basmathgirl · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thanks very much for tagging me @raywritesthings! 💖
I will tag: and @smackalicious, @some-thrilling-heroics, @tardis-mouse, @some-thrilling-heroics, @fuckyeahfredandginger, @tamagocchiheaven, @ladynoblesong, @pia-writes-things, @noelevangilinecarson, @horseonthespaceship, @stupidlittlenemo, @tellmethereisnonoddy, @giff4088@24601error-prisonernotfound, @ageless-aislynn, @none-ofthisnonsense (and any other mutual who fancies a go. Just tag me in your answer to let me know!).
Were you named after anyone?
Not as far as I know. It was my late grandfather who suggested it, so he might have met someone in northern France, when he was there during WWI, who influenced him.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. A TV programme called “24 Hours In A&E” had a mother agonising about watching her son go through cancer treatment, and I shed tears in sympathy, having been through that experience.
Do you have kids?
I think the answer above confirms that I do. [Still open to adopting other people’s kids, if you want to apply]
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Quite a lot; but usually to amuse rather than get at people. Hubby is the exception that proves the rule.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe, I suppose. Inevitably visual cues make you create assumptions about people’s class, intelligence, and demeanour; and I am very sensitive to possible rejection, since my appearance caused many nasty reactions in the past. Nowadays, most older people look like me, so it’s easier to blend in.
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I only like scary movies that are funny, so I’ll opt for happy endings. Although I don’t mind a bit of bittersweet instead.
Any special talents?
Erm… I’m useful, because I know random stuff; or am very willing to find out on your behalf.
Where were you born?
An East London borough.
What are your hobbies?
Mainly reading, a spot of writing, lots of telly; and plans to return to hobbies like cardmaking, cross-stitch, watercolour painting, and playing the instruments I own. I thought I might join the village choir when we moved here, but alas, my singing voice has faded away to a croak. Oh well. There’s still some possible voluntary work to keep in mind for later.
Have any pets?
Sadly, my Marvin the Martian and Tentoo (that @some-thrilling-heroics  made for me *cuddles him*) are the closest things I’ve got to pets.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I wasn’t exactly encouraged to play ‘normal’ sports, so I loved playing darts, snooker, and table tennis when I was younger. Don’t have access to any of these anymore, not even a computer game version.
How tall are you?
The last time my height was measured it was 5′4″ (about 1.62m)
Favourite subject in school?
Favourite subjects to learn were English Literature, Maths, Sociology, and Geography. My favourite subject to teach was Maths; although I got the chance to have a go at a multitude of subjects.
Dream job?
I’m a bit past having a dream job, as retirement is now beckoning. There are flippant answers I could give (like: David Tennant’s bedwarmer) but to be honest, I had my dream job for many years.
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greensirencanary · 9 months
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Day 3/3 of the Lauriver Holiday Event Hosted by the Lauriver Diacord. I would like to thank @raywritesthings @lauriverweek for organizing this event.
Today's prompt is Cozying Up to Stay Warm
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majorbaby · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
thank you so much for the tag @bornforastorm, i loved reading through yours :3 
i will tag @marley-manson / @rescue-ram / @persianflaw / @leonardcohenofficial / @raywritesthings
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 14… will be 15 in under 24 hrs ;)
2. What's your total Ao3 word count? 136,971… just over 100K of which were published this year :D 
3. What fandoms do you write for? MASH at the moment, with no end in sight. I have two ideas for twin peaks but not much motivation to write them, let alone the discipline. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? if you really wanna know here’s my ao3 and you can you sort by kudos, i don’t wanna link my fics in other fandoms that are almost 7 years old now… pls… 
5. Do you respond to comments? i used to be quite diligent about doing it but when i was publishing near-daily for kinktober i fell behind because i was literally writing every day. i may still go back to respond to them because i like doing it. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the beejhawk sex pollen fic (heavy dubcon warning)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i’m realizing that most of traphawk fics are only ‘happy endings’ if you see them as self-contained, which they aren’t really, because even though trapper’s exit isn’t at all relevant, i’m not consciously ‘unwriting’ that. but in-fic probably Goodbye, Farewell and Amen to That because it explicitly states that TrapHawk can handle whatever is thrown at them, which would include whatever happens post-fic. 
