#Hydra Sector
at-liberty-news · 3 months
Major Order Status: Days 31 + 32
After a brutal and efficient blitz campaign to retake Vernen Wells, Helldivers have saved the lives of 4311 citizens trapped in Super Citizen Anne's Hospital for Very Sick Children, including very many very sick children. Despite SEAF intelligence indicating that Terminid and Automaton numbers would drop across the board, this was one of the hardest-fought battles yet, and enemy forces now swarm across the surface of every planet they contest.
The children saved are now being transported to another hospital, Super Citizen Mary's Hospital for Tragically Ill Youths, where their care has been crowdfunded by many citizens inspired by the Helldivers' victory. Even though Super Earth goes out of its way to wage war with every other faction it can find, it forces its citizens to bear the weight. Additionally, many children have reportedly signed an MOD Form 11, a form that indicates an adolescent's desire to enlist when they become of age. Here's hoping this war doesn't last that long.
After securing Vernen Wells, High Command noticed the Automatons on Marfark had begun transporting the explosive materials necessary to create the MD-17 Anti-Tank mines off-world. With less than 24 estimated hours to stop them, more than half of all deployed Helldivers across the galaxy dived onto Marfark's surface in an endless barrage, desperate to secure it in due time. Despite the Diver's herculean efforts, the bots managed to move the majority of the cache away from the planet to some new, unknown location.
High Command has internally marked the entire major order as a failure, disregarding the thousands of lives saved. Lacking the necessary resources, Super Earth is shuttering all MD-17 Anti-Tank Mine factories and reassigning all workers to new, equally dangerous jobs.
Despite how much territory must still be reclaimed from the bots, High Command is already shifting focus back to the Terminids with a new major order. Unveiling the "Hive Breaker" drill, a nuclear device based on the designs of the tectonic drills used to destroy Meridia, Helldivers are to deploy them on every planet in the Mirin and Draco sectors. The device can supposedly strike at the heart of a planet's hives, killing millions of larvae before they can grow into the dangerous warriors we see on the surface. Officials hope it will be the last time these sectors must be taken, citing the toll on troopers and ammunition it costs to keep the bugs at bay and how desperately this space is needed.
That's all we have for you right now, but we still have plenty in the works, and we should have a more detailed report on how the Hive Breaker functions within the coming days! 
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luna-rainbow · 4 months
About your reply to the anon about Maria Stark:
I thought it was made clear Hydra covered up the Starks' deaths? Wouldn't it have been undercover Hydra agents who carried out the "invesigation"? Hydra clearly took possession of the tapes, which we see in Civil War, and therefore I assume also performed the autopsies, etc. People like Peggy would have had no idea the organisation was compromised at this stage and would have no reason to have questioned what the people they employed and trusted were telling them.
The thing that doesn't make sense to me is Howard telling Tony he was going to the Pentagon when Shield was based at the Triskelion, which we know from the Antman movies was in use at this time. Especially considering Howard had the serum - surely that was something that should have been in Shield's hands? I wonder if anyone at Shield knew Howard had successfully recreated the serum. We know Tony doesn't know about the existence of Shield or his dad's involvement until Fury tells him, so I wonder if either A) Howard lied about where he was going or B) suspected/knew Shield was compromised and Hydra found out which was why Hydra intercepted him on his way to the Pentagon/Department of Defence.
The thing I really don't understand is why the Soviet sector of Hydra got involved in it at all - why did the tapes end up in Siberia instead of being kept by Shield/Hydra in the US? Why did they use the serum and not the American sector of Hydra? Why did the Soviets have the red book with the code words and not pass it on to the Americans with the Winter Soldier after the Cold War?
This is going on a bit of a tangent now but I've also found it deeply interesting that Vasily Karpov hid himself and the book in Ohio after the Cold War, which is exactly where the North Institute was based (where Alexei Shoshtakov stole Shields/Hydra's work on chemical subjugation with Natasha, Yelena and Melina undercover in 1995). No way is that a coincidence because Melina explicitly mentions the research on the Winter Soldier being used for the project. I wonder if Karpov had any involvement in that Hydra/Shield project, and to what extent. Maybe he wanted a way to control the other Winter Soldiers? Yet I would've thought if he was working with Shield's Hydra after the cold war, he would've handed the code words over and the other supersoldiers in cyrofreeze.
I've spent way too much time thinking about this.
You know how I feel about Peggy and her “ignorance” about Hydra constructing a multimillion dollar tribute to Zola right under her office. Once again, there are only two options: she is either incompetent or she is complicit. I mean — how did Soviet Hydra know Howard was about to transport the super soldier serum with enough advanced notice to wake and prep and send the Winter Soldier all the way from Siberia? This is Howard we’re talking about, one of the highest ranked members in one of the most secretive government organisations in the MCU, delivering a load so secretive he didn’t even engage his own chauffeur. You think he would go around telling everyone about this plan? Or would he…most likely have only told the other person who is at a similar rank as him, aka Madam Margaret Carter?
As for the post-mortems, did Tony not even view her body? This is Tony Stark — I know I have a lot of snark about him on my blog but he is supposed to be one of the more intelligent and STEM-educated persons in the Avengers, who has always had major trust issues and frequently looks down on other people’s competency and insists on doing everything himself. You’re saying he would not think it’s weird that there’s a CCTV right next to the damn car and it would…conveniently be missing footage from around the incident? That a sober Howard would just drive into a tree in a night with good visibility and no other traffic around (assuming Bucky obscured the motorbike’s tyre tracks)? If Bucky didn’t obscure his own tyre tracks, Tony didn’t want to hunt down whose bike that was? What I’m saying is, as I’ve always said, is that the Starks’ deaths were a massive deus ex machina to get the fight between Tony and Steve to turn personal. It wasn’t fair to Tony’s characterisation, because it made it seem like he just rolled over and accepted a very strange circumstance as a straight forward car accident when he’s exactly the type of person who would kick up a stink and question everything. (AU where Tony discovers Shieldra 25 years early?)
The location of Karpov is interesting. If I recall correctly though, the Red Room was only sent to spy on them not to work with them? As for Karpov, it isn’t unusual for branches of agencies to hide important information from each other even in the law enforcement side, so even if Soviet and American branches of Hydra had a collegial relationship I wouldn’t be surprised if he wanted to keep his 5 frozen Winter Soldiers hidden. And you’re right, maybe he went to Ohio to see if there are better ways to subjugate the soldiers with the intention of bringing it back to Siberia to use it on the decommissioned Winter Soldiers. 
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monster-slxt · 1 year
It's your first day working for an organisation that studies monsters. After the admin is sorted, you're given a tour of the place, with particular emphasis on the holding cells that house the actual monsters.
When you ask about your actual duties, they say something about "helping them to expend excess energies". Upon hearing the degree of confusion when you reply, they clarify.
"To put it simply, you are here to give the monsters a way to relieve their sexual needs and thus remain amenable. I.e. Fuck them so they stay calm."
I dont think I would have tries to escape anyways, but they don't give me a choice. Apparently too many applicants don't make it past this part of the process. My new boss pushes a button and suddenly I can't move at all. A magic charm to keep me from bolting.
