#ratatouille au horror version
teecupangel · 6 months
So, we have done the whole "Desmonds ancestors can hear Desmond" deal, but have we thought on how inheritantly horrifying the concept is? Suddenly one day, your body is no longer yours to control and the being who took it seemingly feels no remorse as "This is just a game", "It's not real" and "man, the controls sucks ass, i wanna just throw myself off the roof in anger!". The ancestor can do nothing but curse or pray at the being. Altaïr curses it and Ezio begs and prays that it won't hurt anyone he cares about. The being forces his hands to be stained with the blood of city guards who were just doing their job, but got in the way of the spirit. "Man, fighting and killing guards is pretty fun".
There is rarely any escape or reprieve. All they can do is hope it will end. For Altaïr it came quickly, but Ezio was cursed for a lifetime and went in search of the Library of Altaïr in hopes of finding a solution. He refuses to die a puppet.
Desmond just thinks it's all part of the Animus and his feelings being reflected back. If we want just a smidge of comfort. Maybe the ancestor can feel the beings feelings of fear and loss of control and wonder if the being uses them to escape something?
Idk, just kinda realised how horror themed the "Ancestors hear Desmond" asks could be. XD
The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond (I hope I didn’t forget anything else)
This isn’t real.
Ezio has come to loathe that thought.
He was real.
The world around him was real.
Everyone he sees was real.
The blood in his hand was real.
Who was this puppeteer that dared say he was just a memory.
That everything Ezio held dear and tried to protect was a memory.
He controlled Ezio’s limbs, forced Ezio to watch as he moved against his will.
Killed against his will.
There could have been a better way.
They weren’t Ezio’s target.
They were just doing their job.
They were doing this to survive.
Yet they were cut mercilessly, by Ezio’s limbs.
The Assassino.
The nightmare of Italia.
This wasn’t the life Ezio wanted.
This wasn’t the reason why he continued to wield the blade of an Assassin.
He wanted to avenge the cruel unjust deaths of his father and brothers.
He wanted to protect his mother and sister.
He wanted…
Ezio wanted…
I want to be loved.
I want to be acknowledged.
I want someone to see me for who I am.
He wasn’t…
I’m not…
“I’m me.”
I’m me.
“The rest is up to you, Desmond.”
Ezio could feel it.
The surprise…
His puppeteer knew this Desmond that Minerva spoke of.
How can she see me?
A prophet.
What a cruel lie.
He wasn’t Desmond’s prophet.
He was Desmond’s puppet.
As long as he remained useful…
He will continue to be a puppet.
When will it end?
How sure was he that the puppeteer wouldn’t force Ezio’s blade against those he loved?
He could feel it.
The emptiness.
The puppeteer watches because he has nothing else.
He is a captive.
And now he holds Ezio captive.
Until he no longer has use for him.
When that happens…
Will he be abandoned as well?
Will the stories of the madness that plagued Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad after becoming a mentor be his fate?
The controls are different. He doesn’t move like Altaïr.
Will the puppeteer take his sanity when he leaves him as well?
(I intentionally made this more confusing than it had to be because I wanted it to have the vibe of a person slipping into insanity after being in the presence of an old one. Yeah, I was going for a Lovecraftian vibe XD I focused on Ezio and Desmond’s controlling him but I guess let me know if you want a Desmond and the voices he hears horror-esque version???)
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verminator-rex · 2 years
My Thoughts on The Side Stories from DDLC+
Warning: the following post contains mild spoilers for Doki Doki Literature Club. Readers beware.
Honestly, it's kind of hard for me to share this post without quoting Ego from Ratatouille a little bit:
"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and themselves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core."
For me, that was Doki Doki Literature Club+. By all rights, the main game is fascinating in its own right, promising to be a dating of sorts sim at first glance and then revealing itself to be a self-aware, psychological horror game. But the + version surprised me in a way I never thought possible.
Without giving too much away, I recently saw a play-through of the DDLC+ side stories (beautifully dubbed by a talented YouTuber, I might add). Suffice it to say; it was one I certainly never expected to move me the way it did, especially since it was meant to be a psychological horror game of all things!
With that said, the side stories take place in what I can only assume is an AU, departing from horror and instead focusing on a slice of life scenario surrounding the girls. All sensitive topics discussed in the main game are addressed here, and it's all beautifully done in a mature and rather profound manner. I deeply respect that.
While I'm all for stories with grand and epic settings, I do on occasion appreciate smaller, more down-to-earth stories where characters deal with real-life situations and chat amongst themselves about them. Sometimes, those tend to be more meaningful than most give them credit for, hence the earlier quote. *sighs*plus, I don't mind admitting the first side story almost got me teary-eyed... what? Men can cry too, you know!
So yeah, that's pretty much what I got out of DDLC+. It's almost funny; I didn't know what to expect from the side stories based on the main game, but it wasn't what I got. That said, what I got was spectacular, and I'm glad I sat through them.
