#ralphie cifaretto
magicalflowerlight · 1 year
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The Sopranos〡S3E13
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woozapooza · 3 months
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Though not played, the song "Sympathy For The Devil" by the Rolling Stones is referenced four times through various dialogue directly alluding to Ralph as the devil. The references allude to the fact that Ralph is portrayed somewhat sympathetically for the first time in this episode ["Whoever Did This"].
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dopamine-fixx · 2 months
my simps are getting more concerning by the year
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peachihellcat · 2 years
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Ralphie Cifaretto ✨
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membersonlyjacket · 2 years
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sopranos characters as text posts
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danishprince · 1 year
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why is the ralphie cifaretto page on Villains Wiki so fucking funny
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newfeeling77 · 4 months
i missed ralphie cifaretto. ive said this before i feel the same way abt him as pete campbell like i hate him so fucking much but i want him on screen as much as possible. n yes i would fuck him bc he’s disgusting and weird n has a coke problem
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moneypuzzleexchanger · 3 months
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Ralphie cifaretto would be even luckier if she was a man and still pregnant
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bucklikethedollar · 1 month
ralphie cifaretto finally being beaten to a pulp and choked out has made my fucking week
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magicalflowerlight · 1 year
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The Sopranos〡S4E9
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janAUary #2 - fake dating
pairing: Beatrix x Ralph Cifaretto
summary: Beatrix has been told time and time again to never give Ralph the time of day. Of course, she thinks it’s funnier not to listen.
word count: 2.1k
author’s note: this is essentially somewhat of a reimagining of part of a fic i wrote this summer. it takes place near the end of sopranos season 3. Mack, Tony’s gf in this fic, is the s/i of a friend of mine :) banner is from @saradika
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“Let me think about that and I’ll get back to you,” Beatrix said smugly. “Now, are you gonna order something or are you just gonna pester me all night?”
“Oh! Is that what you think of me? I’m a pest?” Ralph teased. “Why don’t you pour me a martini? Extra olives, and I mean extra!”
“A martini?” She asked, stifling a laugh. “That’s kind of a girly drink, no?”
Shockingly, rather than getting mad, he just cracked a joke back. “Hey, I prefer to call it metrosexual. Goes with my whole look, doesn’t it?”
“I suppose it does,” Beatrix replied. “Is this enough olives?” She asked, sliding the drink over to him. 
“Hit me with a few more.”
She obliged, plopping another two, three, four olives into his drink before he was satisfied. Eight olives? Maybe he was a mad man after all. She watched him curiously as he stuck one with the toothpick, grabbing it in his teeth and sucking it into his mouth. She almost shivered - she hated olives.
Bea’s thoughts were interrupted by the bar’s phone ringing. She held a finger up at Ralphie as she went to pick it up, answering as pleasantly as possible. Upon picking it up, she heard Mackenzie on the other end of the line.
“Hey, Beatrix! Got a sec?” Mackenzie asked.
“Oh, uh, yeah, Mack, what’s up?”
“Well, I was just talking with Tony about this dinner thing we were setting up, and we wanted to invite you,” Mackenzie explained. “I don’t know how busy you are, but it’s Friday night if you wanted to come. I figured it would be nice to catch up some more, you know?”
“Yeah, definitely! Who’s gonna be there?” Beatrix inquired, already putting the pieces together.
“Well, me and Tony will be there, obviously, and then, um, Paulie and Ralph and whatever girls they bring. Oh, and Silvio, but I don’t think you’ve met him yet.”
“Okay, yeah… I’ll be there, Mack, count me in,” she smiled.
“Yay! Okay, so, we’ll be at Nuovo Vesuvio at eight on Friday - you know how to get there, right?”
“Yeah, I know where it is. Okay, I’ll see you, Mack.”
As she hung up the phone, she turned back around to face Ralph, who had very clearly been eavesdropping on her conversation.
“Was that Mackenzie?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, she was inviting me to the same dinner you just tried to.”
“Decisions, decisions, huh?”
“Well… I’m thinking we could kind of play around with everybody, you know?” Beatrix suggested, grinning deviously. “Look… I’ll just say, I’ve been  advised against going out with you.”
“Oh, so they’ve been plotting against me here since I walked in the door, huh?” He chuckled.
