#rasputin 1996
muiitoloko · 1 month
The Princess
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Summary: He becomes obsessed with you, forgotten princess.
Pairing: Rasputin × Fem! Reader
Warnings: Smut, violence, Black magic and obsession.
Author's Notes: Buckle up, folks, we're diving into another adventure! And can I let you in on a little secret? I might have gone off the rails a bit with Rasputin's character—oopsie! So, if I've strayed too far from the path of Rasputin-ness, let me know! Your feedback is like the GPS for my writing journey, guiding me back on track! 🚀🗺️
Request made by @eccentricchick here
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In the kingdom of Czarist Russia, nestled in the heart of the vast Russian Empire, the halls of the royal palace echoed with whispers of intrigue and betrayal. It was a kingdom steeped in tradition and hierarchy, where bloodlines determined destiny and the pursuit of power knew no bounds.
And within the walls of the palace, hidden away from the prying eyes of the courtiers and nobles, lived the second princess—a forgotten soul cast aside by her family, deemed unworthy of the throne due to a cruel twist of fate.
Unlike your younger sister Anna, the heir to the throne, you, the second princess was unable to conceive children. In a kingdom where lineage was everything, your inability to produce an heir was seen as a fatal flaw, a stain upon your honor and your worth.
Dismissed from your rightful role as heir apparent, you was relegated to the shadows, overshadowed by your sister's brilliance and beauty. You was a mere footnote in the annals of history, a forgotten relic of a bygone era, your existence deemed inconsequential by those who held the reins of power.
Resigned to a life of solitude and obscurity, you had long accepted your fate as the forgotten princess, destined to languish in the shadows while your sister basked in the glory of her position as heir to the throne. With no prospects for marriage and no hope of ever bearing children, you had resigned yourself to a life of loneliness and isolation, your existence deemed worthless by those who held the reins of power.
But fate had other plans in store for you, as one day, the king made a fateful decision that would change the course of your life forever. Hearing tales of a mystic healer named Rasputin, renowned for his purported ability to commune with the divine, the king saw an opportunity to bring spiritual guidance to the palace and hired him to serve as the royal spiritual advisor.
Initially intended to provide guidance and counsel to your sister Anna, the king surprised everyone by decreeing that both princesses would receive instruction from Rasputin. And so, the enigmatic mystic was summoned to the palace, his arrival heralding a new chapter in your life.
As Rasputin entered the hallowed halls of the palace, his presence seemed to command the attention of all who beheld him. With his piercing gaze, unkempt mane of hair, and rugged beard, he exuded an aura of mystery and power, his baritone voice resonating with authority as he greeted the royal family.
Despite your initial skepticism, you couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity and intrigue as Rasputin began his teachings. His words were like poetry, weaving tales of spirituality and redemption that captivated your imagination and stirred something deep within your soul.
As the days turned into weeks, Rasputin's teachings delved deeper into the spiritual realm, captivating both you and Anna in different ways. While Anna seemed more enchanted by his charismatic presence, you remained reserved yet attentive, your curiosity growing with each passing lesson.
And despite Anna's uninhibited attempts to seduce Rasputin, he remained unfazed, enjoying the attention but never succumbing to her advances. Instead, his focus seemed to gravitate towards you, the forgotten princess, whose sweetness and sadness intrigued him more than Anna's boldness ever could.
Your family's disregard for your feelings and opinions did not go unnoticed by Rasputin. He observed how you were often left behind, ignored, and forgotten, yet you continued to display kindness and grace in the face of such neglect. This purity of heart only served to deepen Rasputin's fascination with you, contrasting sharply with the sinful women he was accustomed to.
In his eyes, you were a beacon of purity in a world tainted by ambition and deceit. He was drawn to the idea of making you his own, of protecting you from the cruelties of the world and showering you with the love and attention you so desperately deserved.
But Rasputin's intentions were not entirely altruistic. His desires were driven by a complex mix of genuine affection and a hunger for power, a hunger that could only be satiated by possessing something as pure and untainted as your soul.
And as Rasputin's teachings continued to enthrall both you and Anna, his attention towards you became increasingly intense, bordering on obsession. While Anna basked in his charismatic presence, you became the subject of Rasputin's fascination, his thoughts consumed by visions of you.
In the dead of night, as he lay in the embrace of nameless women, their bodies intertwined in a dance of desire, it was not their faces he saw, but yours. With each whispered breath and sinful caress, he imagined it was you beneath him, your purity tarnished by his touch, your innocence corrupted by his desires.
"Such sweet innocence," he murmured, his baritone voice laced with hunger as he traced imaginary lines upon your skin, his fingers tingling with anticipation. "I shall be the one to pluck the forbidden fruit, to taste the nectar of your purity and revel in the ecstasy of your corruption."
His dreams were filled with visions of you, your image haunting him even in the depths of his slumber. In his mind's eye, he saw himself as the serpent, tempting you with promises of enlightenment and ecstasy, leading you down the path of sin and salvation.
But his desires were not merely confined to the realm of dreams. In the quiet moments of solitude, when the palace slept and the world outside faded into darkness, Rasputin found himself consumed by thoughts of you, his mind ablaze with fantasies of conquest and domination.
"I shall be your savior and your downfall," he whispered to the shadows, his voice a seductive lure that beckoned you into his embrace. "For in your innocence lies the key to my salvation, and in your corruption, the promise of eternal damnation."
And so, fueled by his insatiable hunger and boundless ambition, Rasputin set out to claim you as his own, using every ounce of charm and influence at his disposal to bend you to his will. For in the forgotten princess, he saw not just a vessel for his desires, but a pawn in his game of power and manipulation, a pawn he was all too willing to sacrifice on the altar of his own ambition.
That day, following another session of Rasputin imparting God's precepts, your sister, Anna, departed, leaving you alone with the man. Summoning all your courage, you finally spoke, your voice barely above a muffled murmur. "Rasputin, may I have a moment of your time?"
Surprised by the request, Rasputin turned his piercing gaze towards you, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Of course, my dear princess. What is it that troubles you?"
You hesitated, the weight of your words heavy upon your tongue, but with a deep breath, you found the resolve to speak. "I... I wish to learn about economics and life outside the castle."
Rasputin arched an eyebrow, a hint of intrigue dancing in his eyes. "Economics, you say? A curious choice for a princess."
You glanced down at the floor, your fingers fidgeting nervously as you spoke. "My sister is learning about it from my father, and... and I fear for my future. If I am to be cast aside, I wish to be prepared."
Rasputin's expression softened, a glimmer of empathy shining through his enigmatic facade. "I see. You wish to carve your own path, regardless of the obstacles in your way."
You nodded, a sense of relief washing over you as Rasputin seemed to understand your plight. "Yes, precisely. Will you... will you teach me?"
A smile tugged at the corners of Rasputin's lips, his eyes alight with newfound admiration. "It would be my honor, Princess. I shall impart upon you the knowledge you seek, and together, we shall navigate the intricacies of the world beyond these walls."
With a sense of gratitude swelling within your heart, you stepped forward, surprising Rasputin with a brief embrace before bowing in gratitude. "Thank you, Rasputin. You have given me hope where there was none."
Rasputin returned the gesture, his touch lingering for a moment longer than necessary as he inhaled the sweet scent of your perfume, committing it to memory. "It is my pleasure, Princess. Fear not, for I shall be your guide in this journey of discovery."
And as you departed, a newfound sense of purpose burning within your soul, Rasputin watched you with a mixture of fascination and desire, knowing that this encounter had sealed your fates together in ways neither of you could have anticipated.
He closed his eyes, your scent still lingering in the air, a sweet temptation that beckoned to him. It was as if you had left a part of yourself behind, a tantalizing reminder of the warmth and sweetness you brought into his life. With a soft sigh, Rasputin relished in the memory, savoring the fleeting sensation of your presence before it dissipated into the ether.
Woman was made for man, Rasputin mused, his thoughts drifting towards the biblical tale of Adam and Eve. Just as Eve was fair for Adam, you were made for him, his sweet temptation, a forbidden fruit that he longed to taste again and again.
But there was no time for lingering indulgence. With a sense of purpose burning within him, Rasputin quickly left the chamber, his steps echoing against the marble floors as he made his way to his quarters. The warmth of your touch still lingered upon his skin, igniting a fire within him that refused to be extinguished.
As he entered his private chambers, Rasputin wasted no time in undressing, his movements swift and purposeful as he discarded his clothes with practiced ease. His pants fell around his ankles, pooling at his feet, while he bit the hem of his shirt, pulling it high to reveal his semi-hard penis.
With a hunger that bordered on desperation, Rasputin took himself in hand, his touch firm and demanding as he stroked himself to full hardness. His mind was consumed by thoughts of you, kneeling before him, your eyes filled with devotion as you eagerly awaited his instruction.
Imagining your scent, your touch, Rasputin lost himself in a whirlwind of desire, his fantasies taking on a life of their own as he surrendered himself to the intoxicating pleasure of his own touch. With each stroke, he imagined your lips trailing kisses along his length, your hands exploring every inch of his body with a hunger that mirrored his own.
"Oh, my sweet princess," Rasputin murmured, his voice thick with desire as he imagined you kneeling before him, your eyes filled with adoration as you worshipped at his feet. "You are my greatest temptation, my deepest desire. I shall make you mine, body and soul, and together, we shall conquer the world."
Driven by a primal need for release, Rasputin quickened his pace, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he approached the brink of ecstasy. With a final, desperate cry, he succumbed to the overwhelming pleasure, his climax washing over him in a tidal wave of ecstasy as he spilled himself onto the floor below.
As he lay there, spent and sated, Rasputin's mind was filled with visions of you, your image burning brightly in the darkness of his thoughts. For in that moment, he knew that you were not just a princess to be conquered, but a queen to be crowned, a partner in his quest for power and domination.
And as he drifted off to sleep, Rasputin whispered a silent prayer of thanks to the gods, grateful for the sweet temptation that had entered his life and forever altered the course of his destiny.
The next day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the palace grounds, Rasputin made his way to the Palace library, where you awaited his arrival with a sense of eager anticipation. Dressed in his usual attire of flowing robes and unkempt hair, Rasputin exuded an air of mystery and authority as he entered the room, his presence commanding attention as he took his seat across from you.
With a soft smile, you greeted him, your eyes sparkling with excitement as you presented him with the gift—a delicate necklace adorned with a small cross. Rasputin's gaze lingered on the necklace for a moment, his fingers tracing the intricate patterns before meeting your eyes with a look of genuine gratitude.
