#rbs tax services
admindilegalin · 1 year
Pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan
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Pendaftaran BPJS Kesehatan mulai dari 600 rb saja !!!
Lupa Akses BPJS Kesehatan mulai dari 350 rb saja !!!
Penonaktifan BPJS Kesehatan mulai dari 350 rb saja !!!
Penutupan BPJS Kesehatan mulai dari 600 rb saja !!!
Ayo Investasi di Indonesia! Pajak untuk perusahaan yang baru berdiri hanya 0,5%/bulan dari penghasilan bruto selama 3 tahun! (PP No. 23 Tahun 2018) Manfaatkan momentum ini..
Dilegalin menyediakan layanan :
Pendirian Badan Usaha
Perubahan Data Badan Usaha
Penutupan Badan Usaha
Legal Service (Izin OSS, PTSP, Izin Lanjutan)
Virtual Office ( Bisa Survei PKP, Agreement Virtual Office, SKDU, Area Komersil & Strategis)
Accounting and Tax Service ( Pencatatan dan Pembukuan, Laporan Keuangan Auditor, Pengajuan PKP, Laporan Perpajakan Pph 21 22 23 25, PPh Badan, PPN)
Human Resources (pendaftaran BPJS, pembuatan peraturan perusahaan, training and development)
Digital Marketing Agency (website, branding dan desain cetak, logo, kop surat, id card, map, envelope, dll)
Kontak WA ada di Profil 🙂
Atau konsultasi langsung ke kantor kami! Office Hours : Senin sd Jumat 08.00 sd 17.00
PT Top Solusi Manajemen Head Office : Menteng Square Office Tower A lt 2 Unit Ak 8 Kenari Senen Jakarta Pusat 10340
Branch Office : Jl Raya Bekasi No. 51 Ruko No. 3 Cakung Barat, Cakung, Jakarta Timur 13910 . LANGSUNG AJA DILEGALIN SEKARANG JUGA!
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rbsauditing · 1 year
VAT Consultancy Services In Dubai
Looking for reliable VAT Consultancy Services In Dubai? RBS Auditing is here to help. Our team of experienced professionals can provide expert advice and guidance on all aspects of VAT, from registration and compliance to planning and optimization. With our tailored solutions and personalized approach, we can help you navigate the complexities of VAT and minimize your tax liabilities. Contact us today to learn more about our VAT consultancy services and how we can assist you with your business needs.https://rbsauditing.com/vat-consultancy/
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hauntedfacelady · 2 years
Thorium is not Soluble in Water
While other methods of dating objects exist, radiocarbon dating has remained vital for most archaeologists. נערות ליווי בתל אביב Some etiquette books say you should be honest and perhaps suggest "going Dutch" up front, where both parties pay for the date, while others say you should wait to ask someone out until you've saved up enough money to pay for the other person. And of course, even married couples need to get out for a special date occasionally while managing a mortgage and family expenses. Unless something was obviously attributable to a specific year -- say a dated coin or known piece of artwork -- then whoever discovered it had to do quite a bit of guesstimating to get a proper age for the item. You may feel insulted or sad that your ex was able to move on so fast, but when you meet someone else and fall in love, you'll probably feel a little bit less bad about your ex having moved on. There's also still usually a wide window of time that an object can fall into.
There is never a for sure way of knowing till you have spent time with someone. 1. What time of day are you the perkiest? Meanwhile, the old standby dates, like going to the movie theater, are getting increasingly expensive. The service is based on an old Jewish tradition: helping young, single Jews meet others in the faith. AskMatch, a free dating advice service that lets you pick the brain of a dating coach, can be thanked for a wave of positive reviews on the App Store(opens in a new tab). With any luck, the other person will pick up on your situation when he or she learns more about you and offer to go Dutch anyway. The great thing is that budgeting your dates will probably force you to think about more interesting activities. A girl who's let a guy pay for the past few dates can offer to make dinner for the next date.
On the next page, we'll get into some tips for inexpensive dates. Despite these limitations, radiocarbon dating will often get you a decent ballpark figure. However, they felt like they could get correct back the last recognized opinion of attention. They were last seen in July 2022, with the split coming two months after Morrone turned 25 in June. Avoiding fancy dinners and overpriced movies doesn't mean sacrificing fun or culture. It has so permeated Western popular culture that even those who aren't looking for love know what it is. A little communication can go a long way in avoiding misunderstandings that could ultimately lead to conflict or even break up the relationship. 2. The person you’re getting to know/hooking up with has been clear that they don’t want a relationship at all. If you choose a more mainstream dating app (which is totally fine), you��re going to be on a dating app with people who aren’t Christians. However, others have extended their scope to include people of all religions, shapes, sizes, interests and sexual orientations. Young people like to do things that an older person might consider physically taxing.
The excavator might employ relative dating, using objects located stratigraphically (read: buried at the same depth) close to each other, or he or she might compare historical styles to see if there were similarities to a previous find. I see four major problems with the creationist claims -- sufficient to invalidate the creationist paper rather than (as Gill desires) the Rb-Sr dating procedure. This is the point in our review where the quality of the apps we have on the list takes a major dive. However, we have tried to gather some to give you a taste of the Russian dating site. The study found that 37% of online dating users said someone on a site or app continued to contact them after they said they were not interested, 35% said they were sent an explicit message or image they didn’t ask for and 28% were called an offensive name. This Christian dating site is responsible for more marriages than any other app on the planet, which should grab your attention. If you're after cheap dating, then free UK dating sites can be a great solution - there are so many more out there than you think. But now archaeologists studying, say, the development of agriculture across the continents are able to determine how different societies stacked up against one another throughout the millennia.
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zoomabroad-blog · 2 years
Why Should You Study Finance in the UK
The benefits of studying finance in the UK are numerous. Scotland is renowned as the financial centre of the Eurozone and is home to some of the largest financial and accounting institutions in the world, including RBS, Barclays, J.P. Morgan, E&Y, HSBC, Blackrock, Lloyds Banking Groups, Virgin Money, and many more. With a UK finance degree, you can choose from a variety of specialisation modules to help you hone your abilities for fields like financial management, business IT, financial reporting, and business ethics, among others. Additionally, most UK institutions offer sandwich programmes in which you complete your degree in four years while also gaining one year of professional experience in your third year at a reputable company.
