#rapid community deployment
ourjobagency · 1 year
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beardedalcoholic · 6 months
Battle Gods
First Medical officer of the Galactic Union Revka Jihar looked on in awe as the human zipped from one console to other.
Sliding her chair from one side of the room to the other only to go back she displayed a true mastery of her job. Coordinating rank upon rank of human shock trooper forces into position, confirming approval of Human Medium Force Allowed, checking and double checking the health status of hundreds of humans, receiving reports from multiple divisions of engineers and mechanics about the status of one drop group or another…it was overwhelming to the Kalarian to watch.
“Shock Troopers stand by to stand by for final approval on drop, med squads confirm ready stations for injured, eng corps get those fucking launch tubes in the green before I come down there and fire you out one by one until I am satisfied my boys won’t hit atmo looking like strawberry jam, Hell Jumpers get to your pods and strap in we have yellow light on drop and I am not waiting for any Late Lucys should we get green.”
The rapid-fire communication of the humans had never ceased to amaze Revka, how they could say so much with so few words using only inflection, context, tone, body language and a myriad of other factors that they themselves seemed un-aware of.
Keys rattled like gunfire beneath First Rank Orbital Shock Drop Coordinator Amelia Hargrove’s nimble fingers, screens bloomed in thin air only to be replaced by others as they were dismissed. Within barely a handful of human minutes Frist Rank Hargrove sat back limply in her chair with her arms hanging down the sides as she breathed deeply in seeming exhaustion, Revka knew better though, he had seen this human go cycles without rest or nutrition.
An alert from the single remaining screen in front of the human grabbed her attention and her head snapped up from its slumped over position, the gleam of anticipation and sudden movement reminding Revka of the humans’ predatory lineage. Jumping to her feet with enough force to send her division command chair sliding back on tracks laid into the floor to the edge of the large room they occupied Amelia commed the captain of the ship.
“Captain Shelsa, Shock Trooper Command…I have green on all drop requirements, personnel and approval…Awaiting Final Command.”
Amelia Stood disturbingly still and focused as she awaited the order from her captain to release the humans upon the world beneath them. Revka stood in the back of the room next to the abandoned chair, furiously making notes upon his digital clipboard without even looking down at it.
Being the first species other than human to witness the deployment of Shock Troopers into an active battle field Revka was not about to miss a single documentable moment of what he was witnessing. The tension in the air radiating from the human in the middle of the large room was almost enough to choke him, the human had not moved in the slightest since her last communication, her muscles seemed to bunch beneath her skin tight command suit as the micro-cycles slid by, until…
“Shock Command, Captain Shelsa…you are green for trooper drop, repeat you are green for drop…Amelia!” First Rank Hargrove’s head snapped up at the sound of desperation and pain in the captain’s voice.
“Yes Captain? I am here.”
“…Amelia, these, monsters attacked earth…they struck down schools and hospitals…these invaders took my baby girl from me without warning or reason given…invoke the Battle Gods….”
First Rank Amelia went dead silent and painfully rigid from this last command. It was well known humans had music for all occasions and that they would perform different tasks with more or less efficiency depending on if music was being played to them and depending on the task or musical selection.
Revka felt his feathers bleach of all color at the last command…it was not a command given with hopes of leaving survivors, the Battle God Queen was something of a legend among different species due to the effect said music had on humans…but these last words were spoken with such cold venom Revka had to grip the deck plates with his talons to keep himself from bolting in fear. Revka watched as the Orbital Shock Drop Coordinator calmly answered in the affirmative, slipped an Augmented Reality Visor over her eyes and seemed to deflate as tension left her body.
Walking to the middle of the room First Rank Amelia began to glow softly as synaptic relays lit up across her suit, lines of light racing from her toes to her visor and everywhere in between, muscles slid with liquid grace beneath her suit as she stalked forward.
It started gently…hands lifting to flow through screens only she could now see through her visor…hands and arms moving like the conductor of a symphony Revka had seen on earth. With each movement a new small screen came to life around Coordinator Amelia, each screen containing a new face…the faces of her boys…the faces of humanities most feared ground-based battle troops…the Orbital Shock Troopers known only as the Hell Jumpers.
No words were spoken at first, Amelia simply stood there under the gaze of over five hundred trained, battle hardened, soldiers. Soldiers that were about to be dropped from orbit onto a planet light years away from home into a raging warzone with nothing but a small pod made to break away on impact to protect them from the heat and violence of atmospheric entry. None looked scared, no tears were shed in fear or pain, this was simply another good day to die for these individuals Revka realized.
“Kikiki! Kakaka!” The suddenness of Coordinator Amelia’s cry and movement nearly had Revka molting a full tails worth of feathers. Amelia slammed one foot down to her side so that she was bent at the knees.
“Kauana kei waniwania taku tara” Hands slapped into her thighs and stomach muscles in time to her chant.
“kei tarawahia, kei te rua i te kerokero!” Feet stomped and hands slapped as she continued her chant, voice raising to echo throughout the room.
“He pounga rahui te uira” Amelia’s voice rang with a clarion call to battle, it vibrated with the rage of an entire race that had been wronged as she raised a fist and slapped her arms.
“ka rarapa ketekete kau ana” Revka felt sorry for himself as he watched the display before him as he had not thought to make arrangements for his newly born clutch of whelps should he perish on this mission.
“To peru kairiri mau au e koro e!” Looking at the many images of the Shock Troopers arrayed before and around the still stamping and chanting Coordinator Revka could see that each one was focused upon her with a burning intensity.
” Hi! Ha! - Ka wehi au ka matakana,” Eyes narrowed, teeth were bared in rictus smiles, pulses throbbed in necks, nostrils flared in anticipation as the chanting grew somehow louder and more fervent.
“ko wai te tangata kia rere ure tirohanga” First Rank Amelia stamped and pounded her feet into the ground as if to defy fate to move her, as if she was seeing the future and challenging it to be anything other than what she demanded it to be.
“ngā rua rerarera” Hands slapped and struck with force that would shatter the bones of Revka’s species like she was trying to beat reality into submission and bend it to her will.
“ngā rua kuri kakanui i raro! Aha ha!” With one final strike First Rank Orbital Shock Drop Coordinator Amelia Hargrove let loose a sound that would haunt Revka’s rest cycles for the rest of his life.
The sound that echoed throughout the room seemed to contain all the suffering that had been felt at the hands of the enemy, all the pain of loss and the rage of those who could not do anything to seek retribution for those wronged. Screens lit up as each trooper dropped from the belly of the ship into the planet’s gravity well, each and every face pulled into a mask of rage and determination beneath face shields snapping into position.
Revka thought that perhaps the spectacle was over now that the humans had been sent planet side…until Coordinator Amelia’s arm snapped out and with a few deft movements brought up a simple non-standard screen.
The media screen floated barely a hairs breadth from the end of Amelia’s finger tips as she scrolled down a list of songs. With little more than a thought a song was selected and broadcasted to every shock trooper, soldier and crewman.
Drums beat and strings were plucked with a sense of anger lurking behind the sounds, after only a few seconds of this First Rank Amelia began to sing in a tone of voice unlike anything Revka had heard from the normally bubbly and flirty Coordinator, like gravel grinding in honey and rising into an angry cry tinged with desperation.
I feel the pressure is building in me
 My stomach's sick, it's getting harder to breathe
 I hear the screaming, I feel the disease
 It's burning me up and there is nothing to breathe
Will you crawl with me
 Will you stand with me
Would you follow me
Would you believe with me
Tell me you'll breathe with me,
 tell me you'll die with me
Come on, get on, let me hear your war cry!
Come on, get on, let me hear your war cry!
Come on, get on, let me hear your war cry!
Yell it out, do or die
Let me hear your war cry!
The battle that followed after the start of this terrifying song was less a battle and more a chaotic slaughter of the enemy. Humans that had been forged of star matter and tempered over eons of living on a death world and driven by madness channeled from a world in pain through musical Battle Gods dark and ancient tore across the land. They fell from the skies in gouts of flame like avenging angles come to strike down the very gates of Hell, no enemy was spared, no mercy given nor asked.
The battle had been long and hard, the final count of the dead had come out to one hundred and seven troopers lost out of over five hundred…a small number but one that was felt like a hammer blow among those that knew them.
Revka had stayed and watched the entire time as Coordinator Amelia somehow split her attention between directing troop movements and battle plans all while continuing to dance and sing to various songs of battle and victory. When the final call of victory came over the open channels the music was allowed to stop and First Rank Amelia fell still. Her arms hung limp at her sides…screens showing haggard and haunted faces of her soldiers, her troopers, her boys signing off one by one as they went to seek medical aid or further orders, synaptic relays dimming from a fiery blaze to a pale glow until they too fell silent and dark.
Revka walked slowly from his position in the back of the room towards the silent and still figure of the human known among the crew as Battle Siren…the one human who was expected to endure the responsibility of coordinating hundreds of war machines, who was given authority to make decisions in battle and who had to carry the weight of those decisions. As he got closer Revka noticed a new taste on the air, sharp and salty…not sweat, he didn’t have sweat glands and the skin suit Amelia was wearing prevented her body from needing to sweat…tears? Yes, Revka could taste the salt of tears on the air.
Slowly coming around to face the Battle Siren Revka was somewhat surprised to find a river of tears slowly falling from under the AR visor. With a deep breath as if she was emerging from deep waters Amelia lifted the visor from her tear-soaked eyes and seemed to stare through the bulkheads and deep into the void, then in a soft whisper she said a single sentence that would be taken to the Galactic Council and repeated again and again among those who thought to strike out against the humans.
“They sowed the wind with their strike against our young and injured…so too did they reap the hurricane of our vengeance.”
With that single sentence spoken a new sound began to emanate from the Coordinator, a long drawn out note not unlike the tune of a bell. Revka backed away and made his way out of the room, the Battle Siren had begun to sing a new song but not one of war and conquest, rather a song of pain and history filled with conflict but also about seasons changing and hope prevailing. The humans may have had a great pantheon of voices to channel inspiration from when going into battle, but so too did it seem that they had ones for peace and healing.
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shakespeareanwannabe · 4 months
As You Wish, Chapter 12
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, drinking, swearing, reference to an accident
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32nd Street Naval Station, 12 years ago
The situation was almost eerily familiar. He stood in his crisp khaki uniform, in line with Bob, Natasha and Javy, just like he had that day almost a year ago. The differences were marked, however. Not only was Rooster in line with them, waiting to be tapped out, but his ring now lay on her finger and his babies were growing in her belly.
Three months. They had been gone for three damn months, and that had been three months too long in Jake’s book. Would he be able to feel the babies kicking now? How close were they to coming? Would they remember the sound of his voice? And how had his Buttercup done in his absence? She had been so worried that she wouldn’t be able to handle his deployment so soon, only two weeks married and five months pregnant with twins in a city she didn’t fully feel comfortable with yet.
Communication between the two had been spotty at best; reduced to a handful of phone calls and one lowly Facetime call. He had received three care packages from her though, filled with his favourite snacks, ultrasound photos, and a couple of raunchy photos that had kept him up half the night with the desire to touch her and hear her voice. He thanked god every day that their mission had wrapped up relatively quickly and the aircraft carrier had been able to dock sooner rather than later.