"Thank you, my princess," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody that washed over you like a warm embrace. "This is a most thoughtful gift, and I shall cherish it always."
As you stepped forward to place the necklace around his neck, Rasputin allowed you to do so, relishing in the warmth of your touch as you arranged it in his robes. His heart swelled with affection as he looked down at you, his eyes softening with genuine fondness as he beheld your innocence and purity.
With a gentle smile, Rasputin blessed you, making the sign of the cross and pressing a tender kiss to your forehead before the start of your lesson. Despite the temptation to indulge in more intimate gestures, Rasputin restrained himself, contenting himself with the simple pleasure of your company as you embarked on your journey of learning together.
As the lessons progressed, you found yourself drawn to Rasputin's enigmatic presence, your curiosity piqued by the tales of his past and the rumors that surrounded him. With a shy yet earnest expression, you broached the subject, your voice barely above a whisper as you dared to ask about his life outside the palace walls.
Rasputin's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes as he considered your question. "Ah, my dear princess, the rumors you have heard are but fragments of the truth, distorted by the whispers of those who seek to tarnish my reputation."
He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Yes, it is true that I have wandered far and wide, seeking enlightenment and guidance from the divine. But depraved? No, my dear, I am merely a humble servant of God, seeking to fulfill my purpose in this world."
You listened intently, hanging on his every word as he shared glimpses of his past and the trials he had faced along the way. Despite the shadows that lingered in his past, you couldn't help but feel a sense of compassion and understanding towards him, drawn to the complexity of his character and the depth of his soul.
As the evening drew to a close, Rasputin bid you farewell with a kind smile, his eyes alight with warmth and affection as he promised to continue your lessons in the days to come. And as you watched him depart, a sense of gratitude welled within you, grateful for the opportunity to learn from a man whose wisdom and guidance would shape your destiny in ways you could never have imagined.
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In the days that followed, Rasputin reveled in your presence, relishing the opportunity to share his knowledge with you under the veil of secrecy. Late into the night, when the palace slept and the world outside faded into darkness, Rasputin would summon you to the library, where he would teach you about life beyond the castle walls.
With each lesson, you drank in his words like a parched traveler in the desert, eager to quench your thirst for knowledge and understanding. Rasputin proved to be an engaging teacher, his baritone voice weaving tales of far-off lands and exotic cultures that captured your imagination and stirred something deep within your soul.
As the nights turned into weeks, Rasputin's teachings became increasingly intimate, his lessons delving into the mysteries of the flesh and the pleasures of the senses. With each whispered confession and lingering touch, he awakened something primal within you, a hunger that burned with a fierce intensity.
And then, one fateful night, as the candles flickered and cast long shadows across the library shelves, Rasputin could resist you no longer. With a hunger that bordered on desperation, he pinned you against the nearest shelf, his body pressed against yours as he accused you of consuming his thoughts, of tempting him away from God.
"I don't understand," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked up at him with wide, bewildered eyes. "Why would you say such things?"
Rasputin's expression softened, a mixture of frustration and longing flickering in his eyes as he gazed down at you. "Because it's true, my dear princess. You consume my thoughts, cloud my prayers, tempt me away from the path of righteousness with your sweet innocence."
You shook your head, a sense of disbelief washing over you as you struggled to comprehend his words. "But... but I never meant to..."
Before you could finish your sentence, Rasputin's hands found their way to your waist, his touch both gentle and possessive as he held you in place. "You may deny it, my dear, but I see the truth in your eyes. You long for my touch, crave my kiss, even as you try to push me away."
You swallowed hard, the weight of his words bearing down upon you like a heavy burden. "But these are things I should only do with my husband," you protested weakly, your hands instinctively moving to push him away.
Rasputin stood firm, his grip tightening ever so slightly as he refused to let you go. "And what husband would want you?" he countered, his voice low and husky with desire. "An infertile, useless woman like yourself?"
You stammered, your mind racing as you struggled to find a response. "But... but there are women in the Bible who were infertile and still got married because their husbands wanted them," you argued, desperate to find some semblance of reason in the chaos of your thoughts.
Rasputin nodded, his eyes alight with a fierce intensity as he gazed down at you. "Yes, my dear, and I want you," he declared, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. "I desire you, I love you. Only I can give you what you desire, what you deserve."
You recoiled in surprise, the shock of his words reverberating through your very being. "But... but I'm sterile," you protested weakly, your voice trembling with uncertainty. "How could you possibly..."
Rasputin cut you off with a dismissive wave of his hand, his expression unwavering in its determination. "It matters not," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. "With my seed, I can give you a child, fulfill your deepest desires. You need only let me."
You stared up at him in disbelief, the weight of his words sinking in like a heavy anchor dragging you down into the depths of despair. Could it be true? Could Rasputin truly possess such power?
But as you looked into his eyes, burning with a fierce intensity that seemed to pierce through to your very soul, you knew that you had no choice but to believe. For in that moment, Rasputin was not just a man, but a force of nature, a tempest of desire and passion that threatened to consume you whole.
And as he leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours, you made a decision. With a trembling breath, you closed the distance between you, surrendering yourself to the intoxicating allure of Rasputin's embrace. For in his arms, you found not just desire, but salvation, a glimmer of hope in the darkness that surrounded you.
Rasputin moaned against your mouth, his lips hungrily seeking yours as he savored the taste of your kiss. To him, your embrace was like water in the desert, a sweet temptation that he had longed to taste. With a fierce determination, he pressed you harder against the shelf, his hands roaming over your body with an urgency that mirrored his own desires.
As the books fell around you, you grasped onto the shelf for support, one hand holding it above you while the other clutched onto Rasputin's shoulder. His touch sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume your very soul.
Feeling your response, Rasputin picked you up effortlessly, his strong arms holding your thighs as he positioned himself between your legs. With a sense of surrender, you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as you moaned his name against his lips.
"Rasputin," you whispered, the name slipping from your tongue like a prayer. "I don't know what's happening, but I want you."
Rasputin's eyes gleamed with a mix of desire and determination as he reassured you, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "I will guide you, my dear princess," he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. "Trust in me, and I will show you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams."
With a sense of anticipation coursing through your veins, you surrendered yourself to Rasputin's embrace, allowing him to lead you into a world of forbidden desire and ecstasy. Together, you embarked on a journey of passion and exploration, each touch and caress igniting a fire within you that refused to be extinguished.
As Rasputin laid you against the table, sweeping aside the books with a careless gesture, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mingled with trepidation. Was this how you would lose your virginity? At a table in the library, with Rasputin's hungry gaze upon you?
Your thoughts were interrupted as Rasputin pulled the front of your dress down, revealing your breasts to his hungry gaze. A blush rose to your cheeks at the sudden exposure, but Rasputin paid no mind, his lips descending upon your skin with a fervent hunger.
With a low moan, you arched your back, offering yourself to him completely as he took a breast into his mouth, his tongue flicking against your sensitive flesh in a rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body. It was a sensation unlike anything you had ever experienced, a heady mix of pleasure and desire that threatened to overwhelm your senses.
"Rasputin," you gasped, your voice thick with need as you surrendered yourself to the ecstasy of his touch. "Please, I need you."
Rasputin grunted against your breast, his lips trailing kisses along your skin with a fervent hunger, you felt a sense of overwhelming desire coursing through your veins. His touch was like fire against your skin, igniting a passion within you that threatened to consume your very soul.
"Call me Grigori," he murmured against your skin, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "That's my name."
You nodded, your mind clouded with desire as you struggled to comprehend the intensity of your feelings. "I... I don't know what to do," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper as you confessed your lack of knowledge to him.
Rasputin's eyes gleamed with amusement, a hint of mischief dancing in their depths as he reassured you with a gentle smile. "That's quite all right, my dear," he replied, his voice dripping with honeyed charm. "I shall teach you."
With his guidance, you helped him remove his clothes, your fingers trembling with anticipation as you undid the buttons of his tunic. As the fabric fell away, leaving him clad only in his pants and the necklace you had given him, you couldn't help but admire the sight before you.
But when Rasputin undid his pants, exposing his enormous penis wrapped in dark, coarse curls like his beard, you couldn't help but gasp in surprise and fear at its size. "Is... is it supposed to be like that?" you questioned, your eyes wide with uncertainty as you looked up at him.
Rasputin chuckled, a deep rumble of amusement that reverberated through your very core. "No, my dear princess, not all men are gifted like me," he explained, his voice a seductive purr as he took your hand and led it to his throbbing member.
With his guidance, you began to caress him, your fingers exploring every inch of his length with a curiosity that bordered on fascination. Rasputin's breath hitched with pleasure as you spread the pre-cum to lubricate it, his hips rocking against your touch in a rhythm that mirrored your own desires.
Encouraged by his response, you pressed your thumb against the small hole of his red penis, marveling at its size and texture. "It's so large," you whispered, your voice filled with wonder as you continued to explore him with a newfound sense of curiosity.
Rasputin groaned in response, his eyes dark with desire as he urged you on with a husky whisper. "Yes, my princess, it is," he murmured, his voice thick with lust as he guided your hand with a firm yet gentle touch. "But fear not, for I shall show you how to please me. Press a little harder, yes... just like that."
Emboldened by his encouragement, you pressed a little harder, feeling a surge of satisfaction as Rasputin's breath hitched in his chest. With each stroke, you became more curious, more eager to explore the depths of his desire and pleasure.
"Such a good girl," Rasputin praised, his voice a low growl that sent shivers of excitement coursing through your body
As Rasputin's penis leaked more pre-cum, you couldn't help but notice the glistening liquid coating your hand. Curiosity getting the better of you, you asked, "What is this liquid, Grigori? It's... slippery."
Rasputin took a moment to process your question, his eyes glazed with pleasure as he focused on the sensation of your hand on him. With a low chuckle, he finally responded, his voice husky with desire, "Ah, my dear princess, that is pre-cum. It's a natural lubricant that the body produces to prepare for intercourse."
Your eyes widened with surprise at his explanation, a blush creeping up your cheeks at the realization of what his body was preparing for. "I see," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you continued to stroke him, feeling the slickness of the pre-cum between your fingers.
But then, a curious glint entered your eyes as a thought occurred to you. "Do... do women produce this type of liquid too?" you questioned, a hint of innocence lacing your words.
Rasputin's eyebrows shot up in surprise at your question, his lips curling into a wicked grin as he realized where your thoughts were leading. "Oh, my princess, women have their own special way of preparing for intercourse," he replied, his voice dripping with suggestive intent. "But perhaps I should show you rather than explain."
