#rayearthdudette asks
secret-engima · 3 years
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Cloud/Prompto doesn't want to know how Aerith/Luna got her hands on the exact same dress from so long ago, but his revenge will be swift and it will be sweet, when they least expect it. She and Zack/Noctis better watch their backs XD
XDDD *wheezes* I love this this is so perfect.
She absolutely had it tailor made from memory. She has no regrets.
Prompto is gonna get even somehow. Live in fear you two. Live in fear.
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agent-jaselin · 3 years
Oo!! A fashion meme? I love how you draw these (^0^) may I see Lunafreya in A4?
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You really picked the perfect outfit for her! She’s so cute :3 
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Another selkie ask (^-^) When Nyx gets his pelt back, now that he's whole, does some of his more catlike communication shoot to the forefront? Like he's not a big death cat at the moment but still makes a deep chuffing sound like a tiger and rubs cheeks with Libertus? Playfully chirps like a cheetah at Crowe while they spar? Chatters like a frustrated housecat at his prey? That trill sound when Cor accidently wakes him from his nap on the couch?
You know what? Yes! To all of that.
And he purrs up a storm at anything/anyone he likes. After getting his pelt back communicating in feline sounds is his main medium of communicating for a while just because he can.
Because after losing his pelt, he gradually lost the ability to do that. It was disconcerting to see for everbody who knew him, because that’s such an integral part of who Nyx is. And then he can’t anymore.
That realisation is the first thing that truly breaks something in Nyx. It nearly causes a revolt.
But Nyx also owes Regis a debt for saving his life. For trying to save his sister’s life. So he can’t. They can’t. Those are the King’s rules and want to or not, they have to play by them (for now).
After having his pelt back, it takes until after his first transformation, but then.
He purrs.
No one will mention the breakdown that follows. Ever. Because everyone who heard that might have had a few tears in their eyes.
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
In Our Past does it ever hit Cor that his prince and his ward have been through some truly horrific times? Like how it hit Regis and Clarus? Or is he kinda semi aware of it since the boys hide their trauma pretty well?
he is. semi-aware of it, yes, because he has what regis and clarus have told him, he has what he can see, but the boys hide the trauma pretty well and they’re more relaxed around cor
cor is a constant, for them even if he’s so much younger, and it’s easier for them to pretend that everything is okay
but it does hit him, eventually
around the time that noct and prom do a runner at the idea of facing iggy and gladio, cor gets a look at their faces when clarus and regis convince them that it’s necessary and for a moment all of their barriers fall
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mirrorworldangel · 4 years
Hey, all your FFXV are gone including Shipping HCs, what happened?
Oh! Apologies for not posting that long Anon! Because of life and lack of ideas, I didn’t think of posting that much, now that I am currently juggling between uni assignments and such.  I have some (a lot) when I chat with @rayearthdudette but then most of the ideas belong to them, so I guess it’s a copywriter thing. If you have any ideas, put them in the asks and I will try to answer them as best as I could. 
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rayearthdudette · 5 years
FINALLY edited this to my satisfaction. Tagging @mirrorworldangel cause they showed interest and I asked if it was ok.
Filthy drautyx a/b/o sex *jazz hands* hope y'all enjoy.
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secret-engima · 3 years
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Ramuh's internal thoughts for the events of Buckler.
(Meant for this to be one ask but eh (^^;) fingers slipped)
*wheezes and falls over* this should not fit as well as it does XDDD
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secret-engima · 3 years
I LIIIIIIIVE!! For now at least. RL can go suck an egg for sapping most, if not all, of my energy. I've been thinking bout Nox verse for the past few days and throttled my schedule around a bit for me to doodle these :D
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Tbh this could be any of your versions of Drautos. For Ardyn? For the glaives? For Nox? Yes.
