ratonnhhaketon · 5 years
I Wanted To Get You Somethin’
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Arthur sneaks off and gets his darling a birthday gift. A/N: Yes I’m late to the RDR2 party but I have a full fic in the works and I am very excited to share it. It’ll be featuring the oc used here, Catherine Hays!
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It was late afternoon, the sun slowly being to creep down to the horizon. Catherine was sat on a crate by the lake’s shore observing the still water. She had decided to use the last hour or so of sunlight to repair some garments that members of the gang had ripped or needed altered. She was just finishing up patching a pair of pants Arthur had ripped while hunting when she heard excited footsteps and a young voice yelling “Aunt Catherine! Aunt Catherine!” approaching her.
She looked up from her work to spot Jack’s messy head of brown hair running towards her. “Aunt Catherine, I made you a present!” His excited voice rang out. He pulled his hands from behind his back and outstretched a flower crown made from dandelions and daisies that grew around camp. “Momma was talkin’ ‘bout your birthday and I wanted to make you a gift ‘cause you always bring me things.”
Catherine accepted the present with a wide smile. “Why thank you, honey. I love it.” She placed the crown on her head, being careful not to let it snag on the pins holding some of her hair out of her eyes. After making sure it wouldn’t fall she leaned down and gave the boy a tight hug. “It’s getting close to dinner time, why don’t you go find your momma.”
“Okay, bye Aunt Catherine!” was all she heard before he ran off in the other direction. Catherine was eager to finish her work before losing all daylight and immediately returned to the garment on her lap.
She was so entranced in her tedious work that she didn’t notice Arthur had returned. He hitched his horse in its usual spot next to Vera, Catherine’s beloved mare, and headed into camp. Dutch stopped him before he had enough time to pinpoint where the woman he was looking for was.
“And where have you been? I thought we were celebrating.” He asked in a low voice.
“We still are,” Arthur said as he rummaged around in his bag for a cigarette and his matchbook. “I rode into town to get her a little something.”
Dutched smirked. “Something for her, or for you?”
Arthur chuckled and took a drag from his cigarette. “No, no. It’s something for just her that I know she’ll appreciate.” He let his eyes wander around camp for a second before settling on the figure by the dock. The pinkish-orange glow from the sun outlined her form beautifully. “Well, I’mma go give it to her and then we can celebrate. Tell Javier to get his guitar ready.” Dutch gave him a nod of agreement before departing.
As Catherine finished securing the last stitch on the garment she heard familiar footsteps approaching her. She held the pants up, giving them a once over to make sure the seams were straight and also covering her face in the process. Calloused hands gently took hold of hers and pushed them down to reveal her features. He gave her a lopsided grin with a cigarette hanging out of it. “Hey darlin’.” He smiled.
She giggled and smiled back at him. “Hi there, sweetheart.”
Arthur plucked the cigarette butt out of his mouth and squashed it into the dirt with his foot. “I know you said not to make a big fuss about your birthday this year, but,” he paused to dig something out of his bag. “I wanted t’get you somethin’.”
He handed her a small white box with a black ribbon tied around it. “Arthur, you-“
He crouched down in front of her to be eye-level and put a hand on her knee to silence her. “Jus’ open it. Please.”
She sighed and pulled the ribbon off the box, setting it on the pile of clothes next to her. Her hands pried the top of the box off and she gasped. It contained a small silver locket with delicate engravings. “Oh, Arthur,” she said with tears welling up in her eyes. “You shouldn’t have spent this much money on me.”
“But I wanted to.” He took one of her hands and rubbed his thumb over the knuckles. “I know how much you love that jewelry store in Saint Denis so I couldn’t pass up buyin’ it for ya.” Arthur took the necklace out of the box and unclasped it. “May I?” He asked with a smile.
Catherine let out a laugh and gathered her auburn hair to hold it above her neck. He reached behind her and fastened it before leaving a light kiss to her jawline, to which she let out a small giggle. “Thank you. I love it.” She cupped his face in her hands and leaned in to plant a sweet kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”
Arthur turned his head to the side slightly and kissed her palm. “I love you too.” After a moment of enjoying each other’s embrace he laced his fingers with hers and pulled her up to her feet. “C’mon, let’s get some dinner.”
