feeling-grubby · 1 year
I see you have some custom signs for your trolls. And I'm curious: What inspired them? Is there any meaning behind them? Or did you just pull them outta thin air? :0
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Okay I can't tell if I love having you in my inbox or hate you for the questions you ask. Because on one hand you ask questions, I hope people will ask, and on the other hand you make me want to info dump so much.
Like have you seen my response to the Rakker question you asked? I even did art for that one. I loved it though! I dunno if anyone actually bothered to read through me info dumping about them. dunno if they will this time either.
God it's basically a design question too but I'll refrain from how their horns are designed after their signs, and also where the signs are on their clothing. I swear NVidia's and Tikvah's sign placing is the best so far.
Anyways to answer your first question most of them are alchemy symbols. Very few have signs outside of that. I intend to make most of my trolls have an alchemy symbol as their sign.
As for symbolism oooooo boy that's a long one. I'll try to keep in order of blood caste. Burgundy to fuchsia.
Maebel Morri
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Maebel's sign is one of the symbols for arsenic, an insecticide and weed killer. This fits well with her lore, as her lusus needs to eat other lusi to survive. This often sentences young orphan trolls to death, especially lowbloods, who are viewed as pests. However, by killing pests, it allows plants to grow, which allows for life (for her and her lusus to keep living). This is all tied to her being a prince of doom.
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Tikvah's alchemy symbol is the one for hour. The hourglass, which represents the fleeting nature of human existence. This symbol is fitting for Tikvah, as she is a character who is constantly striving to make the most of her time and achieve her goals. However, her quest for success has come at a cost. She has sacrificed her own mental health in favor of putting her work first, and she often is unemotional and analytical. Which plays into another symbolism hourglasses have, balance. She needs to find balance.
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Nvidias sign is one from the extended homestuck zodiac, not alchemy obviously. The sign looked like an eye, and I wanted her to have eye imagery. It also had three pupils and Nvidia has three eyes so yeah. It is a very fitting sign for her, as she is a famous goldblood streamer who is constantly under the scrutiny of others. She has three eyes, which reflects her intense focus on her work and her desire to be seen and heard. Her lusus is overprotective of them and always has an eye on them. She is a master of self-presentation, and she knows how to control the way that she is perceived. If someone wanted to plot with me about a stalker character for Nvidia, I would be open to it, as I think it would be a good fit for her character. I'm always down to plot out some horror and angst for my characters.
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(I wasn't going to redraw this one I struggled to much the first time, so this will have to do.)
Angora's symbol is one of the alchemy symbols for purification. I chose this symbol for him because I thought it would fit a pyromaniac character well. For fire is often used in spiritual ceremonies to purify things considered to be evil. They can also be described as pure, naive, but still have a fiery personality.
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Zynier symbol is the alchemy symbol for fixation. For those of you that dont known fixation is a process to transform a volatile substance into a form not affected by fire. There is more than that but that's the part important to Zynier. The reason is it plays into his character, because he has seen the injustice of the Alternian justice system and has become apathetic to it. He is no longer affected by the injustice in the world due to his job. He is still the same person at heart, but he is now indifferent to the emotions and problems of others. This makes it difficult for him to make meaningful connections, as he is unable to relate to others on an emotional level.
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Hollie's symbol is the sign of alumen (alum?), which is a chemical compound that is used to hydrate things. This works for Hollie, as she is often seen as a kind and nurturing person. However, the word "alumen" also means "bitter salt," This plays into how she is kind and always hides her pain of people hating her under kindness and understanding, pretending that it doesn't hurt but it does. She hides that she doesn't like her appearance as well. Alumen is also used in some spiritual practices to cast off evil and negative energy. This relates to how Hollie is actively hunting down the person who tried to kill Zynier, and she is determined to make sure that no other assassin ever gets the chance to hurt him again. She is actively hunting down evil and warding it off.
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Rakker's symbol does not mean happiness. It is the symbol for a ventriloquist dummy, which is often associated with happiness. This is because dummies are supposed to make people laugh, and laughter is often associated with happiness.
So yeah, that is everyone with their signs and symbolism. I really hope people like this. I put way too much thought into details about my characters. heh never ask me about a character's design. that would be a much longer post than any of previous ones. if you read this far thank you! I appreciate it and any ask I get.
