#re: a damn statue for katara
theowritesfiction · 2 years
‘The Avatar and the Fire Lord’
I've lost the count of how many absolutely normal sibling scenes between Zuko and Azula there have already been in Book 3, but it's a lot. It's like the people who make the ridiculous argument that 'Zuko shouldn't be responsible for the wellbeing of his abuser' are willfully ignoring everything about their relationship especially here in Book 3. I'd say these people badly need to re-watch the show, but since I also suspect they are victims of back alley lobotomies, I doubt it would help.
I've also lost the count how many episodes of Zukaang parallels we've had by this point, but they're always fun and watching Zuko and Aang learn the history of Roku and Sozin is pretty damn amazing. The history buff in me is so jealous of Zuko having this access to Sozin's own unfiltered record of his deeds. I would so dearly want to have that kind of insight in the thought process of a real historic figure, but unfortunately it's not a realistic wish.
I have to say, for his age, young Prince Sozin is a very carefree and chill heir to the throne. This is... a little odd, but I suppose there could be explanations. We don't know much about the current Fire Lord, so maybe he really is an easy going dude who indulges in excessive partying and doesn't really care about making sure his heir is well prepared to take over. Or maybe Sozin actually wasn't the designated heir? We don't know what happened during those 12 years Roku and Sozin didn't see one another. In any case, normally a heir at this age would be groomed for leadership and how to handle responsibility, and his life wouldn't be a chill party.
Also, it's time to hand Aang 20 Jerk Points for public flatulence.
Okay, so I think I'm starting to get where Aang's inability to move on from his unreciprocated feelings for Katara are coming from. Roku couldn't move on from this one girl for 12 long years, and so he had to hound her - we all know what 'being persistent' means - until she gave in? Also wtf do you mean about 'being the Avatar doesn't hurt you chances either'? Is 'dazzle them with your status' a part of Aang's lessons? Right... I know you're dead, Roku, but here, I'm pouring 100 Jerk Points over your resting place.
Okay, so Sozin's plan... I honestly don't believe that there were ever any noble intentions behind his 'sharing the wealth and prosperity with other nations'. This is just a veneer covering imperialistic expansion from the get go. It's simply a result of the Fire Nation becoming wealthy and powerful, and having this capacity to expand and conquer that for some reason wasn't there before. And this is usually driven by the wealthy elites who see it as means to increase their prosperity. Whether the whole war of expansion was the idea of Sozin or his advisors, it doesn't really matter. If the material conditions for expansion are there, someone will eventually take it to the 'logical' conclusion.
I think Sozin's eventual betrayal of Roku is framed a little oddly. It's clear that after his expansionist plans had been thwarted by Roku, Sozin never abandoned those plans and waited patiently for an opportunity for the next 25 years. Clearly, Roku was the only thorn in his side that Sozin needed gone. Why then, did they frame his betrayal of Roku almost as opportunistic and accidental? He couldn't have known that Roku would get blasted by the poison gas, but I think it would have made more sense if he went to the island with a much more clear and decisive plan to use the situation to his advantage and eliminate Roku.
Iroh's speech to Zuko... yeah, I think a lot of it is just borne out of Iroh's paternal feelings for Zuko, because most of this 'you are the only one with the power to restore the balance' sounds very much like the 'destiny' crap that Iroh was trying Zuko to unlearn, only to replace it with... a more wholesome destiny? Ahem, I call BS. I'm all for stories where the new generation has to break the cycle of hatred and undo the mistakes of the old, but the idea that Zuko is some kind of sole messianic figure who is destined to do it... I don't buy it.
But yes, everything I said before that Sozin probably should have been a harsher figure and that his characterization was a bit too soft? Well, I'll also say... screw realism on this occasion. Sozin's portrayal as it was in this episode served the empowering and wholesome message of nobody being born good and evil, and everyone being deserving of a chance. I give Aang a hard time during this re-watch, but he is wise to see the importance of Roku's lesson here.
Also, Sokka just hold hands!
Jerk Points for Book 3:
Zuko - 410 Aang – 120  Roku - 100 Hide - 80 Sokka, King Kuei - 60
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shinygoku · 1 year
CutCat’s ATLA Takes
Here I am, jotting them down before doing a series rewatch. This is gonna be a bit disorganised, so beware!
