#agreement is really useful as a listener/reader and a pain in the ass as a speaker/writer i think is my take
avantguardisme · 5 months
writing in a language with a ton of gender/number agreement is all fun and games until you have to start editing. so i make one noun plural and now suddenly i have to add an s to like 5 other words?? i hate it here
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 3 months
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: Prince Aegon Targaryen x Lady-in-waiting! Reader prompt: Aegon attempts to get you to ride a dragon once again, this time more gentle and whiny than before. word count: 1, 000+ words
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After his failed attempt to get you on dragonback, earning him a bruised ego and a hard kick to the groin. Aegon knew that he needed to try a more softer way. If not for your sake, then for the sake of his groin avoiding your heel meeting it once again. He couldn’t handle the pain or the judgmental look from the Maester as he was given milk of the poppy. So, he was left thinking one thing. 
How would Helaena sway you into going on dragonback?
It was hard. Helaena was different and her way of coaxing you was foreign to Aegon. She would just leave you be. But, he attempted to do it more gently. He would fly overhead the Red Keep on Sunfyre, the golden dragon twinkling in the sunlight. He would speak of his dragon and the wonders of flying on dragonback. He would offer then leave you be when you said ‘no, you fucking idiot’. 
Surprisingly, it worked well. Your eyes would twinkle with wonder. Your face, full of curiosity when you listen to him speak. It was subtle little things. He had caught your interest in flying on dragonback. He loved it, like a cat who had caught his prey. Then, you had caught him off guard one day. 
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Watching you chew on your bottom lip, you stand far away from Sunfyre, arms crossed over your chest. He could practically smell the nerves wafting off you. The battle of whether or not to go through with the action of getting on the saddle is clear on your face. Biting back the cruel comment on the tip of his tongue, he stands by your side, patiently waiting and waiting. He wanted you to fly with him. He wanted it more than anything. So, he was determined to not ruin this.
“We can turn back.” He whispers, leaning in closer to you.
“No. I came all this way, I will continue.” You shake your head, “I just..I just a moment.”
Nodding his head softly at your words, he fights back the giddy smile that threatened to spread on his lips, not wanting you to use that against him. Watching as you take a step forward, he perks up, only for you to take that step back. A scowl slowly spreading on his lips. He did not get dragged at the ass crack of dawn just for you to back out now.  
Tucking his hands behind his back, he rocks on the heels of his shoes, boredly chewing on his bottom lip to hold back his comments. He wanted you to hurry up, but he was going to wait. Hopefully, not any longer. He couldn’t handle the tension anymore of ‘Will she? Won’t she?’ bullshit.
“I hate you.” You state out of nowhere.
“Wonderful.” He sighs, “Does this mean you are going to get on?”
“I really hate you.” You mumble, hands shaking at your side.
Nodding his head in agreement at your insults, he lets out a soft irritated breath, resisting the urge to just throw you on the saddle. He would wait, for once in his life. Watching you tightly close your eyes, you press your hand against the wall, slowly inching toward Sunfyre. Snorting loudly at your behavior, he trails after you in amusement, no longer irritated and fully amused. You looked like a child about to go to the Maester’s for an illness. 
“I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.” You mumble, words falling out like a mantra.
“Many do. But, this is really entertaining.” 
“I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.” You mumble, slowly inching closer to Sunfyre’s nest. 
“Just a little more, Y/n. Tis’ not so bad once you get on the saddle.” He encourages gently, not bothering to hide his amusement. 
“I hate you. I detest you. I hope you choke on your wine tonight. Why did I let you talk me into this?” You whimper out, eyes tightly shut. 
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Hearing him laugh and snort loudly, you didn’t have it in you to open your eyes and scold him, too fearful of opening your eyes and seeing Sunfyre looming above. Dragon’s were not supposed to be ridden. It went against nature. Yet, here you were, letting Aegon Targaryen, the drunken fool⎯who more than once pissed his pants, talk you into going on a flight with him. Letting out a loud groan, you attempt to hype yourself up, earning a loud laugh from Aegon.
“Tis’ not so bad, Sunfyre is a good boy.” He laughs, “Come on, now.”
“Tis’ not the dragon that I fear, tis’ the foolish rider that I am about to share a saddle with.” You scoff, opening your eyes slowly. 
“I am not a fool when it comes to riding on dragonback.” He scoffs, shaking his head. 
“You carried me to the dragonpits against my will.” You glare at him, “Are you truly asking me to trust you now?” 
“Fair enough, fair enough.” He nods, accepting defeat. 
Fighting back the urge to throw up and pass out, you slowly turn your head away from him to look at Sunfyre, the dragon bolting up from his rocky nest in a flash. A blur of gold flashing by before a loud territorial screech filling the air. Scrambling backwards out of fear, your back bumps into Aegon’s chest, his arms securely wrapping around your waist. 
Letting out a loud gasp of fear as the dragon looms over intimidatingly, you try to get out of Aegon’s arms, but are unable to. His grip was firm, keeping you locked in place, forced to face Sunfyre. Two big green reptilian eyes staring you down like you were prey. All and any confidence dying in a blink of an eye. 
“Easy, easy. He’s just curious and tends to get excited.” He dismisses, his hot breath fanning your ear.
“No, no, no! Let me go! Let me go!” You screech, “I don’t want to do this anymore!”
“Easy, Y/n. Just let him sniff you, you’ll spook him if you just leave.” He whispers, “Just breathe and stay still.”
“Aegon!” You screech, voice dripping with anger.
Refusing to let you go, you cower in his arms as Sunfyre lets out a huff, the stench of dragon and ash filling your nose. Feeling your heart stop as Sunfyre screeches territorially, the dragon takes a step forward, the ground vibrating with each step. Slowly tilting your head up as he stands at his full height, the dragon takes a big whiff of the two of you, nearly making you pee in your pants. He was pretty, a glittering gold. But, seven hells and heavens, was he the utmost and utterly scariest thing you had ever laid your eyes upon. 
“He likes you.” Aegon chuckles, “He’s already gotten territorial over you.”
“I hate you.” 
“Yes, yes, we’ve well established that you hate me.” Aegon nods boredly, “Can we now pet him?”
“I don’t want to.”
“Come on now, just a small pat. So he knows you better.” He pesters, “You’ve already faced him, you can just give him a small pat.”
Shaking your head in protest at the suggestion, Sunfyre bends down in front of the both of you, also as if he knew what Aegon was attempting to do. Cringing as Sunfyre snuggles his snout towards you to touch, you cower in Aegon’s arms, not wanting to touch the dragon. This was already enough for your liking.
Going to the Dragonpits willingly? Good enough. Actually coming face to face with Sunfyre? More than good enough. But, petting Sunfyre? Actually getting on the saddle? Aegon would owe you everything for this. If you could actually find it within yourself to do it.
"Come on. Don't be a coward."
"I won't hesitate kicking you, again." You threaten, digging your nails into his forearm.
"No, no, no need. I take it back, forget what I've just said." Aegon quickly rambles out, "Actually, just pretend that I never spoke in the first place."
Letting out a nervous grumble, you shakily reach out, your hand extended out in front of Sunfyre’s snout. The golden dragon staring you down. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you slowly press your hand against his snout, feeling the rough scales against the palm of your hand.
Feeling a cold shiver run down your spine, Sunfyre purrs loudly at the touch, like a little kitten. Going to pull your hand away, Sunfyre lets out a high pitched whine, chasing after your hand. For a split second, it reminded you too much of Aegon. But then again, like rider, like dragon. 
“Don’t get too comfortable with her, she’s my friend, not yours.” Aegon scolds, glaring at Sunfyre.
The dragon huffs loudly.
“Do not huff at me.”
The dragon flicks his tail, some dust flicking at Aegon.
“Oi, I’m the one who brought her here. She was mine first.” Aegon scowls, “And she’s going to be mine when we go back to the Red Keep.”
Rolling your eyes as Aegon bickers with his dragon, you hesitantly brush your fingers against the leather dragon saddle, the leather worn and rough. Looking back at Sunfyre, the dragon lowers himself onto the ground, almost as if he was telling you it was okay to climb on. No, no, no. This was mad. Completely and utterly mad of you. But, the curiosity for the unknown wonders of flying gnawing at your self resolve. Pulling back your hand, you turn to Aegon, muster up the little courage you could find. 
“If..If I do this, actually do this. Promise not to drop me?” 
“Only a fool would drop you.” He whispers reassuringly, nodding his head. 
And you truly believe him. 
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eternalxvenus · 6 months
ˏˋ°• jealousy, jealousy *⁀➷
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summary: You and Sarah have been seeing each other in secret for a while. When she catches you flirting with Rafe, she gets a little jealous.
cw: smut 18+, sarah cameron x f!reader, fingering, oral, scissoring, light nipple play, some fluff towards the end, JJ is a pain in the ass
wc: 1.8k
notes: based on this request from @percyswhxre !! this was my first time writing sapphic smut but i loved writing this and i really i hope you enjoy it!!!
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You were at the Chateau having a lazy day with all the Pogues and Sarah. JJ and John B sipped on beers while you all listened to Kie recall the time John B had kissed her.
"Remember how you just kept apologizing and then tried insisting I was acting weird afterward?" She laughed.
John B shook his head. "That's not entirely true! And in my defense, JJ was the one who talked me up to it."
"Okay, now that is true... but I thought she was into you, man don't blame me," JJ chuckled, throwing his hands up in surrender.
The rest of you rolled your eyes and laughed at their banter. Pope and Cleo sat closely next to each other, and you sat next to Sarah with your legs draped over hers.
"Okay, realistically, who'd make the cutest couple in the group?" Pope asked everyone as the laughter died down. Almost instantaneously, everyone's eyes looked over to you and Sarah.
The fire in the middle of your somewhat circle felt like it moved directly in front of your face. You and Sarah had been seeing each other, but haven't told anyone else. It's not that you were ashamed, but you just weren't sure how everyone would take it. After all, she was John B's ex, even though they broke up mutually and on good terms.
Sarah laughed before giving you a quick glance. "Why are you guys looking at us? Personally, I think we all know the real lovebirds are Pope and Cleo. Look how cuddled up they are. No love club my ass."
Cleo shook her head, denying loudly. "No no no, don't try and put everyone's attention on us. You two have been all close and cuddly for a while."
The fire crackled lowly as everyone waited for your rebuttal. You shook your head with a sigh. "You guys are crazy."
JJ jumped in, pointing at you both with skeptical eyes. "We may be crazy, but you guys are hooking up, no doubt about it." 
You gasped, throwing a stick from the ground at JJ. "You're fucking drunk JJ." Sarah nodded in agreement, laughing. Her phone buzzed, and once she checked it, a smile formed on her face. "Come on guys, we're gonna go crash a Kook party."
The Twinkie finally pulled up in front of Tannyhill, and the music could be heard from a block away. Out the window, you could see the many bodies holding drinks, talking, dancing, and everything else Kooks did.
Upon entering, you guys got some sideways looks, but no one could say anything since it was Sarah's house. Everyone grabbed a drink and chilled outside. Topper came over and tried talking to Sarah, but she quickly brushed him off.
As you sat back, sipping your drink and people-watching, JJ leaned over and whispered, "I stand by my earlier statement. You know you could tell me." Referring to you and Sarah hooking up. You rolled your eyes and pushed him away, not wanting to deal with his pestering attitude.
A few minutes later, you stood up, announcing you were grabbing another drink. The inside of the estate was loud and humid. Rap music was blasting, and sweaty bodies were all around, drinking and dancing. After grabbing a Mai Tai out of the cooler, you see Rafe across the room talking to a few of his friends. Pushing the bodies out of the way, you made your way to him, smiling once he looked your way. "Hey Rafe, how are you?"
Rafe licked his lips and took in your body with a smile. It was known that he found you attractive, trying to flirt and make passes that you always ignored. "Hey pretty girl, I didn't know you were here. What can I do for you?"
Sarah tried to look into the house from her seat, wondering what was taking you so long. She went in after you to make sure there wasn't any trouble being started. When she walked in, she immediately saw you talking to Rafe. She watched as you placed your hand on his bicep and kissed his cheek before walking away.
There was a tense look on her face as you got closer to the door. You saw her by the door with her arms crossed. "Hey baby," you giggled, placing a hand on her hip.
She moved back, making your hand fall. "Don't 'Hey baby' me. You were flirting with my brother. You kissed him on the cheek!"
You tried to hide your smile but failed. "Aw, are you jealous?" Sarah scoffed. "Don't be mad! I was flirting just a little bit. For... this." You pulled a baggie out of your pocket that had weed in it. "I just wanted free weed."
She looked at the bag and rolled her eyes. "Fine. Next time you're gonna flirt with my brother for free weed, get enough for both of us. Plus you know he wants you," she stated rather than asked. You nodded, hands finding their way back to her hips, squeezing softly. "Yeah, but I don't want him. I want you." 
Sarah stared at your lips, which had formed into a cute pout before she grabbed your wrist and dragged you upstairs into her old room. She closed and locked the door, immediately pushing you onto the bed. Her lips crashed onto yours, and she kissed you hard. The feeling of her soft lips made you moan as your hands slid down to grip her ass through her shorts.
The blaring music from downstairs seemed to fade away as she moved down to your neck, biting and sucking. You brought your hands to the front of her shorts to get them off, and she did the same for you. Next to go were shirts and bras, leaving both of you in your underwear. You sat up, taking her nipple into your mouth and massaging her other breast. The softness of your hands elicited a quiet moan from Sarah's lips.
One of her hands cradles the back of your head while the other slides down to rub your covered clit. "You're already so wet and we've just started baby." Looking up to meet her eyes, you smile. "What can I say? Seeing you all jealous was hot as fuck."
Both of you removed your final piece of clothing then Sarah pushed you down once again, getting on top of you in the 69 position. "I'll never get tired of seeing your pussy so wet and ready for me." she groaned, not wasting any time and sucking your clit into her mouth. You moaned loudly, copying her movements with your tongue.
Sarah's hips stuttered as you slipped a finger into her hole that was begging for attention. She started rubbing your clit as she felt her orgasm approaching. "Fuuuuck– baby don't stop!"
You sucked harder and moved your fingers faster as she started to fuck herself on your fingers for more stimulation. A gush of wetness spilled onto your mouth and chin as she came, her whimpers filling your ears.
"I wanna see your pretty face when you cum," she breathed out as she maneuvered her body so that she was scissoring you. You squeezed her thigh as she rocked back and forth at a speed that made your eyes roll into the back of your head. "Ohmygod– Sarah right there, right fucking there!" 
The messy wet sound of your cunts sliding against each other was making your head spin. You pulled Sarah down to place a messy kiss on her lips, wanting her closer than what seemed possible. Her perfectly manicured hand found its way to your sensitive nipples, pinching them with a knowing smile.
The tight knot of pleasure in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter, you knew you wouldn't last much longer. "I'm so close... please, I wanna come with you," you whimpered out. Sarah nodded, and the rhythm of her hips became erratic and sloppy. "You ready baby?" she groaned, and the look in your eye said it all.
Your orgasm took over your entire body, and you almost screamed, leaving your pussy slicked and spasming while Sarah tried to keep her hips moving as her orgasm hit her too. "Oh fuck– God, I love you!" Sarah moaned out, not realizing what she'd said.
She moved to lay next to you while you both caught your breath. When your eyes finally opened, and you looked over at her, you could see the blush on her cheeks.
"You love me?" you asked softly, not sure if it was something she said in the heat of the moment or if she really meant it.
Her head turned to you, and she had a sheepish smile on her face. "Of course I do... you make it hard not to." 
You didn't try to hide the grin on your face as you leaned over and kissed her deeply. "You make it hard not to love you too."
The moment was broken when you heard your phone buzzing somewhere on the ground. When you found it you saw several missed calls and texts from the Pogues. They were all along the lines of 'Where are you?', 'We're about to leave.', and 'Is Sarah with you?'.
After rushing to get dressed and make your way downstairs, you hoped they didn't leave yet, or you and Sarah would be stuck with no ride. They weren't outside where you all originally sat. Walking to the front of Tannyhill, you saw the Twinkie parked in its spot with the doors open as everyone sat around waiting.
Kie saw you guys first. "Fucking finally! Where the hell were you guys? We've been calling and texting you both."
JJ chimed in, saying "I can't tell you where they were, but I bet I know what they were doing." Sarah flipped him off as she climbed inside the car.
"Topper and John B fought. Again." Kie said with an accusatory tone. John B shrugged. "He was being a dick."
You sighed at what seemed to be their never-ending rivalry. After a few minutes of silence, JJ tapped your knee. "So... where did you guys sneak off to?" he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Give it a rest JJ." You groaned.
He threw his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, fine! I'm just asking 'cause..." he looked at you with a smirk. "I'm pretty sure those are Sarah's shorts. And the hickey forming on your neck is a little distracting."