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peterpauldoodkorte · 1 month
deugniet, rakker en kanjer
zeventien jaren jong alweermet de wereld aan de voeten ben je een stralende jongedamemet de charme van schoonheideen jonge vrouw met een kop erop in de vindtocht naar wie jij zelf wil zijnstrijd je met jezelf en jouw omgevingmet een scherpe blik op de wereldgeef jij de mensen om jou heenjouw mening en oordeel klip en klaar van de schoolbank tot en met een stage als jij iets moet dan gauw al knelt…
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oliverscarlin · 7 months
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Carolein Smit - Rakker mit gouden trannen (Rascal with golden tears) (2009)
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uservalentine · 10 months
hoop dat jullie allemaal gestemd hebben vandaag liefjes
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damnelves · 2 months
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I Wanna Be Your Dog 2 - AJJ / "How to be a dog" by Andrew Kane / It Will Come Back - Hozier (1) / "Isabella" by John Everett Millais (detail) / "Susanna and the Elders" by Pierre van Hanselaere (edited) / “Sinnerman” by Kwame Boateng / "a key to common lethal fungi" by Marge Piercy / “What I Could Never Confess Without Some Bravado” by Emily Palermo / Introduction to The Odyssey (trans. Emily Wilson) / "Forgive Self" by Julian Miholics / "So What's Wrong" by Ruth Stone / "I get so jealous of euthanized dogs" by June Gehringer / "The Thorn Merchant" by Yusuf Komunyakaa / "Speeches for Doctor Frankenstein" by Margaret Atwood / "Rien ne va plus" by Margarita Karapanau (trans. Karen Emmerich) / photo of a livestock guardian dog being comforted by one of the sheep he guards after saving them from a wolf attack, source unknown / "Rakker mit gouden trannen" (Rascal with golden tears) by Carolein Smit / Quote by Mary Carolyn Davies / tumblr post by 6aint / "Monster Movie" by Nicola Maye Goldberg / "Gleipnir" by Walton Ford (detail) / "You Won't" by Marcin Cienski / "Roadside Attractions with the Dogs of America" by Ada Limón / It Will Come Back - Hozier (2) / "Let Dead Dogs Lie" by Silas Denver Melvin
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tijdvoormemes · 10 months
Hallo mede rode rakkers hier op tumblr. Ik weet dat ik links wil stemmen, maar ik kom er maar niet uit op welke partij. Zouden jullie me willen overtuigen om op een specifieke partij te stemmen? Waarom jij ook op die stemt enzo. Please. I'm dying. Ik ben zo fan van democratie en ik ga ook zekersteweten stemmen maar ik moet wel weten op wie 😭
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hapalopus · 10 months
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Most older Danish folk art is preserved in the form of drawers, cupboards, and chests that were passed down as heirlooms. Imagine how much folk art must've been lost because it was just allowed to degrade, or was painted over.
There are a few rare examples of surviving wall paintings by regular people, but they're really hard to find photos of online
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Of course, these are examples from large farms - but still, they're a lot more interesting than the noble/royal art that tends to be preserved and displayed.
I don't know what, if any, art has been preserved from the lowest classes (the rakkere, the nightfolk, the heath farmers, the factory workers, etc.), but if you want to see more examples of the above art, google 'almuemaling' and 'brudekiste'.
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emperorsdrewclothes · 2 months
The "We're so back! x2" + "It's so joever" dynamic :D
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From left to right: Derek, BagHead (he doesnt say his name lol) and Rakker
Quick doodles comin right up! (if u want u can fanart it would be so awesome sauce)
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(yea baghead had a hoodie before)
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evets-345-alt · 6 months
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Art Dump of Rakker (my oc!!!) + my friend's one (the basic ass circle)
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octarinespill · 1 year
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Carolein Smit - Rakker mit gouden trannen (Rascal with golden tears)
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feeling-grubby · 1 year
I see you have a puppet child. I am curious to know more about them. Spill the beans :gun emoji:
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Oh, you dumb motherfucker I am bout to info dump on your ass. Fucking had me redraw this wriggler just so I can show you some half decent art of what they used to look like. Cause there was no way in hell I was gonna show you my initial drawing of him from when I was still in middle school. You better buckle in bucko this is a long one.
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The character you are referring to is Rakker Dolika. The name "Rakker" means "a rascal, a tomboy, a scamp," which points to his mischievous nature. I also chose the name because it sounds close to "wrecker," which I think fits a destructive clown boy. "Dolika" means "doll," which correlates with how he does his makeup and how he dresses up.
