#ravs rp
sepia-sun-star · 7 months
My (definitely not haunted) pet rock lutthy wanted to say hello !!
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year
OOC: Deleted Earthspark Scenes from Ep 16 (Ravage content)
Behind a cut if you haven't seen the show
She's a girl.
She stands on her hind legs when she feels like it.
She's sneaky but she taunts people she thinks are assholes.
When she returns to Soundwave she hides in his deck til the guards are gone, then jumps back into his arms and nuzzles his face and snuggles, while Starscream makes snarky commentary.
I feel like someone wrote me a love letter. I've been saying ES Ravi acts like my Ravi ever since she gave Frenzy the stink eye for leaving.
ETA: "OOC" means out of character. This is a Ravage RP blog. If you are reading this from a personal blog and have commentary on the content, please make your comments in your reblog/reblog tags and PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS POST. My RP character is conjunxed/married to Soundwave and isn't interested in your interpretation of their relationship.
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llithiumstars · 9 months
hi!! i haven’t watched virtually any yogs content in like 7 years but was inspired by your blog to start giving things a look-see again, especially with seeing rythian, nilesy, and ravs on the main channel again and seeing that rythian’s doing another minecraft series now! i was wondering, does kirbycraft have much lore or rp content? i might watch it anyway because it does seem fun and i’ve been getting into watching minecraft series again after a long hiatus, but i tend to be much more interested in stuff with backstories and/or a storyline, even if it’s a relatively small part of the series! and do you know of any other yogs/yogs-adjacent minecraft series made in the past few years with more of a lore/rp focus? love your art btw!!
hiya!! welcome back, and thank you!!
It's fantastic seeing more minecraft on the main channel again, the build battles and other little bits have been such a treat and I'm so SO glad we're getting more of it!!
Kirbycraft,, is not a roleplay series, no, BUT I still strongly suggest checking out at least the edited videos over on Briony's channel! The first few sessions of streams did have quite a few little references on Rythian's part to Blackrock lore, and he has his continued dislike of endermen and such (If you find you don't vibe with watching the whole streams, at least check out the vod where they beat the dragon. It's very good.)
Despite it not being a lore/rp series, we're all very eager to make up silly lore in the fandom abt how krb would connect to Blackrock + the greater series lore, so while canon may not provide, Fanon absolutely will.
In terms of other series, since Flux Buddies ended back in 2019, we've not really had a true Yogsmc roleplay series. The closest would be what Martyn's been up to in the past couple years with the Life series, Rats and Pirates smps, and a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting. I love the Life series, very worth a watch from his povs, and I've heard good things abt the other mc series he's been involved in!
If you're happy to leave the yogs sphere I'd also recommend Empires, both seasons, if you're looking for a very lore and roleplay heavy series.
That being said, there's quite a lot of mc content from the yogs nowadays that isn't rp focused, (Duncan hasn't stopped, seriously does he know he can stop playing minecraft?) which is all excellent. Vault hunters with the Hats + Duncan's group was great, Duncan's park 2, cursedcraft with Simon + Gee. Plenty of stuff to try out!
I didn't expect this to get this long lol but!! Welcome back!! Big wide world of awesome stuff coming out, (and now's a great time to get into krb as they're likely to be taking essentially a season break/ start something new rather soon) and I hope you find something you enjoy!
EDIT: Feel free to add suggestions in the replies if I've forgotten a series here!
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green-grey-n-glitched · 9 months
Hidden alone together in the corpse of their rotting universe, two beings reside. The sole survivors of their homes collapse. Their names? Antisepticeye and Darkiplier. Through a stolen phone and Antis ability to jump through universes, they've managed to contact this realm. The only question now is what will you do?
Life is ours to choose after all.