You felt your cheeks burn as you gasped, looking down at what were definitely Sarah's shorts. Everyone in the car— including you and Sarah— burst out in laughter. You flip JJ off in the middle of it as Sarah leaned in closer and kissed you lovingly on the cheek.
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likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 months
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The good in him — Spike x gn!reader
Fluffy slightly suggestive Word count 2k
Warnings — talks about killing but no actual killing and one use of Lady other than that I kept it Gender neutral.
@urfriendlywriter I used prompts — 9. kisses where their lips are barely hovering over urs, fingers tracing over ur jaw with a tantalizing gaze!!!!
10. ^ AND they plead, their voice whiny, "please, [name], please kiss me already. don't torture me.." (HELLO?? CHOOSE ME. PICK ME.)
This is not edited or beta read
When you moved to Sunnydale California you were thrown into the world of the supernatural which was predictable due to living on top of a literal gate to hell. Sure it was a bit of a strange place to live and literal monsters and demons were lurking around every corner of the small town but it was worth it in a sense. Like how you were training to become a watcher for the future and how you helped Buffy and your friends save the world from ending multiple times.
It was safe to say that the world of the supernatural was growing on you, especially Spike. Spike was a vampire, one of history's most dangerous, next to his maker Angel. He was a pain in your ass at first, constantly making fun of you and calling you several different silly names, but you couldn't deny that something was charming about him. Maybe it was how blunt and honest he was about everything or maybe it was the fact that he could quote Shakespeare off the top of his head that piqued your interest. The Shakespeare thing made a lot of sense to you when you learned that Spike was a poet in his human life.
You tried to brush off any sort of feelings towards the demon in question. You couldn't have a thing for a vampire. Especially not one that was over a century old, had tried to kill you and your friends on multiple occasions and was always going on and on about how much he was into Buffy. It was a fruitless endeavor, after all, if Buffy didn't feel anything towards him then why should you?
Despite that, you found yourself seeking him out more often. You would pass by The Bronze hoping to catch a glimpse of him, you'd make a few trips to the cemetery in the guise of patrolling only to find and talk to him, and you'd even sit through listening to his endless rambling about Buffy on the off chance he said something nice about you.
He was always there to greet you with a snarky comment. Like "Look who decided to drop in" or even "Decided to leave the comfort of your home and visit some real company" and despite how aggravating it was at times to listen to his constant banter, it was almost...welcome. You found yourself enjoying his company. He was rude and a smartass but he was also witty and charming. His quips and jabs at you and the rest of the group never really seemed to hold any malice when he made them towards you, only to Buffy and Xander. When you were with him he was almost sweet in an odd sort of way.
"You can't seriously still be hanging out with him" Buffy practically yelled at you, her hands planted firmly on her hips.
"Why not? What's the big deal?" You asked, not knowing why she was so worked up about you and Spike.
"The big deal is that he's evil! And a vampire! He doesn't have feelings! He's probably just using you!" She shot back angrily, the rest of the group nodding in agreement. "Not to mention he tried to kill you. Multiple times" Willow piped up, adjusting her glasses nervously. "You're wasting your time. You're going to get yourself killed" Xander said, folding his arms. You huffed and rolled your eyes. "I can take care of myself. Besides, he hasn't tried to kill or hurt me in a long time" you stated matter of factly.
"That's another thing! Why aren't you questioning why he hasn't tried to kill you or hurt you? Something isn't right about this-" Buffy said before you cut her off. "Maybe he just likes me. Have you ever thought of that?" You retorted, your tone just as sharp. Buffy opened her mouth to say something but was cut off once again by Xander.
"You can't seriously believe that. He doesn't like anyone besides himself and Buffy" he said. "That's not-" Buffy started but you interrupted her once more. "Is it so hard to believe that a guy, even a guy like Spike, could like me?" You questioned.
Giles, who had been silently standing by watching the argument unfold finally spoke up. "It's not the fact that it's impossible, but it's the fact that it's highly unlikely. Vampires can't feel like humans do" He said in his usual blunt manner. You clenched your jaw, irritation starting to wash over you. "Not all vampires are like Angel. They can feel love and affection. Spike proves that" you retorted.
"And how, exactly, does Spike prove that?" Giles asked, his tone holding a condescending note. "When I'm with him he's-" you paused, fumbling over your words.
"He's nice," you mumbled.
"Spike? Nice? That's a joke" Buffy said in disbelief. "He's nice to me. He gives me attention"
"He doesn't give you 'attention' in some sweet and loving way. He's probably just treating you how he treated Dru. Like a toy." Buffy retorted, her voice dripping with anger.
"I've seen enough over the years to know that he's a heartless demon that only cares about himself" Buffy shot back with irritation clear in her voice.
"He's not heartless! And I'm sick of all of you going on and on about how evil he is. I happen to care about him!" You shouted, your patience wearing thin.
There was a brief silence before, "You're in love with him" Xander mumbled, shock clear on his face. The room was eerily quiet as everyone stared at you with wide eyes of disbelief. Your face flushed and you averted your gaze down to the ground, embarrassed. "I, um-" you were at a loss for words. How were you supposed to tell your friends that you had feelings for the vampire they all hated?
"Is it true?" Buffy asked, her voice hard and cold. You hesitantly nodded your head, confirming your friend's suspicions. "How long have you felt this way?" Willow asked, her tone soft. "A few months.." you mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt nervously. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Xander chimed in, his expression one of bewilderment. "Because I didn't want you guys to think I was insane" you admitted with a sigh. "I can't believe this..you're in love with a monster," Buffy said with an incredulous tone. Her expression was full of shock and disappointment.
“You're one to talk Buffy” you replied sarcastically. There was a brief moment of stunned silence before Buffy's eyes narrowed. "What is that supposed to mean?” She questioned, her tone turning sharp. "You say Spike is a monster but forget that you dated Angel who has a soul" you retorted, your irritation flaring up once again at the hypocrisy that was clear to see. "Angel has a soul, he's not a monster-" Buffy started but you cut her off. "He still killed people! Just because he feels bad about it now doesn't make him any better than Spike!" You exclaimed.
“You know what, I'm going home,” you replied, grabbing your coat and leaving. You stormed out of Giles' apartment, seething in anger. Your friends called out after you but you didn't care as you slammed the door behind you. You didn't feel like dealing with their judgmental bullshit. Once you were outside you paused. Now that you'd made a dramatic exit what were you supposed to do? You couldn't go home, Buffy and the gang would come after you anyway. You couldn't go to The Bronze, someone was bound to be there. So that only left one place.
With a resolute sigh, you started down the sidewalk towards the cemetery. The journey to the cemetery was silent and rather peaceful, even though it was night and any number of monsters could be hiding in the shadows. After about 10 minutes of walking, you reached your destination.
You looked around the area expecting to see a familiar mop of bleach blonde hair but you didn't. That was strange, where was he? You walked through the cemetery, checking all his usual spots but coming up empty time and time again. As the night grew on and it started to get even later you began to get worried. Sure, it wasn't like Spike could die but what if a group of angry hellhounds managed to catch up with him? You had just about finished searching through the cemetery when you heard a familiar voice call out.
"What are you doin' out here at this time of night, love?" You whirled around to see Spike standing behind you, a sly smirk on his face. The relief that washed over you was overwhelming, he was ok and not mangled or missing a limb or worse. You huffed and attempted to seem annoyed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Looking for you, idiot" you replied. "Oh? Missed me, did ya?" He teased, sauntering over to you. You gave an exasperated sigh and attempted to look as nonchalant as humanly possible. "You're conceited, you know that? I was worried that you would've gotten yourself turned into a pile of ash" you said, feigning annoyance though you were relieved that he was ok. He chuckled and leaned down, his face only inches away from yours.
"Aww, you were worried about me? I didn't know ya cared, love" he teased, his voice holding a slightly mocking tone. You rolled your eyes and attempted to seem unfazed at his proximity.
"Don't get a big head, I was not worried about you. I just didn't want to deal with Buffy and the rest of the Scooby gang nagging me" you retorted, your voice wavering slightly. His smirk widened as he leaned impossibly close to you, his chest now brushing yours. He took a few strands of your hair in between his fingers before speaking.
"And yet here you are, all alone with a big bad vampire. Wouldn't your friends just throw a fit if they knew" he said, his tone low and sultry. You shuddered involuntarily, the close contact causing your heart rate to speed up. God, this man was insufferable.
"They would, but I don't care. And I can take care of myself, thank you very much" you argued, tilting your head up to meet his gaze properly. He let out a low chuckle, his hand finding its way to the side of your neck. He brushed his thumb over your pulse point, his smirk growing when he felt how fast your heart was beating.
"Such a fierce little thing you are, aren't you? But I wonder what they'd say if they saw us like this" he said, his voice a low murmur. Your heart fluttered, the feeling of his hands on your skin and his voice in your ear causing a fire within you. You cursed yourself, how was it that this annoying, smart-mouthed pain in the ass was able to turn you into a mess so easily.
"They'd probably tell me to stay far away from you" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. He leaned closer, his breath ghosting over your ear as he chuckled. "And would you listen to them, pet?" He questioned, his hand still lingering on your neck while the other found its way to your waist. You shivered at the feeling of his cool breath brushing across your skin. His hand on your waist was suddenly very distracting.
"Probably not" you mumbled, unable to think straight. This was dangerous, the two of you alone in the quiet darkness. His smirk deepened, his hand sliding from your neck down to your hip as he began to pull your body against his. You were now flush against his chest, your faces only inches apart from each other. You could feel the coolness of his skin through your clothes along with the faint scent of smoke and musk. Your breathing became uneven and you could feel your heart hammering in your chest from being so close to him.
His gaze darkened as he looked down at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of amusement and desire. "You have no idea what you do to me, love" he murmured, his voice a low husk. His grip on your waist tightened, his thumb rubbing slow and lazy circles on the exposed sliver of skin showing where your shirt had ridden up.
Every nerve in your body was on fire, your senses overrun with him. You looked up at him, meeting his gaze and finding your resolve fading rapidly. "You are a nuisance, you know that?" You murmured, half-heartedly trying to keep up the act of annoyance.
He laughed quietly, his eyes roaming over your face before resting on your lips. "You think so, do you?" He inquired, his tone holding a note of amusement. He took your chin in his hand and tilted your head up, his face now hovering over yours. His cool breath ghosted over your lips as his smirk widened. "You're a really bad liar, pet" he murmured. You shivered, the distance between you and Spike narrowing by the second. Your heart was practically in your throat and every muscle in your body was tense. "It's your fault, you're a bad influence" you mumbled, unable to keep up the facade of annoyance that was rapidly fading.
He let out a low chuckle, his thumb running across your bottom lip as he spoke. "Oh, I'm a bad influence am I?" He teased, his face only inches from yours. He continued his torturous game of keeping you just out of reach of where you wanted him, the smirk on his face only growing wider at your clear growing desperation for him.
"Please, Spike, please kiss me already. don't torture me.." you pleaded your voice had a slight whine to it. He chuckled darkly, clearly pleased with the effect he was having on you.
"Well, since you asked so nicely...." he replied slyly, his hand shifting from your chin to the back of your neck. “Who am I to deny a lady as sweet as you?”
And with that, he finally closed the distance, his lips meeting yours in a searing kiss. You gasped at the contact, the feeling of his cool lips against yours setting your entire body on fire. His hand on your hip pulled you flush against his body as his other hand held firmly on the nape of your neck, holding you in place. You couldn't keep the soft whimper that left your lips at the action.
He chuckled against your mouth, the low sound sending a shiver down your spine. He nipped at your bottom lip before gently asking for entrance, which you gladly gave him. The feeling of his tongue slipping into your mouth sent a wave of heat through your body, your hands moving to grasp at the lapels of his duster. You were now completely at his mercy, your body aching to be as close to him as possible.
He broke the kiss for a brief moment to murmur hotly in your ear, “You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" his voice holding a low whisper. You could feel the heat rising in your face at his words, a thrill coursing through you at the knowledge that he had been wanting to kiss you as much as you wanted him.
You opened your mouth to say something but you were unable to form any coherent words as he began to trail his lips down your neck and began to nip and bite at the sensitive skin.
A low moan escaped your lips, your hands clenching tightly into the material of his coat. This man was going to be the death of you.
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animehideout · 9 months
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read part 2 here
a/n: Here's part one, since all of you voted for Gojo satoru arranged marriage. Once I'm done with this story I'll start writing Long distance relationship x geto suguru.
Let me know if you want to get tagged in the next parts🫶🏻
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"You can use the main bedroom; I won't be home much anyway," Satoru casually said glancing your way.
You silently agreed, carrying your bags to the spacious new bedroom.
The house was fancy; everything looked classy and pricey, but it's Gojo Satoru we're talking about.
You didn't exchange many words. It's your first night together after saying your vows. Still in your wedding dress, changing felt awkward with his intense gaze, so you began unpacking instead.
Leaning against the door frame, he observed you before finally speaking.
"Let's agree on something, okay?" he said.
"Huh? What agreement?" you asked.
"Listen, I have no idea how I ended up in this marriage mess, and I think you feel the same, even though you're the one benefiting. But let me be clear—this marriage isn't real."
"But how the curse will break?—"
"It doesn't matter how. The prophecy said it will so you can save playing as real husband and wife to yourself," he interrupted. "I'm not interested in you, and I don't need to know more about you. I already know enough," he added.
"I'm not interested in you either, and you know it Satoru."you spat.
"Yeah, right. That's why you needed my help." he mocked.
"I DIDN'T. I was fine with not breaking the curse, but my family and the higher-ups insisted for some stupid reasons."
"Yeah, right. STOP LYING. I know you wanted this; otherwise, you could've refused."
"If I had any power to do so, I wouldn't have wasted a second" you glared at him, feeling offended.
"You just confirmed that y/n, I really don't wanna see your face, you can wander this house as much as you want. I'll be in Jujutsu high” he said closing the door forcefully, leaving you all alone.
You removed your dress, changing into comfier clothes.
You were more than relieved that he left, you couldn't stand him anyway or stand his annoying voice. You wanted peace and you finally had it.
You couldn't understand why your family and the higher-ups insisted on breaking your curse, you were completely fine with it. With not being a sorcerer, breaking the curse will only bring a huge responsibility on your shoulders and you'll end up like every one in your family...A jujutsu sorcerer, exorcising curse day and night to help those who can't defend themselves.
Even though you weren't capable of seeing curses, you still could sense them roaming in the space..
It scared you at first, knowing that something is near but you can't do anything about it, unlike your other siblings.
But you grew to accept it and see the whole situation as a blessing not a curse.
But here you found yourself, marrying Gojo Satoru the strongest sorcerer, by an order of both your family and the higher-ups, saying that this bond wouldn't only break your curse that's stopping you from using your Jujutsu but it will also bring a new balance to the jujutsu world.
You're stuck with him, stuck with Satoru. You don't know him well, all what you know is that he's extremely powerful and from what you've seen, he's also a dick and a pain in the ass. Only a few hours in your marriage and he managed to offend the shit out of you.
“its just a matter of time” you said to yourself, while getting under the covers.
The night was truly terrifying for you, you weren't used to spend a night all alone in a big house like this, but it was 100 times better than spending it with Gojo.
So you just shut your eyes, hoping to fall asleep before falling apart.
•In Jujutsu High•
“Huh Gojo what are you doing here?” asked principal Yaga.
“What?” he answered coldly while shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Its your wedding night, why'd you let your bride alone?”
“Hah bride?” he laughed raising an eyebrow. “And I thought she's the only one being delusional.. I did what all of you wanted, I married her, but thay doesn't mean I wanna live with her” he added.
“But Goj-”
“Sensei- I did my responsibility as the strongest sorcerer for the sake of the jujutsu world.. you can't ask for more”
“but if the higher-ups learn that you'-”
“Well screw the higher ups hehe” he laughed then headed to his room, reserved on Jujutsu high to spend the night away from you.
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kentoslover69 · 9 months
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summary: reader loses a bet and has to pay the price, however she didn’t have enough money to pay them. Thus they find a way to make her pay using her body.