Bob was the first one pulled out of line, tapped out by his mother, who had come to stay with Buttercup for the last two weeks. Then Javy, his sister smiling over at Jake, who waved her off. He would be tapped out by his wife and only by his wife. Nat gave him a mocking salute as she strode off with Yale, and Rooster flashed him a playful middle finger as Mav tapped him on the shoulder.
Finally, finally, he spotted her, waddling slowly through the thinning crowd. She had grown since the last time he saw her, the skin of her belly stretched tight as their babies grew, but still she looked thinner than he thought she would, especially in her face. And she was moving so slowly, both hands resting under her bump as she navigated her way toward him. Jake’s heart raced as he took her in. She was beautiful, of course, but she looked so…tired. Sad.
A spark of joy raced across her face when she locked eyes with him, and he felt a weight lift off his shoulders as she smiled brightly at him and sped up as best she could.
“Hey hotshot,” she whispered, standing toe to toe with him. “Kiss me.”
All it took was her hand tapping his shoulder lightly before he wrapped her in his arms and kissed a sweet kiss to her lips, his hands journeying downward to help share the weight of her belly.
“As you wish, darlin’,” he whispered against her lips. “As you wish.”
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Seresin Ranch, Clifton, Texas, Now
The drive back to the ranch had been…awkward, to say the least. Savannah, thankfully, had gone home with her parents, her mother claiming that she would be in touch in a few days, but Jake had never pictured being in his truck with his two daughters and his ex-wife, a rental car packed with their nearest and dearest trailing behind them.
Buttercup had been strangely quiet on the drive to the ranch, her sharp eyes taking in the scenery while her ears no doubt were honed in on the rapid conversation her daughters were having in the back seat. Not that Jake blamed her for her silence. They’d both been taken aback when faced with the blackmail their daughters had laid at their feet. The girls would tell them which girl legally belonged to which parent at the end of their seven-day trip to the ranch, during which they would go on the annual trail ride, swim in the pool, go to one of Javy’s football games, and probably have a backyard bash to celebrate all the birthdays and Christmases they had missed out on.
Jake couldn’t help but swallow down his nerves as he turned down the long driveway that led to the ranch house. The last time he and Buttercup had spent any extended amount of time together, it had ended with tears and a courtroom. He still woke up sometimes in the middle of the night, the sound of the judge’s gavel ringing in his ears and the sight of Buttercup’s gaunt and teary face flickering behind his eyelids. But the girls needed this, and, frankly, Jake thought he and Buttercup needed it too. Time to act like a family, co-parent without an ocean in the way, and, Jake reminded himself, time for both the girls to get to know their future stepmother and for Buttercup to feel secure in allowing another woman near her children.
“I missed it here,” he heard Charlie sigh, his eyes jumping to the rearview mirror to see if he could spot which twin had spoken, but both of their mouths were clamped shut, as though they knew he would try to suss out which one was legally his responsibility.
“It’s pretty…” Buttercup murmured beside him, taking in the fields and the trees that lined the driveway. “I thought you said your grandfather’s ranch was kind of run down?”
Jake felt a smile tug on his lips. She remembered. He’d only mentioned it once or twice, in conversations about how they could manage the holidays when they got married, but she remembered.
“Coyote, Rooster and I fixed it up,” he replied in a smooth voice, pulling his truck up to the side of the farmhouse. “Took a bit, but we got it done, and now it’s a pretty successful working ranch.”
“Tourists can come here too, mom,” one of the girls piped up. “There’s cabins for city people who want a dude ranch experience.”
“Or for people who just want to get away,” the other girl smiled as the truck was shut off.
Jake sighed and stepped out of the truck, watching the SUV full of their friends and family coast up the driveway behind him.
“Alright, Abby, you, Buttercup, your aunt and uncle are all staying in one of the empty dude cabins—”
“No, we’re not,” one of the twins (Charlie, maybe?) glared at him. “I already texted Claudia. She had Luke move the futon into the bedroom. We are staying together.” She linked arms with her twin and they nodded decisively at him.
“And mom isn’t staying in a dude cabin with Uncle Bob and Auntie Nat,” her sister added. “She’s staying in the guest bedroom. In the house. With us.”
“Girls, I don’t think—”
“Please?” they batted their eyes at them. “We just want to know what it feels like for all of us to wake up under the same roof. Like a family.” They pouted, their eyes shining.
Jake groaned as he crouched to meet their eyes, waving a warning finger between them. “This is emotional blackmail, and you both know it.”
They both shrugged. “And we’re okay with that.”
Jake couldn’t tell if he wanted to laugh or hit something. They were definitely his daughters. Only someone with his DNA could come up with a scheme like this. Only someone who grew up with Rooster and Coyote would even think of something like this. And he had no doubt that the two men had something to do with it as well.
“Are you okay with this?” he turned to Buttercup, a gentle look in his eye. She’d been quiet, too quiet, since they’d left the hotel. “If you’re not, we could always ground ‘em for manipulating their parents.”
She smiled weakly at him. “It’s fine. It’ll be fine. It’s only for one week anyway. If we can’t handle one week living under the same roof…” she trailed off with a sigh, and he could read her mind just as well as he always had been able to. They’d planned on living under the same roof for the rest of their lives. They’d planned on growing old together. If they couldn’t handle one week together, then it was just further proof of how badly they had failed their girls.
Before he could doubt himself, he reached out and squeezed her shoulder. “It’ll be okay,” he murmured. “I promise. No asshole-ish, condescending behaviour from me.”
She snorted, the tension between them breaking. “So, you’re saying that you won’t be yourself?”
He pressed a hand to his chest dramatically, gasping and groaning. “You wound me, Buttercup.”
The girls giggled, sharing a look between them before Natasha stomped between them, heading for the house like she owned the place. Jake turned and looked at the SUV in time to watch Javy striding towards his cabin, muttering under his breath and kicking at a weed that was in his way.
“Jesus, what happened there?” he muttered to Buttercup, who shook her head.
Rooster strolled toward them, his hands pressed deeply into his pockets as he shook his head, his usually tan skin pale.
He shook his head at them. “I’m surprised they didn’t kill each other, man.”
Buttercup bit her lip, concern spreading across her features as she turned to watch her friend walk into her ex-husband’s house. “What happened? Why are they at each other’s throats? I thought they—”
“Doesn’t matter,” Rooster griped at her, looking at Jake. “I’m goin’ to make dinner.”
Jake nodded before turning to grab the luggage out of the bed of his truck. “Girls, you know where your bedroom is. Buttercup…” he bowed with a flourish. “Right this way and I’ll show you to your room.” She raised a hand to take her luggage from him, but he turned before she could even think. “You know me better than that, Buttercup. C’mon now.” He turned to lead them inside. “Since Phoenix seems to think she can stroll into my home whenever she pleases, you can come with us and I’ll show you to your cabin later, Bob.”
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“You do put out quite the spread, Rooster,” Buttercup complimented as she dug into her mushroom risotto. “Everything is delicious.”
Rooster’s grunt had Jake aiming a kick at him under the table. Rooster shot him a sharp look in response, but Phoenix cut off any retort he might have been able to muster.
“What the hell, man? Why couldn’t you cook like this before? You nearly burned down the old apartment trying to make toast one time.”
“Needed something to keep me busy during retirement. And these two idiots would’ve let Charlie and I starve to death if I didn’t step up.”
“Are you self-taught?” Bob questioned, cutting up his baked chicken breast.
He shook his head. “Culinary school. Luckily for me, Uncle Sam was willing to pay my tuition since I was sinking all my money into this place.”
“I thought it was the Seresin Ranch?” Buttercup looked at Jake, who shrugged.
“Been a family ranch for decades. But Rooster and Coyote are equal partners with me. Mostly silent partners, but it was Coyote’s idea to turn the south field into a tourist trap. Ever since, we’ve been doing comfortably for ourselves.”
Buttercup looked around the cozy but elegant dining area. “Looks like more than comfortable to me.”
“Well, you’d know, wouldn’t you, Buttercup?” Jake smiled at her over his wine glass. “New York Times bestseller list? And I heard that you’re not one of those hacks who buys a bunch of copies of your own book just to make that list.”
Buttercup blushed into her rosé. “I’ve done okay for myself.”
“Better than okay,” Phoenix piped up with a reproachful look at her friend. “They’re trying to get her to host a TED Talk about creative writing and literary themes.”
Javy whistled under his breath. “Damn, kid. That’s awesome. What’s holding you back from sayin’ yes?”
Buttercup shifted uncomfortably. “There’s a reason I write under a penname, I suppose. I don’t really want to bring attention to myself. Or to my family.”
Rooster huffed under his breath. “And here I was thinking that it was because you didn’t want Jake to find you when you disappeared.”
Everyone froze, Jake’s laser glare slicing through the frosty air towards his friend.
“I…I…” Buttercup felt her eyes well with tears and she gripped her wine glass so tightly she was afraid that the stem would snap in her hands.
Rooster stood with a screech of his chair against the hardwood. “I’m done,” he muttered. “Enjoy the rest of your dinner.”
Buttercup half rose out of her seat as though to follow him, but Jake’s gentle hand on her arm gave her pause. “Ignore him. He’s got his own crap to work out. It’s not your fault, darlin’.”
She sniffed but nodded. “I…I didn’t mean to disappear. I called you. A bunch of times. But you never answered.”
Jake nodded, the tension remaining thick, the girls watching them warily. “I tried to call you too. Finally got an answer once too. But it was some British guy yelling at me to stop calling him at 3 o’clock in the morning. Figured it was a new man in your life.”
Buttercup shook her head. “It wasn’t. I mean…I’ve been too busy to try to date. But I can see why you thought that. And why you’d stop calling. I guess maybe the court transcribed my number wrong?”
Jake shrugged. “Must be. Tried calling Bob and Phoenix too. But it would only ring once then send me to voicemail.”
Buttercup sighed and glared at her family. “You blocked him?”
Bob shrugged but Phoenix met her eyes. “Yeah, I did. I barely wanted to talk to him when I had to work with him. Why would I want to talk to him when I didn’t have to?”
Jake, Charlie and Abby flinched at the venom in her voice.
“Nat…” Bob murmured under his breath in warning, but it was Javy’s voice that caught her attention.
“Sure, Phoenix, keep blaming us for your problems,” he bit out, eyes on his food. “I guess being angry at the world is easier than being angry at yourself.”
Phoenix slammed her fork down on the table. “Are you saying that getting grounded was my own fault?”
Javy stood, looming over the table. “I would never say that. But we all tried to be there for you when you were forced into retirement. It ain’t our fault that you couldn’t handle it and pushed us all away. Now you’re all alone and you can’t blame anyone but yourself for that.”
Phoenix stood to retort, the hairs on her arms standing at attention, but another screech of a chair stole their attention.
“That is enough,” Buttercup hissed. “My children are present, and they have enough going on without you two having a petty argument. If you need to whine at each other, do it outside. Because they do not need to hear this. Be adults or get out.”
Phoenix blinked at her for a moment before throwing her napkin down and stalking out of the room. A second later the front door slammed shut and everyone flinched.
Javy’s head hung low as he leaned against the table. “I’m gonna go too. Night girlies.” He bent to press kisses to Charlie and Abby’s hair as he passed them and left the room after clapping Jake on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” Buttercup whispered to Jake, resettling into her seat. “But that’s not the kind of argument they should be having in front of our kids.”
The girls were indeed picking at their food, skin ashen.