“Exactly,” Beatrix nodded. “They know you’re coming with a date, they just don’t know who. So, I’m thinking… we should go together. It’ll freak ‘em out, you know? We’ll make sure to be the last two there, make an entrance, rub it in their faces a little? Let ‘em know they were wrong?”
“You know, I gotta say, Trixie… I like it,” Ralphie responded, taking a sip of his olive-overloaded martini. “Someone’s gotta remind ‘em that when you assume, you make an ass outta you and me, huh?”
“I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when we walk in together,” Beatrix laughed. “I don’t know why they’ve been making you out to be, I don’t know, a monster, or something. You’re more like a puppy dog I could keep in my purse. A feisty one, though.”
Ralph chuckled, taking another sip of his drink. He knew, perhaps, by the standards of other people, he was a monster. But what Beatrix didn’t know couldn’t hurt her, right? He watched her as she scrubbed at the back counter, popping another olive into his mouth. She wouldn’t go out with him for money, but she would go out with him out of spite? “So, we callin’ this a date, or what?”
“I don’t know that I would call it that,” Beatrix scoffed, a small smile gracing her face. “But, if you wanna call it that, go ahead. I’ll wear something nice, you’ll get to live out your little fantasy… It’ll be fun.”
And so, as Friday night rolled around, Beatrix found herself waiting around outside the Crazy Horse on her night off for Ralph Cifaretto to pick her up and take her to dinner. She had dressed up a bit - not for Ralph, of course, but to help with her commitment to the bit. She sighed, feeling the straps of her silky red dress sagging off her shoulders within the sleeves of her jacket. She opted out of wearing tights, but as the winter wind nipped at her calves, she began to regret her decision. In fact, maybe this whole night was a stupid idea. Before she could make up her mind about bailing, though, Ralph’s car finally pulled up. She watched him as he swiftly got out of the car, coming over to greet her. As she took a step towards him, she stumbled, her feet still not used to the heels she was wearing.
“Fallin’ for me, huh?” He chuckled, offering an arm to keep her stable. “You look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” Beatrix smiled. “You’re not bad yourself.”
“So, what’s our plan here?” He asked, his hands on her waist, their faces dangerously close.
“Why don’t you get me in your car first and we’ll go from there.” She smiled as she lowered herself into the passenger seat, to which he had so kindly opened the door for her. There was a certain air of giddiness between them both in the car, almost like they were teenagers about to score. Ralph clearly wanted to put the work in, as if things would become real if he tried hard enough. As much as Beatrix didn’t want to admit it to herself, it might have worked if he played his cards right. 
“We should park further back,” Beatrix insisted as they approached the restaurant. Ralph looked over at her quizzically, relatively used to having prime parking at Vesuvio’s. “Well, we gotta keep an eye out for everyone else’s cars right?”
“Yeah, yeah, but then we got a longer walk… Whattya want us to be late?” Ralph whined.
“Fashionably,” she smirked. “Come on, Ralphie,” she pouted.
“Alright, alright,” Ralph sighed, pulling into a spot in the back half of the lot. “See how easy I fold for you?”
“Oh, please… So, what’s our excuse gonna be for getting in late?”
“… We could tell ‘em we were fuckin’”
“Yeah, right,” Beatrix laughed. “As if they’d believe I’d let you touch me.”
“Whatever… You know, I could get just about any girl in Jersey, but it’s you I’m after - doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“Ralph… I just don’t think it’s a good idea. I mean, between Rosalie and your reputation… I can’t get involved. Besides, is it really that good to get all your girls with money? Don’t you want something better than that?”
“Sure, but, it ain’t that easy… I guess I’ve never exactly been the most lovable guy.”
Beatrix looked over at him, face full of pity. She put her hand on his knee as a sign of support, gently rubbing it with her fingers. By now, she was starting to care a little less about blurring the lines. Besides, she was about to play the role of his girlfriend for the evening - maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to start getting into character early.
“Come on, we don’t have to have this conversation,” he sighed. “I just saw Paulie go inside, we should probably follow suit, huh?”
“Yeah, let’s go. Let’s show them what they’re all afraid of. When we walk in there, I’m your girlfriend.”
He got out of the car, grinning slightly as he made his way over to the passenger side to help Beatrix out as quickly as he could. She couldn’t help but crack a smile, genuine this time, watching him get all nervous. She took his hand graciously, pretending for a moment that this really was serious as Ralph pulled at her. They walked briskly as they entered the restaurant, Ralph leading the way to he and his friends’ usual table, never dropping Beatrix’s hand. As the table came into his sight, he moved his arm to her waist, leaning down very briefly to whisper a “follow my lead” into her ear.