First I guess I oughta put a quick disclaimer in that Zuko is one’a my biggest Blorbos, comparible with Son Goku!  ...so like, you may notice me focusing more on him than other characters or topics or whatever lol
Also I am Not interested in the Comics or Korra series...s. The former for writing that is plain ass bad, and the latter for changing so much of the setting (not for better) and uhm, also less than good writing. If I want bad takes on Communism and Anarchy I can just go look at Twitter or some rubbish. Also I know Kyoshi novels exist. I’m just talking about the OG show, even if select pinpoints of the subsidiary installments have good moments.
This got PRETTY LONG and ain’t particularly coherent, so I’ll put a Cut in here ;3
Overall Show:
Not gonna lie, some’a the Book 1 eps get pretty throughly memoryholed, even what happens in the first two! They ain’t bad, but it does take The Storm for the series to really hit its stride with the delish Backstories.
Following that solid W of an ep is The Blue Spirit, and this is actually one of the best in the entire show. Seems they initially wrote it like it was a season finale to get more eps approved, and it worked! lol
I dig that all the characters get some character focus and growth even early on
...I’m mixed on my stance on Aang’s crush on Katara. If it was a one sided thing that started off quite strong and then de-intensified over the series, I’d find it very cute and endearing. But that sure ain’t the course they took lol, but I guess I’ll sum my thoughts on shipping in its own section later.
The real highlights of S1 are in The Storm, The Blue Spirit, The Northern Water Tribe and the Siege of the North 2-parter. All these have a lot of Zuko, fancy that XD
Also I like how early it’s set up how Built Different he is, especially them last three eps. Dude gets blown up, swim through long underwater tunnels in freezing water, barely wins a fight, treks out into the arctic, gets 1-shot in a fight, and THEN starts another fight, this time with Zhao. His only true weakness really is his mental state and lack of planning, innit!
Book 2 overall kinda bothers me. Objectively it has some of the strongest points, but so much of it feels like it’s dark and dingy or really damn slow to get moving.
Strongest points are of course Toph’s entire existence, the zigzags of Zuko’s arc, and Azula’s anatagonistic omnipresence
The rest of it, myeah... while it’s more focused on a through line plot, it feels a bit monotone until The Library and eventually The Guru and Crossroads
Zuko Alone might be the GOAT episode. It’s not my favourite but DAMN it is firing on all cylinders!!!
I also like Bitter Work a lot. Gotta eat up more Parallels Episodes, babes!
The “Brainwashing” / Sleeper Agents thing feels OP. I get ya need an antagonistic force different to the Fire Nation but myeahhh... not convincing me
But yeah, then there’s Zuko’s continued character thread with the Angst Coma and the dreams and then the REALLY WEIRD turn of him being all smiley and optimistic. It always felt really fake and non-Zuko-esque to me, but I can ‘get’ that given he’s trying hard to shift gears from the status quo of before, overcompensating in the process. What’s odder still is that Iroh doesn’t seem to question it...
Like, sure, he wants to settle down and Tea Shop it up, but even if he could get Zuko to stop pining for the position in the Royal Family, does he honestly believe a day of fever dreams will have had such a profound effect last longer than a few days of re-settling? Zuko’s actions feel like someone having decided to turn their entire life around starting tomorrow and then swiftly burning out as change is a slow and gradual process in reality, and shouldn’t be forced.
So what I think is going on is Iroh himself having become blinded by what he wants, rather than a more realistic outcome. And that could be fab gear writing! A reminder that Iroh too is not immune to bias and oversights, and is indeed a human who sometimes Dun Goofs. If it is what’s intended rather than lazier writing lol
Also yeah, Zuko’s almost- side switching, I’ll save that for later ;3
Book 3 is both a high point but again there’s some episodes that are pretty lame or have less to offer, but I feel more forgiving of this one as sooo much juicy Plot stuff actually unfolds~
Again it takes the Main Plot stepping up for the quality to rise with the Day of Black Sun, and then the episodes after all feature the long-awaited Redeemed Zuko, and those times ae Gooooooood
The stupidest moment I have to complain about though, in the DoBS, is when Azula “proves” she’s an expert liar by... saying she’s a giant purple bear thing? That’s not lying, it’s absurdism, and it’s incredibly easy to say dumb shit like that without any “lying tells” that polygraphs or Toph look for (keep in mind that irl Polygraphs actually suck, they’re a Stress detector but lying doesn’t always stress liars out... LIKE AZULA, but even the biggest ball of anxiety could say “Yeah I’m Barney the Dinosaur” without triggering anything. GRAAAAAGH)
Back on track, my only complaint with Zuko joining so late is that I want mooooore, all the eps with the ‘field trips’ are such fun AND such Character Building
Ember Island Players was a great ep, though I don’t need to see the closing scene used to draw comparisons to the live action movie any more. It’s been like 500 times.