“Don’t worry about it,” he promised, reaching out to squeeze her hand before picking up his fork again. “It’s not the first time Rooster or Javy have been tossed out of here for having a temper. I doubt it’ll be the last.”
Buttercup nodded, clearing her throat. “Girls, why don’t you tell me about this trail ride we’re going on tomorrow? You’re so insistent on going on it, but you haven’t really given me details.”
Charlie smiled brightly. “We leave way before the sun comes up and we get back the next night in time for Uncle Roo’s famous chili. We go all over the ranch, through the forest, up into the hills. Sometimes we see the cattle! And we camp out in tents and eat smores and hot dogs and Dad lets me stay up way late and tells me stories!”
Jake bit his lip to hide his smile. That was definitely his Charlie girl, but he wasn’t going to call her on it. Not when he wanted his girls to stay with him for as long as they could.
“I started the tradition when Charlie was just a baby,” he smiled. “We didn’t have a whole lot of ranch hands back then, so my granddad and I went out to round up the cattle with Rooster and Coyote. Charlie rode with me, strapped to my chest. She came with us every year until we had enough hands to do it on their own. That’s when we decided to move the trail ride to the last week of summer. As a kind of celebration before school starts again.”
Buttercup was smiling softly into her glass. “That sounds wonderful. I’m sure you’ll all have a wonderful time.”
Both girls made a sound of protest, and Jake chuckled. “Oh, c’mon now, Buttercup. You’re not gettin’ away from me that easily. You’re coming too.”
Buttercup bit her lip and looked pleadingly at him. “Jake, you know I can’t ride. And I’m an indoor human, not an outdoor one. I don’t do camping. I hate the outdoors, except for the beach. And I’m way too old to be sleeping on the ground.”
“You rode well when you took me out riding on the beach for my birthday,” he smiled. “And you came to the Daggers camp night, when we all slept out in Mav and Penny’s backyard. And you’re not old. You’re just as young and beautiful as you were the day I met you.”
Buttercup felt her cheeks blaze with heat. “Jake, please?”
The twins leaned forward and jutted their lower lips out. “Please mom?”
“For us?”
Buttercup shuttered her eyes. “No! Please, no more puppy dog eyes!”
Jake leaned in and gave her a similar, pleading look. “C’mon, Buttercup. You can’t say no to all three of us, can you?”
Buttercup groaned when she saw the look on his face. “You’re incorrigible, and their puppy dog face is clearly all your fault.”
The three of them cheered.
“You won’t regret this, I promise,” Jake murmured in her ear before sitting back in his chair and finishing his dinner.
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Buttercup arose to the sound of a car door slamming, and thought, for a moment, that she was back in her flat in London. But the bed was unfamiliar and pale blue walls were not the lilac of her own bedroom. The distant sound of a horse whinnying brought back the flood of memories from the day before.
Jake. She was at Jake’s ranch, with her daughters. Both of them. Rooster was there too, and angry as all hell at her. Javy and Natasha were at each others’ throats. Bob was silently stewing out in a cabin somewhere on the property. It all felt like something she would write in one of her books, not live out in her real life.
With a sigh, she rolled out of bed and stretched. The girls had told her that they left for the trail ride before the sun even came up. Well, Charlie had told her, but she didn’t want to call her out and ruin the deal they had made. Jake had been right when he said that they all needed this. They needed to learn how to co-parent, and the girls deserved to spend more time with both them and each other. And part of that would be going on the trail ride as a family.
Slowly, Buttercup dressed in her oldest jeans and a cotton t-shirt, draping the flannel Jake had leant to her over her arm before hoisting the backpack Jake had helped her pack with camping essentials onto her shoulder.
Despite the arguments from the night before, Buttercup had enjoyed her first night on Seresin Ranch. Both her girls were clearly enamored with their father, and their father with them. Though she loved her family dynamic in London, she had to admit that their family meals were few and far between. Bob was flying more and more flights with overnight layovers, and Natasha would be out with friends more often than not. So, it would just be her and Abby around the dinner table. And she loved that, she really did, but she couldn’t help but feel that her daughter felt a little lonely in their small bubble.
Her girl wasn’t the biggest social butterfly (a trait she had undoubtedly inherited from her mother), though Buttercup knew that she had a few solid friends at school. Her girl got good grades, enjoyed her riding at the local arena, and loved spending time with her aunt and uncle when they were available. Still, Buttercup had always wanted to give her daughter a huge network of people she could rely on. Charlie clearly had that on the ranch, and Buttercup wanted to stick around long enough for at least some of those people to adopt Abby as their own as well.
Buttercup treaded softly over the hardwood floor and down the stairs, only stilling when she heard a sweet, feminine voice echoing off the walls.
“I told you, sugar. All is forgiven. I don’t blame you for not talkin’ about your other little girl. It must’ve been so painful for you to even think about her,” the voice simpered.
“I know it’s not ideal, Savannah,” Jake’s voice replied as Buttercup crept closer to the kitchen. “I’m sorry I lied to you. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to reconsider everything. You planned on becoming a stepmother to one child. Not two.”
Buttercup leaned against the wall next to the kitchen doorway. From her angle, she could see Jake standing in the kitchen, his strong hands resting on Savannah’s hips.
“Oh tush, sugar! It’ll be twice the fun with two little girls runnin’ around here. I’m sorry I fainted. I was just overwhelmed. But it’s not going to happen again. I promise.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to take some time to think about it?”
Buttercup watched as Savannah leaned in and planted a deep kiss on Jake’s lips. Her stomach roiled and Buttercup took a few steps away. She had no reason to feel nauseated at the sight of Jake kissing another girl. He was going to marry this woman. She would be the stepmother to her children. Sure, nobody but Jake seemed particularly keen on Savannah, but the same could be said about Buttercup herself, given Rooster’s reaction to her the night before. Whatever she was feeling, she would have to just get over it. That social network she wanted to build for her daughters would include Savannah, and it was Buttercup’s job as a mother to help build that bridge between them.
“Oh!” Buttercup looked up and found Savannah in the doorway, staring at her. “I’m so sorry, honey. I didn’t realize you were there.”
Buttercup forced a smile onto her face as she tamped down her nausea. “No, no. It’s my fault. Jetlag, you know? I was feeling a little dizzy and had to take a minute to breathe.”
Savannah smiled brightly at her. “Oh, that’s a darn shame. Jakey was tellin’ me that you’re an author?”
Buttercup blinked at the sudden change in topic but nodded. “That’s right.”
Savannah squealed. “That gives me the best idea ever! You should write my vows for me.”
Buttercup fought hard to keep the damper on her nausea as her stomach threatened to roll over. “I’m sorry?”
Savannah’s smile twitched, the sugary sweet smile changing to something predatory and feline for all of a second. “It’ll just sound so much better coming from a professional writer,” she simpered. “All those words of love and commitment, from me to Jakey,” she sighed. “It would be ten times better than whatever I could come up with.”
Buttercup bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to bleed as she smiled faintly at her. “I…will think about it.”
Savannah squealed again. “Ah, just think about how much it would mean to your girls. Havin’ their mother help welcome their new stepmama into their lives. It would be so sweet.”
Buttercup rolled her shoulders and nodded kindly. “Of course. I’ll think about it.” A sliver of an idea formed in Buttercup’s mind as she considered the saccharine woman in front of her. “You know what? While I think about it, why don’t you try to get to know your future stepdaughters more?”
Savannah blinked at her, the too-white smile on her face dimming as she stared at her. “How would you want me to do that?”
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Jake stood in front of the four horses he had tacked up that morning. His own horse, Firewall, stood with the majority of the camping equipment stored behind his saddle. Lovebug had saddlebags full of food and water. The other two horses, a sweet chestnut gelding named Starburst and a black mare named Angel, would carry their other bags as well as Abby and Buttercup.
“C’mon you two punks!” he called as Charlie and Abby raced out of the house. “Let’s get a move on! We’re burning daylight!”
“Sorry dad,” Abby panted, moving towards Starburst. “Our bathroom is way too small for two people.”
“Where’s mom?” Charlie patted Lovebug as she stared toward the house.
Almost like she had been cued, Buttercup emerged from the house, dressed in a pair of yoga pants and a tank top.
“That what you’re ridin’ in, darlin’?” Jake called. “I don’t know if that’s the best getup for a trail ride.”
Buttercup shook her head, cradling a cup of coffee between her hands. “I talked to my editor this morning. I have a deadline coming up and owe her a hundred and fifty more pages.”
Jake felt his heart sink as the girls bemoaned the news.
“But mom—”
“—you promised!”
Buttercup smiled softly at them over her mug. “I know, my darlings, and I’m so sorry. But I figured you could use this time well anyway.”
“We already know dad, Mom,” Charlie griped.
“That’s not what I’m talking about, baby,” Buttercup grinned, an almost wicked look on her face. “I thought you could get to know your new stepmother on this trail ride. After all, she’ll be part of the family too.”
Jake’s heart sunk even lower as Savannah strode out of the house, looking like a model for a horse magazine, all dolled up in the latest riding gear.
Abby and Charlie stared at their mother with an unreadable look on their faces as Buttercup winked at them. “Enjoy!”
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
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satellitebroadcast · 16 days
Hundreds of families fled a northern suburb of Sudan's capital Khartoum on Saturday after fighting between the army and paramilitary forces intensified around a key military base. The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary on 4 September launched an attack on the Hattab base in Khartoum North, also known as Bahri, which had been under army control since the start of Sudan’s civil war in April 2023. Artillery fire from the army targeted the southern area of the Hattab base while military aircraft flew overhead, a resident in the area told AFP. RSF forces meanwhile attacked residential areas south of the base, killing and abducting civilians, the resident added, without specifying a number. Hundreds of families fled on foot with their belongings towards the north. The ongoing conflict between the army and the RSF has left tens of thousands dead and has displaced over 10 million people, with many seeking refuge in neighbouring countries, according to UN reports. On Friday, UN experts called for the immediate deployment of an independent force to safeguard civilians amid the severe humanitarian crisis.  “Sudan's warring parties have committed an appalling range of harrowing human rights violations and international crimes, including many which may amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity,” the UN's Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan said in its first report. Those violations included indiscriminate air strikes and the shelling of schools, hospitals, communication networks and water and electricity supplies.  Both parties had targeted civilians in attacks, as well as through rape and other forms of sexual violence, arbitrary detention and torture. 
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roosteraloha · 9 months
for worse
jake seresin x reader
wc - 5.5k
warnings - ANGST !! blood, injuries to reader, mentions cleaning up said injuries, arguments + discussions of chronic pain
disclaimer - ANY BLANK/AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE BLOCKED!! I also DO NOT give permission for any of my works to be copied, shared, compiled, translated or posted onto other sites!!
a/n - this is pure angst. i have no clue where this came from but I was so inspired and this just wrote itself.
reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated!!
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It’s been a long few weeks for the both of you, not having much time to spend with each other. Having two very busy schedules often meant that one of you missed the other, and heartbreakingly, it was commonly by just a few minutes. Jake’s schedule was vastly more complicated than your own, with the possibility of receiving deployment papers or new missions, occasionally with almost no advance notice. Thankfully, the pair of you hadn’t had to worry about working through the complexities that came with being in a relationship during deployments yet, something that Jake was especially grateful for. He saw himself spending the rest of his life with you, if you let him, but knew a poorly timed deployment had the potential to ruin the longevity of your relationship. That is something that nags at the back of Jake’s mind each and every time he climbs into his plane.