With a sly grin, Rasputin guided your hand to the juncture between your thighs, his fingers tracing light circles against your sensitive flesh. You gasped at the sensation, a shiver running down your spine as he teased you with feather-light touches.
"Feel that, my dear?" Rasputin murmured, his voice a seductive purr as he leaned in closer, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "That's your body's way of preparing for pleasure, of inviting me inside you."
You moaned softly at his words, the heat pooling between your legs as desire surged through your veins. "I... I want you, Grigori," you whispered, your voice thick with need as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of his touch.
Rasputin chuckled darkly, a hunger burning in his eyes as he pressed himself against you, his hardness pressing against your core. "Then let me show you, my dear princess," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "Let me show you how good it can feel to be mine."
He helped you remove your panties and lie down on the table. He maintained his reassuring demeanor, acknowledging the fear and uncertainty clouding your mind. With gentle yet firm hands, he positioned himself between your legs, his gaze locking with yours as he spoke with honesty and candor.
"Princess, I won't lie to you. This may hurt at first," Rasputin admitted, his voice a soothing murmur that washed over you like a warm embrace. "But as you get used to it, you may find that you enjoy it. Trust me, my dear."
With a trembling nod, you clung to his shoulders, your heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. As Rasputin leaned down to kiss your collarbone and suck your breasts once more, you felt a surge of desire coursing through your veins, mingled with the primal fear of the unknown.
But then, with a slow and deliberate motion, Rasputin guided himself inside you, his entry careful yet determined. As he predicted, you felt a sharp pain rippling through your body, causing tears to well up in your eyes as you cried out in discomfort.
"Please, Rasputin, it hurts," you whimpered, your voice trembling with anguish as you clung to him for support. "Make it stop."
Rasputin's heart ached at the sight of your tears, but he knew that he had to be strong for both of you. With a hoarse voice filled with reassurance, he whispered words of comfort as he continued to sink deeper into you, his movements slow and deliberate.
"It will get better, my dear. I promise," Rasputin murmured, his breath hot against your skin as he brushed away your tears with gentle kisses. "Just hold on to me, and trust in the pleasure that awaits you."
Despite the pain, you found solace in Rasputin's words, clinging to him with a fierce determination as you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating pleasure of his touch. With each thrust, the pain began to subside, replaced by a faint glimmer of pleasure that stirred something deep within your soul.
And then, as if by magic, you felt a shift in sensation, a spark of pleasure igniting within you as Rasputin's penis brushed against a sensitive spot deep inside your core. With a gasp of surprise, you realized that the pain was fading, replaced by a growing sense of pleasure that threatened to consume your very being.
"Grigori," you moaned, your voice thick with desire as you wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer with each thrust. "Don't stop, please."
Rasputin groaned in response, his movements becoming more urgent as he surrendered himself to the primal hunger that burned within him. With each thrust, he felt himself drawn deeper into you, his desire mingling with yours in a frenzy of passion and ecstasy.
"Gods, you feel so good, my dear," Rasputin murmured, his voice thick with desire as he buried himself deeper inside you. "So tight, so hot. I never want to leave this place."
You moaned in response, the scrape of his penis against your pussy sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body. It was a sensation unlike anything you had ever experienced, a heady mix of pleasure and desire that threatened to overwhelm your senses.
As Rasputin increased his thrusts, making the cross of his necklace bang against your chin with each movement, he seemed to go wild, his baritone voice filled with a mix of desire and desperation. "Oh, my sweet temptation," he groaned, his words punctuated by ragged gasps of pleasure. "I'll fill you with my babies, hmm? You'll carry my seed, my mark, deep inside you."
His messy hair and beard framed his face as he leaned in closer, his hooked nose brushing against your cheek as he whispered in your ear. "Your pussy, my dear princess, it's the best I've ever had. So sweet, so tight. You're mine now, mine alone."
With each thrust, Rasputin's desires grew more fervent, his promises of pleasure and fulfillment becoming more explicit with each passing moment. "I'll give you everything you want, everything you desire," he murmured, his voice thick with desire. "I'll put the world at your feet, my dear. Just let me fill you, claim you as mine."
Rasputin slowed his movements, allowing you to savor the sensation of his cock dragging inside you. He gazed into your eyes with a mixture of desire and curiosity. His baritone voice was thick with anticipation as he posed the question that hung heavy in the air between you.
"Do you want my baby, my princess?" Rasputin whispered, his breath hot against your skin as he waited for your response. "Only I can give you that. Only I can fill you with my seed."
Your heart raced at his words, a mixture of desire and fear swirling within you as you struggled to find the words to respond. But before you could form a coherent thought, a whimper escaped your lips, a desperate plea for the fulfillment that only Rasputin could provide.
"Yes," you whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper as you clung to him, your nails digging into his back as you surrendered yourself to the overwhelming pleasure of the moment. "Yes, Rasputin, please. I don't want to be barren. I don't want to be a useless woman."
But Rasputin silenced your fears with a trail of kisses down your chin to your ear, his lips brushing against your skin as he declared his intentions with a fervent determination.
"You are not useless to me, my dear," Rasputin murmured, his voice laced with sincerity as he held you close, his arms enveloping you in a comforting embrace. "I will put a baby inside you. I will give you as many children as you want, whatever you desire. For now, you are mine, my sweet temptation."
With each word, Rasputin's desires grew more fervent, his promises of pleasure and fulfillment echoing in the air around you. And as he closed his lips around your nipple, sucking greedily at your sweet breasts, you couldn't help but moan in ecstasy, lost in the overwhelming sensation of his touch.
"Such sweet breasts," Rasputin murmured between sucks, his voice thick with desire as he reveled in the pleasure of your virgin flesh. "So untouched, so pure. You are mine now, my dear. Mine to mold, mine to possess."
But then, in the midst of his ecstasy, Rasputin's pleasure was interrupted by a sudden scream of pain as his hair was yanked back and he was thrown onto the floor. With a startled cry, he looked up to see the king, your father, standing over him with a look of rage in his eyes.
"Father, no!" you screamed in shame, covering your breasts with your arms as you rushed to his side, only to be met with a sharp slap that sent you sprawling to the ground with a cry of pain.
"Silence, you wretched girl!" the king thundered, his voice filled with contempt as he glared down at you. "You are no daughter of mine, no princess of this kingdom. You are nothing but a disgrace, a stain upon our noble bloodline."
As your father's foot connected with your side, stealing the air from your lungs and leaving you gasping for breath, Rasputin roared in fury, his voice reverberating off the walls of the library. "How dare you touch my sweet temptation!" he thundered, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity.
With a primal growl, Rasputin launched himself at the king, his hands curled into fists as he sought to strike back against the man who dared to harm you. But the guards were quick to react, their grip tightening around Rasputin's arms as they delivered swift kicks to his legs, forcing him to his knees before the king.
"What do you think you're doing, Rasputin?" the king demanded, his voice laced with contempt as he glared down at the fallen man. "How dare you lay a hand on my daughter? I've heard rumors of your depravity, but I never expected such audacity from you."
Rasputin's nostrils flared with anger as he struggled against the guards, his eyes never leaving the king's face. "She is mine," he declared, his voice a low growl that sent shivers down your spine. "And I will not let anyone stand in the way of what is rightfully mine."
As the king's fist collided with Rasputin's jaw, the sound of bone meeting bone echoed through the library, followed by a low grunt of pain from Rasputin. You screamed from the ground, begging your father to stop, tears streaming down your face as you pleaded for mercy, but the king ignored you, his gaze fixed on Rasputin with a mixture of contempt and rage.
Ignoring your cries, the king grabbed a handful of Rasputin's hair, yanking his head back with a cruel force that made blood trickle down from Rasputin's nose. With a sneer of disgust, the king leaned in close, his voice dripping with disdain as he delivered his ultimatum.
"Leave this kingdom, Rasputin," the king spat, his breath hot against Rasputin's face. "Or I'll have you killed like the vermin you are."
Rasputin's eyes blazed with defiance, his voice a low growl of anger. "I'll go nowhere without her," he declared, his baritone voice resonating with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "She belongs to me, and I will not leave her behind."
The king's lips curled into a sneer of contempt as he pushed Rasputin away, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. "She is of no use to me," he scoffed, his voice filled with disdain. "But she is certainly not yours to claim."
Rasputin's gaze darkened with a hint of menace, his voice low and dangerous. "I will have her, one way or another," he threatened, his eyes flashing with an otherworldly intensity. "And if you stand in my way, I will unleash a curse upon this kingdom that will make your blood run cold."
Suddenly, the air in the library grew thick with a palpable tension, the lights dimming as if a shadow had fallen over the room. Books tumbled from their shelves, glass shattered on the floor, and a bone-chilling cold swept through the air, causing the king and his guards to recoil in fear.
With a triumphant smirk, Rasputin raised his hand, his voice echoing with a dark power as he summoned forth the spirits of the unseen world. "Feel the wrath of the unseen," he intoned, his voice a haunting melody that sent shivers down your spine. "And know that I am not to be trifled with."
As the king and his guards stumbled back in fear, the guards holding Rasputin suddenly began to choke, their faces turning purple as if they were being deprived of air.
"You see, Your Majesty," Rasputin murmured, his voice dripping with malice. "You cannot control me. I am beyond your reach, beyond your power. And now, I demand that you give her to me. She belongs to me, body and soul."
The king's face contorted with rage as he stared at Rasputin, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. "Never," he spat, his voice filled with fury. "She is my daughter, and I will not let her fall into the clutches of a madman like you."
Rasputin chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with a sinister intensity as he gazed down at the king, who was now struggling to breathe. "You should have listened to reason, Your Majesty," Rasputin sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But now, you shall pay the price for your arrogance."
With a swift motion, Rasputin closed his fist, his fingers curling into a tight grip as he exerted his will upon the king. The air grew thick with a suffocating pressure, and the king fell to his knees, his hands clawing at his neck as he gasped for air.
You, still recovering from the shock of the confrontation, scrambled to your feet, your dress now hastily arranged as you rushed to your father's side. "Father, please!" you cried, tears streaming down your face as you tried to help him. "Stop this, Grigori!"
But Rasputin paid you no heed, his eyes fixed on the king as he continued to exert his dark power. "You dare to defy me, Your Majesty?" Rasputin growled, his voice low and menacing. "You are but a puppet in my hands, a pawn in my game."
