#ranma 1/2 rp
findroleplay · 2 months
I am 30+ and always searching for fandom based roleplays, I prefer canonxcanon and doubling (Canon x OC is allowed as are crossovers! PLEASE CREATE CROSSOVERS WITH ME!!!), I enjoy roleplaying in personal servers and tend to write 1-3 paragraphs (I am NOT novella). I would greatly prefer my partners be AT LEAST twenty years old due to how old I am.
Please keep in mind my replies can be VERY sporadic as I am a full-time live-in caretaker for an elderly invalid. I love smut, smut is always, always allowed (and often PREFERRED, please smut me!)
I am forever brainrotting over the following fandoms with multiple ships in each one, just ask! -- Like this post & I'll be in contact with you shortly!
Dungeon Meshi Kuroshitsuji YuGiOh Pokémon The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Devil May Cry Disney x Other animations Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Death Note The Mario Franchise Sailor Moon YuYu Hakusho Ranma 1/2 Hazbin Hotel
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
Hey! I’m looking for a 19+ roleplay on one of the following fandoms:
Boy Meets World
Modern Family
Ranma 1/2 
Saw (I only watched the first two movies and the tenth one!)
Star Wars
Lore Olympus
The Hunger Games 
I only do MxM and FxF, so please keep that in mind! And I mostly do CC x CC pairings, but I think some OC inserts for a few of these fandoms would work (eg Saw, Lore Olympus, The Hunger Games).
I’m a literate to novella kind of writer, but I don’t mind shortening things up. Dead dove is welcome, I love adding in dark themes into my roleplays heh. 
So if you’re interested, like this post and I’ll hit you up! 
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ask-ranma-and-ryoga · 3 months
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🎉 Ask Ranma And Ryoga turns 8 years old today! 🎉
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fractalflare · 1 month
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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finderism · 18 days
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A DISCORD SERVER for anyone interested in RANMA ½ !
— no spoilers of the remake allowed , but other than that, feel free to jump in with anything. we welcome casual chatting, character analysis, ic roleplays, ships talk, sharing fanart, etc . [ LINK HERE ]
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weddingchicken · 29 days
reviewing the ranma 1/2 fanzine i made when i was 12 years old.
i just found ranma 1/2 fanzines which I made in 1999 when I was 12 years old. here's a review of the zines - and an attempt at analysing what was going through the head of my younger self.
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as professional looking as the 'ranma 1/2 herald' looks, i made these fanzines by curating a combination of pictures I found on the internet, my own art, and my own writing, organised into magazine format - all of which I cut up and pasted by hand onto master sheets and then photocopied to yield the finished product.
what's odd (or one of the many things odd here) is that I had only managed to obtain and read the first few volumes of the ranma 1/2 manga at this point in my life (perhaps only the first three volumes). i had never watched an episode of the anime, and as far as i know it wasn't available in the uk at that time - certainly not on public television (we didn't have cable). furthermore, i didn't have any friends who were interested in ranma 1/2 or even knew what it was or who shared any of my other interests. nevertheless, i wrote the zines in a style as if they would one day be read by other people.
my enthusiasm for ranma, and subsequently the contents of these zines, was driven by my imagination, and what i could find through my relatively new access to the internet, which in turn encouraged my imagination. youtube didn't exist back then, but i remember reading summaries of anime episodes and consuming related media in whatever way i could, e.g. listening to audio files with snippets of the anime dialogue uploaded to ranma fan sites.
the information in my fanzines - the ranma 1/2 herald #1 and #2 - are heavily supplemented with my own creative additions to the ranma 1/2 universe, including what i now realise to be fanfiction - or attempts at roleplay - my own creative original characters and stories, and something of an obscured view of our own world.
parts of the zines are written in what I considered to be the voice and from the perspective of ranma 1/2 characters.
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really not sure what was going on with the alignment of the page numbers on the contents page...
the zines contained fact files on characters and various other elements of the story. again, as much as i was fascinated by the franchise, i was working with very little information here. so i didn't let a little thing like not knowing many facts prevent me from writing these fact files.