8. Do you get hate on fics? for a while i had an anon who submitted vagues about me / my work so like yes, i’ve read a couple vagues seemed they were about my fic but, and i know this sounds like a cop-out but genuinely, i’m kinda flattered by anyone who hates my fic and still manages to read the whole thing and write a public post about how how they didn’t like it? like, what are we??? 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i consider myself primarily a smut writer, only incidentally non-smut writer. i write all kinds and can’t wait to diversify more. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? my dream fic is a specific crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? yes
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not recently, but in former fandoms yes. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? sort of. it isn’t published. but maybe soon. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? traphawk is the ship to me. some things we should be dramatic about: there’s the traphawk that i write and then there’s the traphawk that i live, which only my irl trapper understands 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? now that i have discovered the margaret longfic i really want to write i’ve officially abandoned my 80K canon-compliant margaret WIP
16. What are your writing strengths? i’m disciplined, i want to improve, i take risks, i’m curious, i’m honest and i welcome strong challenges from the people who edit my work.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i have some barriers (i’m dyslexic and english is my not my first language) but i could still stand to be much more diligent about grammar and punctuation. beyond that, my prose tends to be flowery and verbose and need to be reined in a lot. i’m trying to get better at on my own but it helps that my OG beta, marley, is kind of my stylistic foil lol (hope she doesn’t mind me saying), she trims a lot of the fat from my work and helps me communicate my ideas better. lastly, sometimes i suffer from being really married to an idea that sounded cooler in my head than it does on paper, and i have a really hard time setting it down.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i say this as someone who is multilingual - it’s almost never a good idea, especially in fic, if you’re having a main character speak partially in another language for no reason except to note that you, the author, knows that they speak another language. it could maybe make sense for atmosphere, but in that case, just say “they were speaking x language / they said something in x language”. 
i’ll be honest, it annoys me so much that if i see a character in a fic drop a few words in a language other than english and then continue on in english that i will x-out of a fic. there’s got to be some thoughtful in-universe explanation for that e.g. if you’re in Canada, bilingual service agents will say ‘Hello/Bonjour’ to you to indicate that you have an option to speak with them in either language. 
19. First fandom you wrote for? uhhh i honestly don’t remember. i’ve been writing fanfiction since before i was a teenager. first time i published it might’ve been for the legend of zelda. 
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? at the moment it’s cherry bomb! because it was a nice, smutty interlude in traphawk’s relationship and a fic that exists mostly for kink’s sake but still has a distinct vibe, unlike filthysweet which i don’t hate, but imo is unremarkable. CB is 95% style 5% substance and still contains weight somehow. i really hope i can recreate that again. 
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
nine lines, nine people: tagged by @saltyfilmmajor
tagging: @youngpettyqueen @persianflaw @rescue-ram @majorbaby @cardassiangoodreads @holy-ships-x-red-lips @movietonight @raywritesthings @old-wild-child
This is eight sentences, but it's ten lines of text in my word processor so I figure it averages out to nine. It's a full paragraph so it makes sense to stop it here. This is not from my primary WIP because you're not getting nine lines of that until it's ready. This is from something I started writing with the premise of "Bottle Fatigue but Frank is there and he's the only one in the swamp when Hawkeye leaves the O club at the end" but I didn't even get to Frank yet.
He walked out of the officers’ club, trying to ignore every cell in his body crying out for him to go back and down that glass of scotch. It wasn’t just his tongue—he craved the taste, true, but it was more than that. He was chasing something deeper, the feeling of relaxing into a drink, the promise of that first sip. Even with his back to the scotch, he was still chasing it, and the numbness from the five or ten drinks that came after. It was easy to ignore after a good day—easy and good being relative terms—but damn near impossible after a day like this. Two years into this, it surprised him that that he even got post-adrenaline jitters anymore. He supposed it was a good sign, that his nervous system was still intact, that he had a shot of coming out of this a fully-functioning human being. Then again, there was always the possibility he went home and dove into an Olympic-sized scotch bottle and didn’t bother coming up for air. 
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knelly713 · 9 months
Thank you @raywritesthings and everyone who got me to 100 reblogs!
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thirddoctor · 3 years
Okay a “Turn Left”-style AU of “what if Three never met Jo” sounds very good, yes please.
Sorry for the very late response to this, whoops.
But yeah, I think Jo had a huge positive influence on the Doctor at a point when he could’ve easily become very jaded (his efforts to help the universe were rewarded with exile, he has to live up close with humanity - his favourite species - and see them at the worst and most self-destructive, his own friend murders a group of sentient beings he had negotiated a peace with, and he watches an entire world be senselessly destroyed and can’t save a single person).