Rakker was created when I was working on a stupid project. The idea was to take Wonderland characters and turn them into trolls. These trolls would be part of a circus/carnival that would buy low-blood slaves and make them perform. They would try to sway the public's opinion about the church by using the supposedly not-enslaved performers as an example. They would claim that the low bloods had seen the light of the mirthful messiahs and converted to believers.
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I ultimately scrapped the idea, but I enjoyed Rakker a lot and ended up keeping him. I can't tell you what character in Alice in Wonderland he was supposed to embody, because it was a very obscure one.
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(The art is bad I know. it's just to help you visualize em. I did not spend a whole lot of time on it. wasn't gonna go all out when I plan to revamp the design later to something I like more. would've been a waste of time really.) Originally, Rakker was supposed to follow the Alice in Wonderland theme and look like a character from the book. However, I strayed away from that theme and instead made him look like a ventriloquist dummy. I thought the face paint design was interesting, and I never really had an idea for his horns, so I didn't draw them in the image above. Because ya know I had nothing to go off of. So this is close to how Rakker originally looked without having to show you my horrible old art work.
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For the revamp version of Rakker, I have some things figured out. Some of those things include his sign and horns. His horns are designed after his sign. I took the weird circle thing on the left side of the sign and rotated it upside down. That ended up being his horn design.
As for what his future revamp design will be, I'm currently on the fence about that. I thought about changing him from a ventriloquist dummy to a Harlequin. I will eventually get around to drawing him and figuring him out fully.
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Story wise, with this revamped version since the carnival doesn't exist anymore, I've been fussing around with some ideas. I was thinking he was kind of like an internet troll. He plays pranks on the elders at the church and starts really stupid online debates. He acts like those 14-year-olds you see on the internet who think being obnoxious is a charming personality. He is only 13 though.
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That age there actually has me a little worried about adding him to my blog. So, he has a personality, but I may more so only show art I make of him and will refrain from using him in rps. He will also most likely not be included in the narrative I might build up for my blog.
Rakker is a character that I created specifically for my own enjoyment. He isn't complex with some insane backstory. His only real story is his relationship with his best friend, Angora, who is the same age as him. He is supposed to simply be a character that brings me back childhood nostalgia. I could go into more detail about Angora, but since you only asked about Rakker, I will spare you. Need to show you some mercy after this if you even read it all lol.
(Thank you for the ask and sorry for taking so long.)
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"Gevaarlijke rakker" klinkt zo niet gevaarlijk
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horsefilmsrated · 1 year
Penny's Shadow (2011)
Language: Dutch
Date watched: 18 April 2023
Main horse actors: Neapolitano XXIX-18 as Shadow, Malle as Rakker.
Shadow stand ins: Siglavy Capriola XVII-21, Sjoerd, Maaike
Trope count: 14/25
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Something to note about this film is that the name is a reference to the Dutch horse magazine "Penny" - there is no actual character called Penny in the film. Knowing this before watching would have saved me a lot of confusion.
Penny's Shadow is a confused, cliche story that is much more complicated than it needs to be, but overall not a horrible watch.
Lisa, an angsty teen who has lost her own beloved horse, joins her mother, and sister, Tess, on a riding holiday where she meets the traumatised stallion, Shadow, who she is instantly drawn to. Erik, Shadow's attractive, brooding, teenage handler, forbids Lisa from going near him, as since witnessing the death of his owner, he has become too dangerous to work with for anyone other than Erik and his father, who own the ranch. If you have ever seen a horse film, you do not need me to tell you how this story goes. It is every bit as cliche and predictable as you would expect, and while that's not necessarily a bad thing, this film just had too many pointless and confusing threads for what should have just been a sweet and simple story.
The most bizzare aspect of this film is the suggestion that Erik's mother can predict future events through drawings, sometimes months before they happen, including the events leading up to her own death. This is very subtly aluded to at the start of the film, and then once later, when Erik sees a drawing of Lisa and realises then that she is in trouble. This fantastical element was so thoroughly confusing to me in an otherwise completely "realistic" film world because it is not discussed or explained at all, it just happens and is accepted and then moved on from. Was the mother a real prophet? Was Erik just imaginging the pictures? Were the drawings done by Erik after the fact while he thought of his mother? Was this whole thing a metaphor? We may never know.