Jake was deeply relieved to be heading home. The entire week had dragged, countless new training exercises and protocols had made for a physically and emotionally draining week. Heading home to spend the weekend with you was exactly what he needed. Still a relatively new relationship, Jake was uncharacteristically nervous, he was eager to take the next step, moving in together, but was keenly aware of just how flighty and generally anxious you were. Moving too fast with you would be heartbreaking, simply because he knew he could lose you, far easier than he gained you.
Pulling into his driveway, the dark house is highly concerning to Jake. Frowning, he checks his watch, and then his phone, acutely aware that he could’ve taken longer on base than he planned, only to find it was 6pm, the agreed upon time. He had text during his lunch break, a quick conversation that informed you that he’d be a bit later than anticipated, and your immediate response reassuring him that you’d be there anyway. What had happened in those six hours that you couldn’t let him know you wouldn’t be here to greet him.
A quick sweep of his house, and no sign of you. No keys, no shoes kicked off by the door, every room empty. Alarm bells start ringing, Jake knows you. You’re not one to not follow through on plans, you’d always text, call or anything you could to get the message through, that’s one of the first things Jake loved about you.
A rather rapid drive over to your apartment is not the calming result Jake was expecting. Actually, it’s far more alarming to have no response at the door, finding it void of you, not even tucked up in bed for an after work nap, like you had been known to do. Jake was half expecting to find you asleep in your apartment, but it being empty, that was far more concerning. It wasn’t like you to just disappear.
On the way back to his house, Jake swung by the café, wondering if you’d picked up an extra shift, and had just forgotten to let him know. His heart clenched when you weren’t there. Your colleagues told him they’d seen you leave at 4pm, your usual finishing time on Fridays, so you could spend extra time with Jake over the weekend. They too were concerned, the usually confident aviator, someone they’d grown to love having around, now having cracks in his carefree persona, his worry for you nearing panic.
Jake’s shoulders felt heavier when he returned home to no signs of you. The worry of not knowing where you were, weighing down on his heart, and his mind.
It was now 7PM.
Jake was still alone in his house, with no communication from you, and all he wanted was to know if you were okay or not.
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With still no word from you, Jake decided to head to bed. While he was deeply concerned for you, he also knew he couldn’t stay up all night, he needed to sleep if he was going to look for you.
Trudging up the stairs, Jake’s heart grew heavier and heavier. His concern for you was growing with every hour that passed without any news from you. Exhaling deeply, Jake turned to his bedroom, pausing in the doorway to look at his bed, the side where you should be sleeping.
Brows furrowed, Jake’s eyes scanned the room again. Something was off, something was different from usual, a fact he knew due to his military level of attention to detail.
The right-hand bedside table. Your side.
A slight glisten caught Jake’s eye.
Cautiously approaching to get a better look, only to trip over something, stumbling and grabbing the bed to stay upright. Muttering grumbles under his breath, Jake looked down to see what he tripped over. A pair of boots. More specifically, your boots. His eyes widened at the realisation, eyes darting to the bedside table. Your keys. He knew they were yours from the cowboy hat keychain, the one he bought you from his last trip to Texas, something to remind you of him always.
Heart pounding in his chest, Jake rushes around the end of the bed, calling out for you, turning on countless lights, searching anywhere for you in the diminishing daylight.
The panic in Jake was rising, you weren’t downstairs, and he only had a few rooms left upstairs to check. A slight thud from his en-suite bathroom had him rushing back to his room, nudging the bathroom door open with caution, unsure of what he would find.
From the warm glow of the bedroom lights, Jake can see the outline of your body, curled up on the cold bathroom tiles, knees pulled tight to your chest, head resting against them. That relief he felt was short-lived.
Something was wrong.
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Blinded by the immense relief of finding you, Jake pushes the door open further, a forceful shove which causes the door to slam into the wall, making you flinch at the sudden noise. "How long have you been home?! I’ve been looking around for you like crazy! I went to your place and you weren’t there, I even went to the café looking for you!” Jake’s tone is demanding, laced with anger and frustration that you must have been here all along and just never bothered to let him know.
Jake scoffed at your silence, you didn’t even look up at him, instead having remained staring at the ground like had been doing for who knows how long. There’s a quiet mumble that fills the otherwise silent bathroom, almost going unheard by an exasperated Jake. Spinning on his heels, he crosses the short distance between you both, and crouches down directly in front of you, taking a softer approach this time.
“Hey, darlin’. Look at me. Say that again.”
You swallow thickly, looking up, but not at Jake, instead straight past him, fixating on a tile in the shower wall.
“I uh- I can’t- We need to break up Jake.”
Blindsided by this, Jake mentally runs through the past few months, ensuring he didn’t miss any important dates, but your birthday and anniversary were still months away. Things were going well in your relationship, Jake was ready to ask you to move in next month, he’d even cleared a section of his wardrobe for you.
He’d clearly misread the situation.
Now deeply hurting, Jake’s heart dropped, he never wanted to hear those words from your mouth. Not ever. “So you just made that decision for me? You’re not even going to dignify me with that information while looking at me?” The hurt is clear in his voice, his southern drawl seeping through with the intensity of emotion.
You simply shrug, knowing if you look at him, you’d break down. Jake is- was the best relationship you ever had, and that’s why it needs to end now.
Clearing his throat that was thick with emotion, Jake tried to hide just how blindsided you’d made him, choosing to fight for you “Whether you like it or not, I'm not giving up on us. I’m not giving up on you.” Sighing deeply, eyes darting across your face, seeking to catch your eye line, searching for any hint of your emotion. “You gonna tell me where this is coming from? I can’t fix this if you don’t talk to me darlin’.”
Another half-hearted shrug.
Jake nudges you gently, getting rapidly more frustrated when you don’t respond to him at all, but still mindful of your body, and any sensitive areas he was aware of, that was always his priority. You, making sure you were safe and well.
One rather loud clear of his throat has your eyes on him, still refusing to meet his eyes, but this was progress and Jake could work with this. “Darlin’… I can’t fix this, I can’t fix us, if you don’t start talking to me.” At your continued silence, Jake raises an eyebrow expectantly, aware of how emotionally fragile you could be right now, and not wanting to push you much more if he could help it. “Cry, yell, whatever - I'm not gonna leave your side. Especially not until you talk to me.”
Uncharacteristically, you lash out, emotions bubbling over, this conversation not going the way you’d planned it in your head. You should’ve known better. Jake was always one to fight for what he loved. One to fight for you. “Why do you always think there is something to fix?! Am I that big of a burden to you? Hell, what if this is something you cant fix, huh? What then?”
Eyes widened in pure shock at your outburst, Jake shifts to sit in front of you, back pressed against the shower door mirroring you, his feet either side of yours. “You wanna try that again darlin’? Don’t think I didn’t catch that but about calling yourself a burden.” Jake shakes his head in disbelief, it seemed that no matter how many times he reassured you that you were never a burden to him, it never got through to you, you would always view yourself that way.
Now you just shook your head and shrugged weakly, the fight going out of you. Another alarming thing to Jake. “I'm here and I'm not leaving or letting you change the subject. Now talk to me.”
Your eyes dart away from Jake’s face, back to the same tile on the shower wall. Another shrug, to which Jake nudges your knee with his own, clearing his throat again, this time to try and coax you to start talking to him, to go back to being open with him, instead of closing yourself off to him and your relationship.
“You don't deserve someone like me. You deserve someone better.” You breathe out shakily, tears brimming in your eyes, as you finally make direct eye contact with Jake. “Someone like you, shouldn’t be stuck and burdened with someone like me. You deserve so much better than me Jake. I’m sorry I can’t be that for you, but I can’t keep doing this. We need to break up. It’s what’s best for you.”
Now you’d given Jake an idea of where your head was at, what your thought process was, and how he could try and fix this. Even if it meant he’d lose your relationship, the one thing Jake would not lose was you. He just couldn’t.
Attempting a different approach, Jake exhaled slowly, resting a hand on your knee, taking note of you still in your work uniform. You had to have been sitting here alone, in the dark, for hours. "Hey darlin’, look at me properly. I’m here, I'm listening. You can tell me anything. You know that.”
Jake tilted his head slightly, watching you carefully, slowly coaxing you to answer him in any way he knew, “I uh-…” Stopping and trailing off several times in quick succession is only adding to Jake’s concern for your wellbeing, but giving him a better idea of how to get through to you.
Squeezing your knee gently, Jake gained your eyes dart back on his, wide and fearful, a change from the closed off and disassociated look you’d had before. “You don't have to pretend to be fine with me.”
“I feel like the pain is all I am anymore.”
That was not what Jake was expecting at all. Sighing heavily at the idea that you felt like your pain has taken over your entire life, Jake squeezed your knee again, trying to give you as much comfort as you’d let him. With no verbal response from Jake, you carry on, “I know it's selfish, but sometimes I wish someone would just take care of me. So I can just shut off, and not have to deal with everything else for once, y’know?” Sniffling, the first tears spill down your cheeks, “No one ever helped me when I needed it. so, I just try to do my best to keep all that to myself. I don’t want to be a burden Jake. But I can’t keep doing this. I can’t… I can't continue this relationship based on half-truths and hiding my feelings. You deserve better than that Jake, and it breaks my heart that I can’t be that person for you.”
Jake’s eyes burn with emotion at your words, you were constantly putting others before your own well-being, even if it meant leaving your relationship. Leaving him. And it breaks his heart that someone has made you feel like your pain is too big a burden to share, even with those you love. “I know you feel like you're alone and I'm not going to invalidate that. But I can tell you that I'm here. and I know there are other people who want to help if you'll let them.”
Sniffling and nodding reluctantly, you blink back more tears, looking properly at Jake for the first time in this conversation, finding his eyes glassy, with nothing but love and care for you in his green eyes. Nodding himself at finally getting through to you, Jake smiles softly, “Darlin’, I can't promise you that you aren't going to have any more hardship or pain. But what I can promise you, is that I'm always going to be right here to get you through it. Always.”
Bottom lip trembling, you shakily reach a hand out to Jake, seeking his comfort, resigning from your fight to break up, craving him to hold you. He always does know the right thing to say. Assessing your body language, Jake takes your outstretched hand, moving to sit next to you, a strong arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his body, “It’s okay darlin’. Just let it all out.”
A sob gets stuck in your throat, choking on it as you try and fail to take a deep breath. Jake’s thumb rubbing soft, soothing circles across the bare skin of your arm is all it takes for the sobs to start. Finally releasing all of your pent up emotions, but majoritively of relief. Relief that Jake would never give up on you or your relationship without a fight, and luckily for you, he always knew the right thing to say, the right way to say it, and always, always had plenty of fight in him when it came down to you.
As your heavy sobs continue, your breathing becomes more erratic, something which Jake seems to instinctively pick up on, soft muttering of reassurances, and pressing soft kisses to the crown of your head, stroking your hair softly, “It's okay, deep breaths. That's it, in and out.” Helping to get your breathing back under control, and your sobs to ease into an occasional sniffle, Jake continues to pepper soft kisses across your cheeks and forehead, “There you go, that’s better darlin’. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
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Your fist is clenched tightly into Jake’s shirt, tears silently streaming down your cheeks, a soft whine leaving your lips when Jake tries to coax you away from his neck, to get a proper look at you. He smiles softly, brushing the last tears from your cheeks gently with his thumbs, “I know darlin’, but you gotta let me up. You need something to eat and then some sleep, okay?”
