#raveena natsya celik
w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Ask meme stolen from @rogue-snorunt, I’ve probably been tagged in this before but I wouldn’t even know since Tumblr rarely notifies me about anything anymore lol
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WEALTH :  wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty+
MEDICAL:   fit / moderate / sickly /disadvantaged / disabled /not applicable
CLASS:  upper / middle-working / poor / slave / unsure
EDUCATION: qualified / unqualified / studying / other
CRIMINAL RECORD:  yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
FAMILY -  ◎   Children. // has one or more children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent
              - ◎ relationship with family. // close with sibling(s)* / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased
                 ◎ affiliation. // orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable / kidnapped
🔶 extrovert // introvert // in between
🔶 disorganized // organized // in between
🔶 close minded // open-minded // in between/contextual
🔶 calm // anxious // in between
🔶 disagreeable // agreeable // in between/contextual
🔶 cautious // reckless // in between/contextual
🔶 patient // impatient // in between
🔶 outspoken // reserved // in between
🔶 leader // follower // in between
🔶 empathetic // indifferent // in between
🔶 optimistic // pessimistic // in between // realistic
🔶 traditional // modern // in between
🔶 hardworking // lazy // in between
🔶 cultured // uncultured // in between
🔶 loyal // disloyal // in between
🔶 faithful // unfaithful // in between
★ faith. // monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
✩ belief in ghosts and spirits. // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
⭐belief in an afterlife. // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❇ belief in reincarnation. // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❇ belief in aliens // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❇ philosophical. // yes / no / sometimes
💜 sexuality. / heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / questioning
❤ SEX. // sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
💘 ROMANCE. // romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
💓 SEXUALLY // adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited
❇ POTENTIAL  SEXUAL  PARTNERS. // male / female / other / none / all
❇ POTENTIAL ROMANTIC PARTNERS// male / female / other / none / all
♦combat skills. // excellent // good // moderate // poor // none
♦ literacy skills. // excellent // good // moderate // poor // none
♦ artistic talents. // excellent // good // moderate // poor // none
♦ technical skills. // excellent // good // moderate // poor // none
☕ drinking alcohol. // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
☁ smoking. // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
🌸 other narcotics // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✌medical drugs. // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
🍪 indulgent in food. // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
💲 splurge spending.  // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
♣gambling. // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
@radioactiveandraste @radicalcourier @radbeetle @ryu-no-joou @charomiami @ariejul @flannelshirtandjeans @muffet-channel @chibikinesis @voidbattlemage @worthlesssix @rikakowrites @impr0bablyhighrn @leporidaefluff @prydwencats @yesjejunus
And ofc you don’t have to do this unless you guys want to!
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nonisartblog · 7 years
This guy here wants to know more about all your OCs. Any information is cool.
Hmm okay lets get to know them:)
So where do I begin. I’ma tell you now blade their a lot to post about them.Remember I'm doing this based off memory, so I cant tell you everything about them yet.
Here we go:
(Be noted, the characters that lack a physical desciption have been drawn, check my art tag Anons art if you wanna see them).
Long post ahead:
Raveena "Ravynne" Natsya Celik. Nickname: Mean Mom. She's my older sister's courier. She is Black, Eastern European, Native American, East Indian, and Mongolian. 20yrs old, 5'1, 103lbs. Skinny-thick, and is toned. She's probably far by the meanest courier in the group. She has a low tolerance for stupidity, but is loyal and even merciful (only on good days). She's consirdered beautiful/hot and one hell of a pussycat to many, but she never acknowloges the comments, fightings more of her style. She's pretty cold, but don't let her fool you. She does the right thing, fights fair and saves lives too. Worked for all factions at one point. But secured the Mohave under the NCR's control, with the help of the BOS and Enclave. With the couriers + The Lone.
Karma: Neutral.
Papa Patriarchy: Ex-Legion boy/Courier also known as the silent saviour of the waste. Another courier of my sister's. He's middle eastern (need to finish this). Presumed to be 30yrs old, very tall, well built, handsome man. He doesn't mess with anyone that doesn't mess with him. He has dyed green/yellow hair that he wear’s in a mohawk, and and green/hazel eyes and is high-yellow. He's and honest, hard working man and is highly skilled in combat, due to his past history. He's turned his life around, and helps the people of the waste. Some still fear him, and think he became courier for redemption, others say he did it for some sort of evaluation. But nobody really knows.
Karma: Lawful good/Neutral
Fox Wilde: Tribal kid/Ex-Legion boy/Courier. My oc. He's primarily white, with asian(korean/japanese/ is a smidge of turkish) and native american heritage. Says he's 27 sometimes even 40, looks far younger then that (and is). 5'5/5'7 with his boots on (no body really knows his height. He's a pretty boy, asshole, but is also a complete dork and can be pretty generous in some situation's and started off some what naive.  He is scrawny and underweight. And is related to a certain Fox... He's suffered two trauma's: once being shot in the head/then being beat in the head.
Karma: Chaotic - Good/Neutral & sometimes a dickbag.