What Anti and Dark look like (art by @candymoth-art go commission them right now or I will lick your kneecaps /j)
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Tag list under the cut
Character tags (more will be added as more blogs interact)
#Fuzz without hat - tag for this blogs Antisepticeye
#Coloured time - tag for this blogs Darkiplier
#Edgelord2000 - tag for other Darkipliers
#Glitched accomplice - tag for other Antisepticeyes
#Bubblegum bitch - tag for Wilford Warfstache
#Trickshots and misses - tag for Chase Brody
#Shards of glass - tag for the District Attorney
#Bot talks back - tag for Bingsepticeye
#False love - tag for Actor Mark
#Reporting live - tag for Jim(s)
#Creations unknown - tag for the Captin/OCs
#Fallible words - tag for the Host/Author
#Fredbears family diner - any character relating to the fnaf music series
#Fools - tag for an ask sent by someone who isn't playing a character/oc
Other tags
#Homesick - posts that remind either ego of their lives before the universe collapsed
#playing with the mask - tag for rp posts
#Broken thoughts - for when either ego wants to post a moment/thought
#Talking to the mirror - tag for when Anti and Dark communicate with each other
#Vanity - for fanart that fits any of the egos description
#Fanmail - For when another blog references us unprompted
#Rav - tag for pictures that remind Dark of their old pet raven
#💚 - an ooc sign off tag for when Callahan/Anti is fronting for the rp (sometimes this will not be used since we do not know who is fronting all the time)
#⚪️ - an ooc sign off tag for when Edwin/Dark is fronting for the rp (sometimes this will not be used since we do not know who is fronting all the time)
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cleverthylacine · 2 years
I've been thinking about the Commander Jaguars|Ravage Clones in Energon and that rounded back to thinking about Ravage herself again. Do you think she deserves a Mace/Morning Star tail weapon once more in a new continuity? What would be the ideal design for her in your opinion?
Random thoughts but I thought you might like to think on her some.
Ravi herself is a stealth model so I don't think she would use a mace or a morningstar as they tend to be noisy and loud weapons. The clones having those makes sense--they attack en masse and they are not stealth agents. But I also think having a heavy object on the end of a long, flexible tail (that is part of a cat's spine no less) would be painful for her as it would be a constant downward pull on her tail.
(I am sensitive to this because I have a bad shoulder as a result of being knocked off my feet by a train that had stopped suddenly starting again. I was carrying a heavy bag, and the weight of it pulled my shoulder and arm away from the rest of me. It didn't dislocate the shoulder completely, but the rotator cuff tore. You don't want something heavy at the far end of a long, moving part of your body.)
My ideal design for her is based on a combo between the IDW Mastermind Creations Reformatted figure and the BW Ravage design, but less, uh, hypermasculine of course.
When she is on all fours, her torso is longer--her spinal struts are extensible, but there should be 3 and the extensible areas are different, so that she does not have any one place on her spine where they're all weakest. Tarn took advantage of that in IDW and we all saw how that ended.
Her opposable thumb/dewclaw pops out when needed, so that she doesn't have to put much weight on it when she walks quadruped. @dimorphodon-x drew some really great hand designs for her and for Glit -- Ravage is shown in IDW piloting a ship, and Glit is the best surgeon IN the Decepticon army.
Anyhow, so, her spine is compact when it bears her entire weight in bipedal mode but longer when she's a cat. Her upper abdomen/lower thorax is where she compresses, so that her proportions are felinoid when stretched out and padding around, but more humanoid when standing upright. It gives her the illusion of a femme figure that way, too. BW Rav is very bulky and Ravage herself is a stealth person, so narrow the shoulders and hips a bit, but narrow the hips less than the shoulders.
I love the knives on her tail but I've always specified that she can sheathe them inside of her tail tip so that she doesn't have to worry about randomly stabbing people when she needs to vent energy out through her tail and also so that she can sometimes use her tail along with or in lieu of her spike.
The one major thing I would change is the location of the missile launchers.
The person who designed that doesn't own cats. On all fours with their long twisty spines, the physics of firing missiles from a hip mount would be unpleasant at best and even if there were built in buffers, over a time it would cause damage and degradation to the lower spine. That's probably why late in (G1-IDW-BW canon) life, as she moves further from a G1 frame through a late IDW frame to the BW frame (if you look at them there's an obvious transition from point A to point C) she elects to be bipedal almost all of the time. The hip missiles will have done for the twistiness of her lower spine and to maintain her strength it'll have to be fused into place so she doesn't Tarn herself when she shoots someone.
