#rally dakar 2025
racing-is-passion · 1 year
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Loeb and Gutierrez for Dacia in Dakar 2025!
Dacia announced that they will participate as a works team in the Rally Dakar 2025. Their drivers ill be the nine times rally world champion Sebastien Loeb, who was racing for Prodrive and Peugeot during the past years. His teammate will be Cristina Gutierrez who won two stages in the T3 lightweight class at this years Rally Dakar. Both are also racing as teammates for Lewis Hamilton's team in the ExtremeE series and won the title in 2022.
The new Dacia car will be developed and build by the english Prodrive team that is also responsible for the great Prodrive Hunter that Sebastien Loeb, Nani Roma and Guerlin Chicherit were driving.
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Dacia Sandrider Concept, 2024. Dacia plans to enter the Dakar Rally and the World-Rally Raid Championship (W2RC) from 2025 and have revealed a prototype for their campaign. Reflecting the brand's minimalist approach, the vehicle is fitted with body panels only considered as an absolutely necessity, there are no decorative or superfluous parts.
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Dacia confirma proyecto para el Dakar 2025 con Prodrive y Sebastien Loeb y Cristina Gutiérrez como pilotos
Se hizo oficial. El Grupo Renault entrará con un equipo oficial al Dakar en 2025 a través de la marca Dacia. El proyecto será comandado por Prodrive, que se encargará del desarrollo y preparación del prototipo de carreras. Y tendrá pilotos de lujo en Sebastien Loeb, que buscará con Renault su esperado triunfo en el Dakar y Cristina Gutiérrez, que contará con un auto oficial en la clase T1 por primera vez en su carrera.
"Después de tantos años en busca de esto; la primera cosa que voy a hacer es disfrutar la experiencia porque creo que es una oportunidad increíble la que me están dando. Por otro lado, el hecho de estar dentro ya de un equipo oficial hace que muchísima gente esté involucrada en el proyecto, trabajando a pleno rendimiento; contando así con mejores mecánicos e ingenieros, entre otros. Todo ello, se merece que estemos a la altura de poder transmitir o desarrollar el coche para estar en una posición muy buena." indicó Cristina Gutiérrez en el lanzamiento de la estructura. "Contamos con la experiencia y el apoyo, como equipo técnico, de Prodrive. Los conozco muy bien y ellos ya tienen una base bastante sólida en el Rally Raid, fruto de los años de experiencia que les avalan haciendo coches. Especialmente los dos últimos, con el proyecto Hunter”
El equipo Dacia contará con el apoyo de Saudi Aramco, que desarrollará un combustible sintético verde desarrollado con hirógeno verde y captura de carbono.
Para Dacia, el paso al Dakar representa un importante paso de marketing de la marca buscando posicionarse también en un segmento 4x4 deportivo y divertido, dejando la clásica imagen que se ha tenido de la marca de autos económicos.
"El rally-raid es una aventura humana y deportiva, claramente en correspondencia con los territorios de la marca Dacia: es una aventura robusta y al aire libre al volante de un prototipo 4x4 desarrollado para hacer frente a las condiciones más extremas; es una aventura eco-inteligente, con el coche de carreras de Dacia funcionando con combustible sintético, y una aventura esencial pero genial con un objetivo ambicioso que no deja espacio para lo superfluo" declara el comunicado de prensa de Grupo Renault.
El Rally Raid volverá a recibir la llegada de grandes marcas para disputar la victoria general. Hoy contamos con Toyota y Audi, enfrentando a Prodrive, y en 2025 contaremos con los dos nuevos programas de Ford y Dacia en plena escala.
Imagen: Prensa Dacia
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perfectlycleverduck · 5 months
Carlos Sainz SR is driving with ford in 2025 for the Dakar rally would they say Carlos to RBR now due to that existing relationship🤓
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the-lazy-leprechaun · 8 months
The Hamilton to Ferrari move have been hinted at for YEARS! Literal years, so it’s not a complete shock I guess… I feel bad for Carlos but I have a feeling there is non-F1 cards in the play for him from 2025. I saw him at the Dakar supporting his dad and just in his way around the people he looked like this would be something fun to do. So I’m thinking maybe a solid rally contract and maybe a Dakar in the future since his father have hinted at retirement during his interview post-win.
