ranger-rai · 3 months
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Rai has had quite a few looks and gone through the wringer in the last couple of years.
But in the end he's still a ranger and he still loves his job.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Lore Fact about Rai:
Rai doesn't purchase Pokeballs from big stores, he only shops at small local shops.
Being the Child of an Immigrant and a Historian from Johto from a Traditional Family, he cares alot about tradition and supporting local culture and businesses.
He also finds a lot of used, lost, and broken Pokeballs of different types and learned how to fix them so he can give them out.
It's actually pretty easy to repair a pokeball or even homebrew the software, and he will usually do some of that with his Porygon Partner, Skip.
He also finds and repairs Ball Capaules pretty often and will doodle up funny stickers for trainers as well, those are also pretty easy to repair.
Also, none of Rai's pokemon are in standard Pokeballs, aside from Bliss, his Beedrill, which he later added a little flower doodle on it for her.
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ranger-rai · 6 months
There's More to You. Pt 2
(The second part of one of Rai's biggest story elements)
Driving through the heart of Sinnoh, Rai found himself in the middle of another “job” mandated by his boss, Jo.
He was recruited to pick up some new training equipment for the Poke-Tri-Team that he was now kind of associated with. Honestly, he doesn't quite understand it much himself, but things haven't been too bad.
Some might even say things were pretty great, he would think to himself as he glanced over at his passenger.
The tall woman sat on the opposite side of the vehicle, her long, violet hair catching the breeze of the drive. Tia, the usually silent leader of Team Wild Dragoons, was an enigma of a woman to him. 
He thought himself lucky to get time to get to know her, something most people would probably claw tooth and nail for, and every so often he would get to see the person behind the ice cold glare.
“Ya keep staring, and Murkrow are gonna peck your eyes.”
Rai whipped his head over his shoulder in surprise at this statement, turning his attention to Minnie, forgetting she was in the truck at the moment.
One of the few joys Minnie got out of life was messing with people, and Rai was one of her favorites. Ever since they were kids, she made it her job to mess with this guy.
As the two rangers exchanged words regarding who was staring at what, the ever silent Tia had decided to speak up.
“You two seem close.” She commented in a very curious manner.
Minnie commented on how much of a treat this was to actually talk to her.
He went on to add that the two of them had known each other since they were young, their parents were friends so they were always around each other.
“Yeah, we have seen some shiiiit in all of these years.” Minnie chimed in with a chuckle.
Rai added that they went to ranger school together and stuff, Minnie attempting to add on the fire in his family's business, but he quickly cut her off.
He questioned loudly about the equipment in the truck bed, asking if this stuff would really improve their skills.
Tia collected all of this information before processing the question.
"Yes.” Tia responded simply.
The rangers exchanged a look. They had all been working and training around each other for a few months now, and they still couldn't get a lot out of her.
“So, what do you enjoy about competing?” Rai asked to keep some conversation going.
Pausing for another moment, Tia looked at the rangers before turning her attention back out the window.
“It's fun. I feel free.” She stated.
“You're weird.” Minnie responded bluntly.
Rai had snapped back, the two getting into another bickering match.
This whole time they had been driving on one of the many back roads of Sinnoh to avoid traffic and people, so their route was pretty clear.
Or so they thought.
“Stop!” Tia called out in distress, prompting Rai to slam on the breaks with wide eyes.
Minnie had tumbled forward due to being unrestrained in the back seat, collecting herself as she rose up from the car's floor a bit agitated.
“What the hell was that all about?!” She snapped at Tia and then Rai, who both seemed fixated on the road.
Her eyes squinted in confusion as she finally noticed what was the source of their troubles.
Everyone in the car was stunned in silence as they all focused on the strange figure in the middle of the dirt road.
A figure in all black tactical gear stood dead center of the road, their face and head completely indiscernible due to the complete helmet-like face mask they wore.
“Hey, nice uh...cosplay...i think? Sorry if we messed up your photoshoot, but you're in the middle of the road, and we need to keep moving.” Rai called out as he leaned his head out the window, getting no response from the figure who started to approach the car.
Rai and minnie exchanged a glance. They knew a bad sign when they saw one, but they had a plan for aggressive individuals.
