#Vernen Wells
at-liberty-news · 3 months
Major Order Status: Days 31 + 32
After a brutal and efficient blitz campaign to retake Vernen Wells, Helldivers have saved the lives of 4311 citizens trapped in Super Citizen Anne's Hospital for Very Sick Children, including very many very sick children. Despite SEAF intelligence indicating that Terminid and Automaton numbers would drop across the board, this was one of the hardest-fought battles yet, and enemy forces now swarm across the surface of every planet they contest.
The children saved are now being transported to another hospital, Super Citizen Mary's Hospital for Tragically Ill Youths, where their care has been crowdfunded by many citizens inspired by the Helldivers' victory. Even though Super Earth goes out of its way to wage war with every other faction it can find, it forces its citizens to bear the weight. Additionally, many children have reportedly signed an MOD Form 11, a form that indicates an adolescent's desire to enlist when they become of age. Here's hoping this war doesn't last that long.
After securing Vernen Wells, High Command noticed the Automatons on Marfark had begun transporting the explosive materials necessary to create the MD-17 Anti-Tank mines off-world. With less than 24 estimated hours to stop them, more than half of all deployed Helldivers across the galaxy dived onto Marfark's surface in an endless barrage, desperate to secure it in due time. Despite the Diver's herculean efforts, the bots managed to move the majority of the cache away from the planet to some new, unknown location.
High Command has internally marked the entire major order as a failure, disregarding the thousands of lives saved. Lacking the necessary resources, Super Earth is shuttering all MD-17 Anti-Tank Mine factories and reassigning all workers to new, equally dangerous jobs.
Despite how much territory must still be reclaimed from the bots, High Command is already shifting focus back to the Terminids with a new major order. Unveiling the "Hive Breaker" drill, a nuclear device based on the designs of the tectonic drills used to destroy Meridia, Helldivers are to deploy them on every planet in the Mirin and Draco sectors. The device can supposedly strike at the heart of a planet's hives, killing millions of larvae before they can grow into the dangerous warriors we see on the surface. Officials hope it will be the last time these sectors must be taken, citing the toll on troopers and ammunition it costs to keep the bugs at bay and how desperately this space is needed.
That's all we have for you right now, but we still have plenty in the works, and we should have a more detailed report on how the Hive Breaker functions within the coming days! 
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vrepit-salt · 17 days
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How it feels going outside on a nice day after helldiving on Vernen Wells
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helldivers-2 · 3 months
Helldivers, a difficult decision lies ahead.
Will you save the trapped survivors on Vernen Wells or the raw ingredients for the MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines on Marfark?
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cooperincharacter · 3 months
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When we wrapped up on Vernen Wells, a kid gave this to my little group when we visited him at the hospital. It was cute, hope my officer will let me keep it on the Father of Starlight.
[taken from the helldivers2 twitter]
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SES Pledge of Starlight: Do Not Engage
This is SES Pledge of Starlight, reporting from the latest Major Order. Our efforts were predominantly focused on Aesir Pass and Vernen Wells, as could be expected given our situation.
Few notable events took place on Aesir Pass for us. The Wells gave us a difficult time. Even supposedly low-risk assignments turned out to have dangerously coordinated mortar emplacements. We have experimented with several weapons uncommon to the Helldivers in modernity, though further testing is required before submitting analysis.
Like many, we temporarily diverted to Fenrir III to assist in the closure of the Terminid attacks. This was a mistake. The planet was lost regardless, and we seem unlikely to scrap the required number of bots to obtain our Orbital Napalm Barrages. Squad member C3, "Cinders", is the most disappointed with this arrangement. We hope fervently that this stratagem is not a months-long effort to obtain, and that other means can be found to acquire the scrap metal needed for the implementation of these shells. Trust me, there are some worlds we'd all like to see burnt to a crisp.
We have also noted an increase in propaganda of feeble Automaton sympathisers, seeking to take advantage of the disarray created by certain treacherous elements. Do not engage with them. Do not accept their claims at face value. The bot cannot think. The bot does not desire peace. Do not forget the Bio-Processing Plants we have encountered in the field. That liquid slush comes from our dead, and it's just another means by which they grease their hatred of Super Earth and our way of life.
