#raith way
asirensrage · 2 years
darcy + 🔮 & murder husbands oc + 🔮
i hope you’re having a lovely day/night!
Thank you!!!
She doesn't understand. How could this happen? When did everything go wrong? Everything was perfect and now... The doorbell rings. She looks between her parents but none of them move. She gets up, wondering what terrible thing is next. What she doesn't expect is Darcy, standing on the step, grinning at her. "Miss me?"
Only Murder Husbands In The Building:
When he appears at the apartment, because he does, she's ready. Or at least not surprised. Her dog growls because he knows it's a threat and she's ready to stab him again if she has to. Somewhere more memorable than his leg since he didn't get the point last time. Before she ever gets the chance, someone else appears in the hall asking "What the hell is going on?"  "It's nothing. Just arguing with my girlfriend," her stalker says.  “Not according to the restraining order," she shouts back. Mainly because she recognizes the other voice. "You're being disruptive. Leave before I call the cops and we find out how far that restraining order reaches and how long you'll end up in prison for breaking it." Andy calls her name, sounding closer than before, and despite all hesitation to open the door when her stalker is still there, she does. He looks her over. "Are you alright?" "Yeah," she nods. "Good." He looks back at her stalker. "You have five seconds." 
Send me OC + 🔮 and I will write or share a future scene from their story
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gabbysdawsons · 2 years
💖 + the vampire diaries and the originals
for TVD
Either Tyler, Bonnie or Enzo
for TO
hands down Marcel. 100%
also asked by @reirvival
💖 + a fandom and i’ll tell you my fav character  
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rait-h · 1 month
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ranpoe highschool au WAHOO
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loveleetoons · 9 months
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As the final and last passengers of the Halcyon disembark today. I wanted to share the goodbye messages I received from the one and only journey I took a few weeks ago. I didn't interact with everyone and I didn't complete every task given to me. Maybe you got a different goodbye? Maybe your goodbye is similar? Either way I wanted to give everyone another chance to read goodbyes from good friends. May the stars light your way!
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circa 400 AD
Lord Raith: "the invading Goths might become a problem"
circa 2004 AD
Lord Raith: "Empty Night, the Goths are invading again"
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ariana-maryse · 2 years
for the fuckable characters ask
luigi largo - repo! the genetic opera
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the beast - split/glass
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my current obsession: jesse custer - preacher
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Omg yes. Great choices
ask game: Is this character fuckable?
Luigi -
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
The Beast -
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
Jesse -
repulsive | no | just a hug | kissable | maybe | down to cuddle | yes | absolutely | Take Me Now
i’d top them | i’d bottom for them
i’d dom them | i’d sub for them
one night stand | fuckbuds | partner | marry me
Send me a character and I'll tell you if I think they're fuckable!
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narastories · 1 year
guardian angel, faerie godmother
Only like half a year later but here is the “Nic is Thomas’s godfather” fic with lots of shenanigans.
Fandom: The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher Rating: Mature Relationships: Harry Dresden/Thomas Raith Characters: Harry Dresden, Thomas Raith, Nicodemus Archleone, The Leanansidhe Tags: Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe, Incest, Half-Sibling Incest, POV Alternating, Nicodemus is Thomas's Godfather, Attempt at Humor, Mutual Pining, Making Out, Hand Feeding, Finger Sucking, creative ways of feeding a white vampire, soulfire, Nic is a side character here but friendly warning: my simp-ness is written all over this Summary:
For once, Nicodemus and the Leanansidhe have good intentions. Sort of.
Read on AO3
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Source - WDW Vacation Tips
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merobot · 2 years
The only way I know how to flirt is by talking slightly differently and that doesn’t work online lol I’m also very bad at taking hints I’m pretty dense sometimes and it can take me a while to get used to a new person
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hiddenqveendom · 2 years
🎬 + brie eisen
🎬 + your most recent muse
i hope you’re having a lovely day!!