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much of the zines were taken up with displays of images i'd found online which i thought were just rad.
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some good old school microsoft word clipart included
let's take a moment to appreciate this image of shampoo and mousse which i made on microsoft paint (i could create better art with physical media, but doing it digitally seemed exciting). i had not even read any manga where mousse was introduced by this stage, but i had read about him online.
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other content included a ranma 1/2 alphabet: i matched a to z with characters, themes, and concepts from the franchise. highlights include:
Q is for questionable conduct, as many characters in Ranma are known to prance around shamelessly naked - most noticeable of these people is Ranma. (tsk, tsk) V is for VIOLENCE! Z is for zeal, a common problem with those characters who would like to win the girl, but Ranma just can'tbe [sic] bothered
my exploration of what windows 95 had to offer was not restricted to microsoft word clipart - i found the esoteric fonts of "windings" and "animals" fascinating. i felt like i was translating my writing into Egyptian hieroglyphics and back.
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i also seemed to want to use the fanzine to promote my own original manga series. this is despite the fact that my original manga did not exist outside of my imagination. this didn't stop me including a summary article of the background story of my manga, which i called Kung Fu City. i also wrote about something called the Ultra Tokyo Files which, as far as i can surmise, was a planned sub-series of Kung Fu City. i do remember being very determined that i would create my own manga series called Kung Fu City when i was a child, and must have had fairly developed ideas about this, given what i wrote in the zines about my original universe, original characters, and original storylines. as you can see below, the principles of the Kung Fu City manga are 1) very little actual conversation; 2) non-stop sound effects and violence; 3) a debatable amount of humour (i don't know what I was getting at with point 3).
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as you can see, i imagined Kung Fu City into history. i described it as having started in 1989, when i was two years old. what's more, i claimed that it was an influential factor in nunchaku being banned in the united kingdom! what a feat! so, through my zines, i seemed to be creating an alternative reality - not just an alternative ranma 1/2 universe, as many makers of fanfiction and fan comics do, but an alternative version of the "real world".
furthermore, i included a promotional segment from Kung Fu City in the zines - presented as if it was a preview of material from the part-way through the manga run. except, i created these panels specifically for the zines. there was no Kung Fu City before this or after this. just this.
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i could really go on and on about the idiosyncrasies of my fanzines, but I will finish by bringing up the conversations i "had" with the characters. this includes the interview i "held" with ranma. as in, i wrote an article about me interviewing ranma saotome, the fictional character.
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unfortunately, 12-year old me made the unusual editorial decision to print out my article on dark blue paper before photocopying it as black and white. as such, the interview article is difficult to read. if this post gets any interest and people want to read my conversation with Ranma (it was um...something) then i will make a post with the contents of this interview.
i also had a letters page where I encouraged my hoped-for readers to write in. but not to me. i asked them to address their letters to the characters of the kuno siblings - kodachi and tatewaki kuno. i went on to write letters from imaginary fans to the kunos, and wrote responses to the letters in the voice of kodachi or tatewaki.
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a one sentence response from the imaginary character kodachi kuno (aka. the black rose) to a letter from a fan (also imaginary). i'm sure this was normal behaviour from a 12-year old.
i recognise this now as ranma 1/2 fanfiction. what's more, I think this was roleplay. i didn't have anyone else to roleplay ranma with, so i roleplayed with myself. no one else read my articles or any other aspects of my zines. i think i would have wanted to share my passion with someone else, i just didn't have anyone to do it with. so, if nothing else, i made these zines for my own enjoyment. z really was for zeal!
i was a lonely 12-year old wannabe weeaboo who supplemented my lack of money to spend on the ranma 1/2 franchise and lack of access to the fandom with my imagination and creativity. some of the world i conveyed in these zines was bizarre, but it was creative. and maybe now - 25 years later - someone else will finally read my zines.
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2isms · 2 months
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calling out to the ranma fandom that rised from the dead at the remake announcement. u guys should make rp accounts and join me here fr
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canonrpfinder · 6 months
Hey! 19f here looking for a Ranma 1/2 RP (I know, it’s a real shot in the dark) where I play Akane and my partner plays Ranma! My literacy is literate to advanced lit but I tend to go shorter the faster the rp is. 18+ only, please no minors. If you’re interested, like this post and I’ll hit you up!