“Hey look-” Rai called out as he began to open his car door to try and talk to the figure, only for it to be pushed back shut on his by an identical masked figure, with a third appearing on the opposite side of the car.
As rangers, they were prepared for most situations, but this wasn't covered in training.
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ranger-rai · 10 months
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I made this drawing after I realized I sent Rai on a fun, life altering adventure across a multiverse and how it reminded me of @prof-peach and her time travel adventure.
Realizing that they both would come back changed, I had to point out the differences in their situations and ultimately how differently they would process their experience.
This was the result of that.
(It was also an excuse to draw rai in a goofy style and give him an existential crisis.)
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ranger-rai · 9 months
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Meet Skip!
An early generation Porygon that has become integral to Rai's team and just as beloved as well.
The 3rd to join, Skip has a very playful personality. He loves sampling sound effects and remixing them back at people and diving into technology he's not supposed to.
This shiny computer fiend is not always the sharpest tool, but he is one of the most energetic.
He got his name due to the fact that a lot of his files were corrupted or missing important data, and after a diagnostic, most of his programs were patched, save for his speech driver which leads him to talk in a Skipping way, much like a CD trying to play when scratched.
This doesn't seem to hinder him, and while some of his attacks are also corrupted, he's still a vital part of Rai's team and is able to help with long range communication and delivery of emergency supplies when needed. Think like a digital supply runner.
Professionals have told Rai that most of his problems should clear up if he evolved, but Skip doesn't seem to mind the way he is, and Rai wants his partners to be happy with themselves.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Trainer Classes and Cultures [ooc]
Ok so a little OOC today but I've been chatting with some members of my Discord about trainer classes, how I feel there are sub classes of trainers and how under developed certain Cultures and classes are, specifically the Dragon Tamer class and the Dragon Clans or "Dragonoids" mostly found in the manga and Zinnias story.
In her story, we learn that her clan worships Rayquaza, which leads me to believe that there are other clans around the regions that worship or revere other dragons.
My headcanon on this is that there are Clans and tribes for every known dragon, however many are regional, and the tribes thst worship the legendary Dragons are much bigger while Psudeo legendaries have a decent size and regular Dragons have small tribes but multiple of them.
I also believe that each tribe has their own practices and general vibe.
Dragons like Salamance are much more traditional and rooted in one location, while a Tribe like Altaria are roaming and nomadic people who are peaceful. However, they shouldn't be underestimated.
I've also decided that my three Poke-Tri-Games trainers (Tia,Vea, and Konani) are all members of different tribes, but left for various reasons.
I'd love to see this more expanded or any other people's headcanons on this topic, as well as thoughts on other trainer classes.
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ranger-rai · 5 months
There's More to You pt.4
Rai's whole world was engulfed in bright pink light as he felt the pull into this doorway as though he was freefalling while standing up. He tried to look around for Bliss, Minnie and Tia but there was just too much pink as he saw an even brighter flash of white approaching and the intensity of the doorways pull getting even more powerful as he covered his eyes and let out a yelp in reaction.
Rai heard as he lowered his hands from his face and opened his eyes slowly.
His eyes were met with a far less harsh white light, much more like LED lights, still obnoxious but bearable as he noticed faces staring at him, some even chuckling.
As his eyes adjusted, he identified his surroundings as some kind of elevator that was filled with his friends, the scruffy haired jab worker, and a couple of those masked forces.
Rai heard snickering from somewhere he expected as he looked over to Minnie at his side, getting a kick at his awkward entrance. 
He then heard some muffled snickers and chuckles coming from a few guards, causing him to become a bit annoyed, ready to have some kind of snappy comeback, however his annoyance would turn into embarrassment as even the usually stoic Tia was letting out some giggles. Rai wasn't as annoyed but was feeling a blush cross his face.
“Don't feel too embarrassed. A lot of people don't know how to react to their first portal. It's just a little funny seeing a reaction like that from you of all people.”  The scruffy haired scientist explained.
Rai wondered what he meant by that, however he wouldn't have a lot of time to dwell on this thought as the elevator rose past the blank walls that they had been viewing on their way up, as they now felt like they had been shot upwards into a whole new world.
The Rangers and Athlete stood in awe as they saw what looked like a large, interconnected biosphere-like enclosure more than double, maybe triple the size of any structure they had seen.
