be honest is this all one elaborate bit. we wont judge you if it is
Th e Fitne s sG ram P acer t est is a multi sta ge aer obic capacity test that progressively gets more dif fic ult as it cont inues . The 20 meter Pacer test will begin in 30 second s. Lin e up at t he st art. The running speed starts slowly, but gets f aster ea ch min ute after you hear this signal *boop*. A single la p s hould be com ple ted eac h tim e you he ar this sou nd *ding*. Rem embe r to run in a s traight line, a nd run as long a s p ossib le. The second time you fail to com pl ete a la p b efo re the so und, you r te st is ov er. Teeh te st wil l be gin on th e wo rd sta rt. On yo ru ma rk, ge t rea dy, sta rt!
-mdo j a y
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hareofhrair · 2 years
❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💔💗 :>
PFpfpfpf I think that's cheating but okay! This is going to be long as hell, so buckle in!
❤️ How much does romantic love mean to you?
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"H=onestly, n=ot all that much. I think it's plenty imp=ortant in general. R=omance is beautiful, and inspires beautiful things. I l=ove r=omantic gestures, and tha thrill =of r=omance as a c=oncept? But actual c=ommitted r=omantic l=ove aint all that significant ta me pers=onally. N=ot sure I can even d=o r=omantic l=ove if I'm perfectly h=onest. Aint happened s=o far. Even if I c=ould, aint really c=ompatible with my way =of life, and I can't imagine ever feelin s=o str=ongly ab=out s=omeb=ody I'd give up travelin."
🧡 How much does familial love mean to you?
💛 How much does platonic love mean to you?
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"g=onna just c=ombine these tw=o, since tr=olls d=ont really d=o genetic family. I think plat=onic l=ove and ch=osen families are incredibly imp=ortant. Tha m=ost imp=ortant! N=othin m=ore beautiful than tha b=onds we f=orm with pe=ople because we decided ta care ab=out em, n=ot cause we're gettin anythin =out =of it, but just because ya need each =other. Tha l=ove =of true friends, tha l=ove =of a c=ommunity fer =one an=other, that shit gets me straight up misty in the eyes. L=ove seein f=olks c=ome t=ogether. Tha pr=oblem with r=omantic l=ove, =or at least tha way m=ost f=olks d=o it, is it cl=oses ya =off fr=om =other f=olks when it sh=ould be d=oin tha =opp=osite. But if y=ou make a friend, and they g=ot =other friends already? that just means y=ou g=ot a bundle a friends fer tha price a =one! I g=ot mad heaps a plat=onic l=ove fer tha friends i have all =over, and fer any=one what c=omes ta me reachin =out, needin a hand."
💚 Are you in love right now? With whom? (Be as specific or vague as you would like)
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"Sure am. I'm in l=ove with tha w=orld. With tha c=ol=or a sunrise and tha silver wind =over tha grass and tha smell a tha forest and tha feelin a rich s=oil between my t=oes. I'm in l=ove with all tha pe=ople i meet, and all their little w=onders and idi=osyncrasies, and all tha ways they l=ove each =other. I'm in l=ove with their s=ongs and their st=ories, and h=ow they'll make art =outta any damn thing they can lay hands =on, h=ow they can't st=op makin art. I'm in love with tha way that rusty farmer calls the names =of his cluckbeasts and they c=ome runnin s=o he can tuck em in safe every night, because he l=oves them. I'm in love with tha little flowers that =olive carved inta tha handle a tha knife she uses ta gut fish, s=o even her killin is d=one with s=omethin beautiful, is d=one with l=ove in it. I'm in l=ove with tha =old mustard what let me sleep in their barn =one day when it st=ormed =out =of seas=on, and h=ow they didn't say a w=ord ta me except ta tell me n=ot ta steal anythin, but they br=ought me blankets against tha c=old, and they left a wind=ow =open s=o i c=ould hear tha music fr=om their radi=o all thr=ough tha l=ong day, even th=ough they must have had a puddle =on tha fl=oor fr=om all tha rain c=omin thr=ough. Because they l=oved me. They didn't kn=ow me fr=om adam, but they l=oved me all tha same. The way all =of us l=ove each =other, when we let =ourselves feel it. Can't d=o it all tha time. Hurts ta feel that much l=ove, specially kn=owin h=ow many are sufferin and h=ow y=ou can't d=o jack shit ta help. But ya g=otta remember it's there. L=ose that l=ove, ya l=ose everythin ab=out ya that's w=orth l=ovin."