That would be proving Ozai’s point that Might makes Right, which of course is WRONG
The show has been leading up to non-lethal ethos
Taking Ozai’s bending is a good out.
BUT. Holy shit they fumbled the ball bad
Energybending has ZERO build up or allusions even when there were chances to sneak it in, like The Library or The Guru
Commenting on a picture of a Lion Turtle and having Lion Turtle background sculptures DOESN’T CUT IT
Because that is ALL we get!!
At least have the Lion Turtle picture say “They’re so ancient they’re rumoured to pre-date Bending” or something to hook interest in
And the Guru coulda been a great way to drop the 5th Element lore in
But they waste all chances they had to set it up despite claiming they knew from the beginning that there would be a peaceful out
The Rock unblocking Aang’s chakra is also pretty bad, but I’m more inclined to forgive a moment of luck if the Energybending wasn’t so bogus
But it could be improved if Aang like, deliberately earthbent the Rock and then used it as acupressure
Both the Energybending and Convenient Rock make Aang’s victory feel less earned, which is a huge shame as we’ve seen him actually try soooo much. But alas, that last hurdle and they resort to lazy ass writing
The lst Agni Kai rules though. It’s beautiful and tragic, showing how much Zuko has grown and Azula fell. And Katara’s finishing the fight so effectively is bodacious and actually feels really smart~
The end is a cute scene that is then strangled by the Red String lol, but damn, what a cool ass show
Aang: He’s a cute protagonist, I’ve always liked the Cheerful and Highly Powerful archetype (cough cough Son Goku), though Aang is also heavily defined by his childishness, both a strength and a flaw. As much as I enjoy him, unfortunately I think he got a bit of the short end of the stick writing-wise, he can feel a bit Flat and, worse, like Bryke’s Pet. They lean too hard on letting him get what he wants, and we miss out of the development that coulda followed if the story didn’t twist itself to give him outs. Not unlocking his Chakras properly for selfish reasons should be punished. Finding an alternative to Murder should have had him Proactive. Not getting the Girl would have been a lot more realistic...! See the Shipping section for the latter...
Zuko: Holy rigatoni, man. Zuko is the bar by which Enemies to Friends, Redemption Arcs, Anti-Villains AND Anti-Heroes are all measured. His character has so much incredible nuance!! And yeah, maybe I too am weak to the dark and handsome and yet dorky type’a fella ;3c - I’m in the kinda situation right now where I find it hard to actually phrase everything I dig about him, but that’s from having too many thoughts and they all get crammed in the doorway between my brain and ability to type lmaooo
Katara: This girl is another high water mark (pun unintended) for how to Female Character. She’s the designated Mom of the team, but she ain’t defined by it, also being one’a the most capable fighters, having a hot temper and even a mean streak. It would really suck if she had just been written primarily to Love Interest (as the early drafts seem to imply...), but in the show, she has her own agency and goals that compliment the main quest, and she manages to be both a stable grounding force while having plenty of growth of her own.
Sokka: Again, I really wonder how it woulda turned out if the original plan had been followed; in Sokka’s case he was s’pposed to be the serious, stiffer contrast to Zany Playful Aang and Wide-Eyed Idealist Katara. But his VA is very naturally Funny, and so Sokka as we know him is a bodacious blend of Wacky yet also Level Headed. It’s an odd blend and many have tried and failed to replicate this delicate balance, but Sokka does indeed feel like a real person who seamlessly switches between being the group’s eccentric and also the one making all the plans.
Toph: ANOTHER amazing W for Girl Characters, Toph is such a delight and welcome shaking-up of the existing dynamics. She’s pretty consistently one of the most amusing and Real of the crew, while hilariously OP without it feeling cheap. It’s so weird to think she wasn’t in Book 1 at all, cause once she joins you sure as hell can’t imagine her being absent.
