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telling bad jokes to stephenisafuckup
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i watched tess draw this
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Stole some markers from the craft store today
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k im gonna waste some time on pinterest and minecraft bc at this point all i can do is wait
shit has hit the fan lol
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im sooo anxious and i dont want to go home but i work at 8am tomorrow and i need to be close to my workplace to get to work and the easiest way to do that is to go home :///
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help me out pls
my name is kieran. im a 20 yr old autistic queer transmasculine disabled person living in salt lake city utah. im getting kicked out of my apartment by my roommates. i have six weeks to find a new place to live and, possibly, a new job.
today i went into work and i checked my phone an hour into my shift to find a message from one of my roommates saying that our other roommate wants me to be out by the 25th of september. today is august 11, so that gives me just a little over six weeks to find a new place.
im chronically ill (ibs is the current diagnosis but it could be more) and have mobility issues and chronic pain (fibromyalgia + arthritis, currently working on getting testing done for cerebral palsy), and deal with multiple mental illnesses (notably bipolar disorder, ptsd, and borderline personality disorder). my chronic illness has been getting worse - im in incredible pain the majority of the time (maybe an average of a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10), im incredibly tired, and im increasingly sick (lots of diarrhea and nausea and headaches and, sometimes recently, vomiting).
im fucking terrified right now. i ended up popping into the apartment after leaving work early, changing my clothes, grabbing my electronics and money, and taking the frontrunner to provo to crash with a friend for the day. 
if i cant find somewhere to live, ill probably have to go back to my abusive parents in texas, and i really dont want to do that.
i need a new place to live in either salt lake city or provo, and it needs to be close to public transit and should be wheelchair accessible. after this experience, i would be more comfortable rooming with other trans/queer people. i also need to know of my living arrangements before september 5 so i can know if im moving away from slc and can put in a notice at work.
monetary donations would also be really helpful and appreciated - my paypal email is [email protected]
please signal boost this. please.
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feels awesome > Thing happens > feels like death
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god, gender reveal parties are so fucking WEIRD goddammit. "hello we are going to tell you what genitals our kid has, and before theyre even born we are going to DEFINE THEIR LIFE PATH based on essentialist definitions of gender!"
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where does honey come from
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[ Image description: A light robin’s egg blue photo that reads “That disabled feel when you can’t tell if someone is staring at your cute outfit or your mobllity aid” ] 
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me: *is tiny* me: (ง •̀_•́)ง
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Trans Girls on Youtube
Madisin Margielo
Caro land
Andrian Aliazas
Nora Klein
Zinnia Jones
Jazmin Lee
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so guess what 2 songs have the same bpm
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i have to wake up in 2 hours (i actually dont, but i want to so i can shower and have time for my hair to dry before i go do stuff bc ive got plans pretty early in the morning) and i am nowhere near asleep.
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I really can’t wait for winter because then I can start wearing the other 97% of my clothes 
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oh nooo
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what the heck, duolingo, lay off the cats. all cats are beautiful
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