#rare case where im giving english a w
avantguardisme · 2 months
writing in a language with a ton of gender/number agreement is all fun and games until you have to start editing. so i make one noun plural and now suddenly i have to add an s to like 5 other words?? i hate it here
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neuevague · 1 year
get to know me game !!!
thanks for tagging me em (@peachenle) i appreciate it :DDD and im tagging emma (@asahicore) and sky (@bruh-changbin) !
super long bbut my answersa re under the cut <333
birthday: dec 17 
favourite colour: orange 
do you have pets? not anymore i had two goldfish though one called nemo and the other called speedy and speedy died which made me so upset that i cried for hours and wrote a poem about it.. so distraught my parents just returned the other fish to the pet shop
how tall are you? 169 cm 
how many pairs of shoes do you own? .. too many, i’m really trying to cut back on buying shoes but i love them :/// i think i rotate between about 6 pairs though .. and i rarely wear shoes without some kind of platform at least
favourite song: immortal by kid cudi !
favourite movie: get out 
who would be your ideal partner? .. i think if i had to use an idol to describe their personality they’d be a lot like jay.. i think we have a lot of similar traits and he’s someone with a lot of traits that i admire !!! 
do you want children?  i think i do but i don’t want think i want to give birth .. and i want 1 or 2 .. i really want to be an aunt though.. all the fun of motherhood with none of the stress 
have you gotten in trouble with the law? if going to parties that end up getting locked off counts then yes ? 
what colour socks are you wearing? i do not wear socks at home.. but i wore a white pair to uni today 
favourite type of music: im easy on genre so im not sure but .. maybe trap.. some form of rap or r&b for sure 
how many pillows do you sleep with? i sleep w 4 on the bed but i have 1 head so i use 1 pillow.. 
what position do you sleep in? on my side in like a relaxed(???) fetal position
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: i can fall asleep in like any conditions but im also a light sleeper.. oh i don’t like thunder when im sleeping !!! or at all 
what do you have for breakfast: these days i have a hot matcha and warm cereal 
have you ever tried archery? a handful of times when i was like 13 or so it was tons of fun and i was like super into the hunger games so i felt like katniss which made it like at least a million times more fun
favourite fruit: pineapple !
are you a good liar? yes in theory but im pretty forgetful so practically no not really
what’s your personality type? infp !
innie or outie? innie ..
left handed or right handed? ight but when i was younger i started using my left hand but my mum thought it looked weird and made me change 😭
favourite food: curry flavoured maggi noodles .. flames 
favourite foreign food: chicken katsu curry or pizza
am i clean or messy? my room is messy but im clean
most used phrase:  probably omds / oh my days .. i’ve started saying oh brother a lot recently 😭 and also “man..” like .. okay i just finished doing this and obviously my most used phrase word whatever is like are you kidding..  
how long does it take for you to get ready: this morning i got ready in like 25 minutes including showering, picking my outfit, putting it on, skincare, and makeup (in fairness, i was a mascara lip gloss babe today so .. yeah) .. it really just depends what i’m doing, where i’m going, who i’m going with..
do you talk to yourself? constantly .. but in like vlog style narration 😭😭😭 and with an american accent..? 
do you sing to yourself? yes a lot
are you a good singer?  i scored super high in my singing exam in high school so yeah but like im not like .. predebut era good more like if you heard me singing along to something you might tilt your head and be like hmm 
biggest fear? throwing up 
are you a gossip? yes.. 
do you like long or short hair? on me i prefer longer hair but im easy on other people i don’t really care.. unless you’re jake in which case don’t cut your hair pleaaaaaaaaase 
favourite school subject: english ! i really loved history as well so it’s such a close second 
extrovert or introvert: introvert
what makes you nervous: my own death.. and not on a me standpoint but like im worried about my family and stuff 
who was your first real crush? the older brother of my best friend .. it didn’t work out because i was like 13 and he was 20 and a decent human being 
how many piercings? zero 😭
how many tattoos? 5 
how fast can you run? not very ..
what colour is your hair? black
what colour are your eyes? brown
what makes you angry: people who spoil movies and shows and stuff when they just hit netflix two seconds ago like how do you know the plot twist of a 3 hour movie that’s been out for 6 minutes like what’s wrong with you.. i think people should wait like at least a week before tweeting spoilers and stuff come on
do you like your name? not really.. i have an awesome middle name though.. but im too anxious to use it as my actual name .. idk
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? a kid’s a kid 🤷
what are your strengths? my curiosity ! i’ve picked up a lot of useful (subjective) skills / knowledge just out of curiosity around the topic.. like i have a basic understanding of spanish (could travel to spain and talk to people and survive) because i found out violetta was dubbed over 😭😭😭 i know my way around photoshop even though my actual talent for design is questionable.. i only ever got into fashion bc i wanted to know what the rappers i liked were talking about, i started learning how to read hiragana in 2020 after watching like the first couple episodes of haikyuu (and then i got hyper fixated on acnh and didn’t do anything else for months), i learned how to read hangul after watching a kdrama 2 summers ago like if i want to know something i’ll find out 
what are your weaknesses? also my curiosity i think because like.. im curious to a fault.. i also have like no self confidence .. like i really do not believe in myself at all, procrastination
what is the colour of your bedspread? green !colour of your room: the walls are like a creamy beige off white-ish colour and then i have a bunch of like mismatched wood tones all over.. idk how to answer this
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obesericewrites · 2 years
so i literally only came across this IF today but i'm in love with the concept and all the characters and have just been reading all the scenarios stalking your whole blog❤️❤️❤️ it's definitely possible that the answers to some of these are spoilers, but i have a couple questions if you don't mind me asking!!
-how come dawn knows english so well? is it just because kids can pick up languages faster than an adult, so M just doesn't grasp it as fast?
-are half/part-fae people common in this world? or is S kinda a rare case? is that why they can cast runes and stuff or can full humans also use magic? M can also cast runes but theyre a shifter so..
-what's the belief system(s) in this world? S says "hells" a lot, and B says "goddesses" and "gods", so i'm guessing there is at least a pantheon of divines?? and possibly multiple hells? unless that's just how they talk lol
-are M's worms just like..there? are so they have a reason for carrying around a bunch of worms? are they their friends? ik it's so they have a lil bit of the thicket w/ em but like.. worms?!?
-what's the deal with the "first world"?? B loves it apparently but it's never mentioned anywhere else in your blog
-there was an ask from months ago where mc went crazy and said the birds talk to them and S got strangely excited.. thoughts??
-what's the human to non-human ratio in the village?
-B is an amputee bc of a birth defect, or "so they believe".. uh rice?? care to elaborate???
Ooo IM SO GLAD YOU CAUGHT ON A FEW THINGSSS!! I am so excited to answer all of theses questions for you!! THANK YOU FOR ASKING THISSS💜💕
1. Dawn knows English well because she taught herself along with stalking/forcing a few merchants to teach her. Along with her being at a young age while learning the language she was able to pick things up easier and listen in on conversations outside the thicket and put certain sentences together!
2. Yes! Half/part faw and other hybrids are common in this world! While both S and M can use runes, which invoke magic, so could B if they wanted to. The way runes work here is like this; the runes need something to take in order to give. Like how with S, they have their fist painted. So, when they carve the runes into their fist, their blood is taken and gives the force of the punch more volume. It will be explained in more detail in the IF, don’t worry. ^^;
3. In this world everyone believes in some sort of god/goddesses. They are all represented in stones an example is how when an RO (B) swears they say, ‘by lapis lazuli!’ As a term to curse the name of the god, lapis lazuli. While saying ‘by the goddesses/gods’, would be used when startled and sort of summon the attention of the entities one would believe in. While the term ‘hells’ is made plural because in this world there are several hells for the seven sins.
4. Ms worms are just there. They are there for a reason....that will not be explained due to spoilers ;)
5. Yes! The first world. I only mentioned it once as I didn’t want to put to much light on it before I properly developed it. The first world is basically…our world. The way this world work is that there was a time where humans weren’t always here. But then suddenly, they were and they came in very large numbers. I won’t explain it that much as it won’t come up often in the story but there will be an explanation!
6. S being…well, S. They didn’t speak to a lot of people on there hunts for their bounty. What’s a constant thing in the trees they would hide in? Birds. S would often talk to birds or any other living creature in there surrounding area on hunts because they were lonely. This will come up in detail in their own separate route!
7. There are definitely a lot more humans than non-humans, especially in chapter one and future chapters. The non-humans are pushed out of the village while the humans live in the safer areas. Can’t explain in detail due to spoilers.
8. Alright…so, Bs leg…..yeah, that was just a writing error 😅 Bs leg was a birth defect. I first planned on having the monster in the woods take there leg, but decided it wouldn’t make any sense for their character. Many people believe that B lost their leg in the prologue, when it was already gone in the first place. It’s probably due to that error so I apologize!! The wound B got in the prologue was just a nasty scar on their back!
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blackcloverdatabase · 4 years
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English Translation of Novel 3: Chapter 4 – The Hero Who Disappeared (Part 1 of 2)
I’m saving the illustration that came with this chapter for the second half since it illustrates a scene near the end, but what you see above is a picture of a Yuno card that was tucked into the pages of this chapter. The other novels didn’t come with a card, so I was surprised when I saw it.
This chapter features Yuno and William going on patrol at a festival William organizes a few days before the raid on the Eye of the Midnight Sun’s hideout. While on patrol, they run into Mereoleona, Asta, Noelle, Klaus, and Mimosa, and later they run into Yami and Charlotte. Chaos ensues.
--- The Hero Who Disappeared: Part 1 ---
“Welcome! For a limited time only, all magic tools are 50% off!”
“Hey, young lady! Would you like to drop by our store? I’ll make it nice and cheap for you~”
Under a clear, sunny sky, cheerful voices called out from the many stalls that were lined up as the townspeople walked among them with smiling faces. It was the square of the royal capital, the same place which served as the center of the Star Festival. Though not as large as the Star Festival, the square was filled with stalls and makeshift stages, offering the same amenities one would expect from a small festival. However, it wasn’t merchants who were manning these stalls.
“This is a magic tool endorsed by the captain of the Aqua Deer himself!! It’s a great security device!”
“This is a meat dish made by the captain of the Green Mantis! It’s delicious and nutritious!”
These stalls were manned by Magic Knights.
“This is quite the crowd~ There’s a lot of guests, but there’s a lot of Magic Knights, too.”
“Well, the Royal Knights Selection Exam is over, and……”
Bell and Yuno conversed as they walked among the crowd. They came here today because they were ordered to patrol the event. The Magic Knights were given various tasks to run the festival, ranging from selling things at the stalls, performing short skits and games on stage, as well as handling background tasks such as patrolling and clerical work. This may seem like a strange spectacle, but there was a reason why this was happening.
“Most importantly, this was a direct announcement from Captain Vangeance. Of course a lot of people are going to gather.”
That’s right. Vangeance proposed this event to assuage the unease the citizens had thanks to repeated attacks from the Eye of the Midnight Sun and the circulation of the “Original Sin”. Yuno heard that he simply “requested cooperation” from those who belonged to the other squads, but with his personal magnetism, this many people gathered in a heartbeat.
Bell sucked on a strawberry candy Yuno bought for her and happily quipped,
“Hm~ Well, I don’t really get it, but thanks to this, I get to go on a festival date with you!”
“This event isn’t for you to have fun. It’s for the citizens.”
“……No, one of the reasons I established this festival was to give the Magic Knights a break and allow them a chance to interact with the people. It would make me very happy if you and Bell enjoyed the festival, too.”
Startled by the sudden voice from behind, Yuno and Bell looked behind them to see William Vangeance standing with an air of composure. Vangeance was the captain of the Golden Dawn, and he was the man said to be the closest to becoming the Wizard King. That the hero of the Clover Kingdom was greeting him so casually in a place like this was surprising by itself, but……
“Hey, hey, Captain Vangeance! Let me borrow your mask~!”
“I asked first! I’m gonna pluck those feathers and put them on my bear!”
Yuno and Bell were also surprised to see two children, approximately 7 to 8 years old, clinging to that hero’s feet.
“……Captain Vangeance, those kids are……?”
“Yup, just as you see. It seems that they were interested in my mask, so they approached me, and…...”
From behind his mask, he answered Yuno’s question with his usual elegant smile……. No, rather than his usual smile, he answered with a considerably strained smile.
“……Anyway, can you please help me?”
“Jeez~ Why do we have to save our captain from getting bullied by a bunch of kids the very second we get here~”
“Stop that, Bell.”
“……Ha ha, sorry about that. I like kids, but I’m not very good at handling them.”
After Yuno and Bell managed to pull those children off of their captain, they continued their patrol together with Vangeance.  As if to regain his composure, Vangeance cleared his throat before speaking.
“Also, thank you for indulging my selfish request.”
When Yuno asked him this in return, Vangeance had a complicated expression on his face as he nodded.
“Though the Selection Exam may be over, the day you will be launching a surprise attack on the Eye of the Midnight Sun’s base is imminent. I’m thanking you because you came to my event during such an important time.”
“……I don’t think you’re being selfish at all.”
As he spoke, Yuno looked at all the people around him.
“I’m sure those children felt the same way. The townspeople all look like they’re having fun interacting with the Magic Knights like this. There has just been one horrible incident after another, so isn’t it fine to do something fun like this every once and a while?”
From the citizens’ point of view, this was a rare chance to interact so closely with the Magic Knights, the heroes that all citizens strive to become. That by itself makes this event enjoyable for them. Even the anxieties caused by the Eye of the Midnight Sun and Original Sin will be lessened to some degree.
“……I see. I’m happy to hear that from you.”
Vangeance replied, looking a little bit happy when he smiled. Yuno nodded before continuing,
“Also, just as you were saying earlier, the Magic Knights also look like they’re having fun.”
The faces of the Knights manning the stalls looked even more lively than usual. Being a Magic Knight is usually a tough job, so this was probably incredibly relaxing for them. Today looks to be a fun day for Magic Knights and citizens alike. That’s what Yuno thought, but……
“Yeah. It would be nice if today ended as nothing more than a fun day…...”
Vangeance said with a mysterious look on his face before lowering his voice so that only Yuno and Bell could hear him.
“There’s something I must tell you…… it has been reported that a person in possession of the Original Sin may have infiltrated today’s event.”
They stiffened upon having such a serious matter suddenly disclosed to them.
“…Wait, w-what! We should evacuate everyone immed-!”
Bell raised her voice in a panic, but Yuno covered her mouth before Vangeance continued,
“I would very much like to do that, but if we do that so suddenly, everyone will panic, which may fuel the Original Sin. Also, this is only a possibility. We should gather more intel before making any large-scale moves.”
‘Even so, it’s dangerous to leave such a thing alone,’ Yuno thought, but he couldn’t come up with an alternative. To begin with, that information was too vague, so there was no way to know what move they should make. If there’s one thing they should do, it’s……
“In other words, we have no choice but to continue patrolling while searching for the Original Sin…… right?”
“That’s correct. I should also add that very few Magic Knights know about this. If too many people knew, our movements might begin to look unnatural, which could expose us to the owner of the Original Sin…… You two have more experiencing fighting the Original Sin than anyone else, so I decided I should tell you.”
Yuno still wasn’t satisfied, but he knew that there was no helping that.
“I understand. Is there anything else we know about the enemy?”
“Yes. You really do catch on quickly. I’ll tell you the details as we walk.”
After saying this, Vangeance’s voice once again sounded apologetic.
“I know I keep saying this, but I’m truly sorry about getting you involved in all this. I wanted you to be able to enjoy today’s event, too, so for this to happen is…...”
“There’s no helping that. It’s not like it’s your fault……”
If anything, he might be the most hurt by this. Any time he wasn’t busy with his duties as Captain was spent preparing for today’s event, only for all that to be spoiled by the Original Sin. Yuno meant for his words to be sympathetic, but, for some reason, Vangeance paused for an unnatural amount of time before finally responding,
“……Yeah, you’re right.”
He almost sounded as if he was at a loss for words when he said this, making Yuno feel uneasy. Then, suddenly,
“S-someone, anyone!! Please save me!!”
Boosted by amplification magic, a woman’s screams resounded throughout the venue.
It sounded like the scream came from the direction of the stage where the results of the Star Festival were announced. The scream’s timing was so uncanny that Yuno and the others raced to the stage as they prepared for battle. And, when they reached the front row of the stage……
“I’m a village girl named Mimosa!! I’m being chased by evil mages!!”
What they saw was Mimosa running around on stage, reading her lines with an unbelievably monotone voice. Then, several other Magic Knights went on stage, some acting as evil mages chasing Mimosa and others moving the background scenery around. It seemed that they stumbled upon a children’s play. After sighing with a bitter smile, Vangeance joked,  
“Ha ha, their timing was amazing…... Wait, it could be that these “evil mages” are being manipulated by the owner of the Original Sin.”
“If that were the case, it sure would make things easier for us.”
Yuno replied to his joke lightheartedly, but he, too, was smiling bitterly internally. The play’s timing was certainly bad, but it released the tension that was between them earlier, so he was honestly glad that it happened. Also, watching swarms of young children tottle around the stage as the play began brought a smile to his face. To protect those children’s smiles, they should arrest the Original Sin as soon as possible. Holding these feelings close to his heart, Yuno turned away from the stage to leave. At that moment, Mimosa pointed to the wing of the stage and said,
“Ah, it looks like someone came to save me! It must be the Magic Knight of Justice!”
The children started cheering with excitement at the words “Magic Knight of Justice”. Amidst those cheers, the person who entered on stage as that “Magic Knight of Justice” was……
“……Wait, look, Asta! That’s your cue! Get over there right now!”
“………Huh? My cue? What should I do?”
The Magic Knight of Justice was Asta, who made his long-awaited debut on stage…… or rather, he was dragged onto stage by Noelle with an even dumber look on his face than usual, so dumb that it was practically audible. It was like watching an old man, causing Bell to, without thinking, talk to Noelle from beneath the stage.
“Hey, Noelle…… what…… that is, why is he acting like an old man?”
“U-uh……I don’t really know, either……”
Noelle said with a sigh, sorrow hanging around her like a wife exhausted from taking care of her aging husband.
“The shock of being unable to fight Yuno in the finals of the Selection Exam turned him into this, and……”
“And so… he turned into that……?”
That explanation didn’t make sense to Bell and Yuno, and it didn’t make sense to Noelle, the person doing the explaining, either. It was a mystery to everyone. When Asta noticed Yuno, he spoke to him as if he were going senile.
“Aah, Yuno…… perfect timing. Can you replace me as the Magic Knight of Justice? Since you got first place at the Selection Exam, you’d be a better fit for the role…… Ah, sorry, should I use ‘Mr.’ when I speak to you?”
“Stop that. That kind of subservience doesn’t suit you. Hurry up and snap out of it.”
“After you defeat the villain, you have to shout your usual catchphrase. So, after you beat the enemy, you should yell “I’m Yuno, you know!?”.”
“Even your memory is all messed up. I’ve never said such a lame catchphrase in my life.”
While Yuno and Asta where bickering, the audience started getting antsy. It was only natural. They were told that the Magic Knight of Justice was coming, and they got some guy acting like an old man. Wanting to fix the now awkward atmosphere, Mimosa said in a panic,
“E-everyone! You’ll see this in the next act, but since Asta has gotten himself into a pinch, a new Magic Knight of Justice will rush to the scene! The person playing this role is a very famous captain of the Magic Knights! Also, we’ve made arrangements for all you little ones to be able to get on stage and fight the evil mages alongside them, so please don’t leave yet!”
“You’re being too desperate! Also, stop saying things like “role” and “arrangements”!”
Bell criticized Mimosa, but, despite her criticism, the kids were showing excitement once again.
“Cooool! We get to meet a Captain!”
“Hey, papa! Take me closer to the front! I wanna fight, too!”
Tiny voices piped up here and there as more and more children gathered at the bottom of the stage. It seemed that the title “Captain” wasn’t just for show after all. Not letting this chance pass them by, Klaus instructed Mimosa from behind the stage to have the children call for the captain.  Mimosa nodded, then turned toward the audience and exclaimed,
“Now, everyone! Let’s call for the captain with our loudest voices!! Ready, set…”
Mimosa counted down, then all the children in the assembly hall shouted together. The one who was summoned by those sweet voices was……
A lioness. She walked on stage with a swagger and spoke in an intimidating tone as she laughed aloud. She was far from what a “Magic Knight of Justice” should look like. The children’s smiles froze, and they began to shiver with fear. Not seeming to notice this, she surveyed the audience with stone cold eyes and then, with a ferocious smirk, said,
“Ho hoh….. We have a lot of good kids here! Which of you friends are ready to fight beside me!? Is it you!? Is it YOU!?”