Workers rush in and get me ready, stripped naked and collared and prepped for a tour around the facility before the charm is removed and I can move again. I'm quickly lead to the holding facilities where the tour proper begins.
First a huge hydra, each head thrashing and spewing smoke, clearly less than pleased. One leg was bigger than I was, and it wasn't hard to be intimidated by the fact that I was expected to take it. The tour goes on without any concern for my worries.
Next is a school of merfolk, housed in a special aquatic sector with a lovely little shallow meant for me I'm told. One of them swims up to the edge of the tank, clearly swollen with eggs and eager to meet their newest toy.
There's a couple minotaurs being shown their rooms by a scientist who openly gawk at my naked body, the bulges in their loinclothes more than enough to understand what they thought of me.
Just thinking about the possibilities is enough to make my arousal obvious to any onlookers. The guards walking me joke about their good fortune in finding such a slut like I'm not even there.
We pass a few more dragons, some centaurs, a room just labeled 'tentacles,' even a few giant insects and living plants before we get to what is apparently my room. It's quite nice for what amounts to a cell. One look at my disappointed face is enough to make the worker who lead me here laugh. I won't be taking any 'clients' today, I'm being left to 'get settled in' for the first night.
I get very little sleep in the end, to busy fantasizing about how lucky I was to land thus job
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
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The No Fun in Fungus Group from cabin 1 made you a friendship ring from the craft table! Ignore the glow, I’m sure it’s fine.
Hey did someone order turtles with a side of trauma, A large lore dump, and some more trauma to wash it all down?
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Cabin five, sector three
Aaaaaannnnddd I also wrote a lil thing :]
Leoclese grinned at his and his brother’s counterparts, and happily took the ring from them. The mushroom on it flashed in the light, catching his eye.
“Thank you!” he said, beating the others to it. “I take it you’re a fun-gi?” he earned a chuckle from the other Leo, while everyone else groaned at the pun. He just smiled cheekily at them.
“It looks really cool!” Michelantius said as Donotos moved closer to study it in more detail. “How did you guys get it to glow like that?”
The No Fun In Fungus turtles just shrugged.
“We’re not exactly sure,” the other Donnie admitted. They all decided to just accept it. Something felt… off about the other turtles, but Leo just pushed that to the back of his miind.
“Well, we’d best be off now” Leo’s counterpart said. They all waved, calling parting words after them.
“Everyone’s so nice here,” Michelantius said happily, staring after them.
“I’ll say,” Raphodius agreed, and the other two nodded. 
Leo scrutinized the ring. It glowed an electric blue, a miniscule mushroom presented as the centerpiece. It really was a cool ring.
Shrugging, he slipped it onto his finger, admiring the way it flashed in the light of the caves crystals.
“Hey, share!-” Mikey started to speak, when without warning, small tendrils shot out of the ring and wrapped themselves around Leo’s finger. 
“AH- OW!” Leoclese cried out as the tendrils embedded themselves into his skin and spread to his wrists and hands.They lashed out, spider webs quickly interlacing and spreading by the second. 
Dimly, he heard the others calling his name, but it soon left his mind as the world was tinged blue. It creeped across his vision, the same shade the ring had glowed, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blink it away. A flash flared behind his eyelids, then everything went dark again.
When he opened his eyes once more, adjusting to the light, he was no longer in the camp.
He was back in the hidden city, a sword suddenly gripped in his hand and debris scattered around him.
Glancing around, he noticed a giant snake’s head, lying beside him, and leapt back in alarm. When it didn’t move, he hesitantly moved closer and realized it was dead. Of course, the hydra! He’d just defeated it, hadn’t he! Yeah, that’s right! Glancing up, he realized he had an audience, sitting in stone bleachers that were there for some reason. The spectators stared down at him silently, and his smile wavered as the silence stretched on. Shouldn’t they be celebrating by now?
“Hydra got your tounge?” his voice trembled under their gaze, and he hoped the crowd hadn’t noticed. He waved up at them, but none of them reacted in the slightest. The smile now gone from his face. His confidence starting to flicker, he walked away from the crowd and the dead hydra. A doorway made of stone was behind him, and when he made his way through it, he found himself in the bustling streets of the Hidden City. The yokai flowed around him, surrounding him. Until suddenly they didn’t flow around them. They completely ignored him, bumping into him and ignoring his protests.
“Ah– hey– stop! Hey, I’m right here!–” he kept getting cut off by a new body crashing into him, he being the only one who seemed to notice or feel it. Eventually he lost his footing, and he was suddenly beneath the flow of the unrelenting current, resorting to covering his face to protect it from getting stepped on.
He felt his eyes widen as he realized he could see through his arms.
Finally managing to make his way to his feet again, he looked down only to discover that he was translucent.
He stumbled backward, looking around desperately. Still, no one even acknowledged his existence. 
His eyes located a flash of red, purple, and orange– his brothers! He ran through the mass, pushing through the crowd until he reached them.
They only stared blankly through him, and he was pushed aside as they nearly knocked him over.
“... guys?” his voice was pitifully weak, but he didn’t care about that at the moment. He caught a snippet of their conversation.
“– it was such a good idea to come here just the three of us!” Mikey bounced exuberantly as he walked.
“Yeah, it’s nice to have all three of us together,” Donnie affirmed, and each word was a punch to the gut.
They didn’t even know Leo was gone. They didn’t even remember he existed!
“PLEASE! I CAN’T DO THIS AGAIN!” he called after them, into the air, wishing someone, anyone would hear it. “ I CAN’T LIVE BEING COMPLETELY IGNORED AGAIN!” his voice broke.
He fell to his knees, unable to see the point of standing anymore. He suddenly found himself in a small circle as the civilians stared blankly ahead, weaving around the invisible bubble that must have been there.
Normally, he would’ve made a joke, diffusing the tension, if not for the others then himself. But all other thoughts had left his mind, and no one would hear it anyway.
“Wait…” he said weakly, not expecting a response as he stretched a hand out at his brother’s receding backs.
His facade finally crumbled, and he gave up trying to hold back the tears that came.
He’d sworn he’d never be invisible ever again, and yet here he found himself. Pitiful and unseen, once again.
Had he even been there in the first place? Had anyone even known him before? Did he even exist?
For a moment, Raphodius stared in shocked silence as Leo screamed, glowing tendrils snaking around his arm, before snapping into action. 
Without a thought, he leapt forward, trying to drag the ring off of Leo’s finger. The only thing he succeed in was tearing a few tendrils off and leaving gashes in his brother’s skin, where it’d been ripped off. Horrified, he released the tendrils, which waved around threateningly, then were quickly replaced by more. His brothers joined them, but were uncertain in how to help.
Grimacing and muttering a small apoology to Leo, he grabbed the snaking tendrils and tried to snap them, resorting to tearing at them with his teeth, but they wouldn’t yield. Before he knew what was happening, they latched onto his face, creeping up around his eyes.
His scream matched Leo’s, before his mouth was covered by the rubbery tentacles. He stumbled backward, but only succeded in being dragged back to Leo, forced onto his knees.
Vaguley, he saw Mikey and Donotos coming closer, and tried to warn them away before his vision was completely eveloped in an electric blue haze.