“Well? Where’s da money at?” Toji raises an eyebrow and crosses his arms, shiu and hiromi sat on opposite sides of the couch. Hiromi’s face on his hand as they all shared a bored expression. You swallowed the lump in your throat, you felt so uneasy knowing you were the main spotlight right now. They looked like hungry wolves staring at their dinner. Fuck, it was so intimidating that it aroused you. Pressing your thighs together slightly as you looked down on your lap. Unable to tell them the truth. You cleared your throat before finally speaking up “I’m sorry sir.. I don’t have the money yet..” you said very quietly. Toji scoffs and shakes his head, a loud sigh escaping shiu’s mouth. Hiromi rolled his eyes and finally lifted his head to observe her state. He took note of how scared you looked. “And what do you expect us to do? Extend another week?” He says. Suddenly Toji slams his hand on the coffee table making a loud noise, enough to draw everyone’s attention. “Listen here ya fucking brat, you better find a way to pay us today or your dead.” He clenches his jaw. He sounded serious as hell, shiu pats toji’s back lightly before speaking “calm down old man, your scaring the poor girl” he chuckles. You were too scared to even form a word, you just sat there and fidgeted with the hem of your skirt. “I-im sorry..I promise I’ll find a way! I’ll do anything!” you rose from your seat and got on your knees infront of them. They all seemed shocked at her sudden actions. Toji grasps her face roughly and held on tightly. “Anything?” He repeats and smirks. You nodded frantically. “Really?” Hiromi tilts his head to the side while shiu grins. They all had the same idea. “Yes! Anything!” You exclaimed. Toji let’s go of your face and crosses his arms again. “Strip off your clothes then.” Shiu whispers lowly. Your eyes widen in surprise, it took you a couple of seconds to process what he had just said. “Well?” You can practically feel them getting impatient and you start to pathetically unbutton your top, revealing the black laced bra you wore. You shrugged off your blouse. Waiting for their next orders. Toji licked his lips, there was a noticeable buldge growing in hiromi’s pants already. “These too.” He lets his finger slide under the bra strap and snaps it. Quickly you reached behind you and undid your bra. Letting it fall to the ground. Your breast was now exposed to the men infront of you. Your face flushed red in embarrassment. “Hmm…what shall we do with her?” Hiromi asks, turning to look at Toji and shiu. Toji smirks and pats his lap. “Come here.” You slowly crawled towards where Toji was sitting and climbed on his lap, bending you over in all fours. He rubs slow circles on your ass and gropes them before yanking your skirt and panties off. “I think this brat needs a lil spankin’. What’dya guys say?” He grins. The two men nod in agreement as they watched. SMACK! before you could react he already smacked his large hands on your bare ass. Causing you to jolt in pain. they watched in amusement, hiromi started to undo his belt and handed it over to Toji. “Use this.” How cruel they were. They seemed to enjoy all this. Toji grabs it from him and bends the belt in half, ghosting it over your ass before smacking it again. You moan out in pain and gripped on the couch. “Start countin’ slut.” Toji growls, smacking the belt on your ass again. “O-one!” Shiu stood up from his seat and grabs your face, his lips crashing against yours forcefully. Toji massages your ass before hitting it again. “Two!” You say in between the heated kisses shiu was giving you. And after what felt like forever , Toji smacks your ass one more time. “Three..” Shiu pulls away from the kiss and puts two of his finger inside her warm mouth before spitting on it. “Swallow it.” He ordered, closing her mouth. You swallowed hard and looked up at him with doe eyes. Hiromi’s pants were now on the floor as he fisted himself. Leaning his pink tip on your cheek as he jerks off, Grunting at how innocent you looked. “Dirty little whore.” He scowls.
He lets go of his cock as you wrap your hand around it. Jerking it off in a steady pace and sticking out your tongue to lick at the tip. He hisses and grabs onto your hair tightly. Toji got off the couch and shiu replaces his position but this time he lays down on the couch and lets your bare pussy sit on his face. Grabbing your hips and teasing your folds with his skilled tongue. You let out a soft moan, sending vibrations to hiromi’s cock causing him to grunt. Shiu’s tongue drew circles around your clit, grinding your hips against his face as you continue to suck hiromi’s cock. Meanwhile Toji takes off his pants and positions his hardness against your wetness. “Fuck, your so wet already. Such a pathetic little bitch huh?” He rubs the head of his cock against your entrance as shiu continues his assault on your clit. Finally, Toji pushes his cock inside you. Groaning at how tight your cunt squeezes around him. “So fuckin’ tight.” He says as his length stretches you out, causing your eyes to roll back your head. Hiromi grabs a hold of your face and starts to fuck your throat, tears started to prick in the corner of your eyes as you tried not to gag on his cock. It was overwhelmingly too much. Toji starts to thrust into your pussy, hands smacking both of your ass cheeks as he bites his lips. Shiu was still passionately making out with your clit despite Toji pounding onto your pussy. He takes out his cock in his boxers and starts to fist himself. The room was filled with groans and moans. Toji’s big muscular frame made you look so small as he relentlessly pounds into you like a rag doll. “Yeah, yeah take it like the slut you are. Fuckin’ hell” he moans and picks up his pace. They all seemed to chase their orgasm, you feel yours building up too. Shiu groans against your clit and starts to fist himself faster, making you clench around toji’s cock. This was enough to drive him crazy. Toji gripped your waist tightly and angles his cock on your g-spot. Repeatedly assaulting it with his fat cock. You cry out and pull your mouth away from hiromi’s cock to breathe. You started moaning uncontrollably, hands continuing to jerk hiromi off. He spits on your face and grips your hair tighter. You felt your orgasm approach, making your legs tremble under shiu. “Please- pl- pleaase! wanna cum!” You blabber out in between moans. “Please what, whore?” Toji smacks your ass once again, still pounding into you. “Please sir! Need to cum! Please please!” You cry out, Toji chuckles and finally with one final thrust you cum all over his cock. Coating both shiu’s face and his cock with your juice. You pant and catch your breath, closing your eyes tightly. Suddenly you feel Toji start moving again. “Think we’re done already hm? Nah. Not until I’m satisfied. I’m not leaving this pretty little cunt without my cum.” He grunts and picks up his pace, his orgasm was close too and so was shiu and hiromi. You moan loudly, getting cut off by hiromi stuffing his cock back inside your mouth. Thrusting into your mouth once again. Shiu’s mouth was still latched onto your clit as he continues to jerk himself off faster, his beard ticking your skin. Everyone seemed to be chasing their orgasm. “Shiitt.” Toji throws his head back. “Suckin’ me in so well. Fuck I’m cumming.” He groans and with one more final thrust, he fills you up with his hot seed. His sweat dripping against your back. You felt his cock twitch inside you before he finally pulls out. His cum leaking out of your hole as he plunges his index and middle finger in to prevent it from dripping. “Not lettin’ my seed go to waste.” He says. Hiromi’s orgasm followed shortly after toji’s. A loud groan coming out of his gritted teeth as he cums inside of your throat, throwing his head back and panting. You pull his cock out of your mouth and swallowed his cum. Cleaning up the remaining cum that was left on his cock. He smirks and pets your hair. “Your not so bad after all-“ they were interrupted by shiu’s moan as he came all over his fist. He sighs and pants as well. The four of them trying to catch their breath.
After their intimate encounter, they help you clean herself because you couldn’t stand up nor walk. They were even kind enough to tuck you into bed. Toji pressing a kiss on your forehead as you drift to your sleep. “Goodnight angel, we’ll be back for more.”
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osamusriceballs · 9 months
The Accident - Part XIV
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: Alcohol
Words: ~ 2.3 k
About: Meeting Atsumu- not in the way you planned though >.&lt;
Part I II -> Next Part
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"How would you feel about maybe going out tonight? Hinata and Kageyama will be there too. They would love to see you again, y/n!" You press the phone against your ear and listen to Yachi's cheerful voice while you get a glass of water. "I'd rather stay at home, if that's alright with you." Yachi breaths out deeply at your reply, and you embarrassedly scratch the back of your head.
"That's okay. Is it... because you're still thinking about him?" She carefully asks, and your heart skips a beat when your thoughts drift to him.
She's talking about Atsumu, who still hasn't tried to contact you after more than a month- and you still stalk his Instagram every day, kind of hoping that he'll notice you. A part of you finds yourself very pathetic for that, but you know that you'll let him go eventually. Or at least you hope that you'll be able to. You still feel a pang in your heart whenever you receive a letter addressed to "Mrs. Miya" or when you look at the diamond ring that you finally put aside in a box in your nightstand.
"A bit, yeah. But it's not because of him. I'm just a bit tired. I'll probably go to bed early today."
She hums and hesitates for a second. "If you need me, or if you need to talk about him again, you know that you can always reach out to me, 'kay?" You smile fondly at her words, her concern for you making you feel a bit more at ease, because you know she'll always be on your side. "Thank you. Have fun and say hello to Hinata and Kageyama!"
"I will!"
You both say goodbye, and then you end the call. A relaxing night with a good TV show and a facial mask sounds just perfect to you. And this also might help you to get Atsumu off your mind.
The shrill ringing sound of your phone wakes you in the middle of the night, and you're alert when you blindly reach out for the phone and see the contact's name.
Osamu Miya is calling
You remember when he had given you his card back then at Onigiri Miya's while Atsumu was using the restroom, just in case anything ever happens, and you had saved his contact without giving it much thought but never reached out to him. Why would he call you in the middle of the night?
You hesitate but finally take the call.
"Y/n? It's Osamu. I know you probably don't wanna talk to me too, but can I ask for a favor?"
You're in shock when you hear his familiar voice, even more so when you hear his request. "Uhm... what favor?"
"It's about—ya know. Tsumu. He's... kinda unstable ever since ya ignored him. I wanted—" You frown at his words and can't help yourself but to interrupt him.
"Wait a second. What do you mean ignored him?"
You sit up straight in your bed, all your fatigue gone instantly. "The message he left last week? Listen, I get it, he is an idiot, and he is a little pain in the ass, I wouldn't listen to him either."
You blink confused, having no clue what he's talking about and he seems to interpret your silence as agreement.
"Forget it. Y/n, the favor. Can ya come over at Onigiri Miya's? He's drunk and dumb, and I can't do this anymore. I don't know what'll happen if he keeps up with that attitude."
You hold your breath while you listen to him, and your jaw drops at his words. "I- I don't know what to say. If you really need me, I'll come. I don't know if I can be much of a help though."
"Yes. Yes, we need ya here. Ya need a taxi? I can get ya one." He is quick to offer and you hear him sigh in relief.
"Uhm... yes, that would be good. Thanks." You hear a loud shout in the back and the sound of a shattering glass and flinch subconsciously. Osamu curses and yells something inaudible before you hear him clearly again.
"You're welcome. Thank ya for helpin' me out."
"Uhm... sure? I Shouldn't you call his girlfriend though?" Osamu yells another time and you nervously fidget with the blanket in your hands.
"His girlfriend? Wait. Ya actually met her? No wonder ya never tried to reach out. Forget that freak real quick, just come here. He can explain that whole thing to ya."
You stay silent and then nod. This might be the only way for you to find out what really happened back then. "Okay. He'll have a lot of explaining to do, though."
You nod and hang up the call to get off the bed, your whole body feeling electrified. You definitely wouldn't have thought that you'd meet him so soon- leave alone tonight. But thinking about how you've been feeling during these past few weeks, you know that you need this. You need to talk to Atsumu Miya, and you need to talk to him tonight.
You take a deep breath when you finally stand in front of Onigiri Miya. Not exactly how you expected your Saturday night to go, but here you are. At 2:10 am.
You hesitantly reach out for the door and pause. How will he react when he sees you? Has Osamu already told him that you'll come? How will you react when you see him? You push the door open with sweaty palms and you're met with a sight you did not expect.
Atsumu is sitting at the counter of the restaurant with Osamu standing right next to him, both of them yelling at each other and Osamu wildly gesticulating and throwing a towel. You spot two bottles of beer behind them on the counter and you're pretty sure that they are both from Atsumu. They both don't seem to notice you, still too absorbed into their fight.
The door loudly falls shut behind you and both suddenly stop yelling—not that you could even get a single word—but the sudden silence is almost awkward. They turn to you, and they both just look at you like you're a ghost, without saying anything. You wait for a few seconds, but can't stand any more awkwardness when the silence stretches longer.
"Uhm... hello?"
Atsumu suddenly gets on his feet and approaches you, and you stand there frozen when you see his red-rimmed eyes and the way he's almost stumbling while trying to reach you. Before he gets even close to you, he suddenly falls to the ground, his feet clumsily tangling with each other.
"Atsumu!" you quickly get closer and kneel next to him, concern evident in your voice, and he heavily gets on his arms and lifts his upper body just enough to look at you. You stare wide-eyed at him, your hands hesitantly reaching out for him but pausing mid-air while you look down at him.
"Y/n?" It sounds a bit slurred, and you nod with a frown.
"Yeah." You awkwardly stare at him while he clumsily takes a seat on his ass, his eyes now shining happily while he watches you. "I missed ya." You force a smile on your lips that you hope doesn't look too bitter. He pinches his eyes together, and one of his hands comes to your cheek—almost slapping you, and you flinch a bit when he leans a bit closer, the strong alcohol in his breath evident when he exhales deeply. "Ya don't look happy." He looks sad while he watches your face, and you suddenly feel tears in your eyes. "I'm... you hurt me, Atsumu." You know that he is intoxicated, and that he is in no state to give you a proper answer, but you still needed to get this off your chest.
"Hurt?" he echoes, his eyebrows furrowed while he's trying to understand your words. "Don't wanna hurt ya."
You nod and gently take his hand to remove it from your cheek and hold it. He looks kind of cute sitting there on his ass, and you simply stare at him, a part of you wanting to cry while another part wants to yell at him, but you just stay silent.
You hear someone clear his throat and look at Osamu standing behind him and watching you both attentively. "Don't wanna interrupt, but I wanna go home. I couldn't get him to leave tonight. It's gotten worse since last week. Since that message he left ya."
"What message?" You frown and direct your attention to Osamu. He raises an eyebrow and gestures towards Atsumu. "The one in which he pathetically asked ya to talk to him?"
You shake your head. "I didn't get a message from him."
"Oh." You look blankly at Osamu, and he looks blankly at you. Atsumu's hand suddenly tightens around you, and he whines cutely. "Y/n! Talk to me- yer here for me!" Osamu rolls his eyes and sighs deeply.
"I'm sorry. I was just so annoyed, couldn't stand him. It's fine if ya don't wanna give me a hand here."
"No, I can... I can help you out. What do you want me to do?" You try to ignore how your skin prickles where Atsumu starts to rub circles on the back of your hand, something that feels surprisingly way too intimate for you.
"Can ya help me get him home? I can get ya a taxi or- wait. Do you have a driver's license?"
You nod, and Osamu smiles happily. "Ya wanna drive his car then? Don't worry about the insurance, it's all good. You're officially married after all." He snorts at that and grabs Atsumu's bag to search for the keys. "It's only fair that ya get to drive his damn car then."
Your eyes go wide when you think about driving Atsumu's luxurious car, but you know that Atsumu does not live too far away, so you hesitantly nod, thinking about how nice Osamu has always been to you and how you want to help him out of this misery. And since you're already here, you can at least help him get Atsumu back.
You turn to Atsumu and try to smile as sweetly as you can. "Atsumu? Will you come with me then?" Atsumu seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him, but finally nods and grabs your hand tighter while he tries to get on his feet. Osamu is quick to come from behind and to pull on his shoulders until he's fully standing, and you raise your brows when you see Atsumu barely pulling himself together. "I'll help ya get him in the car. I need to close the store; will you manage on your own after that? You can call if you need me."
You nod wearily and watch him carry Atsumu basically to the front door, when Atsumu starts complaining. "Y/n, come with us—" he whines and grabs your hand tighter, and you actually smile a bit when he's pouting adorably. "I'm here. Don't worry."
It feels like an eternity to get Atsumu in the car when he calls for you every few seconds and wants to make sure you're still with him, but Osamu finally managed to get Atsumu on the passenger seat where he starts snoring after a few moments.
Osamu sighs and rubs his eyes. "If he's not waking up when yer at his place, ya can call me. I'll take care of him then."
You nod and take the car keys with a slight hint of nervousness. You're just glad that the streets are basically empty at this time, so it should be fine for just a few minutes of driving. And technically, you're still his wife, so this should be fine, even if you scratch it accidentally. Osamu looks at you and nods, and you grab the keys tighter. "Thank you." Osamu opens the car door for you, and you slowly get on the seat. "I really appreciate it. Yer gettin' a free meal when yer comin' to Onigiri Miya next." You softly laugh at his comment and nod. "I'll come back to that offer."
He grins and yawns tiredly. "Drive safely."
You turn on the engine, and you wave at him. "You too. See ya."
"See ya."
The ride went smoothly, and you couldn't be more thankful when you finally park the car in the spacious garage. Atsumu has simply been snoring next to you, just mumbling a few inaudible things every now and then and the streets were basically empty at this time. You exit the car and open the door on his side, softly shaking his shoulder. "Atsumu? Can you come with me? Atsumu?" You coo, trying to softly wake him up, and he finally opens his eyes, still groggy and sleepy. "Y/n?"
"Yes, it's me. Will you come with me?"
He seems to have a hard time understanding what you want from him again, but he nods.
"Come here." You wrap Atsumu's arm around your shoulders and desperately pull him with you, and he finally gives in and lets you take him out of the car. "Y/n... missed ya. Yer gonna stay the night? Ya can have my bed. We can share. Share with my pretty- wife." He hiccups, and you take a deep breath to suppress your feelings. He sounds so genuine and cute, you almost want to believe his words. "Come on. We can talk about that later."