Another soft whine pulls a chuckle from Jake, who gently moves you off his lap, allowing him to stand. Moving to turn on the bathroom light, a glinting fragment catches his eye. Scanning the rest of the bathroom, there’s several more fragments glistening by you on the tiled floor, and a few scattered across the counter.
Jake quickly flips the light switch, illuminating the bathroom in a soft glow. The bathroom counter is bare, various objects scattered across the far side of the bathroom. The glistening Jake saw was in fact various sized fragments of the countertop mirror.
Upon closer inspection, several fragments were covered in small amounts of blood. Panic stricken that you could be hurt, Jake is immediately back by your side, eyes darting over you, scanning your body for any signs of injuries. Clearing your throat softly, you try to surreptitiously slip your left hand behind your back, not wanting Jake to be alarmed if he noticed you were injured.
Ever the eagle-eyed observer, Jake’s concerned gaze is instantly back on you, stepping closer to you slowly, cautious as to not spook you. Kneeling down in front of you, Jake reaches out for your hand, brows furrowed and eyes full of concern. While an emotional person, you weren’t one to lash out and act recklessly, which is why Jake’s concern and worry for your wellbeing is evergrowing today.
Having slightly zoned out again, you flinch suddenly as Jake’s hand comes into your eye line, head hitting the bathroom under-sink cabinet with a dull thud, one that has Jake visibly wincing. Once again reaching out for you, his heart drops when you scramble away from him, hands getting caught on the loose mirror fragments behind you.
Your eyes are wide and full of distress, a look Jake hates to see in you. Your bottom lip is wobbling again as you look from your hands to Jake and back again several times, as if you didn’t know what to do, and Jake would. Sighing softly, Jake crouches before you, speaking quietly and calmly, “I can't clean you up if you keep flinching away from me so that I can't touch you. Will you give me your hand?” One hand slowly outstretched, palm side up as a gentle reminder he’d always be there for you, “C’mon darlin’. Please?”
A shaky and rather hesitant nod from you has Jake shifting ever so slightly closer to you, trying to get a better look at your hands. This time you don’t flinch, instead looking up at Jake with sorrowful eyes, the intensity of pain that you’re feeling almost becoming too much to hide like you normally would.
Grabbing you firmly by the elbows, Jake gently encourages you to stand, keeping you close to his body as you away on your unsteady feet. Having cleared the counter of any remaining shards, Jake’s hands mode to your waist, lifting you to sit on the countertop, a better hand for him to work on cleaning up your wounds.
“Be honest, how bad is this pain?”
A shrug, “Like a four out of ten? I’ve had worse pain.”
“When you say your pain's 'a four out of ten’, that's a normal person's ‘eight out of ten'.” Jake frowns, slightly frustrated that you are still downplaying your pain levels. “If it hurts, it hurts darlin’. Simple as that.”
A shy nod from you is rewarded with a soft kiss on your forehead, “I can sort out my hand, it’s my own fault. You don’t need to do it for me.” Jake routes through his medicine cabinet for some antiseptics and bandages to properly clean and dress your wounds. "This isn't up for discussion. I know you're used to looking out for yourself, but I need you to understand that you don't have to live like that anymore. I'm here. Just let me take care of you.” Another shy nod from you and a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, happy to have won this fight.
Gentle shushing from Jake is an attempt to soothe any incoming whimpers from the sting of the antiseptic, only to be cut off by a wince upon finding a sliver of glass embedded in your left hand. Blankly, you just look up at Jake and shake your head, as if to say, ‘please don’t do what I think you’re going to do’, but with the resignation that you knew Jake always put your wellbeing first, and he’d do exactly that.
Jake has to grit his teeth as he removes the sliver, pressing kissing of praise when you only whine once, an improvement on the last time Jake had to patch you up. Eying the antiseptic bottle warily, you try to slip off the counter, a strong desire to avoid anymore pain, but a firm hand on your waist tells you Jake isn’t having any of it.
A few swipes into Jake clearing your wound has you hissing in pain, kicking your feet out, trying to push him away, the burning sting of pain almost becoming all-consuming. "I know it hurts, I know. We're almost done darlin’, you’re doing so well.” Next is a dressing and a loose bandage, Jake all too aware of how much you fiddle with tight bandages, there being no point applying on properly when you’re going to sleep soon.
Your eyes light up in relief when Jake tidied up the first aid supplies, “All done?” A terse nod from Jake has you smiling softly, tugging on the bottom of Jake’s shirt, pulling him back towards you, arms circling his waist as you hug him tightly, “Thank you.” A small smile flickers on Jake’s lips, kissing the crown of your head several times, returning your loving embrace, “Always.”
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Having scooped you up carefully off his bathroom counter, Jake carries you back downstairs, sitting on an empty section of kitchen worktop. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Now, you just sit there and I'm gonna make you something to eat. We're gonna talk this out more tomorrow. We both need some food and sleep first.” His jaw is clenched tightly, expecting you to argue back and fight him on this, but is pleasantly surprised and relieved when you pull him closer, nuzzling your head into his chest as you nod.
“But first, one important thing, that I’m not arguing with you over. We’re not breaking up. I won’t let that happen.”
Opening your mouth to speak your mind, you pause, Jake raising a challenging eyebrow, almost daring you to fight him on this again. Deciding that Jake was perhaps right, as much as you’d rather not admit it to his face, he usually was right when it came to you and your relationship. Opting to shut your mouth and let Jake take care of you, you nod curtly, watching him step away and busy himself around the kitchen.
It’s fascinating to watch the man you love, so dedicated to taking care of you, work in the kitchen, soon noticing the ingredients he’s picking out, registering that Jake is making your favourite comfort food. Tears burn the back of your eyes, you’ve never had someone so content and determined to take extra time from their day to make you feel better.
Jake immediately is back at your side, hand gently cupping your cheeks, when he notices your expression, searching your eyes for any dog of what had caused your sudden emotion, “Hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong darlin’?” Eyes darting down you hand, his fingers gently running over the fresh bandage on your hand, looking for any sign of rebleeding, “Is it your hand? Are you in a lot of pain? Do you need your painkillers? I can get them for you?” Jake pulls away from you, moving to get any painkillers you might need, ever the attentive boyfriend you’d grown to love with your whole heart.
You smile sweetly up at Jake, reaching out for him with glassy eyes, pulling him back to stand between your legs, hand framing his face, stroking gently against the day old stubble. “Jake. Just stop for a second. I’m okay, I promise you. I’m just thinking about how grateful I am to have you to take care of me.” Relieved, Jake kisses you gently, “Even when you fight me when I try and take care of you?” He’s teasing now, you can tell, shaking your head and smiling, you pull him closer by the collar of his shirt, kissing him lovingly, “Of course. I will always be grateful for you Jake, even when I don’t always want your help.”
Kissing you gently again, Jake steps away, lifting you off the counter and leading you into the dining room, setting a portion of food in front of you first, then moving to the adjacent chair and setting down his own. Watching you take the first few bites, Jake only starts eating when he’s entirely sure that your food is okay for your taste.
Finishing your plate, you're surprised at how hungry you actually were. Smiling softly, Jake slides his half empty plate in front of you, content to sacrifice his meal to ensure you don't go hungry. You beam over at him, offering him the occasional forkful.
You’d always take care of each other.
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Back in his bedroom, Jake pulls an old t-shirt from his closet, one that he knew you had a not-so-secret favouritism for. Setting the shirt down on the edge of the bed, Jake tenderly starts to help you out of your work uniform. Cautious of how tired you are now seeming, he takes great care to do most of the complicated things for you.
Pulling his shirt over your head, Jake smooths your hair out, combing it out of your tight work hairstyle with gentle fingers, helping to pull your arms through the sleeves, smiling to himself when you can feel the tension of the day leaving your body.
A tired whine leaves your lips when Jake tries to coax back to stand, trying to lead you into the bathroom to fully get ready for bed. Your protests are cut off by a yawn, Jake chuckles, “C’mon darlin’, I know you’re tired, but you’ve got to. You’ll feel better.” A disgruntled grunt from you has Jake laughing, successfully managing to coax you into his bathroom.
Lifting you back onto the counter, Jake pulls out your toothbrush, then his own. He watches you carefully, wiping your mouth with a fresh washcloth when you're finished. Reaching for the hairbrush he bought for you at his place, Jake parts your hair, brushing each section carefully, not wanting to tug on any knots. You giggle at Jake’s attempts to try and tie your hair back, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek when he surrenders the brush to you and letting you pull your hair out of your face properly.
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Jake sets a glass of iced water on your bedside table, having carried you the short distance from his bathroom to the bed, tucking the covers over you carefully. He even brought an extra blanket from downstairs to ensure you’d be warm enough, or to at least comfort you a bit more, aware enough of your sleeping habits, to not tuck you in too tightly, and wait until he was next to you to try and help you sleep soundly.
Propping you up against his chest, Jake hands you an anti-nausea tablet, one you occasionally took on your bad days, one that Jake had noticed you’d need through your body language. Staring at it in your hand for a few seconds, you work up the mental courage to swallow, gulping some of the water down to discourage the bitter taste from lingering. He hands you a small blister packet of them, all too aware that you could wake up and need more, but would be too anxious to wake Jake up. It was little things, the basic gestures and actions that made you fall more in love with Jake each and every day that you spend in a relationship together.
Resting your head gently on Jake’s chest, with one arm carefully resting over his torso, you inhale deeply, cut off by a big yawn. Jake secured his arm around your body, pulling the blanket around your exposed arms, his hand coming to rest at the base of your neck, fingers occasionally tracing soft circles onto your scalp, easing the tension there.
The house is quiet, which is not unusual for being so close to a base at this time of night, every for the quiet, yet reassuring mumblings from Jake, reminding you that he’s always going to be there for you, there to take care of you, and most importantly, how much he loves you.
“Next time it gets this bad, you call me okay?” He looks down at you, there’s nothing but love and concern for you in his eyes, and you nod shyly, slightly embarrassed of how your choice to hide away from Jake had in fact caused him more worry, which was what you had been trying to avoid all along.
“You can't keep hiding this stuff.” He lifts your chin up gently with his other hand, trying to get you to look at him again, “I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you're hurting. Whether that’s physically or mentally, okay?”
Gaze dropping down from his green eyes, Jake is quick to whisper more reassurances to you, pushing stray hairs behind your ear, “You are so much stronger and braver than you think you are.” There’s more on the tip of his tongue if you even look like you’re going to dispute his words, yet to his surprise, you nod shyly, eyes flickering back to his loving gaze, “I think I’m starting to get that.” It was a rather shy and quiet admission, yet Jake’s face lit up with pride at your words, and his smile only grew and you continued, “I know that I used to disagree with you rather strongly, but thank you for helping me see clearly. I’m a better person with you in my life Jake. You make me better.”
Jake hums in agreement, it wasn’t exactly hard to see how much better you two were together, how much you bettered the other. This was a first was both you and Jake, and a joy that you both got to discover this kind of loving relationship with each other.
“We’ll talk more about this tomorrow when we’re both properly rested, but I hope you realise that I’ll always fight for this - for us.” Your eyes are fixated on his and you listen intently to what he has to say, majorly aware that the way you went about bringing this topic up to Jake, was the complete wrong thing. Jake wouldn’t give you up without a fight.