Course Structure
Both bachelor's and master's degrees in finance are available in the UK. Their full-time bachelor's degree is awarded in three years, just like the Indian curriculum, while a master's degree requires one year to complete. You might have the choice to pursue an internship year at both levels. As a result, you can put what you are learning into practice and build up excellent professional experience for your resume.
 Many of these courses that provide an internship year do not charge full tuition for that year, but they do have administrative costs which can reach up to about 40% of your tuition from the previous year.
Eligibility Requirements
Any of the professional organisations that control education and course content in the UK must certify candidates for a job in finance. Master's in Finance (MiF), accountancy degrees, banking qualifications, financial services qualifications, wealth management courses, financial planning certifications, tax qualifications, etc. are some finance credentials required for numerous career routes.
You must have studied English and mathematics in your previous qualification in order to enrol in these courses. Along with passing qualitative and quantitative aptitude exams like the SAT for undergraduate studies and the GMAT/GRE for graduate studies, you might also be required to demonstrate your command of the English language (for example, through IELTS scores).
Popular Areas of Expertise
When you choose finance as your stream, you can choose from a number of specialisations. The most well-liked ones consist of:
Corporate Finance
This area of finance focuses on capital structure, managerial investment choices, funding sources, and—most importantly—the process of analysing and allocating financial resources.
Global Finance
This area of finance is concerned with how various nations interact on a financial level. It is an opportunity to learn about important financial concepts as they relate to the global scale. A subfield of finance economics, it is frequently referred to as international macroeconomics.
Behavioural Finance
This area of finance seeks to clarify why individuals within the financial sectors make "poor" decisions that result in inefficiencies and/or market collapses. To explain market results, one must combine psychological, cognitive, cultural, emotional, and social variables.
For more information on studying accounting and finance in the UK, please connect with our zoom abroad consultants today!
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rideboomindia · 2 years
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RideBoom India the smartest mobility platform got this unique feature in their app the RB Coins credits. What are RB coins (https://rideboom.com/india/rb-coins/) ride credits? When you download the RideBoom app you will get a unique referral code and when you share the referral code with your family and friends you will get an x amount of RB coins credits, both the sender and the receiver. These credits will be adjusted against the next ride with RideBoom. So, the user can collect more ride credits by keep sharing his referral code with family and friends and the user will get extra ride credits at the end of his or her trip a well. So, more rides mean more credits means more free rides. In the words of the founder Mr. Malhi "This is a reward to our regulars RideBoom service users and we are trying to bring a best-in-class experience for our riders who put their faith in RideBoom" What are RB coins? RB coins are credits that you will get from time to time on each ride or trip you will take with RideBoom. What is the benefit of RB Coins? You can use your RB Coins against your next ride or trip with RideBoom regardless of what type of car you ride with. How does this work? On each ride, you will get RB Coins and these coins will deduct from your total ride fare and you must pay the only difference. Do I get free rides? Yes if you collect enough RB Coins against your rides with RideBoom and your current ride or trip the amount is less than your RB Coins then, of course, it's a free ride and you have to pay only the tax. Can I use my RB Coins to book a ride for others? Yes, you can book a ride for your friend or a family member, and the ride or trip amount difference will be deducted from your RB Coins. How can I collect more RB Coins? Take More rides to get more RB Coins, more coins mean free rides. RideBoom is available in Tri-city Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula with Bike taxi and car service and recently added their Bike taxi service in Delhi. RideBoom is going to roller-coast its service in more than 100 cities in India in the next 9 months. To know more about RideBoom and its unique features Download the RideBoom app from the google play store and app store plus you can visit the site at www.rideboom.com/india
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socialistsooner420 · 4 years
"I care about injustice in the South, but not enough to buy a bus ticket and move to literally anywhere else so that they don't get my tax money" sounds a lot like "I care about BIPOC getting murdered, just not enough to actually do anything about it."
I'm sorry if it's "Not that easy!", but I did it. It isn't easy, but (gasp!) life isn't all about making everything as easy as possible for your pampered privileged ass
Get out of the South, because nobody wants to listen to some hypocrite who pays lip service while giving their taxes to racist fascists
howdy coward anon! 🤠
lmao where the FUCK did i say anything about taxes? and you do realize moving out of state is a lot harder and expensive than just getting a bus ticket, right? or are you really just that dense? theres packing, hiring moving trucks, gas mileage, oh AND THE PRICE OF A NEW FUCKING PLACE TO LIVE? who tf has that kind of money to just up and move whenever the fuck they want to? thats some privileged ass shit to say right there.
"get out of the south instead of trying to change it" sounds a lot like "if you dont like anerica, then get the hell out!"
you sound pretty privileged yourself just with that "im sorry if its 'not that easy!' but i did!" who the fuck are you to think that poor, struggling, opressed people should "just get over it and leave!". yeah, and why dont poor people just get rich amirite? you see how stupid that sounds?
and fuck you, no. i want to stay in oklahoma. i love my home land and the history of this place that was actually FOUNDED on socialism, and i'll keep doing whatever the fuck i can to get us back to those roots.
its also ignorant as fuck to ignore and completely deny the existence of ANY marginalized or opressed groups in the south. where the fuck do you think the civil rights movement started? did they fight by moving to the north with you classist fuckers? no, they stayed and fought for their right to live where they were born and raised and loved. you have no right telling anybody they cant live somewhere for ANY reason, ESPECIALLY when you're trying to blame them for the actions of their opressors.
im not paying lip service to my fucking government. im pointing out the fact that careless assholes like you just think we "vote against our own interests" which sounds a LOT like "you just WANT to be oppressed."
we do all we can, its not our fucking fault our states are gerrymandered all to hell. we've been fighting for years for our rights, y'all just act like no southern activist has ever existed and that no kind of progressive movements have come from the south.
y'all have a weird superiority complex just because "the north freed the slaves!" cool, but they didnt all go to the north. BIPOC, native tribes, latinos, people of all colors, religions, etc ALL STILL EXIST HERE. and for you to think millions of people should just up and leave because.... what?? you're place is better??? you literally are calling the people who are struggling to survive a bunch of racist fascists, why the fuck would we want to be anywhere NEAR you?????
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heres a good example pulled from someones rb tags. im from oklahoma and i share the same sentiment and can relate to these experiences.
anyway heres the og meme bc i guess i gotta tap the sign again
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next time you wanna say some stupid shit dont hide behind an anon ask, im more than happy to make you look like the asshole you really are and help you down from your high horse 🤗😘
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studyblrsophie · 4 years
I’m starting RB in October, I’m studying stage and events management, do you have any tips for starting out and how to organise and prepare??
