metalmusingmoments · 7 years
Part 3
Part 1+2  https://metalmusingmoments.tumblr.com/post/160831383232/i-read-your-scenario-about-tfp-knockout
Part 3? Part 3. Kind of a filler but the last part will be up tomorrow at some point. Enjoy!
“See you around Optimus” you smiled a smile that you knew didn’t reach your eyes. And with those last words you turned on your heal and walked briskly in the direction of Ratchet. All while those blue optics seared into your back.
The ride back to the suburbs was quite. Ratchet had turned the radio to a low hum to fill the silence. You rested your head against the window mulling over the events that unfolded tonight. Overall a terrible endeavor on your part. You should have figured trying to confess your feelings to Optimus tonight was a horrible plan. Letting out a long sigh your breath fogged up the window.
“Wanna talk about it?” Rachet asked breaking the silence. You considered answering his question truthfully for a moment but thought better of it.
“Told you already Ratch, It’s just a headache. The music was loud and it’s been a long day…Just need to get some sleep” You replied as you ran your hand over your face. It wasn’t a complete lie though. A headache was starting to form from all of thoughts swirling around in your head.
The music shut off as Ratchet pulled up to your small home. You went to open the door only to find it was locked. Feeling at a loss you allowed your head to fall forward, hitting the passenger side window.
“Ratchet open the door” When he didn’t respond you yanked on the door handle and growled out his name again. The silence continued as you pondered if ripping off his door handle would solve his stillness.
“Take two ibuprofen. Turn off the lights in your room and go to sleep. Don’t go on your cellular device. The light will only prolong your headache, if not make it worse.” He said. Though his voice sounded like he wanted to say something else, you didn’t care in that moment. Now that the door was open you gathered your things with haste and hopped out of the car to walk up your driveway. Halfway there, Ratchet rolled down his window and yelled something that made you spin around.
“Do not hesitate to contact me if your headache becomes worse” and sped off into the night.
Scowling, you stomped the rest of the way into your home. You made your way to your room shedding your items and clothes as you went. Flinging yourself onto your bed just to stare up at the ceiling in the darkness. You felt like crying, but you wouldn’t. You hadn’t even been rejected; just realized how stupid of an idea it was. There was no reason to cry you told yourself over and over. You were grown, not a kid. Huffing, you rolled onto your stomach, pushing your face into the mattress with a groan. You wouldn’t ever go back you decided. Your purpose there had ran out. Optimus had said as much. If the kids really needed a tutor they could call or text you and then you would set something up if it was necessary. With a rising confidence you pushed yourself up into a sitting position. It was summer, your summer vacation, most people didn’t have the luxury of having almost two whole months off with a full time job. You wouldn’t waste it, you decided as you rose off the bed. It was time for you to do you, starting now. Flicking on the light, you went to grab your bag and all of the exams within.
Sitting back down on your bed you opened up your laptop to book a flight home for tomorrow afternoon. Completing the task, you slammed it shut. Doctors’ orders be damned. You were going to grade all these papers tonight and enter all of the final grades. No matter how long it took.
You had finished grading early in the morning and then started to pack your things. When you finally got on the plane you were out like a light. Not waking until the stewardess had shaken you awake to inform you that the plane had landed. Your family was happily surprised to see you on their doorstep an hour later. Catching up with your family had made your heart swell. You didn’t get to see them often living in Nevada, and being home made you feel content. As your mother prattled on about the upcoming family vacation you couldn’t help but smile.
About three and a half weeks later you found yourself at the bi-yearly family reunion. Or “(mothers last name) clan gathering” as your father jokingly called it.  Every two years your family would rent out a beach house that would be crammed full of people from your mother’s side of the family. The older adults and married ones would get beds, while the kids (including you) would have to fight for the couches. Otherwise it was the floor on an air mattress. The week was usually filled with BBQs, tanning, bonfires, music and booze. This year had been no different.
You had been down by the ocean playing with your younger cousins almost all morning and had needed a break. Trudging up the beach towards your set up and umbrella you reflected on the past couple of weeks. Ratchet had checked in with a text the following morning you arrived at your parents’ home. He wanted to know if your headache had passed. You had sent back a short yes and that was the last text you had received since then. No one from Nevada had messaged or called since the party. And as much as it hurt the first couple of days, your family had filled that void of loneliness.
