#rarry fan fiction
seriouslysam8 · 10 months
Hi Sam I stumbled upon Brumous a couple weeks ago and absolutely fell in love with it I recently finished the last chapter and I swear the moment I stoped reading I started having bloody withdrawals Brumous is easily the best piece of fan fiction I’ve ever read and the fact that you have a personal life and can’t just crank out a new chapter for me every day is a horrible tragedy but I digress I read some of your shorter fiction which I also loved and wanted to move on to your other stories but they seem pretty angsty and I cant with some sad shit right now Ginny and Ron are such beautiful visions of sunlight in Harry’s fucked up life and when that relationship is put under strain it’s heartbreaking everything else in Harrys life is so tragic and awful that I need Harry and his Weasleys to be happy I need them to be disgustingly in love and adorable could you please point me to which of your stories I can read without feeling depressed
If only fanfic writer was a paying job!! 🤣🤣🤣
So the happy Harry and his Weasleys are one-shots.
Brio is flirty Hinny with hilarious Ron.
Hide and Seek plus Grimmauld Game Night is pre-dating pining Hinny goodness.
The Demise of Walburga Black is bromance Rarry plus George with a sprinkle of Hinny.
Veracity is borderline crack with George being a menace to Harry.
The chapters stories are more angsty.
Kalopsia is Harry is missing and desperately trying to get home to his Weasleys, Ron is in a coma, Ginny and George try to solve the mystery of what happened.
Entombed is kidnapped Ginny and has one of my favorite scenes ever written when Harry and Ron rescue Ginny. I love it.
Brontide is a steer clear. Harry makes a mistake, hides his problems from his Weasleys, and tries to solve his issues alone. When his Weasleys do find out the truth, they are super supportive and amazing but there is a lot of angst and friction between characters.
EDIT: Effloresce is a cute pining Hinny chaptered story that I forgot about. Scones is cute married Hinny with a focus on their kids. The Curse of the Monthlies is Harry and little Lily Luna cuteness with a sprinkle of Hinny and hilarious good uncle Ron.
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ballerinaroy · 3 years
11.  “I will leave now, or I’m going to say things I will regret later.” for rarry please!
“Having fun?” a voice in Harry’s ear caused him to jump.
Although he’d done nothing avoid staring at Ron all night, he was still surprised to find he’d snuck behind him.
“Yeah.” Harry said, trying to put as much pep and cheer into his hollow voice. Ron frowned at him.
“What are you drinking?” he leaned even closer and Harry caught a whiff of his cologne and his heart skipped a beat. “Is that your first cup? Come on, it’s a party!”
Harry feared his smile was more of a grimace as he raised his glass and drank dutifully, finishing the half full glass of luke warm beer.
“There we are!” Ron cheered, plucking the glass from his hand. “I’ll get you another. Not a party until we’re putting on a show! Hermione’s hoping for a our moves last month.”
Alarmed, Harry stared after him as Ron winked and headed back towards the kitchen. His eyes sought Hermione, half expecting her to be glowering at him but she was deep in a giggly conversation with Ginny. Ron surely couldn’t have meant what he’d said….could he?
Despite his best intentions, Harry found himself struggling to keep both eyes open and the room from spinning at the same time. He felt himself leaning and sought the warmth of the body next to him.
“Having fun?” Ron’s voice repeated, an arm going around Harry as he lay against his side.
“Brilliant.” Harry heard himself slur and felt Ron chuckle as they settled in. “Have a good birthday?”
“Good friends, no poisoning,” Ron answered and then, leaning closer so Harry could feel the breath on his ear. “And it’s about to get more brilliant.”
Harry blinked up at him with the shift in tone and found Ron’s expression leering. He couldn’t mean…surely… But when he had the sense to follow his eyes, he found Hermione across the way, wearing a matching look and as their eyes met she had the decency to blush.
Of course.
He’s been careful not to drink around him since…well.since. Since that night when they’d danced together as a joke and somehow his hands had gotten tangled with Ron’s hair. That night that he’d nearly fallen over drunk and Ron’s strong arms had kept him upright. Since the night they’d somehow made it home and into the same bed and Ron’s scent had imprinted on sheets that Harry had yet to wash. Since the night that everything had changed. But only for him.
For he was still Ron.
Still engaged to the same woman he’d been dating since nineteen and working the same job and laughing that same laugh that caused Harry’s heart to flutter. The same. Just now so different.
“I’d better go,” Harry said, trying to get up but Ron laughed and tightened his arm around him.
“I told you, Hermione wants her show.” Ron whispered again, teasingly and this time Harry really did pull away in alarm.
“I’ve got to go,” he said hasty and suddenly felt very sober.
“Stay,” Ron begged, reaching for him.
“Have fun,” he said with a wave and, avoiding his eyes, made for the door but Ron was too quick.
For Harry found arms around him once more, and he was afraid the sensation was becoming familiar. And in a low begging voice. “It’s my birthday.”
It was impossible to resist. Impossible to let go of the moment that had pounded in his brain asleep and awake. The two of them pressed together. He wanted to kiss him. Wanted them to be in the same position without a stitch of clothing between them. Wanted his name to be begged.
“I need to go,” Harry said again and Ron pouted. “I will leave now.”
Perhaps it was the strange factual way that he was speaking that finally got through for Ron’s teasing mirth disappeared from his face. “Why?”
“I’m going to say things I will regret later.”
Harry could feel the courage swelling in his best mate. Watched the boldness creep back into his eyes, the determination.
“Then don’t regret them.”
prompt list // ask box
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lumos-solemn · 3 years
Birth Of Rose Weasley
Summary : Hermione goes in early labour and Ron is not home. Harmione Brotp
Harry stood up adjusting his coat and with a wave of his wand, the files spread before him started stacking itself and locked themselves in the drawer under his desks. He pocketed his wand and looked at the clock which showed half past 3 in the evening. He's early. He thought he would go home early considering both his wife and best friend is pregnant and is alone at home. Hermione and Ginny were pregnant and Ron is not home. He went for a mission a few days before. Harry asked him to stay and offered to go himself considering it's thier first child and he knew Hermione needed Ron at the time. But Ron was stubborn saying Ginny's also pregnant and with James still young, Harry needs to be at home. It wasn't a big mission and he would be back within a week. Harry couldn't win the argument when Hermione also supported Ron with his decision saying James is not an easy baby and Harry had to give in.
With Ron gone, Harry and Ginny along with James, moved into Ron's apartment so she will have company. Molly also joined them considering Harry has to leave for work and someone needs to look after James.