As the two approached the campfire Hosea greeted them. “Ah, there's the birthday girl!” He handed them each a bowl of stew and gestured for them to sit down.
Charles sat down with a bottle of beer across from her and popped it open. “So it’s what, 21 this year?” He said with a smile before taking a drink from the bottle.
Catherine laughed in reply but felt Arthur tense beside her at the subtle flirting. She took his hand and rubbed her thumb over the calloused knuckles, to which he automatically relaxed.
Javier sat down on the ground with his guitar as the rest of the gang gathered around the fire. He began strumming the instrument, making sure it was properly tuned before starting to hum in an attempt to pick a song to play. Dutch walked up behind Arthur and Catherine and handed them each a bottle of beer, the tops already having been removed on both of them. “Javier,” He called out amidst the low discussion. “How about a song for the birthday girl over here.”
“Absolutely,” he replied with a smile. He immediately started playing an old song that Catherine had mentioned several times loving. As the rest of the gang began singing along to the tune she rested her head on Arthur’s shoulder and let out a content sigh. It was nights like this that she appreciated the most while being in the gang. Everyone being able to just come together and have a good time, without worrying about money or who they’re going to rob next.
Everything was exactly how it should have been.
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ratonnhhaketon · 5 years
See The Fire In Your Eyes (Chapter 2)
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Summary: Catherine Hays grew up in a picture-perfect, high society family in Virginia. She had her whole life planned out for her and was about to get married to a man she could not stand. When her brother uncovers a murder plot and has to pay with his own life, Catherine decides she can’t continue playing along. She takes control of her own destiny and goes south to a pretty little town called Blackwater.
Warnings: Swearing, Canon-typical violence, mentions of death (briefly) 
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Chapter 2 - Three Of A Kind 
Blackwater was vastly different than any city Catherine had ever visited. It was dry, most of the streets were dirt, and it always smelled a little bit like horse shit. But, it was her new home and she learned to get used to it quickly
Her first mission upon arriving in the new city was to find temporary housing. Ultimately, she would like to find an apartment to solidify her new life, but for now she chose to rent a hotel room. After walking through the streets she found a hotel across the street from the saloon and decided to spend the night there. She booked a room for the next week and headed straight up.
The room was small but would satisfy her needs. It had a bed with nightstands on either side, a dresser, and a fireplace that seemed to have been snuffed out recently. She put her luggage down by the dresser and sat down on the bed. The mattress wasn’t the softest thing she’d ever slept on, but it would have to do.
Catherine rubbed her hands over her face and sighed. This was the first time she was truly able to think about the past few days, seeing as she was asleep for most of the train ride the previous night, and all of the emotions she refused to let surface finally broke through.
She cried, not caring how loud she was or who would hear her. Reid, her baby brother and the closest friend she ever had, was gone. He was gone and she didn’t even stay for the burial. On the one hand, she hated herself for not giving him the final goodbye he deserved, but she also knew that she would not have lasted being in Calvin’s presence one more time.
Calvin. That absolute bastard was the reason all of this had to happen. She was disgusted at not only the fact that he killed her brother and was planning to kill his own father, but the fact that he so perfectly hid that side of himself. Who knows how long he was sitting on the decision to take another person’s life?
Her thoughts then drifted to her parents. She felt guilty for not telling them anything that was going on. About Calvin mistreating her, the true reason behind her brother’s death, or even explaining why she needed to leave her old life behind. Catherine hoped, only for a moment, that they would track her down and write to them. But then she realized that if they found her, it was almost impossible for him not to  track her down as well. And she did not even want to think about what he would do to her for running from their marriage.
After calming herself down enough, Catherine wiped her eyes on her sleeves and stood up. She would not dwell on the past any longer. This was the start of her new life and she was going to begin it now.
She picked up her suitcase and put it on the bed, throwing the top open in the process. Inside were various dresses, chemises, boots, and jewelry. She shuffled some clothes around before finding the one pair of pants she owned: simple, black pants that she bought so she didn’t have to ride sidesaddle on her stallion back home. Seeing as she would need to buy a horse from the local stables to get around, she was very thankful that she remembered to grab the garment before leaving.