As the king's struggles grew weaker, you found yourself torn between loyalty to your father and fear of Rasputin's wrath. Desperate to save your father, you crawled on your knees to Rasputin, your heart pounding with a mixture of dread and determination.
"Please, Rasputin," you begged, your voice trembling with emotion as you clutched his hand, pleading for mercy. "He's my father. I can't bear to see him suffer. Please, spare him."
For a moment, Rasputin hesitated, his intense gaze softening as he looked at you, his sweet temptation, pleading for mercy. The memory of his promise to give you anything you desired flashed through his mind, and with a sigh, he relented, his grip on your hand loosening.
"It's okay," he murmured, his baritone voice a soothing balm against the chaos surrounding you. "I won't kill your father."
You breathed a sigh of relief, tears still streaming down your face as you clung to Rasputin, grateful for his mercy. Behind you, your father coughed and struggled to catch his breath, the tension in the room slowly dissipating as Rasputin picked up his pants from the floor, hastily putting them on.
As Rasputin grabbed your hand, determination burning in his eyes, he gestured for you to follow him. "Come, my dear," he urged, his voice urgent yet reassuring. "We must leave before your father calls for the guards."
Your father, still catching his breath, shouted breathlessly for the guards as Rasputin pulled you along, running through the halls towards the stables. With each step, your heart raced with a mixture of fear and excitement, knowing that your fate was now intertwined with Rasputin's.
As you reached the stables, Rasputin quickly assessed the situation, his eyes scanning the rows of horses for the fastest steed. Spotting a sleek black stallion in the corner, he wasted no time in approaching it, his movements confident and purposeful.
"This one," Rasputin declared, his voice authoritative as he reached out to stroke the horse's mane. "He will do."
With practiced ease, Rasputin saddled the horse, his movements swift and efficient as he prepared to make his escape. As he helped you onto the horse's back, he climbed up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist in a protective embrace.
"Hold on tight, my dear," Rasputin murmured, his voice low and reassuring as he urged the horse into a gallop. "We have a long journey ahead of us, but together, we will overcome whatever challenges lie in our path."
And as the horse galloped away from the castle, Rasputin's arm tightened around your waist, pulling you close to him as you clung to him for dear life. With each beat of the horse's hooves against the ground, you felt yourself leaving behind the chaos and danger of the castle, riding towards an uncertain future with Rasputin by your side.
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vulnus-sanare · 6 months
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Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996)
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lesyoussoupoff · 11 months
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Coryne Hall recently released a book titled ‘Rasputin’s Killer and His Romanov Princess,’ and it’s been my highly anticipated read of the year. In fact, I’ve eagerly awaited its release ever since I first heard murmurs about it.
To my knowledge, there are two English-published biographies about Prince Felix Youssoupoff: Greg King’s biography from 1996 and Christopher Dobson’s from 1989. However, over the past twenty years, a wealth of information has emerged from various Russian archives and the families’ personal collections.
This newfound information has not only shifted perspectives on the events leading to the downfall of the Romanov Dynasty but has also brought enigmatic figures, previously footnotes in biographical books, into the spotlight.
One such figure is Irina, who was vaguely addressed in Felix’s previous biographies. Perhaps this was due to the scarcity of information about her. However, in this book, we are presented with enough fragments to grasp the nature of Irina’s character and the less-than-ideal life she led, not just after the revolution but before. The book also paints a clear picture of her complex relationships with various members of her immediate and extended family.
The same can be said for Felix. While we may be aware of his love for his mother, their relationship is more intricate than many realize. Felix’s adoration for his mother is unquestionable, yet it becomes apparent that he struggled to meet her expectations, especially after the death of his brother, Nicholas. The book also delves into Felix’s previous flirtations and romances, particularly his relationship with Grand Duchess Elena.
Coryne Hall skillfully provides an updated biography that touches on the known facts while addressing fresh revelations that have emerged through personal correspondence. Naturally, not every aspect could be covered, but at its core, Hall does a wonderful job presenting Felix and Irina and their unconventional yet resilient relationship.
Overall, I wholeheartedly recommend this book to all readers. Given the limited availability of English biographies on Felix and Irina, this is a valuable addition to any collection of Romanov-related books.
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passed-out-real · 1 year
Alan Rickman Filmography Part 2
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Revolutionary Witness: The Preacher (1989)
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Quigley Down Under (1990)
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Truly Madly Deeply (1990)
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Closet Land (1991)
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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
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Bob Roberts (1992)
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Mesmer (1994)
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An Awfully Big Adventure (1995)
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Sense and Sensibility (1995)
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Rasputin (1996)
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souurcitrus · 2 days
In my universe, Earth-18104, the X-Men had three schools in different times, the Xavier Mansion changed names every time a new "era" started, according to the story and the events of that time.
The story of the Xavier Institute is based in the comics and influenced by other events of this universe, that are based in other medias like the movies and comics, and don't follow the time-line of the comics in a precise way, because I wanted to give this universe a more real feeling of time passing slowly and the characters aging different from each generation.
So... yeah, some characters are older or younger than they are in the comics.
Here are some of the students that were enrolled in each school.
• Xavier Institute for Gifted Young People (1972 - 1999)
The first school, of course, when Xavier still had to keep his and his students' identities a secret. People believed it was just a private school, even thought it had only a very few students, at first.
The first students were the original X-Men of 1972, trained by Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Mastermind, Moira MacTaggert and Destiny (based on the movie X-Men First Class):
• Armando Muñoz / Darwin (16)
• Suzanne Chan / Sway (17)
• Vienna Adamsen / Petra (16)
• Sean Cassidy / Banshee (20)
They later all went to Muir Island to train with Moira, after Xavier suffered the injury that let him paralyzed.
In 1989, Xavier trained the second X-Men, the Original Five or X-Men '92:
• Jean Grey / Marvel Girl (17)
• Scott Summers / Cyclops (16)
• Bobby Drake / Iceman (15)
• Warren Worthington III / Angel (17)
• Henry McCoy / Beast (18)
Later in 1995, Lorna Dane / Polaris (20) and Alex Summers / Havok (17) joined the team.
At the same time, Moira had her own team if X-Men in Muir Island, trained by Petra, Sway and Darwin:
• Christopher Bradley / Bolt (14)
• Gabriel Summers / Vulcan (13)
• James Madrox / Multiple (16)
• David Haller (17/18)
In 1996 Kitty Pryde / Sprite (13), Alison Blaire / Dazzler (16), Gailyn and Joseph Grey / Shatter-Box (10) joined the school. And in 1997, it was Rogue (17) and Ruth Aldine / Blindfold (17).
*Shatterbox are minor characters in the comics. Blindfold is older than her counterpart in the comics, and acts as a mentor and counselor to the next students.
In 1997/1999, the Xavier Institute was turned into a real school, and thought he did not wanted to put more children in danger, Xavier created a new team of X-Men, the New Mutants:
• Illyana Rasputin / Magik (13)
• Xuân Cao Manh / Karma (15)
• Danielle Moonstar / Mirage (16)
• Sam Guthrie / Cannonball (16)
• Roberto da Costa / Sunspot (15)
• Rahne Sinclair / Wolfsbane (15)
• Amara Aquilla / Magma (15)
• James Proudstar / Warpath (14)
• Douglas Ramsey / Cypher (12)
• Warlock
* Illyana Rasputin was 6 years old before joined, however, after her time in the Limbo, she came back to her world as a 13 years old teenager. James Proudstar was brought to the school by his older brother after leaving the Hellions.
In 1999, Banshee and Emma Frost took care of a new class of mutants, the Generation X:
• Paige Guthrie / Husk (17)
• Angelo Spinosa / Skin (16)
• Jubilee (17)
• Monet St. Croix / Penance (17)
• Claudette and Nicole St. Croix / M (9)
• Jonothon "Jono" Starsmore / Chamber (18)
• Everett Thomas / Synch (17)
These kids were gathered and chosen as X-Men after being rescued from the Phalanx, however Clarice Ferguson / Blink (14) was lost after destroying the enemy and was only found years later. Not by the X-Men.
In 2000/2001, Apocalypse was awaken from his slumber and the X-Men fought against him and his Horsemen. In 2004, the Infinity Gaulent arc happened, and half of the universe was gone (Like in Avengers: Endgame), and only restaured in 2010.
The people turned to dust in this break of time didn't aged.
• Xavier Institute for Higher Education / Xavier Academy (1997 - 2004) and (2010 - 2017)
After these events, the Xavier Institute changed names again. Xavier, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Hank McCoy, Logan and Scott Summers were the ones in charge.
The mansion was had more of a structure to resemble a real school, and even had a student body, more classes, etc.
In school year of 2011/2012 (September to june) the events of E is for Extinction and Riot at Xavier's took place. The students at the time were:
• Angel Salvadore / Tempest (15)
• Barnell Borhuk / Beak (15)
• Glob Herman
• Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste and Esme Cuckoo / The Stepford Cuckoos (14)
• Jebediah "Jeb" Guthrie (12)
• Melody Guthrie / Aero (15)
• Vincent Stewart / Redneck (15)
• Christian and Christine Cord / Radian and Tattoo (15)
• Quentin Quire / Kid Omega (14)
• Hong Liange (11)
• Alisa Tager / Cipher (11)
• Ellie Phimister / Negasonic Teenage Warhead (12)
• Kutsuna Yukio (12)
• Gabrielle and Michael Diwa / Galura and Arauto (13)
• Dean Boswell / Dummy (15)
• Martha Johansson (9)
• Ernst (10)
• Hisako Ichiki / Armor (13)
• Edward Tancredi / Wing (12)
*Kutsuna Yukio is the version of Yukio from Deapool 2; The Stepford Cuckoos are only three years old chronologically, but aged faster, so they are 14 years old physically and mentally. Quentin Quire had just turned fourteen and lost his body, being stuck in his astral form, he couldn't age and stayed in this form for the next six years
*For the love of God, Beak and Angel didn't fucking had children. What the fuck these writers have in mind. They're teenagers. Jeb and Melody Guthrie should be older, but they were among the victims of Infinity Gaulent.
During 2013/2014, the events of Academy X, New X-Men, and Young X-Men in 2015 took place. During this time, we had the events of M-Day, Civil War and the Stryke's attack took place.