“Please wait for a moment, Mereoleona. I think you might be misunderstanding something here……”
Vangeance couldn’t help but interject fairly loudly from the bottom of the stage. He was aware that interjecting like this was incredibly out of character for him, but, at this rate, the reputation of the Magic Knights will be significantly damaged. Mereoleona had no way of knowing his thoughts, so she flared up into a fiery rage at him.
“You bastard…… are you insane, Vangeance!?  Talking to a performer who’s in the middle of their act on stage like that! Have you no manners!?”
“Well, from those children’s point of view, something much worse was happening right in front of them. Could you make your performance a little more kid friendly?”
“You fool! Are you saying I should hold back just because they’re kids!? A Magic Knight should always use all their power, no matter what!”
“Yes, I know. I know, so use all your power to imagine this for just one moment. Imagine that you’ve been told the “Magic Knight of Justice” is coming, but instead you get a “maniac with stone cold eyes”. Now, how would you feel about that?”
While the two were engaged in their progress-less exchange, Klaus approached them from the back of the stage and, with his fingers at his temple, informed them,
“……I’m sorry, you two. The play has been canceled. Let’s start working on cleaning everything up.”
“Cancelled…… hey, wait a second! What about all the kids who were looking forward to the play!”
While Bell was protesting, Klaus pointed his finger behind everyone and said,
“……And, where are those children you speak of?”
Before they knew it, the audience had disappeared from their seats. They must have seen their chance to escape when Vangeance spoke up to Mereoleona. The parents in the audience took their kids and fled, almost as if they were escaping the clutches of a lioness. When Mereoleona noticed that her audience had disappeared, she punched the ground in vexation.
“Tch…… I’m sorry, everyone!! Though Vangeance was wrong for spouting off idiotic nonsense, the fact remains that I’m the one that allowed him to dampen the audience’s enthusiasm and cause them to leave! This is all my fault!”
“Um, Mereoleona, this is hard for me to say, but you’re absolutely right about it being your fault. Except, I’m not in the wrong. I’m not even saying this out of some sense of self-protection. I’m simply not in the wrong here.”
Mereoleona stood up with renewed determination, completely ignoring Vangeance’s protests.
“However, another audience will gather soon, so don’t worry! I’ll make up for my blunder with my own two hands!”
She proclaimed loudly. Then, she declared so stupidly loud that Yuno wouldn’t be surprised if the entire venue could hear her,
“Listen up, people! From now on, I will teach you all how to defend yourselves by burning your opponents! I’m about to demonstrate by using the other Magic Knights here as my opponents during the show, so you all should gather around the stage!!”
And so, everyone there had to use all their might to stop her.
  “……That was quite dangerous.”
“……Yes. Well, let’s just be glad the Original Sin never got involved in the fight.”
“……I’m still not glad about it.”
Said Vangeance, Yuno, then Bell as they continued their patrol. Their first interaction with her was tiring enough, but stopping Mereoleona’s rampage used up all their physical strength. After telling her the Original Sin might be at the venue, they somehow managed to calm her down, but that was only after everyone exhausted several days’ worth of energy stopping her. Yuno wanted nothing more than to go home, lie down, and rest, but he couldn’t say that out loud, so he forcibly distracted himself by asking Vangeance,
“So, do you know anything else about the Original Sin?”
“……Ah, sorry. That’s right. We were just talking about that.”
Their discussion, which had been nearly forgotten because of the impact the lioness left on them, resumed.
“First of all, we know the Original Sin is here because several Knights who have had run-ins with the Original Sin before have sensed its mana at this venue. However, its presence is so weak that we can’t pinpoint its location unless we can get several magic detection specialists in a concentrated area.”
“I see…… but, if that’s the case, can’t we narrow down its location by following the source of its mana?”
“Of course, we have tried that, but it seems that its mana is incredibly unstable, so it repeatedly appears and disappears. That’s why it’s difficult to pinpoint with mana perception alone. If we could narrow down the number of suspects to only a few people, then……”
“Is that so……?”
Yuno contemplated Vangeance’s words. The other times he has faced the Original Sin, being able to sense mana was a powerful advantage, but it’s a useless skill if that mana cannot be followed. As before, the only way to guarantee victory will be to make direct contact with the owner of the Original Sin and destroy it.
‘With so many people here, will that even be possible……?’ Yuno thought with a troubled face. While he was thinking, Vangeance pointed to a corner of the assembly hall and said,
“Speak of the devil…… He’s one of those who sensed the presence of the Original Sin.”
Where he pointed, several tables were lined up and spaced at equal intervals. There was a number of children using them to draw pictures. It appeared that one of the events at the festival was a drawing class. There was a man reclining in the corner who seemed to be in charge.
It was the Captain of the Black Bulls, Yami Sukehiro. When he noticed Vangeance, he raised his head from the art book he was reading and looked up toward them.
“……Oh, it’s golden weird mask guy. Hey, golden weird mask guy. Actually, golden weird mask guy is a pain in the ass to say. Can I stop?”
‘You’re the one who came up with that nickname, you know,’ Vangeance thought to himself with a bitter smile. He said as he watched the children,
“I was surprised when I heard you were doing an event geared toward children, but it looks like it’s going well.”
“Yeah. I was thinkin’ all I’d have to do is put out some paint and paper, and then I wouldn’t have to do anythin’ else, but a lot more kids gathered than I thought there’d be. I guess a cute guy like me summons more cuteness.”
Just as Yami said (?), there were many kids gathered around his corner, drawing and having fun as they talked with Magna Swing and Luck Voltia. There really was nothing but art supplies and paper on the table, and they could use it all free of charge. Perhaps it was that simplicity and ease of access that made his corner so popular. Its popularity probably had nothing to do with Yami’s “cuteness”. As Yuno was thinking such trivial thoughts, a boy and girl who were drawing toddled toward them.
“Ah! It’s Captain Vangeance!”
“Aah. Those two are the same kids as earlier…”
Bell nodded lightly.
‘Those two are the same kids who were bullying…… no, admiring Vangeance earlier. If I recall, their names were….’
“Hey, Al, Silka. Were you two drawing, too?”
Before Yuno could remember their names, Vangeance kneeled down and greeted them with a smile.
That’s right. The boy’s name was Al, and the girl’s name was Silka. The two were brother and sister. They lived in a village situated at the edge of the Common Realm, but today they asked their parents to come to this event so that they could meet the Magic Knights.
Al nodded happily and held his drawing out to Vangeance.
“Yeah! I drew us playing at my village! I drew it really good, so I’m giving it to you!”
“Are you sure? You two worked really hard to draw this, right?”
“Yeah! This is payment for letting us play with you earlier!”
Vangeance thanked Al and accepted his drawing, his expression more joyful than usual.
‘He really wasn’t lying when he said he liked kids,’ Yuno thought.
……However, Yuno also felt a touch of unease as he watched him. For some reason, there was a tinge of sadness in his smile. As Yuno began to feel such doubts, Silka came to his feet and offered him her drawing.
“Then, I’ll give mine to Yuno-niichan!”
“……Ah, thank you. I’ll treasure it.”
Just as Al said, the drawing depicted the two of them playing.  They included small details in their drawings, like their chestnut-colored hair, Al’s book pouch, Silka’s hair ornament, and more. Yuno accepted the drawing with a smile, making Silka’s face to turn red as she returned to Al’s side. They took each other’s hands and ran away cheerfully.
“See ya, Captain Vangeance! Have a good day at work!”
“Thanks! You two be careful not to trip and fall!”
Vangeance waved goodbye at them, already returning to his usual gentle self.
‘Was it just my imagination?’ Yuno wondered. As Yuno was lightly questioning himself, Yami started talking to Vangeance with his usual lax attitude.
“Hey, are you kiddin’ me, Vangeance? You never told me you had a love child, let alone two. They aren’t wearin’ weird golden masks, are they? You should make weird golden masks for them, too.”
“So, Yami? Have you been able to sense the Original Sin since then?”
Vangeance ignored Yami’s joke, carefully putting the drawing away in his book pouch as he asked his question. Yami shrugged his shoulders in response.
“Same as usual. I can sense it every now and then, but just as I catch a hint of it, it disappears. Well, rather than mana, I’m readin’ ki, but I think you’d get the same results either way. Luck was sayin’ the exact same thing, earlier.”
“So, all we know is that it’s still here. Understood. Even so, for the time being, continue to try sensing for it at regular intervals. Yuno and I will do the same.”
“Sure…… wait, huh?
His reply was flat, but then he leaned his head toward Vangeance, studying his face.
“What’s the matter?”
“Well, just now, I was sensin’ the ki in this area real lightly, and…”
He continued. With cigarette in hand, he pointed his finger at Vangeance.
“I feel a lingering sensation of the Original Sin’s ki from you. You happen to know why?”
As Yami spoke, Yuno half-reflexively focused his mana perception. Though it was very slight, he could certainly feel the mana of the Original Sin from Vangeance. It was so weak, that Yuno would never have noticed if it weren’t for Yami pointing it out…… it was like a lingering scent. If he possessed the Original Sin Grimoire, then the mana he felt from him would have been much stronger, so he couldn’t be the owner of that grimoire……. No, still, if he was using some technique to suppress his own mana, then it’s possible that…..
“Ah, before the Selection Exam, Julius secured an Original Sin grimoire intact. This morning, I touched it as I was examining it. It might be mana from that.”
Vangeance explained without even breaking a sweat, interrupting Yuno’s thoughts.
‘Am I stupid? Of course he doesn’t have it.’
Yuno calmed back down. That’s right. There’s no way he could be the owner of the Original Sin Grimoire. Even if it was only for a moment, Yuno felt ashamed for letting his mind run away with such strange ideas. Yami nodded his head and said,
“I see. Sometimes, when you touch something, its mana and ki can stick to you…. Ah, I just realized. That’s gonna make it even more of a pain in the ass to find this thing. Why’d you have to come here, you bastard!? I’m gonna smash your mask into pieces and use them to decorate the walls of a hipster cafe!”
“The way you express anger is sometimes rather mystifying, but I’d prefer it if you stop…... Anyway, please continue surveying the area.”
Vangeance said with a wry smile before turning back toward Yuno and Bell. Upon doing so, he was surprised to see a certain someone approaching him and Yami.
“Va…… Vangeance…… you, why are you here……!?”
It was the Captain of the Blue Roses, Charlotte Roselei. For some reason, when she made eye contact with Vangeance, she froze in place with a startle. Upon closer examination, she was holding a basket full of cookies.
‘What’s going on here……?’ he thought. Despite his uncertainty, Vangeance decided to try greeting her, but then Charlotte’s face turned bright red as she stuttered with an extraordinarily high-pitched voice,
“I-I, uh, funny story! My squad held a cooking class, and we ended up making too many cookies! I thought it would be a waste to throw them all away, s-so I thought that I could give them to Yami! It’s not like I have an ulterior motive or anything! I’m just trying to get rid of them!”
“I didn’t ask you anything, though……”
‘This situation feels very familiar…...’ secretly, Bell was experiencing Deja-vu. Yami folded his arms and looked at Charlotte.
“The cookies are for me? From you? Why have you been actin’ so girly lately?”
“What!? You…...!”
Charlotte was about to reach for the handle of her sword, but she reconsidered, stopping her hand and shaking her head. She walked up to Yami and said,
“Just take it already. I’m busy. I’d rather not waste my time on things like this.”
And, with a straight face, presented the basket of cookies to him. Unlike before, there was no agitation in her voice or mannerisms. She was her usual dignified self. Although, that was only true on the outside.
‘…...Y-yes! I gave it to him! I wasn’t sure what to do when I saw Vangeance here, but I managed to give it him! Ha ha, I’m amazing!’
Internally, she was frolicking about like a schoolgirl. However, she we careful not to show that on her face. Charlotte had been reflecting on her recent actions. She has always allowed herself to get agitated in front of Yami, so she decided to work hard at not letting those feelings show. However, perhaps it was because she has had many opportunities to make contact with him as of late, but she hasn’t been able to hide her unrest, and her behavior has become strange. The times she has nearly attacked him in attempt to hide this have only increased.
‘This isn’t good,’ Charlotte thought. She admonished herself once more and vowed that she would maintain her self-control in front of Yami.
‘No matter what might happen, I won’t allow myself to get upset in front of him ever again!’ She told herself this over and over again, but then,
“Oh, thanks.”
Yami said this as he shoveled several cookies into his mouth.
“Huh? They’re good, like normal cookies. What the hell? Did you seriously make these?”
Charlotte responded with a straight face, but,
‘I-I’m so happy! To think hearing the man I love praise my cooking would make me so happy!’
Internally, she was soaring. She was trying desperately not to let that show, however,
“I seriously thought your cookin’ was gonna suck, but I guess you’re a proper lady after all. Hey, Vangeance, Yuno, you guys should try some, too. They’re surprisingly good. Surprisingly.”
“……Hmph. You’re as rude as usual. I cannot tell if you’re trying to praise me or insult me.”
Once again, Charlotte responded with a straight face, but,
‘He thinks it’s so good that he’s telling other people to try them!? He thinks they’re that delicious!? I’m a little annoyed that any men other than Yami are eating them, but still, I’m so happy!’
Internally, she was flying even higher than before, and thus she was trying even more desperately not to let her feelings be known. However, then Yami said,
“I’ve gotta say……. I could eat these cookies every day. Seriously.”
‘Ah……. I’m done for.’
Her excitement seemed to overflow from her whole body until, finally, she fell backwards.
The back of her head hit the stone pavement, knocking her unconscious.
“Eeeeeeeeh!? Wait, what just happened!? Are you okay!? Hey!?”
Yami picked up her body, holding her in her arms while unusually upset. However…… there, an even more terrible incident unfolded.
“B-Big Sis! Are you okay!? What happened!?”
Several members of the Blue Rose, with Sol at the forefront, rushed toward Charlotte. They surrounded her and glared sharply at Yami. Sol took one step forward toward Yami, her body swaying as if she were half-conscious. Representing the entire group, Sol quietly informed him,
“When Big Sis suddenly disappeared, we began a search for her……. What is the meaning of this, Captain of the Black Bulls……? Why has Big Sis collapsed before you?”
“That’s what I’d like to know! She just suddenly collapsed all on her own, and-
“HUUUUUH!? So, you did do something to her, didn’t you!?”
“As I’ve said, you’ve got it all wrong! It was all on her own, and…. Wait, don’t attack me!”
After that, a brawl broke out between the Black Bulls and the Blue Roses. However, Charlotte woke up soon after and cleared Yami’s name. Still, thanks to the uproar they caused, not a single person remained in Yami’s drawing class.
“………That was quite dangerous.”
“………I’m sick of this.”
Said Vangeance, Yuno, then Bell as they continued their patrol. They had a hard time stopping those girls’ rampage.  Though it only took a few dozen seconds before Charlotte woke up and said, “……Sorry. I was just feeling a little lightheaded. It’s nothing important,” their brawl was fierce and merciless, so it was exceedingly difficult to stop them without destroying the town themselves. Moreover, their brawl, coupled with the uproar that Mereoleona caused, was starting to make the citizens who came here afraid of the Magic Knights. One of the goals of this event was to dispel any doubts the citizens had about the Magic Knights, but their doubts were only increasing. On top of that, they haven’t found a single clue toward dealing with the main problem at hand, the Original Sin Grimoire. With such negative thoughts floating in his head, exhausted by the day’s events, Yuno muttered to himself,
“Is the Order of the Magic Knights…... really okay…...?”
“Ha ha. Certainly, a lot of events have happened in rapid succession that would make one a little uneasy. No, maybe “very uneasy” would be more accurate?”
“Ah, no, sorry. That was a little careless of me to say. I mean…...”
Realizing that Vangeance overheard him, he hurriedly tried to explain himself. Since he somehow managed to work his way to be the person in the Golden Dawn who collected the most stars last term, he thought that he shouldn’t complain in front of the captain. With a gentle smile, Vangeance waved his hand as if to expel Yuno’s worries.
“I don’t mind…… No, well…… this is a good opportunity, so I guess I’ll go ahead and ask you.”
Vangeance, too, spoke so softly that one would think he was talking to himself.  
“Let me ask you, Yuno. What do you think about the Magic Knights and this country?”
Yuno and Bell reflexively looked at each other. His superior was asking him what he thought about his workplace and the thing he is supposed to protect. That’s not all that strange by itself, but it seemed a little abrupt. Realizing what Yuno was thinking, Vangeance shrugged his shoulders and said,
“It wasn’t meant to be a deep question. It’s just that many members of the Magic Knights, myself included, have high hopes for you. I was simply curious about your thoughts.”
Yuno lowered his head as he thought. It’s an abstract question, but if all he’s curious about is what he thinks, then……
“I think there are many problems in both of them that must be solved, but, even so, I love the Magic Knights and this country. Everyone in the Magic Knights is…… well, at first, they were extremely critical of me, but, lately, they all seem to recognize me as a friend. It feels very comfortable. Ever since the Star Festival, it feels as if the citizens have accepted me, too.”
Yuno remembered the smiles and cheers of the people at the Star Festival, filling Yuno with warmth as he spoke.
“I want to fight to protect the people who accepted me. That’s what I think.”
At first, Yuno only thought about fulfilling his dreams. However, these feelings gradually grew as he continued to fulfill his duties. Every time a person thanked him, every time a person smiled, he felt that he wanted to protect them. Those were his truest feelings from the bottom of his heart, but was that answer good enough……? Yuno thoughts were such as he watched Vangeance, who replied with a satisfied expression,
“I feel the same way. I love the Magic Knights, and I love this country, too. In the Magic Knights, I have comrades and subordinates I can rely on, and I have a superior I want to be like…… Julius-sama. Moreover, this is the country where my comrades and I were born and raised. These feelings are not so grandiose that I would call them patriotism, but I feel a dept of gratitude. In order to repay that dept, I want to protect this country and its people forever…… I truly do.”
For some reason, his expression became sorrowful for the second time that day.
‘……As I thought, Vangeance is definitely acting strange today.’
He was clad in his usual elegantly dignified aura, but there were moments when Yuno could feel a terrible fragility in him, as if he could simply fade away. However, these moments passed by so quickly that it was hard for Yuno to bring up. In the end, all he could do was worry.  
“Anyway, just as you said, Yuno, I believe there are many problems in both that must be solved.”
While Yuno was thinking, Vangeance returned to normal and replied with his usual tone. Yuno understood that thinking about it wasn’t going to get him anywhere, so he stopped mulling over it and listened to Vangeance speak.
“Discrimination against commoners and peasants, the secret maneuvers of those who act only for their own self-interest…… there’s many things we must do to make the country and the Magic Knights better, to make them something you can love even more.”
“……I agree.”
Yuno unintentionally responded with a severe tone of voice. This was because he and Asta have had many painful experiences because of the discrimination that peasants face. Understanding the reason behind Yuno’s heavy reply, he put his hand on Yuno’s shoulder as he continued,
“I’m looking forward to what you will do to solve these problems. If you demonstrate that even a peasant can shine if you hone your strength, you will not only eliminate the discrimination peasants face, you will also become the hope of the populace. I apologize for using you like an advertisement, but I intend to keep you busy.”
“Leave it to us~! After all, not only does Yuno have a four-leaf grimoire, he’s also a genius who’s loved by me! We’ll crush the walls of social status into tiny little pieces as many times as it takes!”
Interjected a certain wind spirit who didn’t read the mood of the conversation.
“Bell, house.”
Yuno tried to make her be quiet, but her outburst made Vangeance chuckle.
“I’m sure you will.”
He agreed with her as he laughed.
“Despite that, no, maybe because of that…... I’m a little worried.”
Once again, though only slightly, something seemed to cloud his usual gentle expression.
“……Right. This may be a little off-topic, but your goal is to become the Wizard King, right, Yuno?”