AAAAAAAAAA I LOVE IT. He is so done XD. He's just going to have his coffee and ignore the explosions until they *have* to be his problem XDD
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secret-engima · 3 years
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There's always, always room for more gruffly affectionate Titus and what better vessel to deliver than a de-aged Ardyn demanding to be "-tall like you!" ❤❤❤
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secret-engima · 3 years
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A very quick drawing I did of Regis reading to little Dyn (^0^)/ I thought RL was gonna calm down but it Has Not, but your Nox and Blood of My Blood Aus live rent free in my brain lol so when I can, I doodle for them :3
And I hope RL calms down for you soon *head pats*.
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secret-engima · 4 years
So. I've had a brilliant idea (because I've fallen into this fandom and I can't escape @$!!@#); Eraserhead reborn into FFXV as an Ostium?
Aizawa would like a refund. He did not sign up for this bullshit.
No do NOT do the thing Problem Ulric I will SIT ON YOU! Very Tired and Done Dadziwa flops on top of his Ulric to keep the Reckless One still for five seconds.
Recreates his capture scarf out of sheer self preservation and Spite to wrap up several Ulrics into a ball and keep them from doing the Thing.
Oh gosh that would be hYSTERICAL
*gently nudges bunny away* No. Go be adopted by someone else.
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secret-engima · 3 years
When motivation hits and you got the time to indulge? Draw something cute <3<3<3
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Then draw something gutrenching~~
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:3 much love dear, always glad to see you on my dash
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secret-engima · 4 years
Actually now that I'm thinking about it.. The original time travel verse that you've mentioned.. By chance did you write a snippet from Libertus' pov of Noctis coming into a hospital and start healing glaives?? I have a vague memory of reading something like that and /loving/ it, but it was near the start of my descent into this fandom so I didn't /save/ it D: if so.. pleasepleaseplease may I know what Noctis was thinking at that moment??
YES. THAT WAS FROM THIS VERSE. I don’t have Noctis’s POV on it written down but like- I can do an HC ramble???
-It’s not long after they get back from Tenebrae that it happens. Nyx is agitated, and Noctis picks up on it and asks why. Nyx, dutifully, tells Noctis that the rotation from the front just came in and ... there are always high casualties.
-And Noctis is a child now, physically, but mentally he is a king. He is the king that walked into a world ten years ruined and saw what remained of the glaives live and fight and die all so he would have something to come back TOO. He remembers walking into that camp in Insomnia, all of the glaives tired and dirty, many of them wounded, yet when he spoke their eyes had lit with fire and when he called for their loyalty one more time they had answered.
-They were his glaives.
-And he won’t abandon them now.
-He orders Nyx to take him there, and ignores the nurse that protests his arrival. Inside the underground medbay the air is tainted with desperate magic and blood and suffering and disinfectant. There are doctors rushing around looking busy, yet there is a distinct lack of tang to the air that comes from elixir and potion use and Noctis feels something is wrong.
-He’s right.
-There is a man not far from the entrance, his breathing is labored from internal injuries and his legs are shattered and no one is helping him. They will not help him because he is a hopeless case.
-A hopeless case only because someone (and when Noctis finds out who they are a dead) insisted that only officers and Crownsguard could receive any magical medical treatment above potion level.
-Fury turned his vision blue until he could fight it back, and he didn’t hesitate to pull an elixir out of his armiger (still full from the time-travel, all the items and weapons within dragged through time alongside his soul) and crush it in the man’s hand.
-Then he turned to Nyx and ordered him to show Noctis the other “hopeless cases”.
-The world became a blur after that. Patient after patient, glaive after glaive. Noctis waded into the blood and death that felt as familiar to him as air (thanks a lot Kings of Yore). He gave them what they needed out of his armiger. A near warehouse of magical curatives still lurked in there from the final battle, they had spent all their gil on it with the assumption that being stingy now would do no good if they were all dead. Noctis had more than enough to spare for something like this.
-He leaves those who only need a regular potion and some bedrest alone and focuses on the forgotten, the hopeless cases, the ones who would have been permanently crippled if they had survived at all, more out of time constraints than anything. But he makes note of them all the same, keeping an ear out for any who’s condition suddenly worsens.
