#rajasthan diwas
theinfomedias · 3 months
Why is Rajasthan diwas celebrated: Jaipur Monuments Free Entry
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First of all, best wishes to all of you on Rajasthan Day. In this story we will tell you how Rajasthan Day is celebrated and what is free for the people of Jaipur.
2# History of Rajasthan Day The state of Rajasthan was formed on 30 March 1950, although its formation was formally announced by Sardar Patel on 14 January 1950 in Udaipur. Earlier, Rajasthan was known as Rajputana and this state was formed by merging small and big princely states. , Which literally means place of kings. All the merged princely states were under the Rajput, Gurjar, Maurya and Jat kings. These include the princely states of Jodhpur, Jaipur, Jaisalmer and Bikaner.
Rajasthan Day Jaipur Monuments Free Entry
March 30 is Rajasthan Day and on that day the government has made entry into all the monuments and places free. And this is the good news for the people of Jaipur that - from Hawa Mahal to Nahargarh and from Amer to Albert Hall Museum, you can go anywhere for free.
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shankarmeghwal · 1 year
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#दुनिया_का_तारणहार 🎉 संत रामपाल जी महाराज वर्तमान में विश्व में एकमात्र पूर्ण संत हैं। इन्हीं के अध्यात्मिक ज्ञान से पूरे विश्व में शांति होगी। 17 फरवरी 1988 को उनको नाम उपदेश प्राप्त हुआ था। तब से लेकर अब तक उन्होंने करोड़ों लोगों को विकारों से मुक्त कर मोक्ष की राह दिखाई। #तत्वदर्शी_संत_रामपाल_जी_महाराज_जी 5 Days Left For Bodh Diwas #सत_भक्ति_संदेश #super_kabir_is_god #saintrampalji #satlok #kabirisgod #tatvdarshisant #santrampalji #santrampaljimaharaj #jagatguru_saintrampalji #godkabir #supremegodkabir #saintrampaljimaharaj #saintrampalji_truesaint #sanews #sanewschannel #kabir #satlok_ashram_news #satlokashramnewschanel #satlokashram #supremegod #truegure #god_lover_shubham अधिक जानकारी के लिए सुनिए #साधना 7:30 #ईश्वर 8:30 टीवी पर रोजाना सत्संग सुने (Udaipur, Rajasthan में) https://www.instagram.com/p/CojtBAKSaru/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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14 avril : l’anniversaire du Dr Ambedkar, l’un des fondateurs de l’Inde actuelle
C’est le 134e anniversaire de Babasaheb Ambedkar et son aura n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. Cet homme, né dans un milieu défavorisé et qui sera l’un des premiers intouchables à faire des études supérieures, à bénéficier d’une bouse pour étudier aux États-Unis et à Londres, et à se hisser au plus haut niveau de l’État indien dont il a participé à la fondation. Il fut député, ministre de la Justice, du Travail… On lui doit pour l’essentiel la constitution indienne, notamment les articles sur la laïcité, la lutte contre les discriminations. Très jeune, il a lutté contre le système des castes et, une fois au gouvernement, il a mis en place une discrimination positive.
Bhimrao Ramjo Ambedkar est né le 14 avril 1891 à Mhow (appelé aujourd'hui Ambedkar Nagar) dans le Madhya Pradesh. Son anniversaire a été fêté publiquement pour la première fois à Pune en 1928 par ses partisans. Mais il a fallu attendre 1990, à la veille de son centenaire, pour que le Dr Ambdekar reçoit à titre posthume le Bharat Ratna, la plus haute distinction civile indienne. En outre, la période 1990-91 avait été déclarée « Année de la justice sociale ». Certains État de l’Inde célèbrent le 14 avril une journée de l’équité. Babasaheb Ambedkar (son surnom) est particulièrement vénéré par les intouchables qu’il appelait les datits, et basses castes dont il était (car sa famille était de la la caste des Mahars) ; mais aussi des bouddhistes, car un an avant sa mort, en 1956, il s’était converti au Bouddhisme pour protester contre le maintien de l’esprit des castes (pourtant abolies par la constitution) et la sur-représentation des hautes castes au sommet de l’État. Il avait entraîné avec lui la conversion en masse de plusieurs centaines de milliers d’intouchables.