People have suggested that Lewis will have to follow the strict Ferrari rules and he will not be given any special treatment. This, I can tell you now, is bullshit. Ferrari has their own fashion line, and getting Lewis on board, they can enter into a different market so it is possible that we will still be seeing Lewis is some sick gear every week. Special treatment? From the team who let Michael Schumacher essentially do to the car and steering wheel what he wanted to make them a championship winning team? Don’t play with me. Lewis will reinvent the steering wheel, likely sort out the terrible communication between driver and engineer, and also beat someone with a stick in strategy because lord knows this red team…
As for which team we will be supporting - I support drivers, not teams. Because teams play with their drivers like little toys. I have no interest in that. Also both Ferrari and Mercedes have given me grey hair so no thanks!
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motorsportverso · 4 months
WRC terá etapa na Arabia Saudita em 2025
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O país da Arabia Saudita vem sediando vários categorias e eventos de automobilsimo desde 2018, quando tivemos o ROC(Race of Champions), como Formula E, Dakar Rally, Extreme E ,F1, e no final desse ano teremos a final do GTWC Europe em Jeddah.
A volta da categoria a região do Oriente médio desde  2019,  quando teve o rally da Turquia.
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automundoarg · 5 months
Carlos Sainz y Nani Roma, los pilotos de Ford para el Dakar 2025
La marca del óvalo anunció a sus primeros dos conductores para la próxima edición de la mítica competencia.
Con el objetivo puesto en ser protagonista de la próxima edición del Rally Dakar, Ford Performance se aseguró tener entre sus pilotos a dos ganadores de la mítica prueba: los españoles Carlos Sainz, que vuelve a la marca con la que logró varios éxitos en el WRC; y Nani Roma, quien así amplía su relación con M-Sport. Las pruebas del Ford Raptor 2025 han empezado a medida que Ford Performance se…
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yeastinfectionvale · 8 months
Okay genuinely I can see Carlos taking a year break (maybe doing Dakar with his dad in 2025 or a partial rally career) until Audi comes in
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f1 · 2 years
Pollock confirms he is planning a return to F1 with new equal-gender team | 2023 F1 season
Former British American Racing Formula 1 team principal Craig Pollock has confirmed he plans to return to the sport with a new team in 2026. Earlier this year the FIA opened applications for new teams to enter F1 in 2025, 2026 or 2027. Pollock plans to submit an application for his new project, named Formula Equal. He intends the team to include an even split between genders at all levels. “The concept and the idea was to try and build a F1 team, 50% male, 50% female, which is extremely hard to do if you have an existing F1 team,” he told CNN. “It’s a lot easier with a clean sheet of paper.” The FIA previously indicated it will confirm at the end of next month which if any prospective new F1 teams have been selected. Among the criteria they will be judged on is “considerations of sustainability, EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion), and societal benefit”. The backing for Pollock’s project is rumoured to come from Saudi Arabia, which joined the F1 calendar in 2021 with a race in Jeddah. The country is keen to increase its involvement in motorsport and has also hosted Formula E and the Dakar cross-country rally in recent years. The president of the country’s motorsport federation, Prince Khalid Bin Sultan Al Faisal, said in January he is keen to attract teams to the country. Pollock said he is planning the “first F1 team that is truly outside of Europe”. “This has to be built from the bottom up in a Gulf state and this is what we are aiming to do,” he said. “This is a long-term project – this is not short-term.” Regarding the source of his funding, Pollock said his company is “in intense discussions” with “a Gulf area country”. Pollock previously managed 1997 F1 champion Jacques Villeneuve. He formed the BAR team, backed by British American Tobacco, which entered the world championship in 1999 with Villeneuve as one of its two drivers. Pollock was replaced at the head of the team at the end of their third season of competition. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2023 F1 season Browse all 2023 F1 season articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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csajokamotoron · 2 months
Marokkói Expedíció: véget ért a Honda Adventure Roads
