maximus-alex · 4 months
Oh my way to make that Giyuu x reader guys 😩 if y'all have any suggestions for future stories, pLEASE let me know
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maximus-alex · 4 months
Rengoku X GN!Reader
Being childhood friends with the flame hashira was something that was normal to y/n.
While he was y/n biggest idol,
He was their biggest supporter.
Y/n tried to become a hashira to always be with him, to protect him.
But it never worked out.
"I keep repeating myself y/n, I do not wish that you become a Hashira. It is very dangerous." Rengoku spoke in his classic firm tone. His arms crossed over his chest.
Y/n's fist clenched up. "Kyo, I know it's dangerous."
Rengoku had already tried to stop y/n from being a demon slayer in general. Saying that it was simply too risky for them to put their life on the line like that.
"I want to protect you."
"I am more than capable to protecting myself Y/N." His face was stoic.
Y/n knew this. Rengoku is the strongest person they know. That still didn't stop them from wanting to protect their friend. By any means necessary.
"I know you are. Kyo. But that doesn't matter to me."
Rengoku put his hand up to signal y/n to stop talking.
"And what makes you think that I didn't become a hashira not only because it runs in my family, but also to protect you as well?" He asked, looking into Y/N's eyes."You are strong, I will give you that. But I will not allow you to put yourself into the shoes of a hashira."
Rengoku seemed determined by what he said.
It pissed Y/N off.
The fact that no matter what he said, he always put it to action.
If he said Y/N wasn't going to be a hashira, he would make sure that wouldn't happen.
By any means necessary.
"Kyo," Y/N fists were clenched. So tightly that their knuckles because white. A pain shot through their heart like as if it was an arrow. "I just.. Want to protect you. Please.." Their head hung low, feeling pressure build up behind their eyes.
Rengoku gave out a small sigh, stepping closer and pressing their head to his chest, running his fingers through their hair.
"I know you do. And you already have when we were children. Now, please give this up."
After a minute, Y/N took a deep sigh. Y/N was already a Kinoe. The biggest rank of Demon Slayer before a Hashira. They had a strong breathing technique so it's not like they didn't have potential to become one.
Guess Rengoku was just stubborn.
"This is truly what you want?" He asked.
Y/N nodded, looking up at the handsome man, the way his eyes shined in the sun. How his multi-colored hair flew with the wind.
Everything about him was amazing.
"Fine. Then I shall train you like I did with Mitsuri. It will not be easy. I will not give any leeway. Understand?"
Y/N's lips curled into a smile, heart filling with joy as Rengoku finally agreed.
"Yes! Yes I understand!" Y/N shouted excitedly.
Rengoku gave a small nod with a matching smile on his face.
"Alright. We'll start tomorrow, so be prepared."
The training sessions were long and tiresome to the mind and body. If anything, it also felt like it tired out Y/N's soul as well.
Like he promised, he didn't hold back.
"A demon never holds back!" Is what he would say everytime Y/N would ask him to soften up a bit.
During one of the training sessions, Y/N fell to their hands and knees, very out of breath, their weapon lying on the floor next to them.
"Alright, I see you are exhausted. So for now, we will take a break and eat! How does that sound?" Rengoku sheathed his sword, walking up to Y/N and giving a gentle pat on their shoulder.
Y/N nodded in agreement. Not even realizing how hungry they were until food was mentioned.
Even with the day-night training, Rengoku always made sure that Y/N ate three meals, even if they weren't hungry, he would practically shove it down their throat.
Y/N stood up and spotted something in the far distance, their eyes widening as something cane towards them.
"Kyojuro!" They shouted, shoving the man out of the way and a sharp pain ran through their chest.
Rengoku couldn't even begin to process what happened. He managed to catch himself from falling and he was just staring at his friend, an arrow through the chest.
Y/N fell to their knees, feeling a warm liquid come from their mouth and when they felt it, it was blood.
Rengoku had a decision, go after whoever shot you, or tend to your wounds.
He had to make a quick decision.
He decided to attend to Y/N wounds.
"Kyo.." Y/N coughed out, leaning against their best friend as Rengoku stripped them of their uniform to check out the wound. "Am.. Am I going to die?"
"Absolutely not." He replied instantly. Like as if he knew what you were going to say. "You are going to be fine."
Couple of days went by, next thing Y/N knew, they woke up, trying to take in their surroundings. They were home. It was daytime. They looked off to their side and spotted Rengoku, who was sitting up with his sword in his hand. Except, he was still.
He was asleep.
With a soft groan, Y/N slowly sat up, all of the pain shooting through their chest. It felt like it was on fire while also being stabbed at the same time.