You have no idea how long it takes you to bring him to the elevator—more like drag him to the elevator—but you sigh in relief when you press the familiar number, even though the elevator has brought you so many painful memories by now. He mumbles some barely understandable words in your neck, his weight heavily resting on your body while you pull him with you as soon as the doors open.
"Come on, we're almost there."
"Hmm... coming." He lulls, following your direction, and you both finally make it around the corner—only to find someone already standing there. A familiar face that you hoped to never see again.
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be-your-coffee-pot · 2 years
they hate each other and there's just one bed - part 1
A/N: So good god agentrry is finally here. Don't worry my loves this is just part 1. I had a a lot more written but word erased like 2k words I think ugh I'm sad. enjoy this anyways
Pairing: Agent!Harry Styles x Agent!Reader (female)
Word count: around 3.6k
TW: none much just swearing lots and lots of swearing, pretend wives and husbands mentions of killing trash acting jealous harry and one bed
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 Harry wants to kill her. Might just do it today.
“Stop glaring at each other, for god’s sake! This is supposed to be a pretty simple thing. Please don’t end up fucking killing each other before the mission is over.” Nick stated, raising a single eyebrow in a very matter of fact and totally Nick manner.
Nick Jamison was the captain of the Special Forces unit of SWAT, kept securely in the shadows (a bit like S.H.I.E.L.D. if you ask me, just much smaller), of which both Y/N Y/L/N and Harry Styles were part. They worked seamlessly together except for one bump on the road.
Y/N Y/L/N and Harry Styles hate each other.
Plain and simple right there.
The reason, you ask? A plethora of reasons. Y/N thinks Harry’s “way too motherfucking cocky” and that he should “get his stupid curly head out of his British ass.” She thinks all his niceness is just for show, and that he’s a total fake.
Harry Styles has the same things to say. According to him, “who the fuck does she think she is? Running around like she’s a goddamn saint.”
Nick’s hot take on the matter: “those two morons didn’t develop past their primary school phase where you push and pull the person you like because you don’t know how to deal with feelings. Plain and simple right there.”
I guess you know understand that even though they’ll work exceptionally together, they won’t willingly do it but they’re great together, so they have to you know.
This brings us here.
There was a slippery drug cartel that needed to be busted, but the unit had been struggling with getting the owner for months, and now finally, there was a way in.
“Dominic Vasquez is an eel. Snaky, slippery, and awfully hard to catch. We’ve been trying to find a suitable opening for a long time and finally have one.” Nick briefs Harry and Y/N, who is sulking in their seats.
“What opening? Please just spit this shit out, Nicky. I don’t really have the patience for your dramatics right now.” An annoyed Y/N remarks for the first time after entering the meeting room. As usual, both had been called in, not informed they would be doing a mission together, and the complaints and whining had begun. All they had done after acknowledging (scowling) each other was roll their eyes while glaring at each other through their director’s words.
A slight noise of agreement comes from the other agent in the room. Nick heaves a heavy sigh as he gestures vaguely at his prize pupils. “Look, you two, it’s paining me to breathe in all this sexual tension. Get a lid on it or go fuck it out. Please don’t drag me in it. Let me fucking finish.”
Their attention has been successfully piqued, all their pissiness vanishing as irritation and slight embarrassment settle on their features.
After an eye rollTM, the director gives all the information to the agents, who’re now listening as promptly as they’re ignoring each other. “His annual gala is next week, and that’s really the only opening. You are supposed to be new members, so you’ll be informed of that soon. You both will go in a day prior, get settled in. The whole thing is held at his mansion in Milan. You must find his office, grab evidence, and get out while being under the pretence of visitors. Simple.”
Harry is the one who speaks up this time, a sceptical eyebrow raises to accompany his words. “Why do I have a feeling there’s more to this?”
Nick sighs again like it’s hurting him to just breathe. “You’re going in as a married couple, Mr Andrew Jackson and Mrs Amelia Jackson.”
Y/N and Harry erupt in groans and protests of “why does this always happen” and “why do you always do this” in reference to the fact that they’d been in a few assignments previously where the both of them had to play a couple.
(Nick won’t say this out loud ever, but he thinks they’d make a damn great couple, so he keeps trying to push them together invisibly. Besides, they have great chemistry, so it really makes everything more believable.)
“Stop whining and get to it, Jesus Christ.”
.                                          .                                                           .
         .                                                                            .
                          .                                                  .
“Can you shift your fucking elbow?” Harry grunts in anger at his companion. Without looking up from the magazine in her hands, Y/N raises a single eyebrow at him, making absolutely no move to adjust her position.
Scoffing at the reply he received, or the lack thereof, the man shoves her elbow off the hand rest prompting an eye rollTM and an irritated groan from the agent beside him.
Surprisingly, Y/N doesn’t push him back because she’s too tired to deal with his shit at 6 in the fucking morning. Besides, it’s bloody December, so she just agitatedly pulls in her arms and continues to skim through the pages.
The next 2 hours or so are filled with glaring, under-the-breath grumbling and all sorts of gestures to annoy the other, but they thankfully make it out of the plane and to the hotel in one piece.
Harry shamelessly winks at the receptionist who’d just asked what name the room was under as Y/N rolls her eyesTM. “Jackson. Andrew Jackson sweetheart.” The girl blushes and giggles, quickly retrieving the key card.
“Jesus at least pretend like you have a wife,” Y/N mutters to her man-whore of a partner once they get inside the elevator. Harry’s lips tilt up in response, that infamous smug smirk coming out to play as he taunts her. “Why wifey, not getting enough attention, hmm? Jealousy isn’t that good of a look on you, sweetheart.”
“Please you’re too self-involved. I’m worried you won’t be able to keep it in your pants long enough to not fuck up my mission.” She scowls. Harry has the decency (or gall, whatever you will) to look offended at the comment. “Our mission and oh please miss goody to-shoes you know as well as I do that, I’m clearly the more responsible one out of the both of us. I’m not stupid enough to jeopardise our mission just because I wanted to get my dick wet.”
Y/N retorts just as the elevator doors open. “Aren’t you though, dear?” With his mouth gaping and the doors closing, he realises she just snatched the key card out of his hand.
The brunette hastily moves to catch up with her while she opens the door. Nick had actually booked them a suite and “it has two big beds, I swear!” However, the suite in question was slightly different from what was promised.
One single, king-sized bed stares back at them from the centre of the luxuriously decorated room.
Y/N breaks the silence. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
A deep groan emits from Harry as he rubs his eyes annoyedly.
“Screw you I’m taking the bed.” Before she could even think of saying something, Harry deposits himself on the bed, all gangly limbs as he sighs in satisfaction. She clenches her teeth and marches over to the bed, glaring at him with her arms crossed. He turns and grins up at her infuriatingly, “Can I help you with something, wifey?”
She shifts gears and gives him a saccharine smile. “Yes actually. How about you cuddle me to sleep, dear?” Harry’s brow furrows in mild disgust and he doesn’t even get a word out before Y/N is beside him with her arms wrapped around his lean body, fully flopping on top of him. He flails around like her touch burned him and knocks her over to the other side of the bed where she snickers at him. With a swift kick, Harry’s on the floor and Y/N has spread out starfish on the sheets.
He climbs back up to try to take control of the bed again, but Y/N just won’t let that happen. They wrestle each other and she’s just about to punch Harry when the doorbell rings. Her hand freezes a few inches away from his scowling face, both of them scrambling to fix their rumpled clothing. She stumbles off where she’d planted herself on his abdomen and opens the door while Harry shifts around to make it seem like he was just relaxing on the mattress.
The bellboy is standing in the hallway, holding their bags as he smiles at her maybe a little too amicably. “Hey yeah you can put them in here.” Y/N leads him inside the room. He puts down the suitcases and glances up to find an intimidatingly handsome man lounging on the bed, watching him with narrowed jade eyes.
Without taking his gaze off the boy, Harry calls to Y/N who was turning on the electric kettle at the side of the room. “Baby, can you come here for a second, please?”
“Yes, honey?” Y/N replies as she comes to stand at his side. She should get a fucking Oscar for how great she played along right there. Her ‘husband’s hand comes up to rest on her thigh as he lazily smiles at her. “Tip the boy darling, then can we please take a nap, hmm?”
With her back turned to the steward, she raises her eyebrows at his antics, quickly moving to retrieve her temporary husband’s wallet. “Sure honey.”
Harry’s scowling at the bellboy as he leaves.
“If you need anything mam, I’ve been Aaron. Don’t hesitate to call, I’ll be right here.” Y/N quickly shoos him away rolling her eyesTM at his attempt of shooting his shot. Harry is still scowling. “I’ve been Aaron. Don’t hesitate to call, mam.” He mocks in a high-pitched accented voice.
“Look who’s jealous now, dear. You seriously felt threatened by a bellboy, Styles? That’s how weak your ego is?” The agent scorns the notion, switching the subject smoothly.
“Fuck that. Grab a chair, we’re running over the plan.”
         .                                                                                ��   
                          .                                                                    .
    .                                               .
Y/N is just about ready to stab him with the fork in her hand.
“If you don’t stop smirking and start acting like a goddamn husband, I swear to god I will rip out your carotid,” Harry smirks, of course, he does.
“Gonna use your teeth, sweetheart? Never would have taken you to be that kinky.”
He should be thankful the waiter arrives right that moment or he would have ended up one major artery down.
The waiter looks at Y/N, completely disregarding the man with her as he asks for her order. “Good afternoon mam. What will you be having today?” He very sweetly asks to which she gives him a tight but polite smile. She can just barely hear Harry mumble under his breath, “Definitely none of your bullshit.”
“I think I’ll just go with the mushroom risotto. Thank you.” Harry clears his throat, finally gaining the waiter’s attention. The guy has the nerve to look irritated at Harry’s intervention, which piques the agent further.
“If you’d be willing to pay attention to me, I would like a cheese ravioli, thank you.” Upon receiving death eyes from the man, the waiter quickly nods and runs but not before flashing a smile at Y/N.
An eyebrow is already raised when she fully turns in her partner’s direction. “Seriously, Styles? Again?” He rolls his eyesTM, scoffing at her insinuation and yet again opting to ignore her remark.
“Shut up. Give me your hand.” She grouses at the sheer duality of the statement, lips curling in annoyance.
“What? Why would I ever do that?”
“Shutting up or giving me your hand?” Harry mutters with a boyish grin. The dimples alone make it seem like he was just flirting playfully. “Come on, wifey. Pay your husband some attention.”
It clicks to Y/N suddenly that they’re supposed to play pretend and she’d somewhat lost track of the notion. She huffs quietly and slips a hand into his ringed one, watching as he brings it up to his lips.
A strange shock goes through her as Harry’s jade eyes meet hers and his lips softly brush over her knuckles like he was glad to be allowed this close. He laces their fingers together, giving her a moony smile, she would’ve swooned over him if he wasn’t a douche. She returns it with just as much sentiment.
“I have never wanted to end your existence more.” “Trust me I feel the same.”
                 .                                                                            .
.                                 .                                 .
Fortunately, the waiter made it out alive.
Harry is not a violent person generally but after today Harry swears, he has never longed to put a bullet in someone’s head more.
During the one hour or so, Y/N and Harry spent at the restaurant, that damn waiter kept making passes at Y/N while ignoring Harry’s presence at the table. So much so that he made her uncomfortable. Now Harry may hate her guts but that does not mean he’ll sit and watch a moron try to objectify his companion. Moreso make her uncomfortable as she sat with her husband?
So, when he interrupted their sweet moment to present their meals and make a comment about how the madam looked much more ravishing than the food, it’s safe to say Harry may have lost it a teensy bit.
I’m not saying Harry got up under the stance of gonna run to the loo real quick and whispered in the waiter’s ear to dare and make one more remark on my wife, or that he’ll gut you like the fish on that table. I’m not saying that he sat and glared at the terrified man with satisfaction or smirked when Y/N told him to keep it in check. I’m also not saying he replied I’m your husband baby it’s my job.
But then again, I’m also not saying he didn’t.
“Jesus Harry, that poor guy was petrified. Did you really have to?” Y/N gets out in a fit of laughter as they get in the hotel elevator. Harry titters along with her, shaking his head and announcing in an overly posh British accent. “I’m your husband baby, it’s my job!”
She collapses into giggles again but for some reason this time, Harry stands and stares with something akin to fondness at her glee. She wipes under her eyes, raising a questioning brow at his gaze. “What? ‘ve I got something on my face?”
“No, nothing.”
                 .                                                                            .
.                                                  .
“Fuck you, Styles.”
“You wish, Y/L/N.”
She huffs and stomps and smushes his face into the pillow in her hands in a failed attempt at asphyxiation. He chortles.
“Let me take the bed, Styles, don’t be a dick come on.” Y/N tries one more time, but the man just turns, sighs, and goes spread eagle on the mattress.
After lunch, they discussed their plan some more and went around Dominic Vasquez’s mansion to scout out the area. Nick had given them a blueprint of the property so that they could mark down possible exit routes and things like that. That is what they’d spent the rest of the day doing but now it’s 11 and they really need to sleep.
Upon receiving zero replies from the man spread on the bed, Y/N sighs heavily. She was stubborn as fuck sure but then again, she wasn’t gonna keep fighting and risk having him blow up uselessly.
Turning off the lights, she tiredly crawls onto the stiff couch. Harry’s already snoring, and she can’t even get comfortable.
She tosses and turns as the clock tick’s midnight, but sleep is a fever dream. She chucks her pillow onto the carpet, quickly following after it. The floor might be a better option than the couch.
                                  .                                 .       
                                                   .                                                   .
It’s been 1876 seconds and Harry snores 4 times every minute and it’s been 30. The floor is hurting her back.
Y/N gives up on sleep altogether, getting up and turning on the one lamp placed on the oak table in the room. A warm buttery light surrounds that corner of the room. She looks over her shoulder to see if it disturbed Harry but he was still snoring.
He looked almost adorable like this. Messy curls strewn over his forehead, chest rising with soft subdued breaths. His features were relaxed, free of that furrow he gets in his brows when he’s ticked off.
Her lips quirk up the tiniest bit but she doesn’t indulge in it any further. Y/N gently pulls out the chair with a sigh, plopping down on it and flipping open the case files. Might as well work.
“Y/L/N. Y/L/N wake up! Wake up, Jesus.” Y/N can just make out a deep, accented voice mumbling and a hand shaking her shoulder gently. “Y/L/N come on you idiot.”
She rises slowly, groaning out a sigh. She tips her head back to find Harry standing above her, sleep smeared over his face.
“Why the fuck are you sleeping on the table?” She learns that Harry’s voice becomes much deeper and raspier when he wakes up and she doesn’t know what to do with that knowledge.
“I-I was sleeping on the couch first but then I tried the floor cause the couch was very stiff but then like the ground was stiffer so I tried to do some work and I think I might’ve fallen asleep? What time is it?”
“Oh yeah, no shit Sherlock. It’s around 1:17 something. You can-you can uh come sleep on the bed. It’s large enough for like 3 people and we both need sleep so you can take one side, I guess.”
Y/N raises her eyebrow. “You’re sure? You know what, I’m not even gonna question it. Get outta the way, motherfucker.”
Harry mutters something along the lines of why did I let her sleep in my bed but does nothing as she wriggles under the unmade side of the bed. Y/N’s eyes are already drooping as he gets under the covers on his side.
“Stay on your fucking side, Y/L/N. I mean it please.”
She hums out an unintelligible response.
Harry doesn’t remember when he fell back to sleep but the last thing, he did remember that night was his partner’s arm extending away from her face where it had been previously and landing next to his, their pinkies now wrapped together.
         .                                                  .                        
                          .                                                                                                                       .                                          
.                                                                                        .
He feels warm. It’s not the fuck I’m burning it’s too much kind of warmth but rather the toasty welcomed kind. The one where you’re curled up under a blanket watching a movie with your cat at your feet, a fire cackling gently by the side, sweet candles burning, and an even sweeter girl in your arms.
Harry’s emerald eyes blink open heavily. There’s a weight in his arms and it’s 4 am. The weight shifts. It also sighs and cuddles closer to Harry. He finds the weight is actually a person. The person is Y/N and it’s pleasant.
Harry falls back to sleep.
.                                                                    .
                 .                                                                            .                 .                                                     .                                
                                  .                                                  .
She feels warm. It’s not the ah it’s burning kind of warmth but rather the welcomed toasty kind. The one where you’re snuggled up under the covers watching a movie with your cat at your feet and there’s a fire cackling gently by the side, sweet candles burning and an even sweeter boy, holding you in his arms.
Y/N’s eyes blink open heavily. There’s a weight on top of her and it’s 8 am. The weight shifts. It also sighs and snuggles tighter around Y/N. She finds the weight is actually a person. The person is Harry and it’s very unpleasant.