Iroh: Everybody loves this dude, and they’re right! What can I say about him that ain’t already been covered?? Maybe just that I do like that, as wise and benevolent as he is, there are still times where he’s allowed to be wrong or short sighted (see: my previous ramblings about Zuko’s very-un-Zuko behaviour), cause it allows him to feel more Real, and Human. That he’s speaking from experience and not from reading the script. That’s dope, man.
Azula: This is hard... I feel Azula is a massively polarising character, many people enjoy her but there’s too many people who either want to pretend she didn’t do horrible things, too many people who forget she’s also a victim, AND too many people who are just blindly like ‘woo, yeah! What a #Girlboss! Azula’s so cool and automatically wins at whatever”. Like, she’s one of the more nuanced characters but the surface level is indeed of hyper competence, it’s what’s below that veneer which is interesting. I kinda feel like more people oughta talk about the moment where she looks pleased, almost triumphant at Zuko being maimed...
And the rest: Oh god, I can’t talk about every semi-developed character as there’s a lot. Sorry Suki. You’re cool too! But most characters who appear in more that one episode see to be written pretty good, again, like People, rather than just plot devices in human skin. I like that.
lol. I think the BEST route would have been to not ‘canonise’ any ships of the ragtag group of kids and teenagers. Alas, we don’t live in that timeline and have dumb ass wars over it. Anyway, here’s my hot take:
Kaatang, while foreshadowed early on from Aang’s side, is a really lame route as Katara seems to have to loose her actual personality for it to work. Also, it jars with Aang’s role as both Avatar (while they’re allowed to Get Freaky, he was s’posed to be able to detach from Earthly attachments to gain the Avatar Powers), and as a totally-not-Buddist Monk, who are NOT allowed to get bizzay. So Aang too loses insteresting notions of Duty and being able to Mature cause he just gets what he wants without having to try. Lame.
Katara doesn’t have many moments where she even looks at Aang as something other than a Friend / Little Brother / Son?? type figure, there’s only brief moments where there is potential moments from her side, and they are far between and seldom deeper than her chemistry with the likes of Jet and Haru. The most I can speak for is the Day of Black Sun, where she’s taken aback by Aang planting one on her, but when he directly and Un-Classy-ly brings it back up in the Ember Island Players, she is quite rightly reserved and when he kisses her again without warning she’s angry! And that’s never resolved!! They just Mandatory Ship them together in the end because Bryke are biased and soooo intent of having their ship even though the writing hasn’t sufficiently built up to it. I don’t dig this, baby!
Maiko is also badly written and the comics make Mai unlikable. [slow sarcastic clapping]
So the ships I do like are:
Zutura - THEMATIC PERFECTION and not because of the red and blue, fire and water juxtaposition, but because Katara and Zuko are fundamentally so similar but coming from opposite sides and thus approaches. Both so kind at their cores but quick to anger or do something stupid on impulse, both so affected by the loss of their mothers and family-motivated. The fake out in Crossroads introduces a fascinating extra crease to their interactions that lasts, and the finale?? HELLO?!?! That’s legit one’a the most compelling Ship Fuel moments ever, baybeee! Other serieses would knaw off their own leg for material that rich!
Also yes, the red/blue, sun/moon, fire/water, and that they are pretty together lol. But still, there’s more in how they are a fantastic combo when on the same side, and also the meta reality that several writers and their own Voice Actors ship it. And they’re right to!
Zukka - The new darling of the fandom and while it doesn’t have as much going for it, I can see it. At it’s worst it feels like people desperately trying to rationalise the red/blue guys from Failtron Legendary Idiot Space Show, but when people who actually care about the characters here in ATLA and draw on their parallels and interactions I find myself enjoying it. Zuko goes well with the Water siblings I guess haha
Sukka - I don’t have much to say, I just like it lol
Also in the past I liked Zukaang but now I wanna redefine it as them being allowed to be Buddies and close friends and teammates, like what the Blue Spirit ep teased at but then didn’t really follow up on outside The Firebending Masters. I want more!! MOOOOORE!!!