I am so sorry it took me so long to get round to answering this question but here’s my overview of what to do when preparing! Some of these tips are specifically for RB and some are more general but I hope you find them all useful in their own ways. 
(Also I still live near RB so if you ever want to grab a coffee to talk about things let me know!)
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✻ Before you attend any introductory talks or lectures decide whether you want to take digital or paper notes and start preparing accordingly. E.g setting up sections or folders for different modules. I personally use OneNote on my laptop and I love it because it has endless formatting options and can be accessed on any device. If you’re going for paper I recommend using a folder and investing in some dividers.
✻ Set-up a small pencil case, even if you’re taking digital notes. You never know when you’ll need a pen or pencil. Don’t go overboard and fill it with loads of highlighters or anything. Just keep it simple so you can always have it with you. Bonus points if you have a little notebook to write in too.
✻ Speak to people! This is especially important at RB because it’s such a small university, the more well known you are the better. (As long as it’s for the right reasons of course). Strike up conversations with people studying on other courses, the connections you make when you first arrive will become invaluable. Also make sure you’re lovely to all the members of staff you meet, not just your course tutors.
↳ People you want to make a particularly good first impression with at RB include, the head of productions (he’s a great laugh), the technical managers (they will save your life during productions but will not tolerate any bs) and the head of the workshop (who is an absolute angel). Don’t forget to be friendly towards the staff in the Rose Cafe and Bru Bar as well, they are all so sweet and very good allies to have - especially when you’re on campus till late and need sustenance. If you’re extra nice they’ll let you know which nights they put out the food going over its date to take for free, which saved me from going hungry on several occasions!
✻ Familiarise yourself with the campus as soon as you can. Even if this just means taking a stroll in the morning. The library may look small but it’s packed full of really useful books that are woefully underutilised by most DMTA students. There’s no need to go out and buy all the expensive Stage Management books. I completed my whole undergrad degree with just Peter Maccoys’ book and borrowed the rest from friends and the library when I needed them. I also recommend visiting the local public libraries, there’s one no matter where you live around campus and you can use your RB card to take out books from them too. They often have sections dedicated to Management so you can add quotes in your essays that will really stand out amongst everyone else’s quotes from google. The Central Library in Bexleyheath is great for important assignments as it’s pretty large with lots of space to work and loads of food and coffee shops outside. It will only be a bus journey away no matter where you live.
✻ Pop into student services when you get a chance and introduce yourself. They are the humans you’ll need for anything non-course related. Whether it’s collecting your council tax exemption letter, asking for help splitting bills with housemates or having a shoulder to cry on, they should be your first port of call. Towards the end of my third year I spent a lot of time just chilling in there talking to them when the Bru Bar was too busy.
✻ Invest in a good pair of steelies and a good quality podger. You will use them both. A lot. Make sure your steelies are fully black and don’t have any colour on them and find a way to mark your podger so you know it’s yours, as people will ‘accidentally’ take it ‘thinking it’s theirs’.  Likewise if you manage to get a hold of LX tape at any point - do not let it out of your sight. LX tape is a precious commodity and will disappear from under your nose.
✻ Lever arch folders are a Stage Managers best friend. You don’t need hundreds but two or three for keeping scripts in will serve you well. My industrial strength hole punch also got a lot of use and saved me wasting time trying to hunt one down on campus. 
✻ Sort out a planning system that works for you and actually use it. Those that really struggled in my year were those who were constantly disorganised and never knew where they were supposed to be. I personally choose to use a Filofax as I can quickly jot down appointments, lectures and notes as they crop up, whilst being able to add any extra pieces of paper when required. If you prefer digital calendars and planners that’s fine but have something to refer to so you aren’t constantly juggling dates and times.
✻ Once show season is in full swing you can kiss goodbye to partying constantly, so whilst it’s fun to start with, remember that as the year progresses the workload will increase and a quick drink at the pub after tech week is a much better choice than an all night house party that will leave you in no shape for show week.
✻ One major thing to remember is that your patience will be tested - by directors, actors and oftentimes your own fellow Stage Managers. You will have to master the art of taking a deep breath and smiling instead of retaliating, no matter how much someone is bugging you. Everyone is coming from a different head-space and has a different point of view so try to be kind and reliable. It will pay off in the end. I promise. 
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This post feels like it’s already really long and I still have so much more to say! I’ll leave it at this for now, I hope you find it useful. If you want a part two let me know. I hope you have a wonderful time studying Stage Management.
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absollnk · 5 years
Commissions are open with a grand total of two whole slots!!
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Something important I forgot to mention: I will not do dynamic poses or complex backgrounds simply because I am not good enough
(excuse the mess of a sheet I had fun w it)
If the pricing system is a little confusing, here's a couple examples:
If you ordered a halfbody colored sketch of a character with an octobrush, the equation would be: 4(1.5) x 1.2, coming out as 7.20 usd.
Or if you ordered a finished headshot with two characters, that would be 7(1) x 1.75, coming out as 12.25 usd.
If you kept it simple and ordered a rough sketch bust, it would be 2(1), or two dollars.
Artwork examples: (doc isn't complete yet)
I can only accept commissions through Cash App (preferred, no tax on payments as far as I know), Venmo, and Google Pay. I will take half the payment upfront and the second half upon completion, regardless of price. I do not use Ko-Fi or PayPal directly so as to not reveal my legal name.
If you live outside the U.S, these services aren't available to you, which means we'll have to use one of my parents' paypals instead. Sorry for the inconvenience
I have the right to refuse a commission/element of a commission if it makes me uneasy or if I feel like it is out of my skill range. If you have any questions about what I will or won't do, feel free to ask me. I cannot communicate with clients outside of social media sites like here or twitter (no discord).
I am a minor and operating entirely on my own, which includes pricing, handling purchases, all the bank stuff I had to go through to even get here, and the drawings themselves. I'm sorry if it looks like I have no clue what I'm doing at some points. It's because I really don't. Please stick with me. If a commission is taking too long, please excuse my ADHD, executive dysfunction, and possible real-life struggles.
Thank you! Rbs appreciated!