From hearing Y/N, Rengoku's eyes slowly opened. "You need to lay down." It was like a command, the depth of Rengoku's voice nearly sending Y/N into a heart attack.
"I'm okay Kyo.." A soft sigh escaped Y/N lips, their voice sounded hoarse. It pained them to speak.
Rengoku shook his head, moving closer to Y/N. "You got an arrow through the chest. Luckily I was able to have Shinobu check you out. It didn't pierce your heart like I feared, but it did go through your esophagus. Youre lucky you're alive."
Y/N noticed that Rengoku was shaking, his hands in his lap and his knuckles were turning white.
Y/N reached over and laid a hand on top of Rengoku's. A small smile on their face.
"At least I did what I wanted to do and protect you.." Their hand cupped his cheek, both of them making eye contact.
Without another word, Rengoku rushed over and smashed his lips on Y/N's, holding them close to his body in a tight embrace.
It felt like electricity shot through the both of their bodies. Their hearts racing and beating in sync.
"Please.." Rengoku softly spoke, pulling away and pressed his forehead against theirs. "Retire now.. It's my turn to protect you.. Okay?"
Y/N chuckled softly, their hand on his cheek.
"Alright Kyojuro.. It's your turn."
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maximus-alex · 4 months
Tengen Estate X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Slight verbal abuse.
Entertainment district. Where Tengen once found himself again. Word came from Master Ubuyashiki that a demon was being kept safe here. It was a rumor and Master Ubuyashiki was sure to make that clear. But Tengen rather be safe than sorry.
Tengen walked around, his hair down as he wore a beautiful haori. White and red, gold trim that perfectly complimented his eyes.
He scoped the area. He didn't sense any demons so he didn't see much of a reason to stay. He was already on the hunt for a couple of days. So he simply would turn around, ears perking.
"Why haven't you met the quota y/n??" An angry woman slightly raised her voice at the female in front of her. "I know you're ugly but that means you have to work twice as hard!"
Tengen could feel his eyebrow twitch at the sound. His eyes turned to the noise, spotting a beautiful young lady. Around his age. Her face was heavily caked with makeup but he could easily see her eyes. A beautiful shade. It reminded him of gems. But not even gems could come close to how beautiful they were to him.
She bowed at the older woman and apologized.
He made his way over to the two and threw on a fake smile.
"My my... Isn't she a gem?" He calmly spoke. When in reality he wanted to throw hands at the woman for yelling at the clearly exhausted girl. "You don't mind if I..?"
The old lady was taken aback by how beautiful Tengen was himself. She nodded with such excitement as Tengen just threw her a bag of money.
"Shall we?" He asked, gently placing his hand on the young woman's lower back.
"He... With me?"  Y/n thought to herself. Her heart pounded as Tengen held her hand, they strolled over to the room and she slid the door closed. She didn't even notice that Tengen was speaking to her until he shook her shoulder. 
"HEY!" He shouted, crossing his arms. Y/n juped at how loud his voice suddenly got. "I asked you a question!" 
Y/n looked up at the tall figure. "I'm sorry, what was the question?" A slight stutter came from their voice. 
Tengen raised his eyebrow, glancing down at the woman below him. "I asked if you liked being here. I noticed that you look tired." His eyes then examined the woman's figure. "And skinny, which is not flashy, at all." Y/n's eyes widened a bit. After all of these years of being stuck in this hellhole did no one ever think to ask if she liked it here. 
Slowly, she shook her head. "No..I don't..." Her eyes glanced at the ground, she felt a pain shoot through her heart and pressure build up behind her eyes. Her chest ended up feeling like an anchor was attached to it. She held her hand over her heart.
Tengen's eyebrows furrowed with worry. His hand gently landed on her shoulder. "I can get you out of here. The money I gave to the old lady was basically enough to buy you." Y/n eyes widened. "He..basically bought me?" Y/n thought to herself. Tengen bent down to her level, looking into her eyes with such care in them. It looked so soft, enough to ake the most vicious person in the world nearly tear up. "Say the word and I'll do it."
After some thought, she didn't know this man. But there was no sign of harm anywhere in his aura. 
Within another second, she looked him in his maroon eyes and nodded. "Let's go."
A grin spread across Tengens lips. Without a second thought, he picked the woman up, tossing her over his shoulder and flung to his clothes off, revealing the demon slayer outfit underneath.
How did he..whatever, that didn't matter right now. What mattered was getting out of this district. 
"Come one, let's not waste another breath!" He shouted and jumped out the window. They were on the second story floor, it wasn't too tall in the air, but enough to cause a small scream fromm y/n as they landed on the floor. Eyes widened around them as they watched the scene of Tengen carrying the young girl out of the arc, hearing the yells from the lady who once owned y/n. 