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princesscolumbia · 10 months
Ranma 1/2 Thoughts, Meta Edition
I have consumed...a lot of Ranma 1/2 content.
I mean, this is kinda what happens when you're a repressed transgirl who discovers the manga a year into a marriage that you got into to "fix" being trans and be "a real boy" in a desperate bid to fill the hole that you wouldn't learn for two decades could only be filled by living as your true self.
I've encountered precisely four (4) types of Ranma 1/2 fans in that time:
Transwomen who see Ranma as their idealized expression of the gender experience ("I'm not like this because I want to be, it's a curse. A curse that gives me a smokin' hot body and HUGE tits! But it's tooootally a curse, for realsies! I'll find a cure any day now, see how hard I'm looking? I'm trying sooooo hard to find a cure...")
Transmen who see Ranma as their perfect representation of their gender experience ("I'm a guy, damnit! This body...it's a curse! I hate it and I want nothing better than to be cured, but all sorts of Life Bullshit keeps getting in the way!")
Lesbians who kin either Ranma (butch NB lesbian) or one of their love interests (Akane - comphet closetted butch lesbian, Shampoo - Strong, smokin' hot bad bitch who goes after what she wants, Ukyo - transmasc coded genderfluid NB)
Completely clueless nimrods who miss the FUCKING POINT and are only into the show for the martial arts and think it would be better if Ranma got cured and they stopped having funny stuff happen.
(In case it's not obvious, IMHO the last group are the worst parts of the fandom and need to Go Away. Most of the toxic stuff that exists in R.5 fanspaces is because of this group of assholes which includes the incels that think everything would be better if Ranma just did stuff that's questionable from an ethics and morality perspective and chased after Shampoo because she's the closest thing to a Barbie-doll these closet fascists can allow themselves to fantasize about playing with, completely ignoring that she's a complex character that's a subversive pastiche to the Japanese racist stereotypes of the 1980s.)
I'm not kidding when I say that in the early days of the public Internet (before Facebook and Twitter ruined it for everyone), Ranma 1/2 was the SINGLE largest fandom by a MASSIVE stretch. I once checked my math on this by going to Fanfiction.net (before the massive purges) and brought up the Big List of All Fandoms and right there at the top with a MASSIVE number of fics was Ranma 1/2 by a HUGE margin. It took three fandoms (Star Trek, Doctor Who, and I believe Naruto if I'm recalling correctly) to have their combined total number of fics exceed the number of R.5 fics on FF.net...and that was JUST FF.net. There was an entire separate index (The Penultimate Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Index) that had the single task of listing, not even curating or reading or reviewing, ONLY Ranma 1/2 fanfics. Not fanart, not commentary, no RP blogs or chat transcripts or whatever, JUST fanfics. And only about half of those linked to FF.net, meaning that if you dig up the archives you'll find at least 60% of all fanfics that people had managed to index in the Ranma 1/2 fandom are missing because they were never properly archived and just...faded from the Internet as the public servers and places like Geocities started disappearing. You can find teasing, tantalizing hints of larger works that all we have left, like scraps of ancient papyri revealing a quote from a missing book of the Bible, are single chapters backed up on niche sites that managed to get spider-crawled by Archive.org, but many great works are just...lost. (There's an ero fic called "Playing with Water" that was SUPER hot and featured elements that we have tags for on porn sites but didn't really have proper words for back in the day...but even back when it was first being written finding the thing was hard...and today? Nearly impossible.)