Harry took out his wand and apparated to Ron and Hermione's house. He opened the door and got in to see the two ladies watching Television (which Ron got as a surprise to Hermione) with what seemed like a packet of chips between them. They turned their heads to look at him and he smiled walking towards them.
"You're early!", Hermione pointed out with a smile.
"Yeah! There wasn't much work.", He replied kissing her temple and then moved to peck Ginny's lips.
"Any info about Ron?", Hermione asked.
"He'll be back within a week. They're almost there."
"Where's James? And Molly?"
"James was a bit cranky today. So Mum took him for a walk.", Ginny replied.
Harry nodded and went to freshen himself.
Hermione was shifting uncomfortably on the couch, Ginny noticed. Its been a while. "Hermione? You okay?", She asked.
"Don't know. Guess the baby is moving a little too much today. Its kind of paining.", She replied.
"Do you want painkillers? It might help!"
"No. Its okay!", She replied but squeezed he eyes shut in pain.
"Hermione, You don't look okay.", Ginny said nervously. "Do you think you' re in labour?", She asked rubbing her belly hoping it will help the pain.
"No! It can't be. I still have almost 2 weeks left!", She said biting her lips.
"Ahhh", She let out a shriek.
"I'll get Harry now.", And Ginny went to get Harry who came after a minute. Hermione was gripping the side of the couch so hard and her eyes were shut trying to suppress the pain.
"Hermione?", Harry asked moving towards her. "Ginny! Call Molly."
Ginny nodded and got her phone (Harry and Hermione made sure every member of the Weasley-Potter household had a mobile phone considering it is far more useful and faster. Arthur still can't get enough off it.)
But then suddenly, Hermione opened her eyes wide and looked at Harry in horror. "My Water broke!", She almost yelled making them jump.
"Oh dear Merlin, Harry! Get her to St Mungos. She's in labour.", Ginny shrieked still dialling her phone furiously.
Harry immediately held Hermione by her hand and helped her stand up. "You can apparate?", He asked her nervously to which she nodded, her eyes filling up. "Ginny, we are leaving. Inform Molly and others. Don't worry. We'll be fine.", He said and apparated with Hermione.
They reached St Mungos and a middle aged witch took them to their room. They laid Hermione on the bed who was biting her lip trying to suppress the pain. Harry rubbed her hands hastily remembering how it worked on Ginny. "Harry..Ron..!!!?", Hermione asked in between.
"He'll come!", He said and then took out his wand, producing a patronus asking it to go to Robards, their head and inform Ron that Hermione's in labour. Harry knew Ron might not make it in time but he still hoped.
"HARRY....RONNN!!! WHERE IS HE???", Hermione shouted, her eyes welling up.
"He'll come. I'm trying!", He said hastily dialling Percy's number so that he can make the process faster. But today was the day the whole weasleyes decided not to pick Harry's call. "Fuck!", He cursed frustrated.
"WATCH YOUR MOUTH, HARRY!", Hermione yelled.
He looked at her in disbelief, "You're in freakin' labour Hermione!"
"I don't want the first words my child hears to be her uncle cursing!", She said looking at him with furious eyes.
The doctor came in and examined immediately. He then turned to Harry, "You are her?"
"Brother.", Harry said quickly.
"Her husband?"
"He's not here at the moment. He'll be coming soon."
"I don't think we can wait any longer. We need to deliver the baby soon. Or it might lead to further complications.", He said and Harry looked at Hermione helplessly.
"Hermione?", He called her softly. "You'll have to do it. Ron will be here soon."
"NO...!Let him come..! I will manage. Its okay!", She replied but another pain shot through her veins as she almost broke Harry's hands squeezing it.
"Ow!!", Harry let out a squeal and she shot him a furious glare followed by the doctor who was shaking his head at him.
"Hermione, I don't think you can. And also, It might not be good for the baby. Ron'll understand."
Hermione tried to deny but the pain was unbearable as she gave up at last and nodded.
"Okay! We're going to deliver the baby. Try to push as much as you can!", The doctor informed and Hermione nodded biting her lip before turning to Harry.
"DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE MY HAND OR I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!!!AND DON'T YOU DARE LOOK DOWN THERE!!!!!", She yelled at Harry who nodded quickly holding her hand.
Harry sat on the small chair nearby the bed on which Hermione was lying with a small bundle on her chest. Harry looked at the baby and couldn't help but adore. She was a mixture of both his best friends though the Weasley genes seemed prominent. Her hair was neither the red hair of Ron nor the dark brown curls of Hermione. Her face was freckled and so rose making him recall Ginny fondly.
"I am Sorry for yelling like that, Harry!", Hermione said and Harry smiled at her. "That's alright. I had worse.", He grinned recalling Ginny's delivery making Hermione chuckle. "And also, its not like its the first time you're yelling at me?", He smirked remembering how she used to scold him and Ron for their stupid actions.
"Don't you wanna hold her?", She asked.
Harry smiled, "Yes! But let Ron come first."
Hermione's smile faltered, "Where's he? Why he's not here yet?"
"He will be here soon. Robards informed me."
"Hermione?", The door swung open revealing a worn out looking Ron. His hair was messy and clothes didn't look the best. Of course, he came right from his hideout. He looked at Hermione and the baby on her and his smile faltered, "I missed it. Didn't I? I-", He looked down.
"Ohh..Stop being a git and come see your baby!", Harry called him out grinning and Ron looked up at him. He looked at Hermione who was smiling at him, almost tearing up due to happiness. He took long strides and took Hermione in his arms. He kissed her temples softly and looked at the small bundle in her arms.
"She's so tiny!", He whispered looking awe at their daughter. And Harry was quick to capture the moment as he smiled at his best friends. It felt surreal to him that his two best friends whom he met almost 15 years ago in the Hogwarts express and who never stopped bickering and eating his brain out, just had their own baby. He smiled at the memory.
"I am sorry you had to go through this without me. I feel so bad!", Ron said looking guilty.
Hermione smiled, "Its okay. I knew you had work and I was the one who asked you to go in the first place. Besides, Harry was with me and he didn't even say a thing when I kept screaming at him the whole while.", She grinned looking at him who shrugged.
"You screamed at him?", Ron asked grinning and Hermione looked at him offended, "I was freakin' pushing a human out of me Ron. I have the right to scream!", She spoke making them chuckle.
"I was okay with the yelling but now I can't even feel my hands. You are surprisingly strong!", Harry said rubbing his hands and Ron let out a laugh.
