phantomviber · 2 years
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Muppet men doodles from months ago
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
“Bamboo is antifungal”
Because it’s rayon
“Eucalyptus fabric is cooling!”
Yeah, because it’s rayon
“We make clothing called seacell out of seaweed!”
Yeah I looked on your website it’s made by the lyocell process, which means-
-wait for it-
It’s fucking rayon!!
Listen. There is a list of actual plant fibers that are directly made into fabric: cotton, linen, ramie, some hemp. I’m sure I’m missing a couple.
But if you’re wondering “huh how did they turn that plant material into fabric,” 99% of the time? It’s RAYON.
All rayon is made by putting plant material in chemical soup, dissolving out everything but the cellulose, and turning the cellulose into filaments/fibers.
The source of the cellulose has zero effect on the eventual fabric.
Rayon made from bamboo or eucalyptus or seaweed is not any better than rayon from any other sources.
Don’t let companies mislead you!
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brixuth · 2 months
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“I'm not stubborn. Life is stubborn toward me.”
The Green Ray (Le rayon vert, 1986)
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letratrasletra · 2 years
Torpe, llamarlo así a secas sería injusto, no era su coordinación lo que fallaba, podía con facilidad agarrar con una sola mano algo que le arrojaras, o bailar incluso lo hacía con cierta elegancia, nunca se ha cortado picando cebolla ni se tropieza de manera recurrente o notoria al caminar o correr, su motricidad no es el problema, y por eso torpeza no le hace justicia a lo suyo. Le faltaba…
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grrl-beetle · 2 months
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Rayon Vert Lizard Backpack™ 2024
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prokopetz · 2 years
I’ve seen so many threads debating the merits of rayon and whether it’s a plastic or a “natural fibre” going around, and y’all, the problem with rayon is not whether or not it satisfies some technical definition of synthetic fibre.
The problem is that the most common method of manufacturing rayon is so ridiculously toxic that it’s literally killing the people who work in the facilities where it’s produced, and is illegal to carry out in much of the world as a result – but instead of using better (more expensive) methods, everybody just imports the stuff from places where killing your workers for the sake of a buck isn’t effectively regulated.
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pierppasolini · 1 year
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Le Rayon vert (1986) // dir. Éric Rohmer
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killyridols · 2 months
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pineapple by stacey beach, cotton, rayon, screen printed cotton, wool, thread, batting & canvas, 68 x 46 inches
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
me sending yet another email to a French public service to ask them why they use so many gratuitous English words in a service that's supposed to be non-discriminatory and accessible to everyone in the country
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vincentbriggs · 8 months
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I was feeling really restless and couldn't focus on any of the Tasks I want to be doing, but I also didn't want to go for a walk because the sidewalks are covered in ice right now, so I made a jumprope out of a pair of old curtain pulls and skipped a little bit and that seems to have sufficiently tired me out. Hopefully now I can get back to work on the glove sewing video!
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vinceaddams · 2 years
a lot of people, when they start learning how to sew, will see instructions about pressing carefully and staystitching and basting and grainline and machine tension and such, and will go "ehh, I can ignore that and save some time" and then later they'll go "why do my seams look so bad? :(" and. well.. that's why.
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beebfreeb · 9 months
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Posting this separately from the update post because I like it. I added four new characters to it. I love you really long height chart.
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All of the Marquesses (left image) have solid designs now! Arcadia the Marquess of Mango (left) and Veobid the Marquess of Peach (right). Also Cathode is there, but you know them. Probably. On the right image, newly added are Burkin and Esther (left and center) who are characters from 2021 that haven't been touched in a while (but they do show up in a comic I have yet to release)
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cinematicmasterpiece · 4 months
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le rayon vert (1986)
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Les passagers de la nuit (Mikhaël Hers, 2022) 
Watching Le pont du nord (Jacques Rivette, 1982)
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inky-curves · 4 months
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Stanley Rayon
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cinematicjourney · 1 year
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The Green Ray (1986) | dir. Éric Rohmer
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