When his vision finally cleared, the camp was gone. In it’s place, he was kneeling in a long stone tunnel. Figures obscured by the darkness lay scattered around him. 
Warily, he made his way to the closest one, against the wall. Moving closer for a better look, he instantly regretted that decision. It was the body of a fox yokai, their fur matted with blood and a blank expression frozen on their lifeless face. His insides roiled as he recognized them as someone he’d killed in the arena.
Eyes burning, he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry.”
He moved on, walking among countless corpses through the never-ending tunnel, wanting to curl into a ball yet unable stop moving.
He knew it was he who had their blood on his hands. There was no other explanation. He had done this.
Guilt edged inside of him, as he saw more and more familiar faces. It kept growing, a weed inside of him and choking out all of the progress he’d made after escaping the arena.
People he’d fought in the gladiator nexus, people that had been in the crowd. Faces of acquaintances gave way to loved ones, people he’d been close to. The old woman who used to work as a medic, gently wrapping his injuries and embracing him as child. The young gecko boy who had always cheered him on in the crowd. The tiger yokai who’d made sure he received food every day, despite her all but forgetting about him sometimes.
Each lifeless face made him tremble more, and kept hitting harder and harder each time. 
He skidded to a stop. The tears he’d barely managed to hold back broke free, coursing down his face.
Donotos accessed the situation. That was what he was good at! He was good at accessing things! He could take care of this, it was fine, it’d be fine, he was fine, they were fine, it’d all be-
Tamping down the momentary panic, he gently pulled himself and Mikey away from their two… incapacitated… brothers.
Their brothers sat there, side by side, suddenly still and eerily silent. The strange blue threads waved around them, growing longer by the second.
What had even happened?! One second, they’d all been fine, the next, Leo was screaming and Raph jumped in and then suddenly they were both roped together, limbs slowly disappearing in the sickly ropes that seemed to be causing it.
“...What do we do?”
He didn’t glance at Mikey, instead staring resolutely forward, keeping a lookout for any stray tendrils, while speaking.
“I don’t know. I couldn’t even see what happened!” he tried to keep the panic out of his voice, for Micheal’s sake. “But whatever it is, it has something to do with that ring. By Socrates, how were we stupid enough to trust everyone so easily!?” he cursed the sense of ease that had pervaded their shenanigans until now. Of course not everyone meant well! In hindsight, that other Leo had been very suspicious.
He felt a tap on his shoulder.
“What?” he finally turned to look at Mikey, and his face said it all.
Mikey wasn’t the one who’d tapped him.
His foot was suddenly yanked out from under him, and he heard the telltale thud of Mikey having the same done to him. A thread must have snaked around them and grabbed their ankles when they hadn’t been looking!
He twisted, struggling to rip it off of him, but his hands were yanked back by yet another tendril, binding them together.
“Mikey…” he tried to call out, but the hazy blue that had been tinging his vision suddenly collapsed in on itself, and everything was replaced with an azure fog.
When it finally cleared away, he stood in a forest. The trunks rose up around him, trunks and branches twisting around and among each other, creating a dappled canopy up top. It was achingly familiar.
Dreading what he would find, something primal in his chest telling him what he would see. Despite that, he could not stop, instead breaking into a run, as if something were chasing him. The trunks and undergrowth of the forest whipped by, blurring together as he spurred himself on faster, and faster still.
Eventually, he came to a stop.
Just as he’d feared, a broken tree lay across the path.
Limbs stuck out from underneath it, and suddenly he was six years old again, a broken leg throbbing, and [redacted due to spoilers] lying motionless before him.
“....[name redacted]?”
No no no no no no no no not again. Not again. 
“Not again” he whispered hoarsely. His mask was damp, the fabric sticking to his face, but he ignored that. Nothing else existed except the broken form, that he did not have the strength to pull out from under the giant trunk. It wavered, growing fuzzy around the edges. He desperately and desolately tried to make out the feature, but they were suddenly gone from his memory. He couldn’t even remember [redacted]’s face? After everything he’d done for Donotos?
An empty feeling spread through him, one he’d promised himself he would never let exist again, and he gladly welcomed it. It was better than the alternative.
He jumped as a rustle came from the branches behind him. Whipping around, all else was forgotten as a horrible, eight-legged creature rose from the bushes, more following after it.
No one heard his high pitched shriek as he scrambled away from the horde of spiders, and for that he was grateful. Not that it mattered.
He stood rooted to the ground as they pursued him,  spindly limbs undulating and overlapping each other, crawling over each other to get to him.
He couldn’t do anything, paralyzed as they reached his leg and began crawling up, a horrid, frenzied mass that covered him completely almost instantly.
They reached his face and he shuddered as he felt the tiny legs caressing his skin.
He could do nothing but kneel there, the blood-red arachnids obscuring his vision, and enveloped by his own failure.
Michelantius’ head throbbed, probably from hitting the ground, as the hazy blue cleared from his vision. What had even happened? What did the ring even do?
He had a feeling that he was soon to find out.
Glancing up, he took in the scene around him.
He stood on a vast expanse of fluffy, white clouds, pale blue sky extending around him. In the distance, a gate barred entrance to a familiar, swooping palace.
“Olympus?” he thought out loud. What was he doing back there? Wait, had he ever left in the first place-? He wasn’t sure. 
“Long time no see” he swivled around at the voice, not unlike his own, as a familiar dread immediately started fill him, weighing him down.
“Tell me, cousin, where have you been? It’s been far too long.”
Mikey gritted his teeth, restraining the urge to hurl himself out of the sky to get away.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” he smiled at his own reference. Hanging out with the fates had always paid off.
Aeolus tutted, shaking his head mockingly with a malevolent smile plastered across his face.
“Now now, that’s no way to treat your own family,” he said.
“You’re no family of mine,” Mikey growled, looking away.
“Such a shame, considering that you have no choice but to be with me.” The fake smile was gone, Aeolus’s face now twisted into something ugly.
Before Mikey could come back with a witty reply, Aeolus snapped his fingers.
Wind, somehow visible and bright red, swirled around him. Resisting the urge to scramble away, he stood there, flinching as the freezing air currents tightened around him, squeezing him until he could feel the blood flowing in his veins. Of course they’d be tangible. Why wouldn’t they?
“Do what you want to me,” he said, looking up defiantly. “It doesn’t matter.” As long as you don’t hurt anyone else, he finished silently.
“Well, if we both agree that we don’t care what happens to you, I’d rather not have to listen to your voice anymore,” the wind god sneered as the winds gagged him, successfully cutting off his ability to speak. That was fine. He didn’t need his voice anyway.
The wind (ropes?) sliced uncomfortably into his skin, and he knew there’d be bruises later.
He just stared, trying his absolute best not to show any weakness.
A cold glint flashed in his… cousin’s… eyes, and he flicked his wrist.
Mikey was forced to stand up straight, spine twisting as he was forced to stand uncomfortably stiffly.
“Oh yes,” he chuckled darkly. “I think we’ll have lot’s of fun together.” Mikey’s eyes widened, as he realized what was happening.
Not again, he thought miserably, as he lost his free will once again.
There was no escape. Running to the mortals would not work twice.
He should have known his freedom wouldn’t last forever.