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joeyrob1 · 4 years
Peer to Peer Lending Sector in UK
Peer to Peer Lending Sector in UK
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– Peer to Peer lending has 7 important differences in the UK compared the US. Otherwise, it is similar and growing.
– Funding Circle, Zopa and Ratesetter are the 3 major peer to peer lending platforms in UK. Their characteristics are listed and discussed.
– UK government had made it easier for investors and the industry is pushing for pension funds to accept it as an asset class. This would open up exponential growth for the industry.
– Public listing of this sector has started to allow international investors to enter the UK market with strong growth potential.
In the previous article, we introduced the marketplace lending space in the United States. We saw how Lending Club and Prosper are replacing the role of banks and the method which they matched lenders and borrowers. In this article, we will turn our focus to the United Kingdom. The UK is another matured country for marketplace lending,commonly known as Peer to Peer lending there.
Source: Telegraph
As you can see in the photo above, peers are people with high status in society. Hence it is a desirable and honourable to call this marketplace lending as peer to peer lending in the UK.
Just like how Singtel, Starhub and M1 dominates the telecommunication sector in Singapore, Funding Circle, Zopa and Ratesetter dominates the peer to peer lending sector in the UK. These UK platforms are limited to UK residents to be either lenders or borrowers. The notable exception is Funding Circle which has a US based entity.
Similarities and Differences in the US and UK
Peer to Peer lending platforms are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority since 1st April 2014. In the UK, these platform market themselves as an alternative to bank’s savings account. As a result, they abstain from the term ‘investors’ which is prevalent in the US and prefer to use the term ‘lenders’ instead. However regulations obliged these platforms to disclose that such ‘deposits’ are not subjected to the $85,000 deposit insurance under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).
Perhaps there are cultural differences in the UK, these platforms had to emphasize the safety of these investments to a population that are fed up with low savings interest rates but yearn for higher returns. Consequently, there are 6 major differences in the UK system as compared to the US:
Average interest rates are lower at 5% instead of 9% as seen in the US and minimum lending starts at 10 pounds (Zopa and Ratesetter) instead of 25 USD.
Each platform had to form its own provision fund against default. This is a business and not a regulatory imperative. This is one reason that returns are lower in the UK. In the US, the returns are higher but lenders absorb the full losses of default.
Automatic diversification of loans through pooling and ‘savings products’ are classified according to time frame (like fixed deposits without the insurance). Pooling is an advantage.
While the US investor would require USD$10,000 to diversify his loans properly by investing USD$25 in 400 loans, the UK investor would only require 10 pounds.
The exception is Funding Circle and you would need to use their AutoBid to diversify with minimum of 20 pounds and preferably across 100 businesses.
Strong emphasis on the ability to withdraw funds as long as there are new lenders (liquidity) after paying for fees and discount if interest rates rose. In the US, there are such secondary markets but they are not the focus.
Fully funded insolvency plan in the event that these platforms were to go bankrupt as part of regulatory requirements.
Trade body, Peer to Peer Finance Association formed to protect industry’s reputation by encouraging high minimum standards. For example, it has recently passed a directive to its members that all investors should be treated equally. Institutional investors should not be allowed to cherry pick the best loans first at the expense of retail investors.
The US has a much larger market for peer to peer lending and it loan out $12 billion in 2014 compared to $2.3 billion for the UK.
Source: Morgan Stanley
After looking at the differences, we move on to the similarities between the UK and the US. The motivation that drove borrowers to marketplace lending is simply because they can get a lower interest rates when compared to bank’s rate. They are there to refinance their existing loans for more favourable rates. For lenders, they can also get higher interest rate for undertaking modest risk.
Borrowers approach these platforms for small personal loans as seen below.
Source: Zopa
One of the appeal of lending on these platforms is that lenders know that they are lending to real people. This is seen in the personal stories behind the loan.
On the other hand, businesses borrow for the following reasons:
Source: Funding Circle
These peer to peer loans have been so popular that 77% of small businesses will approach Funding Circle first before they reach out to banks in 2013. Where banks would take 2 weeks to decide on the loan, these platforms would just take 2 days and the borrowing costs are much lower.
After we have seen the similarities and differences between the US and UK system, it is time for us to dig into the characteristics of these 3 different leading platforms in the UK.
Funding Circle Zopa Ratesetter Year of Establishment 2010 2005 2010 Target Borrowers Business Loans Personal Loans Personal & Business Loans Loan Origination Amount (Pounds) $956 million $1.19 billion $912 million Loan Amount (Pounds) $5,000 to $1 million $1,000 – $25,000 Personal: $1000 to $25,000 Business: $25,000 to $1 million Loan Period 6 months to 5 years 1- 5 years 6 months to 5 years Provision Fund Not Applicable Safeguard ($11M, 120% cover) Provision Fund ($16M, 151% cover) 5 Year Loan Interest Rates 7.20% 5% 5.90% Fees 1% annual fee + 0.25% if you sell a loan 1% Annual Fee of Loan Lender : 0% Borrower : Late Fees Spread in Rates (Implied) Active Lenders 44818 59000 28832 Bank Barclays RBS Barclays Government Lending (Pounds) (British Business Bank) $60 million Not Applicable $10 million
Of these 3 leading platforms, Ratesetter is the only platform that does both personal and business loans. For companies that are offering business loans, they would receive investment from the British Business Bank as part of the government’s imperative to support local businesses.
Zopa is the oldest platform and it is focused on personal loans. While its returns and fees might lose out to Ratesetter, it has the largest number of active lenders. This means that existing lenders have higher liquidity when they wish to exit the loan early. This is one edge that Zopa has over other platforms. This edge is slowing eroding as both Funding Circle and Ratesetter are catching up in terms of loan origination.
Funding Circle is the most international of these 3 platforms with presence in 5 countries. Unique among these 3 platforms is the fact that it has no provision fund but it makes up with higher interest rates. It should be noted that Singapore’s sovereign fund, Temasek invested $30 million pounds alongside Blackrock in April 2015. They valued Funding Circle at over $1 billion with this deal.
All three have rigorous credit underwriting procedures to protect their reputation and their lenders. Zopa, Ratesetter and Funding Circle use the services of leading credit reporting agencies such as Experian, Equifax and Callcredit as part of the credit assessment. Based on the riskiness of the borrower, they are assigned the appropriate interest rates or rejected.