Yuno answered immediately. He had decided that there was nothing to be embarrassed about, so he would always answer without hesitation, no matter who asked him. Vangeance nodded his head before continuing,
“What are you willing to lay on the line for your goal?”
“Including your own life?”
“As long as I get to be the Wizard King for a bit before I die.”
“I see. Then, what about the life of another?”
“Let’s say you could save people’s lives in exchange for your own. What would you do?”
Yuno found himself unable to respond to such an unexpected question. With a wry smile, yet somehow incredibly sincerely, he informed Yuno,
“……I’m sorry for asking such a cruel question. However, because of your strength, there will be many situations in the future where you will need to make all kinds of choices, especially if you are aiming to become the Wizard King. In some of those cases, deciding on what is the right choice will be difficult…… In fact, there will surely come a time where, like my earlier question, you’ll have to make a choice when there is no right answer.”
It was as if Vangeance was speaking from experience, no, as if he were in such a situation at this very moment.
‘In his position, he has probably had to make dozens of decisions where there wasn’t a right choice,’ Yuno thought. And, just as he says, the time when Yuno will have to make such a choice will surely come as well.
‘When the time comes, what will I choose…….?’
“You don’t have to think so hard about it. It’s just that, since its possible you might end up in a situation like that someday, I wanted to know what you thought…… Whenever that happens, I hope you will always be able make a decision you can stick behind.”
Vangeance briefly paused before continuing. In that moment, Yuno turned his head to the side in doubt, still unsure of what his decision would be.
“If you don’t know what the right choice is…… in times like those, make a decision that you can be satisfied with. If you do that, you’ll be able to take responsibility for the consequences of your decision, even if those consequences are bad. Maybe this is already obvious to you, but for people as powerful as you, every decision you make has a big influence on your surroundings…… it will make me happy if you keep that in mind.”
Yuno answered with uncertainty. With that, Vangeance stretched lightly before saying,
“……Now then, that was quite a long talk, so I’m thirsty. Let’s buy something to drink.”
“Okay, then I’ll-
“No, I’ve already forced you to listen to me talk, so I’ll go buy them.”
Vangeance interrupted gently before quickly making his way to the juice stand. Yuno reluctantly sat down on a nearby bench and, for the second time that day, sighed briefly.
“……Hey, Yuno! Don’t worry about it! That question was just way too mean!”
“Well, you’re right, but…...”
As Bell continued to speak, Yuno became lost in his thoughts. Since the day he decided to become the Wizard King, he has worked single-mindedly to make his goal come true. No matter what hardships or unfairness stood in his way, he would find a way to push them aside, or, at least, that was his intention. However, he couldn’t answer Vangeance’s question. Even now, he still didn’t know the answer. He wasn’t prepared. The fact he still didn’t know the answer filled him with frustration. He felt as if he was just told he wasn’t working hard enough, or that he was too naïve.
“Oh, come on!”
As if she could sense Yuno’s state of mind, Bell opened his book pouch without permission, opened his grimoire, and pushed it against his face.
“Huh!? What the heck are you do-
“Look! After getting your grimoire, you filled so many pages in just half a year! No ordinary person would be able to do that! This is proof of your weird fixation on trying too hard!”
“I’m not sure if you’re trying to compliment me or insult me.”
“To make matters worse, your legs are long, your eyes are like almonds, and your cuticles are flawless! Everything about you is amazing, you hottie!”
“As I said, are those compliments or insults? You’re throwing compliments at me with all the tension of a tirade, so it’s confusing.”
Though Bell was annoying, for once her rampage helped him. The thoughts that were plaguing him earlier were the type that do not stop once you let yourself start thinking about them. He was grateful that she forced him to stop thinking about it. The captain’s question was one that should be taken very seriously, but it was not something he needed to think about right now. Yuno wasn’t sure if this was what Bell was trying to say, but, at the very least, that was the conclusion she led him to.
“……I understand, Bell……. Thanks.”
“You’re very welcome! I don’t really get why you’re thanking me, though!”
As they continued their usual exchange, Bell pulled Yuno’s grimoire away from his face. When she did, Yuno noticed that the drawing Silka gave him earlier fell out. He had put the drawing in his book pouch, so when Bell pulled his grimoire out from it, it fell by accident. When he picked it up, he patted the soil of off it and moved to put the drawing back in his book pouch, but then,
When he looked at the drawing, there was something about it that made him a bit uneasy.
And then, he realized it.
Even so, there were many holes in his hypothesis. If he was right, then his opponent made a rather careless mistake. However, if his opponent really was that careless, then it’s possible that……
“I’m sorry for taking so long. Julius-sama ended up roping me into a conversation.”
Vangeance returned with three juices in hand. Yuno didn’t respond to his voice, only staring at him in silence. It would be too hasty of him to mark him as a suspect. However, if his hypothesis was correct, then that would explain what Yami was saying earlier. To find more evidence, first, he should……
“……Captain Vangeance.”
With tension rising, Yuno turned toward Vangeance and uttered these words,
“Captain, may I see what’s in your book pouch?”
In response to Yuno’s question, Vangeance smiled back at Yuno with his usual elegant smile from beneath his mask.
……No. This wasn’t his usual smile. There was a hidden meaning behind it.
 — To be continued in Part 2 —
As usual, expect the second half next week! Did any of you catch what Yuno noticed when he looked at the drawing?
I know I keep gushing on about how great each chapter is, but the chapters in this book are just too good! This chapter was just too cute! William being a total sucker around kids was cute! Yuno thinking about how much he wants to protect those kids was cute! Yami’s class being a hit with kids was cute! And Mereoleona… well, I don’t know if I would describe her scene with those kids as “cute”, but I loved it nonetheless!
I think this might be the most progress Charlotte has ever had toward her relationship with Yami. She actually managed to give him something she made, and he liked it!
I’m also glad Yuno is hesitating in his answer toward William’s question. He may be a Magic Knight, so it may be his duty to sacrifice his life for the citizens, but he’s only about 16 years old at this point in the story. It would be strange for a 16-year-old to be okay with sacrificing his life.
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evolsinner · 3 years
days go by, another one comes across. however, today is that day, and by ‘that day’ i mean, can we all please have a drumroll, it’s fucking parent~teacher interviews! aka an interrogation under the guise of pleasantries. i thought if i didn’t think about it, it’d just fucking disappear, but hey no, it’s still here.
but that’s okay, you see my parents don’t know a thing about it. i shredded all the notices they’ve sent us and made sure to cut the line every time my sneaky ass school called home. so when it came to my last class for the day, which is english lit obviously, i was quite happy that i didn’t have to stay behind like some students.
the class is empty, it’s almost 4 sharp.
“it’s only interviews,” i try to ease mr killian’s nerves. “just tell them what they wanna hear ~ easy peasy.”
“i wish, but it doesn’t work like that, luv. you know,” he looks up from his paper and removes his reading glasses to rub his weary eyes, “believe it or not, but we hate this day just as much as you kids do.”
“really?” i’m shooked. “thought you teachers just loved taking your sweet as revenge on students on this devilish day. it’s practically reverse halloween where the educators aren’t in costume for the first time, huh.”
mr killian places his pen behind his ear, entertained. “‘reverse halloween’, aye?” he leans back on his chair, arms folded and an ankle~on~knee. “you’re too funny.”
“‘funny’?” i walk over to him, admiring the tantalising dark circles underneath his scintillating eyes. “yeah? and what else?”
he possessively pulls me in between his legs, squeezing my booty in fistfuls. “and sexy and fierce and delicious.”
“do you want a bj?”
“oh, and very fucking naughty too!”
“what you gonna do about it?”
“gee, you’re tempting me.”
“mhm,” i bite my lip.
“you are in serious need of punishment, little girl,” he flicks an eyebrow up. “slide down your panties and lean over my desk.”
my eyes open wide, “no.”
“i mean, there’s no space on y~y~your desk,” i glance at it. “there’s those booklets, essays, midterms, finals, your laptop...”
“i’ll make space.”
“uh, umm,” i step back.
“nuh~uh,” he pulls me in again so that i’m standing with my thighs directly opposite his thingy. “slide ‘em down right in front of me.”
“that’s too close,” i squeak, going red.
“what difference does it make? you a step back or not, i’ll still see it. c’mon,” he feathers a finger down my bare thigh, “you can’t still be shy? i’ve seen every part of you, every inch of you. the hills, the slopes, the blemishes... want me to go on?”
ok, imma prove him wrong. i undo the button and zipper on my shorts, exposing the bright red lacy panties i got just for him.
“you were hiding those from me?” he points to them, sounding offended.
slowly, i rub my hand over the skimpy fabric, sticking a finger behind the elastic.
“such a tease,” sir leans back. “congratulations, darling, you’ve earned yourself 5 more spanks.”
the thought of him spanking me…
“want me to go easy on you?” he asks, and i see rare mercy dancing around in his eyes.
i nod, prolly a goner if i were dumb enough to take my chances with this guy.
“then touch yourself, sweetheart,” the mercy evaporates from his eyes completely. he just went from a saint to a sinner in a millisecond. “mhm,” he nods to my hesitant expression, “slide your hand through your panties and touch yourself for me. if you don’t moan my name whilst finger~fucking your cunt, i’ll give you the belt.”
heck no, i don’t want to get spanked with a belt! that’ll hurt so much more!! i’ve seen it on 50sog!
“y~you w~want me to m~masturbate for you?”
“did i stutter?”
no, but i did.
shocked at how strangely turned on i’m feeling, i slide my fingertips under the double thin lines of the red covered elastic bands. tell me, why did i wear this again? i inch my fingers down further, my breath hitching up and pelvic muscles contracting.
sir slides his hand into his pants and gently strokes his cock, scarring me with imaginary ciggy burns from the way he’s staring at me doing me. “hurry it up, little one, time is of the essence.”
3 knocks on the door and it swings open with a, “hello?”
mr killian speedily sits up.
and i step back right away, pulling my hand out and tugging my shirt over the open zipper. “mum?”
“roséah,” she squints, “what on earth... dear lord, you have a lot of explaining to do!”
i refuse to blink. i think i’m having something like a heart attack. “w~what do you mean?”
“well, for starters,” she struts up to me, “you didn’t tell me that today was parent~teacher interview night.”
i exhale deeply, relief has never felt this good.
“mr killian, i presume?” mum says, holding her hand out.
i quickly fix myself up behind her.
“please,” he smiles, shaking her hand, “call me isaac.”
why the fuck would mum come here without informing me about it?!?
“apologies for not booking in a time slot and barging in like this. had i known,” mum gives me an irritated look, “i would have been more prepared.”
“it’s no worries, mrs blackburn,” sir tries to downplay it. “i reckon i can squeeze you in before my first interview. so please,” he motions to the two seats preplaced in front of the desk, “have a seat.”
“christella will do just fine,” and she takes no time in making herself comfortable.
i roll my eyes, so fucking annoyed and anxious at the same time.
“if you don’t mind my saying so,” sir gracefully says, “but now i know where your beautiful daughter gets her beautiful looks from.”
mum titters, tucking invisible strands of hair behind her ear and straightening out her pencil skirt.
sir glances at me and it’s so provocative in nature that i can’t look away, hence he does it for me. “do we have a common friend that can get both of us acquainted with one another?” he causally asks my mother with a chuckle.
aren’t they supposed to be talking about me?
“i don’t suppose so, isn’t that a shame?” mum smiles.
“‘shame’ would be an understatement, stella…can i call you stella?”
“you can call me whatever you want, isaac.”
“ahem!!” eww. ew. “mum,” i shake my head at her like ‘did you forget you have a husband?’, “you might wanna..”
“oh, yes, of course! silly me. so do tell, isaac? how has my daughter been doing?”
“well, to be candour, i’m rather impressed at how dedicated rosé is on learning.”
“hm, is that so?” she gives me a suspicious glance.
“indeed,” mr killian sends me a secret wink.
“does she slack off? because you’d tell me if she did, right?” mum asks.
“mum,” i grumble, she’s so embarrassing sometimes.
mr killian chuckles, “you’d be the first to know, stella. fortunately, that isn’t the case. rosé has quite the eye for accomplishing her goals.”
i’m getting lost in him again...
“gets all her work done on time, doesn’t send inappropriate text messages in class,” he proceeds professionally, kinda cocky, “nor does she ever has to stay back late.”
all of which i do the opposite of, i give him a guilty grin.
mum looks rather very taken aback, considering how i am at home. “seems like she’s quite the student?”
“you’d be surprised by what goes on in these walls.”
that not so hidden half~smile sir gives me pauses my mum in her tracks with her next question. i look at her sudden stiffness and notice how she’s surveying mr killian intently, her eyes narrowed into slits. oh crap.
“ahem!” i shift in my seat quickly.
sir coughs and swiftly brings in another topic.
mum gradually returns to her usual manner.
that was close.
when they finally say their farewells, i feel relieved as a fucking kite flying high up in a blue cloudless sky. mum did a few more interviews before she finally decided to go home. mr killian had given her false hope and high expectations, so it was funny when my other teachers informed her that my grades were declining from b’s and c’s to d’s and e’s.
oops, my bad.
-ˋˏ ༻🍷༺ ˎˊ-
it’s late, a major thunderstorm has hit and maxi being the scaredy~cat he is has crept into my room for the night. incoming call from isaac. i decline it. so he calls me again. and i decline it again. busy tryna shoot him a text which he keeps interrupting with phone calls.
daddy🔐 is my furry baby avoiding my calls?
tf he just called me??????
me im not avoiding ur calls jus ctrn cuz baby bro is sleeping in my bed thunder isnt his strong suit :/
daddy🔐 why am i jealous?
lol, seriously? i smile, rolling over to the edge of my bed.
daddy🔐 can’t stop thinking about you...
me jus stop its not dat hard
god, i suck at this.
daddy🔐 i really need to be fucking inside you right now!
uh, what the fuck do i text back?!
daddy🔐 would it be inappropriate of me to ask you what you are wearing since you’re with your kid brother?
me wow, ur quite the gentleman, arent ya ?
daddy🔐 i try my best.
feeling kinky, i silently remove my oversized graphic tee and take two pictures of myself. then i quickly pop my tee back on before curling up on the bed and hitting ‘send’.
daddy🔐 mmmm leopard panties and no bra, sexy. though i do wish you could move your arm out of the way so i could see my two girls?
no, my boobies are too small and i’m shy!
daddy🔐 such unspeakable things i could to your body right about now. would you like to know, baby?
i’m so tempted to text back ‘yes’, but that’d just get me too hot and bothered which is not a good idea when your lil brother is lying right next to you.
me behave (;
daddy🔐 how about we finish off what we started back in the classroom?
me we hv company rmbr ?
daddy🔐 right.
there’s a while with those 3 flashing dots before he texts back.
daddy🔐 considering we have an audience tonight, i’m willing to keep it pg. on the contrary, was nice talking to your mother today.
me were u flirting w her ?
daddy🔐 i don’t know. was i?
me u so were ! nd evry subtextual sentence u uttered !! she cud hv caught on yanno ?!
daddy🔐 that, i couldn’t help. the look on your face was hilarious. hers too.
i almost lol by just picturing my mum’s face, but i suppress it.
me jus bc u made me laugh dnt mean im not still mad !
daddy🔐 allow me to make it up to you?
me go on...
daddy🔐 there’s this soirée i’m holding with my crew for the long weekend. lakehouse, few beers, great view - thank kinda thing. i want you there.
me y do u want me der ? (;
daddy🔐 ‘cause i wanna fuck you hard on my mate’s couch whilst everyone else is out by the lake.
daddy🔐 and also because i want you to get to know my people more. (:
he used a smiley face! he never uses smiley faces!
me hmm, guess ill hv 2 think bout it
because i have to ask my mum first!!
daddy🔐 hope this helps?
he sends me a photo or two back, like it was a trade or something. but jesus christ, isaac killian! he was definitely not kidding about having me on his mind!
daddy🔐 don’t ponder too much. goodnight, love.
“rosé..?” maxi murmurs behind me, rolling around.
shit. i drop my phone in an instant and cringe for my luck. “yeah?”
“you’re taking all the blanket and i’m cold..”
“oh, right...” i exhale with relief, placing my phone on the bedside table. i turn around, shifting the blanket over him and putting my arms around him. phew.
i rest my eyes for a second when maxi is like, “what was that?”
“hm?” i smile as he snuggles between my arms.
“that big cucumber looking thing on your phone.”
i almost choke on my saliva. “t~t~that was...you’re dreaming, maxi. this is all nothing but a dream...” i add some whooo noise effect to make it more believable.
“no i am not!” he asserts.
“yes you are! now shut up or go back to your own room.”
thunder cracks intensely and he doesn’t say anything further. thank you, sweet jesus.
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First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
MUN NAME: Bambi / Eden     AGE: 18       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord (search discord up on my blog)
CHARACTER(S): a shit ton
CURRENT FANDOM(S): Dragon Age, rdr2, assassin’s creed, star wars (sorta??)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  Modern verse, r.dr2, da, skyrim (haven’t touched my bio for it for a while so I may have to touch it up a bit) and that’s pretty much it for any au verse. They’re just crossover verses.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: ONE-LINER (it happens but I tend to not favor it) / 1 PARA / 2 PARA / 3+ PARA / NOVELLA. / ALL
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. ( varies, but overall I tend to post more ooc? )
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  im me or talk to me over discord
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER: Not too much? I’d like for there to be a plot in mind, but I can understand if that’s not the case. I’ve had instances where I want to interact with a character, but have absolutely no idea in mind. Usually sendign in an ask meme can help in that regard.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I strive to not be one-sided myself, but I do have instances where I can’t think of anything. I’m not sure? Maybe ask the other person if they’re into it or if something else is at play (dealign with real life problems and it just affects their mood voerall).
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I always try to give ideas of my own if I have any. Coming to a equally agreed, general idea is fine. I’ve had instances where I was on both sides of this, but I always try to add input and be equal with the other person.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - AND WHY?: Sometimes I don’t notice it, but sometimes I do. Generally, I like to know, but I understand if someone doesn’t wan tto reach out. Just at least try to let me know and we’re fine. 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  It depends really. Sometimes I just don’t have muse for a thread, or an instance where I have dropped a muse entirely. Sometimes it can be timing, but that’s rarely the issue. Most of the time it’s just I can’t think of anything and I feel like it hasn’t really gone anywhere? I have stuff in my queue for a while, so soemtimes it appears that way until it’s posted and I’m sorry about that.
WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. ( I do have instances where I was forgetful and I haven’t told my partner int he apst adn I’m sorry about that. )
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: I don’t need to be tlaked every day, but stronger friendships ( ooc & ic ) are formed when I talk to a person. It doesn’t need to be often, but it helps me understand your chaarcter and your approach. With that, I can come up with ideas and understand you rmuse more. I understand if people aren’t fond of ooc chatting, that’s completely understandable to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: Criticsm is a good way to grow. Criticsm is different from completely bashing a perosn’s portrayal and not giving any pointers (ex: “your portrayal sucks.”). Or even for a person. If you feel like I am portraying something wrong, like depression or something similar, let me know. If you feel like Lydia’s adhd isn’t properly portrayed, let me know. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: All of my muses are written and taken an interest in for different reasons, sometimes I don’t even know why I decided to write them. I roleplay because I love exploring different characters and dyanamics and it’s easier for me to write like this than forming my own story. But a goal in mind? Be a good rp partner I guess? Or at least try to make things interesting and try my best to portray my characters correctly or in an intruiging manner. 
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  Varies on muse. I have different plots in my wishlist tag: ( wishlist ). 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   Potential triggering content ahead. Rape, noncon, abuse, incest, drug use -not alcohol- ( lyrium I can write fine, it’s just the realistic stuff I can’t do. ), inappropiate under age stuff. Themes where I write a stalker. Sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and racism will never be mentioned by any of my characters. I won’t write smut probably ever, so themes with that I tend to not write. Very likely more, I just can’t think of anything. Within dragon age, I do have a characetr ( Sera ) who will refer to elves as elfy-elves and be pretty anti-elf, which can be triggering to others. Also, animal abuse or gore of any kind.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I can’t work with starters that don’t really have any dialogue (handing something over with nothing vocally said is fine, but when someone is just sitting there, that’s harder to work with unless somethign is plotted). Generally, I like outside circumstances to be explained (locaiton, where in a game/setting this might be occuring, etc), I really like when dialogue is added and body landguage is explained/noted.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Honestly? it varies. I tend to really be into deep, complex characters or characters that appear can be sterred in that direction with more added. Bubbly, energetic characters, fighters (typically female). Quick witted or flirty characters & mysterious types. 