Vince: Courier Six/Vinni/Asshole. My and my older sister's oc. Took a team effort to work on him. Though you don't see his face... He is half black (there's some european in there), half asian (Korean/Vietnamese?/Taiwanese). looks kinda like his twin Loretta but pastier. Dark hair and dark eyes. He wears his hair combed back and gelled. He's a shorty and weighs around 95lbs to 101lbs. Skinny noodle boi, has a charisma 9000+, can be rather vain and selfish, but is also kind and caring (once you warm up to him). He only does what has to do to survive in the waste, but tries to avoid any situation that involves his friends.
Karma: Chaotic Good.
Loretta: Sweet pea/Sunshine. Is my oc and Vince's twin. Smol bean (4'9?), kinda thick, weighs more than she looks. Is about 111lbs. She and her brother share similar traits: she's got a charisma 9000+, she is kind and polite, but can be cunning and conniving. Everyone's got a game in the wastes, even Loretta. Many consider her a doll, even though she's had her share of thievery in the waste. That idiot in sunglasses Fantastic likes her and would probably follow her into a pit. While she and Benny constantly butting heads. She makes up for a lot of her wrong "dirty deeds" by providing for the waste, and assuring the people stay safe.  
Good/Lawful Good.
The Lone Wanderer: Docs kid/Bright-eyed wanderer/Kid. My oc. He's half white (italian) and half Black. Is 5'6 and 119lbs. Short curly reddish hair with a white streak, and is almost always wearing his over sized cowboy hat. Mid complection. light freckles from sun exposure. A long (but faded) scar crossing the middle of his face. He has combat skills but when the going get tough he often panics and runs. He can be rather cowardly in some situations, but will put his fears aside whenever its necessary. The boy has guts will patch your gashes up and stitch your wounds. And will fight for those that cant fight for themselves. He saved DC how come he cant save the Mohave too?
Karma:Very Good/Neutral
Nathaniel “Nate” Antonio Renardo Smith: Sole/Blue/Butcher Pete. My oc: He's white (italian), With black hair and blue eyes. His face is riddled with little cuts, scars, old and new. He's pretty pasty but has tanned over time (he has tan lines on his body). Sharp teeth, sometimes stained red. Is always topless and bloody. Has changed since his time in and out the vault. He still has some of his sanity, but its slowly fading. He still fight for the good of the settlers, but on the side he's a glutenous man child, always chewing on something or someone. He's not that bad of a guy, you just need to get to know him. He won't eat his friends or general people... just don't cross him he'll make you pay.
Chaotic Good.
Thanks for the awesome ask @a-bladesentinel I'll be sure to expand a little more on these oc's soon!
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
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I decided to do the jock, prep, goth, nerd alignment chart meme for my OCs askglfdjfgfdbvhfhsgfddxbjkalsiffuygtbsf
Since I haven’t really posted much about my OCs I’ll categorize/name them below
The dude that’s in the center is Papa Patriarchy, while the lady below with the ponytails is Samantha, and the lady to the right side of Sam’s pic is Deb. And the lady pictured under both Sam and Deb, is Jenny Smith.
The Left side of the chart: The Auburn haired lady at the top of the left side Reyna Hernandez. The Grey haired man on the Prep side is Barnabas Ernest Smith, The Black haired  guy below Barnabas is Zane, and the Red haired woman below Zane is Molly Anne.
The Right side of the chart: The Black haired lady at the top right of the chart is Alanna Mei Gonzalez,. The Black haired Gothic-looking chick is my main OC Ravynne, and the Black haired female and male pictured near her are Leon and Charlene Kwon.
Tagging: @nuka-nuke @catastrotaffy @senpaishlong @charomiami @sokomoro @voidbattlemage @eisenhexa @ryu-no-joou
I know this meme/challenge is old af, but I’m still tagging y’all just in case you’ve never done it before. But ofc you don’t have to do it unless you guys want to.
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
I made a thing
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Look guys its 2008 all over again
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Bloop! ❤️
Henlo c:
Fun Fact: Ravynne loves photography and carries a camera wherever she goes. Also her favorite photographs are the ones she took when she visited the Cabot family’s house.
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Fun fact: Most of Ravynne’s friends don’t know that she is Dyslexic. She used to be embarrassed because of this, but Arcade told her that she shouldn’t be embarrassed of being Dyslexic and he often helps her when she has difficulty reading.
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Bloop! Bloop!
Fun fact: Ravynne has been dying her hair Blue, since she was 8 years old. She would finally start wearing her hair in it’s natural color again 10 years later/when she turned 18
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
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Full name: Raveena Natsya Celik
Meaning of name: “Beauty Of The Sun”
Origin of name: Hindu/Punjabi
Nickname: Ravynne or “Mean Mom”
Traits: Grumpy, Loyal, Protective, Stubborn, Cold, and Rude
Affiliation: NCR, Followers of the Apocalypse, Brotherhood of Steel
Occupation: Courier, NCR Ranger
Physical Traits
Hair Color: Blue (dyed)
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: 5’1 (156cm)
Weight: 102lbs (46.2kg)
Age: 18-19
Birthdate: September 6 (2268-2269?)