(If you wonder why I'm such an absolute RABID advocate of AO3, this is why)
For me, Ranma will always be the transfemme coded genderfluid hero that we needed in the late 80s and early 90s. We were on the tail end of the AIDS pandemic, and just like COVID-19 there were a bunch of assholes who used it to ride to power and marginalize queer folk. It was easier to do with AIDS, of course, given the absolutely massive numbers of queer cis men and transwomen who contracted it and died. (Sidebar: the reason "L" comes first in "LGBTQIA+" is because it was the Lesbian nurses who were the caretakers of the Gay men who were dying in numbers large enough to be counted as a tragic statistic instead of a mere tragedy) and while the world was starting to acknowledge (again) that gay men was a thing that existed and they weren't actually trying to corrupt the youth, what we now call "transgender" was still listed in the DSM as a mental disorder that required treatment to "cure." According to the cultural majority in damn near every field you can imagine, the Gender Binary was the only way to exist and if you didn't fit neatly into one or the other then you were Damaged™ and had to be Fixed™ for The Good of All People™ (but specifically so cis-het-white folks, usually men, could feel comfy and not be confronted by things that made them feel icky and might have cooties). It's a truism that's treated as a joke that transwomen get into coding and wind up doing IT work in such massive numbers that between us and the furries we ARE the foundation of the modern Internet. And into the fanspaces packed to the brim with closetted AMAB transwomen who hadn't yet had their egg cracked came this plucky martial artist that gets to swap their gender with a splash of water but somehow still winds up the best of the best, the finest martial artist of their generation. (Goku can suck it, Ranma would turn the Kamea-meha right back on the over-muscled, braindead loser with a food fetish and still make it home in time for Kasumi's dinner)
I'm no sociologist, anthropologist, behaviorist, whatever, but I suspect that the reason Ranma Saotome spawned such a large fanbase so early in the modern Internet's history was specifically because the series created a safe space where people could talk about gender issues with a degree of separation that helped strip away the stigma surrounding feeling like you were in the wrong body.
I get why people like the martial arts aspect. I mean, Ranma kills a demigod. This is NOT something to sneeze at. I also understand the transmen who latch onto Ranma as a kin because I get the feeling like you have no control over what your body's doing and you're going through your days in existential dread of what might be dragging you further and further away from what you always knew was right and correct about yourself. It's a terrifying thing and here's someone who (esp. the anime version) IS a guy trapped in a girl's body.
For me, though, and for a LOT of transwomen out there, Ranma is transfemme. And, yes, canonically Ranma states right near the end of the manga that they're both and they kinda forgot about the 'cure' when they had to pick between that and the really important stuff and that they're okay with being fluid ('cause water, gettit?!) about their gender and it's a damn shame this was the 80s 'cause a continuation might wind up showing Ranma embracing being both...
BUT, and this is a transfemme thing, I know, if you continue the parabolic arc of Ranma's character development, the logical conclusion (for us) is that she eventually decides that she's a woman and just lives in her "cursed" form the majority (or all) of the time.
And yes, this is because that's the transfemme story arc. In the manga in some distant part of the multiverse that peers into our universe and for some reason decides to make me the MC (god, that must be a FUCKING BORING manga by our standards, I weep for those fans), my story arc is the gradual progression of uncracked, closetted transgirl to transitioned out and proud transbien mom. At one point I swapped back and forth between gender presentations because it was safer for me to appear in some spaces as the male that they thought I was. Now I would prefer to die before being forced to go back to pretending to be a man again.
Ranma has the choice, and good for them. Until the Kaisufuu is permanently destroyed, even if the "curse" is locked, they have the option of going one way or the other based solely on their own, personal desire. I can't say I'd be comfortable with that option being available. In that theoretical manga where there's a reboot that gives me a condition like Ranma's, I'd probably wind up destroying the equivalent to the Kaisufuu just because of the threat to my mental wellbeing it presents.
So it's not a stretch to imagine Ranma making the same choice. She's a woman now, she has the life she never realized she wanted because she never had the choice so didn't know she was allowed to imagine it, but now she's happier than ever and why would she ever go back to that struggle of being a guy that only ever brought her pain and challenges and heartache?
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darkrpfinders · 2 months
I am 30+ and always searching for fandom based roleplays, I prefer canonxcanon and doubling (Canon x OC is allowed as are crossovers! PLEASE CREATE CROSSOVERS WITH ME!!!), I enjoy roleplaying in personal servers and tend to write 1-3 paragraphs (I am NOT novella). I would greatly prefer my partners be AT LEAST twenty years old due to how old I am.
