#ray cries about brighteyes for th millionth time
soup-scope · 2 years
What breaks my heart the MOST about the bright and Fred situation is not just the loss of potential new Solaire lore, but a bit more of an internal look on how Sam is still reeling from his own turning.
Like sams relation to Alexis is mentioned in like. One video. From like a year ago. We see how he reacted during the inversion when Vincent had to be a maker. He obviously has very STRONG feelings about being a maker/a vampire in general
Through the lens of brighteyes, were given a chance to view Sam as not a lover, not necessarily a maker, but someone that we HAVE to depend on even though both parties are very much not happy with that arrangement. We’d also have the chance to see how Vincent presented himself as the clans prince. We’d possibly get a front row seat to how much he changed since he met Lovely. (I know the bright and Fred situations happens AFTER lovely goes to wonderworld cause bright and Fred literally stumble across Adams skeleton lmao)
I’m just mega disappointed how we practically LOST a side of the solaire clan that we can’t necessarily see through Lovely or darlin’s eyes.
I’d also kill to get a confrontation between Sam and Vincent perhaps. Sam *blames* brighteyes for going to wonderworld and getting them and Fred killed, even though they didn’t know vampires existed. But LOVELY did the exact same thing months (potentially months idk) prior and yet he doesn’t blame lovely for running into Adam??
I would’ve loved to get more views and perspectives on both vamps that we can’t get through the other listeners )))):
I always say this whenever I mourn the loss of bright and Fred’s storyline, but I understand WHY their story was scrapped in the first place. I’m glad Erik did what he thought was best for his mental health. 1000% stand by him for that decision. Some part of me may want the story to eventually come back, but if it never does, then I will respect Eriks decision and support him fully‼️‼️
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