#re fictive
umbrella-corpcord · 10 months
(18+) Resident Evil Alterhuman Discord server
We are Umbrella Corp., an 18+ discord for kin, fictives, and those otherwise from the Resident Evil series. Anyone from any part of the franchise is allowed entry.
We are doubles friendly, system friendly, and noncanon friendly. Fictionlinkers and Fictionhearted folks are welcome as well. We'd prefer kin-for-fun avoid this server.
We offer a blacklist you can post to yourself (or alternatively you can dm a mod to add things anonymously for you), bots for music and custom color roles, opt-in boundary roles, an opt-in nsfw category, a suggestions channel for any questions, changes, or bot or emoji additions, and an opt-in channel for antagonists from the series to discuss topics of a darker nature relating to their canons in a safe space for all parties.
Normally I'd fix up something a bit more grandiose, but I think this server has been in the making long enough without delaying it for a fancy blog and post.
You can join us here. — Mod Wesker.
DNI under 18, exclusionists, non-kin, anti-kin, kff, sysmeds/anti-endo
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findinyourkin · 11 months
Hello, I am a fictive of William Birkin from Resident Evil
I am over 18 so please keep that in mind, I do not want to interact with any minors. Not because this is a sexual thing, I am just uncomfortable interacting with minors.
I am looking for anyone, but especially my fellow scientists from umbrella (Marcus, Navarro, etc.), and especially Albert Wesker. We had... something going on? I don't think it was romantic. It wasn't really platonic either. It was just complicated.
If you would like to talk you can find me @residents-who-are-evil
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nero-ranger · 2 months
being plural is wild bc ill be struggling trying to play resident evil 3 and every time i get injured ingame i feel a bombastic sideye from headspace. then i turn around and jill valentine is silently judging me. almost the whole game. watching. girl please im bad at video game
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findthebae · 10 months
Hello, I am a fictive of William Birkin from Resident Evil
I am over 18 so please keep that in mind, I do not want to interact with any minors. Not because this is a sexual thing, I am just uncomfortable interacting with minors.
I am looking for anyone, but especially my fellow scientists from umbrella, and especially Albert Wesker. We had... something going on? I don’t think it was romantic. It wasn’t really platonic either. It was just complicated.
If you would like to talk you can find me @residents-who-are-evil
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epitaphimn · 3 months
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blueshellhaver · 2 months
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corvidaeconundrum · 4 months
Why does it have to be so difficult to find an enjoyable, active, and safe place for systems to meet and chat. I am so desperate, anything to just be able to chat as ourselves with other like-minded people, please god, why must it all be toxic, dead, or consist of 5 people who only talk with eachothe because they’re all friends with eachother already😔🙏
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tiniestduckie · 3 months
Ordered a new paci!
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we do have other pacis for syskids and other regressors within the system however this is the first one I’ve ever ordered for myself specifically and I am super excited! it is from little dreams boutique on Instagram
I also ordered angel a paci from the same store because he also regresses and I saw when I think he would like a lot so I got him it has a surprise
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honeyedfem · 3 months
another davepetasprite? 🥺❤️
More just both a nepeta kin and dave* fictive sharing a thinkpan. Basically.
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echidnana · 1 year
watching resident evil amvs dhmu
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smol fuko... fuko is usually either 3-6 or 8-10
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loveffigy · 2 years
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🫧 Bubblygender 🫧
Definition: A gender that can only be described as “bubbly.” One who uses this feels their gender is upbeat, hyper, and/or, easily excitable.
》 Can be combined with other genders to create a subset gender, ex. BubblyFoxgender; Bubblygirl; ToxicBubblyenby.
》 This gender is NOT a lexic gender, but a gender that feels/is bubbly in some way.
【Credit unnecessary, however, please read my DNI before interacting!】
Please let me know if this has been coined before!
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tamtgotchi · 1 year
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she resident on my evil till I biohazard
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varietydivision · 2 years
One of the most fascinating things with being the product of a few fictives integrating is still getting hit with the "Oh me" feelings and memories of the individuals, while still maintaining my own sense of self, and it being a very distinct feeling from being kin. It's been a hellova thing to explain to my partner.
I am Leon (definitely more than anything else), but I'm also pieces of Piers (and hold a lot of those feelings/emotions), and those things feel distinctly me still, even though, in a way, I'm not quite either. It's still distinct from kin feelings, since I do have some of those, so it feels like an interesting spot to be in.
Most of this is coming up because of the oddity of my source doing a soft reboot that incidentally fits in with my cannon, even if it's still not fully there, which has prompted a lot of talks with the gf. Plus talks with Scully about how I want to be referred to as when it comes to things related to either of the distinct Me things, since she views me as myself (primarily Leon/Cooper), but also Piers sometimes.
Just babbling about it, I guess.
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I missed the anniversary of us having the System Realization (16th September) because I was 100% it was in november. No sweetie that's just when you got there
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loverboydotcom · 8 months
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the children yearn for lover boy
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