Y/n slowly watched the city fade away from her vision as they ran into the nearby woods. She had no idea where they were going, but she was glad that they were gone.
After a minute, they ended up outside of an estate. It was beautiful. Lots of green scenery around it with trees that hung high over. 
Tengen put Y/n down, nearly slamming her down. Y/n stumbled, nearly falling before Tengen wrapped an arm around her waist. He chuckled and held her close, his body heat radiating off onto hers. It brought over a wave of comfort over Y/n, yet her heart still raced out of her chest. 
"Welcome to my wonderful estate. Quite flashy if i say so myself." He welcomed her inside.
The inside was as beautiful as the outside. Y/n eyes looked around and spotted three beeautiful women outside, they seemed like they were doing laundry, one hanging clothes as the other two washed.
Tengen smiled at the sight of his wives and guided Y/n to them in the backyard. "I'm home!" He smiled.
They all shot their heads towards him and smiled.
"Wait, who's that?" A woman with yellow bangs asked.
"A youg lady who was being mistreated. I figured she could stay with us until she feels safe enough to leave on her own." 
A woman with a black ponytail walked up to Y/n, gently grasping her hand with her own. "Welcome to the Tengen estate. What's your name?" Her eyes sparkled. They were soft and gentle, like a mothers.
"Y/n. Y/n L/n." 
"What a beautiful name." She smiled.
The same woman with yellow bangs walked up to Y/n with a wet rag. "We gotta get all this makeup off first!!" Without hesitation, she began to viciously wipe all of the caked up makeup. Once it was gone, all of the women gasped. A woman with blue eyes came running over.
"I had no idea you were so beautiful!!!" She shouted, holding Y/n's cheeks. "Are we keeping her?!"
Tengen chuckled. "Suma, calm down." He gently pat the top of her head. "Give her some time. She's been through a lot."
The women nodded and introduced themselves.
The weeks went by and Y/n slowly got closer to everyone. Eventually catching feelings for all of them. Tengen noticed this, he caught feelings for her. As well as the wives.
"Y/n," Tengen spoke, opening the door to the bedroom that you resided in. "Can the wives and I speak to you?" Y/n's heart slightly dropped, what if they were kicking her out? Were they tired of her? Y/n nodded and walked with him to where the wives sat. He gestured for her to sit down. For once, all of their faces were serious. A side y/n didn't get to see a lot. 
"Is everything okay?" Y/n glanced at everyone, making eyes with Tengen. 
He nodded. "WE WANT YOU TO-" Makio shouted before Tengen threw a hand over her mouth. Once he removed his hand, she apologized.
"Y/n, we were wondering if..." His voice trailed off, all of his wives and his hands joined in unison, clamping around each other. "If you'd like to join us in our marriage." His smile softened. Y/n heart raced, feeling her cheeks heat up. "We all feel really comfortable with you here and honestly," He chuckled. "It would be nice to have someone stay and take care of the home while we're out on missions. So if you'll have us. We'll be more than happy to have you."
A smile grew on all of their faces, soft looks all the way around.
Slowly, Y/n nodded. "I'd be more than happy to." Suma and Makio immediately stood up and practially jumped on Y/n, showering her in kisses all over her face. 
"Oh thank the gods!!" Cried Suma. "I was so worried you'd say no!!"
Y/n chuckled and blushed. "I dont see why not!" Her hands wrapped around their waists. 
Hinatsuru chuckled, helping Y/n up. Her hand gently held y/n's pink cheek, an adoring look in her purple eyes. "I'm so glad.."
"Yeah I don't see why not! We're all hot!" Makio shouted. A chuckle came from all of them. 
Tengen walked up to Y/n, replacing Hinatsuru's hand with is own. "Good...I'm glad." He leaned down and gently pressed his soft lips against Y/n's. His eyes closed as his heart raced. So did Y/n's, the only thing she was able to hear was her own heart beat as their lips danced together. He pulled away, only for y/n's head to be tilted towards Suma's, their lips connected for a couple of seconds. Next, Makio, the kiss grew more heated with every person, Makio slowly shoved her tongue in Y/n mouth. The second Makio's lips parted, Hinatsuru tilted y/n head towards her, their lips moved together, slowly, their tongues also danced around each other. This caused Y/n stomach to gain butterflies, the other two girls hand roaming around y/n body.
"Alright ladies, that's enough." Tengen chuckled. "How about we save this for the honeymoon?"
Hinatsuru slowly pulled away. "Sorry Lord Tengen..She's just so cute.. we couldn't help ourselves."
He smiled and laid a hand on her shoulder. "I know, trust me, it's taking a lot of willpower to not want to keep going." Tengen let out a low chuckled.
"I mean.." Y/n's voice trailed off.
"What's stopping us?"
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