If he hadn’t met Jo, I can easily see him going in a very different direction in S8. I mean, at the end of Terror of the Autons, he’s excited to see the Master again - despite all the people who have just been killed - because he’s so bored with his life on Earth. If he hadn’t developed a friendship with Jo and softened up, I think there’s a much greater chance he would’ve accepted the Master’s offer in Colony in Space.
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gryffindormischief · 5 years
Hinny + 9 for the kiss prompts?
A/N: THIS IS ADULT MATURE SULTRY (in my universe of writing anyway) so read at your own risk.  ALSO not everything shows on the screen so be careful, practice safe habits, etc etc
Hope you like @raywritesthings!!!
Prompt: one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other
Also on FF and Ao3
As Harry’s lips leave hers, Ginny can’t quite bring her eyes to open. Her other senses heighten at the deprivation - the warmth of Harry’s arms around her waist, the pounding rain, her bounding heart, the scent of spring’s first shower, crackling firewood, and their mingling breaths sweet with shared chocolate she’d smuggled up to the cabin.
It was supposed to be a lonesome trip to the lake house, quiet to get her mind focused on her upcoming Olympic season and off a certain hesitant, tempting, and utterly clueless surgeon.
He can hold someone’s damn life in his hands and not hesitate a moment, take someone on the brink of death and bring them back. But ask him to make a move on a woman who clearly fancies the pants off him and it’s like he’s got no brain at all in that big, stupid, gorgeous head of his.
Instead, Ron, her soon to be dead brother, double booked the cabin purely by accident. And after a brief argument on the doorstep she and gorgeous arsehole doctor decided they could share. Nevermind her nerves - already threadbare - were now shot to pieces.
Somehow awkward avoidance had turned to reluctant cooperation and finally, after a rain drenched run from the docks, the softest, slowest, most tempting kiss she’s ever had.
She keeps her eyes closed. “Yes.”
“What - ”
And then, because she’s tired of waiting, tired of delaying, tired of denying, she opens her eyes just long enough to find his neck and drag his face back down to hers.
If the first kiss was a gentle beginning, this one is a screaming launch from the earth into the stratosphere. Filled with fire and while inevitable, a terrifying clash that could really end anywhere.
Ginny rises on tiptoe and pulls Harry closer, arms locked around his shoulders while her hands find his hair, her kiss unrelenting.
He sighs against her lips, palms slipping to her waistline and tilting her backward as they sway - a graceful give and take while their feet slowly wander.
As she walks backward, Ginny trips over one of her discarded sandals, but Harry’s hand remains warm and sure against her back even as their lips separate.
Blinking away the stars behind her eyelids, Ginny drags her stare up to Harry’s eyes and finds his pupils blown wide, hair tousled, lips parted and then returning back to worship her with a teasing slowness.
She moans his name as he presses lingering kisses along her jaw, down the slope of her neck, and all the while guides her toward the bedroom.
“Gin,” he pushes her jumper up enough that his warm hands can toy with her bare skin, “Is this -”
“Yours - yours is bigger,” Ginny grunts, “Quite rude, if we’re ah- at a point to air grievances.”
Harry pulls back, “Clearly I’m doing something wrong if you’re considering past issues to bring up at the moment.”
Ginny raises her brows and leads him to the closed door, “I’m a multitasker,” and to prove it, she renews her inspection of his lips while working the tie of his joggers open.
After stumbling over his now divested trousers, Harry regains his footing and finishes his work with Ginny’s jumper and tosses it over his shoulder. “Since we’re moving things along.”
“Yes well you were taking entirely too long to kiss me, so you’re quite welcome,” Harry says, muffled by his half-removed t-shirt.
Ginny finishes her work and works the door open before flipping their places and pushing Harry backward toward the bed, not a pillow out of place until he drops backward onto it with a creak of the springs.
“You - are you kidding me.”
“Why - ” Harry’s retort ends, somewhat strangled, as Ginny drops her leggings and stands between his knees.
Honestly, it’s a bit helpful that he’s got her all riled in a not quite sexual sense. She’s regained her head. Now they can focus and have a proper go.
But first she’s got a score to settle.
He sits forward and his stupid muscles ripple and the hairs on his legs tickle her knees and maybe she can settle the score while continuing their ‘proper go.’
Harry seems to have a similar idea because his palms find her hips and drag her close so he can kiss and nip his way across her midriff. When she nearly falls backward, Harry guides her into his lap and migrates his ministrations north, working one strap of her bra from her shoulder while her hands grasp his wild curls. “Why - why do you think I’m kidding,” he tilts his hips just enough to make a point, “I am most definitely not, as you may be able to see now.”