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Brie Eisen
how they’d be introduced
I think she’d be introduced in s1 not long after Starlight joins The Seven. She would be in the middle of a huge tirade against Stillwell. Brie was initially promised the spot Annie filled, but after a scandal, was replaced without her knowledge. With Brie being the diva she is, she goes off on everyone in her path, including Annie who she sparks a one sided war with. 
who the fandom ships them with
Hughie without a doubt. Alternatively, I think people could ship her with A-Train due to the similarities in their personality. 
why the fandom loves them
Her unpredictability. Brie is full of surprises. The moment you think you know her like the back of her hand, she flips the script. 
why the fandom hates them
Her bratty personality. Brie radiates privileged celebrity energy. So, I think that could rub some the wrong way. Her reasons for hating Starlight might also seem baseless to some. 
what the cast relationship would be like
OMG Halston is such a precious bean, so I think she would fit in perfectly with the rest of the crew. I think she and Erin would do their best to keep their fans from pitting their respective characters against each other by demonstrating how well the actually get along in real life. I could see her and Jack getting along the best for some reason. 👀
what was their audition scene
Her dramatic tantrum on Stillwell at Vought would be her audition scene. I think if a chemistry read were needed for Halston and Jack it would be when Brie flirtatiously approaches Hughie at the bar after spotting him talking to Annie. 
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with
Probably with Jack, Erin, Ben Hardy (he’d be playing her twin brother if this were canon), and/or Jessie. 
if they spoil things
I don’t think Halston would be the kind to spoil stuff unless she was given the okay ahead of time (at least not on purpose lol). So, no?
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
The Boys is still going and Brie’s overall journey is all over the place. Thus, I’m not sure if they would be happy with how their story ends because I am still on the fence about how it is going to go. 🙈
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Heidi Barstow
how they’d be introduced
I think Heidi would be introduced making eye contact with Steve in the halls during s1 when it’s intercepted by Nancy’s presence. Carol would then catch up to her and tell her how much she wishes it was her with Steve in place of Nancy. The girl would then encourage her to make a move in spite of it all, but before Heidi can respond Steve calls them over. Carol goes but Heidi makes awkward eye contact with Nancy and storms off. 
who the fandom ships them with
STEVE. That would by far be the superior ship because who isn’t a sucker for mutual pining. Nevertheless, I think many would ship her with Billy considering the fact that the two briefly date after he is introduced. 
why the fandom loves them
One word: GROWTH. After being harassed by a flayed Billy, losing her brother, and later possessed by Vecna, Heidi goes from pushover class princess to a badass go-getter. I’m a sucker for character growth and I think fans would be too. 😉
why the fandom hates them
Probably the way she tries to stubbornly deal with all of her issues until she ultimately snaps. The fandom might also be bothered by the way she treats Steve coldly at times to keep him at bay even though they are clearly soulmates. 
what the cast relationship would be like
I think Rachel’s relationship with the rest of the ST cast would be very similar to how it was with the cast of The Society; lighthearted and close knit. She and Joe K would be the biggest Heidi and Steve shippers there are. 
what was their audition scene
Rachel’s audition scene for Heidi would be the part in s1 when Steve approaches her for advice on what to do about Nancy putting distance between them, and Heidi retorts that there are more important things going on that he should worry about instead of girl troubles. It’s about a two minute frustration filled monologue that would also serve as a chemistry read. 
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with
The Joes, Natalia, Dacre, and/or one of the actors playing her siblings. 
if they spoil things
A couple things might unintentionally slip. 👀
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large
That my friend is tbd. One thing I CAN tell you she’s be unhappy with is the way her plot line with Steve would be dragged on. The whole “will they won’t they” might keep people in their toes, but it would definitely frustrate others. 
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raith-way · 2 years
the song of the day is
because today is
*to the tune of rex manning day*
✨therapy day✨
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asirensrage · 2 years
for the behind the scenes questions: 8, 10, 18, 25 (there’s a heaven above you), and 30?