Tia had been to her fair share of sporting venues and arenas, while Rai and Minnie had been to many major rehabilitation facilities, natural biomes, and enrichment compounds, but they were far less complex and much smaller in size.
There were mountain ranges that made Mt. Silver and Coronet look pitiful by comparison. 
The different types of environments were perfectly structured, with many different types of pokemon inhabiting them so peacefully.
The mountains could be seen eventually crossing into forested areas, with streams flowing into lakes. Beaches having long strands of sand eventually become deserts and not a single sign of disharmony. 
Every Pokemon seemed to have enough space for roaming, resources, food, and even the weather, which was perfectly centered and balanced to their individual needs.
They were all in amazement, with Rai being the most excited as he pushed himself against the glass, really observing and noting how so many different species of pokemon were able to coexist in such an amazing place.
His surprise grew as the elevator stopped in midair before shifting into horizontal movement, knocking the newcomers off their feet, with Rai and Tia falling into each other and Minnie falling into a guard, getting close enough to make out just barely an eye, with a familiar and haunting look to it.
As everyone regained their footing, Rai and Tia engaging in a rather embarrassing display of awkwardness, they were all once again in awe of the fact that they were moving over the entire facility, able to see pokemon, landscapes and life happening in just a trip in an elevator.
“This is only but a fraction of what we have built here, but you should consider yourselves extremely lucky as very few people get to visit the “The Jar.” The scientist explained as he waved his hand in the air to make a virtual console appear, to which he swiped and pressed a few things before the omni-vator slowed and changed its course.
Minnie had finally gotten over her amazement to finally snap at the scientist, asking what was the point in dragging them here, they seemed like they had everything they needed, and usually people who have a ton of armed guards aren't always up to something good.
He responded that the guards were to protect the valuable assets of the facility. However, they can be a bit gung-ho when visiting new locations, but they mean well.
Minnie looked over the guards, not feeling much better at this explanation.
“As for why we needed you all.” He added.
“We don't.”
Everyone was confused at this statement.
“We only needed him.” The scientist explained as he pointed to Rai.
Rai was pretty shocked at this statement, as he tried to rationalize the whole thing with Minnie trying to get more answers, causing a bit of a ruckus in the small elevator, which had gone dimmer as they had entered a tunnel, leaving behind the light of the beautiful biosphere.
He felt his back against the wall, trying to assess the situation as the omni-vator had slowed to a stop with the door being at his back.
“Ok, I'm not too sure what you mean by all of this, but I'm not that important. I-i’m just a normal ranger from Sinnoh who loves pokemon.” Rai began rambling while Minnie continued to struggle and make the enclosed space more inhospitable. 
“I think everyone would feel a lot better if we talked this out, maybe over a nice cup of-” Rai tried to rationalize and negotiate some level of peace in the chaos, with him slowly backing out of the enclosed area, only for him to collide with another body, causing both it hit the ground with the contents of the other individuals bag spilling all around.
Rai began apologizing profusely, not noticing the comotion dying down as he began shuffling around to pick up papers, pencils, and a pair of glasses that weren't his, as he returned them to their owner, his eyes widening as the owner placed his glasses back on his face.
As he rose to his feet everyone could get a better view at this spectacled individual, aside from a shorter, more tidy haircut, and a more professional dress style, this individual was an exact match for Rai.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Ask me about a Trainer Class
I want to discuss different trainer classes and little-known things about them.
What class would you be?
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ranger-rai · 3 months
Hello, it is so great to see so many young rangers these days, especially in my home region, keep up the excellent work. I don't get back home that much these days so it makes me happy to know it has rangers like you keeping it safe. If you ever stop by the ranger base in Snowpoint and plan to spend any extended time in the mountains, I would recommend talking to Operator Pomeroy she always has some warm clothes and provisions prepped for rangers.
Glad to know there's other rangers who take pride in their work!
I might have met some of your associates, and we love people who support us and trainers who need it.
Always come look us up if you're in sinnoh!
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ranger-rai · 1 year
I saw the partner post and couldn't help myself. My partner is a torterra named twiggy. He's strong but lazy, often trying to end battles in as few hits as possible so he can go nap.