Ambedkar Jayanti n'est pas une fête nationale en Inde. Mais, c'est un jour férié dans 25 États et territoires de l'Union indienne (sur 36) , dont Andhra Pradesh , Bihar , Chandigarh , Chhattisgarh , Goa , Gujarat , Haryana , Himachal Pradesh , Jammu-et-Cachemire , Jharkhand , Karnataka , Kerala , Ladakh , Madhya Pradesh. , Maharashtra , Odisha , Pondichéry , Pendjab , Rajasthan , Sikkim , Tamil Nadu , Telangana , Uttarakhand , Uttar Pradesh , Bengale occidental…
Ce sont ces deux dernières décennies que le culte d’Ambdekar a pris de l’ampleur. Le jour de son anniversaire, les gens se rassemblent devant les statues et les mémoriaux du Dr Ambedkar pour lui rendre hommage. Les autorités indiennes ont fini par s’y plier et à déclarer, localement, la journée du 14 avril comme fériée. Les écoles et les universités organisent des séminaires, des conférences et des discussions pour informer les jeunes générations sur la vie, les philosophies et les contributions d'Ambedkar. Les processions et rassemblements publics sont très courants dans le cadre des célébrations. On organise chaque année un marathon, « Run for Ambdekar » , des spectacles de danse et de musique traditionnelles illustrant les thèmes de l'égalité et de la justice sociale ajoutent une dimension culturelle aux célébrations. On prononce des discours et organise des débats sur des questions liées à la justice sociale et à la discrimination de caste.
Il n’est pas vraiment dans la droite ligne de l’Inde de Narendra Modi mais son culte n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. On célèbre aussi l’anniversaire de sa mort, chaque 6 décembre, Mahaparinirvan Diwas.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 13 avril 2024
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travelwithtravejar · 9 months
8 Most Famous Festivals in India
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India is known for its multitude of festivals and the peaceful coexistence of people from different religious backgrounds. These festivals are a true representation of India's rich cultural heritage and traditions. There are several festivals and celebrations. While there are celebrations throughout the year, the country is at its most colorful from October to January. Every religion and community in India practice their own culture and enjoy it to the fullest. India celebrates holidays according to state, religion, and society. Festivals in India are never ending and every day is something to celebrate.
The nation commemorates Lord Rama's homecoming to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile by lighting diyas, making rangolis, adorning homes, donning new garments, giving out presents, and setting off fireworks. People also revere Lord Ganesha, who represents moral beginnings, and Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of riches and prosperity. In West Bengal and Odisha, it is referred to as Kali Puja. It is known as Bandi Chor Diwas in Sikhism, and around this time, worshippers light the Golden Temple of Amritsar and enjoy fireworks displays. All around the nation, Diwali melas are organized. In Karnataka, there is a five-day celebration, which can be witnessed during India tours. In the Braj region, Diwali is devoted to Lord Krishna, and as a result, they worship Govardhan Mountain. There is a lot of fervor and spectacle around the Festival of Lights.
Republic Day
India became a republic on January 26, 1950, when the Indian Constitution went into effect. Since then, Indians have proudly celebrated the national holiday on January 26 each year. The festivities take the form of ceremonial marches at Rajpath in front of the Indian President and other foreign dignitaries. Numerous thousands of people come to the venue to watch the spectacle showcasing the nation's unity and cultural diversity. You need to register for this event from government websites during your India tour packages. 