Ginny’s nails scrape along his scalp, run over his shoulders as he toys with her other strap. “It’s been a year. Hell it’s been since uni, you turtle of a man.”
Harry laughs against her throat and pauses at the hooks on her bra, waiting.
Rather than give him another excuse to delay, Ginny reaches back and pops the catches free, but leaves the front for Harry.
His eyes linger on her half exposed chest as he sucks in a breath. “Before - it was never the right time.”
She shivers as his hands rise up her bare back. “And now?”
“I don’t want to wonder if it’s the right time.”
The remaining boundaries between them are stripped away as they maneuver until Ginny’s head is resting against the pillows and Harry’s slow exploration of her skin has come to a halt at her shoulder, his breathing labored. “Gin.”
Ginny groans at his hoarse whisper. “Harry.”
“Can we - ”
She barely sighs out a quiet please and Harry’s pressed onto his forearms, his eyes boring into hers as he tilts his body forward and his breath leaves his lips in a sharp ‘hah.’
The wind answers their moans, the thunder punctuates the creaking bed springs, and Ginny can’t tear her gaze from Harry’s even as their rhythm rises to a fever pitch. Even as his hand drags her leg higher and brings them even closer, sends her senses haywire.
Until her back arches in pleasure and his mouth ceases its open mouthed exploration of hers and seeks lower - dragging, teasing, biting, as she cries out.
His own shout is muffled against her throat as the shockwaves ripple through their sweat sheened bodies, as Ginny tries to pull him closer though there’s no need. As Harry nuzzles her rumpled hair and presses kisses anywhere and everywhere he can find.
It’s as if the storm followed their lead, wind and rain departing and leaving behind a soft breeze and silvery moonlight to graze their bare skin and the new world.
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love-in-the-time · 4 years
raywritesthings replied to your post “tag meme for week 12 of quarantine”
Your answer to the dream trip got me like ��
It was genuinely terrifying. It happened in October 2018. I was down there to scope out a site for a school I wanted to help my friend build, and her cousin and I went into town to get some food, and we were on a taxi motorcycle, and two dudes rode up next to us with a knife and cut my bag off me, and got my side a little too. I tried to hold on to my bag, but I knew if I didn’t let it go I’d fall off the bike so I let it go. They got my passport, my wallet, my phone, my housekeys, and my ID. I had to go freeze my credit and SS number, and get new everything afterwards. It happened on a Friday, of course, so I had to wait an excruciating weekend until I could get to the embassy on Monday, and they had me out and on the way to the airport in 5 hours, which was an enormous relief. Truly a terrifying experience and I have no plans to go back to DR ever. I’m uncomfortable with staying on resorts and don’t want to stay in town ever again. I genuinely still freak out about it once in a while, even though everything turned out fine.
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ruinsofxerxes · 4 years
ahhh thank you!!!!
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Sometimes, though they try to be discreet about it. Neither of them like to talk about what they do when they’re out. In fact, getting them to admit that they’ve gone out at all is like pulling teeth. I think they feel like they need to preserve the illusion of animosity for old times sake, or something like that.
I think they spend most of their time sparring. But judging by the fact that Helena was ironing her evening gown the other day, they may also be going... somewhere fancy.
I don’t know about Canary, but Helena’s never been one for black tie events, so I can’t help but wonder what that was about. I really hope that they’re not crashing a party at the Iceberg Lounge. Not for their sake, of course, but for the Penguin’s.
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absentlyabbie · 5 years
@raywritesthings replied to your post “sometimes, i’ll be watching a show or reading a book series, and that...”
Agreed with everything until someone mentioned Moffat Who and not RTD Who, which ended almost every season with the Doctor losing a companion and going right back into Angst Mode. Literally, the last few beats of Tennant’s performance in the series 2, 3 and 4 finales are almost exactly the same with varying levels of Sad. Whereas Moffat Who actually has Amy and Rory get together and navigate married life and how that balances with the Doctor etc. People always blame Moffat for RTD’s faults
hm, as op and the “someone” you’re referring to, let me just say that you could make an argument for this narrative problem in rtd’s relationship arcs, though i don’t entirely agree. and more on that in a second. but when i raised that particular point i especially meant that moffat plagued who with that narrative issue in a plot-structural way. 
