#ravenwitch ramblings
ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I love the fact that pre rework and post rework Fiddlesticks look like there screaming at eachother
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
This frame of Jontrons Firework video holds a special place in my heart for some reason
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Thank You FTK whoever you are for brillant work of animation alongside everyone else in this one.
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ravenwitch45 · 7 months
You're awesome
Thank you... admittedly I don't feel so great right now, and it's not just Im still awfully slow with this blog. But thank you, whoever you are. I'd be open to chatting since you seem nice I suppose.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I was messing around editing the contrast on some Chaz screenshots and accidentally turned the wall behind him into a giant bi flag
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I mean... that works I guess. XP
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ravenwitch45 · 3 months
omg your back! i missed seeing you while you were gone hope your doing alright
Aww thanks XP Sorry it's just been a few messy months when it comes to motivation, but I am okay now, I hope you are too ^^
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Okay so Beezlebub was voiced by Ke$ha which is still crazy to me but I went back and watched Timber cause I love the small wholesome film it is and it's nice seeing Vivzie's early work, but when the credits rolled I noticed something
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So clearly Viv loves Ke$ha, and has for a long time but to know she ended up being able to work with her on something, let alone on her own show, seems like a dream come true, and I love that for her, not to mention all the other members of the crew who probably loved working with her too. ^^
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Well all that happened... Good lord I'm gonna go cope for a bit.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
That awkward moment when you accidently resume a video in another window, which just happens to be The Circus paused at the reunion scene so you just suddenly start hearing Stolas moaning XP
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I know I said I was going to be trying to do two asks a day but my back aches so badly I am literally crying rn so I'm just gonna take a break for myself and start back when I can. I'm sorry, I hope this ends soon trust me.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I am so fudging sorry to everyone who gave me a request, I've been leaving them for a few days and I wanted to get to some today but ended up burning my hand a little cooking so XP I will to some tommorrow I promise yall.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Well I just watched... Well Watching and Dreaming XP and it was perfect. I won't say much else to not spoil and will probably wait a week or so for a full post but... I loved it, so glad I had nothing to worry about in the end.
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
Okay full honesty, do you guys even care what image is used in my ask replies? Like do you guys mind if I used like the same three in rotation for something?
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
What the heck is the top posters club badge?
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I am I in the wrong for not wanting to learn social cues that I just don't get? Like I don't want to be rude they literally just fly over my head.
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ravenwitch45 · 11 months
How can a small woman who's 4'9 pass off as being intimidating? I'm not talking about fiction because I'm talking about real life.
Well unfortunately I am a practical Amazon as some of my friends have called me, 6'3 so I so do not know your experience, like at all :I
BUT! I can use a general google search plus some stuff from media I watch to help I hope. One, Hold people's gaze and do not waver, that's intimidating no matter your height. Two, Say what you mean, Mean what you say, and walk confidently, like you got somewhere to be, project confidence in general, act like you know what your doing, and know what your talking about. Have a no nonsense attitude when you want to intimidate
Theres a few clothing options that can be a bit intimidating, stuff with spikes, menacing imagery (NOT BIGOTED STUFF OR SLURS AND OFFENSIVE STUFF) like scary animals, skulls, lightning or fire etc, same can be said with tattos with the imagery (Cause for some reason tattoos are considered scary, for some reason XD)
Combat boots and blocky heels make people KNOW your there and around, plus will fucking hurt if you kick someone with it, dont mess with people wearing shoes like that. Of course High heels will increase your height, and might be considered intimidating in some spaces, but it's not worth it trust me, be comfortable, while being intimidating, is my personal advice I guess.
And if all else fails. just carry a weapon or make it clear you can defend yourself, make it a prop maybe, but it works for Shayera, who is frankly one of the most intimidating characters I know of, tall, short, man or woman. And she's 5'6 so she's not that either.
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I am far from a great life advice blog, but hope i helped, this was such an odd request for me but it was fun. Just put this advice to good use please, please don't bully people XP
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ravenwitch45 · 1 year
I kinda wanna start an Helluva RP side blog, but I don't know if I could manage that too well...
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