Catherine undid the buttons on her skirt and let it fall to the floor before wiggling into her pants. After fastening the button and making sure everything was smooth, she grabbed her pair of black riding boots and slipped them on as well.
Her first order of business was to head to the saloon and ask around for some work.
She made her way down to the street outside and crossed the road to her destination. It was just around noon so not too many people would be drinking just yet.
Catherine walked up to the bar and greeted the man behind the counter. He gave her a polite smile and greeting while drying shot glasses. “Do you happen to know where I could pick up some extra money? Like odd jobs and such?”
He placed the glass he was cleaning down on the counter. “The sheriff is always looking for help on bounty missions and if you’re skilled with a bow the butcher always appreciates a good deer or elk.”
Catherine tapped her fingers on the counter as she thought. Neither of those sounded particularly fun, but she would need a way to live if she was going to stay down here. She looked around the bar for a moment and spotted a poker table near the window. Perfect. She knew the ins and outs of the game like the back of her hand, learning early on in life how to play from her father. This was her ticket to success.
After ordering a whiskey and thanking the bartender for his help, she walked over to the men at the table and smiled. “Afternoon, gentlemen. Mind if I join?”
The men around the table gladly accepted and dealt her into the game as she sat down. Everyone introduced themselves as they placed their bets. She learned that the two men sitting on either sides of her were Thomas and Alvin, and the man across from her dealing was Jackson.
“So,” Thomas, the tall, buff man sitting to her right, spoke up. “What’s a pretty little woman like yourself doing out here all alone?” Catherine’s stomach turned at the term he used for her.
“Just trying to enjoy my afternoon and make some money in the process.” She picked up her cards and resisted the urge to smile. A pair of aces. This was gonna be easy.
The group played a few games, Catherine winning all but one of them, before the men were visibly disgruntled over not having won anything. Knowing that being $30 richer was a very good start, she decided it was time to leave. She bid the gentlemen goodnight before getting up and walking out of the tavern.
As she walked back to her hotel she felt someone following her. She ignored it at first, but when she noticed the sound of footsteps behind her she cautiously turned over her shoulder.
She saw Thomas about ten feet away and he did not look happy. She kept walking, faster this time, until he caught up to her and grabbed her arm. He yanked her arm back, causing her to spin around and almost fall into him. “GET OFF OF ME!” She yelled, hoping a lawman would be near to help her.
His grip became tighter as she struggled  in his grasp. “I don’t know what game you thought you was playing, but we don’t ’preciate cheatin’ in this town.” His voice was low in almost a growl, and his eyes were hidden from the shadow of his hat.
She winced at the pain in her wrist. “I-I can give you back your money! Just fucking let go of me!”
He released her and she fell backwards onto the stone sidewalk. “Keep the damn money. But if I see you playin’ my game again, it won’t end pretty.”
Catherine watched as he walked back off in the direction of the saloon. She sat on the ground for a minute, shaken up and trying to steady her breathing, before getting up and practically running back to the hotel.  ~~~~~
The next morning Catherine headed down to the tailor with one of the expensive dresses she had in her suitcase. The man working was ecstatic to see the garment, immediately knowing it was from a well-regarded dressmaker in Virginia, and offered her $150 for it. The actual garment was worth over $250, but she couldn’t complain.
She decided it would be a good idea to buy a horse and some weapons just to be safe. After the incident last night she knew she would need a way to defend herself.
The gunsmith recommended a simple pistol and hunting knife, as well as the appropriate belt and holsters. At first she was contemplating not buying ammunition for the gun, seeing as taking another person’s life was the last thing she wanted to do, but she decided it was a good decision to get at least one box.
Admittedly, she did feel safer knowing she had a way of self defense, especially after the man working showed her how to use it when she sheepishly admitted she had never owned one. But there was also a part of her that was terrified of the possibility of having to use it. She could never see herself as a killer, especially after knowing Calvin did it so casually and treated it almost as if he enjoyed it.