Exhaling deeply, Jake offers a different perspective, “Look at it this way - would you love me still if I was the one in so much pain? Would you stay with me for the rest of our lives, like I will for you?”
Your response is instant, “Of course. You know I would.” Jake’s mouth twitches into a soft smile, easing an eyebrow and waiting for you to realise. Your eyes widen as it clicks, looking down at your lap shyly, “Oh… Thanks Jake.” Nodding, he kisses the top of your head, pulling you tightly back to his side.
You can’t help the soft laughter that bubbles up as Jake peppers your face with kisses, there’s not an inch of your face that doesn’t get covered in multiple kisses. Jake can’t fight his own laughter at your infectious one, continuing to kiss you all over, moving to pepper kisses on your hair and neck.
Jake only let up on his over the top display of his affection for you, when it’s clear that you’re struggling to catch your breath because you’re laughing so much at his antics. Grinning, he pulls you close to him, a projective arm around your shoulders while you rest half on his chest, covering you both with the blanket, pressing a final sweet kiss to your forehead, “I love you so much darlin’.”
Smiling tiredly up at him, “I love you too Jake. More than you know.”
While the pair of you had a serious conversation ahead of you, Jake and yourself knew that as long as you had each other, you’d make it through, no matter what life threw at you.
You’d get the chance to spend the rest of your lives with each other.
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solarpunkbusiness · 1 month
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Woodpecker: Building affordable housing in Columbia using coffee chaff and recycled plastic
Woodpecker, a Bogotá-based startup, is ingeniously addressing the country’s pronounced housing shortage, particularly in economically challenged communities. By utilizing the copious coffee husks produced by the coffee industry, Woodpecker skillfully manufactures lightweight, prefabricated panels combined with recycled plastic. 
These panels serve as the foundation for constructing homes and classrooms. Woodpecker’s structures are not only cost-effective, retailing at about US$4,500, but they are also designed for straightforward, do-it-yourself assembly. This facilitates swift deployment in regions with scant infrastructure. The construction materials champion eco-friendliness, and their resistance to pests and moisture makes them a excellent choice for low-income housing across Colombia’s diverse climates. 
CEO Alejandro Franco’s innovation was spotlighted when the Colombian government deployed Woodpecker homes as a rapid housing solution for Hurricane Iota victims in 2020. Despite encountering no power, muddy conditions and numerous other challenges, the homes proved indispensable in providing immediate shelter to those in dire need, especially in Providencia, where the hurricane had nearly eradicated infrastructure. Presently, Woodpecker has successfully marketed over 2,600 homes and is ambitiously planning for expansion.
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darkmaga-retard · 2 months
In the year 2020, governments everywhere laid out the red carpet for a pandemic industry that profits and grows more powerful from human suffering, censorship, fear, medical fraud, isolation and iatrogenic error. Populations witnessed it all: the engineering of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, the mainstream media’s scripted bio-terror campaigns, the lies of asymptomatic superspreaders, the government’s totalitarian COVID-19 response, the censorship of dissenting voices, the suppression of treatments, the money laundering, the rapid escalation of PCR fraud by the medical community, the rise of surveillance, the inhumane isolation protocols, the rapid, militant deployment of remdesivir, ventilators, and harmful, ineffective injections and all the unlawful government edicts and mandates.
This is just the beginning of horrors to come. The game-plan for depopulation and the rise of a global bio-terror pandemic dictatorship is laid bare for all to see. Yet, the government and the people's continuous participation in these nefarious schemes will only perpetuate these evils and exploits on American soil.
HHS declares emergency, ramps up PCR and vaccine investments for bird flu
There hasn’t even been a serious government press conference about the latest DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra recently amended a 2013 section of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, allowing the agency to extend the availability of medical countermeasures for pandemic influenza A viruses, including bird flu strains like H5N1. This means the HHS is allowing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use emergency use authorization (EUA) powers to unleash a new wave of RT-PCR tests and vaccines that will be marketed as the solution for an upcoming strain of bird flu.
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mariacallous · 4 months
The US is widely seen as the global leader in artificial intelligence, thanks to companies like OpenAI, Google, and Meta. But the US government says it needs help from other nations to manage the risks posed by AI technology.
At an international summit on AI Safety in Seoul on Tuesday, the US delivered a message from Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo announcing that a global network of AI safety institutes spanning the US, UK, Japan, Canada, and other allies will collaborate to contain the technology’s risks. She also urged other countries to join up.
“Recent advances in AI carry exciting, life-changing potential for our society, but only if we do the hard work to mitigate the very real dangers,” Secretary Raimondo said in a statement released ahead of the announcement. “It is paramount that we get this right and that we do so in concert with our partners around the world to ensure the rules of the road on AI are written by societies that uphold human rights, safety, and trust.”
The US government has previously said advances in AI create national security risks, including the potential to automate or accelerate the development of bioweapons or to enable more damaging cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.
One challenge for the US, alluded to in Raimondo’s statement, is that some national governments may not be eager to fall in line with its approach to AI. She said the US, the UK, Japan, Canada, Singapore, and the European AI Office would work together as the founding members of a “global network of AI safety institutes.”
The Commerce Department declined to comment on whether China had been invited to join the new AI safety network. Fears that China will use advanced AI to empower its military or threaten the US led first the Trump administration and now the Biden administration to roll out a series of restrictions on Chinese access to key technology.
The US and China have at least opened a line of communication. A meeting between President Biden and Chinese president Xi Jinping in November saw the two superpowers agree to hold talks on AI risks and safety. Representatives from the nations met in Switzerland last week to hold the first round of discussions.
The Commerce Department said that representatives of the new global AI safety network’s members will meet in San Francisco later this year. A blueprint issued by the agency says that the network will work together to develop and agree upon methodologies and tools for evaluating AI models and ways to mitigate the risks of AI. “We hope to help develop the science and practices that underpin future arrangements for international AI governance,” the document says. A commerce department spokesperson said that the network would help nations tap into talent, experiment more quickly, and agree on AI standards.
The Seoul summit on AI safety this week is cohosted by the UK government, which convened the first major international meeting on the topic last November. That summit culminated in more than 28 countries including the US, members of the EU, and China signing a declaration warning that artificial intelligence is advancing with such speed and uncertainty that it could cause “serious, even catastrophic, harm.”
Amid rapid deployment of generative AI systems like ChatGPT last year, some prominent researchers and tech leaders began to speak more loudly about the potential for AI algorithms to become difficult to control and perhaps even a threat to humanity. Talk of the most far-off threats has since faded, but policymakers around the world are concerned about more immediate problems, such as the potential for generative AI tools like ChatGPT to spread disinformation and interfere with elections. In January, some voters in New Hampshire received robocalls using an AI-generated fake of Joe Biden’s voice.
Last October, President Biden issued a wide-ranging executive order to address the potential and pitfalls of fast-moving leaps in AI most evident with the startling abilities of ChatGPT. The Commerce Department was ordered to work on a number of initiatives to develop AI safety standards and also to develop a plan for global “engagement on promoting and developing AI standards.”
Biden’s executive order also required the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, which is part of the Commerce Department, to establish a US AI Safety Institute to systematically test AI models to understand how they could be misused and how they might behave.
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anabolicbombers · 5 months
F4 thougts: Minuteman
The Minuteman are the faction than most of the players of fallout 4 encounter firs. Ignoring the infamous memes about Preston Garvey, they are often considered the best fraction of fallout 4, or at least, the most morally clean and overall good for the Commonwealth. Part of it stems from the lackluster game design of their main questline which mostly consist of the repeatable radiant quests, and also them being "Yes man" faction, meaning that in the base game it was impossible to fail their questline. They are also nicely slide into any of the other faction ending, without contributing anything to their questlines (they are involved in one Institute quest, the game "villian option" for faction ending).
But when talking about the Minuteman people rarely discuss the fact that the faction is based on a real existing organization, which played a great role in the creation of the United States. And the function of the Minuteman in the game is quiet similar to their real life historical counterparts. So let me take you to a improvised history lesson:
Real life Minuteman were best known for their contribution to the American war for independence and were main part of the Boston militia. The game call attention to this part of Minuteman history quet often, with their starting location being the museam of freedom, the main location the player retake is fort Independence, it's not wery subtle.
But the history of the Minuteman goes way further back, to the times of the last wars for colonies in America. Created by the colonial government, Minuteman were rapid-deployment units of the Massachusetts Bay militia, a "first response" to any threat that might befall settlements. The "treats" the Minuteman were deployed against were the military units of other colonial powers, gangs or, most often, indigenous tribes. The first offensive deployment of Minuteman was in Pequot war, when in august 1636 fourth companies were deployed under orders of Jong Endecott with the task of killing Pequot Indians. Despite the first failures of the raids conducted by the Minuteman, the war itself ended with complete destruction of the Pequot tribe, with remaining survivors being sold into slavery or given as captives to the other tribes that were then loyal to the British colonies. After that the Minuteman were involved with the subjugation of Narragansett and Wampanoag tribes, with the practice of issueing bounties for scalps of Indians during the Second indian war. tactical advancements of Minuteman during the war for independence were the direct result of their role as force of the colonial expansion. After the war of independence they were absorbed into the future national guardguard, becoming key parts in iconography of American imperialism. Both anti-communism organization during Cold War and modern anti-immigration groups name themselves after organization.
Taken all this in consideration, I find it wery disturbing that the majority of the Minuteman quests in game consist of you helping settlements or even securing a place for new ones by the following process:
Find settlement.
Talk about their request for help.
They mark an area on the map that either troubles them, or could be used as a new settlement.
You go there and kill everyone you meet.
Inform the settlers about accompanying mission.
Rince and repeat.
The game of course justify suck tasks with the fact that locals you exterminating are all universally hostile feral ghouls, super mutants or gangs of generic raiders, the groups you could kill on sight without any moral reprocussions. The aesthetic of the faction as "freedom fighters" clashes greatly with the gameplay that is more remiscent of their role as imperialist tool, but fallout 4 never calls attention to that fact. Which I find especially glaring considering the fact that the faction is portrayed as a force of universal good. For the series that supposedly satirize American emperialism and it's nostalgia cult, fallout 4 sure does a lot to whitewash Minuteman of the role they played in said emperialis.
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annajade456 · 1 year
The DevOps Lifecycle: Building, Testing, and Deploying with Confidence
DevOps, a combination of "Development" and "Operations," has emerged as a game-changer in the software development landscape. It represents a comprehensive approach that fosters collaboration between development and operations teams, emphasizes automation, and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the world of DevOps, exploring its principles, practices, and how it works. 
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The Essence of DevOps: 
DevOps is more than just a buzzword; it's a mindset that aims to break down silos and bridge the gap between traditionally isolated development and operations teams. At its core, DevOps promotes collaboration, automation, and a relentless focus on delivering high-quality software faster and more efficiently.
Collaboration: DevOps encourages close collaboration and communication between development and operations teams. By working together from the initial stages of a project, teams can align their goals, streamline processes, and reduce conflicts.
Automation: Automation is the backbone of DevOps. It involves using tools and scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as code building, testing, and deployment. This not only speeds up development but also reduces the risk of human error.
The DevOps Lifecycle: 
DevOps introduces a structured lifecycle that encompasses various stages, ensuring a seamless flow from code development to deployment and beyond.
Continuous Integration (CI): In this phase, developers frequently integrate their code into a shared repository. CI tools automatically build and test the code with every change, ensuring it remains functional and error-free.
