#ram zodiac
xanderxciv · 2 years
The Yin Zodiacs: The Wolf Zodiac, rival to the Ram.
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4threset · 8 months
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The Chinese Zodiac Race
Told in Hues.
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nemfrog · 1 year
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Aries. Chatterbox. 1903.
Internet Archive
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ultrainfinitepit · 4 months
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A little putto (cherub) for the Year of the Goat
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nobrashfestivity · 11 months
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Unknown Chinese Artist; Zodiac Figure with a Ram's Head c. 206 BCE - 220 CE
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Zodiac: Aries
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huntthemouse · 6 months
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Aries Mickey
96/365 #hunt the mouse
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This is now the third in the series of Zodiac Mickeys- Scorpio and Gemini both exist prior so Aries is a great addition. Obviously takes basis from the ram that's commonly associated with the sign.
I am making 365 new versions of Mickey Mouse for the public domain and releasing them under public domain all year long.
You can join the initiative to #hunt the mouse or suggest a theme yourself via my ask box.
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hygmoss · 18 days
taurus and aries (finally i have a new pfp again) weird girls
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jyeshindra · 1 year
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Here we go! Pt. I of my ascendant/rising series...this time we're covering the stubborn rams of the zodiac; Aries.
Remember, the ascendant is our mask. It's how others perceive us and the first impressions we make in our environment. It denotes our appearance, our way of doing things, and how our personality is expressed in all environments of life.
Whenever I talk about ascendants, I love to start with the chart ruler. You see, every sign is linked to a planet (sometimes two!), and that planet's symbolism can say so much about the sign's behavior and motivations.
For Aries ascendants, your chart ruler is Mars, so this fiery, red-hot planet says much about who you are and your aura. Aries ascendants are independent self-starters who approach life with much vigor and determination. These people set goals and they're likely to achieve them with a quickness and a brashness. Perhaps their way of moving is a bit clumsy or disorganized, Aries-types aren't much for planning or taking their time. Like the Ram, they like to barge in to situations without thinking and improvise from there.
Mars is inceptive. Its primary motivation is to act, to intercept, to invade, to conquer. It's assertive and bold, not afraid to stand up for itself or for someone else. All of these qualities are given to the Aries Ascendant and make for ambitious, hungry individuals. All Aries Ascendants know they are truly 1 of 1, and they're not afraid to live it!
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Aries Ascendants often have a unique sense of style, favoring dark clothing, leathers, and reds. Your head/forehead/eyes may be your most prominent features, for Mars often gives a sharpness and intensity to the eyes. Can you see the fire burning in those pupils? I wouldn't be surprised if these Risings also go bald at some point! (for the men in particular). These natives have an intimidating aura, and you can often sense their ambition and independent nature from a mile away. You kind of just know they don't need anyone.
Now Aries is symbolized by the ram generally, but the lamb is an appropriate symbol as well. We forget Aries has a soft, child-like nature to them. They're curious and naive and so are the Ascendants. Life can feel like a playground to some of these natives and their curiosity can get them into lots of fun and lots of trouble.
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Where these natives struggle the most is often in the arena of relationships. Aries can be too independent, refuse the help of others, and fail to see the value in cooperation. Their desire to act in accordance with their own interest often alienates them and forces these ascendants to walk a lonely path. These ascendants must grow their wisdom and learn from their 9th house in Sagittarius. You do not have all the answers. There is great wisdom to be gained once you step outside of your comfort zone and open yourself up to learning from others. There is so much power to be claimed by these risings with their Scorpio 8th House. They have the ability to break down any wall and lead armies in the name of great, noble causes.
Aries Ascendants, you are natural leaders. You take charge and you have both the energy and the vision to reach your goals. There's a natural understanding here with the Capricorn Midheaven that it takes time to achieve the recognition and status you know you're worthy of. You will put your nose to the grindstone and sweat to make those dreams come true.
You want the stability and security you know life can bring you. This is represented by your 4th house in Cancer. It's where your true self flourishes. You crave warmth in your environment, a place where all of your emotional needs can be met and attended to. Status may come, yes, but Aries Risings will always want some level of privacy and shelter. Then, the armor can come off and they can truly be the fuzzy lambs we know them to be.
I'll stop here. Let's recap; what I've gone through with this Ascendant is your chart ruler and your angular houses (1st, 4th, 10th, 7th). Through doing this I've dissected your style, your approach to life, areas for growth, how others perceive you, and deep truths about your nature based on the environments you favor/create for yourself if you have an Aries ascendant.