The festival of colors is the friendliest holiday in the nation. The night before Holi is Holika Dahan, when all negativity is burned in a bonfire. People play with organic colors while grooving to music on the main day. The festival's signature dishes include Gujiya, Mathri, and Thandai. In the Mathura district of Bhaj, Lathmar Holi is observed. Sticks were used by women to amusingly beat their husbands' shields. Offerings are made to Kamadeva, the Hindu god of love, throughout the south.  In Gujarat's coastal city of Dwarka, the event is observed at the Dwarkadheesh Temple. It is celebrated as the holiday of reconciliation and fresh starts.
Rath Yatra, Puri, Orissa
The largest celebration observed in Puri is the Rath Yatra. In Puri's primary Jagannath temple, the deities Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra, and Goddess Subhadra are carried away on the heavenly wheel and placed in their corresponding chariots. The chariots are then driven up to the Gundicha Temple's grand avenue. Participants in this Yatra number in the thousands. This Yatra is also shown live on foreign channels.
Krishna Janmashtami
The birth of Lord Krishna is commemorated each year by a Hindu event. The holiday is observed differently in each state. The traditional Krishna play, Rasa Lila, is performed throughout the states of Gujarat, Manipur, Assam, Rajasthan, and Mathura. The Dahi Handi festival is held in Mumbai, Pune, and Gujarat, during which groups construct human pyramids to reach a yogurt pot that is suspended at a specific height. In Gujarat, traditional dances are presented at the temples. Farmers in Gujarat's Kutch region paint bullock carriages with Krishna statues to perform pageants. People participate in devotional songs and celebrate the holiday in North East and South India, respectively. The most important Indian festivals are observed in Mathura, Vrindavan, and ISKCON.
Durga Pooja
The festival honors Goddess Durga's victory over Mahishasura and the triumph of good over evil. In the eastern and north-eastern states of India, it is celebrated over a period of ten days and is a significant social occasion. The believers take pleasure in the lengthy and intricate procedures. You are surrounded by colorful streets, pandals, bhajans, and dazzling lights throughout the festival season. Additionally, to commemorate Maa Durga's victory over the buffalo demon, actual animal sacrifices are made at the temples of West Bengal, Odisha, and Assam. In Karnataka, it is known as Mysore Dasara. The scheduled dates could change.
Rann Utsav, Kutch, Gujrat
Visitors are cordially welcomed in the White Desert. The celebration continues until February. The vibrant fairs at the river's edge enhance people's spirits with a festive spirit. There are activities like horseback riding, camel riding, bird watching, traditional dances, various games, giant chess, paramotoring, and net cricket, to name a few. The festivals in India offer guests an opportunity to get a taste of the many customs and friendliness of the Kutchi people. Everyone enjoys looking at white sand that has colorful ornaments.
Hornbill Festival, Nagaland
The Hornbill Festival, often known as the Festival of Festivals, takes place annually from December 1–7. a distinctive traditional event that takes place in Nagaland, a state in northeastern India. Nagaland is a multiethnic state that is home to various tribes. The state tourism and arts & culture agencies of Nagaland organize the Hornbill Festival to highlight the culture and ethnicity of the region and to promote interaction between various tribal tribes. 
India's festivals are a vibrant tapestry of cultural diversity, reflecting the nation's rich heritage. From the dazzling lights of Diwali to the colors of Holi and the grandeur of Republic Day, these celebrations are a testament to India's unity in diversity. The Rath Yatra in Puri, Krishna Janmashtami's joyous festivities, and the grandeur of Durga Puja in the east showcase the country's deep-rooted traditions.
As you plan your journey through India, don't miss these opportunities to immerse yourself in the country's cultural tapestry. Each festival paints a unique picture of India's traditions, making your visit to places in India like Delhi, Kolkata, Mathura, and Nagaland an unforgettable experience.
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Honor the courageous warriors who gave their lives to bring the Kargil War to a glorious end. Wishes on Kargil Vijay Diwas.
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8053266181 · 7 days
#KabirParmatma_Prakat Diwas
#KabirPrakatDiwas #KabirisGod #kabir
#SaintRampalJi #SantRampalJiMaharaj
King became disciple...