Y/N squawks and throws him down.
“What in the Jesus Christ-” Harry gapes from the floor, having been woken up suddenly. He looks up and there she is holding her pillow like a weapon. Is she serious?
“Why the fuck were you cuddling me?”
“Why the fuck would I cuddle you?”
“I do not fucking know! You were the one on top of me!”
“You were the one on my side!”
“Well, someone crossed over!”
“You did!”
“Oh no, you were the one who started it!”
“Shut your bitch ass up, you started it, Styles!”
“Oh, please Y/L/N, you are the last person I would want to snuggle with. I may be a touchy person but I’m not that desperate-”
“Oh, you’re a man-whore so you better jus-”
Someone’s phone rings.
It’s Nick.
There’s silence.
Then there’s scrambling.
Y/N snatches up the phone and answers it.
“Hey yeah hi. Good morning, Nick, how’re you doing this fine morning?” She awkwardly asks her director and Harry just crouches on the floor, his head in his hands.
“Y/N what did you do? It’s not even 9 yet. Why are you answering Styles’ phone? Did you two finally fuck it out or like-”
“Nick! Please. What do you want?”
Harry leans against the bed like he’s in pain (might as well be) because he can very well listen to the conversation going on, on the phone.
Nick heaves a sigh on the other side. “I just wanted to ask you two how it’s going and inform you from where you’d be collecting your clothes for tonight.”
They straighten up and look at each other. Down to business.
“There’s this cute boutique downtown, owned by a sweet lady called Juliana. Now, she is doing me a big favour by entertaining your asses-”
“Oh, now come on that’s not fai-”
“Shut up Y/L/N and let me finish. Have no manners I swear to god.”
Before Y/N can open her mouth to complain some more (she always whines like this but Nick never says anything, not to her) Harry snatches his cell back and clears his throat.
“Now movin on. You’ll go to her no late than noon and take your pick from whatever options she has. Don’t bother her too much.”
“You sweet for her, Nicky?” Harry snickers, sneaking a look at Y/N who’s doing the same.
“Sure like you are for that wife of yours, huh Styles?”
Nick ends Harry and the call.
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downundergarfield · 1 year
can i please get a medic+sniper with a fem s/o who has a thing for their voices and into degradation. Nothing too harsh.
Also I love your writing❤️❤️❤️. I squealed when I saw your writing blog, it makes me feel giddy and kick my legs lol
Hello, dear anon. Sorry for the long wait. The old cat's ass needed a break.
So, your Australian and German, in the very glory of their vocal cords
Sniper + Medic × Fem! reader who has a kink on their voices
The story flows into NSFW!
tw: degradation. Rude words
The Sniper understands that you actually like his voice, even when he is angry. It happened when he accidentally went too far in telling you off. He called you "drongo" and immediately apologized. But he noticed how you shuddered, how you clenched your legs and bit your lips.
"oh, d' ya really like humiliation, ya dirty lill' thin'?"
he said. In his characteristic tone. Leaning over you and smiling smugly.
The Medic found out about your little kink when he was treating a wound on your leg and you fidgeted too much from the unpleasant pain.
"Sit still, schweinhund!"
He noticed when you hissed through your teeth and sparks of pleasure appeared in your eyes.
"doez the Lady really like threatening wordz in her addrez?"
He raised one eyebrow looking at you. You chuckled awkwardly.
Over a smoke break, the Sniper told the Medic about the recent case. The Medic noticed the same thing in your behavior. The men paused and then smiled at each other. Obviously, they came up with the same, vulgar idea.
The Sniper once "caught" you on your way to the Medic. You needed to treat your leg wound a little more. You walked unhurriedly while Sniper asked you about things in your favorite whispering tone. Then he listened to your voice slowly begin to tremble from the accumulated excitement. Finally, you find yourself not far from the Doctor's office.
"-Guten Abend mein Freund, thank you for inviting the lovely Y/N to us. I zink we can get started."
You sit down on the couch as the Medic gently pulls the bandages off your thigh. He performs the necessary procedures and wraps the damage with a new bandage. But he doesn't immediately lag behind your hip. He strokes you on it. His hands slide from your knees to your groin and you shudder, feeling how he touches the already wet spot on your underpants.
"You did a great job, Mr. Mundy," the Medic says, turning back to his colleague and Sniper smiles. Even through his aviators, you can feel the simmering animal excitement in his gaze.
Mick walks into the office, sitting next to you on the couch. He bends right down to your ear. His hand gently strokes your second, healthy thigh.
"you loike what's going on, don't ya, little slut?~"
You don't have time to say anything, because the Medic's gloved fingers touch your wet clitoris and all you can do is sigh and shake your head in agreement.
"-pervers." The Medic whispers.
"- I didn't doubt she is~" The tone of the Sniper becomes even more predatory when he pulls you into a kiss and penetrates your wet begging cave with his hands. His fingers quickly grope the G-Spot, starting to torment it. The Medic continues to caress your clitoris with circular movements.
"- I see our little toy likes to be treated so rudely.~" The German accent is noticeably too. When you moan plaintively from the lips of an Australian. He breaks away from your lips and breathes heavily. He laughs rapaciously.
"- You're all leaking. Y' like being used roughly, don't ya, Sheila?~" You can't answer because the pressure on you from below brings you too close to the edge too quickly.
Suddenly they both break away from your entrance. You're whining because you can't have an orgasm.
"-What about fucking this Dame from both sides?"
"-I like the way you think, Doc~"
The Sniper turns you around, lowering your legs from the couch. The Medic is attached to your head.
"- Be a good girl and nozing bad will happen to you.~" the Medic whispers while you feel your underwear being pulled off. Then a hot, thin organ is thrust between your folds. The Medic puts the not yet fully hard cock on your face, you lick and stroke it. Then, he enters your mouth and you squeal because the Sniper enters your pussy. Torn and pretty fast. With each thrust passing deeper and deeper.
He comes down to your face and bites you in the neck. His teeth pierce the skin, and his tongue then licks fresh wounds. It's pretty painful. He stretches out and smears your blood on his lips. Mick picks up the pace from below, while the Medic is a little slow, but also enters the rush. You get fucked from both sides.
"- gott, this mouth is much better zan the mouth of any girl zat we ordered." Says the Medic, throwing back his head. Meanwhile, the Sniper enjoys your narrow passage, moaning softly and sometimes chuckling.
"you're roight. She's got the tightest pussy that's i ever fucked."
They fuck you, mixing humiliation with praise. Until both are nearing their edge.
Both mercenaries cum, Doc holds your head by the back of your head, not letting you come off. You swallow portion after portion. Then you feel the Sniper grabbing your sides, he pushes his nails into your flesh and moans long. His groan turns into a growl. They both leave your used entrances. A couple of drops of semen remain on your lips and tummy. When the excitement comes off them, they gently stroke you and help to clean up all this mess
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pb-dot · 1 year
Mister Magic
I'm always searching for good horror audiobooks because, I suppose, people reading to me just never gets old, and I got to get my dose of The Horrors somehow. Most of the time I find something too self-indulgent or too mindless to be any good, but every once in a while I find something like Mister Magic.
Val can't remember her childhood, but she has always assumed something bad happened and that it in some way was her fault. She is about as content as she can be with her past being a painful mystery until her Friends find her again. Turns out, Val was part of the long-running TV series Mister Magic as a child until just before a tragedy saw the thing cancelled. Now, a cast reunion and retrospective may see the show rebooted, but Val can't shake the feeling that her past should perhaps stay buried.
Mister Magic is another in the "adults re-experience some Fucked Up Magical Shit from their childhood" genre of story, akin to King's It and Malfi's Black Mouth, although the lens of the progatonist having amnesia does provide an interesting twist on the whole thing as the narration doesn't have to pussyfoot around as to why she doesn't tell the audience what exactly went down back then. She is, after all, equally as curious, and equally as apprehensive to figure out as we the readers are.
Like the other books I mentioned above, Mister Magic also makes no bones about how it is about Trauma and specifically religious trauma. It doesn't take much knowledge about the more prolific cults of the contigious US to recognize the subtext, and occasional actual text, about mormonism as the source of the trauma.
This isn't to say it's all compulsory happiness, golden plates, and magic underwear, mind you. The book also has a robust horror mythology in itself, working with settings of eerie liminality, the fear of the unknown, the terror of malevolent cults and powerful forces beyond the ken of man. The reveal of what exactly is going on and why they are doing it happens piece by piece, but as things fall into place there is a delicious chill of neo-lovecraftian bleakness to it.
There's also one of the simplest but most powerful instances of body horror I have come across. Author Kiersten White has a real talent for making ideas stick from subtext and up, and in the scene in question she really lets the hooks sink in with some truly nauseating dream logic capped off with the vague but undeniably primal fear of something fucked up being out there and waiting to GET your ass.
Speaking of things that may have a vested interest RE:your ass, the titular character and ostensible protagonist of the TV show is also very interesting to me. His presence haunts the story, but he, or perhaps "it" is more apropriate, feels more like a ghost than an actual threat. Our heroes, per a childhood agreement, do not speak his name, and they all seem to have their own interpretation of exactly what "the man in the cape" as they've come to call him, was. Without getting into spoilers, I will say that the book handles resolving the built-up expectations of what sort of a being we're dealing with here in an untraditional way, but the end result is, I would argue, more satisfying than what either It or Black Mouth could muster.
I could go on honestly, especially the characters and how the author plays with our sympathies and assumptions, and try to unpack how this book has the protagonist change and learn throughout while seeming sympathetic throughout which is a thing curiously many authors seem to struggle with, and a bunch of other things, but I feel like I've said enough. Mister Magic. It's a good book. Read it, listen to it, whatever works for you.
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smol-stardust · 2 years
JJK 2006 Quintet Playing Paintball (x reader)
Warnings: pure chaos, may not make sense. bad grammar.
Dodging behind a container swiftly, you sat down trying to catch a breath. It was becoming increasingly difficult not to be caught. Shoko slipped behind the container with you, letting out an exasperated sigh. 
“It aches all over,” Shoko griped. “Why does this have to be so rough?”
“You and me both Shoko,” you groan. “I’ve got bruises everywhere.”
A loud thwack resonated in the distance and a scream followed thereafter. You swear you could hear cackling beneath everything. 
You snorted, stifling the laughter threatening to bubble up at any minute. Shoko snorted and shook her head, a small smile evident on her face.
“Poor Suguru. He will be greatly missed for his valiant effort," you sighed, “You think Gojo did it on purpose?”
“Have you seen how he stares at his ass? He meant to,” Shoko snorts. “More importantly, is there video footage of the greatness we failed to witness?”
“Always skiing the intuitive questions hm?” you grin. “I like how you think.”
“Y/N, flirt later, survive now,” Shoko hummed with a flick to your forehead.
“Yes ma’am,” you chirped with a mock salute. “Sooo, tell me you have a plan?”
“Y/N, this is paintball. The only strategy is to attack mercilessly.”
“That’s cool and all, but Gojo’s being an ass and is using his infinity,” You grumbled. “What then? We’ve already been tortured by him for the last three rounds. I wanna watch him go down!”
 Shoko shrugged. 
“Huh.” Standing up carefully, you peak around the corner and dash a stack of tires, sliding in behind the safe spot as Gojo whirs around. 
“Come out, come out wherever you are!!” Gojo mocked. 
You scowl slightly at the mockery, praying that he hadn’t noticed as you tumbled behind the tires. Noticing a tuft of yellow hair to your right poking out behind a barrage of bricks, you slinked over as stealthily as you can. Glancing around, you somersaulted around a corner and fired point-blank at Nanami’s chest.
“What the hell Y/N?” Nanami hissed in pain. “Did you really need to fire point blank?”
“At least I didn’t shoot you in the ass,” you retorted, sticking your tongue out and holding out a peace sign.
“Whatever,” Nanami sighed in agreement. “Listen, you better fricking get Gojo, I’m gonna be pissed if he’s the last one standing… AGAIN.”
You snickered. “Aren’t you on his team?” This is amusing
“Not in spirit,” he scowled. “He needs to be put in his place.”
“Not point blank next time,” Nanami grunts. 
“Hai, hai,” you salute. 
And suddenly, you heard a shot behind you, causing you to whirl around at the sound. Only to notice Haibara curled up behind you, a red splotch of paint on his abdomen. Shoko stood triumphantly behind him, a satisfied smirk on her face. 
“Nuh, uh,” Shoko tutered. “Not today Haibara, We’re winning this thing.”
“That huuuurts,” Haibara whined. “What did I do?”
“You tried to kill my teammate, this is retaliation,” Shoko defended. “And, you’re on stupid’s team,” she waved, referring to Gojo. “So, you have to go down, cuz we’re tryna beat his team..”
Haibara sighed and flopped on the ground, Nanami staggered over and patted his head. “Y/N shot me point blank in the chest. We’re in this together.”
Shoko arched her brow and gave you a thumbs up. You grin and finger gun back at her. 
“Aren’t senpais supposed to be nice to their kouhai?” Haibara asked
“This is war,” Shoko declared. “There is no ‘nice’ in war, now get lost, you’re out”
The two sighed in defeat and helped each other up and out of the field. 
“WAIT,” You hissed after them. “Where’s your idiot captain?”
The two shrugged.
“I’ll heal you two later if you tell us,” Shoko negotiated.
“We don’t know,” Nanami sighed
“Above you,” Haibara blurted and the duo quickly sauntered off away from the chaos they were sure will ensue.
You and Shoko stare at Haibara, slowly glance at each other and look up. 
“Shit,” you both hissed at the same time. Gojo nonchalantly floated above you two, giving you both a shit-eating grin and a wave. 
“Fancy meeting you here ladies,” he chirped. 
You scowl, “That’s cheating! It’s supposed to be a game of paintball with NO jujutsu.” 
“Aww, look at you, all fired up,” Gojo smirked. 
Shoko fired a shot, only to miss miserably. 
“Oi, Ieri, you didn’t really think you could hit me did you?” Gojo mocked. With that, he fired a shot at your partner, only to miss and hit a barrier behind her. Shoko looked unamused at how badly the shot had missed her.
“You stupid dumbass,” Shoko growled. Grabbing your arm she whispered a plan in your ear quietly. You nodded. And the two of you bolted in opposite directions. 
“OI, get back here,” Gojo yelled. “I’m your opponent!!!” 
“You’ll have to get us first!” You screech as you turn around to fire a shot at Gojo, you swear it would’ve hit his stomach if he hadn’t been using infinity. Then as fast as your sprinting-hating legs could carry you, you bolted again.
“WHAT THE HELL? WHERE ARE YOU GOING??” He questions in disbelief. “THERE’S NO ESCAPE!!”
 You cursed; running sucks. Shoko was already way ahead of you somewhere, and you prayed that she would get the flag. You sprinted after her as fast as you could. You blinked as you noticed Shoko doubling back, a strange-looking curse behind her. Your eyes widened upon noticing that the curse behind Shoko carried a blue flag. You let out a laugh. Thanks, Suguru, you thought in glee. 
You groaned at the impact at the small of your back. Scowling at the fact that you managed to get killed off as victory was nearing you. Pleeease let the fact I got killed get Shoko and the flag to safety. 
“Aww, nice try Y/N/N,” Gojo cackled from behind you. “You know, maybe if you hadn’t tried to shoot me, I wouldn’t have had to do that.” Then he patted you on the head with a grin. “Nice effort though, that would’ve hit if I wasn’t careful.”
“Cheater,” You grumbled. He just laughed.
“Now, let’s see where Shoko is….” He trailed off as he stared at the direction she was running in. Shoko held the flag as she bolted, the curse covering her as best it could from Gojo. You had to admit, it was kind of funny.
“What the….” Gojo gaped. Snapping out of his daze, he fired a shot at Shoko, but the curse intercepted it. Causing Gojo to curse and fire some rounds. Only to hit the cursed spirit with each shot.
And then she tumbled into the shack with a skillfully smooth somersault, effectively ending the game.
You cackled as you ran towards Shoko, the two of you high-fiving. 
“Bestie, you did it!!” you grinned. 
“Sure did,” She laughed. “Wouldn’t have been possible without Geto’s help.”
The two of you stumbled out of the field together, heading towards the changing room to get changed and celebrate your victory.
:::: LATER::::
Suguru arched a brow as the two of you plopped down next to him in the seating area. You laughed as you leaned your head onto Suguru’s shoulder.
“Dude, that was impressive,” you snorted. “When did you leave a curse there?” 
“When I sacrificed myself,” Suguru winced, shifting his weight on the seat uncomfortably. “Shoko, bless your soul for winning for us.”
“Aww, it was the least I could do,” Shoko shrugged. “Thanks for your help though. Your ass okay?”
Suguru scowled in annoyance. The three of you laughed as you high-fived each other.