rtd shares some responsibility for this, sure, but moffat dialed it up to eleven and broke the knob off with one of his famously nonsensical “twists.” it was every season every conflict getting bigger and bigger and more astronomical, the fate of the universe, no wait time itself, no wait what can we blow up even bigger than that!!!
and my disagreement re: rtd’s use of this on character and relationship arcs comes down to the fact that both companions and the doctor had consistent growth (though not always positive growth! and growth doesn’t always have to be positive for there to have been actual character progression) through each season. (and yes i know by calling them seasons i make plain my americanness, but this just one person’s perspective anyways.)
season 1, you have a doctor running from his own pain and guilt and loneliness, who through meeting rose accepts real hope and belief in others again. rose, in season 1, comes into a lot of her own power and confidence, to the point where she’s the one who saves everything.
season 2 is only a reset in that they’ve literally reset the doctor through regeneration, but his character progression runs through. he’s literally a more energetic, hopeful, emotionally effusive person now. and rose first wobbles through accepting this drastic surface change, but after that, she’s still got that confidence and power she earned through the first season, but now her challenge is holding onto the doctor with both hands and the frightening risk of putting what he means to her in concrete words instead of implication. while there is definitely argument to be made about the originally mentioned narrative trope being employed in the tearing apart of rose and ten (oh no, can’t have the doctor in a stable romantic relationship longterm, how boring), it’s also made precedent through the history of the show refreshing itself with regeneration and new companions so not unfortunately surprising.
season three’s companion, martha, is magnificent character progression and growth. she goes from the slightly lost girl not firm on her own worth and purpose and having a crush on the doctor, to the one realizing she’s a rebound for a manic alien going through the most outlandish post-breakup grieving ever, to the actual savior of humanity and the universe, because she knows her worth, her purpose, her principles, and knows them enough to recognize that staying with the doctor conflicts with all of that. and in her later appearances in other seasons, none of that has gone away, it’s just all throughlined into everything we see her doing after.
season three’s doctor, however, is indeed a manic alien going through the most outlandish post-breakup grieving ever, and he’s also a bad friend. he’s a terrible friend to martha in numerous ways because he’s so absorbed by his own heartbreak. by the end of the season he’s had to face a lot of how he’s taken her for granted and treated her poorly, and in her walking away, he has to realize that he must do better if he wants to actually keep his friends, if he truly wants to not be alone after rose.
enter (or re-enter) donna, who has such phenomenal and gorgeous character growth lauded throughout fandom i hardly even need to detail it here. and the doctor had to re-learn how to be a genuinely good friend, how to have hope and belief and be kind and good even after getting his heart broken, after grief, after all of it. you can absolutely argue that the “undercut all lessons learned, reset to grimdark and edgy” got employed with the entire timelord victorious arc, and i couldn’t argue because that was about the point i started getting up from the table.
left it altogether early in moffat’s run when i got sick to death of how every single new conflict and character had to be bigger and more amazing and unique and ~special~ and “timey wimey.”
so yeah, that narrative problem plagues doctor who, including rtd’s run, but in my sight even worse so in moffat’s. moffat has more than enough faults he earned his own blame for, and davies having some of his own doesn’t negate that.
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basmathgirl · 1 year
Get To Know Me Meme
Thank you for the tag in this get to know me meme @raywritesthings!
Last song listened to?
*looks at the radio playlist* It was Ocean Drive by Lighthouse Family
Currently reading
I’ve almost finished Surrounded by Narcissists – Or, How to Stop Other People’s Egos Ruining Your Life by Thomas Erikson, have a bit more of Funny You Should Ask Again by QI Elves to read, and my middle son has just to given me a copy of The Last Devil To Die by Richard Osman that I can’t wait to devour.
Currently watching
As I type this, I’m rewatching The Shop Around the Corner. I’ve sat through a lot of romcom films lately, that have sadly been light on the comedy aspect, but this one is a classic.
Currently obsessed with
Hiding in romantic fiction, in general; but I’m delighted that my urge to write Ten/Donna fanfiction has finally come back.  
Apparently, the rule is to tag 9 people, so…
I tag: @antiantemeridian, @widevibratobitch, @gone-to-ground, @winterjameson,@chocolateismynemesis, @cannibalilly, @truebluebox, @memsevpersonal, @pinkthateffingpink, @mirkwood-spider-express although if anyone else who wants to do, please also feel free to
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greensirencanary · 11 months
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LAURIVER CHRISTMAS EDITION is Quickly Approaching. This Year We Will Be Hosting A 3 Day LAURIVER Christmas EDITION Featuring 3 Prompts as stated on the poster. It's Going to Be on December 15-17th Everyone is Invited to Join. You can Make Pictures& Video Edits or write a lauriver fanfic with the prompt of the day.