Very trusty partners, Turtwig was actually my choice in starter when I began my journey, however I wasn't able to continue after a short time so I left him in the care of a good friend and strong trainer who raised him well.
Torterra is a very special pokemon for people who love growing plants.
Their shell is incredibly durable, but they have a pretty thick layer of rich top soil that supports a lot of different plants.
They can house a lot of different plants like a mobile garden, and their soil is very rich, so the plants will grow pretty strong and fast if they are small, afterwards you will want to transfer them to the ground so they can take permanent root.
Lately less Torterra have been seen in serious battle contents because of their lack of speed and notable gentle nature, along with their amazing plant growth ability, but when they are battles, they can be extremely powerful.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
More Rai-Verse Talk:
Of course we gotta see alternate versions of other Ranger Base characters:
Not all of the ranger base gets seen but Minnie is definitely there, a much more social person and is a human doctor, something she finds completely disgusting, she can't stand people and doesn't know what any version of herself would.
Tia has a version of herself of Galar, she's much more free and unbound by the circumstances of her past, very confident, very much proud of her restaurant of unique Galaria/Alolan fusion, and this version is actually married to the Alolan version of Rai (he doesn't know that. Also, it's always Alola that makes people wanna get married, lol)
Rai not only has to fight his way out of this lab but he has to fight many different versions of himself, however he doesn't want to put his team at risk, so he makes use of the Unity System, merging with Sylvester for the first time, becoming a speeding train that rams through and wrecks the place.
There's more but I just wanted to share these details.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Into the Rai-Verse!
Just by coincidence I had come up with the idea of
Rai meeting someone from another dimension, just
playing around until I accidentally came up with a
new storyline and world building...
BY accident I basically just made into the
spiderverse and I'm not sorry for it, haha!
Rai meets a masked stranger who has been causing a bit of a commotion with his weird gadgets in the process of confrontation. The stranger pulls him into a portal with Minnie and Tia following.
Rai discovers that the masked stranger is an older looking version of himself, who in their universe is a Professor from Kalos, studying Pokemon Habitats.
While in this new, shiny lab that's revealed to be a central hub for certain versions of himself to meet, he meets a couple other versions of himself.
One from who is a Boastful, powerful trainer from Galar who is a master of Dynamax and unshakable battle skills.
The other is a contest Coridnator from Hoenn, who umphasises his pokemon's appearance, only worrying about their significance in contests.
There's also a pretty chill version of him from Alola who became a Trial Captain, but they actually over worked themselves that they burned out really hard.
And then there's the professor version of himself that studied environments in an attempt to save their own, however he was unable to, and the lab they are in now is the center hub for artifical, stale environments to keep everyone alive in his universe.
He is pretty cold, and only works off of facts and knowledge, and he's been looking for a new solution to restore his universe, trapping and using Hoopa to move between worlds.
He found that the other Rai's had great skills in their respective fields of battle, rising to the top many times over, mastering unique talents.
They all, also had their entire family, Our Rai being the only outlier who not only lost most of his family, but doesn't use any special battle methods or power ups, except his thundershout ability, which Professor Rai, and the others want to find the source of.
I wanna expand this more but I kinda love it!
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ranger-rai · 5 months
There's more to you pt.3
Two hostiles on both sides and one approaching from the front. Weapons were a possibility as well. One untrained in the vehicle.
Rai had made the mental assessment, and knew his next move, he was just waiting on the signal.
He glanced over at his fellow ranger, who gave a light “scratch-scratch” under her chin.
Rai turned his head towards the masked figure at his window.
“So…Ya like Shellfish?”Rai questioned with a smirk as he leaned his head back while Minnie released her trusty Cloyster “Archy” who slammed into the first figure, before bouncing off and performing a “Rapid Spin” ricocheting off of the remaining two.
Once the road was clear, Rai gunned the engine and took off down the road.
Tia had popped up once more, completely confused and a bit worried about what was happening, to which Rai and Minnie responded with a lack of information.
The three fleeing adults jumped in surprise as a loud “Thunk” was heard from the truck bed, but a sigh of relief was had as they simply saw Archy sitting on top of the equipment they were hauling.
Rai commented that he seemed a little too happy about knocking out those masked people.
As their vehicle blazed down the dirt road, they both knew that there was only an open field between them and the main road, and they would be able to reach for any backup if needed.