Heheheheheheheheheheh :))))))))
Thank you so much for sending me this ask!!!!! I've always wanted to spore my own turtles :>
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the-hydra-sys · 8 months
Pinned Post / Introduction!
We are Hydra.
@the-hydra-sys-spam - Spam, mostly reblogs
@hydra-creates - Requests for templates, userboxes, banners, writing snippets, sketches, etc etc
@tales-from-systok, @tales-from-syscord, @tales-from-sysblr - Askblogs all about people's experiences with system spaces. Positive and negative submissions welcome!
@demonized-infodumps - A blog for rants, rambles, infodumps, and just general community around demonized and stigmatized disorders. A judgement free space.
Discord: the_hydra_sys
Collective Pronouns: Xe/xem and they/them. While most alters are okay with one of these, we prefer you use each specific alter's name/pronouns to talk about/to them unless referring to us as a collective.
Find us on TikTok
Read our system dictionary (google doc)
See Plague's anti-endo community blog masterpost
Join our system-centric discord
[Discord contains a 16+ RAMCOA sector and a sector for systems of colour. Singlets are allowed, but there is a seperate category without them for those that want a system-only space.]
Feel free to send asks, we like answering them!
Sometimes we post about stuff from communities we aren't in, please correct us if we say something wrong, and let us know if we're misusing your community's tags.
Blocklist of narc abuse believers. People w/NPD you are safe here.
Tags, DNI, Alter Info, Alter Sideblogs & Sysboxes under the cut.
#[alter name or emoji] blogs = [alter] is fronting, and they are the one who created a post
#[alter name or emoji] reblogs = [alter] reblogged this post
#[alter name or emoji] opinions = [alter]'s opinions may not align with the rest of the system
#[alter name or emoji] likes = posts [alter] likes
#[alter name or emoji] replies = posts [alter] replies to
#hydra blogs = blogs from our system
#hydra reblogs = reblogs from our system
#hydra opinions = collective opinions
#hydra likes = collective likes
#hydra replies = posts we collectively reply to, typically from our inbox
All posts should have some of these tags. If you see us reblog a post with no tags, or create a post with no tags, it's probably Echo forgetting again. If a post is tagged with 'blurry' or 'anon' in place of the alter name, then it's a blurry alter or an alter who wishes to remain anonymous.
Zionists, nazis, etc.
Misogynists, sexists, etc.
Homophobes, biphobes, lesbophobes, etc.
Arophobes, acephobes, aphobes.
Transphobes, transmisogynysts, transandrophobes.
Anti-furry, anti-therian.
RCTA, DCTA, NCTA, and other transIDs.
Endogenic systems.*
Anyone who uses the word "sysmed." (Pro)endo or not.
Those who say littles can consent to sex/romance.
If you are under the age of 15, please interact with care. Our blog is SFW, however some topics may be heavy and some alters may vent. Please skip these posts if you wish to interact with us as a younger person.
*We are anti-endo, pro-belief, endo-critical and anti-fakeclaiming. If they say they are endogenic, we will simply not interact.
*This DNI does not apply to our syscourse posts.
Fluid Opinions
If you don't agree with these, you can still interact, and we're open to discussion about these.
Transfemme alters in AFAB bodies and transmasc alters in AMAB bodies can exist, but they should clarify that they aren't bodily transfemme/transmasc. The way we see it is that if an AFAB system can't have transfemme alters, then doesn't that imply all of their male alters are trans? Does that mean AFAB systems can't have cis male alters?
Alter Information
In our system, frequent fronters change rapidly, but we'll list our alters most likely to front. Others may sign off from time to time, and you may hear about an alter once but never again - this is to be expected, our alter count is high and constantly fluctuating.
So, with that in mind:
Serpent Hill Fronters
The Nightmare Gang
If we get more frequent fronters, I'll add them!
Alter Sideblogs:
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All sysboxes from sysboxes on tumblr!
Made by Echo
Later edits by: Angeldust, Lexi, Orion
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navybrat817 · 2 years
The Fallout
Pairing: None
Summary: The fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. is just the beginning.
Word Count: Over 200
Warnings: None
A/N: The set-up for The Arena! ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Moodboard and banner by yours truly. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics .
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To the victor go the spoils.
S.H.I.E.L.D, short for the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, was an intelligence agency organized to protect the world from potential threats. With their advanced weaponry and skilled agents, they maintained both national and global security. For many years, it worked. What they didn't realize was that an organization bent on world domination, known as HYDRA, infiltrated and eventually controlled them.
Until it was too late.
The nation fell spectacularly after HYDRA made its move, ready to rebuild the world in their vision. A few of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top members tried to fight back, only to find that many of their allies were never on their side. The betrayal cut deep, adding an additional layer of pain to the trail of bodies and destruction.
From the ashes rose the new world order.
A sector that thrives on power and structure.
Those who stayed loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D. are now forced to serve their new leaders under cruel and harsh methods. Whether through violence or pleasure, entertainment or control, they do what they have to in order to survive. Their hope is that they'll one day be free. If they don't lose themselves along the way.
Welcome to the Arena.
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You lovelies excited? I know I am. ❤️🔥😈
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thunderclaw100 · 3 months
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Favorite color: leaf green
Cause of Death:Killed by alien forces.
Hydra is a little over the edge sometimes. Going to extreme lengths to get what she wants. Starting from when she was a smeet, Hydra is one of the many first patch of sworms made in the new smeetery underground. Those who have been cloned and automatically given paks once hatched out of their containment pods. Hydra, with the knowledge she was given during installment. Was already eager to start her duties. Tallest Axel was the first to greet her and the others. A short meet and greet but this allowed the smeets to know who they are going to serve. Hydra began her basic training in the simulation room with the others.
She made quite a ruckus in there. Her competitive side clearly showing but at least her scores are up. Hydra went wants to be a military strategist. She made some good impressions on her peers but was too uncertain about showing this off to the tallest. A close comrade put in a good for her though. She now sits with the top generals of the Irken military. Organizing plans and setting up camp bases on other planets. Hydra started out small with this but wanted to go bigger. Gathering anything valuable to bring back to Irk. She stayed in her sector for some time before become tallest herself.
The decision on that was based on her development and strategic mind on things. The control brains wanted Hydra do lead and command a raid on a nearby planet, which she did without a second thought. Her soldiers reported that the inhabitants were not much trouble to take down, so the raid went well. Gathering some more weaponry is on her list and it did take her some time to gather enough of a fighting force to take down larger creatures that the irkens usually try to avoid. One day, Hydra was summoned by the control brain and is told that there are some irkens who are stepping out of order and are causing problems in the system.
She is to snuff them out once caught. The tallest did find them but then realize that the ones she’s after are just smeets. Just out of their containers. They’ve must have wondered off on their own and began messing with some of the computer system in the chamber room. Hydra is confused as to why does she need to get rid of these smeets? The leader crouched down to get a better look at them and she gasped. They are all disfigured and abnormal in a way. One smeet had one broken antenna and a bulging eye ball. Another has a head bigger than the rest of its body. She found one smeet clinging to her gown. This one has two sets of arms and is chirping at her. Hydra contacted the maintenance crew for repair the damages. Along with them came the disposal staff. They round up the smeets and took them to another room. The tallest was horrified to know that it wasn’t that these smeets were messing with the cable wires in there.