Thank you @lauriverweek @raywritesthings for organizing this event. I Look Forward to reading your fics and I can't wait to participate
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majorbaby · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals
thank you for tagging me @thebreakfastgenie. i've been hoping to do one of these where i could tag people since i've gained a few new mutuals recently. don't feel obligated to do this but if you feel like it please tag me so i can find the post.
tagging: @marley-manson / @hawkeyes-boy / @transgayhawkeyepierce / @patronsaintofqualityfootwear / @bornforastorm / @daydreams-and-tea / @persianflaw / @caddyxjellyby / @mountain-in-springtime / @madame-est-morte / @ev / @discocaptain / @raywritesthings / @leastcreativepersonyoullevermeet / @orphanbird95 / @localorangecat / @stereomike / @major-majoranon
Were you named after anyone?
my middle name, which i've since dropped. otherwise nope.
When was the last time you cried?
within the last month seems right, but i can't remember an exact moment. it was probably out of frustration.
Do you have kids?
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
not naturally, because i usually don't understand it when it's being used by other people.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
i don't know? there must be a pattern, i just don't know what it is.
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
i'm easily frightened by spooky things, so probably happy endings.
Any special talents?
i can't help but analyze things critically.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
videogames, music, art, writing, reading, baking, crochet... i have lots of hobbies but those are the big ones
Have any pets?
What sports do you play/have you played?
none as of right now. i played lacrosse and hockey in high school.
How tall are you?
5 ft 3
Favorite subject in school?
english, history and physics
Dream job?
i was an animator working in film, and i would've loved to have done more of that, maybe someday write and direct something. but the industry is such a hellscape. at one point title sequences, which i love doing, fell completely out of favour and they just stopped making them? also i don't want to move to LA lol.
i also did a stint in comms for a labour org and it was depressing as all fuck but i do feel somehow "called" to it. so if i ever recover from my last experience i might not be able to help myself...
right now i'm working probably the closest thing to a dream job. i'm an art director in a stable position and i still do a lot of the practical work myself (even some animation still!) which i love. but at the same time, i've been thinking about going back to school for programming, or getting a masters and moving into public policy... a job that doesn't burn any of my creative fuel, and i have that leftover for my personal projects, which mean more to me. if you read this, send me an anon and tell me whether or not you think creative fuel is something you burn throughout the day, that you can run out of and need to replenish.
lol, i guess that brought up a lot of stuff.
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @ofhouseadama!
Were you named after anyone?
My great-grandmother, Nanny Charlotte. Her name was Sari (Shah-tee) which is the Hungarian form of Sarah, but when she came to the State when she was eight, she said her name and they wrote down Charlotte. She used to say her name was really Sarah and wrote her name that way in some books.
When was the last time you cried?
About a month ago when my cat died. I don't remember the last time before that; I very rarely cry.
Do you have kids?
Not currently!
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I'm not sure! Height, I guess.
What’s your eye color?
Dark brown!
Scary movies or happy endings?
This is the weirdest dichotomy. Happy endings because I'm not a big scary movie fan.
Any special talents?
Baking cakes, writing, I've been told I'm good with colors.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Writing, baking, reading, rollerblading...
Have any pets?
I still have three cats who live at my parents' house.
What sports do you play/have you played?
Soccer and martial arts when I was younger!
How tall are you?
5' 1/2"
Favorite subject in school?
English and art!
Dream job?
Moderately famous writer. Like, I'd want my name to be recognizable and to do interviews about my work, but not be recognized on the street. Or something in my actual field but I'm not sure what.
Tagging: @mariacallous @imusthavebecomesomething @onekisstotakewithme @genderqueer-klinger @localorangecat @blue-ravens @majorbaby @wellmanneredthief @interwebseriesfan24 @hamiltonsteele @persianflaw @youngpettyqueen @partitionis @villalunae @raywritesthings
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mydearsigerson · 5 years
raywritesthings replied to your post: a non-exhaustive list of reasons why...
Idk how old this thread is, but if I might humbly add: the first movie references Garridebs with Mary’s line to Holmes in the hospital. “[Watson] would have said it was worth the wound.”
Ooh, that’s true! I forgot that one. I think they probably have quite a few borrowed lines. It would be fun to make note of all of them sometime...
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