💙 What kind of partner are you?
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"Ha! Tha l=ove em and leave em kind."
💜 How do you show affection?
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"I like ta take care a f=olks. Bring em what they need. If I d=on't like ya, ya just w=ont see me. If I do like ya, I'll find a reas=on ta be in tha neighb=orh=ood a little m=ore =often, and I'll never sh=ow up empty handed. I like ta bring practical gifts, but if there aint n=othin like that ya need, then it'll be little gifts and suchlike. Little things I f=ound a l=ong tha way and th=ought were beautiful and wanted ta share with ya. Everyb=ody needs beauty, always.
🖤 What is your sexuality/orientation?
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"I d=on't c=ott=on much ta the idea a gender, and that makes =orientati=on a bit hard ta pin d=own. I like fellas, generally speakin, and f=olks what l=ook like fellas. Masc, I think is tha term, or butch as the case may be? Maybe? I d=on't rightly kn=ow tha terms. I =only kn=ow I like em big and beefy and hairy and r=ough ar=ound tha edges."
❣️ How do you flirt?
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"=Often, and with=out a great deal a subtlety. I aint afraid ta ask fer what I'm after. I ain't im=olite =or crass and I kn=ow ta mind myself in mixed c=ompany an all, but I can assure y=ou, if I'm interested y=ou'll kn=ow, =one way =or the =other."
💕 Give a song that best describes how you see love.
There's two songs I want to put here- this one is nice and fits well and is probably what Shafan would pick.
But this one. Hoo. Okay. There's a reason this at the top of Shafan's playlist. I need you to listen to this with headphones. Get high first if possible, which makes it a borderline spiritual experience. Frankly, if you can, listen to it on spotify or somewhere the quality is better. If you're anything like me you will cry about it so be ready for that. I added this to Shafan's playlist in 2018 and it still fucks me up. It's important, okay??
💔 How do you face the end of love (breakups, being stood up, etc)?
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"C=onsiderin I'm usually tha =one endin things, I feel pretty p=osatively ab=out tha end =of a relati=onship. I think pe=ople w=ould be a l=ot happier if they learned ta just end relati=onships that aint makin em happy anym=ore, =or even that are still makin em happy, but are gettin in the way =of s=omethin m=ore important. Relati=onships =ought ta be treated like experiences, I figure. M=ost =of em aint g=onna last that l=ong and n=one =of em last f=orever, s=o why d=o we act like they sh=ould? Embrace love as s=omethin fleetin, and marvel at every day that y=ou get ta experience that miracle again. Let it teach y=ou things, let it change y=ou. And then let it g=o. When it's run its c=ourse, instead a given in ta fear =of change =or fear =of l=onliness and taintin s=omethin that was beautiful with bitter feelings and anger, be grateful f=or what it gave y=ou, and h=ow lucky y=ou were ta have experienced it. And definitely d=o n=ot hunt tha pers=on d=own and set fire t=o their tent!"
💗 How much do you believe in love?
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"I believe in l=ove m=ore than i believe in any =other f=orce in tha universe. I believe with en=ough l=ove y=ou can acc=omplish anything. I believe l=ove, f=or each =other and f=or tha w=orld, can save us, if we let it. And maybe that's s=ome sappy n=onsense and it aint practical, I kn=ow. If that l=ove d=ont m=otivate ya ta acti=on it's w=orse than useless. But still, I believe it. I really d=o."