Please keep in mind my replies can be VERY sporadic as I am a full-time live-in caretaker for an elderly invalid. I love smut, smut is always, always allowed (and often PREFERRED, please smut me!)
I am forever brainrotting over the following fandoms with multiple ships in each one, just ask! -- Like this post & I'll be in contact with you shortly!
Dungeon Meshi Kuroshitsuji YuGiOh Pokémon The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Devil May Cry Disney x Other animations Kingdom Hearts Legend of Zelda Death Note The Mario Franchise Sailor Moon YuYu Hakusho Ranma 1/2 Hazbin Hotel
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tendoujo · 13 hours
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
i've been a r.ankane defender since day one so the answer might be pretty obvious 🫡. yet they are that one ship that requires so much effort and development to work as endgame. their love story is a chaotic one filled with ups and downs, lots of miscommunication as well, so it still got a long way to go. yet if rumiko was clear on something, it was that ranma and akane were made for one another. i could make an essay about their duo but to sum it up, i do believe that akane has grown to be the only person in the whole series that has accepted ranma for who he is regardless of his strength or gender.
besides that, i'm fond of any akane dynamic that truly shows the other person appreciating her. maybe that's why i wouldn't have minded ryo.kane as a possibility.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i'm open to almost anything as long as: 1. it makes sense. 2. there's clear interest between the two parties. 3. both muns have taked about it beforehand. but i have to say that when i play a female muse, i have a bit of trouble doing m / f ships ( except for r.ankane or r.yokae ), so it will be a little hard to romance akane with male muses ( very in character lol ).
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
for her highschool verse, 2 years at most. for the other verses where she's around 19 - 20 ( aus and the main verse ), i'll say that 5 maybe ? puppy crushes are acceptable but if they are not in the gap then it won't happen.
are you selective when shipping?
actually, yeah a bit. i don't just jump straight to shipping nowadays so i do ask for either some plotting beforehand or various interactions for things to happen.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
when hands are where they aren't supposed to be lol. the moment clothes start being mentioned regularly in a new context, you know what's up.
how does one have to ask to ship with you?
most of the times, yeah. either it happens naturally in threads where certain nudges are thrown or it's all about plotting behind the scene.
how often do you like to ship?
when it happens, it happens i guess ??
are you multiship?
yes 👍
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
with shipping i like to match energies. if the other person is just as excited and wants to throw interactions, musings, fanart, 6+ paragraphs of plotting, then i'll get just as excited. when i REALLY like a ship and the other person is in the "more-or-less" area or isn't as "obsessed" i'll try to contain myself cause i sure don't like it when the excitement is one sided ( i don't want to b annoying in that sense lol ).
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
it's me and r.ankane against the world. manga r.ankane, especially the one in the latter chapters where both are more mature and sure with themselves.
finally, how does one ship with you?
ask, tackle my dms, that's the easiest way to get me to plot or talk about a possible ship between our muses ( tho i suck at continuous messaging sometimes tbh ). ofc interactions are a good option too.
tagged by: @2isms ( thank you sm ❤️ ! ).
tagging: @hogarsis, @shrapnelsong, @glamwish, @ednaeflowers, @anemxvisions, @batoushoujo + anyone else who wants to do it.