Continuous Delivery (CD): Building on CI, CD automates the deployment process, allowing for the continuous delivery of tested code to production or staging environments. This enables rapid and reliable releases.
Monitoring and Feedback: DevOps teams continuously monitor applications and infrastructure in production. They collect feedback on system performance, user experience, and any issues that arise. This feedback loop is crucial for making improvements and responding to issues promptly.
Infrastructure as Code (IaC): IaC is a DevOps practice that involves managing infrastructure using code. It enables the automated provisioning, scaling, and configuration of infrastructure resources, ensuring consistency and reproducibility.
Version Control: Version control systems like Git are essential for tracking code changes, enabling collaboration, and ensuring code integrity.
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The Cultural Shift: 
DevOps isn't just about tools and processes; it's also about fostering a cultural shift within an organization.
Shared Responsibility: DevOps promotes a culture of shared responsibility, where both development and operations teams take ownership of the entire software delivery process. This reduces blame-shifting and encourages problem-solving.
Accountability: DevOps encourages accountability for code quality, security, and performance. Team members are responsible for the outcomes of their work, from development to deployment.
Trust and Collaboration: Open communication and trust between teams are essential. DevOps encourages cross-functional teams to work together, breaking down traditional barriers.
DevOps is not just a trend but a transformative approach to software development and deployment. Its principles of collaboration, automation, and cultural transformation are reshaping the industry. ACTE Technologies, through its training and consulting services, plays a pivotal role in preparing professionals and organizations for success in the DevOps-driven world. Embracing DevOps and partnering with ACTE Technologies can lead to faster, more reliable software delivery and a competitive edge in today's dynamic tech landscape. Start your DevOps journey today and reap the benefits of this revolutionary approach.
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republicsecurity · 8 days
The Militarization of Youth: From Junior Firefighters to Paramedic Corps Cadets in the Republic
By Luke Sandell, The New York Times
June 24, 2064
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In a sweeping transformation, the Republic’s once-civilian youth groups, such as the Junior Firefighters, have been absorbed into the paramilitary Paramedic Corps. This shift mirrors broader changes in the nation, where traditional fire and ambulance services have been integrated into a single, militarized entity. The implications for the country’s youth, who now don full body armor supplied by defense contractors, are profound.
For decades, groups like the Junior Firefighters provided a valuable community service while fostering civic responsibility among the young. Donning simple, practical uniforms, these youths met once a week to learn firefighting skills, basic first aid, and emergency preparedness. It was an after-school activity that offered camaraderie and the thrill of helping the community.
However, the Republic’s government has systematically integrated these civilian services into the Paramedic Corps, a highly organized and militarized branch responsible for all emergency services. This restructuring has extended to the youth programs, transforming them from casual, community-oriented groups into rigorous, quasi-military organizations.
Today’s youth cadets wear body armor nearly indistinguishable from that of active-duty Paramedics. The transition was rapid and far-reaching. Traditional uniforms have been replaced by full-body suits designed by top defense contractors, resembling those worn by soldiers rather than civilian service providers.
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"It's a significant change," says F8K22, who oversees the youth program. "The new structure and equipment ensure that our cadets are better prepared for real-life emergencies. They're not just learning; they're training for actual deployment."
This shift is not just sartorial. What was once a weekly activity has now expanded to consume entire weekends and holidays. Cadets typically spend two full days each week, plus additional time during school vacations, engaged in intensive training. The curriculum includes advanced first aid, firefighting techniques, and even search and rescue operations.
For many young participants, the program’s militarization has brought a mixed bag of emotions. "It's intense," admits Cadet 9JX54, a 16-year-old who joined the Junior Firefighters at 12. "We used to have fun and learn at a slower pace. Now, it's like boot camp. But I feel more capable and ready to help in emergencies."
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Parents and educators have voiced concerns about the program's direction. Some worry that the increased demands and militaristic environment might be too stressful for young minds. "It’s a lot for kids to handle," says Dr. Ellen Radcliffe, a child psychologist. "The militarization of these programs could have long-term psychological impacts, fostering a sense of constant vigilance and stress."
Despite these concerns, the Republic’s government touts the program’s success. Officials argue that the intense training prepares youth not only for emergency situations but also instills discipline and a sense of duty. "Our young cadets are learning valuable life skills," insists Z2R87 of the Paramedic Corps. "They're the future of our nation’s emergency response."
This militarization trend extends beyond the Junior Firefighters. Other youth groups, such as the Scouts, have also been absorbed into government structures. The Scouts, once known for their outdoor skills and community service, are now Enforcer Cadets, a youth wing of the Enforcers. These cadets, too, wear body armor and undergo rigorous training, preparing them for potential future roles in law enforcement.
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Cadet A3N21, a former Scout, spoke to us about his transformation. Once a pony-tailed high schooler, he now sports a buzz cut and fully embraces his new lifestyle. "At first, it was a shock," he admits. "The structure, the discipline, it was all new. But now, I feel a sense of purpose. It's better to work within the system than to fight it."
Critics, however, point to a broader trend of militarization within civilian sectors, worrying that the lines between civil service and military action are becoming dangerously blurred. "This is about more than just efficiency," says political analyst Marc White. "It reflects a growing culture of militarism in the Republic, one that sees every aspect of life through the lens of defense and control."
The changes have deeply impacted family life as well. One mother shared her experience of having her son check into the Paramedic Corps camp every Friday and return home every Saturday. "We've had to adjust our family life around his schedule," she explains. "Even schools have adjusted to accommodate this new routine, ensuring that cadets receive tutoring on school subjects they miss during their training days."
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Cadets can earn points through their training that are transferable for their high school graduation, creating an incentive for both parents and children to embrace the program. A defense contractor explained the adaptation of the armor suits for teenage bodies, noting, "We designed these suits to be both protective and comfortable for younger cadets, ensuring their safety and efficiency."
The introduction to these suits usually occurs during a summer camp, where children stay from two to five weeks. This period allows them to acclimate to the suits gradually before integrating into the regular weekend training schedule. A youth group leader, a conscript himself, marveled at the integration of the youngsters into the suits, proudly noting that there had been zero accidents not only during training but also in real-life situations.
"If cadets train well, they can earn a certificate of limited service ability, allowing them to participate in missions," the youth group leader added. Parts of the training time can even be counted towards fulfilling the conscript obligation, effectively shortening the mandatory service period.
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Parents have noticed positive changes in their children. "My son has become more disciplined since starting the program," one mother said. "He's more responsible and focused, qualities that will benefit him in all areas of life."
As the Republic continues down this path, the transformation of youth groups like the Junior Firefighters and Scouts into heavily armed cadets stands as a symbol of the nation's shifting priorities. It remains to be seen whether this new approach will indeed better prepare the youth for emergencies or if it will create unforeseen challenges for the next generation.
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minteagalaxea · 2 years
pacific rim | s.v.t
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choi seungcheol: marshal
known for his tenure as one of the best pilots in the jaeger program as the rightside pilot of mark-iii jaeger angel diamond, marshal choi seungcheol’s retirement—and eventual promotion— shocked many members of the nagasaki shatterdome. he currently oversees many of the pilot pairings and deployments.
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yoon jeonghan: loccent mission control
the former leftside pilot of mark-iii jaeger angel diamond, officer yoon jeonghan’s ranger career ended on his tenth deployment following a severe injury. now, he utilizes his experience as a pilot to serve as the eyes and ears of the ocean, helping current jaeger teams navigate combat against the kaiju with minimal casualties.
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hong joshua: kaiju science officer
utilizing his marine biology degree, head k-science officer hong jisoo analyzes the various monsters under the sea via comparison to aquatic species that humans are more familiar with, thereby enabling him to discover likely weak points of armor on the beasts for the jaegers, heavily coordinating with loccent to relay his research during combat.
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wen junhui: jaeger pilot
having had the most experience between him and his copilot, ranger wen junhui operates as the right—the dominant—side of mark-v jaeger imperial riot, and is known for his strong compatibility with many rangers. he heavily utilizes his martial arts background into combat, particularly with his rapid pace of punches, and innovative use of weaponry against the kaiju. 
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kwon soonyoung: jaeger pilot
as one of the longest rangers in the jaeger program, ranger kwon soonyoung’s ability to drift both as a pair and as an individual are immensely high among the many pilots in the shatterdome. as the leftside pilot for mark-iv jaeger ruby tiger, his main area of drifting is to handle formations with multiple jaegers, though they end up having to improvise due to kaiju. 
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jeon wonwoo: jaeger tech
one of the top engineers in the nagasaki shatterdome, officer jeon wonwoo has designed and engineered numerous jaegers, including imperial riot, ruby tiger, and is currently spearheading repairing angel diamond. his degree in mechanical engineering and time spent working lends him an almost innate understanding of how to construct the jaegers, down to smallest detail.
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lee jihoon: jaeger pilot
ranger lee jihoon is one of the most seasoned jaeger pilots in the shatterdome, holding the record for the most deployments alongside his partner. his ability to create strategies in the midst of battle enable him to work seamlessly with his partner as they fight in the oceans, being an efficient counterpart to his co-pilot’s exuberance.
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lee seokmin: jaeger tech
officer lee seokmin is in charge of programming the jaegers, and is commonly seen typing within the walls of the shatterdome whenever he is not communicating with his pilots or crew members to update and repair the interfaces or lag time. seokmin’s constantly running ideas have partially created solutions for the jaegers’ system endurance. 
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kim mingyu: jaeger tech
having spent his childhood admiring series such as transformers and power rangers, officer kim mingyu now gets to create and recreate them on jaegers as their weapons specialist. his handiwork is apparent on several jaegers, based on their distinct combinations of weapons and their unorthodox nature, much to the pilots’ appreciation and engineers’ consternation.
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xu minghao: jaeger pilot
the leftside pilot to imperial riot, ranger xu minghao is a heavier proponent of pushing his jaeger’s legs to the limit due to his preference of kicking during his time as a martial artist and b-boy. minghao is ironically the more calm pilot to his partner’s chaotic nature, though he has his own brand of recklessness on the battlefield with his crazy ideas in solo combat.
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boo seungkwan: medical officer
the constant tender of wounds and injuries for nearly all rangers and the occasional engineer, officer boo seungkwan has memorized all the various charts and routine injuries they endure, much to the pilots’ amazement and gentle frustration as seungkwan reminds them to maintain their health so that they can spare his own sanity.
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chwe hansol: loccent mission control officer
due to his strong understanding of the drift and interpersonal relations, officer chwe hansol functions as the shatterdome’s drift controller, ensuring strong neural connections as he ensures teams avoid chasing the r.a.b.i.t, encouraging different means such as through song lyrics, and other general methods of building teamwork and camaraderie. 
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lee chan: kaiju science officer
initially having a brief stint as a jaeger tech (specifically in the weapons department), lee chan has since switched over to working as a researcher, with a concentration in kaiju weapons. his collaborates frequently with the jaeger techs to translate his research into feasible weaponry to fight the monsters with their own tricks and tactics.
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Days 8 & 9
We've got a lot to cover this time; let's get right into it!
It seemed our track of the days of the Galactic War was off, and we have corrected older broadcast transcripts to fix this mistake! With that said, day 8 of the Galactic War was rather uneventful. Progress continued at a brisk pace on Phact Bay in the Jin Xi sector after Pandion-XXIV was fully liberated and dreadfully slowly yet steadily at Vernen Wells in the Hydra sector. Additionally, Super Earth tasked the Helldivers with completing a minimum of eight non-critical "side" objectives within the day.