Nanami and Haibara congratulated you on your victory, and demanded to be healed, which Shoko did. She even patched Suguru's bruises. Which earned a lot of thank you’s from Suguru for being able to sit down without his ass feeling like it’s on fire.
“I’m gonna get him back for that,” Suguru vowed in annoyance. “Some best friend he is.” 
At that moment, Gojo stumbled towards you guys, a bewildered expression on his face.
“Not our fault you were too dumb to figure that out,” Nanami retorted. 
“BUT… I'm your teammate!!” Gojo gasped, a look of betrayal on his face.
“A teammate shouldn’t shoot his comrades,” Haibara muttered, referring to the earlier rounds played.
“Suck it up Gojo,” Suguro snorted. “You lost, that’s all there is to it.”
You all laughed as Gojo sighed and plopped down on the floor in defeat. Relishing in your victory of defeating him for cheating and leaving you all bruised and battered. 
“So, Laser tag next time?” Shoko piped up. 
You gave her a thumbs up Geto followed suit. Nanami groaned in annoyance but begrudgingly agreed after Haibara convinced him to go. 
“Just wait, I’ll win the game by storm.’ Gojo vowed.
You all laughed as you made your way out, bickering and chatting as you guys headed towards the night market, where you’re sure to get competitive over the game stalls set up yet again. 
Nanami plopped down beside you and Shoko as you watched Gojo, Geto and Haibara engage in a ring toss competition while you munched away on some kibi dango.
“I just sent you a video. You didn’t get it from me,” Nanami hummed. “Use it wisely for blackmail or something.”
Curious, getting the best of you, you pulled out your phone. “1 video attachment from Nanami” Shoko peered over your shoulder as you two waited for the video to load. You both cackled loudly when you realized Nanami had filmed the whole ordeal of Geto getting shot by Gojo earlier that day. 
“Thanks, Nanami,” you both snorted, silently agreeing with each other to keep this safe for shits and giggles later and maybe blackmail
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cece693 · 8 months
You're Edward?! Pt. 2 (Edward Cullen x Male Reader)
Here's the first part of this pic, but if you haven't read it, basically male reader goes to Forks to confront Edward for making Bella uncomfortable, yet didn't know Edward was a total hottie. And very much single.
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Edward Cullen was a hottie and m/n was intimidated. It always happened whenever he encountered pretty boys, but this was on a whole other level. "Bella, my love, why didn't you disclose that your bully was handsome?!" M/n exclaimed in disbelief after Edward stopped and began talking with equally gorgeous students, presumably his brothers and sisters.
"Did it matter?"
"Yes," M/n quickly replied, his eyes darting between Edward and Bella. "I needed to mentally prepare myself to handle such hotness... Do you think he's all-natural?"
"M/n!" Bella exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"What? I'm just being honest. Anyone with sight can agree he looks delectable." M/n defended himself, ignoring the playful slap on his shoulder from Bella. "So, before I confront him, can you pretty please tell me all about him? For research purposes." He added, flashing a grin when Bella raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner.
"Fine. You already know Edward Cullen: standoffish, rude, and an ass to everyone, especially me. The people he's talking to are his adopted siblings. Rosalie—" Bella pointed at the blonde girl who looked like she could kill anyone and not give a fuck. "is dating Emmett, the big, muscular guy."
She paused, noticing M/n's slightly creeped-out expression, and nodded in agreement. "I know, weird, but apparently it's legal."
"Let me guess, the other two are also dating, right?" He mused, looking at the female short stack and blonde guy who looked a mix of pain and constipation.
Bella nodded, confirming M/n's assumption. "Yeah, that's Alice and Jasper. Out of all the siblings, she's the most social and friendly."
Taking in the information, M/n looked out the window once more and noticed that Edward was looking directly at them. However, no smile nor wave was thrown their way. Instead, his features were set in a frown, eyes narrowed in frustration and anger.
"I take back everything I said. Edward's an ass," M/n remarked, his tone laced with irritation. The retort confused Bella, who hadn't noticed Edward's staring. "Just look out the window. He's glaring at us, and I haven't done anything…yet."
It took a few seconds for the realization to sink in, but when it did, it was already too late. "Don't—" Bella hurried out, yet her friend was already out of the truck and walking toward the Cullens. "M/n, hold up," she exclaimed, also getting out of the truck and attempting to match his long strides.
"M/n, please," Bella begged. "Let's not make a scene." Yet all she received was an eye roll.
"I'm simply going over there to have a nice chat. No fighting; I pinky promise." M/n reassured, his tone determined as he continued his stride toward the Cullens. Thankfully, most of the students had already left school; perfect, one less thing to worry about.
"Hey." M/n called out, capturing the attention of all Cullens and causing Bella to fold into herself. "We need to talk." Not even bothering to ask, m/n grabbed Edward and pulled him toward the woods.
"M/n!" Bella yelled, about to step in between her friend and Edward, when Alice let out a laugh. Looking weirdly at the girl, Bella didn't know what she found funny: wasn't she worried about her brother?
"No, not really." She replied, alarming Bella. "You spoke out loud." Alice explained, causing the rest of the Cullens to hide their chuckles. Oh, humans and their stupidity. "Besides, Edward can handle himself."
That and Alice had seen that m/n and Edward's meeting would turn into a makeout session; there were just things that she couldn't handle, but Alice was glad Edward had found his mate. Even Rosalie, who had made her distaste known, came around to the idea after listening to the large impact m/n would have on their family. M/n Cullen sounded perfect, after all.
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So I’ve been playing dead by daylight recently and searching fan art of the game so now I’m horny for slashers. Here’s a fic of pyramid head
Warning: noncon/dubcon, 18 +, explicit. Read at own risk
Pyramid Head x reader
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I woke right beside a generator and quickly rushed towards it. I hated when the trail started, I’m sure everyone does. And this place always made me more uncomfortable than any other. The killer being Pyramid Head gave me the hardest time. I’m used to getting caught and hooked but not caught and fondled. He’d know exactly where I was and always chased after me as if I was the only here. I wanted to get out of this school as quickly as I could. “Hey.” Feng whispered as she came to help me with the generator. I nodded her way and she told me she saw Pyramid Head on the other side of the school last. She knew I had the worst time with him. I heard the start of another generator across the hall, I guess that was the other survivors. Feng and I were close to finishing but when I saw Meg and Jake run pass the classroom my heart instantly sank and I felt uneasy. We’re they being chased. My heart beat thumped loudly in my ears and Feng and I both knew Pyramid Head was coming. But we didn’t even bother leaving the generator, we were so close.
Feng gasped and looked above me. I felt my body yanked and slammed against one of the desk in the room. Pyramid Head wrapped his hand around my neck, choking the life out of me. Feng flashed her flashlight in his face and he let me go, shielding himself from the light. I gasped and coughed, rolling off the desk and running away. I heard Feng cry out and she sprinted out the room limping and trailing blood. I helped her down the corridor and we rounded a corner to the infirmary and I covered her mouth as she cried in pain. When my heart beat stopped pounding in my ears I instantly healed her up. Using some of my clothing to bandage her wound. “Thank you Feng. Can you continue or do you need a minute?” She shook her head and stood up like she was never hurt. “Let’s go, we have one generator left.” And right as she said that we heard the doors turn on. They fixed all of the generators? Jake and Meg were really good at the generators. We left the infirmary and headed towards the Teachers room we’re we met up with Jake. “Hey! This way!” He beckoned us over and we rushed over to him. He led us to the doors that was already being opened by Meg.
My heart beat again thuddd in my ear and everyone scattered. Well everyone except Meg. She bravely stayed opening the gate even while Pyramid Head approached her. “Meg! Run!” I yelled at her. The killer turned his huge cone head towards my voice and began walking towards me. I ran down the corridor, his large very oversized sword dragging against the floor as he chased me. He was slow but not as slow as Michael. I heard the blaring sound of the gate opening. If I could just get around him I’ll be free. I ran up the stairs to the second floor and entered the equipment room. Hiding in the corner. I panted and tried to steady my breathing as I heard his sword clanging against the stairs as he came up. Should I have ran further? Maybe, but it was too late for that now. I didn’t hear the dragging of metal, I know he was on this floor. My heart still thudded in my ears, so I know he was close. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down. He was absolutely terrifying. My legs shook and my body dripped in sweat. Calm down, you’ll get out of this. Just relax. I took a deep breath in and out. But I nearly lost my shit when a hand clasped over my mouth. I opened my eyes wide and panicked but calmed down when I saw it was Jake. He put a finger to his lips to shush me. I nodded and he took his hand away from my mouth. He led me out of the room and down the stairs. We crouched and crept to the door. Jake stopped when he heard clanging infront of us. He pushed me against the wall and pressed his body over mine, caging me in between his arms as we hid from Pyramid Head. My chest touched his as I took heavy breaths. “Listen. He’s just going to keep going after you so I’ll distract him and you run to the door okay.” Jake said. He looked into my eyes and smiled a little. “No, I can’t let you do that. You could be killed.” I replied back. Our whispering was pretty loud but the tension only grew when we heard the killer again. “I’ll be right after you. I’m only going to run around the floor once and head straight for the door right after.” He said. I shook my head which made Jake frown. “Do you want to get out of this alive or what? We can’t just argue until he gets us. Now when I say run, you run. Got it.” He was stern and his tone was deep. As if talking to a child. I just sighed and nod my head in agreement.
Jake peeked out the door and motioned me to follow him. We continued to crouch towards the door. When we were close to the door we heard running. Fast, heavy thudding footsteps coming right at us. We turned around and saw Pyramid head sprinting. Since when?! We scrambled to our feet but Jake tripped over his laces. When I went to go help him back up he pushed me. “Run!” He yelled at me right before the sword pierced through his body. The sword even went through the floor. Jakes blood quickly spilled and touched my boots. I pushed myself back as Pyramid Head stepped towards me. I turned around and tried to run but he grabbed me by my hair. I was so close. The gate was right there. I cried, kicked and screamed as he dragged me down the corridor. He dragged me into the teacher room by the stairs and forced me over the desk. My face against the desk while his other hand held my hip. I gasped and jumped when I felt something grinding on my ass. His hand tore my shirt from where I had ripped it to help Feng. He grabbed my bra and tugged on it a couple of times. “Wait! What are you doing?! Stop!” I tried to push myself up but he was definitely stronger than me. The little muscle I had and height couldn’t even compare with him. He was a real beast. He pulled my bra this time making the fabric rip, the wire underneath cut my skin and it came off. He grunted, pleased to see my exposed back. Trailed his huge hand down my spine. Gurgles coming from the inside of his ‘head’, as if trying to speak.
He released my hair and my body. When I tried to get up he pushed me back but still didn’t hold me down. “Agh!” I cried at the force. I tried getting up again and he slammed me harder into the wood. I stayed still knowing if I moved he would just do the same thing. He wanted me to be against the desk but didn’t want to hold me down. After a couple of second of obeying him he raked his nails down my back. Digging into my skin enough to draw blood as his hands trailed from my shoulders down to the dimples above my ass. I kept silent, crying to myself as the pain of his nails nearly had me kicking. I forced myself to stay still. I felt the flat end of that pyramid on his head drag the blood down my back, playing with it and painting my skin in my own blood. His hands came beside my body on the desk and he bang to grind his bulge against my ass again. His grinding turned into humping. He pushed up my skirt and put his hand back on the desk and humped my ass, his bulge hitting right at my covered heat. He was rough and pushed my body into the desk, making the desk shake every time his hips slammed against my butt.
I was undeniably wet. My vagina enjoying the teasing of him trying to fuck me through our clothes. Well what ever it was he wore. I whimpered and held back my moans. My hands covering my mouth. I shouldn’t be enjoying this. His humps got faster and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I moaned out and he pressed a hand to my lower back keeping me and the desk steady as he continued to thrust against my vagina. I heard small sounds of pleasure, grunts and groans, coming from him. Of course he was enjoying this. It was sick. What got him all riled up? Was it the killing? It couldn’t be? He didn’t do this to anyone else. But how would I know? I wouldn’t tell anyone about this. Did he does this to Meg, Claudette, or Feng? Would he even care whether if they were male or female? I was taken away from my thoughts when I felt his finger slide against my panty. I gasped and squirmed away, covering my breast and crawling on my ass. He growled angrily. He pointed to the desk and I shook my head. “Just kill me!” I rather die then go any further. He grunted and pointed at the desk again. “No!” I yelled. He stomped over to me and grabbed my arm. I yelped and stared at the pyramid as if looking at his face and whimpered. He pulled me up and brought me back to the desk. Gurgling and squishy sounds emanating from the Pyramid. It made me cringe. He was clearly trying to speak. He pointed to the desk once more and released my arm.
I shook my head no and he pushed me. He kept pushing me. Trying to make me to lay on the desk on my own. As he pushed and shoved me he growled. “Okay! Okay!” I yelled at him. I bent over but he lifted me back up and shook the Pyramid left and right, ‘no’. He didn’t want me in that position anymore. I used one hand to jump on the desk and lean back. He let out an approved grunt. He knelt down and the metal pyramid touched the bottom of my breast. He pushed my thighs up and apart. I stared at the ceiling and tried to remove myself mentally. Thinking of my new friends. Knowing that they’re back at camp, probably wondering where I was but safe until another trial. I gasped and nearly sat up when in felt something long and wet swipe across my slit. The pyramid vibrated as if he was laughing. His fingers moved my panty to the side but he still ripped them. His hand then came up and grabbed mine. I flinched away but he grabbed them again, gently this time. Entangling his fingers in mine, I let out a shuddered moan when the wet appendage licked my exposed folds. My hips bucked slightly and my legs rested on the edge of the desk. Did he really have a tongue? Does that mean he has a head? No, at least I don’t think so. The Pyramid was too narrow for anyone to wear.
He licked up and down my folds until his tongue slipped passed them and found my clit. “Mmmm!” I squealed through my closed lips. His right hand left my hand and used my arousal to soak his dirty fingers. I felt disgusted having him touch me like this but it did feel good. He was gentle this time. Unlike when he was humping me. I’d soon eat my words when he forced two fingers into my vagina at once. I cried and grit my teeth. My free hand pushing at his head while my other hand squeezed his. He grunted and I felt the wet muscle poke my clit. Flicking at my clit teasingly making me moan. His fingers scissored my hole, stretching me out. It felt uncomfortable since he was a big and thick man thing. His fingers moving in and out of me, the sounds of my wet pussy filled my ears. I squirmed underneath him and he groaned. His ‘tongue’ or whatever it was entered my hole between his fingers. It was longer, really long, and it licked my insides so nicely. My eyes rolled back and his fingers slowly slid out of me, holding my thigh as his tongue are me out. I felt my stomach sink in but also expand as my bladder filled up. I know that feeling. As many times as I loved it I hated it now. “Please stop I don’t want to.” I cried. He just continued and massaged my thigh. My arousal dripping down his chest and I was so close to cumming on him. He growled and the vibration sent me over. My back arched as much as it could and I cried out, I squirted over him and he pulled his tongue out. Tears streamed down my face and my legs closed when he stood up again.
I heard that thing he wore fall to the floor. He was now naked and I couldn’t look away from him. If he was clean I would be able to appreciate the massive body he owned but he was dirty and covered in blood. When I looked down I panicked when I saw the size of his cock. That’s not normal. No. Get it away from me. “Enough please! Just kill me!” I kicked his chest as he tried to grab my legs. “No! No! Stop! I said stop!” I kicked the Pyramid and he stumbled back. Groaning in pain. I guess I hit a sensitive spot. Of course I did, that heavy thing attached to his body was bound to be sore on his neck and shoulders and I’m sure it could never come off. “Please kill me, I want to see my friends.” I said. I was tired of this. This wasn’t apart of the trails. It was just escape or be killed. Why was he doing this? He shook his head and grunt, coming back towards me. His hands groped my boobs and I gave up. I was too afraid to kill myself and he wasn’t going to do it until after he had his way with me. He pinched my nipples, I whinced in pain and he immediately let go. My legs wrapped around his hips as he pressed his bare cock over my clit. Grinding on me and he played with my breast. He moved his chest closer and the pyramid lightly sat over my head. He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest. My hand touched his body. It was a beautiful body, too bad it was dirty, the scars that was on him made it more beautiful. He moved my hand down to his nipple and I grazed it lightly. Feeling it becoming hard at my touch. I took a deep breath and sat up. He moved back and I used both of my hands to touch him. His cock throbbing at my soft hands. Tracing his veins, the sculpt of his abs, the definition of his arms, appreciating his massive form. He pulled my waist towards his body, the thing I assumed was his tongue came out and licked my cheek. I shivered and let him lick my face. Sucking in my lips when it got too close. His hands held my head gently and he brushed back my untamed hair.