-He is aware, dimly, that the silence grows the longer he works. The longer he murmurs comforts and passes out curatives, his hands growing slick with blood as he patted uniforms and pushed curatives against open wounds. He thinks he used a phoenix down at one point, but he isn’t sure. He doesn’t care either way.
-These are his people, his Kingsglaive. For them he will give anything. Any curative, any resource, any weapon. They’ve earned it a thousand times over.
-He isn’t sure of anything by the time Nyx gently touches his shoulders and whispers that it’s over, it’s done. He’s helped them all.
-Noctis feels the tug of magical exhaustion pulling him down. His magic reserves are STILL not quite up to par, especially since he only got back from Tenebrae about a week or so ago and he’d been pushing extra magic into each curative just to make it more effective.
-There’s a moment he tries to walk on his own only to collapse against Nyx’s leg, too exhausted to keep his limbs from going limp. A moment later, Nyx is holding him in a bridal carry, “Easy there,” the fellow time-traveller grunts.
-”Sorry,” Noctis slurs, “’m ‘kay. I c’n walk on m’own.”
-There’s something ... different in Nyx’s tone, something Noctis is too tired to place, “You just saved the lives of over three dozen of my friends, Majesty. I owe you for that. Please, let me do this much for you at least.”
-Noctis almost wants to laugh, but he’s too tired. Nyx doesn’t get it. Of course he doesn’t. He died before he could see what had happened. What he and his siblings in arms had done for him (Libertus, so tired but steady in his Captaincy, Luca and Jenica and and Tobul, all of them exhausted and awed that their king would bother to learn their names despite all they’d done).
-“You told me to rule well,” he slurs, only barely louder than a breath as Nyx carries him out of the bay. And there’s more to it. So much more. His glaives deserve everything. They deserve their home back, they deserve to smile and dance in their jungles and on their beaches, they deserve to see their children playing in the sunshine or the rain. They deserve so much.
-They had walked with him into the fires of Ardyn’s wrath. Held off daemons and the remnants of Niflheim so that he and his brothers could march on the Citadel itself.
-The least he can do is give them the care they’d been so long denied.
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secret-engima · 5 years
I've been slowly turning this thought over for the Night King verse ever since the 'their king's heart is hurting' post; What if all the humans have moments of heartsickness (nowhere near as bad as their beloved Night King but they're /all/ grieving in different ways) and the demons do their best to help their newfound friends and family. Little gifts, giving them space. That kind of thing. And what if the demons put their heads together and come up with a very ambitious and grand idea? (1/?)
rayearthdudette said: A set of three tapestries depicting the sky at Dawn, Day, and Dusk?? A Sky that their humans can only fully see if they leave the boundaries of the kingdom, and many have refused to leave their newly built homes for such a simple thing, claiming to not even notice the absence. The demons know better. It takes them a long time to weave the masterpieces, each demon wishing to add their little touch; gemstones, beadwork, hand crafted dyes. The Arachnes spin their silk and hide their work until(2/3)
rayearthdudette said: -it's ready to be revealed. They present it to their Night King and his Retinue, excited and hopeful. Then chrr and chirp in concern when they all break down crying. Noctis can barely comfort them through his awe. Ignis can't see it, but the /magic/ woven into each thread /feels/ like a midday sun to his senses. The others are simply a mess. Happy messes. But messes :D (3/3)
They pour their love into the tapestries, some of them risk going as close to the cloud border as they can for a good look at the sky and then imagine it from there. The Arachne bring their finest silk threads while the other sentient daemons add their own touches in colors and gems, beads and dyes until it is a masterpiece of magic and color and care.
They show it first to their King and his Retinue, of course, for he needs to approve it and they Panic™ when they all break down in tears. Ignis cannot see it, but he can feel it, like soft sun on his face and the tickle of spring when he tentatively runs his hands over the weave. Prompto is ugly crying so hard he can’t even take pictures of it. they are all messes and the daemons are So Alarmed and Guilty until Ignis manages to put himself together enough to explain that these are happy tears. That they are THANKFUL.