She tried to shake the thoughts from her mind as she walked into the general store in search of supplies for her horse. Her mind was still racing as she entered the shop, and she almost didn’t notice the man walking out and directly towards her.
She stopped when she was about a foot away from him, looking up to meet his blue shirt and black neckerchief. The man, standing about half a foot taller than her, looked down at her and smiled behind his worn leather hat. “S’cuse me, miss,” his gruff voice said as he moved past her and out the door.
Catherine stood in place for a moment, shocked by the man that just passed her. She hoped, just a little, that he would turn back around into the store so she could see him again. Continuing up to the counter, she pushed the thought out of her mind and focused on buying what she was here for.
After her shopping trip Catherine decided she needed to find another way to make money besides poker until the situation with Thomas calmed down a bit. She thought over her options and decided that bounties were off the table. The possibility of dying or having to kill another person definitely did not seem appealing, so she decided to try her hand at hunting.
Killing an animal was something people outside of cities did all the time to live, so how hard could it be?
It was much, much harder than she expected, both physically and emotionally. Seeing as she didn’t have a bow, she had to try to kill with her hunting knife. This meant small game was the only logical choice and their tiny bodies moved a lot faster than expected.
But she did happen to get lucky with two rabbits that she managed to catch off guard. After turning around a tree trunk as fast as possible, Catherine seized the small animal by the feet and held it to the ground. With a shaky hand she lined up the knife with the animal’s neck. Her head immediately turned to the side and her eyes clamped shut as the blade went straight through skin and muscle. A small, final squeak escaped the animal as it’s life was stripped from it in one swift motion.
Catherine lifted the blade out of the animal and opened her eyes, regret and sorrow bubbling up inside her as she looked at the tiny carcass beneath her hand.
“I.. am so sorry,” she said in a whisper. She knew that the kill was not in vain and that the butcher would use every part of its body, but it still felt wrong to take the life of another being, even if it was just a small animal.
After taking a second to breathe and collect herself, Catherine stood up and took the animal back to her horse. She secured it tightly to the side of the saddle and tried for another.
The next hour was slow and aggravating, but the second kill came easier. Granted, killing was still not something she wanted to do, but she was more okay with it.
Having secured the second rabbit and mounting her Tennessee Walker, Catherine rode back into town and straight to butcher. The $7 she got as payment was certainly not bad, but she wished she was able to go after bigger animals to get more money back.
Nightfall was starting to approach while she left her horse at the stables for the night. As she started heading back towards the hotel, she spotted a group of three men walking into the saloon. Normally she wouldn’t care about men going to get drunk, but the man she saw from the general store earlier that day was one of them.
Catherine waited until they entered the building to cross the street and follow them in. Upon entering, she made a beeline straight for the bar to order a drink. The bartender slid her a bottle of whiskey and she popped the cork before doing a scan over the crowd. The room was more packed than the previous night, but she found her target with ease.
The man in the blue shirt was sitting at the poker table with two other men, one of them looking dirty and greasy. The other, however, was a stark contrast. He looked groomed and held himself at a very high self esteem, no doubt the leader of their group. And those rings. Bright gold stood out on almost all of his fingers, shimmering in the dim light of the saloon. This had to be her big break. If she did it last night with a bunch of drunks, it couldn’t be too difficult to do it again.
She fixed her hair, running her hands through the auburn locks to get rid of any tangles, before sauntering over to the group. The three men were engaged in conversation, the ringleader letting out a hearty chuckle at something one of the others said. “Good evening, gentlemen,” she said with a smile. “Can I interest all of you in a game?” She gestured down to the deck of cards sitting on the table.
The man in the blue shirt sat up and looked to the man sitting to his right. The dark-haired man shared a glance with him before turning back to Catherine. “Alright, why not?” He smiled and passed the deck to the man sitting on his right. “John, you deal first.”
She sat down in the chair between the man in the blue shirt and who she now knew as John and gathered her chips to buy-in.
“I don’t think I caught your name,” the man sitting across from her spoke up as he looked at his cards. He tried to hide a sly smirk as she looked at them, but Catherine was able to notice it.