I miss the day Durgen capitulated. But I'll celebrate the liberation of Cyberstan alongside you all soon enough. We've obliterated the toasters from half the galaxy, slapped their greedy and expansionist iron fist away from the outer reaches they've long terrorised. It's only a matter of time.
SES Pledge of Starlight, signing off.
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Useless mechs, useless suppliers
It was hard to tell the expression that Vismark was making. He couldn’t quite make out if it was positive or negative. Still, the officer waited, hoping the man would explain himself. After all, there had to be a reason he called everybody in the meeting. Would it be good news, or bad news?
Vismark then spoke:
“Gentlemen, the Major Order had been completed. Varylia 5 has been secured by Super Earth, and the Helldivers now have their new exosuits.”
The people around the room showed faces of discontent and unhappiness. It was never a good thing when Super Earth won, let alone get more supplies. Especially a mech suit.
“However,” Vismark stated, “The reports that we have received indicate that the mech suits… are not good. They are not nearly having as much of an impact for the front lines as their older counterparts.” This was met by a reversal of the mood around the table. Not quite rejoicing, but it was nice to have confirmation that Super Earth’s issues with weapon firepower were still present.
“That is not all. I have word that the next Major order is on the termanid side. They are going to attempt to go after the Meridia Super Colony. As of right now, they are only securing the worlds around the planet, and it is likely that the next Major Order will be to invade the planet itself.”
The officer then spoke up:
“We should send the Automatons some supplies! Let them build up their forces. Make sure that they hold Vernen Wells!”
Vismark’s expression then turned darker upon hearing this.
“I wish. Unfortunately, we have not been able to acquire steel or anything of that sort. The only major exports that have been made as of recent were absence products, and we cannot send those to the front. I have gotten word that the systems have once again been fixed, and while I do not know if this will help with MazeRun, it should do something… Hopefully the workers on MazeRun and the Storytime dimension are able to produce something before the end of the two orders. I’d like to have something by then.”
“What about the Solar Isles? I’ve heard they were working again. Perhaps they could be of use?”
Upon hearing about the Solar Isles, Vismark’s face darkened even more, and the officer realized he might have said too much. It was no secret that Vismark did not like the Solar Isles. He didn’t hate them, but the world was rich in iron, which could have gone to produce steel for their clients. However, the iron was instead being traded for Moonstone. He did understand why this was the case. Moonstone was more valuable than iron, no contest. It didn’t stop his discomfort. Still, the officer was thinking about the crates’ worth of copper that the Solar Isles held.
“The Solar Isles is going, but at a much slower rate than before. They are covering much more ground than before, as the Sectors are growing larger and having more subsectors added to them. I have spoken to the commander, the copper on the Isles will not be ready for exportation for at least a week, maybe more. The Major Orders will end long before it is ready to ship.”
With that, the room sat in awkward silence, a silence that was only broken by Vismark.
“Well, with that, I believe that concludes today’s meeting. Everybody is dismissed. We will just have to wait and see what happens on the front lines…”
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Day 7
...back? We're back? We are? Okay, good. good. Finally.
Welcome back, viewers! We took a wrong turn in FTL and ended up very far outside of transmission range with Super Earth, and it took us the better part of the last 48 hours to find our way back. Very sorry about that. We'll try to catch up on the news now.
Day 6 of the Galactic War was a solemn loss on the bot front, as the Helldivers were unable to protect Vernen Wells from the Automaton invasion. Who knows how harshly the war effort will be impacted by the loss of recruits training there? Unfortunately, we were among the many who did not even notice the simultaneous attack of Varylia 5 in the Trigon sector, leading to a near-completely unopposed takeover of the planet by Automaton forces. 