The daemons are confused, but conclude it must be the truth since this is basically the reaction of EVERY HUMAN who sees it after Noctis has a special room cleaned out and set aside JUST for the tapestries.
And if the daemons take to bringing gifts for the Sun Room as it is nicknamed, gifts of smaller tapestries to hang that depict scenery from all over the world, and if they bring in feathery carpet dyed the color of spring meadows and enchanted to always be just a little bit cool and springy against the skin when someone sits on it (like grass, grass that needs no sun but still feels fresh like a morning on a rolling hillside), and set up an elaborate fountain in the corner to gurgle with fresh water over beautiful sapphire stones so that the water looks bright blue despite the lack of sunshine-.
It’s the least they can do for their new family that cares, and treats them as equals, and always loses their minds for happiness at the newest addition to the sunroom.
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secret-engima · 4 years
BELAY MY LAST ASK!! Just went through the tag and found the mention of Gladio and Prom not remembering at first that they'd time traveled XD so Clarus /can't/ actually notice anything wrong if his son doesn't /act/ different. Tho on that note, would he notice how /Noct/ is acting and start questioning Regis??
Surprised you found that! I forgot I put it there. But okay.
And yes, Clarus notices Noct acting new and weird as well as Iggy acting off and he totally questions Regis about it. Regis ... tries not to talk about it, he really does, but I’m not sure how long he’ll last before he spills the beans...
Then again. He might not tell Clarus about the time-travel. He MIGHT just tell him about the “absorbing the memories of the KoL” thing because everyone saw the Wave and most people did feel like the Wave showed them something and then made them forget it.
But on the other hand, this is his best friend and Shield, not sure he could lie like that. I think he’ll try not to tell but then cave and spill.
Clarus might be ... very skeptical for a while though. Because ... yes Noct is acting weird but TIME-TRAVEL? Really??? Are you sure you didn’t hit your head Regis?
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secret-engima · 5 years
ohmigods! That last snippet! Am dead from cuteness! I mean the in universe implications are kinda terrible for those not in the know, but still. Cute af. May I ask for more brotherly interactions? Only if you're up to sharing your thoughts of course :D I am LOVING everything about this.
Sure! Lemme see what I can jot down real quick.
-Nox acts ... a bit odd around Noctis for at LEAST several months (and will occasionally revert to that oddness even years later). Stiff when touched, stammering when talking, sometimes unable to look his little brother in face for all it’s clear to anyone with eyes that he LOVES Noctis to no end. Regis thinks its a side-effect of his upbringing (he already suspects that Nox is touch starved, but add to that a cheerful little half-sibling who likes to spontaneously touch Nox and wrap his magic around Nox in greeting-affection-attention? Regis mourns even as he goes about trying to help acclimate his son to positive touch from people other than Ardyn).
-Noctis is the initiator of contact for the longest time. Hugs, conversation, casual hand grabs, you name it, he’s probably done it to Nox and then patiently chatted his way through Nox’s instinctive freeze. Because Nox always snaps out of it and interacts eventually, and at this point Noctis  A D O R E S  Nox okay? He has a big brother who is totally EPIC and COOL and isn’t always too busy for him like his dad and is totally fine with playing Kings Knight instead of doing homework, and has all sorts of cool hunting stories and-
-There is some serious hero worship going on at first okay? And Nox CANNOT figure out how to deal with being looked up to by his YOUNGER SELF. It’s honestly hilarious and sad at the same time, and Ardyn alternates between instigating more contact between them and rescuing his nephew from death by confusion via being the Cool Uncle.
-Eventually though, as Nox begins to relax around his little brother counterpart and hang out more easily ... Noctis beings to notice that something is ... not wrong exactly, but ... off about Nox. That it isn’t normal for Nox to always walk around with his armiger just beneath his skin, ready to draw a weapon at a moment’s notice, that the Quiet Days Nox and Ardyn have aren’t quiet so much as Painful, because Noctis is even more magic sensitive than Regis and he can feel the thick grief-love-mourning-exhaustion that clings to Nox’s bones on those days. The way Nox (and Ardyn too) feel like today is a day to lie down and just- never get up. Nothing Noctis does can break Nox or Ardyn out of their Quiet Day, even though they never raise a hand against him even in their worst moments, so eventually Noctis learns to come find them and curl up against one or the other’s side, radiating at much love and good thoughts through his magic as he can so that they know they aren’t alone.