Ron then turned to look at Hermione with such a tender expression that Harry decided to leave them alone and get Ginny.
"Harry, wait?", Hermione stopped him and then looked at Ron as if silently conversing.
"You'll be the Godfather. Right?", Ron asked smiling and Harry grinned.
"Of course I am! Why shouldn't I? Besides, With parents like you two, She will definitely need a cool god father so that she can come to me whenever you start your weird foreplay."
They laughed at him as Harry grinned handsomely, "I am gonna get Ginny and the rest of the Weasleyes. She's gonna kill me if I don't take her here!", He said and with a final smile at the duo and walked forward to kiss the small baby before disapparating.
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theonesthatiworship · 3 years
it's underage but here u go
and a favorite of mine bc im nice
wow I feel so blessed ✨
ive already read the second one, but the first was new to me thank you
top tier 10/10 content no I have no shame
also if you want a good long rarry fanfic with plenty of smut, you should look no further than this 29-chapter long rarry fanfic with so much smut it should rlly be illegal: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7526305/1/
idk why ppl sleep on this fanfic it is a MASTERPIECE
unfortunately it’s likely been abandoned but what we have so far is quality content I’d highly recommend
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romqnticstylez · 3 years
Can you recommend some rarry fan fiction around 4th year?
you know how much i die for this. i mean not the ask but fics- anyways yes i can because i still don’t have a life
Just Because by yeoldfluffnsmut
A Proper Thank You by Flaminia Grisandole
Or The Look Or The Words by LullabyKnell
Caught by Not__Misha__Collins (and part 2 but that takes place in 5th year)
For What It's Worth by CescaLR
The Mirror Never Lies by Rhysenn (this one never specifies what year it takes place in. so-)
Practise Makes Perfect by HecateA
The Second Task by John Faina
Little Weezy by John Faina
Unspoken Love by MissAishi (part of the S.S. Best Mates (Rarry) series)
You and Me by onyxjay (part of the You and Me Series)
The Task of Finding Love by imsodeadthere
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pebblysand · 3 years
[the thoughts on canon-compliance you did not ask for.]
last night between 2 and 3 in the morning (look, i couldn’t sleep, got up to write, then got caught up, okay? don’t judge me for my terrible sleeping patterns please) i had a super interesting discussion with a few people on the hinny discord channel about the definition of canon-compliant-ness. i think this is fascinating because to be honest, before getting into the hp fandom, i didn’t even think this was something one could disagree about. to me there was what was canon, and what wasn’t. a very black-and-white sort of system. i’m finding that it’s not.
through the discussions that i’ve had both on my fics and other people’s fics, it seems that i can narrow down - in the hp fandom - three elements of canon.
i. the events of the books/films
now, as a general disclaimer, you can obviously argue about whether the films are ‘canon.’ you can also argue whether cursed child is canon. there’s a lot of elements which differ between those and lots of opinions about how to look at them. personally, i tend to ignore cursed child. as to the books v. films, i pick and choose what suits my story more. generally, that’ll be the books. but for instance, i’m writing a harry&hermione friendship one shot right now, and there are a lot of movie-isms in that story because that is an aspect that was more explored in the films. however, for the purposes of this post, i’m mainly considering the source material to be the seven books. nothing more or less.
having said that, to me personally, that’s what ‘canon’ is: the events of the story and the characters that gravitate around those events, as described in the source material. things like: tom riddle killing lily and james, or harry, ron and hermione rescuing the philosopher’s stone. anything departing from that is, de facto, an ‘au.’ the whole world of what-if scenarios: what if Harry was sorted into slytherin, what if dudley was a wizard, all of those, to me, are aus.
generally, both as a reader and a writer, those are not scenarios i’m particularly drawn to. my default answer to those what-if scenarios is: ‘well, if harry is sorted into slytherin, there’s no story.’ or at the very least, there’s no story as i know it, and if there’s no story as i know it, then i’d rather read/write original fiction. it’s obviously a very personal preference and there are exceptions to this preference. i loved the changeling [1] for instance, and love the self-aware style of dirgewithoutmusic’s aus [2]. but as a general rule, that is not my preferred genre.
now, aside from the what-if scenarios, there’s also the question of filling in the gaps of the story itself. like, i find it interesting that we only make tsunamis [3] is labelled as ‘canon-compliant’ because i get the feeling that a lot of people would disagree that a fic in which hermione is harry’s first kiss is canon compliant. but, by exploiting the silence sometimes left by the author and turning it to your advantage, are you writing an au? is a negative space canon? is silence canon?
again, as a matter of personal opinion, i would not push my definition of canon-compliance as including blank spaces. to me, as long as it does not contradict the letter of the text, adding in events to the books to suit your story (i’ll address character in point ii) does not make your fic an au. to give another example that was brought up to me regarding my own work, i don’t believe that the events described in chapter nine of castles [4] are au because they exist in a blank space of the books. the fact that harry didn’t notice the 1:1s between ginny and amycus doesn’t mean they didn’t happen, it just means that they’re not in the positive space described by the books.
ii. the characters/characterisation
(as a quick vocab note, please note that below, i’m using the terms ‘ooc’ to mean that the characterisation of a character in a fic is not canon-compliant. they’re synonyms to me.)
now, while the above was pretty straight forward, i believe that this is where i perhaps differ from the masses in my interpretation of what “canon-compliance” means. more i discuss with people, the more i realise that i don’t really think there’s a real ‘canon’ characterisation. or at least not in the big things. like, yeah, it’s canon that harry likes treacle tart, because that’s a fact. but anything that is down to psychology or perspective of the character is, to me, generally up for grabs.
as a human, i believe that there’s things that people do, events that they go through, that condition them to act a certain way. while there is a core to every human being, i personally believe that in life, anyone would basically be capable of doing anything, given the right circumstances. i’ve recently - rightfully - been told my writing is all about the power of choice in our life, the reasons why we make those choices and the people those choices lead us to be. for example, do i think i might murder someone tomorrow? probably not. do i think i might be capable of murdering someone in wartime? perhaps? i don’t know, that’s not the world i live in and my life choices have not lead me to find out the answer to that. however, my point is: to me, good ‘characterisation’ is down to the circumstances and choices outlined in any work of fiction. hence, good characterisation is essentially, to me, equal to good writing.
