#randall is pissed
lowkeyclowning · 8 months
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pelcrow · 9 months
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"Everything you see will be yours if you fall down on your knees and worship me."
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wreckrinho · 2 months
VILLAIN!Roger and Ironically one of his "favorite" little guys, Randy!
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randy boggs design reveal lmao-- in this AU randall had to fight a little harder to escape the human world
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gyr0zeppeliwife · 8 months
Pls someone dm me to rp with me I am begging
I am willing to do anything atp just to have someone rp
I like
Anything Rory culkin related
Certain slashers
Scott pilgrim
Genshin impact
Scopophobia (frost bite, John Doe, purple.. etc)
And like so much more. Please please I beg of it dm me
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tofuguy66 · 11 months
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dylanconrique · 20 days
okay, i do have a bone to pick with this show, because as much as i love it, it infuriates me how many storylines and other crucial key elements get abandoned, because why the fuck am i watching mouch casually stroll back into the firehouse?? hmm???? when i wanna see him in his recovery period being taken care of and dotted on by his firefam????
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
A heavy blanket of guilt suddenly laid itself over Randall’s slender shoulders, as he set aside his glass and cast his eyes down, he too aware of the tension, all of that previous joy and mirth having disappeared at this question. This stupid, stupid question...!
“O-Oh, Emily, I...I’m sorry,” he replied regretfully, suddenly feeling very much like a heel as he tried to find the words to apologize, only to struggle and ultimately falter, sighing heavily as he said, “I’m sorry. I...I wasn’t thinking and I should’ve, I...I didn’t mean to upset you...”
Great, he thought to himself, as he ran a hand through his dark, curly hair with a heavy sigh. I’ve completely bungled this date, and it’d been going so well too! It was no doubt a painful topic; the gradually dwindling of her species, the fact that it was only her, and the monster who had attacked and so grievously wounded her...he swallowed hard, feeling suddenly like a great stone was sitting on his gut...
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nyonismywife · 2 months
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Was researching humans when he first decided he wanted to be one. Found out they're 60% water. Is now hellbent on making sure everyone is hydrated
Only formed a family because he thought it was what humans are supposed to do
Only reason he got Randal a pet human is because he was tired of Randal terrorising his catmen and wanted to teach him some responsibility
Has been around for so long that he's had at least one cult formed around him. The cult has long since disbanded, however
Used to be ALOT more evil in his 'youth'. Even more so than Randal. A truly horrifying entity. That was a long time ago, though. He's a nice young human man now
Sometimes Randal REALLY pisses him off. Like A LOT. But Luther reminds himself that this is just 'Randal's Rebellious Phase'. (Even though Randal's been in the same age range for years)
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I don't really have any for Randal. Let me think of some
Is incredibly good at biology, sucks at the other sciences
Can't keep friends but somehow keeps making them
These were pretty weak. Sorry bout that. Anyways..
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Doesn't feel a shred of embarrassment or shame about existing as a cat for Luther despite being a grown man (feels no shame about being pet, purring, making biscuits etc and thinks anyone that thinks he should feel that way is a weirdo)
Knows Luther usually likes his catmen's faces smooth but sometimes neglects shaving because he likes when Luther does it for him (drawn from a canon image)
Doesn't like smoking weed and sometimes judges Nyon for it but has no problem drinking beer and smoking tobacco
Thinks he's all that
Bullies Nyon but Nyon is literally one of his only friend besides Luther
His backstory is like the most simple thing ever with no trauma or anything. He was just a regular guy that got into a car crash or something and Luther revived him
His opinions about Kurt Cobain have always been the same even before he became a catman
Harasses Nyon whenever Nyon tries to do pushups or pullups or anything resembling arm workouts because he wants to be the only pet with beefy arms (he likes when Luther compliments his muscles (drawn from canon))
Inherited parts of Luther's violence
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Epitome of nonchalance
Seems to have been around with Luther for a WHILE as well. (Guessing because he likes reading Fyodor novels for "nostalgic reasons" and Fyodor was around in the 1800s)
His life was better after he joined Luther's presence
Probably fought in at least one war
Remembers EVERYTHING from his past life but just doesn't talk about it. If you ask, he'll give you silence and go back to whatever he was doing. The conditions for hearing his backstory are so rare. You'd need to find him at 4:23am while he's greening out in a loaf position on the ground and even then there's only a 15% chance of him telling you. If he ever did tell you how he came to be what he is, it'd be the most bizarre, otherworldly and brilliant damn story you ever heard. Then you'd wake up the next day and, strangely, you wouldn't remember any of it anymore..? Like it was a snippet of a dream
He likes Nyen's abuse if he's in the mood for it (this is actually a little canon)
Has so many connections to so many different weed dealers it's actually ridiculous.
Inherited parts of Luther's timidity (yes, Luther is indeed shown to be a bit timid at times)
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1craig2craig · 29 days
🐍More Phonegingi☢️
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(Sorry for the messy coloring, I was in a rush)
Rust in piss Little Billy... you will not be missed.