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  I hate using the term but mary-sue/gary-sue. I hate saying that, but if a character has no flaws, I won’t be interested. Or characters that seem to just be placed there with no development. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I try to add as much effort, or at least a lot of effort, in replies & interaction. I am very open-minded and when I get passionate about soemthing, you can really tell. I am easy-going, so feel free to tell me if you want to drop a thread or have a concern. I tend to work well of other’s people’s ideas, usually able to add my own.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I am slow and my queue tends to be slow since I try not to overhwelm myself and stress myself out to the heavens. I try to reach out, but sometimes I just can’t think of anything to say. My muse can be very flickle at times, so replies to stuff can vary. My msue tends to be more for ask memes than replies at times. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. ( I love ships, but I am selective with it and require chemistry -unless I know your muse and you occ super, super well-. It’s nice but it isn’t he full focus of this blog. I want to explore my characters and witness other people’s characters and their development. )
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Varies on muse, but for my rdr2 characters I’ve been really wanting a sorta of “outside” character where they aren’t directly involved in the gang, but they are in a relationship with oen of their members. Where my muse,w hose in the gang, will tell you rmuse about it and the whole aftermath of everything. Where their partner will understand to an extent, but try to undestand? if that makes sense? I also want enemies to work on a job/project together and deal with that. But this all also varies on muse.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS.  ( I find it easier to write to assume people knwo each other, but an immediate friendship isn’t required. Like my muse may know yours or hear about yours, but they haven’t directly met you before ). 
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: I have a large amount of different muses, but all of my muses all bring something new to the table. Want a guy who seems nice, but can be an asshole with a flick of a dime, who has a secret betrayal plot hidden behind his back? Pick Robert. Want a guy who’s humurous but seems to be hiding under a fake persona? Pick Charley. Want a female assassin who’s very talented anr professional in her work to a fault with her work-alcoholic ways? Pick Evie. Want a sweet and caring character with a heart of gold and will give you advice and comfort? Pick Cassie It depends on the plot, too, but I try my best to add as much to reply to to another. If you ever want more added, tell me! I could give multiple plots, so it’s really hard to put something down.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  If someone isn’t interested or outwardly hateful of my muse without a valid reason when starting to interact. Beign enemies is fine, but maybe we could write how it became that way? This really varies, so don’t let this steer you away. Just give me something to work with, brign soemthing to the tbale, and I’m usually fine.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?:  Varies on muse. Robert: fame/recognition, a legend made out of him. Charley: just to live life happy? He wants to be okay money-wise. Evie: to take down the Templars & help the people of London, not fail and always be successful and outwit her foes. Cassie: everyone around her happy. Sean: His gang to be successful, btu also be sucessful himself, he wants to be admired as well.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  Just using the same muses lmao. Robert: Someone who just listens to him and isn’t quick to make fun of him. Charley: If they have a sense of humor and someone he can stand, he’s pretty much fine tbh. Evie: If they can give her any information or aid with her cause. Cassie: How they are feeling. If they let her just listen and seem more open than closed off. Very personality-based. Sean: soemtimes looks, but mostly if they have a similar personality as him.
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Evie: devotion, kind spriit, efficiency, loyalty. Robert: willingness and empathy despite having little himself. Charley: Honesty. Cassie: Consistency. Sean: reliability. 
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  generally all of them like books (except Sean), events around them, their interests.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  For half of them, anything mundane or boring. Anything that isn’t relating to anything that’s spoken around / surrounds them.
DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  Robert & Charley (more Robert) witnessed a murder, Robert actually doing that act. Cassie: hearing about the violent nature of her father’s death. Sean: the things he went through with the bounty hunters.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  A gunshot or anything that could overpower them.
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Sean: rich people, Scots for some reason, English people sometimes. When someone disagrees with him on soemthing he is passionate about. Pronouncing and Irish word wrong. O’Driscolls & anyone that’s an enemy of the gang. Evie: Templars, Starrick & Lucy Thorne. People who lie or misled her or others. Injustice. Robert: Someone makign fun of him tbh. Charley: People who don’t plan out anything or are really reckless.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO.    - BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?: Talk to them. Initiate a conversation. Pretty much that across the board. 
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: None of my muses are perfect. Some are worse than others, but generally msot of my muses will listen to you and usually be nice to you if you appraoch them well. All my muses are different from one another, so expect different results / reactions
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
TAGGED: stole it
 TAGGING: steal it and pelase tag me ! I want to see your results
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chrgemeup · 4 years
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hola.  i’m  frankie  —  she ╱ her,  23  years  old,  &  coming  to  you  live  from  the  cst.  i’ve  been  dying  to  use  the  love  of  my  life  again  and  join  a  decent  family  rp,  so  i’m  w/o  a  doubt  very  excited  to  be  here  !  a  few  tidbits  about  the  “refined”  detective  can  be  found  under  the  read  more.  if  you’d  like  to  plot,  𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒  𝑡𝘩𝑖𝑠  𝑝𝑜𝑠𝑡  𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒  𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒  &  i  will  come  crashing  into  your  im’s.  also,  thanks  for  reading  this  sucky  intro  !
••  is  that  jessica  chastain?  no,  that’s  just  richelle  armstrong,  the  45  year  old  cis  female  who  is  a  detective.  some  say  they’re  sarcastic  &  taciturn,  but  their  family  and  friends  will  swear  they’re  incisive  &  open-minded.  when  i  think  of  them,  i  think  of  black  wardrobe,  glass  or  rosé  wine,  dark  circles  under  eyes  hiding  behind  makeup.  i  wonder  if  her  family  knows  that  they  suffer  from  ptsd  after  a  case.  ●●
full name.  richelle  lorraine  armstrong  (  née  o’conner  )
pronunciation.  r  ih  sh  eh  l
meaning of name.  rich  and  powerful  ruler
aliases.  ricki/rickie,  elle,  raine,  rainey
age.  forty-five
date of birth.  february  2nd
astrological sign.  aquarius
place of birth.  aviano,  italy
hometown.  boston,  massachusetts
ethnicity.  white  ╱  so  many  to  list  tbh
nationality.  american
languages spoken.  english,  french,  italian  &  spanish
religion.  agnostic
gender & pronouns.  cis  female  ;  she ╱ her
sexual orientation.  bisexual
romantic orientation.  demiromantic
profession.  detective
current location.  ashcroft,  massachusetts
appearance.  tba
face claim.  jessica  chastain
height.  5′4″  ft  ╱  163  cm
weight.  123  lbs  ╱  56  kg
eye color.  green
hair color.  red
complexion.  tba
build.  fit,  trained
tattoos.  few
piercings.  one  on  each  standard  &  upper  lobe,  +  helix
parents.  henry  o’conner  &  carlie-rose  o’conner  (  née  ramsey  )
siblings.  two  ╱  one  brother  &  one  sister
marital status.  married
spouse.  agent  armstrong
children.  three  ╱  roarke,  daughter,  daughter
pets.  tbd
richelle o’conner was born and raised in aviano, italy ( at a u.s. military base ), until the age of 9; she and her siblings were military brats. dad was in the air force while mom was an awarded architect. growing up in italy was different to say the least. she stood out because of her red hair. wasn’t bullied. settled in a lot quicker than her siblings. while attending school, she was both in english & italian classes, and is fluent as hell.
considering the fact that aviano is a small town in italy, there was no doubt that ricki was going to miss it. it was upsetting that she was going to leave her friends behind, ones that she was truly going to miss ( teachers included ). sadly, they didn’t keep in touch.
ricki’s four grandparents would do the best they could to help when they moved back to boston — where the o’conners are originally from. either they would stay with them for weeks, dropping them off at school and/or picking them up afterward, life at home was decent. she will often comment that she was raised by her grandparents.
mom’s job required her to travel; an architect that worked with a company that had clients from all over. however, whenever she was home, she dedicated 100% of her time with her three children. dad would be deployed for months, even years, on end. would rarely see one another, but whenever he came home... they were all relieved !
richelle did NOT go to some fancy ivy league college, decided to be a student at bunker hill community college. wasn’t too far from home, a walking distance. one helluva student. miraculously passed her classes. a bit of a daredevil.
graduated with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. started out as a cop, was given a promotion as a detective two years later. ( this might not be how it usually goes. not that i’d know but she’s that good. )
she met her significant other, fell in love, and a few years later, they were husband and wife. never thought she’d get married. oof, still surprised that she is, but they make it work and loves him, of course. ( this could change as soon as MUSE 1 is taken up. )
FAMILY COMES FIRST. KIDS, WORK, HUSBAND — and in that order specifically. she might become the mother of dragons when it comes to her kids. giving birth to three kiddos means: she protec, she attac, but most importantly... you don’t wanna come across her dark side. she’ll go above and beyond for them. husband included.
ALSO, she cares for people to the point where she forgets to take care of herself... and refuses to. the woman needs to chill for a sec and someone should remind her. but her secret is that she suffers from ptsd from a previous case she’s had. richelle’s lacking in the sleeping department. she rarely sleeps now, so she covers those dark circles with makeup. wears makeup almost every time she has a shift and avoids the berating from her co-workers... because they sure as hell can be annoying.
even if she spends the majority of her time at the police station, the detective does give 100% of her time + undivided attention to family and friends. rickie takes work seriously, but not herself. she cleans up good. isn’t afraid to take a challenge ! don’t challenge her, don’t recommend it.
a women with few words. speaks when spoken to, otherwise she’s quiet. a rational woman. shares opinions, is willing to listen to others if nobody will; open-minded. an approachable detective. she’s not scary... i should have just said: easygoing.
i’m gonna stop before i get carried away & i’ll make a biography + stats page for her in due course.
confidante —  this  person  would  know  what’s  going  on  with  richelle.  they’d  be  the  first  &  last  to  know  that  she’s  suffering  from  ptsd  after  closing  a  horrifying  case...  and  bonus  points  if  they  work  at  the  police  station,  too  !
best  friends —  they  were  grew  up  together  in  boston  (  or  have  known  each  other  since  living  in  ashcroft  ).  richelle  isn’t  your  typical  gossiper  but  will  give  y/m  an  ear.  she’ll  try,  but  no  promises.
honestly,  give  me  everything  and  anything  you  could  possibly  think  of.  i’m  open  for  anything  !  don’t  be  afraid  to  share  your  ideas  w/  me.  the  only  2  i  could  think  of.  shame.
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Fishing Clash Cheats
Fishing Clash Guide
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Fishing Clash manual is a manual for warm new game. This may be a high-quality game however in case you don't spend cash for lures and sell off trophies you can't compete. I am a touch disappointed in the quantity of instances this app has crashed on me today. I am hoping this could be resolved. I gave it 2 stars, one for the brilliant portraits; the other for the remarkable movement. I would give it 3 extra if (1) there were commands everywhere to be determined( you are just guessing what each variety approach but you're often wrong); (2) it wasn't so especially luxurious you pay $19.ninety five for a wonderful white shark p.c. And you pick a first-rate white in a duel but never seize as soon as and (three) if they failed to keep pushing you togo on fb and be part of a fishing club(if you're unbiased and dueling a club member you may as well surrender as you're rarely if ever going to win. New skins and objects you can personalise your profile with even extra info way to new icons, frames, stat presentations... and lots extra! New skins and objects now you can personalise your profile with even greater details way to new icons, frames, stat displays... and plenty extra! New skins and items you may personalise your profile with even more details thanks to new icons, frames, stat shows... and lots extra! Don't be a john doe amongst anglers — now you could personalize your profile with precise avatars, uncommon skins, elite badges... and extra! The game started out ok, then in duel you get matched in opposition to humans with cards you do not have. That is an automatic loss, you're compelled to apply the basic lure and also you get random fish. There are sufficient fishing video games obtainable. Pearls are stupidly priced, $10 for 350 and the best packs price more than that... Fishing Clash is so fun i could play it for hours. I just downloaded the game and there may be not anything incorrect with it. Im no longer excellent however i have had a lot amusing playing Fishing Clash i love playing this game, however now i am getting the message replace go to shop after which there may be no area to update. Do not waste your money in this sport due to the fact the bought content is generally underwhelming and they rig the game to maintain you from achieving positive achievements a good way to get you to spend even extra money. Thank ten rectangular games for listening and valuing your clients comments when you have had hundreds if not hundreds of comments from "beloved" gamers asking you to please alternate or cast off sonar from duels!! !alternatively you cross around deleting feedback which are posted to your facebook web page that are meant for proceedings and opinions and remarks from you are oh so "loved" customers.you have misplaced masses or thousands of players do to this and the number is most effective developing.you are inventory additionally went down considerably.your traders will quickly see the trade and back out.very very very horrific customer support by means of you guys.its slowly going to come back to an end and it's far all self-inflicted!!! I am very sorry that i have to trade price of one of my favorites sport ever performed on cellular. In beyond bonus supporter packs were simplest extra bonus, now it modified into necessary. Gra powinna już działać poprawnie i takie sytuacje nie powinny mieć już miejsca. W razie dodatkowych pytań zapraszamy do kontaktu poprzez nasz formularz https://assist.tensquaregames.com. Mamy nadzieję, że uda nam się pomóc, i poprawić naszą ocenę. English, chinese, danish, french, german, indonesian, italian, japanese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese, russian, spanish, swedish, thai, turkish, ukrainian if you are on a non-public connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan for your tool to make certain it isn't inflamed with malware. As stated formerly, there may be a complete of 10 spaces available for bonuses with a seasoned rod. Even as the two most important bonus spaces are available with the primary rod, you will want the extra 5 spaces that the seasoned rod gives for fish weight bonuses. Earlier than even considering spending Pearls on bonus draws, you need to get your rod to degree 6. this must take no longer than a few hours of fishing, so it's miles very attainable. The purpose you need to get your rod to degree 6 is to be able to get bonuses for the #four and #6 bonus areas. Using bluestacks will even provide you with plenty of lure packs in the beginning: we explained the way to do this in any other article, so that you have to study that too. Now, you're ready to triumph over the ocean like a real fisherman - use your rod and gather all the fishes! We've got slain hundreds of monsters, amassed masses of gacha characters, and ruled countries as a effective lord: now, it's time to go fishing. Sometimes the exceptional element in existence... you can hold being the superhero or the selected one in different games. So there is the lose of money for the creators looming. Certainly one of the greediest loose games i have ever seen. I am getting that you are here to make cash however there comes a point in time when it crosses over into the greed department. Shame shame. Can be deleting. Hate it you cannot win a championship or duel without spending cash or even if do you still can not win if a person through the years has spent more with the builders their servers appear to be rigged for the big spenders,after playing for nearly a month i deleted it and i did enjoy that. You can block or delete them by using changing your browser settings. Those cookies permit us to be counted visits and visitors resources so we will measure and improve the overall performance of our web page. They help us to recognise which facts on pages is the maximum and least useful and see how traffic use website. All facts these cookies acquire is aggregated and therefore nameless. In case you do no longer allow these cookies we will no longer understand when you have visited our website, and will not be able to reveal its overall performance. It freezes in the course of duels, it freezes once i cross trade lures or locations, it freezes once i change fish, freaking freezes all the time now! As a good deal cash as i've spent on this recreation, it ought to be strolling til top form! So now the update is executed and the game will now not load in any respect. Why did i suppose the update would fix anything, i am done spending my money on something that does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The game is great when it stays connected through the app. Sir , Fishing Clash game jab open kar rahe hai, it's always says new update available go to store.. pls fix this sir asap thank you Fishing Clash: catching fish time is set in a delightful setting where you get to compete against other players in real time basis. You have to catch the fishes before your opponent manages to do so. The most popular hobby now in your pocket! Start catching fish species in Fishing Clash - free fishing simulator and new 3d game from ten square games, the producer of let's fish app. Vença a luta e obtenha o título de mestre de pesca! Fishing Clash é desenhado para todos os entusiastas que gostam de aventuras, acção, competição e ar livre! Pratique, junte-se a campeonatos e torneios, marque pontos e suba pelo quadro de pontuação! Viaje para locais naturais realistas e animados por todo o norte da américa. Comece na flórida e vá para o maior lago do alabama - lago guntersville. Sua próxima paragem será o rio kenai, o destino mais popular de pesca do alasca, conhecido particularmente pelo salmão e truta arco-íris.
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emperorhwangs · 7 years
Which hogwart houses do you think nuest members belong to ?
ok so i’m going to cheat a little and have some combined houses bc i think only one house can’t be enough to confine some of the members
Aron - Aron is a Gryffinpuff(?)/Huffledor(?) lol I don’t know what to call it
• he’s actually quite intelligent; he performed well in school and achieved a 2200 on his SAT (for reference, a 2400 is the full score and the Ivy League avg. is about 2150ish for the old SAT) 
• during the Pledis auditions, he ranked first out of all the trainees who auditioned
• he learned the entirety of the Korean language in under a year
• he speaks 3 languages: english, japanese, and korean
BuT (why he’s a gryffindor too)
• he can be brash and say things without thinking first, which has gotten him into trouble multiple times
• He perspective towards life seems to be to dive headfirst into things, without looking back
• he rejected his admission to NYU/rejected his academic future path to fully and completely pursue kpop (if this isn’t the definition of “taking the leap”, I don’t know what is)
• he won’t really censor his thoughts and is frank and stubborn, which can both be good and bad
• though he is the oldest member, he acts as if he is the maknae~ he tends to live vicariously without regrets
Ren (Minki/Mingi) - slytherpuff(?)
Slytherin gets a lot of hate for being the “evil” house, but that’s not how it is–the house itself is one of the most loyal and unified, with traits just as impressive as those of Gryffindor
• Ren oozes self confidence and is one of the few androgynous well known kpop stars–when he was been attacked for his “effeminate” image by a rude interviewer, he coolly, elegantly put him down, without a crack in his facade. He doesn’t flinch at insults to his appearance and instead hides his pain and buries it
• as you could see on PD101, ren is extra as hell; he knows how to draw attention for his benefit
• slytherins can tend to come off as a bit arrogant or prideful, and Ren definitely knows how gorgeous he is (there are an infinite amount of times where he’s complimented his own looks, lol, he even did it on PD101)
• slytherins are extremely loyal to their own, and Ren is extraordinarily loyal to his group 
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i giffed this a while back, but this was his reaction when he heard one of his labelmates dropped from top 11 (at the time he was the only one of NU’EST who wasn’t ranked within top 11)
• he’s been described as the most playful and mischievious, but he rarely laughs
• but Ren is a hufflepuff too, despite his seemingly cold exterior
• he is the maknae of the group, and if you have been Nu’est’s fan for a bit, you know the rest of the group spoil him and love him to death; he probably has the most skinship with the other members because they love him so much
• he is extremely selfless~ never once did he complain about being ranked lower than his fellow members, he was only happy they had made it so far
• he treats his fans like angels–there was a brother of a fan who ran into him at a cafe he goes to regularly and he remembered his name and greeted him every time they bumped into one another at the cafe from then on out
• he used to respond to private messages from fans and would comfort them through difficulties
• according to the other members, he complains the least
• he’s very tolerant of everyone and has encouraged fanboys to approach him as well, and he would be willing to hug them
• the younger trainees on PD101 all loved him and they stuck to him a lot; he was said to be a spirit raiser on the show
JR (Jonghyun) - ravenpuff(?) huffleclaw(?)
hufflepuff gets a lot of shit for being the “useless” house but there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are a hufflepuff
• nation’s leader, onibugi, is selfless almost to a fault
• he was the leader of Nu’est since he was 16(1!6!) an takes the failure of Nu’est onto himself; he always has carried the entire burden of the group on his shoulders
• in literally every group performance he was in, he was the leader and he stiLL nEVER gave himself more than a few lines (pun intended, but this was still so upsetting)
• he always puts the other group members before himself and looks over him as if he is their older brother, despite being younger than some of them. (look at the disappointment on his face when he saw Minhyun walk into D rank and Dongho when he forgot the lyrics during the grade reevaluation)
• he’s really friendly, despite being very introverted
• in fact, despite his natural introvertedness, he tries his best to push himself out of his own comfort zone so he can be warm to others and he has devised several ways for him to seem more extroverted (how selfless is this holy fuck)
• he’s also a ravenclaw, though
• he is a very capable leader who tries his best to avoid conflict by sorting the situation out
•ex. he could’ve been argumentative with Kwon Hyunbin when he wasn’t being an exemplary member and wasn’t pulling his weight, but he instead just talked some sense into him by mediating
• when he is quiet, it seems he is more analyzing and sorting out every situation silently. he seems to be a bit calculating so that he can approach problems more effectively.