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Dél-Afrika, Norvégia és Izland után tehát újabb egzotikus helyszínt választottak a Honda Adventure Roads szervezői, a CRF1100L Africa Twin pedig ismét bebizonyította, hogy a világjárók eszményi társa. - Egyedülálló utazás Marokkó lenyűgöző tájain, feledhetetlen útjain és kihívásokkal teli, sivatagos részein - A Honda Adventure Roads 30 résztvevőjét a Honda HRC Dakar Rally csapatának versenyzői segítették a túra során - Az expedíció legizgalmasabb pillanatait megörökítő videók a Honda hivatalos Youtube-csatornáján tekinthetőek meg - A 2025-ös Honda Adventure Roads túra ismét elképesztően izgalmasnak ígérkezik: Rómától Isztambulig kanyarog az útvonal A Honda által szervezett Adventure Roads túrákat évről évre nagy figyelem kíséri, ugyanis a világ legszebb tájaira kalauzolja el a szerencsés résztvevőket. Idén Marokkó változatos terepeit ismerhette meg 30 bátor jelentkező, nem kevesebb, mint 2800 km-t gyűrve le a térség természeti csodái között. Kiindulási pontként Agadir szolgált, innen M’hamid aranyszínű dűnéit, az Atlasz-hegység hágóit és a Dades kanyont leküzdve jutott el a csapat a – kulturális pezsgéséről ismert – Fez városáig. A kilencnapos élménygyűjtés a Tazekka Nemzeti Parkban folytatódott, majd a tenger partján, Nadorban zárult. https://youtu.be/RCVCOXA0aI0?si=LpRqwIiU6_aqgOOl A résztvevők, mondhatni, természetes közegében tehették próbára az ikonikus kalandmotort, s nemcsak a hagyományos, lábbal kapcsolható váltóval felszerelt kivitelt ismerhették meg, hanem a Honda által fejlesztett, dupla kuplungos DCT erőátvitelre épülő változatot is. A Honda Adventure Roads csomag ezúttal is teljes körű szolgáltatást nyújtott, ezt bizonyítja, hogy első osztályú szállást, csomagszállítást, étkezést, navigációt, üzemanyagot és orvosi hátteret is magában foglalt, sőt a HRC gyári Dakar-versenypilótáitól tanulhatták el a motorozás mesterfogásait a jelenlévők. Ráadásként csupa prémium beszállító kiegészítőit, illetve alkatrészeit használhatták a túrázók. Az öltözéket például az Alpinestars, a kommunikációs rendszert a Cardo, a vízhatlan táskákat pedig az Enduristan biztosította, míg az abroncsok a Metzelertől érkeztek. A következő, szám szerint ötödik Honda Adventure Roads túra igazi transzkontinentális kalandnak ígérkezik, ugyanis Rómától Isztambulig motorozik majd a csapat nyolc országon keresztül. Read the full article
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teatalkblog · 2 months
f1 anon! both sis xx
Girl, you want me dead at such a young age? 😭
Ok, let me start with C4rlos Sa1nz & his career in F1 first, because he has less tea compared to Ch4rles & his background. Of course, it's a summary and won't go into details too much otherwise you'd find me still typing at midnight.
So, C4rlos started his career in F1 back in 2015, initially with Toro Rosso (now Visa Cash App RB, owned by Red Bull) then switched to Renault (now Alpine), McLaren and finally to Ferrari. He comes from a very wealthy family (his dad, C4rlos, is a successful rally driver and recently won the latest edition of the Dakar Rally). He has 2 sisters, Blanca & Ana, who both got married recently.
Now, there's nothing major about him & his teammates (M4x V3rstappen in Toro Rosso, N1co Hulk3nberg in Renault, L4ndo N0rris in McLaren and Ch4rles now in Ferrari), other than the fact that he has a very strong friendship with L4ndo that started at McLaren and continued until present times. You can actually find plenty of materials here on Tumblr and TikTok about their friendship (like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoOg2fHR-Gc). Of course, being friends and teammates is not always easy in F1, as your n1 job is to beat your teammate who will always be your first rival. In 2021, L4ndo allegedly admitted that there were times when they hated each other (https://www.planetf1.com/news/lando-norris-carlos-sainz-hate). That's why I believe their relationship improved so much after C4rlos left McLaren. For example, one thing that happened recently and is worth mentioning is that, back in September 2023, during the Singapore GP, C4rlos secured himself his second-ever F1 win. He won ahead of L4ndo & L3wis. To keep L3wis Hamilton behind L4ndo, Carl0s kept L4ndo within his DRS range (basically, very basically, DRS is an overtaking aid, it helps to overtake by increasing straight-line speed. DRS only works if you're less than one second behind the car ahead). In this way, Carl0s intentionally kept L4ndo very close to himself, allowing L4ndo to go faster and improve his distance from L3wis. When C4rlos' engineer told him that the distance between him and L4ndo was getting closer, he said: "It's on purpose". Remarkable & genius move from him, chapeau.