i often say that good writing could make me believe anything and i mean it. i don’t tend to gravitate towards these fics because these ships are not my personal taste but i genuinely believe that good writing could make me believe in drarry or rarry if it tried. it’s funny because over the course of the discussion yesterday on discord, this was brought up ‘well, no one tags drarry as canon compliant,’ and i’m kind of like, i don’t know whether or not they do because i don’t read it but if they did and none of it contradicted the events as detailed in the books, perhaps it could be? like, that would take really good writing (imo), but good writing has - on occasion - made me believe in dramione a couple of times, so why not? in ‘til the sirens come calling [5], good writing made me 100% believe that harry and hermione would have an affair together. in we only make tsunamis [3], it makes me believe that they had this quiet little relationship building throughout hogwarts that we never knew about.
now, though, i suppose the question isn’t: do i believe it? the question is: is it canon? and, i think that’s where i differ from most people because to me, it is. to take ‘til the sirens come calling [5] as an example, i believe the fic is an au because hermione marries victor krum in the end. that’s going against the hard fact presented by the epilogue, and thus makes it an au. but i don’t believe the concept of a harmony affair is inherently au, because nothing is inherently au, character-wise. it’s about how you write it. how those people get to that place. that’s what makes canon-compliantness, in my opinion.
for example, for that fic, truth be told, we don’t know what those nineteen years include per canon, so they could very much include an h/hr affair. and whilst i don’t believe that the characters as they are in the books would have an affair together, i believe that the characters as they are presented in the fic, with the events and hardships that they go through, definitely would. good writing, to me, is - in part - recognising that characters are moving on a spectrum and that whilst their decisions/actions might not make sense in book-verse, they make sense in fic-verse. good writing is convincingly moving your characters from book-verse to fic-verse, and it not feeling ‘off.’
if it does feel off, that is bad writing to me, and that is also ooc-ness/non-canon compliant. it means that for whatever reason, the writer has not successfully transitioned and explained said transition through the events outlined in the story. with the right prose, you could make me believe draco decided to take on a career as a ballerina dancer after the war, and it would still be ‘canon-compliant’ to me. on the other hand, i have read fics (i won’t name them because that would be shit and also i don’t keep track of my ‘bad’ reads) where harry, ginny, hermione, or ron all act according to book canon and yet, their motivations felt off to me and completely ooc because the writing didn’t successfully lure me in. specifically, there was a lack of character evolution that i found uninteresting. i read mostly post-war stuff because i want to see my characters grow up [6].
as a last, additional note on characters, i also think that the characters in a story only exist within the prism of how we view them. this means that to me, locking my own understanding of a character's personality as 'canon' is particularly difficult because my understanding of a character is unique. i believe there are as many harry-s or ginny-s or hermione-s as there are readers. so i think saying someone's interpretation of a character isn't canon-compliant is odd because i don't actually believe there's any wrong or right answer. as i said, do i believe it likely that draco would become a professional ballerina? no. but if that works within your understanding of his character as described in the books, who am i to say that is or isn't canon compliant? i'll admit, the idea makes me sort of lol though.
iii. tone
lastly, i’ve come to find (in potter particularly) that canon-compliance might include tone. as in: hp is a story that is a) written in a certain style and b) written for children/young adults.
regarding style at a), this is honestly the main reason why it took me 15 years to write potter fic, despite the fact that i’ve been a fan for even longer than that. i genuinely thought you had to write like jkr. and i, well, don’t write like jkr. i love the books, but i don’t even particularly like her style. i like: camus, and sorj chalandon, and sally rooney, and dirgewithoutmusic and copper_dust [7]. i have zero ambition to write like jkr and don’t particularly want to read stuff that is written like her stuff either. it’s a style that imo works for her, but it doesn’t work for me as written by other people. i don’t particularly think you need to stick to her style to be canon-compliant.
which brings me onto my actual point: b) hp is a story written for children. young adults perhaps, for the later books. it sometimes explores dark themes but the writing style, the tone, etc. is lighthearted enough that it appeals to a younger audience. there’s snogging but there’s no sex, there’s violence but the torture is mostly off-screen, etc. issues like sexual assault, substance abuse, etc. aren’t explicitely brought up in the books, although they would one hundred percent fit in a book about a war that wasn’t necessarily aimed at children. the question is whether this setting and tone is part of what we call ‘canon-compliance.’
honestly, i don’t know. i didn’t think so until it was brought up to me that castles might be a dark!au and i was like: maybe? like, if you want it to be? i know what i like to read in fanfic: i love the exploration of serious themes that were not explored in the books, or explored differently due to the fact that they were written for children. one thing i will say and insist on is that i don’t think castles is all dark. i actually make a point of having lighthearted moments in each and every chapter, even just a notch, because i am attached to the fact that life as a concept is a mixture of good and bad, and you could laugh at the funeral of someone you loved, again in the right circumstances. but yeah, to me the post-war world is dark. so if tone is part of canon-compliance, then yeah in that way castles (as well as most of the stuff i read, to be honest), is a dark!au.
as a last side note, i’m not sure what that means for my other, lighter stuff though. like are the wolf’s just a puppy [8] or slipped [9] more canon-compliant than castles? i never thought about it in those terms but perhaps? it really opens up a world of questions in my mind and i don’t really have the answers to them.
so in sum, as a reader, what i mean as ‘canon compliant’ is basically a) the events as described in the source material and b) the characterisation of characters as they are at the start of the fic. if character evolution is sufficiently justified and well-written in the following thousands of words that the fic has, then said characterisation can still be canon-compliant, even if the characters act different than they would have in the source material itself. i’m a fan of good writing and good writing can make me buy into literally anything. it takes me places that i've never been before and convinces me that those places are the ones i should be in.
as a writer, i hope that regardless of 'compliance,' whatever i write at least makes ‘sense’ to people within the universe, even if they don’t consider it canon-compliant, per se. i feel like i can’t really be the judge of that. from the discussions we had last night, i feel like there are as many versions of what is and isn't canon-compliant as there are people.