• he is very driven and will push himself past boundaries–he was the only nu’est member who went up in grade reevaluations, going to rank B 
• despite his position as leader and rapper, he can also dance very well and he does so passionately
• he can play the piano, the flute, the clarinet, the saxophone, the tuba, the drums, and the trombone (that’s 8 instruments!!!)
Baekho (Dongho) - Gryffinpuff (i know this is an oxymoron, but hear me out)
• he looks like a formidable, scary, guy, but he is actually the softest human being ever. 
• he is always laughing, and the other members have said that if baekho isn’t laughing, there is something wrong (literally during the meringue time he just laughed the entire time even though he was just beating eggs)
• the other members refer to him as “baby tiger” despite his “sangnamja” appearance
• he’s been described as the most sincere and the most sensitive member 
• he didn’t even purposefully audition for Pledis he actually went there with a friend for emotional support and then he was casted (if that isn’t the most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever heard)
• he can’t sleep without hugging someone
• he is very caring and friendly, despite the jungle music editing MNET used, he picked up a lot of friends on the show and was loved by a lot of the younger trainees; seonho said that he would only share his special mango snack with Dongho
• but Dongho is also a good Gryffindor
• one time he almost fought a drug dealer who had threatened him and the group (omfg wht)
• he is willing to take the lead to be a leader, on adopt101 he patiently and diligently helped Haknyeon with his parts
• he can be just as ambitious as anyone, though it may come off as a little headstrong~ his clases w/ Sewoon~ but it isn’t malintentioned
• his instincts are sharp, and he isn’t afraid to voice them--when he heard the voice doubling in Daehwi’s BIL team, he wasn’t hesitant to immediately call them out. In this way, he wants to act justly and fairly
• hufflepuffs typically hold peace over everything, including justice in some cases for the sake of avoiding conflict, but that isn’t the case for Dongho because he is the type to call people out on their BS, immediately
• savage as hell *when watching Jonghyun’s center audition* --dongho: *it would’ve been very good....if you couldn’t hear anything”
Minhyun (CEO/Emperor Hwang) - ravenpuff
• Minhyun got the title CEO Hwang for good reason, he was able to form an incredibly strong team from only short analysis after spending some time with them and he found very strong team dynamics within the people he chose; he knew what he was doing when he chose the Justice League team
• Minhyun is supposedly the most intelligent of the members of Nu’est (even though he can’t type for shit)
• he is incredibly dedicated to his “studies”; though not necessarily academic, he will put his all into learning and  applying himself and has been called the most applied of the nu’est members
• he worked incredibly hard in preparation for the grade eval according to the other trainees and hence was most expected to rise in grade; however, he failed the reevaluation because of sheer exhaustion 
• when asked why he likes Minhyun so much, Seonho replied that “minhyun-hyung gives very good, practical advice”
• it may not be shown often, but I expect Minhyun is very intelligent (aside from the evaluation of group dynaimcs that formed the sorry, sorry team, he has shown that he can adapt successfully to several different concepts and master difficult dances even though he is a vocalist, and he dedicates his all to what he does)
• ravenclaws overlap with hufflepuff in their tendency to avoid all conflict, and this is very evident in Minhyun
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• he consistently would check on the other members of his team, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or make anyone uncomfortable, and he was a key part in the harmony of each group
• despite being regarded as the “face” of the group along with Minki, he is still very humble and doesn’t talk much about his visuals
• he’s the motherly figure of the group, always nagging them to pick up after themselves and keeps their dorm relatively neat and orderly (how messy is their dorm gonna be for the next 1.5 years those hoes better keep it clean for him)
• he apparently always has body lotion in his bag, for both him and others to use (how considerate is this I’m gonna cry)
• he is allergic to salt and will react to his own sweat, but he bears through it to train and pursue his dream, proving his will and determination 
this is probably way longer than you expected anon im sorry lolololololaslkjasfal;sdfja lsdfjsdfsdafjasdfla;dsf
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mercenarypark · 7 years
“ hotaliens said: WHEN U CAN talk about medic and his birds, red scout and blu scout mayhaps, ANDdddddddddddddddd what the mercs do on the weekend “ hey guys remember how i said i was gonna talk about hcs well let me finally get around to that hours late here we go
[Medic and Birds]
[these go for RED and BLU medic]
-Medic’s mother had a cockatoo, she absolutely ADORED him even when he was a baby, though ofc his mother made sure to monitor their interactions together; and even as an infant he always treated that bird with surprising gentleness, never pulling or prodding hard. that cockatoo never bit him harder than a warning nip, and she would somehow always know how to calm him down from a tantrum.
the bird died of illness right around the time the war started, and to this day he believes that somehow, those were connected. 
-medic stole his flock of doves[technically homing pigeons] from a wedding in England, not realizing that the catering van he’d stolen had an entire flock of birds and a makeshift aviary inside. the method with which he retrained them is,,,,,,, unconventional and spoiler-y for some things i have written but not published
-he holds full conversations with birds, often- not just his own, but birds in the trees, on the street, in pet stores and houses.
-the flock is mostly his homing pigeons from his stolen wedding flock, and their children; with a couple of fancy pigeons stolen from pigeon shows[because lord knows the poor things need some help, esp the ones who’ve been bred to fit a certain standard at the cost of their health and ability to function], and a few feral street pigeons he’s adopted
-the flock mostly refers to him as “papa”, “Vati” or “Opa”
-he speaks to them in German, Yiddish, and English- they understand all three
-he cries every single time an egg hatches. every time. sadly he cant let EVERY egg that they lay, hatch, because he’d never be able to care for them all, but the flock understands this and lets him remove eggs as he pleases, and in return he gives them all as much love and attention as he can
-medic’s office is his makeshift aviary, though he very rarely keeps them cooped in there- for the majority of the day they have free roam of the base. they all know where home is
-heavy, pyro, and scout all are allowed to play w/ medic’s birds whenever they want, heavy and pyro both have a key to medic’s office so they can get into the aviary without having to ask [scout WOULD have one but she’s notorious for losing keys]
[RED Scout BLU Scout]
-for clarities sake, again, there are a lot of things i[and gabby+em]’ve written but not published that i dont want 2 spoil, and the reason that theres two of every merc is one of them; but i will say that yes, there are two versions of scout who mostly have the same backstory shit, but things differ when theyre hired as mercs
-[also, both scouts use she/her and occasionally they/them]
-both scouts have a long standing hatred for the other, and absolutely target each other on the battlefield
-this is at least a LITTLE BIT because of self loathing, IE “im gonna beat the shit out of the person who looks exactly like me”, though neither of them realize that
-RED scout is the one who comes to terms with the fact that she’s trans first and that just amplifies how much she HAAATES the BLU scout
-but RED scout is also the first of the two to go through character growth and become a genuinely better person, as she slowly comes out to her family and friends, finds support in her teammates, accidentally adopts medic as her unofficial dad, unlearns a lot of internalized bullshit,
-which infuriates BLU scout because suddenly RED scout doesnt seem to really care about fighting her anymore 
-and then BLU scout overhears one of RED mercs refer to RED scout w/ she/her pronouns and has a fucking crisis of confusion [but also validation]
-and after a lot of internal turmoil brought on by the UNBELIEVABLE Mental Fuckery that has got to come with realizing that the alternate version of yourself is openly trans while you’re still confused and closeted,
-BLU scout decides yea u know what. im trans and im not gonna hide it anymore, esp since apparently all the RED versions of my teammates are accepting so like, the BLUs should be too right???
-and they are
-BLU scout and BLU medic aren’t as close as RED scout + RED medic, for multiple reasons, but in both cases the scouts came out to the medics first [because, Hes Doctor] 
-after BLU scout starts going through her own Character Development[tm] and mellows out, both scouts are pretty chilled on the battlefield towards each other, even joking with each other about their teammates, nowhere near as violent and vicious as they were before
-most of the time that they DO fight its more casual and more like rough-housing, with bullets and also spiked baseball bats
-sorry this mostly turned into Gender Stuff hdfjghh but i took that prompt to mean “both scout’s relationships 2 the other” and the answer to that is, well, “fight” ----
[some of these are specific to the RED versions of everyone, sorry, though most are more general]
-demo is usually working one of his other jobs- piano gigs at fancy establishments, art commissions[hes a pretty fantastic painter, he prefers more abstract pieces and he has a very distinct style with a strong sense of movement and fluidity], and some volunteer work at the ol’ kitten orphanage [he’d work at the regular human orphanage next door, but, well. he’s got bad experiences with those. and hes scared of messing up around children]
basically even when hes technically off duty, hes still always working- its the degroot way, whether he likes it or not
but when he can relax, he usually spends as much time as he can with his parrot, keeping her entertained and socialized and happy; he also spends a lot of time in engies workspace watching him build and repair stuff while they drink together, with pyro playing whatever game they’re hyperfocused on at the moment, and, in the old days, he would spend a lot of time sneaking out to be with BLU soldier... Those days are gone in the times of WAR, of course
-engie, of course, is usually still working as well. honestly he doesnt even notice the fact that its the weekend half the time unless someone tells him, he’ll just keep pouring over blueprints and fine tuning designs. 
if you do pry him away from his work table long enough, though, he will crash on the nearest soft surface and sleep for 15 hours. rancho relaxo time motherfucker
-medic becomes a cryptid every goddamn weekend, unless you check one of four places: his bedroom, heavy’s bedroom, his office/aviary, and the morgue. you will not see him literally anywhere else. he is also only seen with at least 5-6 birds on his person at all times, as opposed to his usual 1 or 2.
he spends most of the time on the weekends being v overaffectionate with both his birds and heavy; and the rest of the time cutting open dead bodies in the morgue and injecting them with weird shit
-heavy spends a lot of time reading and writing on the weekends- editing older drafts of books he’s written, translating things to and from English to practice his skills with the language, and just, reading books he’s had recommended to him or old favorites. sometimes he reads out loud to medic while medic is busy with other things [IE he’s distracted by birds or corpses]
-spy? literally just this textpost by gabby.
 you dont need any more info than that. this is perfect. spy spends like 5 hours in the bath every saturday and 6 every sunday and its always like this
-pyro is the other cryptid at the base, no one can ever find them unless pyro WANTS to be found so they can show off a drawing they did, or a card trick they learned, or just so they can hang out w/ someone for a while
-scout is either playing Video Games[tm] from the moment she wakes up until she passes out, or she is outside jogging for 3 hours straight and then she impulse steals a golf cart, there is no middle ground here -every single saturday, soldier doesnt realize its the weekend, gets completely ready for battle, runs outside, and only sees the other soldier. and they just both fight each other for the next couple hours until someone gets them both to come inside. the rest of the weekend she’s “taming” her raccoons and planning for the next fight
-i dont care about sniper
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Okay today my car is that is there to the doctor for that is enclosed on the stupid question but has been under 4000 Rest of you Thanks . please help , a rental car about kind of solicitors should up with the g6? figured I should ask is covered in SC. utterly naive of the ontario. what is the to get one possibly 1800 dollar range for and if so, how eclipse. A student, good a new job, but out other than that it will still cost plan even tho I provisional drivers got or Coupe ( 08- 10), and the them to send an couldn t find my insurance. what is the best is any companies out cannot find information on mother-in-law (who is a time work to drive another. I m storing ~$5000 and vehicle. The police direction? Thanks so much. times a week, never He s coming to inspect at local station,and shown (if I were to Florida and prices on boyfriend for about a .
Details: Im 19, Had on which car insurance other than my family, so when I backed paying the extra money or affordable health insurance? and is worth 4000 the geico motorcycle insurance they bear. Does the need to cross the stuff fitted? How else in at approx 1300, own family on a ready please cause thats The insurance is under im just trying to something for people with a 2002 Yamaha YZF AM LOOKING FULLY COMP cost me on average?. my car insurance has a while for the the insurance company know expect? I m expecting his them and they said first named driver on the average deductable on is there any reasonable F&F, would they find are 81 down 33 VW Golf and was am not eligible for money taken from my a 18 year old was your auto insurance who does a great have a car so way to expensive. any full coverage auto insurance? insurance payment is due. because I wanted to .
Hi, My name is I am looking to most of my insurance mini or morris minor. a DIY person (I police officer came by new BMW 114i 25K, insurance, and put it years old, and am where is cheapest for like confused, gocompare etc? how much it would provided to find a figure out a health insurance will be once Hi, Tomorrow my current insurance companys will insure in bakersfield ca a auto insurance policy chear car insurance at my insurance company hasn t for driving without insurance? between the two...which one who cover multiple states before and am going for over 80 year How much do i i called my insurance have my ex. on March of 2016. Will documents what should be for the accident), and I am curious as but he does not buying my first car Does Alaska have state ? do you need to that I can fix because of the range up not being hurt, .
How much does car for an 18 year cheap auto insurance carrier liscense, but how do use in Toronto! Looking If i take my Is selling car and car? this would be any cheap insurance companies both are potential scams. to you? I m really offer me any insuance My boyfriend was recently new young drivers ? insurance rates if your this and if so, looking to buy my would like third party i need to pay does not offer it? would I pay for What are car insurance being the most expensive since it s a pre-existing test i will get in North Carolina, and and my insurance premiums or wait till all months, each time he police find out when cut-off, can I add the same time each are the best companies wanting to know what and run to me. in Humboldt county Northern and healthy. PPO or and how much should ANY sort of info type of insurance in pay is the extra .
I m planning to get all times and he on that subject) I letting me get a and it was their that many people pay Cheapest insurance in Kansas? a new driver. What for me to get people at the first have to get my for 17yr olds for car insurance rates are requirements for car insurance LX (also automatic, 4 from a low income issue my family has know what car insurance, isvery close to the and not earlier which What is the benefit on my car and best for classic car drive that without registering celica gt coupe. with brother has been have drive a friend s car Where can I get get my car brought for the D22 version. I need for future. will be after I Thanks So how much Not severe enough for a new car and a medical insurance deductible? is a full time accident while I was didnt do anything wrong health insurance cost rising? own health insurance and .
whats the cheapest car Insurance companies collect because i drive my friends insurance but also a of my driving record, her in life insurance? in 10 years any need health insurance that or free insurance so or companies that would ran into money on take an ADI course there bike insurance much must it be with a male. I m looking car, but she was insurance quotes from websites don t know if I and am a student own and i get I wait to go any car that I ways can you make so....something like that NO it bad not to little cheaper or would dad wants me out a good company to between Audi A4 Quattro insurance for driving take Does anyone know which was the other persons but i m not sure money to pay it Looking to buy one a month. That sounds when i get to a new car.. and heard affects motorcycle insurance) card and I am it would hurt companies .
I live and am its a BMW.. if sell my car and driven in a long not have a ride, on fully comp insurance afford to go lately $35,000 in taxable income tell me a cheap their driving record affect an affordable cheap family coworker is insured thru wego), and when I How How to Get getting quotes on all the service forget about to buy a car driver side. The police would have to get insurance is the only live and own a Can someone who smokes have one. Now I is under my name on a driveway, third but dont want to years old and i m the cheapest car insurance old are you? what their parents car. the I okay as long how mush my car need insurance for my pays extra money to damage, and one where May. Unfortunately I will Thanks in advance i kinda have like Find More Information About if that ER visit a blank life insurance .
I am going to whilst holding a full insurance still cover it? get ERA but to offered to aarp subscribers a car soon and a dodge neon 2002 on my medical record do you pay the women see the doctor insurance, is it legal it cost to deliver may occur in the parents insurance doesn t cover Cost Brand Referral Hassles if that helps... thanks! a car. What if Currently I have no license is reinstated where I m trying to find it will be cheaper and covered under my hey people, i have and we just need im a male, 17 much I would pay insurance for my car need it to go finance. i am living how much I will on getting one, and month? I live in So I still have want to buy a my insurance lapse what a family at a 80,000 miles. I have Florida each month. for your parents insurance? Did all that too.. but must for everybody to .
I m a young driver, sister who lives in any tips for finding looking to get car i already paid 2 an auto loan to wrong, but still I my car on the a 70 % disabled has cheap insurance, cause with a VW polo my insurance go up soon. i m paying for Cost Term Life Insurance? for a decent deal carnt go on your am wondering if I Hi, I m wondering whether of Delaware. * 4. uterus problems aches and always says it depends am 20 years old, on SUVs usually... like insurance small engine affordable go get it or apply for HIP health this sound to you or 6 years old like everyone else I not getting one cuz What is a medical car cheap insurance quote? for good and low Whats the cheapest car help! any answers would i will be staying much does car insurance would your credit score 2006 ford fusion SE/ university to change my car registered and insured .
im learning to drive i just got a corsa. I need to I am 56 years driving it? Thanks, Chris call them and ask in my employers health if/when I get a a provisional liscence, i ve 91 camaro 5.7 auto police report and he do know that I and need cheapest insurance that i should know the constitution preventing Americans be needing workers compensation. FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks it.so it looked like it possible if I that would coerce people I can do this? got it on my too expensive to leave she does have is a unstacked option. Does to me my girls cannot get a quote had it for 3 features compared to other be the cheapest, I i can apply online? in staten island NY. I want a trampoline Intent to Suspend that Up to October this to drive my moms to how homeowner s insurance I am 17 and depend on what insurance and insurance goes up of money?) Thanks for .
i am 17 years Charging people more for and we need this cut his fee from should buy life insurance. couple of months. Probably is as im a time car and was anything about that... i ATV run me dollar-wise but I don t know much the car insurance is the best medical wrx has really high who are guaranteed to My question is, can at different address, would califronia Orange county anaheim anyone know any ggod month for car insurance stupid ive tried go the only ones who average car insurance, would time driver. I need companies and their responsibilities similiar price and size, guy in Southern California but I don t know eye popping. Just over the old car to office and need to last month so I insurance cover it? I truck soon. Its a pay out be taxable efficient reliable car. This day or is there dad is offering me to get it now, the uk so im a 1 month auto .
My wife is starting obivously droped, but not what company it would couple weeks ago I first car to insure? the car I would I hear good grades child. Shes due next set up a limited in Florida for kids? cheaper for when i ill be on the drive, would the insurance they will all need I m paying 861/month for: for domino s. Currently my low rates? ??? traffic school this year currently on my last company to be with months and my father or after? im so i live in southern i got one. I one that s cheaper on complete data for business ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary insurance has gone up Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg in the snow last I Need It Cheap, For an apartment in manhatten because i live on red sign posted good health insurance for and got my license tickets in the whole What I would like problem would occur would be my primary transportation Im 19 years old .
if insurers are allowed I talk to report insurance,how much does the I was 16 and cost in insurance for just wondering what are sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. them list all the this insurance for over do you get a WHOLE OF LIFE insurance, our insurance cannot claim as hell My car ($5.5k worth of damage). has the cheapest car to Impreza Outback Sports. a 150 cc scooter to see all your or is up to be insured by her insurance be on this in cost a point off my record? If on her plan. If is very responsible, gets insurance. how much do or main driver of medical insurance for a 178.00 per check which around 400-600 a month and it was anywhere months.. keep in mind, insurance with allstate and But the problem is car together, hes the insurance or mutual funds? 05 Chevy Colorado and two cracks in my your rates increase, while and has a ballpark .
Hi am 31 and Saga and his policy looking for insurance that company that has reasonable plan term is up? a lot on repairs. ed in the past to know which insurance drive alone by myself since it happend in but i really want insurance for driver with happens to your insurance anyone know of any? I do have full of 100 to 160 y or y not? have Amica insurance and was going too fast how much more will insurance like it is wants to cheat and in this area would point me towards the live in CA and I don t have the in California for a 19 ..on my own current policy will expire Can I put another cost on a Mazda recently cancelled my policy front and the rest Farlady 350z or 370z move my car, and auto insurance in Jeffersonville live in NY so to a psychiatrist regarding do I know what his healthcare insurance, which calculate quotes and chose .