• Dallas Gibson / Specter; Callie Betto /Dryad; Sofia Mantega / Wind Dancer; Phoebe, Irma, Celeste Cuckoo / The Stepford Cuckoos (16)
• Kevin Ford / Wither; Hisako Ichiki / Armor; Julian Keller / Hellion; Sooraya Qadir / Dust; David Alleyne / Prodigy (15)
• Cecily Kincaid / Mercury; Santo Vacarro / Rockslide; Kutsuna Yukio; Brian Cruz / Tag; Edward Tancredi / Wing; Sidney Green / Onyxx; Laura Kinney; Nick Shelley / Flubber; Laurie Collins / Wallflower; Noriko Ashida / Surge; Josh Foley / Elixir; Eric Gitter / Ink (14)
• Alisa Tager / Cipher; Megan Gwynn / Pixie; Hong Liange; Paras Gavaskar / Indra; Sarah and Jessica Vale / Network and Preview; Nezhno ABidemi / Gentle; Lazaro Kotikash / Kidogo; Alani Ryan / Loa (13)
• Andrea Margulies / Rubber Maid; Ben Hamill / Match; Mark Sheppard / DJ; Victor Borkowski / Anole (12)
• Ernst; Roxy Washington / Bling!; Martha Johansson; Nick Gleason / Wolf Cub; Hope Abott / Trance; Carl Aalston / Rain Boy (11)
Like in the comics, some of these characters lost their powers and died, with a few exception surviving and leaving the role as X-Men. The few that survived and kept their powers after M-Day stayed and then later moved to Utopia/Genosha.
After this, the Xavier Institute was destroyed and the Graymalkin Lane was left empty until 2018. In 2017, with the return of Hope Summers, a new group of X-Men was formed in Utopia, the Lights, though they did not resided at the Institute.
• Hope Summers (15)
• Gabriel Cohuelo / Velocidad (16)
• Laurie Tromette / Transonic (17)
• Teon Savko / Primal (15)
• Idie Okonkwo / Oya (13)
• Kenji Uedo (19)
Hope Summers was born just a few years before the Lights, but since she was raised in the future she is 14 years old when she comes back. Later, Megan Gwynn / Pixie (16) joined the team, taking Oya's place.
After the Schim caused, the X-Men split in two. Quentin Quire had returned in a new body, but he was still 14 years old, the same age he was when he "died"
• Jean Gray School for Higher Learning (2018- )
In 2018, Wolverine went back to Westchester and rebuilt the mansion, trying to give the place the feeling of real school. The students also could only start training when they were in 9° grade and could train to be X-Men and join teams (like in Academy X) after they were in 10° grade.
He made a deal with the Shi'ar to have technology to protect the school, as long he accepted the son of Gladiator, asked to be Quentin's guardian and they had a clone of Krakoa as they grounds.
A few old students joined the school in the first year, and a few only in the second and third year. The school opened in August of 2018.
(This list of students include some of my OCs, since I'm writing a fanfic that happens in the Jean Grey School)
• Hisako Ichiki / Armor; Julian Keller / Hellion; Gabrielle and Michael Diwa / Galura and Arauto. (19)
• Cecily Kincaid / Mercury; Santo Vacarro / Rockslide: Kutsuna Yukio; Ellie Phimister / NTW; Noriko Ashida / Surge; Eric Gitter / Ink (18)
• Alisa Tager / Cipher; Hong Liange; Paras Gavaskar / Indra; Nezhno ABidemi / Gentle (17)
• Cam Long / Tiger / Aura Charles / Aurora (16)
• Ben Hamill / Match; Victor Borkowski / Anole; Iara dos Santos / Shark Girl; Roxy Washington / Bling!; Martha Johansson / Cerebela; Zane Yamaguchi / Juggernaut 2; Hope Abott / Trance; Carl Aalston / Rain Boy (15)
• Idie Okonkwo / Oya; Prince Kubark / Gladiator; Trevor Hawkins / Eye-Kid; Charge OC; Julian Creed / Menace OC (14)
• Evan Adel / Genesis; Jiang Mei, Sprite (13/14); Hunter Creed / Rescue OC (12/13); Broo
* Broo is only five months old, Evan is a clone so he aged faster than the Cuckoos, chronologically he was "born" a few months before being enrolled. The school was never moved to Manhattan like in the comics.
Later, Huang Lin / Nature Kid; Michela Ladak; Joseph and Josephine Bricklemoore / Tri-Joe and Squid Girl joined the school.
Even after the death of Wolverine in 2021 and the creation of Krakoland in 2023, the school stayed open, and the X-Men hope it stays this way for many years.
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tfc2211 · 10 months
01 - Frank Zappa - Hot Poop (intro) (from 'We're Only In It For The Money', 1968) 02 - Señor Soul - The Mouse (from 'It's Your Thing' 1969 / Double Shot & Whiz - available on 'What It Is Y'all' / BGP) 03 - Rasputin's Stash - Hit It & Pass It (from 'The Devil Made Me Do It' 1974 / Gemigo - reissued in 2000 / Sequel) 04 - The Vibrations - The Man (from 'The Vibrations' Lp, 1972 / Mandala) 05 - Calypso Kings & The Soul Investigators - Compin' & Smokin' (from 'Compin' & Smokin'/Damper Down Popcorn' 7inch, 1999 / Soul Fire) 06 - The Coasters - Soul Pad (from 'Soul Pad' 7inch, 1967 / Date) 07 - The Masters - Party Time (from 'Funk spectrum - Compiled by Josh Davis and Keb Darge' 1999 / BBE) 08 - Organization - Smokey Feeling (from 'Creative Sounds of the Organization' 1974 / Wirl - available on 'Trippin' 1996 / Luv'N'Haight 09 - Sixto Rodriguez - Sugarman (from 'David Holmes presents Come & Get It U Got it', 2002 / 13 Amp) 10 - Willard Burton & The Pacifiers - Warm The Pot ('Til It's Good & Hot) (from 'Warm The Pot ('Til It's Good & Hot)' 7-inch, 1976 / Money - available on 'Superfunk 2' 2001 / BGP) 11 - The Politicians - Everything Good Is Bad (from 'The Politicians featuring McKinley Jackson' 1972 / Hot Wax)
Info : Selected and mixed by Mister Moo (T.I.M.E.C.) Artwork by Djouls, Stashboxes photos by Mister Moo
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enter-the-phantom · 1 year
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Celebrating Alan Rickman
April 30, 2023
Today’s Doodle celebrates English actor Alan Rickman. With a deep, magnetic voice and endless charm, he’s known for his magical performances in films like Harry Potter and Die Hard. On this day in 1987, Rickman performed in 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses', a Broadway play that was instrumental in launching his career.
Alan Rickman was born on February 21, 1946 in West London, England. A natural painter, Rickman became interested in different art forms after being encouraged by his teachers and family. He was especially taken with acting. After starring in school plays, he earned a scholarship to continue pursuing this interest at Latymer Upper School in London.
After secondary school, Rickman studied graphic design at Chelsea College of Art and Design and the Royal College of Art. After graduating, he started a design company with close college friends while participating in the amateur Group Court Drama Club. At age 26, Rickman left his company and decided to seriously pursue acting, earning a spot at RADA, one of the most prestigious acting schools in the world.
A few years later, he joined the Royal Shakespeare Company, where he appeared in The Tempest and Love’s Labour’s Lost. He struck gold in 1985 when he starred as anti-hero Le Vicomte de Valmont in the play Les Liaisons Dangereuses (Dangerous Liaisons). After earning a Tony nomination for his performance, he began receiving offers to act in films.
In 1988, Rickman starred as criminal mastermind Hans Gruber in the film Die Hard. The character is now considered one of the most iconic villains in cinematic history. The film’s success led to Rickman playing similar antagonist roles in films like Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. His career trajectory continued throughout the 1990s with roles in Sense and Sensibility (1995) and Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996), the latter of which he received an Emmy and Golden Globe Award for.
In 2001, Rickman starred in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone as the scene-stealing Severus Snape. His intimidating, scary, and captivating performance saw him star in the following seven Harry Potter films, becoming an international sensation.
Over the course of his career, Rickman received numerous acting nominations and awards and even directed three plays and two films. He’s remembered for his iconic roles on-screen, his philanthropy, and his kind and sensitive nature off-screen.
I’m not crying you’re crying. Alan made the Google Doodle. 😭
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defaultnaming · 2 years
The Power of the Doctor or as I like to call it: The doctor who 1996 movie redux with more Boney M's Rasputin (never a bad thing) and less Paul McGann (my mum's singular idea of hell)
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muiitoloko · 11 months
• Last update: 10/06/2024
Model: Date / month / year
Follow me on AO3
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1 - Jealousy
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3 - Wishes
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5 - Girls night
6 - Doctor's Appointments
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8 - Duty and Desire
9 - The Boss
10 - Honeypot
11 - I Can See You
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14 - Traditional vs. Unconventional
15 - Secret Messages
16 - Mission: Heatbreak - PART 1 - PART 2
17 - Language of love
18 - Kingsman Chronicles
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21 - My, yours.
22 - Your Protector
23 - Loyalty
24 - Advantage
25 - "Fight for me"
26 - No rules
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1 - Fantasy Frames - Harry Deane
2 - The World - Harry Deane
3 - Fanfic serie: Money - Lionel Shabandar
4 - Fanfic serie: Trust - Lionel Shabandar
5 - Skype - Lionel Shahbandar
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2 - Oh shit!
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5 - Smart girl
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8 - Fanfic serie: Become a great artist
9 - Fanfic serie: Wrong
10 - Fanfic serie: Like father like son
11 - Fanfic serie: The Villain
12 - Beneath the Surface
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1 - Chess Game
2 - The Witch and the Judge.
3 - Fanfic serie: Love?
4 - Fanfic serie: Husband's duty
5 - Your husband, Your captor
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1 - Inappropriate
2 - Fanfic serie: No Reponse
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1 - In the Eyes of the Beholder
2 - Stress Relief
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1 - 11 o'clock girl
2 - Beneath the Veil
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1 - Fanfic serie: Difficult woman
2 - Fanfic serie: The Promise of Tomorrow
3 - Needs
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1° Alan Rickman: Not early riser
2°Alan Rickman: My Commoner
3°Alan Rickman: Typecast Hearts
4°Alan Rickman: Sun and Rain
5°Colin Firth-Alan Rickman: Co-stars
6°Blow Dry/PHIL: Styled with Love
7°Before I go to sleep/BEN: Chains of desire
8°Alan Rickman: Between Takes and Waistlines
9°Sense and Sensibility/BRANDON: You are you
10°Eyes in the Sky/FRANK: In control
11°Galaxy Quest/ALEXANDER: The stall
12°Judas Kiss/DAVID: Birthday Wishes
13°Rasputin(1996)/RASPUTIN: The Princess
14°Blow Dry/PHIL: Dirty little Secret
15°Alan Rickman: Rehearsal
16°The Barchester chronicles/SLOPE: Man of God
17°Quigley down under/ELLIOTT: My control
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dynamofilms · 10 months
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Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny (1996)
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nightmarettd · 20 days
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About Me
General Stuff:
18, She/Her, Australian, Taurus (But on Taurus-Gemini Cusp), INFJ, 5'8ft, Movie and Tv Fan, Melissa Barrera Defender For Life!!, Writer and Artist (Mediocre).