It’s because of their appearance and odd behavior that disturbed the brains, that they want these new smeets to die. Tallest Hydra only managed to save a few of them from being put to death by the maintenance crew. She marched right back to the chamber of the control brains and demand an explanation from them. It was said that they do not wish to have any disturbance from their subjects. Any that are in that factor will be terminated, including smeets. Tallest Hydra was against this plot and tried her best to reason with the control brains. They disregard everything said to them and ordered the tallest to return to her work. Hydra couldn’t focus much because of that incident. Her only distraction was snacking down food in her chamber. Few days later, there was a report that a planet called Estopia is flourishing with medical herbs that the empire can benefit with. Delighted with this discovery. Tallest Hydra went on this trip.
Taking few of her soldiers with her to investigate this planet. When they got to planet Estupia, they were immediately attacked by the locals there. The Irken troops were the first killed. Tallest Hydra fended them off long enough to send out a distress signal from her gauntlet before taking a final blow to the head and died right there. She and the others are taken back to Irk. News of their tallest goin to a planet like that was strange to them. According to the researchers, there is no planet called Estupia. The same itself sounds like “Stupid” all butchered up. So where did tallest Hydra get these reports from? Nobody knows for sure, but this was definitely a set up mission and it cost the life of their leader as well as her defense soldiers. Later that evening, a vigil was held for her before tallest Hydra was given to the morgue handling drones. Detaching her pak and giving it to the control brains to refurbish.
And Hydra’s body goes to the machine. Where here body will be broken down into its basic materials and her DNA is used for the next generation of factory smeets. Progress in the Irken economy have been slowing down since her death. And until a new tallest was measured. The control brains took charge.
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majesty-madness · 2 years
A Past Encounter - Bucky Barnes x reader (nsfw)
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Summary: Being in a relationship with Bucky, Y/N prided herself on knowing him quite well but when she’s accidentally teleported back to 1940, Y/N discovers that there is a whole other Bucky that she has yet to meet. The sweet flirt that had everything going for him before his unfortunate capture by HYDRA.
Word Count: 1900+
Warnings: Modern times, scared & angry Bucky, Post-Serum Steve, cursing, mentions of HYDRA, bad explanation of science, Steve's optimism (because why not)
a/n: Not proofread.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Chapter Four
What was going to happen now? How would this all play out?
Bucky obsessed over those questions even as they were heading home on the quinjet. 
The entire way back to the compound, the super soldier couldn’t bring himself to sit or relax. He simply stood, staring off into space as he got lost inside his own head. 
First and foremost, he was scared; scared because Y/N disappeared and he had no idea where she could be. 
And second, he was confused. 
He knew what he saw, but he didn’t know if his brain could wrap around what he’d seen. One moment, Sam and him were fighting HYDRA agents then suddenly Tony had appeared before them through this glowing blue and orange hole that came into being from the air. 
Where did it come from? What was it? 
And why had Y/N disappeared when she chased Tallis?
So many questions with very few answers. 
Tony had established, before they left the hideout, that there were security cameras all over the place and that he would extract all the footage stored in the cameras from that day, and they would look over the videos together. 
They could not get to the compound fast enough. When they had gotten back, Bucky practically sprinted off the ship and into one of the conference rooms. 
He didn’t care to hide how on edge he felt for his mind was on one person and one person only, everything else fell short on the list of priorities. 
The rest of them came strolling inside the conference room, Tony immediately stepping out of his suit and ordering FRIDAY to upload all the camera footage and play it back. 
“Play all video from the compound from each of our locations.” Tony said, the a.i. doing so before he finished talking. 
Several holographic screens appeared in front of the team, starting each video at the same time stamp, down to the second. 
For the first several minutes, it showed everyone in their own section of the building fighting off HYDRA until eventually the screen showed Tony magically appearing in Bucky and Sam’s sector of the structure. 
“What happened?” Steve asked out loud, gesturing to that same screen. 
Sam stepped forward. “Bucky and I had been in the middle of fighting when Tony showed up.” 
“Randomly appeared, is more like it.” Tony chirped in. 
“So Tallis teleported Tony to a different location?” Natasha asked, knowing the answer already. 
Steve nodded, eyes still focused on the screens. “It would seem so.” 
Then they went silent, continuing to watch the footage, and not too long after seeing Tony drop in on Bucky and Sam’s location out of nowhere, they saw something strange. 
“Wait, rewind it…” Steve told FRIDAY, and she proficiently did so. Her processors rewinding the video to the point in which Y/N disappeared. 
At full speed, Y/N ran down a hallway then quickly turned a corner, sprinting through some blue-orange hole formed in the air and didn’t come out the other side  when it vanished. 
“What the hell…” Natasha muttered out. 
“What is that?” Sam asked out loud now. 
Bucky took an unsteady step toward the holographic screen, watching FRIDAY loop the point from when Y/N ran the hallway to after she was gone. 
His hardened gaze searching for some logic behind the mystery of what he was looking out. 
FRIDAY took the liberty of rewinding and slowing down the speed of the video. Frame by frame they watched again as Y/N jumped through a portal after Tallis and they both were gone. 
“So they both disappeared? Where the hell would they have gone?”  Natasha asked, scanning over the room of individuals.
Steve had his arms crossed over his chest, head dipped down from the screens. “The reports mentioned how the victims would describe a series of events like this; one moment they’d be in one place and then would be somewhere else, somewhere they didn’t recognize.” 
“Like transporting? He can transport now?” Sam added sarcastically.  
“When FRIDAY scanned the building, she tracked a quantum type signature; one that warped the atoms or more specifically bent the atoms of our time.” Tony began to explain, gesturing in the air to FRIDAY even though she had no physical body. 
“You mean he can travel through time?” Steve vehemently asked. 
Sam scoffed, “Great, going full on Back to the Future up in here.”
“Well an argument can be made for Quantum Leap.” Tony quipped. 
“Alright, guys..” Steve interjected before the two could continue their banter. Then he turned to Tony. “Is there any way you can track it?” 
Tony got quiet. 
Steve raised a brow at the man, expression worried. “Tony.”
The scientist shook his head, “Look, I can track the energy signatures here, I mean that’s easy but there’s no tangible way to track Tallis or Y/N without knowing where they ended up.” 
“But they could’ve ended up anywhere.” Natasha pointed out, causing Tony to look her way.
She could then see the remorse in his eyes. 
“So that means-“ Sam began but Bucky interrupted him.
“We can’t find Y/N.” 
Tony only sighed as his answer while Steve shook his head exasperated. 
None of the other Avengers dared spare the super soldier another look, afraid their sympathetic gaze might set him off. It was already easy to tell how much tension was radiating off his body, waiting to break like a compressed spring. Nothing any of them had to say was going to help him feel better. 
In a frustrated stupor, Bucky stormed out of the room, legs carrying him out on the nearest balcony.
The wind felt crisp against his skin, the oncoming sensation of rain coming coupled with the dark gray clouds flooding the sky.
His flesh and metal hands gripped the railing with crushing weight, barely listening to the way the metal crinkled under his touch. 