[1] the changeling by annerb
[2] the boy with a scar series by dirgewithoutmusic
[3] we only make tsunamis by disOrdely
[4] castles by yours truly
[5] ‘til the sirens come calling by vexmybones
[6] as a side note and to take my own stuff as an another example, i totally agree that harry in castles isn’t harry in the books. i don’t think there’s much debate to be had in that assertion. i wrote him like this frankly because every other fic i’d read didn’t. they often had him sort of continue to be perfectly himself after the war, which i felt wasn’t speaking to me on a deeper level. imo, i think the war’s done a lot of scarring and the fic is about him growing into a new version of himself. so, to me, if i get a comment that says ‘i don’t think harry would act this way but i really love your writing’ it’s somewhat flattering but also confusing because i don’t really understand how one can enjoy the writing but not the characterisation. to me, they’re so intrinsically linked. what the comment tells me is: i think you did a very poor job at explaining character evolution and justifying character x’s [harry’s] choices but i still like your writing, somehow? i suppose that’s nice, but it doesn’t particularly compute in my brain. like, if the character feels off, it means the writing feels off and thus, why are you still reading? i appreciate all and every comment that i get but it doesn’t mean they always make sense in my own brain. if i’m honest, these comments often send me into an ocean of self-doubt about how shit my writing must be.
[7] copper_dust’s work and profile.
[8] the wolf’s just a puppy (and the door’s double locked), again by yours truly
[9] slipped (and said something sort of like your name), same.
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
Any favorite Ronarry fan fiction?
‘Wildflowers and soft laughter’ by Cookies and Ink. Ron decides to finally confront the stranger who'd been stealing wildflowers from their front garden every weekend. He also manages to repeatedly embarrass himself in the process. Rated T.
‘Wedding Favours’ by Cookies and Ink. Harry had agreed to be Ginny's fake boyfriend for a wedding, to keep her Mum off her back. He hadn't expected to find someone he'd fall head over heels for there. Rated T.
Basically, check out everything by Cookies and Ink. They write so much Rarry/Harron fanfiction (often AU stuff, as well as halfway-canon stuff).
‘Engaged’ by I’mdeadsothere. All around Harry everyone is getting engaged, leaving Harry to wonder if he'll ever have the same honour. Especially when the one person he truly loves, well, it's complicated. Rated T. Contains strong language.
‘Beds’ by I’mdeadsothere. Now that the war is over Harry treats himself by buying a nice big fluffy bed. Only it's too nice, too fluffy, and WAY too big. Ron has the perfect solution, but it'll change a lot more than just how Harry feels about his bed. Rated T. Contains strong language. (This one also has Hermione ‘biggest Rarry shipper on the planet’ Granger involved, so that’s a plus).
‘Harry Potter And The World That Went Bl**dy Insane’ “I know something you don’t know” is, apparently, the essence of Harry Potter’s love life. Harry’s certain that the world has been reading one too many romance novels, but then, Harry’s always been a bit oblivious. Featuring Protective!Attentive!Caring!Ron and Oblivious!Harry in their stinky flat and everyone shipping Harry/Ron. It’s awesome.
Hope you like those, anon!
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itsoperatunistic · 5 years
that is IT i’ve been a harry potter fan for a long time but just dived into fan fiction and rarry ISNT popular?? im offering up fics. give me requests. ANYTHING.
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colubrina · 8 years
In all my years reading fan fiction, and it's a lot, I've never once seen a fic that ships Ron and Harry, and I've been thinking about why for a couple of days. If people ship Harmony because they're such good friends, and always there for each other, why not the same thing for Hon? Rarry? The closest I've seen is them both being mentioned as Hermione's boyfriends. Have I missed something or is this not a thing?
Oh, look.  A new NOTP.
I’ve actually seen people request that pairing before on reddit but I’ve never sought it out.  And don’t want to.   Ship what you want but that one doesn’t do it for me.
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amorremanet · 8 years
Arthur/moody, lucius/moody, lupin/snape?
the brutally honest ship opinions game
Arthur/Moody: ……okay, like, I have basically no positive feelings about Alastor Moody — I mean, I feel the same need to defend him from JKR’s ableist garbage that accidentally got me in too deep with Lockhart, but we are still talking about a guy who supports using Dementors on people and apparently dngaf about what someone’s done, just send ‘em all to fucking Azkaban (GOF ch. 30, the flashback of Moody we see in the first Pensieve scene)
who thinks that the best present you could give to a kid who’s lost his parents and just watched a classmate be murdered…… is going over a photo of the First War Order and telling him about how all of them died horribly and he doesn’t ever stop to think that this might not be the best idea (OOTP)
and who is legitimately less sensitive to other people’s needs and less dismissive of people who aren’t his exact model of “useful” than a literal fucking Death Eater one of the biggest points where Barty Crouch Jr. drops character in GOF is when he takes Neville to his office and gives him a pro-Herbology pep-talk, and goes, “so, hey, Longbottom, Professor Sprout said you’re super-good at this subject, why not pursue it,” because based on the actual canon about him? The real Alastor Moody would never do something like that.
Like, he might have the moment he has with Harry and Hermione, where he goes, “so, hey, both of you could be gr10 aurors if you wanted, you should think about it” because that, from Moody, would be a compliment, and Harry and Hermione more closely fit his own ideas of usefulness, but not so much the Neville moment)
—but seriously, do you hate him or something? Why else would you even dream of shipping him with Arthur Weasley? (okay, fine, I acquiesce that there is enough of a canonical basis for some people to roll with here, and I myself have made ships out of far less…… but seriously, why would you ship anybody with Arthur Weasley. Like…… wow, rude.)
Lucius/Moody: again, I’m not on the Alastor Moody fan-train or anything, but why would you even do this. Nobody deserves to be shipped with Lucius Malfoy, like? He’s not even an entertaining villain, he’s just pathetic. He’s a sad, pathetic fantasy-fascist who gets his kicks by bullying twelve-year-olds and torturing muggles who can’t defend themselves. He’s a complete waste of character space and forcing anyone to be in a ship with him is just unfathomably cruel
Lupin/Snape: meh, whatever. Like, it’s not my thing, but… *shrugs* meh?
Like, idk what you’re looking for here, nonny, but I’m guessing, based on the other two ships, that you’re looking for me to get cranky and ship-bashy and figured that Snu//pin was a good way to get there, since there are a lot of legitimate Problems with this ship in the text
But the thing is, I’m just under 900 years old (at least in fandom terms), and I remember the days back before HBP came out, when Snu//pin was the second-most popular Remus ship (after Wolfstar, to the surprise of no one), and was, in fact, so popular that it had its own private archive and got black-listed from most rarepair comms because it, “wasn’t really rare, just less popular than D//rarry, Wolfstar, Ro//mione, Dra//mione, H//inny, and J//ily”
—I mean, there was a short stretch before OOTP where I tried to make myself like it because there was a BNF whose art I loved, and she shipped Snu//pin, so I felt like I had to be missing something obvious and cool and because I was, like, twelve, I tried to make myself ship the thing. That didn’t work and I eventually just moved on, but one thing that I recall about the Snu//pin fandom that appears to still be more or less true, based on everything I’ve seen of the present-day Snu//pin fandom?