I ... wish I could draw.
The one difference between my mental designs for her in VOS and some of the lovely drawings Dimo did of her for that RP, is that her head in biped mode at least is shaped more like BW Rav's, giving her more room in her cranial case.
Also, the thing I like least about the MMC Reformatted Jaguar is that her lower jaw is so freaking tiny. It's like putting a cat's lower jaw on a jaguar's face, wtf. Although G1 Ravage's face is more like that of a thylacine than that of either a big cat or a dog/wolf. There is nothing other than a thylacine that has that much range of motion in its lower jaw.
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aquamanandfriends · 1 year
[ even just considering adding Aaron to this blog, I'm skimming what I did write with him 12 years ago and ... wow... childhood. I miss it. I miss chb rp and rav and all those people, it was so messy lol I was fucking writing in god damn first person and script format? Why??? ]
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brittapcrrys · 2 years
watched all of avenue 5 last night and like just quickly abt the show itself: so many fascinating elements to it , right ingredients for something great, they just never quite stick the landing. it’s not a complete waste of time n it filled the specific void i personally needed it to yesterday but creatively, narratively, comedically it just keeps falling short. also j0sh gad is there so the fact i kept watching despite that says a lot abt what i was willing to put up with just to focus on something bizarre.
ANYWAY. cool rp concept i think. limited-run travel and cruise rps are/have been a thing before, futuristic & sci-fi and space-set rps aren’t super common but they exist, the whole “being knocked off course” n various other hiccups and minor disasters (also major disasters) in the show bring in a disaster/survival element like jumping off points as inspo for plot drops & events and possibly even tasks, characters would probably have to be a blend of crew and passengers but in the ........ “passengers who made an impac on the crew, other passengers, and overall journey” like karen & by extension frank orrr jordan was technically a contracted employee bUT not crew so was functionally just a performing passenger in S1, doug and mia were connected to rav in mission control so that shifted them from standard background passengers to ‘somehow involved in big stuff sometimes’.
i zoned out and forgot where i was going with this and how i was gonna end it nsjdfn. just felt good to be even a lil bit excited and inspired by something, even something silly that im not gonna act on idk
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eyes-blazing · 3 years
Raven frowned, shook his head slightly to dislodge the images running through his head and took another swig of his beer. There was no way he could do what he was thinking to Derek Hale.
For one he was ten years younger then Raven and for another he was Ravens friends oldest son. Raven had known him since he was sixteen years old.
"And he's really filled out since then." The thought crossed Ravens mind again as Derek took a drink from his own beer, ideas of better places for those lips to be flashing in quick succession.
Raven chugged his beer and went to the cooler for another.
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card-and-flame · 3 years
Character Archetype - Ravard
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The Matryoshka Doll.
Someone with layers, and a painted surface hiding deep intricacy below. A person who changes completely in a blink of an eye, a person with contradictions but something cohesive holding everything together.
Tagged by: @nijah-wolff-xiv​ Tagging: Everyone! I’ve been away from Tumblr for awhile, so I don’t know who hasn’t been tagged yet so if you see this, you have officially been tagged.  You can find the quiz here!
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fightingthetides · 4 years
                                    Closed starter for @undergrounclmafia​ || Emi
In the Twine household, birthdays were important days to celebrate, because it was the anniversary that you came into the world, to your family. Not celebrating it was like saying you didn’t wish to be born, and that was a concept his family didn’t foster. In his younger years, although very secluded, he was raised with a lot of love and care. 
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“Ravein, if you want to age another year, you have to celebrate your birthday. Blowing out your candles blows away all the bad things that happened to you in the past year.”
He didn’t know how Emi felt about her birthday, but he could hint at the deep bitterness and hatred she felt. Perhaps this was what she needed. Someone to celebrate her birthday with. She needed to blow out candles. It absolves the bad things in life. Magical things, they are. 
[Text → Emi] : Coming over today?
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keelime-xiv · 5 years
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Introducing Rav Kha~!