Tia could feel her heart racing as fast as the truck was going, she was used to free falling and aerial combat, but this was actual danger, something they experience on a regular basis, she thought.
Her eyes darted through the dense forest around them, she could have sworn she saw figures moving through the trees, and she prepared to warn the rangers, however the sunlight piercing through the opening caught her attention as they entered the large open field.
The truck was now pacing its way through the mostly untamed grass, a few wild Field pokemon scampered away from the sound of the engine, with Rai letting out a little cheer of victory.
“Looks like they weren't so tough.” He stared at his passengers with a grin, which quickly turned into a grimace as he slammed on the breaks.
A chill ran down their collective spines as the three masked figures were now in the dozens, some standing with pokeballs ready, some with devices that could be described as “gun looking.” 
Rai and minnie tried to formulate a plan, but they were severely under prepared, outgunned, and basically all alone.
Tia had many thoughts racing through her mind. She worried about the well-being of these two rangers, sure. But she was also worried about her own safety, wondering if she could call out her Noivern “Mercy” and get away quickly.
She quickly shook that idea out of her head. She's not that kind of person, but…
“Did they find me?” She muttered to herself, catching Minnie's attention for a moment.
The thought didn't last long as Rai opened his car door and proceeded to address the crowd.
He called out for a peaceful resolution and explained what they wanted, asking them to please lower their weapons.
Minnie poked her head out of the window and told him to get his ass back in the car. They had guns and numbers.
Rai shrugged as he believed it was worth a shot.
To their surprise, the masked figures did indeed lower their arms.
“See, you can catch more Cutieflies with hon-” Rai stated with a smirk right before he found himself tied up with a large Bolo made of glowing energy. 
One of the armed figures with the large weapons had fired it mid-sentence.
Rai found himself rolling around in the grass and dirt as a couple figures had approached and lifted him up.
As Minnie and even Tia were ready to rush out of the car in an attempt to rescue the ranger, all were halted in place as a high frequency humming began emitting through the air quickly followed by a large, circular wall of energy.
The wall was made of a pink and white energy, at the center of it, a young man with dark, scruffy hair and a lab coat emerged, pushing through the guards and making his way towards the ranger.
“Are you serious?! This is how you ask someone politely?!” He called out in frustration at the two masked guards.
“They hit us with a Cloyster.” A guard responded.
The scruffy haired man dismissed the claim and ordered for Rai to be released.
He apologized  profusely as he released the restraints from the ranger, told the guards to stand down and picked up his hat, handing it back to Rai.
“I'm sorry if this seems a bit…extreme. However I can assure you that we only have good intentions.” The young man explained with a rather sincere smile.
Rai turned his attention to Minnie who was making many gestures that all translated to “bad guys, do not trust.”.
He was still pretty weary of this strangeness, however there was something about him that he found familiar.
Rai stepped back, explaining that he's taken down many strange operations and they weren't coming off as very different.
“Raiko, please! A lot of people need YOUR help.” The young man pleaded.
The ranger was taken back, only a handful of people knew his real name, and somehow this stranger knew it. Rai was still incredibly on the fence, but this young man felt trustworthy.
Rai agreed to go, telling Minnie to take the car back and to let everyone know he'll be right behind them. He said as he released Bliss from her pokeball, saying he needed to fill her in.
Before they even took a step forward, Minnie stepped in front of the two, explaining that he is crazy to think that she would let him go alone. 
He knew that there would be no stopping her, and he felt kind of relieved that someone would be joining him.
Rai felt a tug at the back of his vest, as he and minnie turned in confusion to see the tall passenger they had been accompanied by was also insisting on coming.
They both began to protest this, saying that she wasn't trained, and that she could get hurt, and for the first time, her powerful glare actually seemed to affect the two rangers somewhat.
The young scientist found this interesting, and chimed in that the two women would be more than appreciated to come, as the more people willing to help, the better.
Minnie stepped forward, explaining that they were coming to help, but to keep Rai safe, she stated as she got right into the face of a masked guard, trying to intimidate whoever was in there, however should only see her own reflection as she huffed off toward the portal.
Tia made eye contact with the scientist, who simply smiled back.