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gumdropdreams · 10 months
🍢 「  about me !! 」 🍢 . . . ⇢ 27 years old, 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa, karma, maehara, isogai, sugino, itona, ritsu, karasuma
tokyo revengers: mikey, baji, kazutora, smiley, angry, chifuyu, rindou, akuun, mitsuya, takemichi, sanzu, hakkai, inupi
my hero academia: izuku, twice, shinsou, mirio, shoto, amajiki
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun, kou, mitsuya, tsukasa
promare: lio, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire oc
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangsi
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konpeiiito · 10 months
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. . . ⇢ scarab, 27yr, egyptian, third gender xe/xem. . . . ⇢ 21+ partners preferred for smut themed things. . . . ⇢ i write most of my characters as trans, be okay with that, or don't write with me. your characters do not need to be trans !! ( unless my ad says otherwise !! ) . . . ⇢ don't mind somewhere between rapid fire replies, or once every few days replies. super chill vibes. ( i'm currently down to 1-2x a week replies ) . . . ⇢ probably talk ooc quite a bit too between writing and replies. i like making friends with people i write with !! . . . ⇢ i use irl fc's, you don't have to. you can also request for me to use an animated fc, i'll gladly find one !! . . . ⇢ discord server writing only !! . . . ⇢ smut / nsfw are welcomed !! . . . ⇢ dark themes are things i'm v chill with, i don't have a lot of triggers !! . . . ⇢ silence doesn't mean disinterest, if you talk to me ooc, i will reply, i just don't always have juice for ic stuff !!
canon fandoms i write and characters i write are in bold:
demon slayer: tanjiro kamado, yushiro, muichiro tokito
sally face: sal fisher
assassination classroom: nagisa shiota, karma akabane, maehara hiroto, isogai yuuma, sugino tomohito, itona horibe, ritsu, karasuma tadaomi
tokyo revengers: manjiro sano, baji katsuki, kazutora hanemiya, nahoya kawata, souya kawata, chifuyu matsuno, rindou haitani, akuun/atsushi sendo, mitsuya takachi, takemichi hanagaki, sanzu haruchiyo, hakkai shiba, inupi seishu
my hero academia: izuku midoriya, jin bubaigawara, shinsou hitoshi, mirio togata, shoto todoroki, amajiki tamaki, shoto aizawa, hizashi yamada, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hanta sero
toilet bound hanako-kun: hanako-kun/yugi amane, kou minamoto, mitsuya sousuke, tsukasa yugi
promare: lio fotia, gueira, meis 
hxh: kurapika kurta, killua zoldyck, feitan portor, shalnark
disgaea series: flonne, mao, adell, zed, laharl, almaz, taro, emizel, yukimaru, zeroken, christo, raspberyl
dc: klarion bleak, garfield logan, billy batson
monster prom: damien lavey, sawyer, oz, brian
dream daddy: damien bloodmarch
bleach: ryunosuke yuki
buddy daddies: rei suwa
blue exorcist: rin okumura, amaimon
saiki k: saiki kusuo
night in the woods: greggory lee
camp camp: david, daniel, max
resident evil: rosemary winters
tokyo mew mew: bu-ling huang (purin), taruto
zom 100: akira tendou
ranma 1/2: ranma saotome
persona 5: joker, mishima yuuki
hades: hypnos
dragon ball: supreme kai, trunks, tapion, tarble, dende, android 17
the boy and the beast: ichirohiko
ouran high school host club: mitsukuni haninozuka, haruhi fujioka
magi: the labyrinth of magic: cassim, aladdin, alibaba, jafar, judal
panty & stocking with garterbelt: stocking anarchy, briefers rock
soul eater: soul evans, chrona
sonic the hedgehog: shadow the hedgehog, sonic the hedgehog, silver the hedgehog, mighty the armadillo, miles “tails” prower, espio the chameleon
check, please!: eric bittle
league of legends: ezreal (heartsteel)
+anima: cooro, husky
if i reach out to you about any fandoms that AREN'T on here, that doesn't mean it was a mistake or i don't actually rp them, i just rp them so little, i didn't think to list them !!
i have an extensive list of ocs, here are basics !! most of my oc’s are asian or arab and some are trans !! i rp regular verses, and abo upon request !! dark topics, nsfw, and heavy things welcome !!
vampire ocs
about 20 different angel ocs
lab experiment ocs
assassin ocs
cult ocs
a bakery shop owner
7 different mafia gangs
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fractalflare · 1 month
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links —  DOWNLOAD
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finderism · 28 days
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Day 10 — of trying to find fellow Ranma 1/2 roleplayers
— currently we have:
ranma (@/2isms)
akane (@/tendoujo)
— looking for:
ryoga (waiting for confirmation)
& any of the ranma 1/2 cast.
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