Randal and Gingi are even more in love than in the first part of this My Phonegingi design trilogy (yes, there will be a third part to this... probably tomorrow if I'm not lazy), I wonder what silly things will they be doing next time
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sadiegirl2021 · 8 months
Just a reminder that Cassian does stand up for Nesta against Rhys -
"I'm pissed off that you can't seem to believe even one good thing about her. That you refuse to fucking believe one good thing about her..."
And Cassian obviously didn't stay mad after the mask incident if he was eating chocolate cake with Ember and Randall and saying he hopes he sees them again!
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silverflameataraxia · 19 days
People try to shut down criticism of Cassian by saying "Just let Nesta be happy!" Does she look happy?
Rhysand loomed like a roiling storm in the center of the room. Even the fire seemed to cringe from him. Nesta stood a few feet away, blue-gray eyes wary - no hint of that silver flame. She clenched her hands, but her face was nearly vacant. The handsome, broad-shouldered male at her side was thin-lipped with concern - or anger. Maybe both.
"And where is she going now?" Azriel asked with soft venom. "Now that she has the Mask" - a withering glare at Nesta, whose face was carefully blank - "where is Bryce going?"
Nesta's mate shifted an inch closer to her, his eyes darting between the two of them, torn. Like he didn't know who to side with in the brewing fight. "I'm fine, Cassian," Nesta muttered.
"In a way," Nesta said, waving a slender hand. "It reports to me. This is my home." She sounded thin, brittle. After the verbal lashing she'd taken in the stud...
Nesta had that look, too. Like she was processing a lot of things.
Ember and Randall had just sat down for breakfast in the dining room - guided there by a silent Azriel - when Rhysand landed on the veranda beyond the glass doors. His vast wings were like storm clouds in the morning light. A heartbeat later, Cassian landed, Nesta in his arms. Both looking stone-faced. Pissed.
Rhysand snarled something that had Nesta's shoulders tensing, her head bowing.
"Don't worry," Nesta said, even if that bruised look lingered in her eyes. "My sister- Rhys's mate - gave him that exact same lecture twenty minutes ago."
The pain in her eyes - the guilt - seemed to deepen. "Cassian's the most furious with me of anyone." A muscle ticked in her jaw. Like she was holding back a giant wave of raw emotion. Only a wall of steel kept it at bay.
HOFAS made it clear that Nesta is not in a good place. Nessian is not in a good place. It's okay to acknowledge that and still ship them. Personally, I think this will be used to fuel Nesta's story arc in ACOTAR 5. Hopefully next book will contain a Cassian redemption, where he steps up and puts his mate's protection and feelings before all else. And I do believe this will happen because I do believe that Nesta and Cassian will end up in the Dusk Court, not the Night Court. I do think he'll choose her, but he may need to lose her for a time before he understands that he has to make that choice.
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gwandas · 3 months
Yet another Ember and Randall bonus chapter rant because I'm still mad that the first glimpse of post-ACOSF Nessian mates was... THAT
Nesta folding immediately after Bryce gave her a little sob story about humans is the most in character thing she could’ve done in that moment. No, it was not ooc for her to give up the Mask—just because Rhys kneeled to her at the end of ACOSF doesn’t mean that everything was good between them and she was going to become yet another IC goon. And when I see people saying she has to accept Rhys as her High Lord… Nesta’s value as a character isn’t contingent on bowing to Feysand. I don't care that she lives in his court. Who's fault is that in the first place? Oh, she was forcibly turned and now she has to live a life of servitude by default... no!
And as for Cassian, I don’t really care that we didn’t see their conversation. I believe Nesta when she said he was the most angry with her. Making things up like “oh well Nesta is probably exaggerating,” or “he was probably just worried about her safety,” why don’t you believe what she has to say about her own mate? Cassian being angry with Nesta is the status quo as far as I’m concerned.
The facts are that her mate learned about an act of pure compassion on her part, heard her defend herself and give her reasoning, and didn’t give her an ounce of credit. Like, he doesn’t have to agree with the decision, but to be the most angry? To have zero reaction to Rhys spitting in her face? God, and the worst part is this will most likely go nowhere. Just another crime Nesta will have to atone for, likely in the form of handing over Gwydion.