Sitting down in your beach chair you admired the view, blindly reaching for your phone. Looking down at your screen, your heart stopped. 15 unknown missed calls. Frozen in fear you began to assume the worse. Were the Autobots under attack? Were the kids ok? And as all those horrible thoughts went through your brain, your phone began to buzz. Unconsciously you hit the green button and whipped it up to your ear.
“Hello?” You said in a panicked voice.
“Miko?” You said confusingly. “Whats wrong? Why aren’t you calling from your phone?” You continued on in a worried voice.
“Can’t use it when were at the base remember? Something about security and signals or whatever. So were using Raf’s computer cause he was able to block our location!” Miko explained as you heard Raf’s small hello.
Closing your eyes you moved the phone away from your ear letting out a deep breath. Your heart still felt like it was going to burst from your chest. Bringing the phone back up to your ear you caught Miko mid-sentence.
“-s went to your house but you weren’t there. What gives? Where are you anyway?” Miko questioned.
“I haven’t been home for almost four weeks Miko, I’m at the beach” you sighed
“Really! I wanna to see! Raf turn on the camera!” She exclaimed excitedly.
All of the sudden you phone turned against you and activated video chat. Your screen now held both Miko and Raf sitting on the upper lofts couch. You hadn’t realized how much you had missed them until you saw their faces. The loneliness stared to creep back in as Miko demanded a view of the ocean.
Switching the camera view back to your face you noticed Jack was now in view behind the couch.
“Looks awesome” He said smiling.
Smiling back you heard one of your cousins husbands call for you.
“(Y/nickname) Lunch!” He hollered from a distance.
“Coming Cole!” You yelled just as loud smiling ear to ear.
“Who’s Cole?” Miko asked making a face till her eyes brightened and a smile bled onto her face. “Is he the guy you wanted to be “more than friends” with?” she asked making air quotes.
The base clearly was not empty either because all the sudden Bee and Bulkhead were now in your sights behind the kids. Jack was now asking Miko why she would even say that. While Raf explained to Bulkhead and Bee what was going down.  Apparently you were spending your summer trying to romance some guy at the beach. The arguing was too much.
The reminder of the night of the party was stab to the heart, and a look of defeat crossed onto your face.
“Alright guys. I’ve gotta go, lunchtime. See you when I see you” You ended the call with Miko yelling wait into the camera.
Throwing your phone back onto the towel you got up. It started to buzz again, but you ignored it in the favor of alcohol and burgers. You had three more weeks till your flight back home and until you reached Jasper, Nevada, Optimus Prime would not plague your thoughts.
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enbyblades · 5 years
li an: "i dont understand.... readerxtransformer fanfiction....like do u Rlly wanna be fucked by a giant robot?"
me, without hesitation: "yes"
li an:
Tumblr media
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metalmusingmoments · 7 years
Part 4
Part 3 https://metalmusingmoments.tumblr.com/post/161498870037/part-3
Last part of the story! Not sure who Im gonna do next but be on the look out :)
Throwing your phone back onto the towel you got up. It started to buzz again, but you ignored it in the favor of alcohol and burgers. You had three more weeks till your flight back home and until you reached Jasper, Nevada, Optimus Prime would not plague your thoughts.
Three weeks later you found yourself hopping into your car at the airport. After the beach trip you were able to catch up with some friends from high school in your home town and spend the rest of your time relaxing. The phone calls had stopped after whoever was calling realized you weren’t going to answer. Miko had only texted you once since then. Inquiring when exactly you would be home. Flight number and all. Of course your flight had been delayed, and rather than arriving in the morning it was now close to sunset. Driving home on the straight desert roads could be unnerving in the dark so you were moving with haste through the airport and towards home.
You had gotten stuck in traffic back in the city and were now the only car on the road in the desert. Exactly what you wanted to avoid. The only source of light was your headlights and the stars.  You weren’t actually scared, it was just an errie feeling to be the only car on the road.  As you drove, your mind began to wander. You hadn’t exactly told the kids you had no plans of coming back to base to tutor them yet. With school starting in about two weeks, you figured it would be best to tell them before the year started. You weren’t sure if they would be upset or not. Not having to do extra work wasn’t exactly that bad. That also meant having to deal with Fowler and whatever security violations you were committing. Which probably led to him telling Optimus of your plans. You had secretly hoped you could just slink away and go back to being your average high school teacher and forget all of this. But you already knew it was pointless. All of them had wormed their way into your heart. Especially Optimus, you admitted grudgingly to yourself. You had told yourself you wouldn’t let him plague your thoughts while away from Jasper, but that had lasted for all of 3 minutes after the phone call had ended.