Indeed, even High Command seemed to be working against their own best interests, having sent out personal orders to eradicate over two dozen Hunters, leading troops to land on less tactically valuable planets in the East rather than Vernen Wells, where they belonged. On the other hand, SEAF forces in Terminid territory managed to completely cleanse Fenrir III this time, rescuing the day from being a total loss. Let's hope another undiscovered nest doesn't spring up, though.
And now onto the current day. With the factories back at home churning out bullets, there must be an excess, as the personal orders of the day are to score at least one hundred confirmed kills using the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry. While incapable of penetrating heavy armor, this automated bullet hose near-instantaneously tears apart anything short of it.
As for the matter of territory, a swarm of bugs has found its way onto Turing in the Umlaut sector and is spreading across the surface now. SEAF forces are already quelling the infestation as I speak! Back on Vernen Wells, what little ground we have left is slowly receding as SEAF troops struggle to maintain control. Reinforcements cannot come soon enough!
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 3 months
Mini Major Order Status: Day 30
The pace on Vernen Wells is fast, the Helldivers are motivated, and it looks like victory is in the bag! We all look forward to seeing the citizens trapped in Super Citizen Anne's Hospital for Very Sick Children freed safe and sound within the day!
Wait, that's it? What else do I say? That was two sentences. Come on. No, I'm not going to write my own script, Trix, I just thought—okay. Okay, fine. Slow war day, I get it. No, I didn't say it was a bad script. Okay, I'm sor—would you turn that damn thing off already, Jean! Stop laughing!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Territory Status: Day 19
It goes without saying that Meridia is no longer a valid target for Terminid assault. If nothing else, this is one less location to spread the Helldiver's forces thin across.
As the war progresses, it becomes clear that our original method of describing a planet's inhabitants' resistance on a relative scale, such as when we described Meridia as ten times the strength of Erata Prime, is inconvenient! Instead, we will now simply describe them as percentages, with these percentages being an approximation of how much of the planet's surface the enemy retakes in any given hour. 
As the hornet's nest has been kicked, Terminid hives continue to spring up and fight harder than before. Fenrir III was assaulted, but the attack was quickly quelled. Resistance on Erata Prime has jumped from 1% to 2.5%, a rate that Acamar IV shares. All other Terminid planets except Turing lose 3% of SEAF progress every hour, while Turing itself is the most difficult, at 3.5%. As Meridia has been "secured," supply lines once again open up to Estanu and Crimsica in the Draco sector.
Unfortunately, a majority of Helldivers have elected to assault Turing first, which is brazen ignorance for the most recent orders from High Command to prioritize Automaton territory, where SEAF control is hanging on by a thread. As a robotic invasion marches on Vega Bay in the Ymir sector, less than 10% of Helldivers have moved to defend it. Many innocent citizens on the planet spend their final moments wondering where their saviors are before the Automatons murder and display them as gruesome ornaments in their hellish outposts. Most troopers on the bot front, in fact, have elected to retake Vernen Wells. Perhaps they have not yet been informed that control of the planet will not return the training grounds lost there when it was originally stolen by the bots. Either way, if nothing changes, we may very well see the Automatons invade Super Earth itself one day.
As the galactic war rages on, we have nothing but today's personal orders left to share with you, dear viewers. Stay tuned to hear them!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Another Update on Helldiver's Orders
Hello again, dear viewers! We're back with another update on the movements of our staunch protectors!
Not long ago, the Helldivers eradicated all known Terminids on the surface of Heeth. Now they're projected to fully repel the Automaton invasion of Aesir Pass within minutes. By the time most of you are reading this, it will already be safe. And with that, all four currently constructing facilities should be fully operational within just one Super Earth rotation!
Now onto today's personal order. We've seen a massive uptick in Helldivers diverting from their typical drop spots and instead diving into Terminid areas infested with Bile Spewers. Super Earth seems to be worried about the 'artillery' fire they provide the bugs and must want them thinned out so our troops-in-training will maintain ranged superiority.
That's all for now, this is Michael Adams signing off! Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Territory Status: Day 14
This is Michael Adams, back with what should be our last update for the day. In this segment, we'll be going over what planets have changed hands since our last broadcast.
