mouth. "Don't you have a match tonight Clover?" Knight says with a smirk. "Y-Yeah but…" JD says before he's interrupted by Knight. "But nothing! I don't want you losing your match cause daddy railed ya so good that you're limping, besides I got a little present for ya!" Knight says with a chuckle.
"A-A present for me?" JD asks curiously as he watches his husband grab a small box from the table. "YEAH!!!!" Knight says with enthusiasm causing JD to giggle. JD opens the box and what's inside makes him wanna pinch himself to see if he's dreaming. Inside the box is a leather dog collar, the leather looks soft and is dyed seafoam green. The tag is in the shape of a four leaf clover and has the name "Clover" on the front and Knight's contact information on the back.
"Is this really for me?" JD asks as his daddy gently takes the collar from his hands and gives him a loving smile. "Of course it is Clover! Now turn around so daddy can put it on ya!" Knight says which causes JD to blush immensely. JD turns around and pulls his hair up. He feels the soft leather wrapped snugly around his neck as he hears the click of the collar clasp. "How does it look daddy?" JD says as he turns around to show his husband.
"Absolutely beautiful Clover! Now people will know who you belong to and think twice about messing with you when I'm not around" Knight says as he kisses JD affectionately. "I love you so much my silver knight" JD says with a blush to his cheeks.
"I love you too my little Clover and it doesn't matter if you win or lose this match tonight cause if Finn doesn't think you're good enough then he isn't worth your time! All that matters is that you did your fucking best out there and you'll always have me in your corner! Now come sit in daddy Knight's lap and give him some sugar! YEAH!!!" Knight says as he pulls JD back into his lap and kisses him deeply.
JD feels like he's on cloud nine with how much affection and love he's receiving from his daddy. If he wins tonight and Finn likes him again, then that's ok with him. If he loses and Finn never speaks to him again, then that's ok with him too cause he'll have his daddy in his corner giving him all the love he rightfully deserves.
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yoshinochara · 8 years
by Rainry
Please share this journal, or RT this tweet: https://twitter.com/ra1nry/status/841081858628685825
it will mean a lot to me ;-;
Hey guys
This year, I did not get a table again (not even on the waiting list...) for the third year in a row
So I'm looking for someone who is willing to share their table with me!
I will
> Pay for the entire table
> Pay for your badge
> Provide a display stand/cloth/stuff/etc
> If you need anything else, just ask!
I'm a friendly person and also I've tabled at anime north before so I have some experience.
Please contact me if you are looking to share!
Thanks for reading
I'm a lot more active
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Surprise!! One pretty (and cutie) cowboy 🥰
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Awww!!!! Sweet love 💕 and the PUPPIES!!!! 🐶
That smile melts my heart 🥺
Thank you sooooo much!!! You’re the absolute bestest 🫶🏻
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Ricky my love!!! 😍
Thank you soooooo much for this!!! Definitely a great start to the day 😉
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My sweet, sweet cowboy 🤠🥺🩵
This is soooooo pretty 🤩 THANK YOU!!!!!
Proud supporter of all his rights and all his wrongs (sometimes they’re still rights 🤭)
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That pic of him!!!! 😘😘😘
That smile *swoon*
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The Dolly pic!!! 👑
Soooo cute and I’m not one for pink 😆
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Omg! How cute!! 🥺🥺
I love it!
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Here to drop off one silly & very pretty cowboy to you. He's the best cowboy! Hope you're having a good day 🤍
AHHHHHH!!!!! This is SO SWEET!!!! 🥹
Thank you for delivering my sweet love to me 🫶🏻
I’m having a good day but it just got better now and yes, he’s the best cowboy!
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Thank you!!!!
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firstdegreefangirl · 3 months
I'm finally writing again, sortakindamaybe, so I actually have something I can use to answer this! Enjoy, seester!
The sun sets while she drives home after shift, and she thinks about the feeling of Tim's arm draped around her shoulders, just as warm as the colorful streaks in the sky.
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