Bucky leaned forward, resting his body against the hands that gripped the railing while his thoughts raced back through all that happened that the last several hours even to the events of the morning. 
Him lying in bed with Y/N, kissing her good morning, reassuring her inside the quinjet, the panic rushing through him when he lost contact with her, the dread whirling inside realizing she was gone. 
He recalled the conversation they’d had early that morning. 
“...raiding places like this makes me think for a moment that I'm walking into a trap and suddenly I’ll be strapped down to that chair again.” 
“I wouldn’t let that happen.” 
“I know you wouldn’t but that’s what scares me sometimes; knowing that if anything were to happen to me, you’d fight with every part of you to come find me.” 
“Because I love you, and I know you’d do the same for me.”
“You’re damn right I would.”
Goddamn it. 
He promised that no matter what he’d whatever it took to keep her safe, and he couldn’t even do that. 
Y/N managed to travel through time in some glowing portal that some random HYDRA agent was able to pull off, and she could have been sent to the dark ages for all he knew; being burned at the stake just for being a stranger.
The metal railing crushes ever more under his superhuman strength until the framing shattered the glass that made up the wall of the balcony.
Bucky backtracked a few steps as he observed the amount of glass that broke, and cracked under his combat boots; his reflection staring back at him from the ground. 
Fear. Fear is about the best word he could use to describe himself right now. Despite the frustration that fell over him, fear was the real center of it. And again his eyes found the darkened sky, thoughts racing every which way; trying desperately to find some shred of hope that things would be okay. 
Y/N will be home in a matter of days, and then he’ll get to hold her in his arms, tell how much he loved her, how much she changed his life for the better. However, the uncertainty of the situation caused a deep rooted doubt to claw inside his chest. 
“Y/N…” He nearly pleaded. 
Where was she?
“Buck..” A familiar voice said from behind him. The name caused Bucky to go completely still, his natural walls coming up to keep him from being vulnerable. Though he knew he wasn’t going to be able to keep up the act in front of Steve of all people. 
“What, Steve?” 
Steve took a second pause then said, “Tony says that even though he can’t track Tallis, he’s having FRIDAY download every newspaper, article, magazine, photo, to find some kind of reference to Y/N. Seeing as how she ended up lost in time, we should be able to find something.”
Bucky whipped around to face his friend, brows pinched in irritation. “And what if we don’t? What are we supposed to do then?!”
“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out! We always do.” Steve quickly retorted back, no sign of annoyance towards Bucky’s attitude. He understood well how worried Bucky felt right now, and Steve would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared for her too. 
He began to stare Steve down, watching his expression remain undeterred by his concern as the seconds ticked by. And then Bucky’s own face morphed into one of exhaustion. 
“I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Buck. I understand.” 
Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I just wish it had been me instead of her.” 
Finally, Steve walked forward, eventually ending up at the railing beside Bucky. “And if it had been you then Y/N would be right here thinking the exact same things as you.”
The brunette didn’t respond, remaining quiet as he felt Steve had more to say. That was proven right when Steve spoke again. 
“But she’d trust that she could bring you back, so don’t give up hope, Buck, because if you do then she has no one to help her.” 
Bucky shook his head, silently scolding himself for being so pessimistic. Though he knew it was just how he was after all those years under HYDRA’s thumb.
“I know; of course I know that.” Was all he uttered, voice trailing off at the end. 
Then he felt the heavy, but comforting weight of Steve’s hand on his shoulder. “The important thing is that we keep looking for a way to get her back, we’re all worried and we’re all willing to do whatever it takes to bring her home. Remember you’re not alone anymore.” 
Bucky took a moment to collect himself, the eased feeling of humor making its way to his brain. “How do you know just what to say? It’s like you’re some constantly revolving optimistic speech machine; saying exactly what someone needs to hear.” 
That time Steve laughed, retracting his hand. “Force of habit I guess.” 
Bucky let himself smile fondly as he recalled way back when Steve was a small kid who didn’t know any better and yet could still talk from the heart. Steve had always been good with words in a way that made Bucky wish he could be like that. 
The two friends remained silent for a moment, basking in the silence that was more or less comforting even if the lingering fear hovered over them. 
“So what do you say, ready to go find Y/N?” Steve asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. 
Bucky smirked at his friend’s giddy optimism. “Yeah. I’m ready.”
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cinnamonsera · 4 months
Hi, sorry to bother ypu, but as a fellow Seire Kari fan, do you happen to remeber where in the fics Seire talks about them being a Seire and a Kari being the reason them. Being sent to the Jedi?
Because i distinctly remeber a conversation liel that happening somewhere, them telling that there haven't bewn many seire kari's but they have always been "MEMORABLE"....
I just finished re- reading the whole series and i didn't find that scene anywhere!
I gotchu! Impact, Chapter 13. It's no longer in the main series because it doesn't match the rating.
“It’s a family sword,” Seire replies, leaning back into Fox in the turbolift. Hydra stayed down to supervise, so Seire now has their bucket clipped to their own belt. “Astrante gave it to you?” “No, it’s not a Mandalorian beskad; it’s a Kari clan sword, from my birth family. It was entrusted to me when I was Knighted; I left it to Tao in my will, which I am allowed to do as its current owner, but if I had actually died what that means is that it would be his responsibility to personally return it to the clan weapons' hall on Dononter Minor once he was free to do so.” Ooh, Donontan cultural stuff! “Why did they give it to you? Is it because you’re a Jedi?” “No, it’s because I’m a Seire; this is Seire Kari’s sword, so whenever there’s a Seire born into the Kari Clan, they get the sword for their adulthood ceremony.” Oh, that’s really interesting! “There are other Seires?” Fi hopes there aren’t many, one’s already a lot and considering how Donontans do names, one ‘guaranteed victor’ in the galaxy is plenty. “Not often,” Seire concedes dryly, lips twitching. “The last Kari to be named Seire lived during the Great Sith War about four thousand years ago; they weren’t significantly Force-Sensitive, just a military leader. Still threw the Sith out of the Sector twice.” In other words, Fi is entirely right to feel that one at a time is more than enough. “But other clans have had people named Seire too, right?” “Yes, and they have since then; there’s even been a Keisari called Seire, Seire Chuhi. But a Seire from Clan Kari tends to be, ah, a little more carefully scrutinised.” “A family thing?” Fi guesses. “Yes, Clan Kari has a bit of a reputation for gleeful chaos on Dononter Minor,” Seire concedes with a sigh. “Not often widespread upheaval, but people tend to remember the major incidents and not the long intervals between them.” “Major incidents?” Fox repeats dryly. “Actually, no, don’t tell me; what I want to know is, what does ‘kari’ mean, given Donontans are all about true-naming.” That’s a very good point. “It’s a bird,” Seire says; “all Donontan Clan names are birds. A kari is a large, fairly intelligent and very territorial herbivorous waterfowl that lives in large flocks.” “How large is large, exactly?” Fi asks suspiciously. Seire hums. “When standing normally, the shoulders come up to about thigh level? Or a bit higher? But they’ve got big wings and long necks so when doing a threat display, the beak’s easily at chest height.” Fi winces; oh, a flock of those could do serious damage. “Like a goose?” Fox asks. A goose? Fi’s never seen one of those. “Bigger, I think? Kari have actual teeth lining their beaks and metallic feathers with generally green colouring, but a similar overall shape to geese, yes.” “Stone met a goose once,” Fox says, which doesn’t quite explain anything yet also does, somehow, “somebody was trying to smuggle it. Don’t know why; they’re as vicious and contrary as Senators.” “So your full name means ‘victorious waterfowl?” Fi asks
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at-liberty-news · 4 months
Galactic War Status: Day 7
...back? We're back? We are? Okay, good. good. Finally.