New Updates
A new update for the UK marketplace lending is the new policy that was recently announced by the Chancellor of Exchequer (UK’s Finance Minister) George Osborne would be the extension of Innovative Finance Individual Savings Account to peer to peer loans from 06 April 2016 onwards. The FCA is currently asking for public consultation before its eventual implementation.
This extension would allow investors to save on taxes and set the stage for the eventual inclusion of P2P lending as a debt asset class. This is what Zopa is actively pushing for in its blog to open up a new major market of investors. If institutional pension funds were to accept these loans as an asset, there will be another wave of exponential growth for the industry.
Peer to Peer lending industry is maturing in the UK and much of the regulations are in place to provide for the safety of borrowers and investors. Regulations are also changing to accept this as an asset class of its own. It is clear that the model of cutting out banks as the middleman are widely accepted by both the borrowers and lenders.
The UK market is much smaller than the US market and there are much room for growth. While overseas investors are still barred from investing in the UK market, Funding Circle has made it easier for foreign investor by being the first platform to float an investment trust on the London Stock Exchange called Funding Circle SME Income Fund. This small $150 million aims to provide 7% dividends and it is open to institutional investors.
This is likely to be the tip of the iceberg and Ratesetter has plans to be publicly listed following the footstep of Lending Club. This will create a fortune for its founders and also allow the global public to ride on the rising wave of P2P lending in the UK. That is all for the overview of the UK marketplace lending and thanks for reading.
Brought to you by RobustTechHouse. We provide Fintech Development services.
Peer to Peer Lending Sector in UK was originally published on RobustTechHouse - Mobile App Development Singapore
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rbstaxservices · 1 year
RBS Tax & Insurance Solutions is a leading financial management services company in Houston, Texas. We provide the best and most trusted tax and insurance services to individuals and businesses across the region. With a team of experienced professionals, we offer tailored and cost-effective solutions that will help you achieve your financial goals. For more queries visit our website at https://rbstaxservices.com/ or call us at 832-428-4119.
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ninascreams-blog · 5 years
The Most Influential People In The Stamped Concrete Patterns Industry
Asphalt is way less expensive than concrete but,you have Everything you purchase,blacktop is smooth and can creat dips after driving on it following so long,you can not alt it in Wintertime because it breaks up the composition,and yeas it does have to have more cash to keep it up,so in all,in case you concrete your driveway now it is nice Practically endlessly,blacktop it and you may redo it each individual 5-seven years As a result Similarly costing the identical In the end let alone not acquiring use from the driveway for on a daily basis or two every couple of years
The wood for your new floor commonly arrives a few days in advance of any get the job done commences. This allows the wood to acclimate for the relative humidity in your own home, which prevents it from shrinking or expanding after set up and leading to gaps or buckling. The particular wood installation could choose many days or even more, with regards to the sizing of your house and which kind of custom made reducing and designs are wanted. If your flooring isn't prefinished, the unfinished wood need to then be sanded and stained in the home to deal with and shield your new financial investment. Usually, stain normally takes an entire day to dry, and numerous coats are applied. Baseboards and trim need to also be installed. With every one of these variables at play, you may see why it’s vital to get a wood installation Professional to offer an estimate only soon after observing your property.
These estimates are for Simple work executed in serviceable conditions by qualified trade gurus applying MID Quality products. Work not outlined on this page and/or do the job working with master craftsman, quality elements and task supervision will bring about Greater COSTS!
And cement has ridiculously large carbon emissions to make. Asphalt will also be patched and rejuvenated for many years with new sealants, ultra-substantial tension h2o reducing, and so forth. While concrete when it cracks up should be fully ripped up and changed.
Get the many stamps set set up, then start out tamping the primary one particular. Decide it up and check for fantastic texture, if It is excellent re-set it before the final stamp you established down.
Simply because Just about every paver is somebody piece, you do not need to bother with pavers cracking from tension or settling of the surface. As pavers begin to settle, they may loosen, which can produce a journey hazard, but particular person pavers are quickly eliminated and changed.
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improved solution it'll crack it is not going to capture hearth RB stolen 6 1/two bag blend grade it bulfloat Broom wander absent The more you mess with concrete The greater likely it'll pop never use salt with your driveway you have to be capable of get a minimum of twenty years looking excellent primary is the base
That becoming claimed, concrete costs right here on expansive soils are quite a bit higher. Asphalt is more cost-effective and can "journey the waves" superior sometimes Specially Along with the significant summertime temperatures. Nevertheless, Asphalt will inevitably start off coming aside after about 5 years.
Concrete is often crushed and afterwards reprocessed or recycled to be a granular refill, training course foundation materials for new pavement, or as aggregate in new concrete.
Subgrade is definitely the earth beneath the patio structure. If this is simply not skillfully well prepared, You will find a high prospect that the concrete will crack mainly because it settles. Guantee that the subgrade soil is ready in order that it offers adequate, organization guidance and will likely not move or wash away.
Whilst pavers can give you a realistic impervious floor to enhance drainage, pavers provide zero structural integrity when put in in excess of regular aggregate bases. What I suggest by that may be that a 6" or 12" paver or brick can not bridge just one imperfection or a little bit eroded substrate (foundation). In my 30+ yrs of concrete design to hundreds on numerous installations, the only real time I have at any time found an Architect specify pavers for a significant driveway software, experienced a CONCRETE slab specified to assist it! Yup, they required the structural integrity to originate from concrete, as well as the pavers to make the Visible impact they desired.
You don't want to use it thick and you do not need any puddles. If you obtain a puddle just wipe it by using a rag to thin that region.
Another thing that affected me when we decided to pave our stone push. Concrete is taken into account a long term framework and so would up my tax price in my individual spot. We went with asphalt at minimum amount four inch foundation in excess of rolled stone.
Standard labor to setup stamped concrete driveways with favorable internet site situations. Structure driveway height and slope. Flippantly grade and take away unfastened soil. Set kinds and reinforcing.
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rbsauditing · 1 year
“VAT Signup for Foreign Firms Operating: What You Need to Know”
“Foreign companies engaged in trade within the United Arab Emirates (UAE) may need to register for Value Added Tax (VAT) to comply with local tax regulations. However, the process of VAT registration for foreign companies in the UAE involves navigating a unique set of rules and considerations.
This article aims to explore the crucial aspects of VAT registration for foreign companies in the UAE and highlight how RBS Auditors can provide assistance.