King Pipa Ji of Giganour city in Rajasthan was a great devotee of Goddess Durga. Goddess Durga used to appear before him. One day the king came to know that Kabir Saheb's Guru Ramanand Ji says that there is God above Goddess Durga and says that birth and death and suffering in the bodies of 84 lakh creatures cannot end with the power of Durga. After which the king asked the same question to the mother and after knowing the truth Pipa Ji accepted Ramanand Ji as his Guru. However, later on, after becoming aware of Kabir Saheb's capabilities, he became Kabir Ji's disciple.
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livesanskrit · 1 month
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
Shakti Diwas.
May 11 is National Technology Day, celebrated to mark the day on which India successfully test-fired its first nuclear bombs in 1998. Between May 11 and May 13, 1998, five devices were tested during the nuclear tests in Rajasthan’s Pokhran.
India is currently among eight countries in the world that have a publicly known nuclear weapons programme.
#sansgreet #sanskritgreetings #greetingsinsanskrit #sanskritquotes #sanskritthoughts #emergingsanskrit #sanskrittrends #trendsinsanskrit #livesanskrit #sanskritlanguage #sanskritlove #sanskritdailyquotes #sanskritdailythoughts #sanskrit #resanskrit #shaktidiwas #pokhran #technology #nuclear #nuclearscientist #nuclearbomb #indiantechnology #indiandefence #Indianarmy #Indianarmy #pmoindia #indiafirst #incredibleindia #operationshakti #celebratingsanskrit #nationaltechnologyday
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guerraoutzen39 · 2 months
Unveiling the Jaigarh Fortification Tour Package: Exploring the Majestic Beauty involving Jaipur
Introduction Welcome to the land involving regal splendor, wherever every corner will be adorned with record and culture. Jaipur, the Pink City of India, beckons tourists with its ageless allure and regal forts. Among these kinds of architectural marvels holders the magnificent Jaigarh Fort, a legs to the preço and grandeur involving Rajasthan's royal previous. In this thorough guide, we look into the Jaigarh Fort Tour Package, offering insights, tips, and you need to know to make your visit truly memorable. Jaigarh Fort Excursion Package: A Peek into History Jaigarh Fort, perched atop the Aravalli hills, overlooks the attractive Amer Fort and even the shimmering Maota Lake. Built in typically the early 18th century by Maharaja Jai Singh II, this specific imposing fortress served as a stronghold for that Kachwaha rulers of Jaipur. Famous for its formidable buildings and strategic area, Jaigarh Fort experienced a pivotal role in protecting the city and its particular treasures from invaders. Unraveling the Mysteries associated with Jaigarh Fort Action into a bygone era as an individual explore the ramparts, palaces, and massive complexes of Jaigarh Fort. Marvel with the intricate craftsmanship of its palatial structures, including the particular impressive Jaivana Canon, the world's greatest wheeled cannon. Wander through the sprawling home gardens and courtyards, wherever echoes of historical past whisper tales regarding valor and conquest. Enchanting Attractions Within the Fort Find a treasure trove regarding architectural wonders inside Jaigarh Fort. Look at the iconic Diwa Burj, an octagonal tower system offering panoramic sights of the around landscape. Explore the particular armory and memorial, housing an amazing collection of historical weapons, artifacts, and manuscripts. Don't miss the chance to stroll through the lush Charbagh garden, the serene oasis among the rugged surfaces. Planning Your Jaigarh Fort Visit Ahead of embarking on your own journey to Jaigarh Fort, it's essential to plan meticulously to assure a seamless plus enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your visit: Selecting the Right Excursion Deal Select a Jaigarh Fort Visit Package that aligns with your tastes and interests. Whether or not you prefer a guided tour along with expert insights or perhaps a self-paced pursuit, there are options available to suit every single traveler. Best Occasion to Visit The ideal time to go to Jaigarh Fort is usually throughout the winter months, from October to be able to March, when the climate is pleasant and conducive to outdoor exploration. Avoid browsing during the scorching summer months to avoid discomfort. Essential Items to Hold Be sure to be able to carry essentials this kind of as sunscreen, glasses, comfortable footwear, and a refillable water bottle of wine to stay hydrated in your tour. May forget your digital camera to capture typically the breathtaking vistas in addition to architectural marvels. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) What is the particular significance of Jaigarh Fort? Jaigarh Fort holds immense historic significance being a symbol of Rajput canon and architectural beauty. It served as a military bastion and played a crucial role in defending Jaipur against enemy invasions.