Welcome back, viewers! We took a wrong turn in FTL and ended up very far outside of transmission range with Super Earth, and it took us the better part of the last 48 hours to find our way back. Very sorry about that. We'll try to catch up on the news now.
Day 6 of the Galactic War was a solemn loss on the bot front, as the Helldivers were unable to protect Vernen Wells from the Automaton invasion. Who knows how harshly the war effort will be impacted by the loss of recruits training there? Unfortunately, we were among the many who did not even notice the simultaneous attack of Varylia 5 in the Trigon sector, leading to a near-completely unopposed takeover of the planet by Automaton forces. 
Indeed, even High Command seemed to be working against their own best interests, having sent out personal orders to eradicate over two dozen Hunters, leading troops to land on less tactically valuable planets in the East rather than Vernen Wells, where they belonged. On the other hand, SEAF forces in Terminid territory managed to completely cleanse Fenrir III this time, rescuing the day from being a total loss. Let's hope another undiscovered nest doesn't spring up, though.
And now onto the current day. With the factories back at home churning out bullets, there must be an excess, as the personal orders of the day are to score at least one hundred confirmed kills using the A/G-16 Gatling Sentry. While incapable of penetrating heavy armor, this automated bullet hose near-instantaneously tears apart anything short of it.
As for the matter of territory, a swarm of bugs has found its way onto Turing in the Umlaut sector and is spreading across the surface now. SEAF forces are already quelling the infestation as I speak! Back on Vernen Wells, what little ground we have left is slowly receding as SEAF troops struggle to maintain control. Reinforcements cannot come soon enough!
That's all for now. Give 'em Hell, Divers!
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splatreference · 2 months
File Garden Update 28/7/2024
Updates to the Splatrefs File Garden!
Added references for 21 weapons Weapons added: Mint Decavitator, Charcoal Decavitator, Wellstring V, Custom Wellstring V, Custom Range Blaster, Bamboozler 14 MK II, Custom Hydra Splatling, Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau, Douser Dualies FF, Custom Douser Dualies FF, Recycled Brella 24 MK I, Recycled Brella 24 MK II, .52 Gal Deco, Foil Flingza Roller, New Squiffer, Custom E-Liter 4K, Custom E-Liter 4K Scope, Custom Explosher, Dread Wringer D, Nautilus 79, Glooga Dualies Deco.
Added additional images for a handful of singleplayer areas Additions: The Crater (including some levels and the boss fight), Octo Expansion Tutorial.
Added pictures from Side Order's tutorial section leading up to the first boss fight. Additions include: The Foyer pre-tutorial, the Order Sector pre-tutorial, some images from all the levels throughout the tutorial, images of the Elevator, and the first boss fight.
Added additional pictures for the interior of the Lobby These can be found in City Hubs -> Splatsville -> Lobby.
Added pictures from the Inner Agent 3 fight. NOTE! These are not in the Deepsea folder where most of the Octo Expansion images are, but in the Octo Valley folder due to the location.
As with anything else, these will eventually be posted on the tumblr, but it's hundreds of images so you know how it is. If you check them out and notice issues let me know!
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therese-lokidottir · 1 year
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I'll be one to point that out that some sectors of the MCU are better at addressing this than others, usually the ones where it's strongly implied why others wouldn't be involved or a reason is outright given that seems plausible. To give examples:
Iron Man 3: Rhodey explicitly says the US government wants to prove they can handle threats without the Avengers' help (which is a big reason for the Iron Patriot rebranding of War Machine). Meanwhile, Tony is also cut off from his allies when he's stranded in Tennessee for the middle part of the movie, and by the time he links back up with Rhodey, they're in a race against the clock to rescue the President and Pepper.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier had Steve and Natasha branded as fugitives by HYDRA. Sam's the only ally they can scrounge up until they link up with Fury and Maria.
Ant-Man: Hank Pym harbors his grudge against SHIELD for their misuse of Pym Particles.
Doctor Strange had Wong explaining that the Masters of the Mystic Arts deal with all the mystical threats the Avengers don't deal with (with Endgame later retroactively showing the Ancient One defending the New York Sanctum during the Chitauri invasion).
Ant-Man and the Wasp and Endgame established Scott and Clint as being on house arrest as a result of the fallout from Civil War to explain their lack of involvement in Infinity War.
Black Widow justifies the lack of other heroes' involvement (and Natasha and Yelena instead having to team up with their adopted parents) by being set during the immediate fallout from Civil War.
The Netflix shows had the reasons strongly implied: with the Hand, they were a shadow organization. The storylines in each season of Jessica Jones involve cases very personal for Jessica. The Punisher sees Frank's stories happen largely disconnected from the rest of the shows save for the Turk Barrett and Karen Page cameos because the other heroes wouldn't tolerate his use of lethal force on criminals. Daredevil season 3 had Matt in a mentally bad place post-Midland Circle, as well as Fisk using the FBI to tarnish him, Karen, and Foggy.
Honestly I think WandaVision belongs on this list because there's good reasons for the other Avengers to not be involved (the Hex erases' outsiders knowledge of Westview existing, only about a day passed between SWORD determining Wanda was behind the Hex and Wanda taking down the Hex; and Hayward wouldn't want the Avengers poking around when he's in the process of desecrating the corpse of one of their own and framing another for his crimes), though Strange's reasons for not getting involved as mentioned in DSMOM are pushing it.
I mean fair enough there are better explanations then others. When it's stuff like CAWS it's fine to go with idea of we're dealing with the situations as it comes and we don't have the time or the means to call anyone in. With the netflix shows the characters ran in different circles so you don't expect them to be able to call on anyone.
WandaVision is an interesting example because originally Doctor Strange was going to be there. That watch commercial was originally meant to be alluded to him trying to get through to Wanda.
I think it only really becomes a problem when people in-universe ask why can't they call someone and the answer is always just "No, because reason. Shut up." like they never give a good explanation
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super-earth-hr · 5 months
Be advised:
All travel through the Marspira sector should be rerouted to Sagan. Excessive flights from SE to Hydra following the immediate automaton threat has resulted in multiple collisions.
Cleaning teams are en route, we thank you for your patience.
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sespledgeofstarlight · 5 months
SES Pledge of Starlight: The Reclamation
After successful completion of the prior major order, we stationed the SES Pledge of Starlight at Nivel 43. The parasitic barrens were almost a welcome reprieve from Hellmire.
There was a considerable uproar when a new communication arrived from Super Earth, and within seconds our maps were updated to show this:
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A massive Automaton fleet has arrived in the Valdis Sector, sweeping through countless worlds and cutting communications as it went. The Lacaille Sector and even the frontier of the Hydra Sector are at risk. The mechanical menace has reached its territorial peak within hours of the invasion, and scarcely a day after their supposed eradication.