A retired old man who travels wherever he pleases until the great beyond decides to finally take him.  He’s a gentle yet very boisterous soul. A widower blessed with five grown sons all of whom have moved far from home to start their own adventures. So rather than rattle around on the lonely farm like some old coot, Rav Kha took to a life of aimless wandering. Spreading his loud and deranged old man advice to anyone who has this misfortune of indulging him.
I finally got around to turning one of my alts into an old man cat. Feel free to come say hello if you see me waddling about ♥
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if you ain’t stealing your favorite characters from your ex fandoms and making them your own what you even doing
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azuria-inspo · 4 years
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❝ humano ❞
gananciosos e ambiciosos por natureza, mesmo sendo a espécie mais frágil, compensam por suas falhas com sua mente. avanços tecnológicos e versatilidade no uso do que têm à disposição os colocam em par com outras espécies. ainda que não sejam o ápice, não se permitem ser a base da cadeia hierárquica.
─── subespécie ───
❝ soldado rav ❞
treinados ao máximo do desenvolvimento humano e usuários de mutagênicos especiais da resistência, os infiltrados da rav conseguem se comparar em muitos aspectos às criaturas que caçam, apesar de não serem inteiramente capazes de superá-las ou mesmo se igualar, a mente rápida e perspicaz os torna inimigos formidáveis. mestres da manipulação e de combates armados.
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Welcome to the void!
Two beings reside here, their suposed names? Antisepticeye and Darkiplier.
[About/rough information about Anti and Dark]
(Possible tws for this blog, religion, violence/murder references, alcohol, sexual references, unreality)
Tag list!
More will be added if other accounts intract:)
Character tags
Edgelord2000 - tag for other Darkipliers
Glitched accomplice - tag for other Antisepticeyes
Coloured time - tag for this blogs Dark, used by Anti
Fuzz without hat - tag for this blogs Anti, used by Dark
Bubblegum bitch - tag for Wilford Warfstache
Trickshots and misses - tag for Chase Brody
Shards of glass - tag for the district attorney
Bot talks back - tag for bingsepticeye
False love - tag for Actor Mark
Other tags
Reporting live - tag for Jim(s)
Fallible words - tag for Host
Creations unknown- tag for OCs/Captains
Broken thoughts - random moments/thoughts/ideas either of the pair wish to post
Talking to the mirror - communication between Anti and Dark
Playing with the mask - tag for talking to another blog
Vanity - reblogs of fanart that fit either entities description
Fan mail - when another rp blog makes a reference to this one unprompted (i.e., we didn't send an ask)
Rav - reblogs of ravens in reference for Darks own pet
Fools - for when we don't know who is sending an ask
Homesick - posts that remind either of the pair about their life before living in the void
Open - for posts where others can interject
Closed - for posts that would preferably be left alone
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Bertram Aubrey | Ravenclaw ✗ Major: TBD | FC: Tyler Posey
✗ Traits:
+ Enthusiastic, positive, bright
- Bossy, gullible, impulsive
Ø Admin Thoughts
(This will become a PAST section for taken characters)
He has enough school spirit to be either encouraging or annoying – probably involved in at least 5 clubs.
He took a gap year after getting rejected from Oxford.
He is more enthusiastic about Hogwarts to prove to himself that he made the right choice going there.
→ Connections:
Greta Catchlove - Close Friend. Greta is fun to be around when just hanging out, but her worrying stresses him out.
Tilden Toots - Friend. Bertram may have made something of a secret project of Tilden: it’s his mission to get the dude to spend as much time with his fellow humans as he does with plants. He thinks it’s going well.
Carlotta Dearborn - Friend. Crush. He and Carlotta have always gotten along, but some time last year he had an ‘oh shit’ moment of realizing he had a crush. He doesn’t know if he wants to act on it though.
Emma Vanity - Rival. He is the cheering section for Ravenclaw, so he’s had a friendly rivalry going with the Slytherin Rugby player for some time now.
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wardennobori-a · 3 years
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"All aboard, then! Prepare for departure!"
Indie RP blog for Ingo from the Pokemon Franchise, written by Rav.
rules // ooc
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