Is that they came out about the same as the Wolfstar fandom, in terms of how many shippers ignored or made excuses for #Problematic things about the ship vs. how many shippers work those things into the overall fabric of how they ship the thing, how many shippers LIKE the ship because of those Problematic parts and having the opportunity to explore them in fiction, how many shippers actively dive head-first into exploring those parts of the ships because that’s where they find the most engaging character interactions or whatever they’re into, etc.
For examples of what I mean when I say #Problematic things about the ships:
the fact that all three of them are self-loathing [human or werewolf] disasters who are often passively suicidal and either prone to acting out on those feelings (Sirius and Severus), or prone to repressing those feelings until they explode all over some innocent bystanders (Remus)
the fact that all three of them have suffered horrific abuse in their pasts — whether from their parents or other sources — and find ways to take it out on other people (Severus on his students, Sirius on Severus and Kreacher, and Remus on almost anyone who tries to get close to him, even as he makes it seem like he isn’t doing that)
Severus outing Remus as a werewolf because he’s upset and felt like punishing someone else for it, thereby leading to Remus tendering his resignation
the fact that Sirius assuming Remus had to be the spy would’ve been at least partially based on anti-werewolf prejudices, and Sirius still clearly had at least some of those prejudices on his own, because even if Peter totally manipulated them in his favor, there had to be something there for Peter to manipulate in the first place, so???
the fact that Remus doesn’t help shit anything, in any situation ever, with his habit of trying to weasel out of any Emotionally Difficult™ conversations and his tendency to mentally spin most situations so that everyone is going to leave him in the end anyway so it’s acceptable to shut down, close himself off, and pull stunts that more or less come down to, “totally up and bailing on everyone,” which is understandable, given his backstory, but dude, that doesn’t make it okay or helpful??
basically, “literally anything about the characters as individuals, or in terms of their interactions with each other — both past and present — that could potentially cause problems for either/both/any/all of them and potentially make the relationship unhealthy (or unhealthier than it already was, in the cases of Snu//pin and Snack because…… oh boy, let’s not even act like either of those — or any ship with Sev in it, for that matter — is ever going to be ‘healthy’ by any definition)”
So, like? Is Snupin #Problematic? Yes, definitely. Are some of its shippers prone to ship it in #Problematic ways? Oh, yes, absolutely (Hell, the BNF whose art I used to like even flat-out said things like, “Sirius would never be able to be there for Remus like Snape could” and… um? Even granted that this was pre-OOTP: ummm???)
But on the whole, Snu//pin shippers aren’t actually any worse about totally ignoring and/or excusing these elements of their ship than Wolfstar shippers are (and, actually, they might be doing better than a LOT of the present-day Wolfstar fandom, since I usually don’t see any more recently made Snu//pin that doesn’t grapple with at least some of the #Problematic elements of it — they don’t always do it well, but at least they’re trying, which counts for a lot, to me, because most people don’t even try — while most Wolfstar these days flat-out ignores all the #Problematic elements of Sirius and Remus as characters, and of their relationship, in the name of what often amounts to borderline-OOC caricatured fanon nonsense, so…)
(……Look, I love Wolfstar, and I have for longer than some people on this website have been alive. But I don’t love a lot of Wolfstar shippers, which has been the case since the beginning of my Wolfstar shipping
stayed the case when HBP came out and I was all, “Hey, guys? I don’t like this BS Remus/Tonks thing either, but can we NOT erase bisexuals or treat Tonks like garbage when we’re talking about it, it’s not her fault that Molly Weasley is a meddling nosy garbage buttinski who thinks it’s her job to play matchmaker to fully-grown adults who didn’t ask and don’t want her input,”
and is still the case as I’m over here, all like, “ugh, man, at least we used to have SOME people in this fandom who enjoyed reading Wolfstar angst, now it seems like nobody cares about anything unless it’s all fluff, all the time, with absolutely no room for anything else because god forbid you ever want to write about LGBTQ characters whose lives aren’t 5,000% perfect, that obviously must mean that you’re a gross fetishistic cishet and not, for example, a neurodivergent, mentally ill lesbian survivor who feels left out by the trend towards forcing every LGBTQ person to act like we’re happy, all the time, and to act like we’re only interested in fictional LGBTQ people who are perfectly 5,000% happy all the time
“and to decry any and all depictions of LGBTQ people being UNhappy as gross fetishistic straight people garbage even when they were actually created by and for LGBTQ people, only to be misappropriated by straight people, as if there’s no way you could possibly be LGBTQ and NOT feel ~used and maligned~ by depictions of LGBTQ people that are less than 5,000% perfectly happy, even when they are being created by other LGBTQ people, yeah? ……but yeah, no, clearly: the fact that I like angst obviously means that I am a straight person because no ~real~ LGBTQ person ever has any need for those ~gross negative feelings~ or fictional outlets for them, never mind how many LGBTQ people get excluded from our narratives and spaces by this bullshit bc lmao who cares amiright. ://”)
—anyway, my motto has been and remains, “It isn’t a question of WHAT you ship, it’s a question of HOW you ship it,” so hey. Snu//pin is not my thing (it’s not even as non-shippingly interesting to me as Sirius/Severus is, because I love how much those two hate each other while unwittingly being perfect foils for each other), but I don’t actually have any desire to ship-bash it and most Snu//pin shippers are okay with me because unless they’re actually doing anything that’s harmful to anyone else, it’s not my business what they ship
That said: “Snu//pin” is still one of the worst portmanteau ship names ever and it still sounds like a deadly virus or something, but *shrugs* Whatever, it’s not the shippers’ faults that their ship members’ names don’t smush up all that nicely
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ballerinaroy · 3 years
Oh, could you please do #8 for Rarry?
“Ready?” Ron asked, laying his hand on Harry’s shoulder to get his attention and he felt his stomach turn as Harry flinched out from under his touch.
“Yeah,” Harry answered without even looking up at him. “I’ll get my cloak.”
It had been like this ever since they’d been spotted in that muggle pub. Their heads just too close together. Too quick to pull apart and too far when they did and it was clear, even though Dean hadn’t said anything, that he knew. The fantasy had been broken. The little cocoon of joy and love and just them broken open.
Ron had no reason to believe that Dean would tell but with another in the know it felt inevitable. They’d worked, almost a year now, in private but there’d been a reason they hadn’t declared themselves openly.