The crew are deeply unsettled by this travesty. Many had theories as to who the Automatons were broadcasting to from Troost, and some even brought up ghost stories from a century past. It seems the real spectre at work is the reincarnation of an enemy we were far too swift to declare annihilated.
It is unknown if this fleet has any advanced capabilities beyond what the Automatons have previously demonstrated. The SES Pledge of Starlight is redeploying with haste to Chort Bay. Menkent and Lesath are also high-priority targets for immediate defence.
The bots always did seem to call out for Cyberstan in their deranged, indecipherable chants. We must rescue that world, and the others assailed by this unprecedented affront to freedom, before these wretched machines can ravage any more of liberty's resources or distort any more of our victories.
Brothers, sisters, others. To arms. We have broken them before, and we will break them again. And this time, when they are shattered, we will ensure that their frames rest in too many pieces to ever return.
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hydrxnessa · 1 year
>> OCs masterpost !! because i need to organise for myself
-- disclaimer, not all toyhouse profiles are finished nor finalised. it's a gamble whether or not i even touched their profiles, so a few might be empty ;3 but most of them have images and maybe lore !!
Startex: Singularity >> the universe where all OCs reside. also the main storyline. a clash of the four deities who created the galaxy of Startex. their main purpose was to create and destroy celestial bodies, and their only directive was to create a galaxy. so how hard could that possibly be?
main mission: consume all of imperfect existence within the Singularity. stop the Singularity. keep the light of the Startexians alive. hold the balance of creation and destruction.
OCs >> [ Nebula, Lunar, Stardust, Vortex, Solar ]
tag: ; startex: singularity
Shifting Stars >> a child of the Stars, with a divine yet forgotten deity embedded within her body. a weakened state and barely any common ground, Novura tries to adjust to having another being imbued within her; a restless, constant voice in the back of her mind. scattered pieces of Voraelis' past leads them to the outer bounds of Startex, where they meet a few unfamiliar creatures .. or a whole civilisation, for that matter.
main mission: make them remember. stop the Singularity. reunite the deities. seek the forgotten past.
OCs >> [ Novura, Voraelis, Noctru, Illuminu, Cassi ]
tag: ; shifting stars
Scales' Descent >> a large-scale research project led by the exiled scientist, Trojan. creatures turned into amalgamated weapons to be used against the Stars themselves as an army, for vengeance and for power. two humans unwillingly kidnapped and sent into the facility for experimentation, and came out to be one of Trojan's greatest weapons. they have a known directive: annihilate the Stars .. but why do they hate the Stars so much?
main mission: annihilate the Stars. lay waste to their imperfect creation. find purpose. leave behind the unforgiving past.
OCs >> [ Hydra, Lyura, Trojan ]
tag: ; scales' descent
Wings' Ascent >> begins just before Scales' Descent. two Startexians managed to escape Trojan's research facility, crashing onto a planet in the sector known to have the harshest and unforgiving climates in the galaxy. they scramble for resources to escape the ruthless planet, seeking answers for the ancient, forgotten past of the Cosmos .. while escaping from the grasp of Intoxicate, the acolyte of the forsaken deity.
main mission: bring the Singularity. escape the forsaken deity's watchful eyes. stop her acolyte.
OCs >> [ Luminous, Auros, Intoxicate ]
tag: ; wings' ascent
--- there's also terraByte and Bleed's Bite but those stories are pretty much left in the dust. no ideas for their direction either. they just exist lol. maybe i'll come back to them some other time
also have this nebula art from last year ;3
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dosesofcommonsense · 11 months
(From Brian Cates on Telegram)
Election interference to ensure Biden ‘won’ and Trump ‘lost’ is only the tip of the Censorship State iceberg.
The US government censored its own citizens in direct violation of their 1st Amendment rights to drive politicized narratives that turned out to be LIES.
Our ‘public servants’ put their boots on the necks of millions of Americans and pressed down…HARD…because they were TELLING THE TRUTH.
About stollen and rigged elections.
About laptops.
About virus origins and nefarious and illegal bio weapons activity by our own government officials in the Alphabet agencies in Ukraine and elsewhere around the world.
About vaccines,masks and lockdowns.
About the war in Ukraine.
About Biden being competent.
Seriously, I could make a very long list of ‘The Official Big Brother Narratives of the Past 4 Years’ where federal bureaucrats working illegally behind the scenes were censoring millions of Americans for saying the ‘wrong’ things.
In case you hadn’t noticed, Big Brother runs on lies, and bothersome citizens who just can’t seem to take a hint and SHUT UP and stop challenging their government’s official narratives when they are ordered to need to be ‘managed’.
And so a shit-ton of very helpful NGO’S like Stanford Observatory were created to surreptitiously help the US government successfully ‘manage’ citizen’s speech on social media platforms and elsewhere.
A lot of people in this nation under direct and ongoing threat by an out-of-control vindictive and corrupt federal bureaucracy still don’t grasp just how bad this is.
And the great thanks they owe to those who exposed this evil Censorship State and are currently fighting the Hydra to restore to all Americans the constitutional right to free speech they had illegally taken away from them.
Of course, the people who are enthusiastically in favor of all the illegal censorship activity by the State and its ‘private sector’ allies currently getting exposed are very unhappy these days.
See, they thought their ‘side’ was ‘winning’ the Great National Conversation when that conversation was rigged in their favor. They knew it wasn’t a real conversation at all.
They were HAPPY that social media discourse was being rigged and tightly controlled by political hall monitors.
They thought this meant they would win the ‘game’.
But this isn’t a really a GAME.
This is life and death.
A people that are not allowed to speak freely to their government or each other many be many things, but they are not a free people.
I meant what I said at the end of the previous post. As a people, as Americans, we have had our free speech stolen from us. We have been the targets of a massive crime committed by our own government , and the issue is still in doubt as to whether two things will happen:
1. We get our free speech, especially on social media, returned to us so we can once again exercise our God-given rights without State interference and…
2. The people in our government who violated our speech rights in dead of night using corrupt and illegal means to hide their having done this are all dragged out into the light of day and held fully accountable in such a legal manner that no one shall ever in the future attempt a repeat of such a crime.
Keep your eyes on Missouri v Biden in the courts. We won’t know if the government bastards will have to hand back our speech rights until that case is decided.
The Biden administration is currently fighting to keep The Censorship State going.
After all, over the past decade or so, the Commie Marxist scum embedded in out federal government & agencies spent an awful lot of time, money and passion in constructing their precious Censorship State apparatus.
Salivating and having wet dreams at night over the sheer amount of total speech control they were gonna have in their hands once they were done tinkering with it.
And now?
Now they risk losing it all. They can’t have that. They’re desperate to get back to the kind of rigid speech control they had just a year ago.
Well I’ve bad news for The Censorship State and all the goombahs out there who just LOVED the censorship regime because they thought this meant they were moving the ball down the field and we’re about to score.
You weren’t winning. You cheated and created an illusion based on illegal deception and brute force.
And now you’ve been caught. The flag has been thrown.
There will be no going back. You LOST.
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