You see? The Ascendant is truly a vehicle of creation. So much of our soul and what our soul makes for itself can be seen through it.
But that's all for today folks. Have a wonderful Thursday.
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odk-2 · 2 years
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Michelle Angelo Rams' Fan c.1960's
Michelle as Aries from: "The Playboy Horoscope" (Playboy Magazine April, 1968) Photo by Mario Casilli
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nintendont2502 · 1 year
Whenever I need to know the zodiac order I'll forever be going "okay aradia tavros sollux karkat nepeta-" so really who's saying you don't get anything out of reading homestuck
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4threset · 8 months
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"The Goat, who had worked together with the Rooster and Monkey, came in eighth place. Using it's horns to push the river reeds out of the way."
(anecdote : depending on who you ask, the goat is sometimes referred to as the Sheep or the Ram)
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wildbeautifuldamned · 6 months
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Estate Fornasetti Milano Zodiacus Astrological Zodiac 4 18 Plate Set of 8 ebay 1fabulousfind
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lattce-art · 1 year
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She's an Aries 🥵😻
~follow me elsewhere via linktree!
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ossian94 · 1 year
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Zodiac - Aries
I feel like doing once more the zodiac signs since I feel like they could benefit for a redo
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crosstheveil · 1 year
Astrology: Aries
Element: Fire (electric) Modality: Cardinal (generative) Principle: Active (yang) Image: Lightning strikes from above and tears open old forms, impregnating them with seeds of new life. Date: March 20th - April 20th (T) / April 15th - May 15th (S) Animal: Ram, Lamb Glyph: ♈︎ / Horns of the ram, a fork in the road, two paths merging into one, upspring waters of fountain, a seedling emerging from the ground, outstretched arms of Christ, nose and eyebrows. Color: Red (Scarlet)
Ruler: Mars Exaltation: Sun Fall: Saturn Detriment: Venus Strength: Jupiter
Phrase: "I am" Need: To act instantaneously in the driving seat. Emotion: Anger (short-lived) Temperament: Choleric Positive: Pioneering, executive, competitive, impulsive, eager, courageous, independent, dynamic, quick. Negative: Domineering, quick-tempered, violent, intolerant, hasty, arrogant, selfish, brusque, lack follow-through. Archetype: Fool, Daredevil, Athlete, Maverick, Rebel, Instigator, Aggressor, Warrior, Trailblazer, Pirate, Clown, Hero, Motivator, Conqueror, Enthusiast
The spirit of Aries thrives on spontaneous action, embodying the very essence of life force, birth, and uninhibited energy. This is reminiscent of a baby coming out head-first, eager and ready to experience life. In doing so, it becomes an independent entity, unbound and free, with the prerogative to choose its own path right at the onset of its journey.
Aries wants to make an impact, especially on things that grow and expand, carrying their influence. They often feel an inner drive to create, either believing it's a divine calling or a way to achieve legacy. Ideas and impulses come to them from outside sources. They act as a channel for the memories and spirits of their ancestors. Past energy builds up around them like a storm cloud, and when it releases, it comes out powerfully and intuitively through them. They don't create this force; they release or channel it. To truly get them, you need to look beyond just their personal experiences.
Every new start requires an original idea and it's bold to take this leap. Sometimes we need to risk everything without giving a second thought to the consequences or potential reactions. However, this impulsiveness can quickly inspire contempt in others. Known for disrupting the establishment, Aries comes across as lacking etiquette, even being slobbish at times. There is an innate tendency to reject norms, often accompanied by a definitive "no". This spirit carries an air of arrogance, constantly proclaiming the truth of new ideas with immediate conviction, even if they've just thought of them. Their confidence stands undeterred whether based in competence or sheer folly, without any need for external support.
They have many ideas and speak passionately about various topics. However, they usually don't deeply analyze or overthink things. Social interactions might label Aries as unsophisticated, but this is merely a reflection of its unconditioned nature. This spirit is driven by unchecked impulses to explore and assert itself, with a headstrong attitude that prioritizes forward motion without much foresight. It’s about just doing, not looking back, with an unwavering belief that the future is now. They don't stick to one idea because they believe more will come from their inner thoughts. Life is about exploration and trying new things. There's a childlike excitement in Aries, a reminiscence of the pure wonder and fantasy of childhood, marked by exuberant playfulness, undying ambition, and a love for laughter.