They were careful to stay feet apart instead of inches as they walked out of the office. And if anyone had been looking they would have looked like strangers in the lift. Weeks now with Harry shrinking away from him. Ron would have given anything to go back.
It couldn’t go on like this. Ron wouldn’t let it, couldn’t stand the notion. And so, as they exited the ministry and headed towards the pub, he reached out for his arm.
“Can we talk?”
Harry paused, pulling away from the touch he had once leaned into, and looking up at him. “Here?”
Ron glanced around. Diagon Alley was bustling with shoppers heading home and patrons heading to dinner. He hadn’t let Harry out of his grip and tugged him towards an alley. The very alley just weeks ago it had been Harry pulling him into, desperate and giggling. The Harry before him couldn’t be more different.
“They’re waiting-“
“What are we doing Harry?” Ron cut him off.
Harry’s expression was intentionally ignorant and his frustration bubbled.
“He didn’t care, he wouldn’t and even if he did-“
“We talked about this,” Harry said icily, dropping the act at once. “We’re not ready.”
“I am,” Ron said boldly and Harry blinked at him. “Would it be such a bad thing? People knowing about us?”
“We’re not ready.” Harry repeated, his voice dangerous and low and as he spoke he glanced around as if afraid there would be someone in the alley witnessing them.
Dismissed, his feelings pushed aside Ron lashed out.
“Maybe you should just leave now.” Ron told him and it was his turn to be cold, trying to quell the hot tears threatening to leak down his face. “If you don’t want me, then there’s no point to this, is there?”
“That’s what you want?” Harry snapped back. “For me to go?”
“Of course not,” Ron hissed. “I want you. A fact I’m tired of hiding. I want to hold your hand. And put my arm around you and I want everyone to know your mine.” 
With the shadow across his face it was impossible to read his reaction. Wether it was shock or lust that made him breathe sharply. If the flash in his eyes was elation or alarm. Still, Ron pressed on.
“But I’m not going to force that upon you. So when you’re ready, let me know because I won’t keep hiding myself like this.”
prompt list // ask box
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
for the prompt thingie: "I am very young, very foolish, and very in love with you." for rarry 👀
And the solution seemed so obvious, so simple. A way they could never be torn apart. A way they could go down in history together and no one could ever again doubt their intentions, their connection, their love.
“Marry me?”
“What?” Ron asked, peeking his head up at last.
“Marry me,” Harry repeated and was very thankful his voice didn’t crack. “I love you, I want to be with you I want everyone to know that I am with you and…marry me.”
Ron’s face went from shock to a smile, to a dubious laugh to…shock again. “We’re too young, what happens in ten years when you tire of me?”
“I won’t,” Harry shook his head, grasping Ron’s hand and placing it over his chest, his heart. “I swear on my life I won’t.”
“You’re mad.”
“Maybe.’ Harry said and for the first time felt doubt, not for his own feelings, but for what it would mean for Ron to take the same vow he was ready, here and now to take. “Maybe I am, we are. Hell, I am very young, very foolish, and…”
He paused, kissing the hand that had cupped his cheek, and stared into Ron’s eyes, the eyes of the man he loved. “Ron I am very in love with you. And if it would make you happy I would do anything.”
“You know I would too,” Ron whispered, pressing together their foreheads, gripping at him. And now, just as it had been a thousand times before, it felt no matter how close their bodies pressed they could never be close enough. “Fuck it. Let’s get married.”
prompt list // ask box 
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
57, “you’re trying to distract me”
The file he’d brought home seemed Harry stretched, trying to hide his yawn, blinking rapidly as his eyes filled with tears. It’d been a long week and if he could just get through tomorrow.
A set of hands on his shoulders started him a little bit as adept thumbs found that spot in his neck he relaxed at once, sighing into it.
“Ready for bed?” A deep voice asked as Ron leaned over, glancing at the papers in front of Harry. “Or is Egypt more interesting?”
Harry snorted, letting his eyes drift shut even though he really shouldn’t…He could almost feel Ron’s victory grin as his boyfriend’s hands drifted down the front of his chest, Ron’s warmth like a siren song, his chin a welcome weight on his shoulder.
“You’re trying to distract me,” Harry accused.
Ron merely turned his head, their cheeks brushing as Harry’s eyes opened and met his. “I was only trying to get you to come to bed, but if a distraction is what you want I’m more than happy to oblige.”
It was Harry’s turn to give a victorious grin, shaking his head a little and twisting the little distance so he might kiss him.
“Oblige me?” Harry questioned, putting his hands around Ron’s forearms, relishing in his warm skin.
“As long as it gets you off of this,” Ron said, nodding towards the papers. “And into bed beside the man you love-“
“As if I’d need convincing.”
Pick a prompt. /// And put it in my ask box. (with a ship if you’d like)
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
8. "Say something. Are you hurt?" Rarry maybe
“Ron?” came Harry’s frantic voice. “RON!”
He groaned, trying and failing to open his eyes, to sit up, to command his body at all.
“RON!” shouted Harry’s voice again. “Where are you?”
He groaned again, louder, but it wasn’t enough. He heard Harry’s frantic footsteps all-around before-
“Ron, say something. Are you hurt?”
Ron didn’t know how to answer that. He tried opening his eyes, but there was only blackness. Not the trees, not the rubble, not even Harry crouched over him.
“Hey,” Harry said, his voice filled with relief. “Hey, I’m here, I’m-“
“I can’t see,” Ron said, “Why’s it so dark, I can’t-“
Even without sight, he could picture perfectly the panicked dread overtaking Harry’s features.
“Okay,” Harry said, letting out a panicked breath. “Okay, it’s alright, we’re going to take you to St. Mungo’s, we’re…can you walk?”
The use of his limbs was returning and he felt Harry pulling him up. He struggled to right himself, grasping around for something to steady him and it was Harry who guided him to his feet.
“What happened?” Ron asked, putting his arm around Harry as they started off at too brisk a pace. “Harry, what-?”
“There was an explosion, I don’t, I know -I just, we have to get you to safety.”
He could smell it now the burning embers, taste the acid in the air.
“Come on,” Harry hissed and Ron felt him adjust his wand in his hand. “Come on, I got you.”
prompt list // ask box 
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
1 for rarry (it literally screams rarry omg) please and thank you!!