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How extended kind of effort does it take to check out Jaigarh Fort? On average, visitors spend around 2 to be able to 3 hours exploring Jaigarh Fort, though the duration may vary depending on individual preferences and hobbies. Exist guided excursions offered at Jaigarh Fort? Yes, guided trips are available at Jaigarh Ft, offering visitors insights into its rich record, architectural features, plus legendary tales related with the ft. Is photography permitted inside Jaigarh Fortification? Yes, Jaigarh Fort Tour Package ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Package ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Agent ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Services ; Jaigarh Fort Holiday Package is definitely allowed inside Jaigarh Fort, allowing visitors to capture the splendor and grandeur of its architectural amazing things. Are there any kind of dining options offered near Jaigarh Ft? While there will be no dining options in the fort premises, guests can find a new variety of restaurants and eateries in the nearby Amer community, offering local special treats and refreshments. Is usually Jaigarh Fort wheelchair accessible? Jaigarh Ft has limited wheelchair accessibility due to its rugged terrain and historical structures. However, efforts possess been made in order to ensure accessibility to certain areas within just the fort. Bottom line Embark on a new captivating journey through time with the Jaigarh Fort Trip Package. Immerse yourself in the affluent heritage and executive splendor of Jaipur as you check out the majestic fortresses and palaces that will adorn its surroundings. Having its timeless appeal and grandeur, Jaigarh Fort promises a good unforgettable experience regarding history enthusiasts, buildings aficionados, and vacationers seeking a glance into Rajasthan's regal legacy.
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smedbreum52 · 2 months
Reveal the Jaigarh Fortification Tour Package: Exploring the Majestic Beauty regarding Jaipur
Introduction Welcome to the land associated with regal splendor, in which every corner is adorned with historical past and culture. Jaipur, the Pink City of India, beckons vacationers with its timeless allure and majestic forts. Among these kinds of architectural marvels holds the magnificent Jaigarh Fort, a testament to the valor and grandeur associated with Rajasthan's royal earlier. In this comprehensive guide, we look into the Jaigarh Fort Tour Package, giving insights, tips, and everything you need in order to know to produce travel truly memorable. Jaigarh Fort Excursion Package: A Peek into History Jaigarh Fort, perched atop the Aravalli inclines, overlooks the attractive Amer Fort and even the shimmering Maota Lake. Built in the particular early 18th century by Maharaja Jai Singh II, this particular imposing fortress offered as a bastion for that Kachwaha rulers of Jaipur. Famous because of its formidable architecture and strategic location, Jaigarh Fort played out a pivotal position in protecting typically the city and its particular treasures from invaders. Unraveling the Mysteries involving Jaigarh Fortification Step into a bygone era as you explore the ramparts, palaces, and sprawling complexes of Jaigarh Fort. Marvel in the intricate quality of its palatial structures, including the particular impressive Jaivana Canon, the world's greatest wheeled cannon. Take off throughout the sprawling backyards and courtyards, where echoes of record whisper tales involving valor and cure. Jaigarh Fort Tour Package ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Package ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Agent ; Jaigarh Fort Travel Services ; Jaigarh Fort Holiday Package In the Fort Find a treasure trove regarding architectural wonders in Jaigarh Fort. Visit the iconic Diwa Burj, an octagonal structure offering panoramic landscapes of the adjacent landscape. Explore typically the armory and museum, housing a fascinating collection of old weapons, artifacts, and even manuscripts. Don't skip the chance in order to stroll from the rich Charbagh garden, a serene oasis among the rugged surfaces. Planning Your Jaigarh Fort Tour Prior to embarking on the journey to Jaigarh Fort, it's