They are never truly content and it's not because they're critical, but because they don't feel complete or fulfilled by their actions. They're always at the start of a project and yearn for the satisfaction that comes with completing it. They remember how fulfilling the end of previous work felt and are eager to experience that feeling again. The only way for them is to keep moving ahead, often impatiently, to achieve the fulfillment they seek.
Its fiery nature makes it impatient and restless, always on the move until it reaches burnout. Aries calls it as they see it, often being too honest and straightforward, cutting through pretense. They can be irritable with a penchant for instigating challenges and a reckless attitude. With no read of others capabilities they can be quick to misjudge, viewing people as either incompetent or idealizing them as being more important or capable than they are. This leads to disappointment and frustration when faced with the physical reality.
Any instruction from Aries tends to come across as forceful, lacking the proper coordination that is required in group dynamics or mutual exchange. Their ideas can be wasted because they're not presented in an acceptable manner. In the quest to be helpful, they may push ideas on people when they aren't ready to be accepted or they're uncalled for. Just as quickly as they might remark or do something, they can regret what they said or did. If they ever do wrong, it usually wasn't intentional. When they become used to not being received well or not being able to work with others, they adopt the attitude of a lone warrior or vagabond. They overburden themselves and carry all aspects of every assignment or production because they don't see any other way to bring their ideas forward. They must prove themselves by doing everything well and showing others how to do things the right way, often by doing it for them.
The spirit serves as a representation of the consequences one might face for acting out of line or being disobedient. It's a journey of retaliation, paving the path ahead no matter the cost, and finding a way through the cracks of any system. Underlying this is a pressure to showcase courage, to stand up instead of succumbing to fear or compliance. They tend to resonate with the underdog and those who are struggling against the status quo in the pursuit of a dream. It's not uncommon for them to have an affinity for the homeless or to become the champion of a lost cause.
They often fight or challenge situations just to feel alive. Ideally, Aries is not just looking for where there is a fight to be started but a worthy opposition that can only be discerned by the innate wisdom they're born with. In the pursuit of authenticity, they must find a battle that is essentially their own and theirs alone. By the same token, their ideas won't do justice given to the wrong people. If they don't stop trying to force what doesn't work, they'll continue butting heads back and forth with the same obstacle; at the deficit of both parties and at the expense of their original intention. When Aries is faced with too much opposition they can be rendered aimless and sheepish.
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Reincarnation (Aries) ← Dissolution (Pisces) Pisces represents a phase of letting go, preparing the way for Aries to emerge unburdened. For something new to arrive, we need to release previous expectations and commitments, making room to align with the present situation. Endings and beginnings are two sides of the same coin. The old always makes way for the new. One man's loss is another man's gain. When we embrace the contradiction of Pisces, we create room for the nuance of Aries. When we accept what can't be changed, we release the need for control and allow for ourselves to be surprised.
Bursting (Aries) → Sustaining (Taurus) As the fastest moving sign, Aries is quick to exhaust itself. It's the runner sprinting forward at the beginning of a race, whereas Taurus is the pace needed to finish a marathon. Taurus grounds the energy of Aries to ensure any initiative will be lasting and sustainable. Ideas are prioritized and methodically brought into fruition.
Lust (Aries) or Indifference (Libra) While Aries champions individuality, autonomy, and directness, it actively distances itself from Libra's focus on mutual consensus, diplomacy, and partnership. Aries thrives on unbridled self-expression and frank honesty, while viewing Libra's harmonious and indirect approaches as circuitous and passive. Valuing personal freedom and decisive action, Aries often disregards Libra's emphasis on social order, fairness, and cooperative decision-making.
Appearance Curly or wavy hair, often red or blonde, large and hardy vertically stretched forehead, something striking or notable about the eyes, eyebrows, forehead or hair, arched brows pushing forward as forehead sweeps back, back of head rising toward the crown, nose either narrow and aquiline or upturned with nostrils exposed, snarling expression, freckles, moles or scars on face, very narrow/very wide jaw, widow's peaks (V-shaped hairline), head tilted forward, sharp features, high cheekbones, angular facial features, reddish complexion, flushed appearance, posture is erect or tense, lean and muscular due to a higher rate of catabolic processes, energetic and cheerful manner, informal, disheveled, fond of red, bright, upbeat or strident voice, moderate height, may have a lisp or speech impediment, walk with upper torso directed forward as the rest of their body follows behind, abrasive or off-putting demeanor.
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Body The head (including the cranium, frontal and lateral lobes, and corpus callosum), eyes (encompassing the optic nerves, crystalline lens, and eyeballs), motor centers of the brain, sinus, upper jaw and its teeth (with Saturn and Taurus), blood, the adrenal glands (with Libra and Mars). Aries, along with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury, has a strong influence on the entire brain. The sense of sight is governed by this sign, in conjunction with the Sun and Moon.