C4rlos moved to Ferrari in 2021, where he collected 3 wins so far and quite a few podiums & pole positions. He also has a good friendship with Charl3s, creating such a chaotic duo (as you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25LHt6OqMlg). But again, as mentioned before, being friends & teammates is not always easy, and lately, there have been a few heated moments between them, made worse by Ferrari, which always LOVE to fuck their teammates' strategies, lately creating more drama between them & their fanbase that like to accuse each other or simply stating who's the best and most deserving driver. For example, last month, at the Spanish GP, Carl0s tried to overtake Ch4rles leading to minor contact between them and small damage to Ch4rles' car. The post-race interviews were funny: Ch4rles said that they didn't maximise their race as a team and that if Carl0s wanted to do something spectacular with that overtaking, he's not the right person to do it to. Carl0s then said Charl3s always complains after races. However, they seem to still have an enjoyable relationship off-track.
Back in February, the world woke up to the shocking news that Lew1s will leave Mercedes at the end of 2024 to join Ferrari in 2025. This leaves Carl0s without a seat for 2025. With nothing to lose & a seat to find, the tension between Charl3s and C4rlos may rise. Rumours say he's going to Williams.
P.S. If I said something wrong or I forgot something worth mentioning, please add it.
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diariomacho · 3 months
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crosscountryrally · 1 year
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Dacia Manifesto: La inspiración del nuevo proyecto del Dakar 2025 de Renault
Comienzan a saberse más datos sobre el proyecto de Renault para su regreso al Dakar de forma oficial en 2025 con la marca Dacia. El periodista especializado francés Gael Robic reportó que el proyecto estará inspirado en el Dacia Manifesto que se mostró en el Salón del Automóvil de Paris de 2022. Además, confirma que Prodrive estará detrás del proyecto luego de que el ciclo de Bahrain Raid Xtreme esté llegando a su fin. El proyecto de Dacia será confirmado en las primeras semanas de julio.
El Dacia Manifesto es un auto conceptual que Dacia mostró en 2022 intentando inspirar hacia donde quiere llevar sus modelos 4x4 en el futuro. La marca rumana usualmente es asociada a vehículos económicos y Renault también quiere mostrar que puede tener autos divertidos, la razón por la cual futuros modelos de Dacia recibirán inspiración de los elementos que se muestran en el Manifesto. Si ya hay planes de un auto de carrera, tal vez pronto veamos una versión de calle coincidiendo con el lanzamiento compitiendo con vehículos como el Ford Bronco o el Jeep Wrangler.
Al estar involucrado Prodrive en el desarrollo del prototipo, Sebastien Loeb parece ser la figura clave a reclutar por parte de Renault, una compañía competidora a Peugeot-Citroën que han sido los habituales asociados a Loeb en la mayor parte de su carrera. Además de Loeb, Dacia tiene interés en fichar pilotos emergentes como podrían ser Mattias Ekstrom y Cristina Gutiérrez.
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stiriarges · 8 months
Dacia a prezentat mașina cu care va concura în Raliul Dakar 2025
Dacia Sandrider este concurentul cu care producătorul de la Mioveni va participa în Campionatului Mondial de Rally-Raid Continue reading Dacia a prezentat mașina cu care va concura în Raliul Dakar 2025
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rallytimeofficial · 8 months
Dacia svela Sandrider, il nuovo prototipo per la Dakar 2025
🔴 🔴 Dacia svela Sandrider, il nuovo prototipo per la Dakar 2025
È per spingersi sempre oltre nella ricerca dell’essenziale che DACIA partecipa alla Dakar e ai rally-raid, probabilmente i campi di prova outdoor più impegnativi del mondo. Oggi DACIA svela Sandrider, il prototipo con cui il brand parteciperà nel 2025 alla Dakar e al Campionato Mondiale di Rally-Raid (W2RC). Ispirato alla concept car Manifesto, il laboratorio di idee di DACIA presentato nel…
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motorsportverso · 3 hours
Mitchell Guthrie Jr se junta a Ford no Dakar Rally 2025
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O piloto Norte Americano que nos ultimos anos tem competido nos UTVs na categoria Challenge , que tambem tem feito parte do programa Jr de Off Road da Red Bull , que terminou o Dakar em 2024 em 2º por um pneu furado estará no Dakar 2025 com Ford Raptor T1+ da equipe M-Sport Ford NWM, se juntando a Carlos Sainz Pai e Nani Roma no projeto.
O piloto contara com a navegação do compatriota Kellen Walch que 10 anos de experiência no Dakar , tendo até navegado para o Rob Gordom.
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