-Nox and Ardyn appreciate the gesture more than Noctis will ever know.
-But it isn’t always angst and caution. Noctis is not like Nox, he’s brighter and happier and so earnest that it’s infectious. Noctis essentially has Nox wrapped around his little finger, and when Noctis isn’t busy with the tutors Ignis won’t let him escape from, he can usually be found trailing after Nox like a puppy, asking questions and begging to join in whatever Nox is doing (if Nox uses this as a chance to train Noctis in magic and fighting, then nobody comments. If those practice sessions usually end in Nox tickling Noctis into submission while the latter squeals with laughter and joy, Ardyn is the only one who dares interrupt, and Regis has about half a dozen pictures framed on his study desk).
-These two grow up to be super tactile with each other. Nox because he’s touch-starved and Noctis because he figures out that Nox needs touch and they both enjoy mingling their magic together (Cor comments once that their magic is so in sync and similar they might as well have been twins born seven years apart, Ardyn laughs himself sick for reasons no one dares ask about). Tackle hugs, arms over shoulders, smooshing into the Smallest Space Possible on the couch when watching movies because Noctis likes using Nox as a pillow are all very common (not during game though, because Nox is a cheater who isn’t afraid to use tickling as a weapon).
-Only time Noctis is ever really trying to get AWAY from Nox is during training once Noctis is a teen and his training starts getting Serious. Because Cor’s favorite tactic is to yeet the Chocobros into an obstacle course or arena with Nox as their sole opponent and tell Nox to “Go wild”. Nox has way too much fun doing just that (channeling his Uncle’s trolling tendencies to a scary degree in the process) and the Chocobros inevitably end up wheezing helplessly on the floor to a man, each aching in places they know intimately know they have from prior reenactments of this very same event. Noctis never, ever wants to go up against Nox for real, especially since his madman of an older sibling is always FINE at the end of the spars. Barely breathless and still so full of magic he can casually spam healing spells to get them back on their feet.
-Noctis went though a jealousy phase when he was 14-15, because Nox was so much BETTER at stuff than him either in combat or talking nobles in circles. It lasted approximately until the first time Noctis actually tried to do the Brat Teenager Thing and said something INCREDIBLY spiteful only for Nox to go very, very Quiet and just- leave. For two weeks. Wasn’t even in the Citadel. Ardyn actually got angry at Noctis for that and told Noctis that he had no idea what Nox had been through to get as good as he was. Noctis told his uncle to prove it, Ardyn left and came back twenty minutes later with Nox’s Citadel medical file. It had info on all his checkups and doctors notes since first coming to the city. Pictures of his scars, how underweight he was, his suspected trauma issues and what probably caused them.
-When Nox finally slunk back to the Citadel, magic curled in and subdued like a flinching dog, the first thing Noctis did was run to his brother and hug him tight, crying/apologizing the entire time. Noctis never told Nox that he’d seen Nox’s file and Nox was too glad that the jealousy phase was over to question it.
-Nox once borrowed (kidnapped) Noctis when his little brother was eighteen to go on a brother-bonding road trip around the country to show his sibling how to survive in the proper wilds and what the kingdom of Lucis was really like. He genuinely forgot to tell Regis or anyone else about this, so by the time Axis and the Chocobros track him down (with Ardyn’s bemused help) the Citadel had gone beyond Meltdown and straight into Murderland. Nox wasn’t sorry, and Noctis was having the time of his life as long as he wasn’t being chased by cactaur while Nox sat on a high ledge and laughed at him (Nox is at this point perhaps a little TOO big of a believer in learning on the job).
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