Acamar IV's defense fell as predicted, as Helldivers prioritized the completion of Turing. With Turing finally secured, all three planets necessary for the first phase of operation "Enduring Peace." are now under our control. While we wait for the scientists on Moradesh to complete their work, SEAF must maintain control of all three planets until the 30th. Speaking of Moradesh, the two threatened planets adjacent to it, Cirrus and Veld, are still undergoing defense campaigns. While the forces on Veld are barely keeping up with the spawning of bugs, Cirrus appears to be destined to fall. Let's hope there are no consequences for Moradesh when it happens.
Meanwhile, SEAF's progress on all Automaton-occupied planets is at a total loss. All contested planets aside from Vernen Wells are in their worst possible states, and our forces are slowly losing what ground they have left on Vernen Wells itself. Despite this, the bolted menace has made no further advances since the loss of their petafactory. We can only assume they are regrouping and planning their next attacks very carefully.
That's all for now. This is Michael Adams, signing off. Give 'em hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Territory Status: Day 15
Super Earth forces have reclaimed Cirrus before the bugs could use it as a staging ground to assault Moradesh, and Acamar IV is nearly liberated as well. Well done, troopers! Overall, the Helldivers' efforts to contain the Terminid threat exceed expectations. This comes at a cost, however, as the Automaton front remains in disarray, with all contested planets except Vernen Wells remaining in critical condition, and Vernen is dropping ever so slightly by the day. Without reinforcements, the stalwart soldiers already on the surface will never push back.
In a surprising twist, Terminid reproduction rates have slowed to a crawl across all systems, so low in fact that they can only hold existing ground. Any ground taken by the SEAF will be easy to hold.
That should be all for today. Apologies for the delay! Most of the Super Destroyer staff we relied on as informants were undergoing maintenance, forcing us to take longer corroborating claims by ourselves. This is Michael Adams, signing off for the time being. Give 'em Hell, DIvers!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Day 5
Breaking war news today: let's skip the preamble!
Over the course of the day, Helldivers rapidly rooted out all Terminid hive clusters on the key planet, Angel's Venture. It's good to know our troops understand the importance of the SEAF training facilities. Afterwards, the majority of Helldivers pushed onto Fenrir III, and with steady progress its safety was declared just an hour ago. But clearly, they weren't thorough, because even now, new subterranean colonies have emerged, and the race to secure the planet is back on!
But the most pressing matter is over on the Automaton front. Just now, the metal menace has launched yet another full-scale assault on a training planet, Vernen Wells. With the Helldivers' track record on the defensive against Automatons, it's already looking grim for the untold numbers of bright-eyed, hopeful youths in the training facilities right now. If the Helldivers are ever going to turn around their misfortune in this front, now just might be the time.
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Major Order: Kill 'em All
Welcome back, viewers! We've got more news for you, so let's not waste any time.
Today is a momentous day for our armed forces. The Helldivers, as expected, have successfully held off the enemy's forces for an entire three days, and our newly trained soldiers are already taking to the field, helping push back bot and bug menace alike. As the war progresses, liberation efforts across the galaxy should rise.
Back home, more and more citizens are pushed into factories to produce the exorbitant rate of armaments that the SEAF consumes. Even those who are unfit for labor are forced onto the assembly lines. This only goes to show that Super Earth will take no citizen's safety seriously so long as it serves their economy of war. As it stands, factory accidents and production mishaps are bound to skyrocket in the coming weeks, but you won't hear about that from those hacks over at Strohmann.
For our Helldivers, the next leg of this war has gotten more exciting. Super Earth has made a surprising move by pre-approving yet another round of requisitions for all active Super Destroyers, and this time it's one of the heaviest hitters, the 500kg Bomb. Delivered by Eagle Strike Craft, these bombs are capable of killing almost anything our foes throw at us in just one direct hit. But this mass deployment begs the question: Is Super Earth that confident in our factory's outputs, or are they desparate?
Either way, the Federation is making a concerted effort to promote unity in the population, as evident in the latest major order. It tasks the Helldivers with eliminating a staggering three billion foes, and then some. And this time, both fronts are applicable for the target goal. Expect to see footage all over the official media to garner even more public support for the war.