He pushed me back onto the desk and slowly spread my legs. He positioned his cock at my hole and I stared off at a wall. Not wanting to watch him take my virginity. But he wasn’t having that. He turned my head by my chin and made me stare at the nonexistent head that was replaced with an oversized metal cone. He pushed in and my teeth gritted. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I chanted in my head. He was huge, too big for me but he kept forcing himself in. His hips clapped against mine but his cock didn’t even go inside. It slipped up, he spread my legs wider and tried again. He slipped again and let out an irritated gurgle. “I-it won’t fit.” He nodded yes, as if saying ‘yes it will.’ I shut up and let him try again. This time he used his hand to steady himself so his dick wouldn’t move anywhere. The tip slowly moving in, I whinced and cried as the stretched became unbareable. He was spliting me apart, I wasn’t as prepared for this as I hoped I was. His two fingers didn’t even compare. He growled as he moved in further, scratching my thighs and leanig his head back. I watched his dick sink into me and I even saw the outline of his cock through my skin. Blooding dripping down his balls and my ass as he tore my hole. I mentally thanked my parents for giving me my body, I couldn’t imagine being smaller and trying to accommodate to his size. I mean to him I was of course still small but it wasn’t so bad. He let go of my thighs and put his hands beside my torso, clawing the desk, the wood chipped under his nails. I wiggled my hips trying to pleasure myself and he immediately pressed a hand over my hip. I whined when he stopped me. Again he gurgled, why did he keep doing that, I can’t understand him. He stayed still and massaged my body. Soothing the pain from me. He was all the way in, our bodies connected. I suddenly just realized that my heart wasn’t thudding like it would normally if the killer was close. It was quiet. My body eased as if there was no threat. The warmth of his hands caressing my body.
“Please move.” I begged him. Glancing off into the distance before looking back at him. He slowly brought his hips back and slowly pushed back in. I felt my slick gush as he moved, feeling myself getting wetter just from one thrust. He grunted and picked up the pace. “Ahh, please more.” My hand reached out to his chest and he held my hand. Fucking me faster. My eyes rolled back and I bite my bottom lips, smiling to myself as my body was encased in pleasure. He groaned and held my hips as he began to go harder. Pounding away at me like I was some doll, but when i slapped his chest and cried out he slowed down. Rubbing his tongue over my cheek as an apology. I nodded and his tongue licked my nipples. I didn’t feel much at my boobs but knowing that his tongue was there sent shivers down my spine and euphoric shocks through my body. His dick abusing my cervix giving me beautiful pain.
“Mm! Oh fuck! Good! Feels good!” I praised him. His hands tightened at my hips and he bucked harshly but went back to his original pace. “You’re making me feel so good.” I continued to praise him. He let out a gargle that sounded like he was happy. He likes the praises? “Yes! Just like that, right there! Ahh! Yes!” I moaned. He felt amazing. My hand moved down to my clit but he moved it to his shoulder. He put his thumb in my mouth and dragged it over my teeth, gums and tongue. I sucked on it and got another groan from him. He pulled his thumb out and placed it on my clit. Fucking me as he rubbed my sensitive bud. “Oh shit!” I yelled. My eyes squeezed shut as an overwhelming feeling of pleasure hit my body. My insides felt like mush, my pussy felt sore and numb but the way his dick hit my cervix just proved how much my body loved it. The way I moaned, panted and yelled was music to him. My body convulsed under him as I came again. My mouth hung open in a silent cry as I came on his cock. He didn’t stop, he fucked me through it. But he did go faster. The desk moving under us, it was really loud. Pushing the desk towards the wall as he fucked me relentlessly. Rearranging my guts and making me stupid over his dick. I babbled nonsense and my body was numb and weak under him. Using me however he pleased just to get himself off. Making sounds like an animal as he brutalized my pussy. It was overwhelming. Why did I like it? Why was I enjoying it? Please stop. “Don’t stop.” I panted. The fuck was wrong with me? His tongue licked my lips and I opened my mouth letting it in. Tasting blood as he explored my mouth. Using his tongue to fuck my mouth.
He slammed into me. Again and again and again. He was close, his thick cock throbbed inside me and his hips stuttered once. His tongue still down my throat. I moaned over it and sucked on it. His thumb rubbed my clit again and I bucked my hips. It was so sensitive, he made me jump and move. My orgasm built up again. My bladder filling with fluid as I felt my stomach tighten. I choked on his tongue and gasped when he removed it. He pulled out and rubbed my clit faster and I squirted again as he shot his cum over my body. My hole clenched around nothing as I came. I shudder, shook and cried out. I bucked wildly and my eyes crossed. He pressed my hips down to help me relax. I panted and took deep breaths to help me get over my orgasm. When I finally relaxed he scooped his cum on his finger and put it in my mouth. My tongue lapped it up like it was an icicle. Moaning slightly just to please him. He groaned and stroked my cheek. He then left the room. Coming back with his blood stained sword. I dropped to my knees and waited for him kill me. He pulled me up to my feet and pat my head. Just do it! I yelled in my head. He brought the sword up to my neck and slowly sliced my jugular. Gagging on my blood, the pain was unimaginable.
I woke up at camp, my clothes back on and no evidence of what happened on me. “YN! Jesus Christ what took you so long?!” Feng ran over to me. I stayed silent and just curled up into fetal position.
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Word Count: 2,832
Characters: Derek Hale, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Noah Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Reader (gender neutral)
Pairings: Derek Hale x Platonic!Reader; Scott McCall x Platonic!Reader, Stiles Stlinski x Platonic!Reader
Warnings: angst, death, very small fluff at the end
A/N: okay either I forgot how to write, or my brain just hyped up this for no reason at all :/
A/N 2: it’s like riding a bike... writing will come back, right?
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“We need to figure out a plan where we can all be safe. This isn’t gonna work if you can’t focus,” Scott was getting slightly, frustrated, sitting next to you while he put his hands in his head.
“Oh, come on, you have to admit this is a little funny,” you were holding back your laughter, seeing a look of anger on Derek’s face, and a look of annoyment on everyone else’s.
“How is this funny, (Y/N)?!” Stiles exclaimed.
“It’s hysterical because some dumbass bozo decided that a group of teenagers is the biggest threat in Beacon Hills!” you let out a small snicker, seeing Derek roll his eyes.
Stiles turned Lydia’s laptop screen to you, showing your name.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) 35 
No one on the entire Deadpool was nearly as much as you, your alpha was 15 million less than you. 
“That’s even funnier! Scott, my powers are a joke compared to yours! Besides, if we’re so high up, do you really think any idiot would actually come after us? We’re powerful, we’re a werewolf pack with a true alpha, a banshee, a kitsune, a were-coyote, and a witch! I can’t even control my powers, we’re all dangerous,” you scoffed, leaning back into the chair.
You saw Derek huff as he stood up, pushing off the couch with force before walking to you, holding your wrist tightly.
You could feel slight pain, ignoring it.
“Did I do something to upset your royal highness?” you gasped dramatically, feeling his grip on your wrist tighten.
You saw Scott stand up, tense, from the side of your eye while your head hit the wall behind you.
“Oh, are you about to kiss me?” you asked, a small smirk on your face.
“You’re not fucking indestructible. We are all in danger, you were all trapped in the school and almost died, you think this is the time to dick around? That this is the time for jokes?! We’re all in danger, these hunters are ruthless,” you saw his eyes glow blue, feeling your throat tighten before you ignored it.
It’s okay
“Every single threat we’ve ever faced, we’ve gotten over. We are good at this, hunters are shitty. Why not add a little humor while we’re at it?” you replied.
“Satomi’s pack is dead! You still think we can get over this?! They’ve been alive for decades!” he yelled.
“Derek, stop-” Scott started.
“They never learn. They never listen. We are in danger, (Y/N). When we find your body, when your name is crossed out on that fucking list, maybe then you’ll learn your lesson. Maybe you could stop being so fucking cocky and arrogant. When you’re dead,” you felt your heart drop, trying to keep calm before you pulled away from Derek.
“Just because your life is fucked doesn’t mean you have to take it out on everyone else,” you saw Derek clench his fist, while Scott quickly pulled you away, just in time as Derek’s fist collided with the wall behind you,
“That’s enough, both of you. We’re not going to find (Y/N)’s body like that, we’re all going to get through this, we just need a plan. (Y/N), we need to be serious,” Scott started.
“Serious as Sirius Black?” you said.
Derek glared at you before Stiles groaned audibly.
“You know what? Maybe it’s time to take a break and go home. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” Lydia said.
Stiles nodded his head in agreement, while Derek’s tense figure softened slightly.
“I agree with Lydia. It’s time for all of us to go home,” you gave a smile and wave to the pack before making your way to the door.
Scott pulled you aside before you entered your car.
“Hey, Scotty,” you smiled.
“(Y/N), look. I know this world is terrible, I know how you think up there. But you need to tone it down. We just need you to be serious for five minutes. Meet me in the middle here, what if one of us isn’t here next time Derek decides he wants to punch your face?” you could hear a worried tone in Scott’s voice.
“Well, we just pray that I’m never alone with the sourwolf,” you sat in your car while Scott sighed.
“Fine. I get what you’re saying. I’ll tone it down,” he nodded his head, thanking you before making his way to his motorcycle.
You yawned softly, turning on the lights as you dropped your bag to the floor.
“Hey, I’m home,” you called out to your siblings, getting silence as a response.
“Don’t pretend to be asleep. Get your asses down here!” you said.
You walked to the kitchen, seeing the dishes left all over the place, including some broken glass left on the floor.
You began to feel nervousness in your chest before you made your way up the stairs.
“Hey, Olivia, Liam? Is anyone here?” you opened their room doors, your heart stopping. They weren't there, they were nowhere in sight.
Both of your siblings knew and listened to your rules no matter what, it was a side effect of paranoia after your parents died. You made all the rules, they listened no matter what.
You felt your throat tighten, dialing your sister’s number, then your brother’s. They both went to voicemail.
You ran down the stairs, running your fingers through your hair as a small whimper escaped your lips. Your vision blurred as tears flooded your eyes. You wiped them away, taking shaky breaths before calling Scott.
The call went to voicemail, but he sent a text back.
You gathered your belongings once again, running out of your house.
Your breathing was shaky, you ran out of your car as you rushed up the stairs, about to enter the loft before you heard Derek yelling at Scott.
“They're going to die, I don’t know why we’re pretending (Y/N)'s not going to. They’re arrogant, they're cocky, they can’t stay serious for longer than two minutes-” you put your hand over your mouth to hold back your cries.
“(Y/N) has a different way of coping, that’s all this is. Their parents died, they have to take care of their siblings, they try to take care of all of us. I say let them be,” Scott replied.
“No. I want them out of the pack, all they are is a burden at this point.”
You’re wasting time, (Y/N)
You couldn't bring yourself to open the door, to ask Scott for help. Not right now, at least.
You found yourself running out of the loft, instantly freezing as you were met with the barrel of a gun.
Your eyes widened, putting your hands up as you froze.
“Get in the car,” his voice sounded calm, while your eyes glowed purple.
“If you try anything on me, you can say goodbye to both of your siblings,” you felt a shiver up your bones as you clenched your jaw.
“Olivia and Liam, was it? Oh, you should've heard them crying for you, it was pathetic,” he scoffed.
“They’re children-” 
“And they’ll have a chance to live if you come with me right now,” you felt a tear slip down your face, nodding softly.
You walked in front of him, keeping your hands up as your heart began to race in your chest, sitting in the van before the man handcuffed your wrists.
Your bruises covered the majority of your body, you sat alone at the Sheriff’s Station. Your hands were shaking, you tried to keep your focus off the events from the past two weeks.
You instantly remembered the events from last year, sitting in this exact position, at this exact place. 
“No, I-I didn't see them come in,” your throat tightened, you looked down while Sheriff Stilinski stood in front of you.
“So how did you know something happened?” he asked softly.
“I was… I was doing my homework, I heard this pound bang. I-I thought my siblings were playing but then-” your voice wavered as you stopped yourself, holding back your tears.
“I heard crying, and now…” 
You closed your eyes at the memory, letting out a shaky breath.
“(Y/N), we need to know what happened,” Noah asked softly.
He leaned down in front of you, your entire body remained tense.
“I can’t talk about this right now,” your voice broke.
You could see the surprised look on Stilinski’s face, you weren't much of a person to be serious, as the pack was familiar with.
You were the jokester, the class clown. The dead weight. You soon found out that if you focused on the humor in every situation, your mind would be too preoccupied to think about the pain. But there wasn't any humor in this, only your stupidity.
If you listened to Scott, your siblings would be alive. If you were serious for 5 minutes, you could have helped the pack come up with a plan.
But now you sat alone at the Beacon Hills Department.
“Stiles is almost here. How do you feel about staying with us for a while?” he asked softly.
Sheriff Stilinski always treated you like his kid, always taking care of you. He knew that you would feel bad, returning to your house all alone.
You nodded softly, while he nodded, giving you a small smile.
“Is there anything important that I need to know?” Stilinski asked softly.
You could see your hands shaking, while you clenched your jaw.
“I don't know what they did… I-I don't have my powers anymore,” you tried to keep your voice strong before his face fell, wrapping his arms around you.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I promise you that we’ll find them and make them pay.”
“(Y/N)?” you saw Stiles walk into the station, Scott following close behind.
The two of them ran to you, wrapping their arms around you tightly. You held back your cries, burying your face in Stiles’ neck before taking a deep breath.
“Hey, let’s go?” Scott asked softly.
You nodded, while Scott held your hand, beginning to take your pain.
“It’s fine,” you pulled away from him.
He paused for a second, before nodding softly.
Stiles gave a look to Scott before the three of you walked out of the station.
“Do you have any ideas?” you looked up at Scott talking to you, seeing the rest of the pack giving you a look.
“There isn’t anything we can do. We just need to be able to defend ourselves,” you explained quietly.
“Lydia, have you figured out how to shut down the…”
Your mind drifted from the conversation, you remained quiet and curled up on the couch. Stiles sat next to you. The entire pack kept their eyes on you, you know they pitied you. Even Derek remained silent about your actions, the two of you haven't fought all week.
“So then one of us can stay here and defend you-” Stiles started.
“I don't need anyone to defend me-” the two of them began to argue briefly before Scott sighed, stopping them.
“(Y/N), can you stay here with Derek?” Scott asked softly.
No, I hate him, he hates me 
You found yourself nodding before you cleared your throat to speak.
“Yeah, that’s fine. We’ll see you tomorrow,” Stiles pressed a small kiss to your forehead before he and Scott left.
You turned to face Derek, seeing a tensed look on his face.
“I can show you to the extra room,” he said softly while you nodded.
You kept to yourself mainly, keeping your focus on your work. Derek would even forget that you were there. He would occasionally try to talk to you, you were surprised to hear him cracking a joke.
You had grown slightly annoyed, you knew he felt guilty. There was never a time he didn't make you feel bad about being happy or making jokes. 
You held a gun in your hand, something that you weren't used to yet. With Derek losing his power, he was unable to defend himself, you had yet to tell the pack about you losing your powers.
You sighed, resting your head on your hand.
“Hey,” you clenched your jaw, hearing Derek’s voice as he approached you.
“This is kinda funny, you know. You having to protect me like this,” you tried to keep your focus off Derek, feeling your throat tighten in anger slightly.
“Hey,” you sighed deeply, looking up at Derek.
“I’m really sorry-”
“Shut up,” you clenched your jaw. Derek had a slight look of surprise on his face.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“Stop,” you shook your head.
“We were never friends. Why are you trying to be nice all of a sudden?” you stood up in front of him.
“I just want to see you happy again,” he said softly.
“Are you fucking joking?” you scoffed.
He stayed quiet, giving you a soft look while you crossed your arms.
“You’ve always made me feel bad about having a smile on my face, for trying to be happy. Isn’t this what you fucking wanted?!” you raised your voice, while he clenched his jaw.
“This isn’t what I wanted to happen-”
“No! They murdered both of my siblings in front of me, they took my powers. What the fuck did you think was going to happen?” you shouted at him, feeling your heart race.
“Your powers? (Y/N)...”
“Yeah, you’d rather you just found my body, right?! When my name is crossed off on that fucking list, so then maybe I can learn my lesson, right?!” you yelled.
“That’s not what I meant, (Y/N)-”
“Why? Because you’d rather kill me yourself?! You could’ve done it the other day, when you tried to punch me, if Scott hadn’t stopped you,” your eyes watered as your voice wavered slightly.
“I heard you telling Scott about how you wanted me out of the pack! How I’m a big fucking burden! So, please stop pitying me and just leave me the fuck alone!” you yelled.
“I know how you feel, (Y/N). My family’s dead too, (Y/N),” he said softly.
“You wanna compare?! Did someone murder your parents? While you were in the fucking house, too dumb to realize until it was too late?! Have you been taking care of your younger siblings for a year, a-and because you can’t do anything right, they get kidnapped and you watch them die. I can hear their voices, Derek. They were screaming, they cried for me to save them and I couldn’t do anything. Don’t pretend you know what I’m going through, what this feels like because you don’t. None of you understand,” more tears fell from your eyes as you continued to yell at Derek before you ran your fingers through your hair, letting out a shaky breath.