I can understand seeing both sides, because I DO. Rhys has a right to be angry, Cassian can agree with Rhys as his general, I understand all that. No one was right or wrong in this situation—Nesta did something good but risky, Rhys and Cassian have a duty to the realm. But to read about Nesta being screamed at to the point where she’s not sure if they would execute her and have zero empathy for her? But have a full defense at the ready for her loser failmate because people hating on HIM pisses you off more than that chapter did? Maybe... some of us are simply sick and tired of reading about her being screamed at. And if you're not tired of reading about her being screamed at... maybe y'all are just not real Nesta shooters
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ragingstillness · 4 months
Things I need from SVU that I’m probably never gonna get:
Eli finding out that Olivia literally delivered him
Meeting Elliot’s sisters
Olivia meeting all of Elliot’s siblings
Noah meeting Calvin
Eli calling Jet the sixth Stabler child
More Malachi I’m so pissed
Fin and Olivia smoking weed
Elliot getting a therapist
Elliot and his grandkids
Olivia punching someone in the face
Confirmation that Richard Wheatley is dead
A crossover with criminal minds
Joe Stabler shaving his awful facial hair or committing and going for a full beard
Randall hitting on Olivia and getting both brutally shut down and menaced by jelliot
An episode where Noah shows his mother’s compassion by connecting with the child of a victim and passing crucial information onto Olivia
Alex Cabot coming back and being gay married to Casey Novak
Liz returning as a judge I love her
Play date for Fin’s grandkids and Noah
Barba returning and helping out Elliot in some massive way, earning both his and Liv’s forgiveness
A bright-eyed rookie joining the squad who has a hero-worship of Olivia and has come through the academy hearing legends of Bensler
Elliot’s kids calling him out for being a coward in his relationship with Olivia
The Stabler children kidnapping babysitting Noah
Burton thrown in jail for all the shit he’s done
Bonus: Elliot mentioning how they both have had bad luck with people named Lewis
A shirtless scene for them both where we actually see their canonical scars
Terrible middle-aged flirting
Elliot grappling with being a great grandfather and having a midlife crisis
Fin visiting Munch’s grave 😢
The Ghost of Kathy blessing Bensler’s union
Fin collecting an absolute shitton of money when Bensler finally get together
More Phoebe!
Beck getting a date with Vargas
Reyes sorting out his shit
Ayanna getting her kid back and a new wife
Olivia at a parent teacher conference
Noah introducing his friends to his mom
Olivia’s bitchy sorority sisters turning up and getting dunked on
Elliot getting to do some architect things
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sewinrat · 1 year
same goes to luther man...we need his x readers its a need hes awesome.....
*Reader wears casual clothes (idk smth like a tank top) that was supposed to clash with Luther's style.
"Oh wow your house is cool," You said, looking around the room without a care in the world. "Why, thank you, human♡" Luther said with as much enthusiasm he could show on his face and tone. "Are you hungry? We could have dinner and I'll be the cook while you and Sebastian can watch♡" You look at him a bit confused and asked, "Who's Sebastian..?"
It didn't take long for you to see Sebastian because now you're sitting beside him with the family for dinner. Poor boy looks so nervous in such a bizarre outfit. Luther started to do a role call and that's how you know which is which. Nyen the catman as the butcher, Nyon the catman on the accordion, the infamous Randal cutting the onions, and of course Luther as the main vocalist and chef.
Long story short, you let out little giggles as you watch it all happened which results in Sebastian looking at all of you concerned. "Sebastian, [Name]. It's my fault. Now what should we do for your dinner." Randal decides for everyone to go to 'Smile Diner' and you had to sit beside Sebastian who's out of the clown outfit and now in regular outfits, looking outside. You look to see what's out there and saw a creature, "Is that a dog or a wolf?" Luther wasn't happy to hear the mention of it so he told both of you to turn around. Sebastian immediately did so but you stayed for a while just to piss him off before turning back around with a smug face .
After that whole fiasco, you decided to stay at the Ivory House and now you're beside Luther just chilling while he sips his tea. You grab his hand to hold and start fiddling with his rings. Luther just let it be because he didn't mind that much. "You have a nice family," you initiate the conversation first. "Why thank you♡" Luther reply back in a happy tone. Silence follows after that as you try to think what else to say.
"Do you think that counts as our first date?" you send a lazy smile towards him. He turns to look at you blankly,
"I will not count that as a first date."
"Then can we go out on a real first date?"
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theheadlessgroom · 1 year
At this, Randall looked at Emily with wide, glistening eyes, having been leaning into her embrace when she said this, her words being enough to make him pause, taken aback by this response-somehow, it just wasn’t the one he was expecting, and so he remained frozen for a moment, as his mind processed her answer, and what it meant for them both.
“Together...” he murmured again, as he continued to look at her with wide, wonderous eyes: Even through the blur of tears, he looked upon her with complete and total reverence, his cheeks warming at the touch of her hands taking his to hold, to say nothing of the way his heart pounded as he gazed upon his angel, refusing to forsake him in his most dire hour. It was enough to make the tears turning from miserable to hopeful, as they ran down his sallow cheeks, while he held her hands in his, trembling all the while.
“E-Emily, I...”
No, he couldn’t possibly let the words get caught in his throat now: Not now, not when he was about to say something this important to her! He swallowed back any and all apprehension, pushing back his fears as he squeezed her hands and opened his mouth to speak. No turning back now-this really, truly was the point of no return.
“Emily, I love you!”
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