essential to plan meticulously to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience. Below are great tips to help a person make the many of your visit: Selecting the Right Visit Bundle Select a Jaigarh Fort Trip Package that lines up with your tastes and interests. Whether or not you prefer the guided tour using expert insights or perhaps a self-paced pursuit, there are options available to suit just about every traveler. Best Time frame to Visit The best time to check out Jaigarh Fort is usually throughout the winter months, from October in order to March, once the weather condition is pleasant and even conducive to backyard exploration. Avoid visiting during the very hot summer months to avoid discomfort. Necessary Items to Carry Be sure to carry essentials these kinds of as sunscreen, glasses, comfortable footwear, along with a refillable water container to stay hydrated during your tour. May forget your camera to capture the particular breathtaking vistas and architectural marvels. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) What is the significance of Jaigarh Fort? Jaigarh Fort holds immense historic significance like an image of Rajput preço and architectural splendour. It served while a military fortress and played a crucial role in defending Jaipur against adversary invasions. How extended kind of effort does it take to check out Jaigarh Fort? In average, visitors devote around 2 to 3 hours discovering Jaigarh Fort, despite the fact that the duration can vary depending on person preferences and interests. Exist guided excursions sold at Jaigarh Fort? Yes, guided tours are obtainable at Jaigarh Fortification, offering visitors insights into their rich historical past, architectural features, plus legendary tales connected with the résistant.
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Is photography permitted inside Jaigarh Fort? Yes, photography will be allowed inside Jaigarh Fort, allowing surfers to capture the attractiveness and grandeur of its architectural miracles. Are there any dining options offered near Jaigarh Fort? While there will be no dining options within the fort premises, site visitors can find a new variety of dining establishments and eateries inside the nearby Amer city, offering local delicacies and refreshments. Will be Jaigarh Fort wheelchair accessible? Jaigarh Fortification has limited wheelchair accessibility due to be able to its rugged terrain and historical buildings. However, efforts possess been made to be able to ensure accessibility to certain areas in the fort. Realization Embark on a new captivating journey via time with the particular Jaigarh Fort Tour Package. Immerse oneself in the high heritage and new splendor of Jaipur as you check out the majestic stronghold and palaces of which adorn its panorama. Using its timeless charm and grandeur, Jaigarh Fort promises an unforgettable experience regarding history enthusiasts, structure aficionados, and travellers seeking a glimpse into Rajasthan's noble legacy.
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taapsee · 2 months
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On the occasion of Sant Garibdas Ji's Bodh Diwas (Initiation Day) at Satlok Ashram Sojat in Rajasthan, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj’s disciples donated 231 units of blood.❣️❣️
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mukesh1sworld · 3 months
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Happy Rajasthan Diwas
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mewaruniversity · 3 months
"पधारो म्हारे देश" ❤️🙏🏼
Wishing a very Happy Rajasthan Diwas to everyone from Mewar University.
"वीरो की भूमि, गौरवमयी इतिहास और अपनी संस्कृति के लिए विख्या�� पावन धरा राजस्थान के स्थापना दिवस की आप सभी को हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।"
#RajasthanDiwas #MusicOfRajasthan #RajasthanDiwas #जयजयराजस्थान #Music #VocalMusic #FineArts #Admission2024 #CUET2024 #MewarUniversity #Scholarship #TopUniversityInRajasthan #KnowledgeToWisdom #BestUniversityInRajasthan
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bharathidasanprabhu · 3 months
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RAJASTHAN DIWAS (DAY) - INDIA - 30 MARCH 2024 - ராஜஸ்தான் திவாஸ் (தினம்) - இந்தியா - 30 மார்ச் 2024.