But man this post is obnoxious and long enough already lol, thanks if ya endured it all~
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hayleysayshay · 7 years
You know what I love?? Lists. There are many interesting eyebrows in the Avatar-verse. Cara Delevigne who?? The real icons lie with benders. Let’s rank them, and this ranking is 100% correct and no-one can fight me, and this is completely meaningful analysis and not arbitrary in the slightest.
15: Huan 
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Gets points for having a piercing! Express yourself, Huan!
14: The Mechanist
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Look at this dude’s eyebrows. He rocks the ‘I burnt my eyebrows in a freak accident’ look and he has no shame! Icon! 
13: Asami
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Asami has eyebrows that look like she just woke up like this #flawless, but in fact, they take her a lot of work and in reality, she probably has a monobrow. You haven’t got me fooled, Asami. Either way, they’re some of the slimmest eyebrows in the series, but they can be wonderfully expressive when needed.
12: Bumi II
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His eyebrows showcase the ‘I am a general for an army but then they turn into the fun, crazy uncle’ personality of Bumi. Do you think he styles them into four prongs?
11: Bolin
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Potentially some of the thickest in the series. Their thickness is actually in proportion to Bolin’s status as a good boy.
10. Lu-Ten
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What do you mean he isn’t really a character!? Anyway look at those brows, and I assume this isn’t artistic lisence, but they are thicker on the outside.
9. Izumi.
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There is no reason for her to be on this list apart from the fact that I think we should have seen more of her because just look at her eyebrows, she isn’t to be trifled with even if she is taking a pacifistic stance, fuckers.
8. Ty Lee
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Now you might be thinking, Ty Lee’s eyebrows are fairly basic. Not true! Ty Lee has eyebrows that are wonderfully expressive. Ty Lee has eyebrows that only make us hurt when she is intimidated into joining Azula, understand why boys fall for her and convey the surprise she herself feels when she betrays Azula. They sell it all. Underrated eyebrows.
7. Meelo.
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Meelo is a weird kid. His eyebrows represent this well. They are triangles perched on his head. Do we know what they mean? They are unique. Maybe they’ll grow into a more natural shape, but for now, all they do is highlight Meelo’s strangeness.
6. Kuvira:
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Honestly, Kuvira would be on this list by virtue of being the only female in the series with thick eyebrows. However, damn girl, she knows how to use them. They are crazy expressive, and you know Kuvira means business. I don’t want to fuck with her. Kuvira definitely has this routine she carries out each morning for an hour every day to make herself look sharp. You have to admire her for looking good whilst she carries out her fascistic conquering.
5. Zuko:
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He only has one eyebrow, but Zuko just sells it. He’s so expressive that he can use the scar as an eyebrow on his own terms. Zuko just doesn’t give a shit. Zuko will glare at you or give you a smile with one eyebrow and that's good. That’s all Zuko needs.
4. Azula:
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Her eyebrows mean business. She will fuck you up. Azula’s eyebrows may not be showy in shape or size but they’’re fantastic in their own way. It’s not how big they are, its how you use them, and Azula knows it. They could cut a man in two if they looked at her wrong. Out of this ranking, only Azula’s amount to true eyebrow goals.
3. King Bumi:
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Bumi has the best crazy old man eyebrows in the series. They’re as big as he is old. They just radiate kooky wisdom and a man who actually has his shit together. Do you think Bumi gives a shit about his eyebrows!? They’re just like that because they reprseent who he is But they still come out amazing even as like a 100+-year-old man.
2. Mako:
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Mako was always going to be on this list, but I initially wasn’t sure how high. Sharkbrows needs to be on here because he now has a nickname because of them, dammit. They have a pronged arch. His mother and lightning bolt-zolt both have them and he was shown to have them as a child so they are all-natural, but we still see him style them in Book 3, Episode 5. Mako seems to take pride in his crazy eyebrow shape, perhaps... because they make him feel closer to his dead mother? No this isn’t a reach, this is deep psychological analysis.
1. Jet:
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Jet’s eyebrows are crazy weird, and it might not be immediately obvious how weird. Mako’s may have a weird shape but they still seem to behave in the normal manner of eyebrows. The thing is, the more you look at them, the weirder they get. They’re on the thinner side for male characters, but they have this shaped arch that is weirdly implausible. They just scream ‘cocky knobhead who is up to no good’. Katara, how could you ever trust him with these eyebrows, how!?!?