“Cathrine Hays,” she said with a smile, throwing in a few chips for her bet.
“Well, Miss Hays, it is a pleasure.” He gestured to himself, “I’m Dutch van der Linde and this is Arthur and John.” The two men sitting to her sides nodded when their names were announced.
Despite going easy on them for a couple games, Arthur was the first to drop out. He decided he’d rather “sit back and watch” rather than play, so Dutch slid him some money to get the table a round of drinks. When he returned he handed Catherine another bottle of whiskey. Their hands brushed for just a moment as she accepted the beverage, her face immediately heating up at the contact.
As they played, Catherine played to her strong suits. She was able to go three games without losing, and John had finally swallowed his pride and given up. Dutch, however, was not giving up so easily. He was determined to win no matter what.
“Tell you what, Mr. Van der Linde,” Catherine smiled. “We play one more game. If you win, I’ll give you my silver pocket watch. If I win, I get one of those rings.”
She heard Arthur chuckle and John let out a low whistle beside her. Dutch’s eyes narrowed and he passed the deck to her. “That sounds like a deal.”
Before they even had time to place their first bets down, the door to the saloon swung open. Thomas, the man from the night before, stomped in and made a beeline to Catherine. She felt her heart speed up with every step he took towards her.
He stopped inches from her and pulled her up by the collar to his face. “What did I tell ya ‘bout playin’ MY GAME?!” His voice roared. He reeked of alcohol and sweat. Her hands immediately went to his wrist and tried to pry it off of her shirt.
The men sitting at the table instantly stood up to defend her. “Okay, sir, why don’tcha  jus’ put the lady down and we talk this over like civilized folk?” Arthur’s voice was calm as his hand slowly reached for his pistol.
Before Thomas had a chance to reply, Catherine swung her right hand as far back as possible and punched him straight in the throat. He immediately dropped her before stumbling back and struggling to breathe. She fell to the floor behind her and John bent down to help her back to her feet.
Before the assailant was able to regain his composure, Catherine grabbed his hand and bent the wrist backwards as far back as it would go without breaking. “Don’t you EVER think about laying another finger on me,” she said through gritted teeth. “If I ever see you anywhere near this establishment, I will not hesitate to break every bone in your body. Got it?”
He nodded rapidly and gripped the hand she had pinned until she let go. Without missing a beat, he immediately ran out the door and down the street, vanishing into the night.
At this point everyone in the saloon was watching, some backing away from Catherine in fear. She turned back to the poker table, seeing Dutch, Arthur and John visibly shocked and impressed at her display. After looking between the men for a split second, she dug around in her pocket before slamming a dollar on the table. “Here, for the drinks,” she said quickly and walked out the door.
The group of men looked at each other for a few seconds before Dutch headed out of the building, the two others following closely behind. They found Catherine a few buildings down the street leaning against the wall with her head in her hands.
“Miss Hays,” a voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Her head shot up, breaths coming in and out quickly and her eyes wide with fear. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. And what was all that about?” Dutch’s voice was soft and calming.
She swallowed the lump in her throat before speaking up. “I-I’m fine. That.. His name is Thomas and he’s a bastard. I joined him and his friends last night for a game because I needed the money and he wasn’t all that happy that I was winning. He followed me back to the hotel I’ve been staying at and threatened me.” She felt her eyes glaze over as she remembered the previous night.
“Did he hurt you?” Arthur spoke up with a sympathetic tone.
She shook her head. “No.. no, not any worse than he did just now.”
Dutch spoke up again. “You said you’re stayin’ in a hotel, can I ask why?”
She sighed and closed her eyes. “I had to leave my previous home. It's not safe for me to stay there, so I went as far south as I could and it led me here.”
He put a soft hand on her shoulder and she met his gaze. “If you’re in need of a home, we can help you. We’ve got our own family of people that need help and protection.” He could sense hesitation without her even speaking up. “We’ll keep you safe. Nothing bad will happen to you again.”
Catherine looked into his eyes and saw nothing but genuine kindness, something she hadn’t seen a lot of since leaving home. She smiled weakly. “Thank you, Mr. Van der Linde.”
“Call me Dutch.”
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