Disease Cleft lip, port-wine birthmarks, epilepsy, stroke, tinea (ringworm), pink eye (conjunctivitis), acne, gum abscesses, neuralgic tooth pain, headaches, fevers, infantile seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap), alopecia (baldness), dizziness (vertigo), injuries, gunshot injuries, convulsions, seizures, aneurysms, skin rashes.
Vocation Excel in roles that require independent motivation, originality, and impulse. Many thrive as teachers, musicians, producers, and creative artists. They are energetic, passionate, and often lead the way, making them great front-runners. They are inspiring, making them effective motivational speakers and educators. Candid, warm, and resilient, offering honesty and directness in their approach. They shine in start-up ventures, self-employment, and commission-based roles but struggle with follow-through, disliking routine and subordinate roles. They might have poor discipline and become irritable when feeling pressured or talked down to. While they are great starters, they don't always see things through to the finish.
Tarot: Emperor (IV) Hebrew: "Heh" (ה) / H Path: 15 / joining Wisdom and Beauty Angel: Melchidael or Malahidael Cell Salt: Potassium Phosphate (to ease stress and exhaustion) Gem/Stone: Sardonyx, Bloodstone, Amethyst, Diamond Alchemical Process: Calcination
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Court I (0-19°): Queen of Wands / Water of Fire Court II (20-29°): Prince of Disks / Air of Earth
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Decan I (0-9°): Mars / Two of Wands / Chokmah of Yod Decan II (10-19°): Sun / Three of Wands / Binah of Yod Decan III (20-29°): Venus / Four of Wands / Chesed of Yod
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Age of Aries When the vernal equinox shifted from the sign of Taurus, it was believed that the solar deity took form in the Aries constellation, making the ram the embodiment of solar energy. The lamb, often associated with purity due to its gentle nature and white wool, represents the universal savior in many pagan mysteries. While Aries represented the Creator, His Son was seen as the Lamb of God. The Lamb of God is signified by the Golden Fleece that Jason was forced to win before he could assume his kingship. In Christianity, it is a cherished symbol for Christ. The lamb's blood represents the solar life entering the world through the Aries sign. In the initial stages of Christianity, the lamb was emblematic of Christ. It wasn't until after the fifth synod of Constantinople that the image of a crucified man replaced the Agnus Dei symbol. The choice of a lamb hints at Christianity's Persian origins, as Persians uniquely symbolized the zodiac's first sign with a lamb. Ancient pagans used lambs for sin offerings, so early Christian mystics saw the lamb as an apt representation of Christ, viewing Him as the world's sin offering. Sheep and goats were offered as sacrifices, and a designated scapegoat carried the sins of Israel. During the Aryan era, religious leaders were termed shepherds. Both Greeks and Egyptians revered the lamb or ram, even incorporating its horns into depictions of their deities. Thor, a Norse god, held a hammer fashioned from ram horns. A lambskin apron was worn by Freemasons over the region associated with primal desires, symbolizing the renewal of procreative energies and their dedication to divine service.
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Wordplay Aries is an anagram for "arise" and the natural home of Aries is the first house of the rising sign. Additionally, Spring corresponds with the Sun rising above the celestial equator. This first month was named March after the ruling planet of Mars. In ancient Rome, March was a time when the weather began to warm up, making it more feasible for armies to mobilize and conduct campaigns ("to march"). Other notable words with connections to Aries include but are not limited to: arid, aristocracy, legionaries, emissaries, mercenaries (Mercury-Aries), apothecaries, boundaries, seminaries, disciplinarians, commentaries, sanctuaries, adversaries, libraries (Libra-Aries), dictionaries, antiquaries, contemporaries, dignitaries, intermediaries, missionaries, luminaries, votaries, cherries, contrary, countries, arrest, arrogance, arena, arouse, marred, marshal, mark, murder, martyr, tyrant, tirade, war, raw, ready, rude, raid, ignite, ignition, eruption, hilarious, varies.
Characters Athena (Greek), Moses (Bible), Wonder Woman (DC), Joker (DC), Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead), Raphael (TMNT), Hellboy (Dark Horse Comics), Klingons (Star Trek), Goku (Dragon Ball Z), Eren Yeager (Attack on Titan), Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), Sakura Haruno (Naruto), Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece), Kamina (Gurren Lagann), Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
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