It was only once Harry was in his cot, half an hour passed and his breathing slowed that at last Ron felt that he could breathe. When had their friendship gotten so hard? From the moment he’d met Harry it’d been easy…well, aside from the pesky You-Know-Who business…but being with Harry, being his mate, it’d had been the easiest thing he’d ever done. That was until Harry had left and returned from his month-long worldwide adventure a different person.
Now Ron questioned everything he did. Regretted every time he made Harry back away, felt pain when Harry’s eyes would turn from laughter to pain and Ron knew not the cause of it. The only thing that he was certain was that Ron didn’t jump when someone else lay their hand on Harry’s shoulder. Didn’t evoke awkward laughter.
Had Harry outgrown him? Or had it been Ron that had changed? When did things between them go so wrong?
  He awoke in the middle of the night suddenly, just as he had hundreds of times while in the tent. He forced himself to lay still for as long as it took to identify the cause of his abrupt awakening, even if the source was his own mind.
A floorboard creaked and Ron became aware that the room was absent of Harry’s snores. He was about to roll over, to raise alarm when the footsteps stopped at the edge of his bed, and seconds later the mattress dipped beside him as it took on the weight of another.
Without a doubt, he knew it was Harry even though he’d never approached Ron like this. They stayed still in the dark depths of the night and Ron could feel Harry’s eyes taking him in. What was he doing?
Ron was almost afraid to breathe but knew that Harry would know he’d awoken him and feared the moment would disappear before it was realized. Harry did nothing, simply sat there, studying him. He was so close Ron recognized his aftershave, one Harry’d picked up from the store only last evening, seeking Ron’s council on the right one.
A strange desire to smell more of it came over him and when Ron took a second whiff he startled himself with a sneeze erupted from him.
Harry was gone before Ron realized what had happened, scampering back to his bed and under his covers like he’d never been beside him at all.
What was that about?
  The previous night’s events played over and over again in his mind. It was all he could think about as they went through their day. Tending the chickens, mending the fence, weeding the garden. Mundane chores Ron welcomed. Yet as they went to bed that night, exhausted from a good day's work Ron found it hard to sleep.
What had Harry wanted? Just to see his face? It was a whim Ron could understand completely. He’d lost track of the number of times he’d awoken during Harry’s brief absence and searched for him only to have to remember where he was.
Had Harry done the same? While he was away? The idea brought about a strange comfort to Ron mixed with a deeper, burning sensation he couldn’t name.
He wondered if Harry might not do it again and with anticipation bubbling in him he made a show of rolling over and shutting his eyes, mimicking what he hoped to be convincing sleep. It was almost an hour when his efforts were finally rewarded. The rustle of a bedsheet, Harry’s feet testing the floor, padding over so quiet Ron might have missed it if he hadn’t been straining his ears.
And then he was there again, his gentle weight dipping the bedsprings, the smell of him filling Ron’s nostrils. Just as the night before he sat there, silent in the moonlight for a very long time.
“There’s something I’ve been too coward to say,” Harry whispered and for a second Ron wasn’t sure if Harry had seen through his ruse and meant the words for his conscious self. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified.”
Ron forgot to breathe, forgot his position as the confession rolled over and over again in his brain. Love? In love? With him? The notion seemed to foreign.
What could Harry possibly see in him?
  Harry seemed more relaxed around him, the next day. As though the confession had erased the tension between them and brought back his best friend. They made the same jokes they always had, caused the same laughter. Yet even though Ron was overjoyed to have his best mate back, really back, he now felt the weight of the secret holding him down.
Had that been why Harry had left without him? Only, he’d come back. Had missed Ron enough to come back into his life burdened.
That night he waited for Harry to come, to feel the heat of Harry’s body through only bedcovers and pajamas but Ron waited all night to nothing. And what would he do? What would he say? Those words hadn’t been meant for him. A confession meant to be kept secret by darkness.
Only, now he knew. And he now it was his turn to decide.
Send me a ship and a prompt (or two)!
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ballerinaroy · 4 years
"How could you do this to me? After all we’ve been through." For Rarry pls?
did you mean, angst?
“Harry,” Ron called after him, “Harry!”
He ignored him, continuing his fight against the wind and through the biting cold wind stinging against his burning face.
“Harry! Wait up, please I can explain!”
Still, he continued his march, even though he very well could have appeared, there was something satisfying about Ron chasing after him, making him work for him.
“Harry!” he shouted against the wind, his voice reaching a new pitch. “Will you-“
There was a loud crack and Harry turned around, worried, despite himself, and Ron was nowhere to be seen. But when he turned around, confused, Ron was standing there. That bastard had just apperated in front of him.
Ron caught him before Harry could march on ahead. Their flat was within view and Harry would rather have fought it out there but Ron’s grip was instant and he was forced to spit it out.
“How could you do this to me?” he shouted, struggling still to escape his strong arms. “After all we've been through!”
“Merlin, Harry, what was I supposed to do?”
“Not flirt with others for one,” Harry snapped, escaping his grip at last as Ron sputtered.
“I didn’t….I wasn’t…”
“I was sitting right there!” Harry shouted. He knew better than to be fighting in the middle of High Street, where anyone could see them, their neighbors were in Petunia’s league for gossip, but he was so angry he found he didn’t care. “I’ve been following your career for years. Spectacular save last week….never thought I’d see you around these parts… Care to have a round with us-?”
“With us,” Ron said commandingly. “Bloody hell it’s not like I was pulling her into a back room, you were sitting right there, my arm was around you-“
“And that makes the flirting okay?”
“I wasn’t flirting!” Ron said, looking aghast. “I was just talking to her.”
“You were starstruck,” Harry pointed out. “If you want something different Ron, just go for it why don’t you?”
Ron’s mouth, already opened in retort, fell slack. Harry hadn’t meant to let it out. Hadn’t even known the root of his jealousy but there it was. He felt tears pinprick his eyes which had nothing to do with the chill.
They stared at one another helplessly and when Ron reached for him again, trying to pull him against the thick woolen robe that matched Harry’s, he only resisted for a moment.
“Bloody hell, Harry,” Ron muttered, pulling him in. “It’s not like that. You can’t possibly think-“
It was his turn to pull away, looking crestfallen.
“You were never into blokes until me,” Harry admitted, hoping his words would get lost in the howling wind.
“Neither were you,” Ron echoed. “But that doesn’t mean…Harry I love you.”
“Yeah,” Harry said miserably. He didn’t reach for Ron’s hand and the gesture wasn’t extended.
“Let’s go home,” Ron said finally after several seconds of staring at one another. “I think we need to talk.”
Send me a ship and a prompt (or two)!
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