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yktrgood · 1 year
6時 ちょっと眠くなってきたのでまたねる
11時 5時間でおきる 本当にすごい構造の身体
君たちはどう生きるか をミュートワードにする
来月のシフトをチェックして退勤 GOOD
明日はプチ旅行 本当〜にたのしみだ
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avengedcelery · 2 years
Watching Rea(L)ove and seeing how taboo divorce is in Japan and now I love the idea of jotaro getting married and then divorced just to make himself unattractive to women
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subtextread · 4 years
lollll i was considering watching rea(l)ove because i was a huge fan of mari yaguchi as a kid but i went through the tag and um......... not going to do that to myself
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minscellaneous · 5 years
still waiting for a second season of rea(l)ove
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thingsarentgood · 6 years
One taught me love:
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One taught me patience:
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One taught me pain:
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intimatum · 5 years
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kneecaphead · 6 years
i’m gonna say it
Ryoji Matayoshi and Atsushi Tamura are the worst people on the show. and the fact Yaguchi won’t defend any of the girls when they’re called sluts by atsushi? 
matayoshi is gross too. he is so judgemental about everyone’s, especially the girls’, secrets and so misogynistic. ugh. 
tbh they all kinda messy BUT the men on the show are the absolute WORST.
nagano deserves the world. she got taken advantage of multiple times yet they made it out to be her fault when it’s not. all the girls went thru pretty traumatic things and they’re getting blasted about it on a show where you’re supposed to learn to get past it. 
kawamura is kinda judgemental too. no hate but, she called like two guys man whores
thank you for coming to my ted talk
edit: the dream-less loser is an asshole too. what a tool.
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it-s-gone-blue · 6 years
im watching Rea(L)ove on netflix, a japanese dating show
men and women who each have a “dark secret” are trying to find love, and then a bell tolls and the male host walks in to one random contestant and they have to read their dark secret to everyone. 
but the male host is a sexist misogynist pig and the female host just laughs along with him
and all the women get nicknames with “slut” 
and there are real gross misogynist men and i hate almost all of them
i know there’s a trans woman competing, and she hasn’t revealed her secret yet, and the two hosts are calling her “the girl” and “can’t see her as anything but a man.” 
they are so mean to the women and making fun of their “dark secrets”, it’s disgusting
let’s see how gross this show gets
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cursed-starlight · 6 years
So I've been watching Rea(l)ove and I despise the hosts. I had a moment where I had to stop watching because the guy was pissing me off so mich I was close to yelling at the screen. The girl keeps laughing at everything he says and I'm done with it. I just want someone to smack them because these are people who have such fear revealing their secrets in the first place and these people are degrading them into terrible, offensive titles. Don't call them sluts, don't call them useless or losers, fucking call them by their names you piece of shit.
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Sooo this happened
I watched Rea(L)ove on Netflix, and tweeted about it, as you do.
The most liked tweet? The one where I called out Atsushi (the asshole male presenter, not host, as so not to be confused for the actual host on cast) for being an absolute fucking asshole and constantly calling the sweet Tanaka-san a slut every time her name is mentioned and saying that if he really wants to change people's minds about how they view people with these dark secrets, it should start with him.
Liked...by members of the cast.
One even had the balls to retweet it.
So, if any of y'all want to support them, you might want to tweet something about the show. (I did in Japanese, but.) It actually made me feel a lot better knowing that at least some of us didn't watch to see that dick act all superior with his stupid grin and green tips GOD I wanted to punch him into the wall.
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kurumeki · 6 years
I started watching this reality show Rea(l)ove on Netflix and I’m already halfway through it... The post about transgender girl made me do it, and she really is nice, but the guy she likes so much? Such a sexist prick. Overall men there are terrible, I wish they stopped calling girls “sluts” once they reveal their secrets... It’s not like they’re any better. I’m on episode four and so far only the man who got divorced after his wife cheated on him is the nicest there.
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pk-heart · 6 years
Rea(l)ove is horrible but also peak entertainment
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philipronans · 6 years
if we removed all the misogyny, replaced the goddawful hosts, cancelled the transphobia, and shut down the constant slut shaming of women who dared to ever have sex with a man then rea(l)ove might be a decent show
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neureaux · 6 years
what if we just... put the presenters of REA(L)OVE... like, in the bin
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