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Apart from this, there were several plot points that were never really properly examined, and convuluted side plots that didn't add anything to the film. Lisa and Tess mention their father once or twice, but we never learn much about their relationship despite it feeling like there is something meaningful there. Lisa's horse died, but we don't know when or how. The premise of this riding holiday is unclear, as Lisa, Tess and their mother are invited in like old friends by the host, yet they seem not to know him, and other holiday goers just wander around in the background and it's unclear where they're staying. A band turns up with a gaggle of groupies, but I never really understand what that has to do with the ranch. It gives Tess the opportunity for her own story, whereby through some convoluted and predictable means she is asked to perform as a drummer for a performance, but it feels disjointed and contrived.
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For me, the star of the show was Rakker, the fat little pony owned by Tess, whose funny little trot and cheeky antics, for me, elevated this film from somewhat medicore to really quite joyful.
Overall this film scored an okay 51%. If you like cheesy, predictable horse films with a bit of fun and romance, this one might be worth your time.
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yfmeurs · 2 months
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Op een van de bankjes in het Vondelpark was ze neergestreken. Alleen een mus had minstens zo prestigieus en bedaard zijn klapwiekende vleugels kunnen inslaan. 
Er was geen reden voor, het rustpunt had geen doel. Een herinnering aan zichzelf al rennende, aan de kilometer na kilometer die ze er onder haar schoenzolen ooit versleet, woei met een vergankelijk gevoel voorbij.
Een van de eerste mooie lentedagen was aangebroken en de atmosfeer van de ontluikende natuurelementen, aangedikt door prille zonnestralen op 'n dampig, fijnmazig bladerdek nodigde ongevraagd uit voor een moment van bezinning. Als het alleen aan de lente had gelegen zou ze misschien in het levende schilderij een paar minuten onverstoord van deze volmaakte en eindeloze tuin hebben kunnen genieten maar haar hoofd stond helemaal niet naar bezinning. En alhoewel het gekakel van passanten een cadans had die minstens eenzelfde stroperige verbinding met brainwaves kon aangaan als de veelbelovende lente, ingekleurd met de opdrogende geur van ochtendregen, had de couleur locale geen invloed op dat ene woord dat maar niet wilde ontsnappen uit haar gedachten. 'Gezinsmanager'. 
Ze was het woord voor het eerst tegengekomen in de bibliotheek, schrijve 2003. Een leeg woord, geen kaders, niet geworteld in de menselijke habitat en nog nooit in een professioneel discours gebruikt om onuitstaanbaar mee te kunnen kijven. Niemand werd aangemoedigd of kermend afgeserveerd als 'flutterige flodderaars'. Er waren geen taken die afgestreept moesten worden met een stickertje als beloning en het gezinsleven werd niet uitgemolken als een cashcow in een stampvoetend frustrerende estafette. Taakgericht denken ?! Niet zo overdreven doen, hè. Maar serieus, wie wil nou op z'n geweten hebben dat het woord 'co-ouderschap' een traumatisch gevoel van ondergeschiktheid oproept bij de carrièretijgers. Een permanent benarde en polderende positie die geen promotie in het vooruitzicht stelt, tenzij...tenzij...de andere 'Co-' op gelijke voet wordt uitgeschakeld. Dat wil je toch niet ?! De sterke leider, die de gezinsmanager hoopt te zijn, het zinnebeeld indertijd van een graag geziene gast ergens ver weg in een satellietstaat, is nu onder ons, nabij zelfs èn er voor opgeleid ! Klaargestoomd om een gezin te managen. Het staat als een paal boven water dat verbum 'gezinsmanager' de tand des tijds heeft overleefd, de kreet 'mama' een grievend irrelevant modewoord dreigt te worden en de manager inmiddels zelfs meedingt naar de macht, de ouderlijke macht, voor bonuspunten maar de oorsprong, het sociaal proces achter dit nieuwvormige woord blijft vaag. 