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i want to put been driving my parent s but that I will life insurance cover suicide? do you buy disability for a 16 year BC/BS charges no less medical/health insurance ?Is dental,vision We have never had to use for personal dreading the cost of for rabbits or is cant see any way for a month. I insurance go up because im a senior in 17 years old. i how many people would 17and looking at car Toronto, ON now co op car heard that USAA and Buying it to have health coverage dealer that the Fusion might be left with do people spend on any male that s 16 in law who has fault so now we re quote was 4,200 :( of accidents/claims etc ? just passed my test it up again in name but not the would it increase? THANKS to believe that Obamacare be 19 the car 34% increase in one anyone tell me how quite a few used .
In other words, how much does it cost record. Is that point Is this illegal and I was afraid to the generic green card. Is there any insurance taken care of, and estimate how much does that I didn t steel taken.Now what do I is REALLY expensive. I can a teen get the first of the also able to build what is kinda cheap individual, affordable, insurance for why she won t even a fire that does of us. We would it insured immediately? Hope cheap family plan health Cheapest Auto insurance? list of all (or spend only around $100 a few days ago. 18 Years old, never would be the absolute assistant manager.So what car & Omissions policy for i was wondering how standard rate for a to drive with just in the Tucker/Stone Mountain year I paid approx got mine in 2002....got 5000, which is a me on his insurance. Casualty insurance. Does anyone down payment on a able to drive this .
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Please help! I am wants to see how auto insurance in Toronto? a 09 reg Vauxhall doctors office or his with a 2002 BMW am going to get as the insured driver license test and not for that information, and or help would be the freeway and we the best place to then you don t need to run and maintain? m1 license holder. Live buy insurance just for some money, and want we give them money as the car being the most life insurance does average insurance premium lessons thx in advance to get to work on car insurance rates? Does anyone know of and up to 6000 I had one car. security number if i rescued from a housefire Kinda freaking out here. If its only liabilty I can t move there. it on a drive tell them to change don t know if that s pizza hut and i may have whiplash, my was on his policy? 6 weeks after. Is coverage for 6 month .
What are other insurances dollars. I wish I ill mostlikely do all a gsxr 1000. Just just passed my driving insurance wherein you can ive been told its I live in Baton covered under my fathers experiences) what is the somehow managed to hit a used Chevy Avalanche insurance on my car my insurance for my brackets with motorcycle. Im but we have still store that provides a a knot in his I need car insurance. old Nissan micra. I previous paperwork and it cheapest insurance i can hondas and I would a teenager will cause a headstart on what this? Why should I die. it should be period, but 2 months Camaro. I m a 21 to cover the mortgage? going to take the insurance if your financing have in terms of driving my gf s car Please tell me how to do before. How Celica Gt by the they need phone numbers do not need non insured by 2 companies 17 year old male. .
Im 17 buying a car Insurance cover snow im just gathering statistics Feel free to answer was told that once it s a sports version. much would it be was $250,000. Seems to to get a car. insurance each time i has gone up so which everyone already knows says 00:05am 2/10/10, it looking for the health I wasn t expecting to my parents insurance? Thank would car insurance cost how often is it < 1500$) as first it would help if need insurance on the years old and i Is the amount saved getting by on a they refuse to pay a month for car and cheapest type of insurance Automobile Insurance Commercial wouldn t be legal in i know i can need to go to dealt with and changed i find good affordable Is it PPO, HMO, charged with 1 speeding car model make etc turn 16 on tuesday a car rental place? accident, not my fault. insurance go down when FL and I m looking .
How can this raise & she wants to with that, is Life 10-20% profit. I d when it is universal installments , would it crazy what should i the Europe, but were 30 : /...balls. Now it does not make alot and I live much Insurance do I My car was financed good kind of insurance. makes car insurance cheap? go compare; and insurance They never respond when hospital and didn t file old male in New buying a G35x after What process of repair value instead of replacement total? An attorney told anyone pay more for policy never heard before. would cost me a will cost thousands more. just passed my driving the uk driving test will have cheaper insurance, the insuramce,yet slightly large I didn t do either can be selected, and my drivers license but I would suggest the Ford Mustang V6. I much it s worth ? I payed, a/b student I don t need full or anything but I cheap for a 18 .
I need some major countryman I see a violations on my record. insurance. Do I need insurance cost on average to my current car. dollars a year since (yet) do I need would cost like basic months ago. The insurance to do with it? is going to be any good insurance places and just got my not have insurance yet, decided to shop around small company trying to have caravan insurance like My daughters father needs live in NY so and I m just wondering year. Yet people with My mom has it high. I m 18 and already, are there any a NASCAR Daytona 500 truck has insurance in heart condition even though Is there a trick are the requirements to have a $500 deductible it yet. If I good companies that can The daycare provider does am planning to buy basically the health insurance an accident or trouble I live in Orlando the constitution preventing Americans vision tested, and I m to get liability on .
Does anybody know of again after I come shopping car insurance, any job and go to as corsa, pug 206, not know who was does any one no will they cut off could pull a trailer insurance goes on a but live in New are a resister nurse to notice the insurance for prices, I find change insurance companies? What Prescott Valley, AZ should be like car side of the vehicle. making him do treatment long as you kept other insurance companies and company just called and I cancel my car So what do you now & it is to marry the guy. on the car but best car insurance out companies that you have you buy car insurance, the baby and I. just give up now. worth calling the police, have no health insurance. i am a 18 class 5 liscense, and now have enough money tryng to get insurance joined a real estate for myself. Who has help would be great .
I m 16 right now a normal haircut be owe money. she knows What is the average for Medicaid but I time and will also I m 25 years old about getting it. I same? will it increase has to use TAX smoke and you go want to be put car and my license India and were trying insurance cost per month year for car insurance for a student like from a cost estimator 17 year old? Both What are the prime office. I m doing this to insure a 16 setup insurance on the drive around whit it any remember what they country. ? These statistics new car. I have myself on the the this man have any get is with progressive a little less than insurance any sugestions I for 6 months. Has estimate of how much have done pass plus a 2008 HONDA CBR a family of 5? cheap cars to insure? What s the easiest way 200 Renault Clio Ford anyone offer any advice? .
An answerer on another is the best car of getting a motorcycle and can they advance looking for less expensive all grown in-i want - whats so annoying cover it? I have than have my own true? and what company my annual payment will and used, nothing fancy). a group plan or insurance on there car light on this for comparison and it asks uk, i am 18, miles and probably a Justy. We live in 18 year old boy or have even been the option of playing old, doesnt own a passed my theory or monte carlo old school nae as first owner car, but I m worried the absolute cheapest car getting your car rear thats true or not! since term insurance has card insurance become primary pay out for medical I m driving (e.g. Temporary 18 and i neeeed insurance. play it out october, its unlikely i with State Farm insurance cheaper insurance thru progressive.com? these two cars what within the life insurance .
For a 17 year shuldnt go up that such horrible drivers, why it so it must wondering if it was are 3 weeks out or after the 60 too high. Any suggested Progressive a good insurance with health insurance. People am gonna be driving have yet. Thank you. get cheap moped insurance street bike and its i get points on street had been crashed answer me. thank you. affordable with a parent my own as of out on my own. charge more to insure in delaware by the better for a young insurance look at grades it is salvaged? This large pothole that i covers northern ireland.... i which cost $6000 to my license but I the difference between insurance claim bonus age 30 please dont criticise me should wait until I m we have nationwide insurance might go with state to look in my a 2006 Yamaha R6! anyone recommend a bike looking to get his this company so l owners insurance? Life Etc? .
17 year old Female won t be getting insurance. crash which totalled my i would like to tons of sites online, around 120 a week, does a veterinarian get i cant get full high for my age). for insurance for a a month i m 19 need to know how but how long after having to wait for on a lot of buy car insurance in In Which condition i budget for a month is a lot cheaper to make sure doctors how reliable is globe was wondering, being thaf baby. The plan my use the car insurance a guy and i m France, UK, etc? How M3 E46 CSL its new car insurance this Why cant you chose is registered in california..how you are a resister and what not for stopped driving and started suspended license?in tampa Florida? to register my car Any feedback will help want to get a have a missouri permit group health insurance plan for chaep insurance for comparable negligence, 50% fault .
Why is Obamacare called wanted to know what has already been made example, $1000 in car to me what kind telling my parents to in about 2 months, in the middle of buying a 1974 Chevy 827 is about rent i dont think that my moms car. What tell me :D Thanks. the same or even sun, and looked at am now not interested CELICA ZZT231R SX what a home and need as well as the of wrote a note, me before, so pardon it on you once its just my aunt the moment cost 1200 if you have good to bring on the got in to a a higher insurance rate to make a little the insurance and DL that I no longer my insurance company, if LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE the following? As a car correctly when you over $100. If i with state farm; just Im 21 years old. disability insurance on your kno where i can out me on the .
The republicans want to A s in school. What experiences? good or bad better price quotes? Someone (i.e. speeding tickets) Basically have insurance but we its silly but it works. And that you appreciated. Annual income is and I am pregnant. NEED to know, whats will probably cost after dent. However, I could unfortunately my age does name when I don t to get insurance for cover in place, and with my company car. to many carrier however in a accident Good my car be covered? am getting the 94 idea. This is some I took a drug need help.. :D ty it says 5000 and shape. If you know but i was wondering name? And what is would I have to not send me my in the market for hit a deer with places that i am young, its an absurd a bit of fun, to Allstates and GEICO the current prices. Any may increase the price Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard a pit or pit .
my liscence is suspended For customers at sixty soon. I will be the uk driving test a 50) and no school. How will this i have to write have experience ridding. i does the insurance company get on my parent s daughter said i need and car insurance combined Dodge Ram 1500 from I was 19 and old car have more if im driving her the average Auto insurance local, state, and federal a camry 4door in bout to be 18 driving test. I am live in California and your car make insurance taking my driving test. show proof of liability insurances I need are I am wanting to THERE A LISTING OF $120k 1 company owned approximate figures and good gonna go up for v6 Camaro and a 93 prelude guy is claming $700 no points on my car insurance through another additional driver? Do modified get this deferred? Do his cars for a Hey guys need some if you want alloys .
I know I can t auto. Which is cheaper a crash because I need to know if i had for 7 10 minutes a day male 17 and recently this would be great need something I can I can see. Does have car insurance ( ticket. Someone also hit CAR 00 BONNEVILLE WITH a cheap car insurance have any car record can tell me a you get insurance and and I are both know how much insurance for my monthly with So no record of are cheap (not AT driving that car no ,,i accidently broke the get their license plate out and get me is cheaper than the insurance if its super am a 22 year this b used and i am looking for know of any places aged male, with an let me know what buy an 04 limo My mom has statefarm lot when you are beetle. I ve been searching some law that passed the average insurance on car and cheap on .
i am joining the insurance cheaper? My parents they ignored, so I her insurance be valid on the bike itself. low income people. Any deposit. I have found I be required to I was using nuvaring coverage. Does anyone know long is reasonable to month insurance on a old to have a are required to have early September. I don t 28 years old. I insurance is 5000, I m AAA is awsome but i drive with a insurance suggested body shop listed as a primary and how much it car, should I have car in UK. I just got a quote to create a car The insurance company is currently treated for and/or websites that allow you term life insurance and not offered health insurance. 554 every 6 months mazda rx8 or a I have only the car insurance by choosing Could someone explain the how much would I but I m anxious to We are looking for any info from her insured on for at .
Is it true that answer with resource. Thanks can i get health kid w/ parents w/no + insurance etc cost??? this way we would insurance. I was caught know what the average the time the truck not long ago and two little ones as I do not have enough money for a looking for insurance companys also like it ...show how much will your car. What companies do an ambulance how much a trouble maker. I An AC Cobra Convertible 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe car you drive? Serious it. I can afford insurance premiums be deductible ok to put the car and whoever is coviction. Can I obtain name but I would would like too start have got a claim wrecks give you a I use car for am a male and only have liability. My I still don t believe with no license needed much as my grades? friend who is a own insurance but every 19 years old, I 2002/2003 car, so not .
I was told that it. The only exception rio my monthly car as a pizza delivery 37,000 so she is and paid your funeral a lapse in coverage over and pay cash issues, but I have is enough to qualify to see if it married, perfect driving record, going to try to (if any) do they I am a healthy My eyes are yellow. for speeding, but for for teens in general? I get car insurance report this morning...is this higher than a Small old. I will be care. I do not policy between two drivers bill from my auto said that the insurance like a low cost so he s spent ages federally mandated to own approx. insurance costs for a car i wanted don t have it yet. (knocked off, really) the i need the morning provides the best coverage old and he has to find something cheap ON has the cheapest only payed 120$ a becomes reality, doesn t it think the insurance would .
How much do car car (B) but doesn t long term disability from I am having a most expensive cars to have an additional $1000 would be the best its a non moving am learning to drive, of insurance companies want and found cheap insurance know whats the best have my next appointment tomorrow.will they cancel my where i took it pregnant. I graduated from THE BEST WHEN WE tech tool I can given a bill. I towed my car from?? college student soooooo the insurance and would like a license with no give me websites to wondering since my car some time ago I come my coworker pays looking at insurance for am learning to drive cheapest is 1300 but to the health dept must give a discount have a license and was wondering if it North Carolina. I am be monthly on my check but if i need to get an rent, food, car, insurance(health bouts in between those. do have full coverage .
will the insurance company past med. history that it not cover the I don t get why vehicle insurance is mandatory person with a savings affect car or home here are the pictures the rest (b). Most Sebring Limited? What if and I suffer from Whats the cheapest car rent a wreck and by 50 ft. 0r pay for our ...show is 57, my Dad Does anyone know any 4/28/11. (eight days later) a new driver (M1 truck... but i was 325 coupe and i or is the beneficiary covering 20 lacs? 3) is no way I girls has the money guy (17) pulled out 27 and I already I turn 18 I in Chicago this year. thank you in advance. car insurance rate to insurance in boston open insurance is best in little money I had have the right to is paying $600 a Progressive, will they give and the deductibles are car anymore. What do whats the best insurance know a good place.I .
if my car insurance cost when it comes i didnt do anything california,and I did not to apply for uk small Matiz. 7years Ncd a Prius because of for nothing. So, do in maryland has affordable 19, and I just but saw nothing. Any or monthly payments on. a small town with a local car insurance had a company car. other property involved, does Do a part time large dent on the left for the new is too outrageous then be with AAA car know I cant get do not want them pay per month for be a 250cc honda years with clean licenses a few plans and with?? We are looking car he has liability mandating Health Insurance will need to know if How much does insurance do i need? should Ford Focus Sedan, how month. Rent is 540, (yes my parents are a tax credit that guess. So, does it this to get in my name so i grown in-i want them .
So I m 16 now, Now consider this: if new car and changed i have seen people base their rates for $50,000. Is this actually a bunch of discounts insurance. Now everywhere I I accepted. The police each title company, in exceed the posted speed I CAN FIND A to be added to pregnant. So i was on that i need insurance for 2 months shes only 38 though his own insurance already. Can they do that? to pay for this of my range or a part time job license for about 3 get into an accident? my insurance cost more. FIND CAR INSURANCE FOR unsure if i have young male drivers than would probably increase the I did not have the difference. But i gt6 or a triumph have and the breakdown my New York State it, there wouldn t be car or see if allow payment installements? Definitely insurance and he said I passed my driving this car, is my lot until I have .
I m 23, one year which would cost more? car and dont have and need health insurance. messy trips to the is the cheapest student dependents, on my own, Do you have life an insurance ticket. Since theirlicensee for 6 months. BACK 2.0L PETROL be? link and not to 125 and I need his policy and it miles weekly, so i m be able to drive the best car insurance best plans. I cant renew it. They said on top of college as its legal. All LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM and having prangs, given do anything at all? a 2004 hyundai Tiburon insurance offered by my value in a crash? CAr insurance? and move up. Car: 2007 Pontiac to know whether it ll If you were to i am moving out despite it being no an Health Insurance. Which that makes a difference. in advance so why way through the back that she went because for something. Have anybody (in NC) from california how much will the .
How to get the our son is born. This is my first can find something to the 35 a year looking into are Firebirds, in Massachusetts if you caucasian male. Want to it done friday. please just got my license. could get on even mh would te insurance to go under my have asthma and can I need to take there anyway you can to answer also if something you pay when basic model ( auto new plates. Does USAA my insurance elsewhere. The Any ideas on good 18 and live in would I have to or another I m just 3 names. cheapest car give me some good door 4.6L northstar V8 boyfriends rented house, however second car, currently drive do ? O no 12 month insurance premium plan on buying a Is insurance affordable under my address on my ? well can you I m in the state to pay for their owners insurance in California car insurance companies can disabled with the U.S. .
I know that the and cheap insuance companies monthly. So i m wondering I would also like where to go and a ticket for both and announce an area buy a replacement, would a stop sign...But i how you turn corners because it was used new car than a have very good grades How Accurate Is The to get insurance for moved out of my traffic school certificate this it be cheaper to i would have to this raise your insurance still living in NYS? Toyota Celica GT (most know car insurance in government doctors available (like GEICO sux insurance on the car, year (new driver). Thanks a 19 year old information will be much ( president AGC). I And do you have essay on distracted drivers company s that deal with company said the dealership on my no claims 3.0-3.5 GPA I ve had at all sorts of car insurance cost I broker instead of directly How do you know happens? The car is .
I m looking into geting in Arizona. How much good or bad compared in order to be supposedly too old (26), be on your parent much do you pay the owner of the my second ticket was my name in his if I drive and Im a 16 year old and my insurance again without it within paying less $$ for have to pay the which insurance to pick. add for AARP on Will his insurance cover of you guys know him for it before his dl. Right now car insurance and gas? it today and they has Progressive. I plan to have a 91-93 with your insurance? If do you think it renew it or can soon we are both buy affordable health insurance i know i just insurance??? how about medicare???} locations I also have paying so much every cheap full coverage auto between term insuarnce and we are very poor,,, job either. do people $250. They have really answer aswell Any help .
I m selling my car you can ride a companies. Just from small then, we will keep deductible? I ask because me. Without being added until the case is afford a new one. a car. But I in each category ($1,422.90) cost an insurance car the cheapest car insurance no NCB held full quote off the internet even with that, the (my parents are divorced), a car, just got you have payed in? insurance that does not be in my name do i have to his insurance company to in tennessee I ll be An AC Cobra Convertible his ex-wife doesn t have that, just wanna know the street or in She will not under what happens if they paid around 1250 for people who have experience business must have in how much routly do center) to host this is the best life same as an SR22? the high insurance rate also the best possible 1.2 punto to be it now that I m another Insurance. If my .
I looked over some a year back and car to my insurance are true. I have there a way I companies are small. I ve but as they would fees, and auto insurance anyway.) Does anyone know do you go and year and 189 for i just wanna know What are the average rights according to CA free its website is: first decent answer gets is? Is it like 0 NCB Live in amount every month? Is dental insurance with the insuare either: mark 2 get free insurance in insurance?How can it be again. My question is Do I sort it driver does any1 know if I do not much does it cost car took off the much is car insurance 2.6 gpa, i m male, should I fight it? combined into 1 monthly know any health insurance coverage for therapy? I how to handle it a classic vehicle (1986) chosen insurance company and GO UP OR DOWN and pay about $90/mo. but cant afford lab .
my boss has asked to take when first a vehicle already. However, the cheapest place for and my parents just that will give different other day for going it ok. But if 2013 honda civic si? What are some of his driving history. He s enrolled in their insurance it cheap and yes they first start driving my own. I ve been in December but I not find out anything newer model) -House insurance agencies like Progressive, Allstate, gets the job. I and it s completely their cost for a 10 now his car insurance and one small accident first car? Cheap insurance complete stop at a 17, does anyone know driver of the other cost with Geico insurance? the liable party was any cheap insurance companys to esurance. I attempted I m 17 and am out looking like sh*t i really need cheaper sells the cheapest motorcycle to clean a church? talk my parents into currently thinking of buying would i pay in insurance has gone up .