You let out a small cry, putting your hand over your mouth to stop yourself.
Derek wrapped his arms around you tightly, taking you by surprise.
But you didn’t care. You were in too much pain to care. You were too tired to care.
He stroked your cheek softly, holding you tightly as he rested his head on top of yours.
“You’re right, I don’t know how you feel. I never will. That doesn’t mean that I’ll let you go through this alone,” your chest was aching as you scrunched your eyes tightly, a small cry escaping your lips.
“Out of all of us, I’m the closest to understand how you feel, how to lose your entire family, and feeling like it’s all your fault. But, it’s not, (Y/N),” you buried your face in his neck as he continued to caress your back, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“And I’m sorry that I was such a dick. I never hated you, I could never hate you. I was just jealous,” he said softly.
You looked up at him while he stroked your cheeks, wiping away your tears.
“If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I promise I’ll never screw it up, and I promise that I’ll never hurt you,” you nodded as he pressed his lips to your forehead once again.
“It’s getting late, we should probably go to sleep soon,” he said softly.
“I can’t fall asleep,” you sighed.
“Then I’ll help you,” he nodded.
He walked you to his bed, laying down next to you before wrapping his arms around you once again.
“You’re safe, I promise,” you nodded softly, closing your eyes.
He continued to hold you, listening to your heart rate and breathing before making sure you were asleep. He sat up on his elbow, looking down to face you. Your face was covered in dry tears and snot, he could see your pain while he sighed softly.
“You’re safe now,” he muttered softly.
He turned off the lights, before laying back on the bed, falling asleep next to you.
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
If your requests are open, could you maybe do a C!Techno x Reader? Like, the Butcher Army is there for Techno and Phil wasn't able to give him a\such an early head's up so he's not really prepared, and Quackity has the reader hostage when they show, cause maybe they were outside doing something... You don't have to, of course! -Sugar Anon (may I claim this Anon?)
Ooh! Most definitely! And of course you can claim it your my first anon!🖤
Warnings: Blood, swearing
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Techno was a pretty well known man, lets face it. Maybe not in the way you hoped, and in this instance you mean he was wanted.
But you were not awhere of that because you lived with him out in the chilly Tundra. Phil would usally bring you two the new updates and anything you should be aware of. So when he didnt show for his morning tea you were a but skeptical to say the least. But techno had casually shrugged his shoulders, waving it off that he had gotten busy. This was true. Phil was a awfully busy man, he never seemed to stop moving, building, or exploring. So you joined techno on his assumption.
Techno was casually brewing potions that afternoon. Not a uncommon occurance to say the least. You had grown accustomed to seeing the towering man working over his bottles. His large but gentle hands gracefully, and carefully manuvering the glasses to where he pleased.
"Techno love? Im going to go trade these books nearby ok?" You mentioned as you took your cloak. Slipping it on so you could contain your warm. Techno hummed in agreement. Since you were so far from L'amanburg he didn't really mind you walking freely to the nearby village. He actually viewed your common trips as a large help.
"I have seven emeralds in that chest over there, could you see if any of them are willing to trade for a mending book?" He asked well he looked up to you. His reading glasses resting on his nose. You smiled brightly and nodded.
"Of course!" Anything you could do to help you were down to do. L'amanburg wasn't aware Techno had a lover, mostly because Techno didn't want you getting pulled into his rather volient affairs. He viewed them as his battles. Not battles that you had to fight.
Well collecting the gems into your basket he spoke up again, his hand coming to the small of your back. "Take Carl ok? I can't have my princess walking like the peasants do" he said bemused. Pressing a gentle but loving kiss to your forhead.
You leaned into him, enjoying the physical affection he gave you. Techno wasn't one to voice his love Rather, instead he would gift you, or make physical actions twords showing you how much he cared.
You walked out and hopped onto Carl the sturdy, and loyal steed waiting for the new adventure he would be taking. Edging your heels into him you began to head for the forest.
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After a while of riding through the woods you began to grow weary. You felt like you were being watched. You were not a Hybrid like Techno so you couldnt smell or hear any abnormalities. But you just knew somthing was off. It was a harsh mental debate on whether to turn around or continue. Ultimately you decided it was best to just turn around. For how on edge you were you figured that telling Techno, and him laughing at you was better than lingering outside anymore.
You pulled the reigins, signaling for Carl to turn, however when you did, someone had jumped onto Carl behind you. Grabbing you tightly to prevent your flailing. You couldnt help the blood curdling scream you let out before your mouth was covered by a hand. You were panicking. You couldnt see your attacker but very well felt them behind you.
"Im gonna make you a deal. Your going to take us back to that nice cottage of yours, or I'll paint your blood all over the snow" the voice sneered next to your ear. "Im going to remove my hand. If you so as utter a word I wont hesatate to get rid of you. Am I clear?" The voice was slow, but threatening. They meant what they said. You could only nod slowly as he removed his hand from your mouth. "In case you get a wild burst of courage... I'll just leave this here" he had taken his sword out. Lingering it by your neck. You didn't know what else to do, so you just took the reigins and slwoly started back home.
When you got to Technoblade's Cottage you were forced off of Carl, the snow did little in softening your fall. You looked up praying thag techno herd some commotion.
"Technoblade get your ass out here!" The man Yelled, you looked up to him. He had black hair poking out from his beanie. Underneath his armor was a bloody a apron. All, in all, not someone you wanted to be around.
When the door opened you called out for Techno. Trying to make a run for him. But instead you were only grabbed by your ankle and dragged back to the raven haired man. The sword he held finding it's way to your neck.
"Let her go Quackity." Techno's eyes were narrowed and calculated. He wasn't pleased by any means for how Quackity was manhandling you.
"You think I'm going to listen to you? Your fucking delusional. Heres whats going to happen Techno. Your going to come with us. Or I'll kill her and give your front lawn a nice new red decoration." You whimpered. All you wanted was Techno. You wanted to be in his arms, you didn't like how This 'Quackity' man was talking or handling you.
"Your going to let her go first." Techno stepped closer. His hand drawing his blade. You could see Techno's breathing. He was angry, and so were the voices.
"I wouldn't step any closer." The blade pressed in more. Your hand coming up to try and push the blade away. "Your going to drop your blade and walk up to fundy to get handcuffed. Then I'll let her go." You watched as Techno weighed his options. In the end he did drop his blade. He valued your life above everything. Once his hands were tied securely, you were let free. The first thing you did was run to techno. Hugging onto him for dear life.
"(Y/n) listen to me. Your going to go into the house and wait for Philza. Ok?" You looked up at him with pain in your eyes, shaking your head.
"No! Im not letting you go alone!" You started to tear. You didnt know where they were taking him. But you knew it wasn't good.
"(Y/n) I said go in the house. I will be fine.." He manuvered his head to wrap around yours since his arms couldn't. "I don't want you involved ok?..." his tone was gentle, trying to ease your haywire nerves.
"Techno please let me come.." Your eyes begged, but he didnt budge. Quackity only took and shoved Techno further.
"Wait in the House!" Was the final thing he said as he was forced over the Hill.
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Waiting for his return had you beyond restless. You could only look from the clock back to the fire. The raging 'What if's running through your brain. It was extremely late before techno had returned back home.
When he opened the door you rushed over to him. Almost tripping over your own feet. To feel him in your arms was the one thing you needed to calm your nerves. You gripped onto him for dear life. His arms gently wrapped around you. Rubbing a ligjt circle into your back.
"Thank god your home" you said. Your face buried into his chest. The lingering sent of dynamite and the iron smell of blood on his clothes. "I was so worried about you..." you felt his hand move to the underside of your thighs. Lifting you up into his arms so he could move inside.
"Come now princess... You didnt really think I would let anything happen to myself, now would you?" He mused. His eyes soft as he looked up into yours.
"I.. I mean" You looked down at him, the bit of worry still remaining. He sat down on his sofa. Leaning back into it as he looked up at you.
"Baby girl, you know Technoblade never dies" He said cocking a eyebrow up as his face went smug. You only smiled a little at that. Moving to rest your head in his neck.
"I still worried..." you said gently. Relaxing into his chest. Glad to see him home safely.
"I know princess... I know" He knew he would have to tell you about the execution. But for now he knew you were distraught. He may have been poor at comforting, but he knew right now the best thing was for you to just lay in his arms at peace. Let you try and forget what Quackity had probably etched into your memory for months to come. Because Quackity was only the start now. Now everyone knew, Techno had someone he truly loved.
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min-jpg · 3 years
can i request zhongli , kaeya and xiao with a fem!s/o that comes from an extremely rich family and the boys get kidnapped and held for ransom and then out of nowhere their s/o comes and beats the group of people that kidnapped the boys , gracefully😋😋
Note: we stan a baddie s/o! Anyways, enjoy the drabbles with a word count averaging 0.5k for each character :) I'll make the setting at an abandoned warehouse, classic
Kidnapped Genshin Boys x Fem Rich!reader pt.1
Part 2 (Childe, Diluc, Kazuha)
Characters: Kaeya, Xiao, Zhongli
Genre: fluff, established relationship, some woman kicking ass action, (TW: mentions of blood and violence)
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Your boyfriend would deliberately act like a damsel in distress with no fighting aptitudes. Exaggerating his emotions to fabricate fear, he voluntarily let himself be held hostage, thinking they caught an easy target. Kaeya went along with his abductors' antics because he intends to bring them down once they reach the hideout.
While they were camping in the warehouse, Kaeya was not worried at the slightest. These people were no vision bearers, just mere greedy criminals that do not know who they were messing with.
Kaeya is aware of how affluent you and your family are. He already anticipated something similar to happen one day. Lowly tactics like these do not budge him at all, especially his unyielding loyalty towards you. As if the Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonious would be shaken by something as childish as this.
While he was improvising a plan in his mind, one of the men yelled, "Intruder!"
They all assembled at the source, but glanced at each other in confusion, "Intruder? Where?"
While an altercation sparked between them about the unseen intruder, their attention successfully diverted away from Kaeya. Thus, using the containers and blind spots to your advantage, you sneaked your way towards your boyfriend. While freeing Kaeya from the ropes that bound him to the chair, you giggled as well, "Are you lost, baby boy?"
Your unexpected appearance left him stunned, but it was a pleasant surprise, "Lost in those eyes, baby girl." He smirked back. By the time you finished, the men realized that the intruder was you.
Now that you are actually here, Kaeya's concerns began sprouting because he wanted to ensure your safety first before carrying out his plan since your arrival was not formulated in it.
You fueled his worries when you stepped forward towards the group. You dropped the bag you carried along in front of them, "Here. You wanted the money right? Take it."
"Well, that wasn't so hard." The gung ho group laughed boisterously among themselves, the leader leaning down to pick up the bag. You swung your foot, landing a clean kick on his face which caused him to stumble back. He pressed his nose, blood trickled down, "You-"
You refused to let him finish by sending another vigorous kick, this time at the center of his stomach, causing him to hunch as he grabbed onto his stomach and surpassing his coughs. To finish it off, you plunged your elbow down the back of his head and connected with an uppercut. The force was strong enough to send their leader flying back and never stood up again, completely knocked out.
The rest of the gang blinked. It was not even a fight. You took him down with only a few moves, barely breaking a sweat.
"You guys want some more? Or just take the money and leave us alone." You taunted them. They hustled along, grabbing the bag, and left their leader in the warehouse. Little did they know, the bag was not filled with money, but just some rocks to give it some weight.
Kaeya walked up behind you, clapping his hands, "That was superb, babe. I didn't know you were such a fighter." Needless to say, Kaeya is so proud of you and praised the way you executed your beautiful course of movements. He will also keep in mind to never mess with your temper too much in the future.
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Your boyfriend could take out all the adversaries he wanted to, driving them to regret that they wished they never premeditate this abduction. Unfortunately, his hands are tied because the group threatened that harm would come your way instead if he did not comply with their demands.
"You just have to sit here until your girlfriend bails you out. I'm sure she has some extra cash to blow to save you."
You did warn Xiao beforehand that similar incidents happened in the past and it is bound to occur again, to which he glazed over as a simple matter since he is confident with his combat experiences. But you did not explain how the incidents were settled. Xiao did not know that you have the capability to defend yourself, so obviously he reluctantly listened to them to protect you.
If they were to resort to hurting anyone, Xiao would rather have them hurt him instead if it meant they could spare you. He will never forgive them or himself if they even attempt to graze a single strand of your hair.
While worrying for your safety, he heard one of the men shouting a yelp, but it got cut off as his body fell, passing out cold on the ground.
The group huddled together, "Who's there?!" Their eyes darted around to search for the one responsible.
While they were bewildered, you jumped down from one of the containers at the warehouse, sending your knee flying directly towards one of the members to knock him down. In a kneeling position to pin the person below in place, you sent a swift strike to his neck, making him faint. As you stood up, the gang and also Xiao all looked at your abrupt appearance with wide eyes.
Glaring at the men in front of you, "Now, if any of you touched my boyfriend, one doctor visit wouldn't suffice." Without giving them any time to react or respond, your palm curled into a fist, dashing forward to begin taking them down one by one with your nimble feet.
Your calculative movements were sharp and precise, leaving no opening for your foes to attack. As the battle proceeded, your hair flowed gracefully behind along with your bold actions. Although Xiao was itching to help, he only managed to stare at you in awe, marveled by your bravery and poise stance that showed no weakness.
Before you both knew it, the fight ended with you emerging victorious.
You ran over to Xiao to free him immediately, "Oh archons! Xiao, are you okay?" Caressing his cheeks, you frantically inspected his face for any external injuries. Those men will face your wrath if they did anything to him.
Xiao was still processing what happened, his pupils fixed at you, lips parting, "That was really... amazing of you." He wanted to tell you that you looked so gorgeous that it made him breathless, but kept his mouth sealed after. For now, he enjoys the sensation of your hands that were used to unleash such fury now stroking his face so lovingly. It is also worth mentioning that Xiao has a new profound respect for your charming side that he never knew of.
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Your boyfriend maintained a tranquil state of mind when he was kidnaped. Not portraying any signs of retaliation or profound panic, it even caused the group to be unnerved with how silent Zhongli behaved.
While held hostage, the head of the abduction blabbered about how they intend to lure you here, exploiting you through Zhongli's situation for some quick money grab.
Upon hearing that, Zhongli's eyebrows twitched in a displeased manner, "So you'd rather take advantage of someone for money instead of working for it? Don't you have any dignity left?"
"Obviously! If there's an easy way to earn money, who wouldn't want to partake? Someone as sheltered and rich as your girlfriend will never understand. Don't act like you never took money from her." They ridiculed his righteous morales by bringing you in the conversation, implying Zhongli only dated you for your status.
Zhongli leaned back against the chair with an inscrutable demeanor on his face. He knew that surely someone would point out the disparity in social status between you and him. But, if they thought he only valued your wealth and nothing else, then he will have to disappoint them.
"Oh, I'm very lucky to have a wealthy partner. Something you will never understand, yes? That's why you turn to disagreeable schemes such as this." Zhongli stalled time by making mindless talks with the leader.
Not appreciating Zhongli's remark, the leader raised his arm, ready to swing at full force to land a hit, except you obstructed him. Appearing out of thin air, you found your way towards Zhongli and held a tenacious grip on the man's arm from behind before he could potentially scar your boyfriend's precious face.
The group was alarmed by your arrival and the way you constrained their leader's strike. Applying even more force to twist his arm, you contorted his limb. It caused him to arch his back and bawled in pain as he attempted to wriggle his arm out of your grasp. In contrast, you reinforced your strength and kicked the back of his knees.
Once you let go, everyone watched him squirmed in agony on the ground with your grip leaving a red imprint on his arm. Turning your head towards Zhongli, you sent him a cheeky wink, "You're one lucky man indeed."
Now channeling your attention at the group, "Who's next?"
The group charged towards you, assertive that their strengths in numbers will have more odds in winning against you, a woman who stood alone.
Thus, to prove them wrong, not only did you beat their egos to pulps, but also the entire gang. Keeping a composed manner, your limbs carried your movement with great finesse and elegance. You dodged and blocked every incoming attack, never allowing them to get a clean hit on you. Your presence dominated the flow of the battle.
Eventually, only one victor is appointed, that victor being you.
You walked back to Zhongli to untie him. You placed your hand on your hip, huffing your chest to stand proud, "How was that? Not only is your girlfriend rich, but also powerful."
Zhongli nodded in agreement, softly patting your hair as he watched you with affectionate eyes, "That was a remarkable performance to remember down the road. Guess I have a lot of things to learn about you." Although Zhongli is fully competent to defend himself if things went wrong, he found it absolutely charming of you to protect him. You were reckless, but he acknowledges your ability to fight so gracefully.
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