#raven cave
pygmypouter · 1 year
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i'm next level, so legit with all my clique, clique, clique, all you bitches fuckin' wish you had this clique
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rabidfoxes · 4 days
im so normal about kevin day i swear to god. imagine your mom invents a sport, imagine you grow up with this sport being your entire life, you get abused and punished and shoved into the spotlight from a young age, all for this sport. you don't know anything else. it's all you've ever done and all you've ever been. you have to be the best at it. and one day you get punished for that too, and this sport you've poured everything into gets ripped right out of your hands by the boy you've grown up forced to consider your brother. you have to learn it from zero with your non dominant hand. you have, in an incredibly short span of time, to get as good at it as you were before the injury. of course you're fucking obsessed with it to the point of being unsympathetic sometimes, of course there's no other choice. the pressure is unimaginable. you cannot afford to be anything but the best. you cannot afford to relax and let go of it even for a second. you left the cave but the shadows are all you've ever known
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flippinegg · 6 months
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havent used this website in a bit anyways here are some more binding of isaac co op babies i made for fun and also a mod. once again im sorry for all the tags teehee. anyways back to being inactive bye!!!!!!
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endcant · 6 months
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adamparrishsaccent · 1 month
okay i had to get it out of my head but pynch fanfic au idea;
they’re all like early twenties. adam is a mechanic. he meets gansey, a pretty rich boy who doesn’t know jack shit about cars, and takes it upon himself to reign in his coworkers who are actively working to squeeze as much as money as they can get out of gansey. adam pulls him to the side to tell him the truth and charge him honestly because hey, he might be struggling himself, but there’s no true satisfaction in money made off of someone goodhearted and unknowing.
he earns gansey’s respect (and instant friendship), so when gansey’s good friend ronan lynch fucks up his BMW during a street race with kavinsky, of course gansey recommends he visit this trustworthy mechanic with an honest heart and a pretty face.
it might not be love at first sight when a looming man in a leather jacket with a raven perched on his shoulder arrives close to the shop’s closing time, with only adam left behind, but it’s certainly something.
maybe adam talks too much as he raises the fancy BMW on the lift, hyperaware that it probably costs more than he made in a year, and maybe ronan stares a little too long at adam’s calloused hands. maybe he starts becoming a little more reckless when he races kavinsky and maybe adam takes longer than he really should to inspect the damages, but that’s just a bunch of maybes.
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scaridea · 1 year
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cabeswatercowboy · 2 months
(Went into one of the airport shops to buy dinner...came out with this guy instead:)
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It's a Mitsu!! It's an Evo!! And when I get back home, it will be painted white. 😌
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allonsy-gabriel · 1 year
imagine for a second you're gustavo uvano. imagine you're basha myaso. you bring your seconds to a war council, a meeting of all the generals and leaders of all the armies of all these disparate kingdoms. you tell them to stay outside the tent. you're planning the final push, the final offensive, in a bloody, drawn-out war that's lasted nearly a decade. you don't trust the people in the tent next to you, but that's okay because you know that outside the tent, you have your most trusted advisor.
the meeting ends. you leave the tent, expecting to see your second standing there, to go over your plans and positions, but they're gone. no one knows where they went. a drunken old crumble of cheese mentions something about chasing a knight and a priest, but no one really saw anything. they're just... gone.
you never see them again. the battle hasn't even begun, but it has already claimed the person you trusted most. but there is a war on, and you have no time to worry, or to mourn. how surprising is it, then, when general rococoa is found littered with arrows behind her own lines? your trusted friends disappeared before the first arrows were fired. this is war. people are lost. people are taken. you never see them again.
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polarsirens · 1 year
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months
stain me with all you have
Hey there! I present to you another fic for PriceRaven :D
read it here
This is a smut (with feelings) fic, therefore I've uploaded it onto my Ao3 instead of over here, BUT here's snippet :p
big big thanks to bressynonym for bringing this vision of mine to life! her commission details are linked here
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.....his thoughts were interrupted when he felt a swipe on his philtrum, the cold finger coming in contact with his warm ones made him shudders slightly as he trailed his eyes up to meet the birdie’s brown eyes.
Brown, honey eyes that are now blown out.
He felt the low vibration of her hum as she swiped her thumb across his lips, where she cheekily painted his lips with his blood like lipstick.
“Playing with your food, are you, birdie?”
“More like prepping my meal…”
He hummed back quietly, as their eyes met again for another moment.