Understanding VAT Registration for Foreign Companies
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Foreign companies must assess their VAT registration obligations based on specific criteria, which may include the volume of taxable supplies, presence in the UAE, and surpassing the mandatory registration threshold. Understanding these requirements is essential for determining the applicability of VAT registration for foreign companies operating in the UAE.
Expert Guidance from RBS Auditors
RBS Auditors specializes in VAT consulting services and possesses extensive experience in assisting foreign companies with VAT registration in UAE. Our team of experts remains updated with the latest regulations and offers accurate guidance to foreign companies, ensuring compliance with VAT obligations.
Assessing the Place of Supply
Determining the place of supply is critical in the VAT registration process for foreign companies. RBS Auditors can help assess whether the place of supply falls within the UAE and provide advice on the appropriate VAT registration procedure. Furthermore, our comprehensive understanding of international transactions and cross-border operations ensures an accurate assessment of the place of supply for foreign companies.
Establishing a UAE Tax Agency
Foreign companies are required to appoint a local tax agent to act as their representative in the UAE for VAT purposes. RBS Auditors can assist foreign companies in selecting a suitable tax agent and guide them through establishing a tax agency in compliance with UAE regulations. Additionally, we ensure smooth communication with tax authorities and facilitate the VAT registration process.
Document Preparation and Submission
VAT registration necessitates the submission of specific documents and forms to the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). RBS Auditors helps foreign companies compile the necessary documents, including financial records, company incorporation documents, and supporting evidence. Our expertise in document preparation ensures accuracy and adherence to the FTA’s requirements.
Voluntary VAT Registration
Foreign companies that do not meet the mandatory VAT registration threshold may choose to voluntarily register for VAT in the UAE. RBS Auditors can assess the benefits and implications of voluntary registration, enabling foreign companies to make informed decisions aligned with their business objectives.
Ongoing Compliance Support
VAT compliance extends beyond registration. RBS Auditors provides ongoing support to foreign companies, ensuring continued compliance with VAT regulations. We assist in record-keeping, filing VAT returns, and staying updated on changes in tax laws, enabling foreign companies to fulfill their VAT obligations effectively.
Therefore, VAT registration for foreign companies operating in the UAE requires careful consideration of the relevant rules and regulations. With their expertise in VAT consulting, RBS Auditors is well-equipped to assist foreign companies throughout the VAT registration process.
By leveraging their knowledge, guidance, and support, foreign companies can navigate the complexities of VAT registration in the UAE with ease, ensuring compliance and smooth operations in the local market.
If you are in search of VAT or Accounting Firms in Dubai, do not hesitate to contact us immediately!”
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mrsbaako-blog · 6 years
The story of RBS, a missing bank statement and so my husband’s possible deportation.
A story for you folks - a day in the life of yours truly, wife of a Ghanaian Immigrant applying for my husband Adie's final UK Visa. We are seriously at risk of having Adie's application rejected because of one missing bank statement. RBS are unable to help us! Please read on……
I had a lovely reaffirming start to my day - Celia, a local accountant helped me by providing the necessary  evidence for Adie's final Visa application. After this Visa he can apply for a UK passport - so in 2 & 1/2 short years we will be able to go to Torremolinos together at last 😜. She turned out to be from Shetland, we know many people in common and her Uncle was a fiddle player. Fiddles duly brought out, tuned up and played, the lovely Celia refused payment for helping us with this 5 minute task - a massive gesture as other accountants were quoting us £400 + VAT. 
I left her house with a warm glow, faith in humanity restored, it being the 1st of February and all. Self employed friends will no doubt be able to guess why 1st Feb is a day of lightness and joy…….for the uninitiated, tax returns submitted on time and tax paid by 31st January deadline.
Next task, for Adie's Visa the Home Office require original bank statements evidencing income. I have 6 years worth of statements filed for 3 separate accounts and only one missing statement. As luck would have it, the missing statement is required for the Visa Application. But that's ok, as I only need my local branch to stamp a downloaded printed PDF of the statement to meet Home Office requirements. 
I enter RBS Dalkeith Branch full of the joys of new friendship, Shetland catch up and tunes - still happy. You'll be sensing the impending doom..... 
It was a case of computer says no. 
I'm going to spare you all the sordid details, but in brief, here is what happened. 
The Cashier said he could not stamp my online printed PDF statement. 
"Then can you give me a letter of confirmation on headed paper from the branch, confirming my printed online PDF statement?" I naively ask.
"Not possible, we can only certify statements issued within the last 6 months ". 
I ask to speak to the manager. The manager is on the phone. The Cashier and I go round in circles. I ask to speak to the manager again. The manager sends a verbal message that I have to order a new statement. 
I accept this and the cashier orders it. "That will be posted to you within 5-7 working days" he says. This is no good to us. It's the 1st of February and we must submit by 7th of this month. 
From that point on things deteriorated. There was an ever growing queue as the Cashier tried his poor best to help me whilst his colleague at the next desk tried and failed to keep up with demand. The queue extended out of the front door.... There were other staff around (doing not a lot as far as I could see, when and if dared look up toward the queue) but my problem, it seemed, was not within their remit. 
I stood there for around 40 minutes, publicly humiliated. At no point was I offered an apology or a more private space to deal with this clearly very personal and distressing situation. We are genuinely facing the prospect that without the original Bank Statement or a verified copy, Adie's Visa application will not meet requirements and he will be deported. Home Office requirements are very clear and you simply must meet them. I was armed with a letter from my Immigration Lawyer explaining what was required, but to no avail. I did explain all of this to the cashier. Repeatedly. I asked him to tell the Manager. I have no way of knowing if he did or not, because at no point did anyone more senior come to talk to me. 
After a 3rd attempt to speak to management and appeal for discretionary action, the Cashier returned saying that the Manager would not see me, would not verify a statement and that I could not book an appointment with the manager. So holding in a flood of tears, I left. 
I was handed a complaints leaflet on my way out.
After a restorative bowl of soup (I am a Scot after all, there's nothing a hearty plate o soup'll no sort), I plucked up the courage to phone the complaints line. Would you believe it - it's just RBS's standard phone line. I thought they had given me a direct contact to Complaints. Aye Right. 
I call and explain. A very pleasant soul tells me he can order me a replacement statement that will arrive in 3-5 working days. 
"3-5 days", I exclaim! "My branch didn't tell me that."
I order. It's still risky, it doesn't guarantee delivery in time. But it's an improvement and I'll take it.