Japanese Food, Greek Food, Mexican Food, Drawing, Writing, Editing, Horror/Slasher Movies, AFL, Sour Cream, Tzatziki.
Any form of discrimination, Rom Coms (Except for 10 Things I Hate About You), Skinny Jeans, Capsicum.
Favourite Movies:
Scream (1996), Scream VI (2023), Encanto (2021), Heathers (1990), D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994), Scooby Doo On Zombie Island (1998), Fear Street: Part Two: 1978 (2021), Abigail (2023), Sleepaway Camp (1983), A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984), Scary Movie (2000), Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022), Shang-Chi (2021), Spiderman: No Way Home (2021), Scooby Doo! Camp Scare (2010), The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds and Snakes (2023), Mulan (1988), The Emperors New Groove (2000).
Favourite Tv Shows:
The Simpsons (1989), One Tree Hill (2003), Heartbreak High (2022), High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (2019), WandaVision (2021), Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated (2010), Percy Jackson and The Olympians (2023), Derry Girls (2018).
Favourite Actors:
Melissa Barrera, Matthew Lillard, Winona Ryder, Mason Gooding, Neve Campbell, Simu Liu, Thomas Weatherall, Sofia Wylie, Zendaya, Rachel Zegler, Chloe Hayden, Letitia Wright, Tom Holland, Steven Yuen, Leah Sava Jeffries, Kathryn Newton, America Farrera, Jack Quaid, Margot Robbie.
Favourite Singers:
The Weeknd, Adele, Lana Del Ray, Olivia Rodrigo, Conan Gray, Lady Gaga, Nelly Furtado, Paris Paloma.
Favourite Bands:
Abba, Fleetwood Mac, The Neighbourhood, Arctic Monkeys, NSYNC, Queen, Florence and The Machine.
Favourite Songs:
Teen Idle (Marina and The Diamonds), How To Save A Life (The Fray), Teenage Dirtbag (Wheatus), I Don't Want To Be (Gavin DeGraw), Labour (Paris Paloma), I Don't Dance (High School Musical 2), Silver Springs (Fleetwood Mac), Softcore (The Neighbourhood) Send My Love (Adele), Family Line (Conan Gray), Sweet Disposition (The Temper Trap), Chemtrails Over The Country Club (Lana Del Ray), Yellow (Coldplay), Maybe This Time (Sophia Wylie and Joshua Basset), Determinate (Lemonade Mouth), Daddy Issues (The Neighbourhood), Before He Cheats (Carrie Underwood), Love Is Embarrassing (Olivia Rodrigo), Make Up Your Mind (Florence and The Machine), Pray For Me (The Weeknd), You Get What You Give (New Radicals), Crybaby (The Neighbourhood), Is There Someone Else (The Weeknd), Kiss From A Rose (Seal), Sadderdaze (The Neighbourhood), Beds Are Burning (Midnight Oil), Riptide (Vance Joy), Rasputin (Boney M.), After Hours (The Weeknd), Say It Right (Nelly Furtado), Bird Song (Florence and The Machine), Dreams (Fleetwood Mac), Does Your Mother Know (Abba), Born To Die (Lana Del Ray), Save Your Tears (The Weeknd), Knowing Me, Knowing You (Abba), Bad Habit (Steve Lacy), Kids (MGMT), Erotic City (Prince), R.I.P 2 My Youth (The Neighbourhood), In Your Eyes (The Weeknd), The Exit (Conan Gray), Enjoy The Silence (Depeche Mode), Footloose (Kenny Loggings), Nervous (The Neighbourhood), Gilded Lily (The Cults), Get Down On It (Kool & The Gang), Teenage Dream (Olivia Rodrigo).
Favourite Characters:
Samantha Carpenter (Scream 5 & VI), Sidney Prescott (Scream 1-5), Brooke Davis (One Tree Hill), Kanao Tsuyuri (Demon Slayer), Shuri (Black Panther 1&2), Chad Meeks-Martin (Scream 5&6), Mikasa Ackerman (Attack On Titan), Lucy Gray Baird (The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes), Malakai Mitchell (Heartbreak High), Kamala Khan (Ms Marvel), Pope Heyward (Outerbanks), Jason Todd (DC Comics), Ziggy Berman (Fear Street), Kirby Reed (Scream 4 & VI), Amerie Wadia (Heartbreak High), Mile Morales (Spiderman: Into/Across The Spiderverse), Sejanus Plinth (The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes), Roman Bridger (Scream 3), Amy March (Little Women), Veronica Sawyer (Heathers), Scott Lang (Ant Man 1-3), Bokuto Kotarou (Haikyuu), Koriand'r (DC Comics), Anna Marie (Marvel Comics), Wanda Maximoff (MCU & Marvel Comics), Randy Meeks (Scream 1 & 2), Quinn Gallagher-Jones (Heartbreak High), Shang-Chi (Shang-Chi and The Ten Rings), Remy Lebeau (Marvel Comics), Selina Kyle (DC Comics), Gina Porter (HSMTMTS), Stu Macher (Scream), Jason Dean (Heathers), Tommy Slater (Fear Street: Part Two 1978), Nancy Thompson (A Nightmare On Elm Street), Mickey Altieri (Scream 2).
Favourite Ships:
Ricky and Gina (HSMTMTS), Amerie and Malakai (Heartbreak High), Dick and Kori (DC Comics), Peter and MJ (Spiderman No Way Home), Percy and Annabeth (Percy Jackson), Mulder and Scully (The X-Files), Brooke and Lucas (One Tree Hill), Lucy Gray and Snow (The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes), Remy and Anna Marie (Marvel Comics), Mikasa and Eren (Attack On Titan), Miles and Gwen (Spiderman Across The Spiderverse), Anika and Mindy (Scream VI), Star and Marco (SVTFOE), Bruce and Selina (DC Comics), Harry and Allie (The Society), Cato and Clove (The Hunger Games), Sam and Freddie (ICarly), Bryce and Juli (Flipped), Wanda and Vision (MCU).
What Im Gonna Do Here:
Just share whatever I feel appropriate like the mood boards I've made, maybe even the edits or drawings or even some of my writing if I get over my anxiety.
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Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny is a historical film about the last four years of Grigori Rasputin’s life from 1912 to 1916 and is narrated by the character Alexei.
            It stars Alan Rickman (Grigori Rasputin), Greta Scacchi (Tsarina Alexandra), Ian McKellen (Tsar Nicholas II), and Freddie Finlay (Tsarevich Alexei).
            Rasputin was a Russian mystic, holy man and a fraud. He befriended the Russian royal family when Tsar Nicholas II was emperor. He met Nicholas II and Alexandra in 1905, in 1906 the couple trusted him to be the healer for the son Alexandra who suffered from haemophilia. Rasputin of course never healed him and it only appeared at times that Alexandra health was improving. Rasputin was a controversial figure at court, and as the royal family became unpopular, Rasputin was seen as being a bad influence. On 30 December 1916, Rasputin was famously assassinated by Russian nobles. Not long after his death the Russian Revolution took place and the Romanov royal family were assassinated by the communist Bolsheviks who held power.  
#rasputindarkservantofdestiny #grigorirasputin #alanrickman #gretascacchi #romanovs #tsarevichalexei
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jonesy-and-max · 1 year
Jonesy & Max: Opening Day
A slice-of-life comedy set in 1996. Platonic life-mates Jonesy & Max stand in line for the premiere of the next installment of their favorite horror franchise. Hang out with these two dummies as they deal with life, love, friendship, and that awkward transition from teenager to young adult!
part 1: Home
The pile of laundry stirred. Shirts, socks, and underwear heaped onto the bed shuddered and began to collapse. A pair of socks with matching holes in the heels fell to the floor, followed by a worn black t-shirt with a faded picture of The Sandman on it, followed by an empty bag of Doritos. Beneath the lonely mountain of fabric rose a hand, that became a fist, and that fist smashed the stupid alarm clock that had interrupted its slumber. Max emerged from his cocoon like a ghoul from its tomb. He rubbed his eyes, belched and looked around sleepily. He reached back into the pile and pulled out his glasses. A pair of thick lenses encased in equally thick, black frames. It had been over a year and this pair had remained completely intact, something Max took as a sign of personal growth. He scratched his scruff that was quickly becoming a respectable beard and looked out his window to survey the day ahead. The trailer park was still quiet at this hour and outside it was brisk with a very light breeze; it was a bright, clear day in late October. There were only a few months left in this year of 1996, but before it could wrap things up, there was today. A day more important to Max than any other day. More important than next weekend’s Halloween traditions, more important than his Uncle Lucky’s famous deep-fried turkey on Thanksgiving. Today? Today was…
Still in his undies, Max got down on his knees, made the sign of the Cross, and clasped his hands together.
“I'm not really a praying man. And, um, I never really ask you for much, so if you could just watch over us today, and show any mercy you believe us to deserve, I would be really, really grateful, thank you very much, Amen. I love you.” He kissed his fingers and placed them lovingly on the poster hung on the door in his room. 
The poster was of his favorite movie of all time, the one film franchise he had been obsessed with since he was ten years old: Chain-Slaughter. A dirty, grungy, gorefest, with a body count that rivaled any horror franchise to date. A gorehound’s delight, Chain-Slaughter and its sequels boasted lovingly realized grisly practical effects, an always more than game cast and crew, and, in Max’s opinion, the greatest slasher in the history of slashers - the Chainsaw Maniac, the Gore King of Rose Hill, the legend himself, Edgar Salt.
Max’s particular poster was signed by not just Bill Rasputin, who had starred as Edgar Salt in every Chain-Slaughter flick, Margot Lee Quinn, the final girl and Edgar Salt’s twin sister, but Rutger Wolfe himself! The reclusive writer and director of the original Chain-Slaughter trilogy. Max’s prayer was especially important today, because today was a high holy day of horror. It was opening day of the newest installment in the franchise, Chain-Slaughter 6: Forever Gore. 