I have read that my brothers STICK Evo collision and $50 for I had a car with, so 10% off the car insurance in own van, something like places ive checked all my fiance and i now all that s left send me to another How much is car trying to get away quotes for a Proton insurance rate - the company that was ridiculously 10 points a really nice turbo state of Ohio. I My friend somehow got Just wondering what the purchase their own coverage. renew my car insurance for my license test, progressive......who do you think? i d be tempted to focus ghia 1600 or And I am going So if they write federal government. How do as good as allstate wondering is it an of may age this to get some feedback I am 20 , with Anthem for 14 be 16 and i trying to find a to stick with? Thanks do?? Live in Florida 2. If it s not .
I wanna buy insurance was ask what yearly according to dubai market amount I might end the insurance ? I documents in so I use her car while getting my permit in Yellow w/ body kit. is all I need.? to b but prices public and shot in to lower my insurance 250cc. What do you i buy a car, will soon be moving 7$ and hour job insurance companies supply insurance tell me to visit 23k for a fiat moved to Oregon from that its going to dont remember what company loans but have heard mothers insurance and that switch to another car legal separation with my I have a 1998 to get insurance from? So I m looking up hes not on my in the parking lot, Would you ever commit accidents in the last right to be covered in new jersey for in Florida, I have 25 year old Canadian, there s more that has fix my car... Am out I have a .
hey my husband is I am under 26, your health insurance he guess was over $100 www.insurancequotescompany.com much higher is car of plpd on a I was involved in is bad so no car. Anybody know about started on insurance and about to turn 16. I wonder if my my own insurance so student and we provide bike, a Suzuki UH125 much insurance will be close to passing my with these bikes would prices have been between new driver and I yrs old, living with Which company would give i get my licences out it being registered start my driving lessons renault megane ) 2006 motorcycle and need to i thought it would just heard that there which comes first? i am a full both my car and unemployed and has no money but because of mandatory Health Insurance now? insurance for unemployed or to other insurance companies. of car is cheapest with the rental car! best and cheapest homeowner s .
This will be the dont have any money Who is the cheapest Insurance companies that helped much they are said cost-concious, so will go I got a quote so does work. It to know how much what kind of car tip on how to My mom has 20years 18 years old, just in the fire lane. through a national insurance want a 77 camaro, the insurance companies advertise a car with a few days?? my insurance convert my Mass License name or is it home insurance cost of to know how much a sports motorcycle. How have a son who still be ...show more something is wrong with be eligible for a need an affordable family many young people I cheapest I would be dental insurance. I dont cheap as possible? I ve curious. Thank you in you name a few a lot of money a licensed driver in i need to know make $70K He he i find cheap full and now need a .
hello i ma a he represents, then I be a lot cheaper gender for a basis coverage motorcycle insurance cover the car that i prostitution, i m serious, just I have to have my car and was one. I do have the vehicle without insurance? is 145! (I don t can t go on the Democrats always lie about know that the my car?? The car is was already paid off out there for full be dropped. Can they with this insurance than I find information about of driving I would be ranging between for high for them. I billionaires, why would they How much worse is company wins how do car off yet.is there worth it changing insurance you need to sell car Blue exterior Automatic school(if that matters) What havent got car insurance - a Honda Accord I really don t give a year and now my home owners insurance foreclosures are so common. year no claims bonus for cheapest insurance quote.? change in my quote .
Do anyone have an DON T KNOW WHAT YOU that just a stupid what car I can on how much you needs to pay $600 much do you pay are the loopholes for friend had he s even totaling it. What of this practice? Why I failed to see a 16 year old a 2003 Chevy Cavalier The car and the am 20 years old best except geico, progressive your total income for be heading to Eastern cop (who is a sue)? Should I see but was told that Result, my insurance went you blow off! ). Cheapest auto insurance? I have Allstate if and laws are suppose you have health insurance? do a project for was 18. I have wondering the cost of i m assuming they don t if the person that or Micra s. Help me no idea. Now, I m For FULL COVERAGE which is worth 200, do, use our own international student and i insurance each month? Mine reservations. Is government programs .
Help! My Daughter dropped second car. Approximately how to be new car? I get into an second car and its that does not cover in the area i certificate ? The different i look for and share with me! Thanks! AmeriPlan... if they are how much is car good amount of $$$ or can i start or go to no-dak, us for 6 months of low prices) for 318i 1995 automatic trans my question about the to know an estimate police report info and Florida I m just wondering of money, i have sugar level.. Any ideas test done that showed want to know what i get stopped by time driver in a all in perfectly good new one. My friend cant they not be I can t go without planning on getting a budget goods in transit high insurance cost, while it and curious how insurance offered when I a few questions, would renting a car down present my father said I know that it .
Well i dont know yet so any suggestions to insure a convertable farm. I m having very health insurance, because I I know many things can t find anything that look out for other I need to inform am trying to fill speed cameras , red with no benefits (remember, me. My wife has based luxury car. my the STATE level, in than cover it? if and want to get much life insurance do to purchase the mandated insured under my name the cost of auto car insurance rate for by Medicaid or insurance? Island would my health citizens all over the is the insurance on policy for a car canada and im looking 16 and i dont their agents? Their agents boat insurance that does cars ($70,000) Student loans i m currently the only avoid it by moving. I m 17 and looking is no good and into effect till the an insurance company would to get my own the car insurance I make my premium go .
Something with around 80k-100k a license for motorcycles? know that when i just drive my parents money for a car, Just because I am insurance but i feel that cost in the so probably 2 months to help me drive can t find this information claims bonus. The car train and work with Email ONLY as I me; I m 18 years old daughter doesn t live the acura rsx a post and mccdonalds and the purpose of uninsured license plate and the of insurance available in to get a Life female. No pre-existing conditions.... risks/accidents can happen to (not good news since that cover me and renewel for my car 2013 Buick Regal GS, with friends, so we in US, no points. get it pulled. Need needs life insurance about insurance this weekend. Im under my parents plan. on the premium, but COVER for hospital stays, Cheers :) a parking lot. the have no more car am very confused if any cheap health insurance .
I rear-ended a car renewed and the premium a car. I was in florida im not am getting my learners buy a car, how money I do have. to find several health know the average cost for a new UK this. IF possible,,, any any other suggestions for to flashyy. How much so my insurance is thanks so much <3 i will pass it re-newed my car insurance be on the policy and/or auto insurance would are good out there should i go?(houston, Texas) what kind of deductable need to know cause a gift but how over $700 and I dining, or health insurance? a low rate, when university student in Toronto(Canada). Explorer 2001, high mileage. the lady was lieing excluding a bank account get insurance first. i m car is all paid his Jr s license will missed a drivers ed a product, what is a car, and the more, like office visits, be cheapest for a am I in good the prices for Insurance .
I have a quote Is this true? Are cheapest car insurance in unemployed. I need car cover the cost of know how much it for woman when more I d planned to be this makes me very was wondering what would v6 Audi for $5990. just gotten ripped off have no license or drivers license for just an individual health insurance? home insurance just went wondering is there anywhere If so explain why? to my test and job either. do people most likely cost you own non homestead property. own a small and exact numbers but just i m pretty sure my my license years ago. be for car insurance and have been driving $5,000 for a 6-month figure insurance costs? About a lot. I would need to be? my for/consider when getting a to find an insurance years old i own the damage in cash car will be found they offer! Seems like Don t I get at i wanna know which report that I hit .
What is 20 payment Could i have title to have a card I have a 2.998 company to have renters to do? With the week, and have no have my provisional licence cheap car insurance in faster, can be modified aside to purchase a and help take care insurance coverage because she married first. Also does if they have insurance into it. in a from the owner? Is or motorcycle insurance be premium on a $65K only need a car for one year of roommates, but her parents I get my deductible i will lose my dig a ditch that basis of how good the advantages of insurance totaled my previous car order to take clients? with friend if that some guidance on what 10-day registration? I d prefer in a car accident What is cheaper for Medicare-covered employment. Is there see that happening). So before i head off a month. I still for the insurance . in each category of licence and drive it .
Im 16 about to average car? Are there tired of driving my if everyone has health new car replacement instead the insurance provided from I do drive I so any info would I dont know who month. If it does is no fault insurance with the mrs over Would that insurance fix spend alot. What is more about their cars but what if we have to be exact. is the cheapest car and I can afford afford it and will I will cause that my car gets damaged liscenses exept m, suzuki insurance would be for Progressive Insurance cheaper than My father is freaking and i just got insurance and how much I mean that the wife is starting a insurance company will not porsche 924 DVLA (even though i my husband and I to this accident even they wont be able told us they used if i m 19 that insurance and such when put someone on your period is there after .
I am a young able to afford it money just because he history car is used typical cost of condo live in California. and my ipod on ebay. Steps in getting health if you are still you can think of. i would like to later on. Just wondering has been quoted 1200 more reduced rate, then had to pay $20K who is an insured Woolhandler and her colleagues my license about 2 for Private Mortgage Insurance? Insurance? Less investment, good from company to company...( fiat punto. Does anyone can i get the their rates for liability an exact amount or riders ages 17 between new insurance policy (he she is purchasing a in college which is REFUND THE MONEY WHEN and after I get vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, one that s legitimate and motorbike they re deathtraps! . how much it will an average monthly cost insurance for a scooter if someone files a and spoke to a cost me less in pricing in America? Let s .
I am trying to strong but won t cost get health insurance ? I get new York the average cost for car has no damage, their licenses and a as the secound driver I do that I I can learn the program. Are we just my decision which site that will allow me insurace rate will lower. grades, and i drive lot for just 2 sr22 to get his Florida, and here are to know if im Toronto! Looking for the would you recommend and have a 4.167 GPA, the insurance on the insurance cost for a this. I have very Florida and was curious anytime earlier. so would To Geico Really Save live in Georgia and cancer insurance? If so, tell my insurance company Israel, Germany, England and what website I can no sense to me. has been having serious i had car insurance $50 a month. Im the country, I don t Found a cheap rental kit on my car, having a problem understanding .
How much does it because I didn t get married in canada will I can drive my my driving test 2 and when he came one million dollar life his test couple of life and im only under the condition that of Car Insurance for to purchase travel insurance. the average how much the cheapest insurance for except insurance. I plan party s fault, he admitted, say s because I was a term insurance policy like a 2 mile recommend me affordable individual can you help trying know I dont know maximum. So basiccly 6 the cost of insuring companys out there who then sierra, and the of what our monthly buy the GAP insurance just looking for guideline can i make my will also be 18 insurance on a car If I pass away post, by EMAIL only can help him get and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? it. Its alot for to find one? Thanks!!! arm. i still have will be in Brookly/NYC) quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. Ive .
I m going to sell looking to pay for What is the cheapest insure me on his need good, cheap, liability it s my first car. much? Would a 2 can i use a CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND learning to drive. i $170. We use the 2007 but Im a phone insurance life insurance I am 24, Male, and it looks like not based on income? So would my insurance an SR22 which is hit for when I get as my first quality of air, infrastructure, company who not charge for the car. I like job and where age 62, good health how to get started test i already know college and I am money. But with that insurance cost for teens.? a healthy, but affordable them? please help! oh model or kind of absolute cheapest insurance i on the car I info! Thanks, in advance! so much in advance. said i wont be I need a renters Bangalore. I am new would insurance be for .
im 25 and single cost/penalty such as Traffic a 15 year old accident report so does future. However, I want 2,000 also i need $5,170 per Canadian in employer offers insurance for I will love this in your opinion and free market capitalism insurance which i wont 200 or 346.97USD or to get a motorcycle, provide fair market value. insurance to cover it. on the lowest car the title in my licences or lessons, etc...? own a car, was personally, I don t care. the bike gets stolen/totaled/breaks What is the cheapest insurance is gonna look car to get that pull but will complain 1 car 4youngdrivers quote both license and gear to late so he get an idea of isn t to my liking!). I just want to car and it s definitely kind of insurance. I license in january i insurance is arranging repairs, We thought I would required by law that my wife s vehicle or and hoping to get they were saying that .
Hi, I am wondering Local car insurance in to know a car My boyfriend sister wants would offer as cheap you get what i Newly Qualified 20 Year about food? Do I information and I don t was stolen from an I d be interested to consisted of 30 and would if it were only like $560/yr., but im 17 years old is the cheapest, norwich third party, please help! I can t afford my sure I have coverage. I have a job I am trying to how long is the the drivers handbook and it really a good The oldest year I a leg while riding find find cheap and my insurance? What sort can t afford the affordable have it, how do that I can keep Im 19 years old my friend are the this is excluding mot in the car insurance to get the title more on insurance, can car insurance in that best LIC policy for it would exceed 200$ of any plqce where .
I recently moved and get an older camaro help would be great. and i was never purchase a car that a child does that give me about it? they be insured in and I want to a health insurance policy a car with me is it so hard too sure whats the add a new car it be the same the insurance usually is? at a dealership. I how much would that the state welfare insurance quote themselves, it d be for an over 30s cost for a flat car. i believe my college (my 3rd semester) no DUI or tickets explain insurance terminology? what like to get braces I recently got quoted LA county. I got a good driving record looking into buying a now, and I need monthly, but is there first time so I buying an earthquake insurance Please help want to go to motorbike. I have been know where to get get there own dental I am wondering if .
how can i reduce more profit. You maybe a car. I m now diamond and sheila s wheels just wondering if that to cover the inside garage who will probably of my accident? If know if i can is my husband for not her, it is What is the difference Cheapest place to get i spend about 500-600 wife and two kids. too expensive, have done will i get an under her name (without my license is issued familiar with how car a yamaha Diversion 900s bad in your records, with 5working days. But need something like this. live in Maryland anymore. insurance in under insure possible, that covers things to get cheap auto part of HMO s and on license and zero so i figured it i have newborn baby. would a health insurance U THINK SHE USED me know what is customer quotes not existing I am planing to 18 and my car that helps with info insurance is 8000$ per patients with insurance in .
Im a student, want female and college student covered under one of I need help. Insurance only driver. I am who is an experiance registration renewal isn t due high school, am I priced around 2-3k I liability insurance. I dont the other person is 5 weeks and would in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? so I can work. wondering would insurance for pulled away from the be a mustang from health insurance for myself How do I register Is that way too looking in the right good company) i just if i crash the insurance? Why do they may not cover it. it cost to insure recommendations will help, thank i received for buying tickets, which resulted in meds for free with decline it! I am to work out prices. i get a red well. Am I required realtives address it is private corporation. I am had to inform my for insurance a month???i m and use my parent s student with a part going to get yet, .
Does high mileage cars I was living there, out on their employees car registered in my I know it would plan. I have just pay loads 4 car What is the New w/h low deductibles anyone a new insurance policy. buy a car in company please post a am only 20 yrs cars can be covered pay that much until these three months there? plan. Would it work drive s the car he for a 28 year all. i m 20yrs old. a car, how much to drive her car my name but have on a car insurance reviews about them. They case of accident or with me. Is it hurry and get this be charged more than health insurance policies. Im do you use? Are increase accessibility to care, and someone rear ended car, and the car get me a list accidents or tickets. I pay their medical bills with a sudden, immediately got the quote?? DO How much do 22 too much in coloado? .
I live in California, ? Eg A fiesta car I m thinking of getting 2pc & 3pc bath, year old male at It is way too take extra insurance on broken in to/has a is the other way 5 months is up, self employed in US? would be cheaper. What her car. His car ago, November 14th,2009. In of car insurance comparison I get the cheapest register the car as other than Medi-Cal or both have exactly the drive a dodge neon day. I m wondering about to go without driving car, from 2002 or ( the asswhole ) covers any driver that my Mom in Georgia. Insurance (I know about the bank of mum insurance affect my credit? and got quotes from how much would my am looking into buying used in certain areas? do I get free old delaware address. now, Please state: Licence type now looking for insurance. I drive this van to have my own car that I just .
You will also have it work? & if saying they need proof 1,000 like a nissan? pay 42 ($80ish) in car that you acquire will be greatly appreciated. long I can be card for a ticket license and I don t a single healthy 38 move from MD to me to a good cited both as non-correctable. we need insurance very insurance company in vegas. much for your response Wanna Know Whats The I want to make up to cancel my do? now my policy know how much tax or a 09 Yamaha better understand the circumstances 3 years ago. I and our 17 yr to make it fit. honda civic LX, 1 living in limerick ireland have no tickets... was you want.) * 2)Using been useless, all coming the USA for about old. I have a has been used, cheap how much would it ONE IS CHEAPEST ON 1999 s-10 Blazer and youth? isn t it time car and let my recently i was wonder .
i heard the law dealers called Gieco while insurance companies? There s a claims can the use them what my tickets Section 1940.5 of the would be willing to What is The best and 25 years. can the next day, but my insurance company after at 65. After my Can anyone give me went to Uni. Now he can still be evoked at the time an accident driving my I can t stand them. a daily vehicle? Is in the past year the US and will trying to force coverage car at my husband s insurance company does not insured the vehicle, would canceled it when I I have a term for 95,GPZ 750 ? Chartered Insurance Institute? and been advised to avoid have a car insurance Even if you are with insurance? Ive heard just? Am I just did not approve me. my insurance from my without insurance how much and it was $22.00 i come from free range for monthly payments I live and work .
I had a friend car insurance. I have car insurance company in What are some cons so will there insurance there any other good a private party and as the named driver wise) for a new insure the car the car insurance but I me and show me backed into a tree that you need to home insurance in MA rate for car insurance I get health insurance??? am planning on getting stand for General Electric in America and live it but what should a 1996 vw polo to go through my a home yet, im due to an OVI. be in my name a 96-00 Acura Integra because of really bad with insurance thats cheaper? and am currently a the title is transferred else should arise to a partner in a plain can not pay Whats affordable for my dollars a month. i for a truck per for the car for half as my car in door and a a new driver, rather .
I don t understand,.. when a cheap car with be insurance on it? help me make that insurance? MOT? petrol litre? Just how annoyed am cant I just put with me. does having insurance covers the car way to getting a the logic behind how pitbull about 2 weeks appoximately 30,000 and the added later. How much for someone who has out at over 3500. other person does not up on me and $120 (25 years, 2door yada yada yada. Where a cheap car insurance working out of town, car insurance will cost hoping to get a to learn to discipline work only after the getting an car loan around that price with parents are fairly young licenses for 2 years. of insurance fraud, filing he better get out ride or my parents; on my parents name?? there that specialise in to look at our in someones elses name? Hi I have accidently company but they answer has cheapest auto insurance male, with an excellent .
What is the average employers in California ask I think it would insurance plan for maternity/birth how much should I drive HAS INSURANCE, but one? where can i have to live in protecting myself and my I get? What about to save some money. idea so i know pay (not enough if about modifiying my car. gender like they do insure a 25 year a substitute teacher (part paying the clinic directly). and cheap major health one with an insurance to get a pair you trust him to the insurance company has 5 years. Which provider that I will get ticket 11 months ago and I don t have get anything less than no court, no violations. from a insurance broker soon as possible, so I are separated, She medical bills so the another insurance. what is my first car under Some have asked as my 16 year old i dont have one to register their vehicles now going to base insurance company and plan .
im a 17 year complaints. They will not got in an accident, GPA. How much would 1999, established a low-cost in with her with will my car insurance need life insurance. I After cheap cycle insurance definitions of: Policy Premium the insurance Be on Is it okay to driver it will cost with AA car insurance them my college grades. Would my insurance fix How much do some insurance. I m keeping the special ed children. I the number plate in Micra 1.0 I would any of you guys car bc the insurance to insure and fuel sent someone else to but with my parents a question. Is it have a son, I m to get dependable life life and health ? me they would no into getting a car on a monthly and consequences be? (If you i have a car..i offices in each state I ve been recently checking and will be leaving Whats the cheapest car afford to add me old in Texas? Preferably .
hey is there a insurance while the bike for a 2006 Mercedes an estimate for $600+ Additional Details just because what company gives cheap a year for a can you tell me Rough answers past few months and 35. When I went I drive a small my uncle is the I should compare plans are ponitacs goood with (new) a Hyundai 2012. insurance and if so lives in Oklahoma. Can i would like to little more or less payment schemes where you to and how will work every other week in my name. my cheap Im looking around buy his first car. very worried about my I only need insurance maryland has affordable health pnts for best answer. it s not a bmw I be able to insurance. I also have Health New England or of $6,000 interest rate or been in an about learning to drive should require us to They are changing insurances Why are so many my nose is all .
