novapark · 4 years
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In any universe you are my dark star
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novapark · 4 years
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My trip to Litewave didn’t pan out, the last signal they got for my phone was where I thought it should have been but at least I had a new one now. Strange that it wasn’t at The Yard. I would need to be more careful in the future with such things. I had done all I could do about that shit for the moment though and it was time to tend to the next task. Hopefully Grace wouldn’t be too upset with me when she found out about all the ways I had failed on Friday. Then again it is nice to know I had some friends who wanted to keep me accountable to the promises I had made myself. 
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novapark · 4 years
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It’s amazing how fast that kiss steamrolled out of control. Before I knew what was going on she had my pants off and my hair pulled down so she could run her fingers freely through it. Still in all that eager energy there was something amiss. Her legs trembled every time we kissed and I wasn’t sure if it was fear or desire driving it.
“Can we umm..” She asked as she pulled back, “Can we stop for a minute?” 
“Is everything okay?” I whispered, tired and a little out of breath.
“Yeah, it really is but umm is it alright if this is as far as it goes for now? I can explain if-” 
The shiver in her body erupted into a full shake as she spoke. She was clearly terrified and that was not what I wanted in this situation. 
“You don’t need to explain if you’re not ready to have sex with me Sunny.” I replied reassuringly. 
“So can we -” 
“Keep doing this?” I asked smiling, glad she didn’t want to completely stop what we had been consumed by, “Yes fucking please.” 
“Oh thank god.” She chimed happily before diving back toward my mouth. 
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novapark · 4 years
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“Now you just hold still!” Sancha squawked at one of the birds as it fled from her onslaught of affection. “Come on Peg I just wanna give you a nice pat. Please? I’ll give you extra seed. Come on, just hold still you dumb bird!” 
What a strange woman Sunshine could be sometimes but fuck did I ever love it. 
“Thanks for your help today kid, don’t think we’ve ever gotten shit done this early.” Arman said as he interrupted my quiet admiration, “You make a pretty good mule.” 
“Well I am an ass for a living.” I agreed and we both let out a good laugh. Call it self-deprecating but it’s not like it wasn’t the truth.
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novapark · 4 years
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novapark · 4 years
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My relationship with my dad was a mixed bag. I didn’t mind him. He wasn’t malicious or anything. He just wasn’t all there. He’d always preferred a good time with the guys over the chaos of our home life. That was mom’s domain and as long as she was happy, he was happy. He was that kind of dad and if I could help it, I wanted to be nothing like that. I wanted to actually know my kid. 
Ollie: “Hey Sam, did you get my text? I’m really sorry for any trouble.” 
Samus: “It’s no problem man. I don’t mind at all. Shit happens. Besides I owe you one…. You know for how things went down the other night? Sorry again... Umm.. anyway, I talked to Nika and we thought maybe you’d want to have Lolly for Christmas? Like two or three days maybe?” 
Ollie: “Of course I would.” 
Samus: “Great, we’ll figure out where to meet up and text you the details.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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Raskland: Series Eight - Father Figures
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novapark · 4 years
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End of Series Eight
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novapark · 4 years
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I had been hoping for a quick get away after I was free of the girls but it was not to be. Once I made it out to my car I was met with the unfortunate sight of my dad waiting for me. 
“What do you want?” I growled as I walked towards him. 
“No need to be so damn hostile kid,” He replied defensively, “I just was curious if you might want to come back home. Your mom misses you, I miss you.” 
“Bullshit.” I grumbled, he was home less than I was. How the fuck could he miss me if he didn’t know I was there? “And no thank you, I found a more permanent place to live so if you don’t mind...”
“Well then I guess we’ll see you at Christmas?” 
“I haven’t decided.” I sighed. I had decided but I didn’t want to fight about it. I had places to be. 
“Well it would mean a lot to your mom and me Ollie.” He shrugged, “Just think about it.” 
“Whatever. Message received Old Man.” I said as I moved toward the driver side door, “Good luck in your game at the VA. Sunday afternoon is cards right?” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“So we’re going to hang out again soon right?” Grace asked Estra as we all walked outside. 
“Oh yeah I’m so taking advantage of the moms being here. I pumped like six weeks of milk out of these nips yesterday. That should keep those little vipers off me for at least a couple hours a day.” Estra replied with a bit of a devious chuckle before turning toward me, “And as for you Olliebean.” 
“Ugh don’t call me that!” I protested, “You know I hate that shit.” 
“Well then stay the fuck out of trouble!” She ordered firmly. 
“That’d be a lot easier for me if you helped keep your cousins at bay.” I whined.
“He has a point, a lot of this bullshit started with you dragging us to your miserable family reunions.” 
“See Grace knows what I mean.” I laughed, Estra’s family was such a mixed bag. 
“Yeah… they are kind of the worst sometimes.” She grumbled in agreement. 
“But hey listen, I’m gonna run.” I said trying to pull away before one of them roped me into another conversation, “Please let us know if that man of yours decides you need to move out there okay? I don’t want to hear about it day of like when you got married.” 
“We’re serious Estra. At least a weeks notice okay?” Grace agreed sternly. 
“Alright, alright.” She grumbled and we all went our separate ways.
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novapark · 4 years
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“Wait so your moms are with the kids? I thought your dad cut you off…” 
I heard Grace ask Estra as I walked back into the main room. 
“Yeah well they’ve relaxed a bit over the years.” The tall brunette explained, “Plus I’m the only source of grandkids so far with Neva’s career and Julian’s indifference.” 
“Doesn’t Mal do just fine with them when you need a break?” 
I thought it was a little weird that her husband wouldn’t just be with them. He loved his dad time. 