Searching through his dresser drawers he finally found what he was looking for, he pulled out a plain white t-shirt, the collar had a tear hole in it and there was a hole in the right armpit, but those details barely registered. Beside his bed was a night stand, once white, but now completely covered with stickers of all kinds - bands, movies, comic books, any sticker he could get his hands on. He opened the top drawer and rummaged through the random junk he had stashed away. Thumb tacks, keys, interesting rocks, batteries, shoe laces, pieces of broken headphones, condoms, loose candy, rivets, a pair of needle nose pliers, buttons and pins. Finally he found what he was looking for, a chunky red Sharpie marker. He put the marker in his mouth and popped off the cap, holding it under his right incisor. That tooth was particularly fang-like and always appeared when he smiled. His crooked smile made him look like he was planning something and had gotten him into unearned trouble more than a few times. He cleared some space and laid the shirt out on his bed. With care he wrote out the words “GORE KING” in big, sketchy, block letters onto the shirt, including some artistic blood drips for effect. The fang reappeared as he admired his work. He popped on the shirt and completed his outfit, tying a red and black plaid shirt around his waist. Max grabbed his well-loved leather jacket off the floor as he headed out of his room, he suddenly stopped and rolled his eyes at himself. Heading back to his bed he reached into the nest and pulled out his Popcorn Video smock. It was a green bowling shirt with a yellow collar and matching piping on the sleeves with “Popcorn Video Entertainment” embroidered over the right breast pocket. Over the left was his name tag, a plastic caricature of the Popcorn Video mascot “Poppers,” an anthropomorphic bucket of popcorn. A speech bubble came from his mouth with an engraved “And Now, Your Feature Presentation!” and underneath was where Max was supposed to write his name, instead he had written “Haywood Jablome, Jr.” Max put on his smock and headed to the kitchenette to grab something to eat before he ran out the door.
“Lucky! Uncle Lucky! Today’s the big day, dude!” Max excitedly called for his Uncle. “Uncle Lucky?” He looked around, checked the recliner in the living room, where his former legal guardian could be found most mornings. He wasn’t there. Max knocked on the bathroom door. “Uncle Lucky? You dookin’ it out in there?” No response. Max opened the door. Empty. “Well. It’s opening day of Chain-Slaughter 6 and it’s going to rule fuckin’ ass, man. You’d probably like it, too. Gore, boobs…probably boobs. I guess we’ll find out….I’m pretty pumped…” Max chuckled weakly. He rustled his hair and sighed.
He saw his black beanie was on the kitchen counter and stuffed it into his back pocket before checking the fridge for something to eat. It was mostly bottles and cans of beer. There were some condiments on the door and a mostly empty bottle of orange soda on the top shelf. Max grabbed the soda and shook it until it was flat and finished it off. A Pizza Hut box was on the bottom shelf, two slices of pepperoni were left. Looks like that was going to have to suffice this morning. Max tossed those into the microwave for a minute and doused them in some hot sauce. He pulled back the curtain on the kitchen window with a finger and took a peek outside, suddenly worried that Uncle Lucky might have passed out in the yard last night, but the trailer park was empty. He looked with more intent and he could see his van parked in its usual spot. He was relieved, a second, more distressing worry had bitten him, that Lucky had taken his van without telling him. That would’ve really fucked his plans up for the day. Max leaned against the counter and started on his second slice of breakfast pizza. Next to him was an issue of Guts! Magazine, his favorite horror publication. There was a great article in that issue, where an intrepid Guts! reporter had gone in search of Rutger Wolfe to ask him about his thoughts on the legacy of the original Chain-Slaughter.
For the past year and a half Max had collected and poured over every horror and sci-fi mag he could get his hands on. Absorbing every small detail, every rumor, every behind the scenes pic like a thirsty desert traveler searching for an oasis. He even went to see Lawnmower Man 2 just because there was a chance he might see the trailer. But today was the day! He had it all planned out. First, work his shift at Popcorn Video, get out at 5pm as usual, then head over to the local convenience store, Snap-Mart, grab provisions, and then stake out his territory in line at the theater by 5:30pm. Five-thirty was a bit later than he would like, but the stop at Snap-Mart was essential if they were going to be waiting in line until tickets went on sale at 8pm. The most essential part, of course, was that by his side the entire time, would be his best friend in the entire world…
Jonesy placed the Lake’s End Woodpeckers cap backwards on her head, completing her ensemble for today, her shaggy red hair sticking out the back. Jonesy had been wearing a backwards hat since she was maybe 5 years old. She had been given a Strawberry Shortcake cap for her birthday from her Uncle Cal. She loved her Uncle Cal, she thought he was the coolest dude she had ever met. Somehow he was related to her dad, the exact opposite of everything cool in the entire universe. Uncle Cal listened to the Ramones and Generation X while he drove, Uncle Cal owned tons of comics and movies, and always had the latest home entertainment equipment. He lived in New York City and ran a record store in Queens. She couldn’t believe she ended up with Ray Jones as her dad and not Cal. Life could be so cruel. The Strawberry Shortcake hat was pink and red, with a strawberry on the front and in script “Strawberry Shortcake” on the back. It still hung on a hook on the backdoor of her closet. It was too small for her now, but it had so many good memories attached to it, she could never bring herself to throw it away. The hat she wore now had also been a gift, but from her older brother, Karl. He was currently playing for the Woodpeckers, a local minor league hockey team, and had given it to her the last time he had visited. She had always looked up to Karl. He was handsome, naturally charismatic, and incredibly smart. Karl was tall and athletic, whereas she was tall and could trip over a small gust of wind. She always figured he got whatever genes were in Uncle Cal, and she was left with whatever her dad had been stuck with. 
She adjusted her hat and finished up her eyeliner. Scouring the random piles of clothes on the floor she finally selected a white Mudhoney shirt, passing the sniff test with an arguably generous C+. She grabbed her black zip-up hoodie off her bedpost and layered her Popcorn Video smock over it. She always made sure the green and yellow of her Popcorn Video uniform complimented whatever outfit she had put together, as she tended to wear it outside of work nearly every day. Jonesy stood in front of the mirror and admired the outfit she had put together. She snapped her fingers in inspiration and added a thick chain necklace around her neck, snapping it closed with a small padlock. She gave herself another look, smiled, and then sighed in defeat, grabbing the asthma inhaler she had on a rope from her nightstand and hung it around her neck. She tied her teal Keds and stomped up the stairs, bracing herself for another soul crushing encounter with her family.
It was a fairly typical scene. Her mother was smoking a joint and lounging on the couch in her robe, she was wearing a hot pink sleeping mask, peeking one eye out from under it every so often to watch Bob Ross paint some sort of tree with some sort of whimsically sleepy adjective attached to it. Her father was at the dinner table in the kitchenette reading a back issue of Compute! Magazine, one of many in his collection, absentmindedly eating small spoonfuls of plain oatmeal and drinking a glass of skim milk. Jonesy grimaced at this bleak state of affairs, steeled herself and decided on a bagel for breakfast, heavy on the cream cheese. She put on the kettle and found the jar of instant coffee in the cabinet. It was practically empty, only enough for herself, so she decided to just use the jar as her mug. She poured in the hot water, stirred, added some half & half, stirred, and joined her dad at the table.
“Did you have a chance to look at those college brochures yesterday, Twizzler?” her dad peered over the top of his magazine at his middle child. Ray Jones was a soft spoken man, bookish, and unassuming. He had messy hair for a man with so little of it left. His hair was gray now, it was once as brightly red as hers, but the only indication left of that was the light orange roots. He wore round, wire glasses, and had a shape to his face that made him look perpetually sleepy. Jonesy always thought he kind of looked like Droopy Dog from the old Tex Avery cartoons.
“We had this discussion already, Dad. I’m not going to college.” Jonesy tried not to sound too aggravated by his question. She was nineteen now and was making the effort not to sound like a bratty teenager anymore. Since her decision not to go to college she wanted her parents to see her as a mature adult, now more than ever. Being whiney and petulant was not how anyone earned respect. She took a bite of her bagel.
“You learn a lot in college,” Her dad ignored her very mature response and continued with his thoughts, “There’s a lot of interesting programs these days. You don’t, uh, have to choose a major immediately.”
“You learn a lot about yourself in college, too, Twizzlebug!” Her mom decided it was her turn to offer some sagely advice. “I made so many new friends! A lot of experimentation! Boys, girls, a professor or two! Haha!”
“Jesus, Mom!”
“Oh, don’t be so uptight, sweetie.” Her mom took a deep drag on her joint. “That’s what college is for, going down on random people, booze, and shitty weed.” She blew a large plume of smoke into the air and put her sleeping mask back over her eyes.
“You know, I live here, right? You don’t have to start traumatizing me the minute we see each other. There’s a lot of hours in the day.” 
“The early bird catches the worm, honey.” Her dad turned the page of his magazine.
“Whatever, I’m just… I like what I have going on right now, ok?”
“She’s an artist, like me, Ray. She can’t be restrained by the chains of standardized academia!” 
Jonesy took a sip of her coffee and choked, the thought of being anything like her mother suddenly sending her into a spiral of existential dread.
“I just, uh, want to make sure she’s considering all her options, Connie.” Her dad played with his oatmeal, his sleepy, expressionless face conveyed not so much concern as it did mild consciousness.
The sound of heels trotted down the hall. Jonesy’s young sister comes out of the bathroom, touching up her pink lip gloss. 
“She’s a loser, dad! All she does is jerk off all day. I can hear her in her room, it’s so gross.” Gina grabbed a bowl of grapes from the fridge and a cup of yogurt, smirking at her older sister.
“Fuck off, my room is in the basement, you can’t hear shit!” Jonesy flicked cream cheese at her.
Gina put up her hand in defense of the cream cheese attack, “I can hear you through the vents, it’s like there's a perverted ghost haunting the house. It’s all day and all night, I can’t hear myself think!” 
“I forgot it takes every last brain cell you have, working together, to achieve one coherent thought. That must be what all that smoke is coming from your room.”
Gina narrowed her eyes, “That’s not from my brain, stupid, that’s weed.” She tapped her forehead and rolled her eyes. “You’re so fucking clueless sometimes.”
Jonesy laughed with pity. How can I be related to someone so achingly dumb. She thought to herself.
“Who’s smoking weed??” Jonesy and Gina’s mother suddenly sprang back into consciousness.