And with that, we've brought you everything we have for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
New Major Order: Galactic War on Tyranny
This is Michael Adams, broadcasting to you again! Apologies for the delay, folks. We've been off the air for the better part of two days after SEAF forces attempted to jam and capture us. Luckily, we've evaded them for now, but this incident only shows that Super Earth would rather waste resources trying to snuff out the truth than fight the true threats to our people. With that said, onto our major news bulletin!
The Helldivers have just finished a 5-day-long offensive mounted against the Automaton front, under orders to scrap an entire 2 billion bots to be melted down and reutilized in the construction of the long-awaited MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines. Although they fought valiantly, enemy numbers have spiked recently, and Helldiver morale has been lower than normal. With these and other factors combined, the SEAF was only able to decommission a total of 78% of the targeted goal, meaning the anti-tank mines have eluded large-scale deployment yet again.
With the failure to contain the Terminids, the creation of the Meridian Supercolony, and the constant march of the Automaton threat, the Federation has finally been forced to admit what this has always been: the Second Galactic War.
And with that admission, they have ramped up recruitment, propoganda, and started construction on four massive training facilities for SEAF soldiers, dangerously close to the front lines. High Command has called on the Helldivers to protect the systems they reside upon for the 72 hours necessary to finish construction: Aesir Pass and Vernen Wells on the Automaton front, and Heeth and Angel's Venture on the Terminid side. After the last few failures of the Helldivers, one has to wonder: do these new facilities have any chance, or are they already rubble in the making?
That's all for our major bulletin, but stay tuned. We'll have more truth for you soon! Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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at-liberty-news · 3 months
Galactic War Status: Days 52, 53, 54
On Day 52, the Ministry of Defense announced that emergency recruitment had finally reached the numbers they deemed necessary. As such, they have converted the SEAF training facilities on Heeth and Angel's Venture into Democratic Youth Scout campgrounds, throttling the throughput of new SEAF soldiers for the time being.
Wasat and Vega Bay suffered simultaneous attacks, with Helldivers rushing to complete the liberation of Meissa first. Luckily, they were quick enough to not only secure Meissa but repel the attacks on both other planets, firmly establishing the defensive line and cutting the Automatons off from X-45.
Throughout the next day, the Automatons made their typical advances, attacking first at Meissa, then Vega Bay. Although most attacks were confidently repelled, the steel menace pulled a dirty trick, pushing their forces onto Aesir Pass, hoping to exterminate the SEAF building up on the planet, jeopardizing their hopeful push towards X-45 before it could even start.
By the end of the day, both Vega Bay and Aesir Pass were lost. Without Aesir Pass, SEAF is very unlikely to make their way towards X-45 to provide relief. All active Helldivers in the Ymir Sector have been ordered to fight to the last man in defense of the battle station schematics.
On Day 54, the Helldivers uncovered good news. The previously purported weapons cache within the research facility had been fully uncovered. It has been revealed to be a massive stash of MLS-4X Commando rocket launchers, or rather an unused 'disposable' variant of the original weapon, despite the identical name. All Commandos have been immediately distributed to all remaining Helldivers on the planet in order to secure its safety.
X-45 received yet another Automaton attack, but the Commando proved its worth, pushing them back yet again. Later in the day, both Vernen Wells and Wasat came under attack. While Vernen Wells is a guaranteed loss, Wasat has a shaky chance at success. Despite this, the Helldivers have foolishly split themselves across both it and the source of its assault, Vega Bay. While, usually, gambits such as this are encouraging, it's complete discoordination means the only result is thousands of Helldivers fighting a losing battle on Vega Bay while Wasat slowly crumbles. Hopefully, they will regroup soon.
While getting this lengthy broadcast out amid Super Earth's disruption attempts has been more difficult than usual, and it has led to several more missed personal order reports, we hope you all can understand the turbulence our position can sometimes put us in.
With that said, we're out of news for you today!
Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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