It's undeniable that they have been building up tensions since their first encounter, and the realisation only continues to deepen.
They both want more out of this. 
Birdie who scratches the metals of her cage, begging to be set free, tempting him with a promise he’ll find pleasure in. 
Or rather, more so an orange, dangling before him seemingly within reach, deceptively sweet but turned sour and bitter if he sank his teeth into it. 
A forbidden fruit begging to be torn apart.
He might answer the plea and temptation after all.
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I'm not fine I was robbed of seeing 80's Dream because he was in fucking crystal ball jail during that time.
the POTENTIAL!!! maybe it would've been his most goth-y look but NOOO mister i want my son back had to RUIN IT FOR ALL OF US
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kkrazy256 · 1 year
Deli, Colin, and Amangeaux in the aftermath
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my4ththerapist · 2 months
Cave of bones frrrrr underappreciated
I was screaming ab it for dayssssss you don’t understanddddd
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chai-ky · 1 year
Brennan died. Zac lived. Lou remains... unfallen.
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matrose · 9 months
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children of time AND ruin AND memory 💯
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treasure-mimic · 11 months
Felt like messing around in photoshop today, so, what started as a want to create some franchise icons for Smash turned into full character mockups, so I put together my 10 most wanted characters for Smash Bros., whatever the next game looks like, and I’d like to post them and talk about them a bit.
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Quote is I think my most wanted newcomer to Smash, I really like and appreciate everything Cave Story has done, and I think if you’re talking about indie games, Cave Story has probably had the most influence on the industry. Kids today probably don’t know much of anything about this game, but trust me when I say there’d be no Hollow Knight, no Ori, no Celeste, without Quote.
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This one might be a little obvious nowadays, but I am fully behind the Waluigi train. Just one point of contention, I think people undersell his potential by just having him reference different sports games and spin-offs. I think the real play is to come up with a wholly original kit based around being a dirty cheater and trickster with a penchant for explosives.
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I’d much rather have Paper Mario than Dr. Mario if I’m being entirely honest with you.
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This one’s a bit weird, because I don’t have a huge fondness for Excitebike the game or Excitebiker the character, I’m just enamored with this concept of a fighting game character who fights entirely from the back of a motorcycle. I just think that’s wicked as hell. I’ll take it in whatever form I can.
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Metroid Dread is in strong contention for my favorite Metroid game ever, and it did finally give us a character with a body plan and toolkit that lends itself to Smash, outside of Sylux and the Hunters, whom I’m not the biggest fans of. I’ve had some contentious history with the way Smash fans talk about Metroid, so I guess I’ll put it out now that I think if, at this point, you’re not vouching for Raven Beak, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
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Love me some DS VNs, Professor Layton I think at this point has the strongest ties to Nintendo and, since Phoenix Wright got to play in Marvel 3, it should be his time to shine, though I wouldn’t be opposed to any of them.
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Honestly, every generation of Pokemon there’s a couple of new mons that I think would make sick Smash characters, and will inevitably get passed up for a lame starter. Nihilego deserves a spot, dammit, she’s more plot important than any number of fire/fighting muscleheads. But if we’re shilling for the most recent gen, you can’t go wrong with a giant hammer.
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The Heavy is commonly in talks around Smash Bros. wishlists, especially here in the West, but the obvious problem rears its head pretty quickly. He’s a giant, lumbering, immobile mass whose main weapon takes several seconds to start up and then chews through anything it hits. This is my counterproposal, I think the Scout is just as iconic as the Heavy, comes with a lot of fun weapons and abilities, and actually has some mobility. Imagine using a downward Force-A-Nature shot to recover while spiking someone into the blast zone!
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This is for sure a weird one, but once the idea came to me I started getting really attached to it. The number of Enderman variants from Minecraft Dungeons gives the Enderman a surprising amount of variance to pull from, and the Ender Dragon could be its Final Smash.
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For the final suggestion, this is for sure a “there’s no chance in hell” but also “it would be really funny”. Scorpion, I think, best represents the aesthetics of Mortal Kombat, a ninja with fire, bladed weapons, and the ability to teleport, which centers him more than Sub-Zero who uses ice, Raiden who uses lightning, and Liu Kang who’s just a martial artist. Leaning heavy on the fire aspect is also a good way to nerf MK’s hypergore for a Rated E10+ game, though that really is the central appeal of Scorpion, trying to shove this edgelord into a kiddy cartoon beat-em-up.
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