“Yes.. only he’s in DSV right now. Asshole decided to accept a gig while I was still in the fucking hospital.” Estra grumbled. 
“I’m guessing by your tone he didn’t tell you?” I asked with a bit of a chuckle under my breath. They did sometimes have minor communication problems but truthfully they seemed happy enough to me. 
“Oh no he told me and honestly the money was too good to pass up.” She shrugged. 
“Then what’s the problem? Figured you’d be stoked about moving out of that little apartment.” 
“Yes I am but um…” Estra began nervously, “but it’s just he’s now out there all on his own surrounded by beautiful young women that haven’t had five children. It’s just… how am I to compare to that?” 
“Are you for real? Have you even looked in a god damn mirror lately?” Grace rolled her eyes. 
“I know, but we just haven’t been apart for more than a few hours since we got married and I guess I’m feeling a little insecure.” Estra explained, her voice slightly strained. 
“Well stop your fussing,” Grace demanded, “You have nothing to worry about okay? Mal loves you, right Ollie?” 
“Damn right he does.” I quickly agreed, the man was downright obsessed with her. 
“Thanks you guys.” Estra sighed softly. 
Hopefully she really did take our words to heart. She had nothing to be anxious about. No doubt Malachi would be dragging her out to the desert to join him soon enough if this was going to be a thing. Seemed change was in the air for more than just me.
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novapark · 4 years
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As the women continued to chatter happily amongst themselves I snuck away to prepare my things. It was already getting into the afternoon and the drive up to Arman’s was a fair bit out of town. Despite the distance it really was quite ideal for me. I was ready to have some peace and it definitely felt like I could find it there. 
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novapark · 4 years
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“So wait you’re moving out of here…” Estra started to say while her face wrinkled like she was doing math. 
“With Sunny?!!” Grace shouted with excitement, “ARE YOU MOVING IN WITH SUNNY OLLIE?!!” 
“Her grandpa actually. He offered to rent me a room.” I replied calmly. 
“Still she’s over there like all the time! You’re getting acquainted with her family. Oh my god Ollie!” The little woman was practically jumping up and down as she spoke, “Her Papa is right you gotta get on this shit! I knew you liked each other! I just knew it from the start. Your cousin was like ‘chill Grace’ and I was like ‘no seriously cupid has him by the fucking balls, can’t you see them?’ And she’s so sweet too. Estra you have to come hang out sometime with us when you don’t have the twins tied to your teets. She likes to smash..” 
“Oh does she?” Estra asked, seeming genuinely interested. 
“Yeah but warning she’s a terrible loser.” Grace laughed. “Like the worst.”
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novapark · 4 years
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“Well look who it is.” 
I probably should have expected this. Of course they both already knew and of course Grace would call Estra over to act as backup muscle so they could really let me have it.  
“Sunny said you lost your phone,” Grace began the interrogation, “How could you lose your damn phone?! I thought you had gotten better about this shit.” 
“Yeah.. I…” I mumbled without much hope of getting a word in with both of them riled up and ready right in front of me. 
“Oh save it this is exactly what happens when you’ve been drinking.” Estra said as she rolled her eyes. It’s not like she wasn’t right. Pretty sure the last time I lost my phone was a fairly similar situation. 
“Ten fucking months Olin.” Grace continued,  “You hang out with Sam for two hours and you lose ten fucking months.” 
“Yeah.. I know I…” I tried again to cut in. 
“And then you send weird ass texts to Sunny freaking her out.” Grace accused.
Now that I did not recall doing. I may have had a few but I wasn’t black out drunk or anything. 
“What?! I did not!” 
“Oh here we go, it’s not my fault Grace!” Estra grumbled as she continued to pile on. 
“I know right?” Grace agreed, “What did someone else have your phone?” 
“I don’t know… maybe but I know I didn’t text her.” I insisted, “I couldn’t even come back here because I was so damn ashamed of myself. She just found me walking in the fucking rain.” 
“Oh yeah well how did she know to come find you huh?! How do you explain that smart ass?” Grace asked with a solid glare in my direction. 
“Let me guess, you don’t remember?” The taller woman cut in before I could reply.
“Yeah.. I guess I don’t know. Maybe I did message her.” I shrugged, though I didn’t exactly believe it. “I kept thinking about it but... I don’t know.” 
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novapark · 4 years
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“So you’ll be back at the farm tonight right?” Sunny asked softly. 
“Of course, I’m going to drop by the Litewave shop and then pick up some things from Grace’s place, then I should be right there.” I smiled, “Why are you planning on helping me settle in?” 
“I thought I might.” She grinned as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders. 
“You really are the best.” 
“I try.”
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novapark · 4 years
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Unfortunately I wasn’t exactly as responsible as I sometimes wished I was. It seems in my haze I had misplaced my stupid phone. Sadly this was not the first time this had happened but it had been a couple years. 
“Well I have insurance on it and I don’t tend to browse the internet on there either so my passwords should be fine.” I grumbled as we walked back into the parking lot. “It’s mostly photos and phone numbers I’m worried about.” 
“Yeah…” Sancha mumbled nervously. 
“Hey it’ll be okay. Might be able to even track it down once I get my laptop.” I did my best to reassure her even though I wasn’t positive I would be able to do that. I didn’t exactly know how that shit worked but Grace had helped me do it before.
“I just hope you’ll still be able to get those shots of Lolly you were looking forward to.” She sighed. 
“Of course I will.” I replied as I took her in my arms,  “I’ll just call Sam and have her re-send them. Really Sunshine it’ll be fine. Yeah it sucks but I’ll figure shit out.” 
I was annoyed with myself but honestly it was hard to be too upset with her near me. Just was feeling so well rested and happy after spending the night with her nothing, not even this stupid shit, was going to weigh me down.
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