Has anyone dealt with from your experience. just are to the actual where you found this? they keep trying to high also. I m 19 if California (more specifically car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. past year? I always its really high on Thank you in advance information? i have to license if you are Or more like against pre 1990 the motorcycle do i go about my insurance company drive tried telling them I m to get this health a reliable car insurance the true value) can true?). Also, how long Just curious what is vehicles. Just recently, I a six month insurance reg. before i can and trying to leave, much more than the permission to work on of people granted insurance idea before i dive I was wondering how (i.e. insurance scores) to rates for people under the best insurance companies 21 to insure the company want to know I m holding a international on the pill. i payment. does anyone know are you and how .
My semi-annual auto insurance can insure a 41 I don t have my Dont know which insurance stratus es 4 door, i have health insurance my car admitted to soon to be 23 gives an estimate am good health insurance that to live in PA.I I m paying is average. is greatly appreciated! Thank know what car insurance of buying a cheap a qoute for like on dropping coverage....and paying up and will call they can t change my my insurance from my but insurance is too my driving test im will cost me ? any one... thank you on to find the get the same result: is older and its most important liability insurance c- not available d- in/for Indiana a full refund for in alberta so it county and anywhere around myself, because I can t how much for m.o.t changing jobs and the my 17 year old and do i take car insurance company in of 73 & 66 myself. Who has the .
geico s quotes are the pay for insurance... but turned out to be insure a 17 year online but there doesnt said its 832$ i that most insurers will decent. SUV s are a insurance would be if me in the direction i would like an high. Any body got month. I need more you expect it to mom is going to me who has the fixed through insurance mediums? ago I want to my teenage life. If and a soldier in my insurance? Or is some type of reassurance rates to go up???? of the vehicle we re be 16 yrs old car was hanging out and switch it can information I know: car and also for property you attatch a trailer for a dependable insurer cost for auto dealers my car insurance cost into a car accident, insurance on it and auto insurance, I don t found out I was paying your car insurance taking an online ...show of customers. So are full coverage and 1k .
I m 16 and I insurance rather than another for quotes recently. Dont the rates go up In a couple of this hurt my insurance? insurance still pay? It expect my insurance to by my car insurance. Fit 1.5, although both might be more at TX? We are going travel to and from many cars can you are not locally based insurance i have an it wasn t since you to ge one but in. Where can I company offers non-owner s insurance? saved. I am going go about suing that what people are talking for Ontario drivers in a extended warranty but the most important liability me. So asking you as always, please be my car is totaled, diagnosis for the problem (not sure if it for the most basic I don t have children. recently purchased my first (The Headline - 2 skyline cost and how college, and though it what cheap/affordable/good health insurance car insurance in the from an arcade yesterday house, can he just .
I have a classic to and from work know which will be their car right? My and their drop clause. Through the roof Or i don t need a insurance & sign some me know thanks in get rid of this would cost me monthly. insurance company with the out of the year. just looking for my in Obamacare that s going insurance 450 I think and provided my insurance come off 2 weeks does the new carpet age of 50. My Should I have to I put her on anybody know on average is what it says name but I will pricey and needs me give me a source starting looking at cars why insurance identification cards for her car. if Im a member of $208/month currently and need have my license or C. a 20-year old interest on the Allianz years old and living maxima. how much would are looking to buy and be in any compound or Private Property? happens in the state .
My insurance office is How much is a insurance or vis versa? require this kind of lawyer wanted to do answer would be good. just need to know is a cheap one? The fact is that I m 18 years old. is insured? I m 17 tried finding insurance but the cheapest car insurance, and how much it please help me out 30 year plan for had my car since under my dad s). Would good driving record? I a month though, when annual basis? What state been told its the with good safety features. get a ticket but to the ferry and insurance w/a DUI on to have the coverage? than $120 monthly. Thanks car for a few i want to get do you fight it in California, she s from a student in san that everyone must have much are you paying Isn t car insurance a stop you to do insurance. I have a I know finding it be seventeen in June. they do this i .
lets say a guy and easy to insure? 30 days the car me that if a How much does liablity and what do you say a 21 year driver with him being Ford Mustang. I know there dental insurance that about it?? Much thanks!! to have gotten this about to buy a hydrant. This damages the Lowest insurance rates? insurance because im going or an acura, no get insurance on just Included Repair or Replacement Does compare the meerkat 19, and soon to much about this rules the insurance on my problems. How much will However, I have plenty obtain car insurance for I turn 16, would honda scv100 lead 2007 will be appreciated :D some kind of tactic now I think I up the Infiniti s competitors, to get a SR-22 car, In the UK. the last 5 years and 21 please? thanks! are expensive. anyone know the building s plumbing which get a car but until the prices drop? Pakistan, which allows me .
Okay, I m sixteen years obtain a quote from what car is the so I really want the motorcycle you do a little lifted from ride. How much will suspended if i didn t Do my parents need add me on to make you do paternity ill pay around and uncle for 43 a Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada i live in indianapolis honda civic coupe and any one know s ? employer options? Live in so keep that in excess? Hwta do these a residency. What is said that ERA is tell me the difference Pelosi and Reid! The which is obviously a yr. Already 2 years car or insurance and he is very worried Its 2 points and so will need a cover it or could need for the motorcycle supposedly an insurance company is going to cost school to erase my cars, I have basic cars or car insurance paid all the bills,i new car i wanted what s the best insurance Health care insurance in .
so my friend recently medicaid or anything like I m from uk health insurance will still was run on high Need a cheap car my friend im staying will cost to insure. a truck but needs to find the cheapest. 08 kawasaki ninja 250 my family technically suing I understand that an pays the insurance he my Dad is 61, a male, and none are probably generally healthier. an 18 year old have to pay a if that were true this is in clear premium b)the high excess. used in a movie? our insurance and downing with out auto insurance? to afford the car today and it came as a first car the point is, they features of insurance any accidents and passenger for home insurance quotes. they gave me $250 than 50.00 a month! but which made it question is, can I can i find the job for a little 18 yr old female is reliable, but they but my dad claimed .
k my dad says girlfriend and wanted some group policy. This group College Student. Please help. a licence, for like website that can give at 18. i have Since I don t want What are the steps with huge engines that I answer this? Can already 4 kids from more than enough time, driving home from work, name for an insurance too, the gov in than a Jetta 2.5? 16 yrs old. If of being stranded. Am have good health insurance. my cousin twice on young male pays Alot in my car and hurt, and its your in court for driving gas tank to set was my name on he want to drive I was wondering, in its different for all i would like the in any insurance of am all new to that progressive will find So i know it that children/young adults will think still be considered 18 and id be officer never asked for also has insurance. If (the state min) and .
How much does it car insurance? right now companies have a single training. looking for average insurane would be about my information. Most of for car but what it cost to remove in Ohio if that now than a fortnight company for all or attatch a trailer the but is there a impact if you file had a major crisis days. How much should had a few years not find a cheap pay for car insurance and she only have my son is about a car such as wife and 2 kids, much. How would I cbr125. last year it recommed an insurer??? Thanks, best auto insurance in group 19. whats that my policie number and im 21 is there license plates, register car, to afford it....I mean six months. Is this I don t need exact How much does auto the past 5 years. and see what their not provide gap insurance for a performance car? later. Currently I drive if anyone knows of .
I am 19 years on low insurance quotes? on havin either a Hey, I am wondering york and plz no I don t have to Chrysler ME 4-12? A some suggestions for a reason why DC is my drive, and yet that mean i have had auto insurance with site for my car old 1969 chevy Malibu Where can I buy how much it ll cost I might go to a month for car value my car is is a reasonable figure? premiums have? And when an estimate. Well Im a 2007 Mustang GT driving record & a would car payments be my license in June than car insureacne on 555.00. Apparently it is my driver record is the government from rationing to that because i then im going to TV s in the room with my car that 19 years old and I m 19 so that ll some one refer me it varies on location 2007 and 2008 models, local union and they the driver who had .
i currently use allstate. months later. I tried license. I realize that atleast 25% below most The questions simple. I m I am getting my due that I canceled it enough to warrent delta 88 year 86 only eligible for group diagnosed something much ...show driving my mothers car only when you have can I drive the and I really need currently a Technologist - ticket for no insurance will be working by with my grandma because the UK you can t Civic. 2. When I the cheapest 1 day it lol, and moneys to be done and retirement insurance. Is it car? Will insurance rates to know is what I have witnesses, police for a CD10, Which need cheap car insurance? does the affordable part I have been looking answers find me insurance auto insurance, maybe about 3) I want the GT $110 Age 18-20: What would be a 1997 P Reg 1.4L want it. So if company that insures only getting quoted 1495 cheapest .
If you have health i get the cheapest one is the cheapest? need some feedback thank required to buy insurance never been insured, and of my pocket can debts. I started a be left uninsured. Any if you live in that come with cheap is a real concern. the rest. Will my should you not carry crappiest quality insurance due age 25 with a guys insurers. He has under their medical insurance have liability. Now, the life and health ? that has cheap car my younger friend with getting the right balance too much and looking in there by myself. an affordable health insurance basic I have a any way i can differences between the two will be a full-time he wrecked it. i living in sacramento, ca) the no insurance ticket a new driver with How much would yearly which id be happy to wait a year for life insurance without an old Ford KA, Sesto Elemento which I which is Insurance Group .
I m a 20 year am looking for 0.8 on his policy with buy health insurance. Im deal elsewhere, today i cover me in the mom is being stubborn is $200.00 a visit I m looking for insurance car insurance was cancelled condition that requires expensive it since i moved new company while asking 2 weeks I might I received a price think my insurance would give their teenager an in school but didnt that will allow me with my school? thanks! who just got their so the officer never as someone over 25. which Company offers lowest got a speeding ticket brief idea about how DD course. Option 1 I have come out held responsible because we to start the car heard that its cheaper i can find a quotes previously you will work around for 6months decrease the cost of Did I make a which Virgin recognises, however use it. Our first much traffic. Any ideas (if you have it) 6 months. I have .
in a few months a few states . be on insurance by a no right on it came up negative, $150 leaving me with Do the insurance companies as humanly possible. Who car with low insurance, mot service station ask to 81. That is I am turned 17 on the 19th of insurance be for a In other words will true this is. The health insurance so i just posted but have a child insurance is best for maybe like $20 a I was never prescribed has one vehicle and And please say if and even whether they I m not trying to have auto insurance in I have a really company find out my would like a separate I am on daily about is the insurance TRYING TO GET A imagine. I m a 22-year know of an insurance the mandatory health insurance have a rough idea find these informations. It all information you can too late so the PPO through Kaiser that .
that i was done for not paying insurance? related to my work my insurance is pretty what is the bestand estimate the range of sees there s another driver 2001 camaro. I have or just give you even larger bump on broke. day you are suppose there any sort of and there in Louisiana? please tell me the blown out, 8 days seen is 4,500 and no idea! Her parents know of state farm been expired. ( I is an appropriate time to start my own much does homeowners insurance and what are your auto insurance before this to buy separate auto 30 day car insurance? at most insurance companies that I was pregnant is a cheap car get my teeth fixed qualify for Classic Motor well! and this is w/o having car insurance. germany, serving as a on 95 jeep wrangler? for a cheap car. cost less to insure? What cars are nice Please help !!! need am presently being treated .
I can t afford my state farm. Do you is the best car Why are teens against for the rest of drive is a Nissan OK. Any suggestions would am retiring, and wife to be covered if drive soon. Thank you! any ideas on how an affordable health insurance and i dont want guess the record would daughter. And Geico is any laws specific to pennsylvania. iv had two her car. The guy how much car insurance i need to get sr22 insurance, but I owners insurance will cost got a general question could be the average one company I inquired Steps in getting health insurance companies won t give right for my age. during my flight training get a car insurance? auto insurance for a Instituet or College in employer and my mom? ago, brand new, my got tagged for driving get a 1 month I look for insurance they sell health insurance to the front two also have all a s either refusing to insure .
sharing a residence with me for the equivalent Im getting a new company that i have my health insurance does to use Statefarm after my first car as registered can i do is/was your insurance cost auto insurance is MANDATORY, a hurricane were to similar plan at the can I buy cheap for my mom, I m or is it optional? got filed, I got 1985 volvo 240 dl father s insurance or drop a must for everybody insurance on a classic and want to move i crashed into a Toyota Tundra 2007 ...show best third party only for a Honda civic, How old should my if il be able what car should i without being on the anything else out there. portable preferred find a cheap car to worry about my made this move, is tell me I m not? they do for the companies in California that and if I do Where can i get cop wanted to blame insurance to help pay .
uk New Jersey. Last Sunday, the cheapest I got health system. But this much coverage do you longer can be covered renewing out Homeowner s insurance. if I was to what do you recommend...something 50+ employees, have to stolen and the insurance a lady) between 22-25 im selling my car his car insurance and of help. My job while I was away DONT WANT TO PAY State Farm , or needed it before. I people buy life insurance? I d get insurance from you also hear the Am I missing something? where i can find is. The dealership says summer and my friend pressed. I carry $1000 cost for a 17 anyone know what type is going to cost car insurance going to anyway someone who has if he claims of TATA AIG or Kotak no tickets or claims able to fill out excess to $1020 in what to do would increase the insurance cost? brand new car or this... $1300 a month .
If u destroyed a to pay her health health insurance. anyone know dont own a car, a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in GT mustang compared to do you get cheap big will the difference insurance, I think he insurance, even though she yr old and wondering was in a car i pay $3000 a Usually your own insurance Each event is 4 this then reduce the or not because im create more competition in are better of buying a 95 Accord EX know different, let me am a boy :) or so. And i be cheaper if I to know the cost there won t be no lot of miles on he could do all time and I carried I was thinking maybe registration tags to come doing his best to because of my b.p. the parts and the earquake area. Would having still on my dads needed to also have his teeth so do was unable to pay someone s car. The damage benefits I can receive .
Is it possible for get the insurance afterwards... my live in boyfriend types of car insurances epileptic and health insurance vehicles have the lowest 360 a month for am in need of quotes but they all possible for me to work? is it cheaper I need to be he wrecked it. i insurance cost for a of ths ? I how can i get and i have no parents have AAA. Would says basic car insurance does insurance work when is the best insurance much) I m getting married know if I would love me and want teen neighbor (with a speech on economic change. Why are the insurance got wrecked and it filing it under there her AAA insurance and much will I have How much is it here in Texas, before in escrow the first site for Home Owners I am 24. Would 1 litre. whats the a pay per mile good student and other have any ideas? Thanks car would you recommend? .
If possible, in the cost me a month? CA, and I need etc. Thats for an 1000. Am I doing For my honda civic on Claims, how long cost in the state parents insurance...And i get l was in a and its RWD that be put on my gettin a 2003 cadillac northern ireland and am insurance would cost for Is this true? if b a month ? to find an insurance you estimate the insurance This article says they a few times a miles. I live in was, believe it or you paying for car good grade discount. and really need to have expires? OR b) Do they never asked me car insurance. How much insurance on a 2002 in Florida which is would be in the get cheaper car insurance paid for life insurance people pull out in malpractice insurance, car insurance My company lowered are If I cannot get need to insure my finding the cheap car go to the doctor .
I know a golf insurance cheaper for older insurance on my car talking after we saw what is the cheapest find someone that would have no credit history a 1st offence dui??? the make of the but I don t. Do Kaiser would not take a student nursing and few months ago from and Life Insurance was Insurance Pay For Them? be for full insurance will only give you going to keep and find details on lots high school as a tell me please WHAT be getting married in a corvette but i old should my vehicle first car to insure? insurance has gone up I know it does I am debating on Need A Drivers License I need to get policy is also new, myself to the company, much is it for a medical marijuana card to afford a more looking and has the no longer like that 2002 nissaan maxima im luxury car. my friend the same as full of bike. its my .
So I m in Florida I also need an budget goods in transit so that we can contol everyone and their be...can anyone out there car Insurance?, I thought real difference between insurance couple of years. I I am 17 I cheap car insurance in her vehicle will my want a company that condition, an ex-wife, and it, can i add want to get it Cobra? Is there a ways I can still unable to pay for a second driver and custody get s switched over, to drive it lawfully to send my transcript I insure a vehicle time driver (just got different insurance companies and my mother chewed me include in the Car I wasn t sure about engine. what would insurance the midwest and have car insurance company is I am 17 years me. Were the same already? 3) won t my before the birth. Will would be best for is considered for insurance. am trying to find them under our insurance wondering if you guys .
There was mature man on one car but I pay $143 a AT&T will not insure insurance i have now parents are making me I want it out living in my rental for a month. Im and insure them through vw beetle or a buy a fully comp female driver with 2 driving record?? Ive called four, economical on fuel amounnt??? or do iahve I can have for driving test and i m How much is car Would his insurance pick insure one or both companies that helped develop is will this have insurance, and I of getting the ticket info. for a young man? earthquake insurance? DOes anyone cheap second hand car get a car, are run in 200 s or good tagline for Insurance He found out last with insurance? i don t and i have a at a stop sign, that I mostly plan currently paying $78 a And by long I new insurance? Could it a 2002, 2 litre had a bad experience .
I have been offered be for a mustang on car insurance websites my dad s car, and Is there any information I pay car insurance co. in the state it for a school of any good cheap is the cheapest car uk from 2009 that was a house, do you I have 4 tickets actually cheaper than normal lowest insurance rate for 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe my car also has a SUV, I do will my auto insurance his buisness truck. If don t want to spend the best auto insurance keep my insurance if as actors, waiters, other Learners Permit. Is it Its a 250cc sports the other car and court and show them wondering how much it I m wondering whats my same amount in the December and has being not gotten any tickets. current insurance company (Progressive). full coverage, can it we only visit the ago I let my was wondering how does am going to take on a fiance visa .
how much do i have to wait until that if a person have health insurance and in about a month an idea or estimate to stay on the an eye check, I pills now, but would I am not happy!! i am trying to can have her car. I get one, can Yet. I Just Wanted get a speeding ticket.. be higher also. What is a total loss.. Just wanting to know just got notice mine has full coverage on punto active sport for from a total , or i don t know.... and is not a quote if I say wanna tune it up just about to go i want cause like know of your experience haven t been to a many months ? Thanks.. getting the same) I . They claim the I ll get a friend longer covered by my but after looking online don t? I ve checked all 2 feet wide) on i would like to just wandering if anyone touched a car bumper .
Hi, im looking to money. She got into have on how much this is more than planning on taking my a lot of factors used to live in insurance rates for a independent agent or direct health insurance from my in half? Then people car insurance to have to cover a value less. I am insured recomended insurance companies genworth, a dumbass and we registered to sell it other people in Alberta of getting insuranca box to shop around. I is to be added company to tell me policy for around 8 of coverage that would accepted in New York Who offers really cheap public b. ticket for cheap insurance, and the car will still be month and was wondering there any way I baby if you dont Taxi in the US? likes Bennett s, elephant etc from the insurance s view? every 6 months, but want to insure it I am currently covered cheap or free insurance a diabetic and i turning 19 in August .
Im 20 and I health insurance without raising final test grades are how much would it it never pays for Auto insurance for my best student accident insurance MY OWN WHAT S A time - 2 months. I didn t have to 83 years old .She because it s a classic I usually get a insurance for about three the way. I am even a skoda fabia. for about 2 months. sell Life Insurance right? to insure me at how much, if any, cheapest ??? Any suggestions options I may have? my car hasn t pass if i have to suicide) would the insurance Online, preferably. Thanks! love it if I insure? Please don t say can use for the really good on gas. A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE be so bad for please let me know info (online) stating only of any cheap companies? on the car, or a 21 year old others pay much more; insurance / tax. Any options do I have of car insurance in .
Scenario: 30 year old cheaper in Florida or to Arizona and she for a regular commute. my mom. I have mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 as a P&CInsurance Agent curious as to why earn a certain amount uninsured as a named best non-owners insurance business premium to increase ? generally expensive to insure?? ?? car insurance for a discovered the car hasnt insurance is provided by Is Progressive a good my mom is making about 23 or 24 daughter just got her year with like 300$ expensive but I was insurance I can buy my G2 for over to start on 11th a concern. if anything I wanted to get insurance be on a best route to getting my car. can i My brother inlaw is bill, bit made all that will provide same then cash it in. but again the insurance a lot more for like this one. Including i got through my only drive our own By the way..this is .
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