Blood Type: AB-
Race/Ethnicity: Black, Eastern European, Native American, East Indian, and Mongolian
Sex: Female
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Romantic Orientation: Aromantic
S.P.E.C.I.A.L:  9 ST, 9 PE, 6 END, 3 CH, 10 IN, 5 AG, 3 LK
Karma: Neutral
Tag Skills:
Energy Weapons 100
Repair 100
Science 100
Lockpick 100
Trait(s): Built To Destroy and Trigger Discipline
Perks: Black Widow, Sniper, Meltdown, Nuka Chemist, and Laser Commander
Ravynne was born sometime between 2268-2269 to two members of the Followers of the Apocalypse. She became an orphan when she was only two or three years old after her parents were killed by deathclaws.
Eventually Ravynne would be found and adopted by a mysterious woman who was an NCR Ranger. This NCR Ranger would become almost like a mother figure to Ravynne, and she wanted to be just like her mother when she grew up.
As Ravynne got older, her mother would teach her sniping and she was very supportive of Ravynne when she decided to join the NCR.
After being in the NCR for a few months, Ravynne decided to go back home to see her mother only to find the her hometown had been pillaged and burned down to the ground by Legionnaires.
Despite there being no signs of life in town, Ravynne still decided to check and see if anyone was alive. All of the residents in her town were brutally murdered, except for her mother possibly.
Ravynne didn’t know if her mother was alive or dead, there was no blood, and there was no body, so maybe there was hope that her mother was still alive.
But Ravynne still wanted to get revenge for her mother and for her neighbors, so she continued on her journey to defeat Caesar’s Legion and help the NCR gain control over the Hoover Dam.
Ravynne is almost always in a grumpy mood and she acts very maturely for her age. All of her friends like to refer to her as “Mom” or “Mean Mom” because she tends to be very loyal and protective to them. She is also known for being quite rude, cold, and stubborn at times.
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Negative Traits - Ravynne
Tagged by the lovely @alongtidesoflight 😘 
Tagging @chibikinesis @nonisartblog @hoodieofthewaste @ariejul @life-is-no-sugarlicking and @catastrotaffy ❤️❤️❤️
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aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted| compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting  | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing |  over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
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Screenshots of my OC Ravynne :D
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nonisartblog · 7 years
1,11,21 and 31 for any / all of your OCs, please? ^^
Hi thanks for the ask bby
1. Whatis their name? Do they go by the same name they did pre-war?
Raveena Natsya Celik“Courier/Ravynne” for short.
Papa Patriarchy (another courier) and The Lone Wanderer just have titles not names (though I have considered giving the lone a name. Me and my older sister just prefer to keep them nameless:)
Fox Wilde pretty simple.
Loretta and Vince (my and my sis’s twin oc) I never gave the two a last or middle name but maybe they’ll get a name reveal.
Name reveal time:
Nathaniel “Nate” Antonio Renardo Smith.(He still uses it but prefers people to call him Nate).
11. Do they get attached to theirweapons sentimentally, give them names etc?
Ravynne: Game Over her lucky laser pistol (She never misses a shot). Fox Wilde, Gilgamesh his shotgun (One monster of a gun).  Vince: Loretta his rifle he named after his sister during the start of NV. And lastly Nate: a combat knife he named Nora after his dearly departed wife. All of them have named weapons but those were the ones I can remember.
Nate and Vince both show a visible emotionally attachment to their weapons, Vince never admits to it though.
21. Do they partake in anythingthat could be considered escapism?
None of them do or have the time to do so. All though Fox Wilde and Loretta both wish they were someplace else doing something else besides constantly  fighting for survival.
31. Has the post-war commonwealth changed themphysically?
Since most of my oc’s/my sister’s oc’s were born into it this one goes out to Nate:
He’s almost a completely different person. Before he was compassionate, stoic, hard working, young man. Now he’s a mix of insanity and the old Nate he used to be. Nate is barbaric, vile and just plain right animalistic. Many often wonder how he lives like that, but he often shrugs people off. He’s not that bad though he still has lots of friends and still has some of his sanity. He doesn’t harm people without reason. So he’s changed but an old part of him still remains.
Hi @failout4 thanks again for the ask
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
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It’s been a long time since I’ve posted screenshots of Ravynne to my blog 😄😂
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Fun Fact: Ravynne got her title “Mean mom” because she looks and acts older than she actually is xD Despite being only 18, Ravynne tends to be the most mature person in her group of friends.
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
Does Ravynne have a favorite time of day?
Most definitely! Her favorite time of the day around evening time. Rayvnne loves to sit down on a rock and watch the sun set in the Mojave desert everday
Also ty for the ask Blade! :D
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w4steland-sn1per · 6 years
I need an intro on your OC or OCs if you have multiple? What's their name? What are they like?
I have multiple Fallout OC’s but I’ll tell you about Ravynne (for now at least). You might’ve seen a few drawings of my OC Ravynne on my sis Noni’s blog :D
Ravynne’s full name is Raveena Natsya Celik, and she is often called “Mean Mom” because of how she acts. She’s usually grumpy, and acts very maturely despite her age. She’s 18 or 19 but is often mistaken for being older lol
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