Now on day 9, the time window for the major order to kill over 3 billion foes of democracy has closed, with the Helldivers coming just short of completion. While inspiring, the resolve of Super Earth's citizens remains the same. It was neither a terrible loss nor a great victory for morale. In the meantime, Automatons have attacked Wezen in the Ymir sector, and the Terminid infestation has expanded onto Erata Prime in the Umlaut sector yet again. Although resistance on the Eastern Front against this rapid expansionism has held strong, the Western Front loses planet after planet due to the majority of Helldivers solely focusing on the East and refusing to lend aid to the undermanned West in all but the direst of straits.
Despite this, a major emergency has emerged from the seemingly low-priority loss of Varylia 5. Mimicking our EXO factories on Tien Kwan and perhaps even in reaction to the training facility they'd found and destroyed on Vernen Wells, the bolted menace has constructed a massive factory on Varylia 5. An SEAF surveillance satellite, Security, has been observing its construction and intercepting Automaton communications which call this factory a "Petafactory." With this behemoth active, the construction rate of new Automatons on the planet is estimated to be approximately three and a half times as fast as any other planet. For now, the additional troops produced by the factory have remained on the planet, providing some of the strongest resistance to mass Helldiver deployment that we've seen to date. But if SEAF fails to stop it in time, we will most likely look forward to seeing a surge in Automaton numbers across the entire galaxy. With the Western Front already at a constant backpedal, failure of the major order could be a potentially fatal blow to humanity.
If the planet can be secured in time, the Federation plans to convert the petafactory into a production facility for the latest iteration of the EXO-49 Emancipator. Armed with twin autocannons on each arm, it could seriously tip the scales in our favor against the more armored targets that the Patriot suffers in prolonged combat against.
In order to prepare and teach Helldivers the power and operation of autocannons in anticipation of the Emancipator, Helldivers have been ordered to secure at least 50 kills using the hand-held AC-8 Autocannon.
And finally, just now, the Battlefront tactical update system used by all active Super Destroyers to inform Helldivers of the movements of the Galactic War has just sent out a galactic message. This message warns of the increased Automaton resistance but downplays it as a "last-ditch effort," when in fact, the Automatons are currently at the height of their power. Press harder, indeed, but be wary.
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
For all our sakes.
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As fearmongers depict the southern border as a region made lawless by invading hordes, Police Chief Victor Rodriguez of McAllen, Texas, has presided over a 12th straight year of crime reduction.
“We’re working on the 13th,” he told The Daily Beast on Friday.
In fact, crime in his border city of 145,000 is at the lowest level going back to 1985 when stats began to be accurately recorded.
“And the only reason it’s only 37 years is that’s what's on the books,” he said.
With Mexico only 11 miles away, McAllen is visited by a steady stream of politicians who come to inspect the border, and Rodriguez has perpetual difficulty dispelling the presumptions they bring with them.
“The reality and how the world is seeing us are two different things,” he said.
As of this month, McAllen’s violent crime rate is 180.2 per 100,000 people, less than a tenth that of the cities with the nation’s highest rate, St. Louis (2,082), Detroit (2,057), and Baltimore (2,027).
The violent crime rate in the other border cities is not as low as McAllen’s but still below what most people would likely expect. The Texas cities of McAllen, Brownsville, Laredo, Eagle Pass and El Paso, combined with Yuma in Arizona, Sunland Park in New Mexico, and San Diego in California, have a violent crime rate of 340.2. That is well below the national average of 388.5.
The numbers all along the border are partly explained by the wild west simply being not so wild, especially with the presence of Customs and Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies. McAllen’s crime rate of less than half the national average can also be attributed to the application of a kind of unplugged version CompStat—the computer-based strategy of rapid deployment and relentless follow-up that triggered New York’s dramatic decline in violent crime during the 1990s.
“CompStat McAl-style,” Rodriguez said.
“We look at data points every morning,” he added.
With a ratio of two officers per 1,000 residents, he is able to quickly deploy his cops where they are needed. Since the approach reduces crime, that cuts the number of cases the investigators have, which gives them more time to work on each one, which further reduces crime.
In New York, during what is called “the bad old days,” a squad specializing in multiple perpetrator robberies in the subway was able to reduce them from 1,200 a year to 12. Rodriguez was able to achieve a comparable result with cops who specialize in auto thefts. Some 2,100 cars were stolen a year in McAllen in the 1990s. The number in the last few years has dropped to around 50.
Such successes reassure McAllen’s majority of honest working people, which the chief credits as the major factor in reducing homicides and other forms of mayhem.
“We have a good community, we have a peaceful community,” Rodriguez said. “We have a law abiding community, and that translates to less what we call violent crimes.”
Meanwhile, a host of politicians continue to foster the illusion that McAllen is at the epicenter of chaos. Rodriguez stands ready to enlighten anyone who is interested in the reality.
“We’re going great,” he said. “We could be doing maybe greater, I think, if we didn't have to overcome the perception. It is something we contend with on a regular basis.”
This law-abiding border town is a continuing example that the whole country could turn to as crime threatens to spike out of control and the social fabric seems to be unraveling.
“We keep plugging away,” Rodriguez said. “It's not like we woke up yesterday and said, ‘Okay, we gotta do better now.’ We've been at this now for going on 13 years, trying to make sure that our community is not what the rest of the world thinks it is.”
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922rifle · 9 months
A timeline of the Genocide in Sudan: the Darfur Genocide.
2003 - Soldiers of the military led government in Sudan and their proxy militia, known as Janjaweed (now known as the Rapid Support Forces or RSF) , fought rebel groups in Darfur. The government and Janjaweed forces systematically depopulated land inhabited by Fur, Masellt, and Zogawa communities through forced displacement and violent attacks on civilians. Attacks included the intentional burning of homes, villages, and crops and the systematic destruction of food stores. Among the acts of violence were the looting of relief supplies, killings, and widespread rape. It is estimated that the death toll reached 200,000 with the forced displacement of 2,000,000.
2004 - In 2004, the African Union Mission in Darfur (AMIS) was established to monitor the Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement signed earlier that year. Partially in response to pressure from human rights advocates, members of the US government were some of the first international figures to label the violence in Darfur a genocide. The UN, the African Union (AU), and the European Union accused the Sudanese government and its allied militias of committing crimes against humanity. However, they disagreed that genocide had occurred.
2005 - In March 2005, the UN Security Council referred the case of Sudan to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for investigation of war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.
Over the course of the genocide in Darfur, a pattern of government-sponsored actions included:
▫️ Backing Janjaweed militias in systematic attacks against civilians from the same ethnic groups as rebel forces
▫️ Bombing civilians from aircrafts
▫️ Committing massive human rights abuses, including murder, rape, and persecution based on race, ethnicity, and religion.
Large-scale government attacks against civilians declined after 2005. However, most of those displaced by the violence did not return home for fear that their villages would be attacked again. Attacks on civilians continued, on a smaller scale, for years.
2006 - African Union and UN efforts to negotiate a permanent settlement expanded in the years following the initial AMIS deployment. The effort resulted in the short-lived Darfur Peace Agreement (DA) in 2006.
2007 - In 2007, the United Nations Security Council authorized a hybrid United Nations-African Union peacekeeping force (UNAMID) to oversee the implementation of the DPA. Throughout its tenure, the force was underfunded and understaffed. It was also vulnerable to attacks from Sudanese government forces and rebel groups alike. These constraints hindered UNAMID's ability to fully implement its mandate to protect civilians in Darfur.
2008 - In July 2008, International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo requested the court issue an arrest warrant for Sudanese President al-Bashir. The ICC charged al-Bashir with crimes against humanity and war crimes for the government's role in orchestrating violence in Darfur.
2019 - A popular uprising in the spring of 2019 resulted in the ouster of Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir.
2021 - In October 2021, the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF, also the Janjaweed) staged a military coup and formed a Transitional Military Council (TMC). Despite promises of transition to civilian rule, the TMC undid many of the reforms initiated by the civilian government in 2019. After the October 2021 coup, RSF leaders-especially General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo "Hemedti"-continued to gain influence as members of the ruling TMC government.
2022- In December 2022, in the face of popular protests, the SAF, RSF, and Sudanese political parties negotiated a deal that would have slowly led to a new civilian administration in Sudan. The RSF, however, rejected the idea of formally integrating into the SAF.
2023 - In April 2023, the RSF attacked SAF positions in Khartoum and key military sites. The attacks sparked yet another wave of violence. In June 2023, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum warned that Darfur civilians face significant risks of genocide. Several factors point to the risk of genocide. They include systematic attacks by the RSF and allied militias, impunity for past crimes, and new hate speech against marginalized groups. Darfur is undergoing another genocide.
More information on the crisis in Sudan.
All underlined text have links!
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jiangsuriverexcavator · 8 months
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The Benefits of Amphibious Carrier [Infographic]
Amphibious carriers, also known as amphibious assault ships or helicopter carriers, are versatile naval vessels designed to support amphibious operations.
These ships have several benefits that make them valuable assets to a navy:
1. Amphibious Assault Capability:
Troop Deployment: Amphibious carriers can deploy and transport a large number of troops, typically including Marines and their equipment, to conduct amphibious assaults on shorelines.
Versatility: These ships can support a variety of amphibious operations, ranging from humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to full-scale military invasions.
2. Aircraft Operations:
Helicopter Operations: Amphibious carriers are equipped with helicopter decks and hangar facilities, enabling them to support helicopter-borne operations for troop transport, reconnaissance, and other missions.
STOVL Aircraft: Some amphibious carriers are designed to accommodate Short Takeoff Vertical Landing (STOVL) aircraft like the Harrier, F-35B, or other VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft, providing additional air support capabilities.
3. Command and Control Center:
Amphibious Ready Group (ARG): These carriers often serve as the flagship for an Amphibious Ready Group, providing command and control capabilities for the entire group of ships involved in an amphibious operation.
Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I): Amphibious carriers are equipped with advanced communication and intelligence systems, enhancing situational awareness and coordination during operations.
4. Medical Facilities:
Hospital Facilities: Some amphibious carriers are equipped with medical facilities, enabling them to serve as floating hospitals during humanitarian missions or in the aftermath of natural disasters.
5. Logistical Support:
Transport of Vehicles and Equipment: Amphibious carriers have well-equipped vehicle decks for transporting tanks, armored vehicles, and other heavy equipment, supporting the logistics of amphibious operations.
Replenishment at Sea: These ships can participate in replenishment at sea, ensuring a sustained presence and operational capability for extended periods.
6. Flexible Response:
Rapid Deployment: Amphibious carriers provide the ability to rapidly respond to crises or conflicts, projecting power across coastlines and supporting a range of military and humanitarian missions.
7. Deterrence:
Strategic Presence: The presence of amphibious carriers in certain regions can serve as a deterrent, influencing the strategic calculus of potential adversaries.
8. Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR):
Versatile Deployment: Amphibious carriers are capable of supporting HADR missions, delivering aid and relief supplies quickly to disaster-stricken areas.
While amphibious carriers offer numerous advantages, it's important to note that their effectiveness depends on factors such as technology, maintenance, and the overall strategy and doctrine of the navy utilizing them.
What is Beyond Borders: Amphibious Carriers and the Future of Naval Warfare?
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