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Even when Jet dies, his eyebrows make him look suspicious. When he states he isn’t dying, it’s pretty obvious he’s lying since his eyebrows are doing the talking. Anyway, fuck you, Jet, and your damn eyebrows.
Mako and Bolin’s murdered parents.
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They had good genes.
Wan Shi-Tong. 
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Doesn’t have true eyebrows, but still expresses himself well as a bastard anyway.
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a-tla · 8 years
Hi, I really like your blog! I re-watched atla in the last couple days after a long time and realized again how awesome it is Maybe you get that question often but which is your favorite scene? (Mine is in S3E17 when theater-toph shows how he 'sees')
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH i always get irrationally happy when i hear ppl say they enjoy my blog and also when i hear them say they rewatched atla i hope this show reached cult status one day and 20 yrs from now on when s/o says they never watched atla theyll get shocked looks in return shortly followed by the question HOW COULD YOU NOT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
anYWAY i think i answered a similar question before but this is giving me the perfect excuse to procrastinate studying and to talk in unnecessary length about atla which are 2 out of my 3 favourite things to do. also i know u only asked me for ONE scene but i drank like 8 cups of tea the past 3 hours and im feeling v enthusiastic right now so i’m gonna make a list of my top 5 fav scenes
#5 im 100% in agreement with ur choice of fav scene and actually the entire ember island players episode is PURE GOLD and lbr ask ANY atla fan and they can quote at least 2 lines out of there perfectly. honorable mention to “HOW could you POSSIBLY say that!” and THE SCAR IS NOT ON THE WRONG SIDE!
#4 the boiling rock azula vs mai and ty lee showdown holy shit that was life-changing sokka and co. in mortal peril all seems lost and appa isnt there this time to bust them out of those kind of situations and then MAI COMES TO THE RESCUE with one of the most elegant and memorable entrances ever “What are you doing?” “Saving the jerk who dumped me.” kick my ass mai!!!!. and then later we get ANOTHER incredible line delivered I GUESS YOU DONT KNOW PEOPLE AS WELL AS YOU THINK YOU DO. YOU MISCALCULATED. I LOVE ZUKO MORE THAN I FEAR YOU lmao girl dont we all and then we see azula LOOSING HER COOL tbh i dont think that happened before that scene and theyre getting ready to FIGHT EACH OTHER and i wouldve loved to see that and lbr azula prob wouldve kicked mai’s ass bc it’s azula but holy hecking heck man that wouldve been amazing but of course then we get TY LEE!!!! TURNING ON AZULA!!! CHOOSING MAI OVER AZULA!!!  holy shit man i was going !!!!!! when i first saw that scene wee 13-y/o me did not see this coming at all and then when i rewatched it a few weeks later it was SO OBVIOUS that they were going for this all along and what im saying is a) Mai is a Queen and i adore her and 2) everyone needs to get on board of the mai/ty lee submarine with me bc that shit is Real and There
#3 ok so im totally gonna cheat this one and just say EVERYTHING SOKKA EVER SAYS bc i couldnt possibly narrow it down i’d be doing a disservice to this character and this show if i did but some favourites include the random SCREAMING IN CAPSLOCK!!! he sometimes does like “i’m going to take my vacation…. AT THE LIBRAREEEEH!!!” and “i knew it was only a matter of time…. APPA ATE MOMO!!!” and “can your science explain why it rains?”“YES! YES IT CAN!” “MUSHY GIANT FRIEND!!!!” and ofc “WATER TRIBE” which actually was NOT a Patented Capslock Sokka Scream but def deserves to be mentioned
#2 “My first girlfriend turned into the moon.” - “That’s rough, buddy.” Iconic. Legendary. Immortal. Put It On My Damn Gravestone.
#1 the scene in The Desert where the gaang meets the sandbenders and toph says recognises one of them of being the one to kidnap appa and to muzzle him and aang goes you muzzled appa?! like. this fucking scene still gets my heart racing EVERYTIME and mumbling holy shit under my breath like u fucked up real bad sandman buddy and then aang is so angry and in pain he goes into the avatar state and everyone is running away in fear but katara stays by his side and reaches out for him and pulls him back and aang is crying and the screen fades to white this scene destroyed me unchallenged number one always and forever
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