"Is there any way to pay for a faster service?" I am a fool to ask. Of course there isn't.
I ask to be put through to complaints. Another stupid question. I don't get to call them, they e-mail me back in the next 5 working days. I stand my ground - I am not available next week, it has to be now. 
I WIN! He agrees to put me through. Amy 1 - RBS roughly  53,546748. Still, it feels good.
I am transferred to complaints. I speak to a kind human being. He did answer the phone as “Ben from Natwest”, which I wasn’t overly worried about, as I have no idea who owns RBS. I know they and Ulster Bank are as one, so why not Natwest? I told him the story. 
I opened with “I went to my RBS Branch in Dalkeith today because……..” and told him the whole story. 
He listened sympathetically, he apologised. Then he said “I work for Natwest, I’ll need to put you through to RBS”
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I mentioned my opening statement about RBS. I can’t even remember what he said in reply. 
After an hour on the phone I reach RBS complaints. I may as well be back in the Dalkeith Branch. I am asked if I am making one or two complaints - I explain that I haven’t made a complaint before, so I really don’t know how best to proceed, so please can the advise me. He advises two. I agree.
Complaint number 1 is that the RBS Dalkeith Branch won’t verify the statement. This complaint is rejected because statement verification is discretionary to the branch (now they tell me). I have a mini-meltdown when he asks me if I am “happy for the grounds on which this complaint is rejected”. I explain that I am not “HAPPY”. After some protracted discussion around semantics we revert to one complaint. Now I understand why he wanted me to go for two.
I recite the rest of my woes. At one point he says “we’ll credit your account with £30 compensation today”. I say he’d better not, that I am totally insulted that my married life with my husband when in jeopardy could possibly be compensated with £30. I started crying at that point. 
My complaint is in the system. I will be allowed to take it to the financial ombudsman. I expect this is far too trivial a matter for them, but hey it’s worth a shot. I am leaving RBS, but before that I would love this story to be spread far and wide. 
We still have no guarantee that we will receive the missing statement in time to submit with Adie’s Visa application. Please do a dance, say a prayer, keep us in your thoughts. 
And share this post if you know anyone that could help us get a single original or verified bank statement from RBS by Wednesday next week. Or share it so that no-one else need go through this and RBS might just get the message and change their ways.
My day hasn't all been bad, thanks to the Celia’s of this world. 
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
My Tax Haven Comparative Analysis (RBS Tax Havens)
Barbados vs. The Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands is one of the five largest offshore financial centers worldwide, providing services such as offshore banking, offshore trusts, and the incorporation of offshore companies.
Offshore companies are not taxed on income earned abroad, and there is no taxation of Cayman international business companies (IBCs).
The Cayman Islands has no income tax, no corporate tax, no estate or inheritance tax, and no gift tax or capital gains tax, making it a pure tax haven.
Barbados offers a thriving offshore financial sector providing offshore banking, incorporation of offshore corporations, and exempt insurance.
Barbados is not a pure tax haven, but it is a very low-tax environment for offshore corporations incorporated in Barbados. Taxes on profits of offshore companies are generally in the range of 0% to 5.5%, and the tax rate decreases as the profits earned increase.
Offshore companies can import the necessary machinery or business equipment without paying any import duty.
There are no withholding taxes or capital gains taxes. Unlike most Caribbean tax havens, Barbados does have double taxation treaties with a number of other countries, including Canada and the U.S.
As you can see when it comes to government interference The Cayman Islands raises a lot of red flags. The Cayman Island has no income tax & no corporate tax. To a foreign government this is going to raise red flags because it affects government spending. Barbados is a Tax Shelter, their system is Taxes on profits of offshore companies are generally in the range of 0% to 5.5%, and the tax rate decreases as the profits earned increase. Barbados also has Double Tax Treaties for compliance with foreign governments. The Cayman Islands are British influenced, while Barbados is Irish Influenced. The Cayman Islands is a Pure Tax Haven while Barbados is a Tax Shelter that specializes in Corporate Tax and Inheritance. My Tax System is a Tax Shelter that specializes in Inheritance and Capital Gains; this is a Retirement Based System that is friendly to foreign governments.
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baliportalnews · 2 years
DJP Resmi Gunakan NIK Sebagai NPWP
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Sah, wajib pajak orang pribadi kini dapat menggunakan Nomor Induk Kependudukan (NIK) dalam memenuhi hak dan kewajiban perpajakannya. Dengan begitu, masyarakat diberikan kemudahan tidak perlu repot mendaftarkan diri ke Kantor Pelayanan Pajak karena integrasi NIK sebagai Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) sudah berjalan. Menteri Keuangan (Menkeu) Republik Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati secara langsung meresmikan peluncuran inovasi ini serta mendemokan login ke aplikasi pajak.go.id menggunakan NIK sebagai tanda mulainya perubahan besar ini bersama Direktur Jenderal (Dirjen) Pajak Suryo Utomo di Aula Chakti Buddhi Bhakti Kantor Pusat DJP, Selasa (19/7/2022). Tidak hanya launching NIK sebagai NPWP, dalam momentum puncak perayaan Hari Pajak tahun 2022 ini, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) juga merilis kemudahan lainnya, yaitu situs pajak dwibahasa (bilingual website) www.pajak.go.id dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris, validasi Surat