If you're a fan of Doki Doki Literature Club, I highly recommend you view these side stories; plenty of YouTube videos feature them if you're not looking to purchase DDLC+. If you're not a fan, I don't know if these will sway you, especially since they deal with such sensitive subjects as depression and suicide (which, frankly, the main game tends to go a little strong on). That said, if you're a fan of slice of life stories, you may want to give these a look; just be aware of said subjects while doing so.
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arewordsenough · 3 years
Hi <3
You already answered the We Didn't Light It one (which sound awesome omg) so how about the Thiam Ratatouille and the WereUnicorn?
Sure thing! Thanks for the ask 💖
5. Thiam Ratatouille AU 6. WereUnicorn Crack Fic
These two have been sitting in the background for a while, honestly. I know a couple others have already written their own version of the Thiam Ratatouille scenario too, but the basic idea is that instead of a rat in his cap, Cook!Liam gets the bite. 👨‍🍳🐺😶 One day, with his stronger senses, he can tell something is missing or needs adjustment in a recipe without really understanding it and just does it without telling the sous chef or the head chef. Much to all of their horror, that's the dish that's going out to one of the most harsh food critics around, Theo Raeken. After tasting and absolutely no reaction, Theo demands to see who prepared what he ate and a terrified Liam is pushed out in front of him... and that's as much as you're getting here. :P
🦄🌈✨ WereUnicorn is a Thiam fic where they finally discover what Corey's other half is and it's way more magical than they expected. Glitter, rainbows, and a whole new type of shift lead to a delighted Mason, a more self-accepting Liam, and a less jaded Theo. Bits and pieces of this float in my head from time to time. Little scenes or how a wereunicorn would even work, but it's an idea that hasn't come to a real solid place. Though, I really like it and I'm not giving up on it.
The List of Ideas
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teecupangel · 5 months
Ok so I have had an idea. This is a bit of reference to the ratatouille au continuation of Desmond being able to hear us in the animus servers. So picture this, after a while of us talking to Desmond checking up on him and the others. Someone the group chat somehow makes a mod that gives the players (us) avatars to pilot in the servers for a short amount of time, but instead of the bodies being human they're just random animals from mise to crows to hawks and eagles. So here kinda how I think this would go. So all the ancestors are asleep or resting in the servers, meanwhile the person who made the mod adds it into the server and there's a bit of commotion as the person tells everyone else, and so the players get to work making the avatars. Then morning comes around, Desmond and the others wake up and see this excessive about of rodents just gathered around everyone. After a moment of panic and shock for our dear assassins and templars they come to find out that now the voices "inside" Desmond's head are now here ready to try And cause some havack.
Oh don't forget to drink water and eat something l. I hope you have a great day/night
Thank you, nonny! I hope you're having a great day/night too! (And yeah, I'll be eating my dinner after this hahahaha) The Ratatouille AU where the ancestors can hear Desmond while ‘playing’, its more unhinged cousin, the Ratatouille AU where Desmond can hear us and the outside POV of Al Mualim thinking the Apple broke Altaïr and the sidestory of Altaïr accidentally connecting with Ezio while looking for Desmond
Here’s the horror-esque version of this AU for this interested in that kind of setup.
Alright, confession time. When I was writing for the voices, my brain immediately to the ‘chat windows’ that popped up in Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint and in The Perks Of Being An S Class Heroine.
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Then I thought, you know what would be funny? If it was like an actual chatbox with our preferred avatar kinda like this:
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To make this stranger, all the avatar are like stock photos of animals and plants. This way, when their avatar finally comes to form, Desmond will be surrounded by various animals.
What happens to the ones who chose plant avatars?
My initial idea was that they would be floating plants like a leaf or a flower just floating in the air.
But then I realized…
We’re crazy enough to band together and create a ‘strange’ unique flower crown to put on Desmond’s head.
The ones that transformed into animals would go “That’s not fair! Why do you guys get to be that close to Desmond?!”
“Plant ftw, bitches!!!” A dandelion of all things would shout out, accidentally blowing itself up and floating away from Desmond, “Fuck!”
A second passed and the dandelion glitches out of existence.
Only to glitch back into the (technically floating) flower crown on Desmond’s head.
“Hey, guys, did you know it cost 1000 Helix to respawn? Fucking Ubi████.”
For those who don’t care about Ubisoft’s monetization scams (as you should), 1000 Helix is more or less $10 and they don’t sell 1000 Helix, they sell the small pack for $9.99 and it gives 1050 Helix. For reference, AC Valhalla’s complete sets (full armor + 2 weapons + mount and raven skin) usually cost around 1500 Helix.
So yeah… even though the ‘players’ have spawned in Desmond’s world, they are still haunted by monetization. (This does mean Desmond has gotten himself an immortal army of plants and animals)
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