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psychicenemydeer · 3 months
#Bhandara #invitation #viralvideos #jaishreeram #ayodhya
#viral #trending #SantGaribdasji
#SaintRampalJiQuotes #SantRampalJiQuotes #SantRampalJiMaharaj
🧩कबीर साहेब जी के बारहवें पंथ के प्रवर्तक आदरणीय गरीबदास जी महाराज जी हैं जिनको कबीर साहेब जी 10 वर्ष की आयु में सन 1727 में मिले थे। इसके उपलक्ष्य में संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी के सानिध्य में बोध दिवस मनाया जा रहा है और सभी सतलोक आश्रम में 19-21 मार्च 2024 को विशाल भंडारे का आयोजन किया जा रहा है जिसमें आप सभी सादर आमंत्रित हैं।
*✰You are cordially invited with your family to the huge Bhandara organized on the occasion of the Bodh Diwas of respected Sant Garib Das Ji Maharaj in the presence of Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj✰*
The address of the venue is –
Satlok Ashram Dhanana Dham (Haryana),
Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan),
Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab),
Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab),
Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana),
Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana),
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We would like to invite you to two upcoming special event.
◆ The "37th Bodh Diwas of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" and
◆ Kabir Parmeshwar Ji's 506th Emancipation Day (Nirvana Diwas)
This celebration has these major events highlights:-
◆ A three day Akhand Path of the Holy Sat Granth Sahib Ji of Sant Garibdas ji Maharaj.
◆ A three day communal meal.
◆ Free Naam Diksha (initiation).
◆ Blood Donation Camps
◆ Dowry free marriages called Ramaini
The special live broadcast of the satsang of Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj will be broadcast on all popular social media platforms.
You can watch the live broadcast of this program on the following social media platforms:-
● Facebook Page:- Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj
● YouTube Channel :- Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj
● Twitter :- @SaintRampalJiM
This special event also telecast on television on 20th February 2024 on Sadhna TV channel at 9:15 AM (IST).
Please join the above programs online and take advantage of spiritual uplift by knowing the Eternal Knowledge (Satgyan) of Paramatma Kabir Saheb.
This amazing celebration event organised on our following branches of Satlok Ashram.
1. Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi)
2. Satlok Ashram Dhanana Dham (Sonipat, Haryana)
3. Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana)
4. Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana)
5. Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab)
6. Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab)
7. Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan)
8. Satlok Ashram Shamli (Uttar Pradesh)
9. Satlok Ashram Betul (Madhya Pradesh)
10. Satlok Ashram Dhanusha (Nepal)
To get the location of the nearest Naam Diksha (initiation) Centre you can call our helpline number 8222880541.
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hariomdas123 · 4 months
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The 37th Bodh Diwas of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is being celebrated throughout the nation and abroad. And He is celebrating this observance in His 10 branches of Satlok Ashrams. The celebration will be a four-days celebration from 17th February to 20th February 2024. The celebration shall include the following:
A three day Akhand Path of the Holy Sat Granth Sahib Ji of Sant Garibdas ji Maharaj.
A three day communal meal.
Free Naam Diksha (initiation).
Blood Donation Camps
Dowry free marriages called Ramaini
The names of the branches of Satlok Ashram are as follows: 
Satlok Ashram Mundka (Delhi)
Satlok Ashram Dhanana Dham (Haryana)
Satlok Ashram Kurukshetra (Haryana)
Satlok Ashram Bhiwani (Haryana)
Satlok Ashram Dhuri (Punjab)
Satlok Ashram Khamano (Punjab)
Satlok Ashram Sojat (Rajasthan)
Satlok Ashram Shamli (Uttar Pradesh)
Satlok Ashram Dhanusha (Nepal)
Satlok Ashram Betul (Madhya Pradesh)
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