“A pleasure to have you join us, M'lady” He stated with a slight bow, causing a slight internal panic as she strided past him toward the portal near Minnie.
Rai released Runt, instructing him to get Jo and Eddie and to bring them the truck keys, and to watch out for Rita and Kuriboh while he was gone.
Runt gave him a few good licks before charging off toward the base, a smile on Rai's face shrinking down to a serious tone as he looked at Bliss, his most trusted partner. The two shared an unspoken agreement to look out for one another and protect anyone they could.
“You definitely have a strong bond with pokemon. That's exactly what we need right now.” The young man stated as he guided the ranger to the portal with his colleagues.
Rai stood before a doorway to a big unknown, no knowledge, no experience and no plan, but since when was that going to stop him?
He looked at his friends before taking a deep breath and stepping forward, engulfed in an immense light.
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ranger-rai · 7 months
Is it possible to Terastallize a Pokemon in Galar?
Terastallization isn't quite limited to a region. It's the pokemon's Terra type and a Tera Orb, but the natural Tera energy that helps recharge the orbs is the problem.
Realistically if you were say here in Sinnoh and you had a fully charged Tera Orb, you could use it once and then you would need to find a way to recharge it, and as far as I know we don't have methods of recharging it here.
So, using your Tera Orb outside of a location that can recharge, it is basically like a single use item.
It's possible, but you need to be smart about it.
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ranger-rai · 11 months
Rai-Verse stories:
I have a lot of stories planned out for Rai, some I'm not sure if I'll ever get to, but I wanted to share some potentially funny or interesting things that will probably happen over time.
Rai has been given a unique transformation program by @alexanders-pokemon-adventure which let's him merge with his pokemon in a sort of power suit situation. (Still fleshing it out) Rai doesn't like putting his pokemon in danger and would rather be on the front lines, he still is dealing with the trauma of loosing his Brother and Father so he doesn't want thst to happen again.
At some point, Rai, Minnie and Tia get sucked into a strange portal where they meet alternate universe versions of Rai and some of themselves. Rai learns that the other versions of himself are very successful with the professor version of himself being the one who brought them all together, yet they find him as an anomaly due to his power and other reasons. They travel into multiverses by using an enslaves Hoopa, which main Rai objects to and manages to save. There's a version of Rai and Tia that are together and way into each other, Rai doesn't meet them, but she does.
Rai is pretty out of it from his multiversal travel, fearing he is the most inferior version of himself and believing he's failed at his life and can't pull himself out of the funk. A scenario with @prof-peach helps pull him towards better and gives him confidence to finally ask out Tia.
Over time he begins relying on others and realizing his importance, eventually he gets involved in a pretty serious back and forth between a large corporation trying to demolish a good chunk of the Great Marsh, first by acquiring it, then sabotaging protection efforts, and finally by actually setting fire to the marsh. At this point "The Duke" finally joins his team officially and helps a lot, Rai working through his issues with fire and losing people culminating in him getting help from literal sleeping giants to put it out.
Ranger Eddie wrestles with if he wants to stay a ranger and Minnie gets a new "Friend"
Everyone but Rai knows that Tia,Vea and Konani are members of Dragon Clans and they were the three mysterious women who danced at a cultural festival. They have also begun rising through the ranks of the Poke-Tri-Games and are in the top 5 teams, however there is a interjection by their Clans during a championship match which results in a Dragonic Challege, held by their customs. They fight for stay and break from their traditions.
Eventually Jo's past comes back to haunt her, but the rest of her rangers stick by her.
These are just some ideas, but I feel like there's a lot that will happen between all of this.
I'm always down for more suggestions or theories.
I am really loving this world built and I want to see where else it can go.
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ranger-rai · 1 year
Hi how are you doing
I'm doing well! We just had a major holiday so I got a long needed break, managed to start my latest video, so be on the look out.
Skip has been acting a little funny lately so I'm going to keep an eye on him.
Our friend @alexanders-pokemon-adventure created a cool system for us that we have been admittedly slacking on, but when every day you're trying to protect pokemon and keep things in order, along with running a cafe and occasionally helping a professional team with training, it's kind of overwhelming.
Sometimes I wish there was more of me, haha.
It's not like that's ever gonna happen, so I just need to keep doing my best!
I hope you're doing well, too.
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