Raith! I'm always happy to see you pop up into my ask box. Thanks for asking!
8. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
Absolutely! I always listen to music and usually have playlists for each of my fics that I listen to when I write. Umm...the last song I was inspired by was Palace by Dessa but it was for this gif set lol. Though, Unholy by Sam Smith was in my head when I was doing smut drabbles earlier today.
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Dialogue and plot! I love building up the scenes, especially when things are getting good. I like trying to get readers to react lol.
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
“I’m not a kid!” “You look like one,” he shot back.  “What am I even going to tell them?” I sat up quickly and glared at him. “That I’m a grown ass woman who earned adult privileges by being an actual adult walking around in a Tammy suit? And that when they treat me like a kid, when they look at me and see her and not me, it makes me feel insane! Like I’m small and breathless and not actually here. How about that Hopper? How’s that sound?” I hissed, trying to not lash out. My hands were shaking. “I’m putting in all this effort every single fucking day for someone else’s life! I might never go back to my own! Or I could wake up there tomorrow and this was all for nothing! I could have ruined this girl’s life!” I suddenly burst into tears. I couldn’t stop myself. I bent over, trying to stop, to just calm down so they couldn’t hear me. It just made it all worse. Something deep in my chest ached at the reminder that I was stuck here and I wasn’t me.  Hopper’s arm went around me, pulling me into his side. “I know ki-Kate. I’m sorry.” He patted my back a couple times and I let out a broken laugh at the attempt. None of this felt worth it right now. “I try…I try so hard,” I said, wiping the tears off of my face even as they kept falling. “It doesn’t fix anything that matters. Why doesn’t it matter?” I cried harder.  Hopper remained silent, but he didn’t move. He just sat there, hand awkwardly on my back until he pulled it away. “It does,” he finally said. “Might not see it now, but it does.” “It doesn’t feel like it.” “I know, but you matter. The little things you do add up Kate and before long, you can see the impact it has on the people around you. Or sometimes you never find out how much something you did or said meant to someone. That’s life. You just gotta live it as best you can, no matter what comes your way.” He paused for a moment. “But I admit, body swap is pretty weird. Don’t suppose there’s any set of directions on how to do that right, but you do a good job, even if nobody tells you. You’ve done right by Tammy, her parents, her classmates and everyone else you stick up for and make friends with.”
This is from Tammy Thompson Takes on the Upside Down. I enjoyed writing this scene because it really gives insight into Kate and the pressure she feels playing Tammy. I wanted to show her how other people are seeing her and I think what Hopper says here is really important for anyone tbh. The little things you do add up and sometimes you can see the impact you have on others, sometimes you can't but that doesn't mean it isn't there.
25. Which idea came to you first in there's a heaven above you (Don't you cry)?
Honestly? It was the idea of time travel without control. I liked the idea that it happens without warning and you have no say where you go or when. Also the idea of waking up on a beach sounds awful and I couldn't resist.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
Oh god. Every fic idea has turns into a long fic. Okay, it's not new because I've talked about it, but Reality is Fictional is a cooperative fic between me and the readers about travelling the multiverse and the impact it has on someone (as well as playing with the mary-sue trope). It'll be a lot of fun...once I get to it lol.
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing: 30 Questions for Authors
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
also, hi!! can i please be added to your taglist?
Hey, darling! Of course, you can. Thank you for wanting to be on it.
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rait-h · 8 days
btw guys I stalk the reblogs so whenever I post something and wake up the day after I immediately go to the reblogs and read what stupid sh you all are saying
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gabbysdawsons · 2 years
📖 + cody skipton and logan elliot (because their friendship looks like fun)
thank you so much for this ask! seriously, i really appreciate it.
but cody’s playlist is- severely lacking and i really don’t have a song for them.
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badassbutterfly1987 · 2 years
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