In the distance, Tony and Mackenzie immediately recognized Ralph as he weaved between other patrons. “Christ, here he comes, finally,” Tony muttered, rolling his eyes. 
“I think I see Beatrix, too, coming behind him,” Mackenzie remarked. “Thank God she finally made it, I was starting to worry.”
It was only as Ralph and Beatrix approached the table, laughing together about God knows what, their hands already all over each other, that Mack and Tony began to put the pieces together. 
“Ton’, everybody, I am so sorry we’re late,” Ralph sighed as he arrived at his seat. “This one’s just insatiable! We completely lost track of the time playin’ tonsil tennis,” he snickered.
Beatrix smacked him playfully in the chest in response, her cheeks turning a slight pink at the thought. As if. As the two of them took their seats next to each other, Mackenzie and Tony just stared, almost dumbfounded. Two empty chairs remained: one to the left of Beatrix, and one to the right of Ralph. Mack couldn’t believe what she was seeing - Beatrix and Ralph? Did his ridiculous attempts at wooing her actually work? How did that happen? Her jaw was resisting the urge to drop. Tony was sporting his classic unimpressed expression - this is exactly what he had hoped wouldn’t happen. 
“That’s a waste of two chairs!” Paulie commented, shaking his head.
“We would’ve told you ahead of time, but uh, we didn’t wanna ruin the surprise,” Ralph said, glancing over at Beatrix. She offered him a hand to hold once more, displaying their “love” for the others at the table. Mack almost gagged seeing it. She couldn’t stand Ralph - but she couldn’t tell Beatrix why.
Throughout the night, there was clear tension at the table, but Beatrix and Ralph were so caught up in playing pretend that it just rolled off their backs. It was what they wanted, to freak the others out. Once they had some wine down their gullets, it almost felt like they weren’t pretending anymore. Beatrix found herself hanging all over Ralph later into the night, playing the part so perfectly that she almost forgot it was supposed to be a one time thing. As much of a pest as Ralph could be, and whatever bad history he had, she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying his company.
Not too long after the dessert round, the group decided to call it a night. The meal was through, and the tension between Tony and Ralph was becoming hard to simply ignore. Sometimes, as Beatrix was starting to put together, the DiMeo crime family had to be handled like a clique of high school girls - let whatever petty drama was happening play out, and within a matter of days, they’re having sleepovers and wearing matching outfits again. They would probably cool down by morning. As everyone was walking outside, saying their goodbyes to each other with hugs and handshakes, Tony pulled Beatrix aside.
“Hey, Beatrix,” he started. “Look, I know you don’t know me too well, but, uh, and any friend of Mackenzie’s is good in my book. I just, uh, I wanted to let you know… If you would rather, you know, not ride home with Ralphie, for whatever reason, Mackenzie and I can-“
Before he could finish his offer, Ralph strolled back over, slinging his arm around Beatrix’s waist. She smirked, turning to kiss him, perhaps a little too passionately for a fake date. He looked at her in shock, his expression quickly turning smug as he remembered Tony’s presence. “Whattya say, toots, you ready to go?” He asked.
Beatrix simply nodded, giving a short wave to Tony and Mack as she and Ralph began to head back to his car. His arm remained around her waist far after they had left everyone’s view. The cold air had sobered him up enough to drive, but as he helped Beatrix into the passenger seat, he decided maybe they should just sit for a minute.
“That was nice,” Beatrix smiled. “Maybe I should give you a serious try.”
“Yeah. Call me next week, maybe we can go for round two.”
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dopamine-fixx · 2 months
I'm back here on this godforsaken app bc I have developed a new obsession.
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membersonlyjacket · 1 year
fuck it we ball
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lovedeluxe92 · 8 months
i hate ralphie cifaretto so fucking much how can someone be so fucking annoying
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buscemifan · 2 years
i do not fuck with mr cifaretto like that but i constantly think of the scene where jackie junior is trying to get him to talk about mob stuff and give him a gun and all ralphie’s doing is explaining how to make pasta the right way…in his stupid little bathrobe jesus fuck. god. i love that
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I started watching The Sopranos and fell in love with Ralph Cifaretto. Also ignore the dialogue in the second drawing, I have TRASH ships for this show.
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