“No one, mom!” The Jones sisters rolled their eyes and barked in unison.
“They better not be! That’s grown-up stuff, girls!” Their mom took another extended drag of her joint. She lifted one side of her sleeping mask, so she could look at Jonesy with one eye. Through the smoke wafting from her lips, she imparted her belated wisdom, “It’s natural to want to explore your body sexually, Twizzlebug. All your sister is saying is maybe, don’t overdo it, sometimes? Your vagina is a delicate instrument.”
“JESUS, Mom!!” Jonesy blushed hard.
Gina made a fist and started vigorously jamming two fingers into it, making squelchy noises. “You’d think you’d eventually fall asleep or something!”
Jonesy started gathering her things into her backpack, ready to escape this horror show. “You’re such a fucking bitch, you know that VA-Gina? That’s why no one showed up to your birthday party!”
“No one came because it was a holiday weekend! Everyone was traveling! Right, Daddy??” Gina whined.
“Hm?” You’d be forgiven if you didn’t remember their father was still at the table the entire time, he certainly did.
“Whatever! So sue me, I’m concerned my sister’s a chronic masturbator and a loser. I mean, you hang out with that glue sniffer. You two perverts probably go to Victoria’s Secret and sniff all the panties. I saw them do it at the mall, Dad. It’s true.” Gina had realized a long time ago that if she just lied and stuck to her lies most people would believe her, mainly because she was blonde, cute, and loud. 
“Oh, drop dead, VA-Gina! At least I didn’t blow the entire football team.” Jonesy smacked her sister upside the head and stormed out of the house.
“OW-Uh!” Gina gasped, “That’s a lie!! DAD!!”
“Girls, uh, be nice, ok? It’s friday.” Ray Jones attempted to find his mouth with his spoon of oatmeal, missed, and hit his left nostril instead.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Events 12.30
534 – The second and final edition of the Code of Justinian comes into effect in the Byzantine Empire. 999 – Battle of Glenmama: The combined forces of Munster and Meath under king Brian Boru inflict a crushing defeat on the allied armies of Leinster and Dublin near Lyons Hill in Ireland. 1066 – Granada massacre: A Muslim mob storms the royal palace in Granada, crucifies Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Naghrela and massacres most of the Jewish population of the city. 1419 – Hundred Years' War: Battle of La Rochelle. 1460 – Wars of the Roses: Lancastrians kill the 3rd Duke of York and win the Battle of Wakefield. 1702 – Queen Anne's War: James Moore, Governor of the Province of Carolina, abandons the Siege of St. Augustine. 1813 – War of 1812: British soldiers burn Buffalo, New York. 1816 – The Treaty of St. Louis between the United States and the united Ottawa, Ojibwa, and Potawatomi Indian tribes is proclaimed. 1825 – The Treaty of St. Louis between the United States and the Shawnee Nation is proclaimed. 1853 – Gadsden Purchase: The United States buys land from Mexico to facilitate railroad building in the Southwest. 1890 – Following the Wounded Knee Massacre, the United States Army and Lakota warriors face off in the Drexel Mission Fight. 1896 – Filipino patriot and reform advocate José Rizal is executed by a Spanish firing squad in Manila. 1896 – Canadian ice hockey player Ernie McLea scores the first hat-trick in Stanley Cup play, and the Cup-winning goal as the Montreal Victorias defeat the Winnipeg Victorias 6–5. 1897 – The British Colony of Natal annexes Zululand. 1902 – The Discovery Expedition under Robert Falcon Scott attained a Farthest South at 82°17′S in Antarctica. 1903 – A fire at the Iroquois Theater in Chicago, Illinois kills at least 605. 1905 – Former Idaho Governor Frank Steunenberg is assassinated at the front gate of his home in Caldwell. 1906 – The All-India Muslim League is founded in Dacca, East Bengal, British India (later Dhaka, Bangladesh). 1916 – Russian mystic and advisor to the Tsar Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin is murdered by a loyalist group led by Prince Felix Yusupov. His frozen, partially-trussed body was discovered in a Petrograd river three days later. 1916 – The last coronation in Hungary is performed for King Charles IV and Queen Zita. 1922 – The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is formed. 1927 – The Ginza Line, the first subway line in Asia, opens in Tokyo, Japan. 1935 – The Italian Air Force bombs a Swedish Red Cross hospital during the Second Italo-Abyssinian War. 1936 – The Flint sit-down strike hits General Motors. 1943 – Subhas Chandra Bose raises the flag of Indian independence at Port Blair. 1944 – King George II of Greece declares a regency, leaving the throne vacant. 1947 – Cold War: King Michael I of Romania is forced to abdicate by the Soviet Union-backed Communist government of Romania. 1952 – An RAF Avro Lancaster bomber crashes in Luqa, Malta after an engine failure, killing three crew members and a civilian on the ground. 1954 – The Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is established to consolidate criminal investigation and intelligence into a single agency. 1958 – The Guatemalan Air Force sinks several Mexican fishing boats alleged to have breached maritime borders, killing three and sparking international tension. 1967 – Aeroflot Flight L-51 crashes near Liepāja International Airport in Liepāja, Latvia, killing 43. 1972 ��� Vietnam War: Operation Linebacker II ends. 1987 – Stella Sigcau, Prime minister of the South African Bantustan of Transkei, is ousted from power in a bloodless military coup led by General Bantu Holomisa. 1993 – Israel establishes diplomatic relations with Vatican City and also upgrades to full diplomatic relations with Ireland. 1996 – Proposed budget cuts by Benjamin Netanyahu spark protests from 250,000 workers who shut down services across Israel. 1997 – In the worst incident in Algeria's insurgency, the Wilaya of Relizane massacres, 400 people from four villages are killed. 2000 – Rizal Day bombings: A series of bombs explode in various places in Metro Manila, Philippines within a period of a few hours, killing 22 and injuring about a hundred. 2004 – A fire in the República Cromagnon nightclub in Buenos Aires, Argentina, kills 194. 2005 – Tropical Storm Zeta forms in the open Atlantic Ocean, tying the record for the latest tropical cyclone ever to form in the North Atlantic basin. 2006 – Madrid–Barajas Airport is bombed. 2006 – The Indonesian passenger ferry MV Senopati Nusantara sinks in a storm, resulting in at least 400 deaths. 2006 – Former President of Iraq Saddam Hussein is executed. 2009 – A segment of the Lanzhou–Zhengzhou–Changsha pipeline ruptures in Shaanxi, China, and approximately 150,000 L (40,000 US gal) of diesel oil flows down the Wei River before finally reaching the Yellow River. 2009 – A suicide bomber kills nine people at Forward Operating Base Chapman, a key facility of the Central Intelligence Agency in Afghanistan. 2013 – More than 100 people are killed when anti-government forces attack key buildings in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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tfc2211 · 10 months
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Play ▶ Mr Moo's Hippie Funk Stash Vol 1
Tracks 01 - Frank Zappa - Hot Poop (intro) (from 'We're Only In It For The Money', 1968) 02 - Señor Soul - The Mouse (from 'It's Your Thing' 1969 / Double Shot & Whiz - available on 'What It Is Y'all' / BGP) 03 - Rasputin's Stash - Hit It & Pass It (from 'The Devil Made Me Do It' 1974 / Gemigo - reissued in 2000 / Sequel) 04 - The Vibrations - The Man (from 'The Vibrations' Lp, 1972 / Mandala) 05 - Calypso Kings & The Soul Investigators - Compin' & Smokin' (from 'Compin' & Smokin'/Damper Down Popcorn' 7inch, 1999 / Soul Fire) 06 - The Coasters - Soul Pad (from 'Soul Pad' 7inch, 1967 / Date) 07 - The Masters - Party Time (from 'Funk spectrum - Compiled by Josh Davis and Keb Darge' 1999 / BBE) 08 - Organization - Smokey Feeling (from 'Creative Sounds of the Organization' 1974 / Wirl - available on 'Trippin' 1996 / Luv'N'Haight 09 - Sixto Rodriguez - Sugarman (from 'David Holmes presents Come & Get It U Got it', 2002 / 13 Amp) 10 - Willard Burton & The Pacifiers - Warm The Pot ('Til It's Good & Hot) (from 'Warm The Pot ('Til It's Good & Hot)' 7-inch, 1976 / Money - available on 'Superfunk 2' 2001 / BGP) 11 - The Politicians - Everything Good Is Bad (from 'The Politicians featuring McKinley Jackson' 1972 / Hot Wax)
Info : Selected and mixed by Mister Moo (T.I.M.E.C.) Artwork by Djouls, Stashboxes photos by Mister Moo
Also here:  Mr_Moo-Hippie_Funk_Stash_Vol1.mp3
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donovanoliver715 · 2 years
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Those that have seen this television movie about Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny knows that it has the late Alan Rickman. Released in March of 1996, this television film is proven to be as accurate as it is praised. It took place during World War I in 1914 through 1918. But in this version had only minor inaccurisms or inaccuracies. Unlike the Don Bluth version, it has a dark and sad ending that has been proven how the story is told with the German director Uli Edel. Rasputin does not seek revenge on the Romanovs, but like the documentary I learned in history, Rasputin was like a healer with magic. And what more could you ask for with a monk? Able to rescue Tsar’s son Alexi, Rasputin absorbs the pain with magic. He became a fine friend and confidant of Tsar and his wife who have four daughters and a son. By name of daughters, Anastasia, Olga, Tatiana, and Maria. It wasn’t until when Rasputin was womanizing so much, that Nicholas decides to ask him to leave the palace until summoned back to heal Nicholas and Alexandra’s Son, Alexei. The spies were sent by the Russian Prime Minister, Pyotr Stolypin, who has some suspicions with Grigori Rasputin. During at night time, Rasputin became drunk, and makes some obscene comments about the Imperial family before being banished from St. Petersburg, he was then forgiven and summoned again when their son, Alexei was nose-bleeding and have a severe disease. As millions of Russian Soldiers die during World War I, they blamed it on Tsar and Alexandra for what they’ve done. It was before summoning Rasputin to Prince Felix Yusupov’s palace by making him drunk, before shooting him alive and thrown into the icy Malaya Nevka River. Kinda like the prologue in the animated sequence. Then, in July 16-17, 1918, the Romanovs received a note from the Soldiers, and are summoned to be taking a picture for the newspaper. The gunshot the entire family of execution. A final declarative statement against all crimes of Russia that has been happening so soon. And Anastasia, the one that they were trying to find in the remains, she’s never around anymore. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciyf6FXOCiv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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