Setoran Pajak (SSP) Pajak Penghasilan atas Pengalihan Hak Tanah dan/atau Bangunan (PPhTB) oleh Notaris/PPAT secara online sehingga mempermudah pelaksanaan transaksi jual beli tanah dan/atau bangunan, serta buku PEN 2021. Dalam kesempatan ini juga, Menkeu dan Dirjen Pajak memberikan apresiasi dan penghargaan kepada pemangku kepentingan yang dinilai telah memberikan sumbangsih luar biasa kepada DJP selama ini, khususnya dalam Reformasi Perpajakan. Ada beberapa kategori penghargaan yang diberikan, pertama, Kategori Pemegang Kepentingan yang Memberikan Dukungan Secara Tugas dan Fungsi kepada DJP meliputi POLRI, Kejakgung RI, KPK, PPATK, TNI, Kemenpan RB, BKPM, dan MA. Kedua, Kategori Enam ILAP Terbaik meliputi Ditjen Administrasi Hukum dan HAM Kemenkumham, Bapenda Provinsi Jawa Barat, Ditjen Penetapan Hak dan Pendaftaran Tanah Kementerian ATR/BPN, OJK, BI, dan Bapenda DKI Jakarta. Ketiga, Kategori Penghargaan Reformasi Perpajakan Bidang Sumber Daya Manusia (Capacity Building) meliputi World Bank, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Australlian Tax Office (ATO), Asian Development Bank, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), National Tax Service of Korea (NTS), National Tax Agency (NTA) Jepang, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), dan International Monetary Fund (IMF). Keempat, Kategori Bidang Regulasi meliputi International Belasting Documentatie Bureau (IBFD), APINDO, KADIN, dan IKPI. Kelima, Kategori Bidang Informasi Dan Teknologi meliputi Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Economic Development (PROSPERA), Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), Ditjen Dukcapil, dan Ditjen Imigrasi Kemenkumham. Acara puncak perayaan Hari Pajak tahun 2022 dilanjutkan dengan gelar wicara Helmy Yahya bersama Menkeu, Dirjen Pajak, tokoh reformasi Darmin Nasution, dan pengusaha Chairul Tanjung. Obrolan dalam gelar wicara ini berlangsung sangat menarik membahas seputar reformasi di dunia perpajakan sepanjang perjalanan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak. Dalam pernyataan penutupnya, Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati menyampaikan beberapa hal. Pertama, bahwa reformasi adalah keniscayaan bagi Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, karena perjalanan suatu institusi tidak akan pernah berhenti sampai benar-benar terhenti. Evaluasi regulasi akan terus dilakukan hingga disrupsi yang memunculkan area abu-abu bertransformasi menjadi hitam dan putih. Kedua, Akselerasi teknologi digital merupakan solusi dari penerapan pajak yang adil. Sejalan dengan yang disampaikan Direktur Jenderal Pajak dan pengusaha Chairul Tanjung bahwa digitalisasi memudahkan dalam data cross-transaction yang menjadi landasan pembentukan basis data yang akurat. Ketiga, konsistensi menjadi kunci pembangunan pondasi transparansi perpajakan. "Kolaborasi dari berbagai elemen pemerintah dan masyarakat merupakan kunci keberhasilan reformasi. Karena proses reformasi tidak dapat dijalankan sendiri oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak," ucapnya Sebagai catatan, acara puncak perayaan ini tidak lepas dari rangkaian Hari Pajak yang diperingati setiap tanggal 14 Juli. Untuk acara hari ini, DJP mengundang hampir semua kementerian dan lembaga di Indonesia, penerima penghargaan, perbankan, asosiasi, dan internal Kementerian Keuangan.(bpn) Read the full article
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ticketgatewaycanada · 3 years
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Get tickets on https://www.ticketgateway.com/dynastywaynechung NEW EVENT DATE SUNDAY MARCH 27th, 2K22 R&B In The City Events Presents… DYNASTY THE ANNUAL WAYNE CHUNG BIRTHDAY AFFAIR BOOTHS, BRUNCH & BOTTLES DAY PARTY AT GRAND BIZARRE SUNDAY MARCH 30TH 2022 4pm — 9pm INSIDE THE ELEGANT GRAND BIZARRE ( FORMALLY MUZIK NIGHTCLUB ) 15 Saskatchewan Rd CNE Grounds, Downtown, Toronto Brunch Tables 4pm to 6pm Booths and Party 6pm to 9pm Hosted By: @WayneChung.ca @GQHendersonevents @KLReid30_shf @Shozbizz And Many More Soundtrack By: DJ Smartiez From Vibe 105fm @djsmartiez DJ Dark Knight @andreclarke DJ Thyana @se1ecta R&B | Hip Hop | Dancehall | Soca | Trap | Afrobeats Dresscode: Semi-Formal Attire Limited Capacity Online at Eventbrite.ca Ticketgateway.com Table service “Late Night” menu will be available. BOOTHS / TABLES RSVP Bottle Prices Does Not Include Tax & Gratuities Bottle Service Prices (2 BOTTLES MIN PER BOOTHS OF 6PPL OR MORE) $260 — Ciroc | Grey Goose | Belvedere 750 ml $340 — Hennessy VS 750ml FULL BOTTLE SERVICE & BRUNCH MENU @ grandbizarre.com $100 Booth/Table RSVP ($50 will go towards your bottles or food) After 6pm 2 BOTTLES MIN PER BOOTH/TABLE All Bottle Prices Does Not Include Tax & Gratuities Bottle Service Prices (2 BOTTLES MIN PER BOOTHS OF 6PPL OR MORE) $260 — Ciroc | Grey Goose | Belvedere 750 ml $340 — Hennessy VS 750ml FULL BOTTLE SERVICE & BRUNCH MENU @ grandbizarre.com RSVP BOOTH TICKETS CAN ONLY BE PURCHASED ONLINE AT EVENTBRITE.CA TO PURCHASE VIA EMT CONTACT 416.704.5487 or 416.877.2283 BOOTH FOR 4 PPL $200 Includes: - Booth RSVP $100, 4 Admission at $25 each IMPORTANT ( $50 Will To Put Be Put Towards Your Bottle(s) Or Food) BOOTH FOR 6 PPL $250 Includes: - Booth RSVP $100, 6 Admission at $25 each IMPORTANT ( $50 Will To Put Be Put Towards Your Bottle(s) Or Food) BOOTH FOR 8 PPL $300 Includes: - Booth RSVP $100, 8 Admission at $25 each IMPORTANT ( $50 Will To Put Be Put Towards Your Bottle(s) Or Food) BOOTH FOR 10 PPL $350 Includes: - Booth RSVP $100 , 10 Admission at $25 each IMPORTANT ( $50 Will To Put Be Put Towards Your Bottle(s) Or Food) All Bottle Prices Does Not Include Tax & Gratuities Bottle Service Prices (2 BOTTLES MIN PER BOOTHS OF 6PPL OR MORE) $260 — Ciroc | Grey Goose | Belvedere 750 ml $340 — Hennessy VS 750ml FULL BOTTLE SERVICE & BRUNCH MENU @ grandbizarre.com Sponsored By: GreenPort Cannabis @greenPortStore Eclipse 360 Photo Booth @eclipse360photobooth Nikki Candy Cart @nkpartysupply Lisa Cupcakes Treats @lisascupcakeshoppe For more information visit at https://www.ticketgateway.com/profile/user_profile_visit/rb-in-the-city-events/375
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