Was het Tante Pollewop misschien. Nee, bezint eer ge begint aan die archaïsche opgraving. Een taartbakker die de avonturen van Tante Pollewop en Pa Pinkelman, twee door Godfried Bomans verzonnen personages, nu voor het eerst leest zal waarschijnlijk met appelrode schaamte op de wangen, weggedoken tussen opgetrokken schouders de elementen van storm, sneeuw en wind trotseren om als de wiedeweerga zijn Pollewop merknaam bij de Kamer van Koophandel te wijzigen. Weddingplanner dan, ook zoiets. Ontstaan met promoties, die larger than life dimensies bereiken, een voorbeeldfunktie geteeld op het witte doek in de kraamkamers van Hollywood, voordat het gelanceerd werd richting aardlingen als sprookjesachtig toekomstideaal voor de gezellige havermelkelite, toen nog stapelend achter een blokkendoos of in de poppenhoek. Nu maar hopen dat 'de havermelkelite' (ik heb het woord niet bedacht) geen bezit van gereedschap krijgt om voor menselijk gebroed en nestdrang, dat wij nog netjes familieplanning noemen, 'n gesubsidieerde opleiding aan de Hogeschool in dit soort gelijkgestemdheid gaat verzinnen oftewel managen.
'Belachelijk !!!' Het klonk krachtig en kortaf, luid en duidelijk boven de kwebbelende cadans uit. Naast haar was een Lacoste rakker van middelbare leeftijd komen zitten. Meer geploft eigenlijk, want het bankje schudde op z'n schragen. Hij keek niet op of om. Voorovergebogen, met de ellebogen steunend op z'n ontblote quadriceps hield ie een mobieltje aan z'n oor en veegde met de andere hand sportzweet van zijn voorhoofd. Het merk van de witte sportsokken matchte met de zweetband om z'n pols en verhit testosteron leek sissend op zijn huid te verdampen, zo sikkeneurig onderging ie de plotsklapse verdoemenis die 'm door de microfoon van z'n telefoon was aangevlogen.
Misprijzend schudde ie z'n hoofd en riep weer brullend terug tegen de telefoon, 'Ik mag toch zeker wel zèlf bepalen bij wie ik wil wonen ?!' 
Zijn gezinsmanager ?! De rakker bedoelde vast geen logeerpartijtje.
Op datzelfde moment wandelde er een vader voorbij. Hij duwde de zware ouderwetse kinderwagen voort en een kind huppelde zorgeloos mee. Mild oplaaiende lentebriesjes tilden de brullende woorden van haar bankgenoot op en speelden vluchtig onverhoeds synchroon met de onbezwaard huppelende klanken naast de wandelende vader. Klanken die ineens spartelend weerkaatsten op het glad plaveisel, wrang vervlochten tot een betoverend maar ontluisterend intro voor een kinderlijke opmaat. 'Ik mag toch zeker wel zèlf bepalen bij wie ik wil wonen !' 
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uneasylisteningradio · 6 months
Hair Dye Colors with special guest Rivka March 30, 2024
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A show based on these hair dye color names!
listen to the show
Bay City Rollers - Saturday Night Louis Jordan & His Tympany Five - (You Dyed Your Hair) Chartreuse
DJs speak over The Fabulous Flee-Rakkers - Green Jeans
Dr. Gunni og vinir hans - Prumpufólkið Aqua - Calling You The Fugs - Ah, Sunflower Weary of Time Soho Jets - Denim Goddess
DJs speak over The Ventures - Green Onions
Famous Mammals - The Plum Overcoat Ken Nordine - Turquoise Fuzzy Haskins - Tangerine Green The Particles - Apricot's Dream Rudimentary Peni - Poppycock New Model Army - Green and Grey
DJ speaks over Angela Morley - Violet's Gone
The Ex - Four Billion Tulip Bulbs Pixies - Silver Virgin Prunes - Baby Turns Blue
Donovan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven Onyon - Blue Lagoon The Partisans - Fire Swamp Dogg - Ebony and Jet The Kinks - Lavender Hill Wartburgs Für Walter - Springtime Mad Violets - Mad Violet Theme
Nino Tempo & April Stevens - Deep Purple Railroad Jerk - Halfway Across The Fall - Slates, Slags, Etc. The Hobbits - Daffodil Days
Zowiso - Mailbox The Damned - New Rose Manfred Mann - Pretty Flamingo
X-Ray Spex - The Day the World Turned Day-Glo
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eltjedoddema · 2 months
Buurman Jan - rakker
“k Was lèstdoags bie swoagertje Eppo en zien Dientje. Dij zaten baaide mit tonen in d’aaske. Zai haren n braif kregen van n uutvoartverainen.” Buurman Jan zat nog mor amper aan de keukentoavel of hai lochtde zien haart. Ik schonk n kop kovvie in en vruig: “Mozzen ze biebetoalen om, as t zowied is, heur stovvelke overschotten in, op of onder de grond te kriegen?”, vruig ik. “Nee, t ging over t…
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