For the remaining three weeks you had battled yourself internally for any sign that he could feel the same way about you. If anything your feelings for him had intensified. Not being able to see him, to be close enough to hear the soothing low hum he always seemed to emit or talk to him to make sure the weight of the world wasn’t going to snap him in two began to feel like torture. And the thought of never being able to see him again? That made your chest ache. You didn’t know if this was love, but it sure felt like it. Sighing you reached for the volume button only to be blinded by two headlights behind you.
The lights had startled you so much you almost swerved off the road in panic. Gripping your steering wheel your phone began to ring and you smashed the green and speaker button.
“Hello! I’m driving right now I can’t really talk! Can I call you back?” You all but shrieked into the phone.
“I can see that, but no. I would like to speak with you before we arrive within the towns view” came a baritone voice.
Say what now? You thought. Looking up into your rear view mirror you realized it was not just a car behind you, but a truck. A certain truck. A truck you were not prepared to face at this moment. Optimus Prime himself. You wanted to vomit.
“Y/N?” Him saying your name wasn’t helping your nerves.
“Uhhhhh… Now?”
“Yes, Preferably” and ended the call.
Slowing down your car you pulled off to the side of the road. You were beside yourself with nerves in that moment. You briefly wondered if your tiny car could out run him if you hit the gas pedal right now. Or maybe you could just roll down your window and have the conversation from the safety of your car.
Neither of you were making a move.
Sighing you gathered all of your courage and opened up the door. As both your feet hit the ground he was transforming. Standing at his full height he moved closer to you, only to crouch down again and offer you his hand.
“Come. Let us move away from the road” You had hesitated but climbed into his hand anyway. He was moving towards a rock formation so that you would both be hidden. When he rounded the corner he sat down and leaned against the rocks. Resting his arms against his knees; he kept you in his palm and made no motion to put you down. His attention was now solely on you and you began to fidget.
“I overheard from the others that you had gone to the shore. Was your time pleasant?” He asked
“Yeah… I was only there for a week though. The rest of the time I spent back home with my family and some old friends from school” You replied avoiding eye contact.
“I see…” He rumbled and gave a brief pause considering his next words. ”They also said you were pursuing a male. How did you fare?”
The noise you made was somewhere between a choke and screeching sound making Optimus jerk in surprise.
Damn you Miko.
“I wasn’t pursuing anyone! Miko just assumed it” You huffed. “I was there with my family” The irritation you felt was rolling off you in waves.
“Oh” was his simple reply followed by awkward silence.
“I must confess.” He said sighing, then looking away. “I went to your home the day after the celebration. When you were not there I had thought it just a coincidence. Though you did not come home that night. Nor for the following weeks. It was…” He paused.
“Sorry!” You blurted out. “I should have told someone where I was going thinking back on it.” You frowned and continued on, “I just figured I wasn’t really needed. It’s already hard enough making sure the kids stay safe. I just didn’t want to add to the list”.
“You are not some burden (y/n)” Optimus was now staring at you again. “You have helped us greatly, and for that I am thankful for you at my side. Our side” He finished. His words had caused a faint blush to appear on your cheeks that did not go unnoticed. All you could do was hum in response; too afraid that your voice would betray you.
“That night” He began “You wished to tell me something. What was it?” He asked as you began to fidget once more.
“I…Uh” You started. The chances of you two being interrupted again were slim to none. If you were going to do this, now was your best bet.
“Optimus… I” You tried again. He was being beyond patient with you. His eyes staring at your figure. You let out a sigh through your nose and then breathed back in. Slowly, you met his eyes with your own.
“Optimus, I want to be more than just friends with you”.
He continued to stare at you. His optics started to dim and you felt sick all over again. The silence was brutal and then all the sudden you were blinded by the blue light.
“I cannot promise this will be easy. Nor that I will always be able to show you the amount of affection you deserve. But…I would like to try…”
It was taking a moment for what he just said to register in your mind. He had accepted your feelings and your brain was now stalling at the worst time.
“(Y/N)?” A tinge of nervousness seeping through.
“It’s… It’s not supposed to be easy Optimus. It never is. But that’s alright. We’ll work it out together. Any problems we face, we’ll face them together. And when things aren’t ok we’ll be there to hold each other up” You concluded beaming up at him with huge smile.
His own mouth had morphed into a kind smile, as he looked up to wish on the stars.
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metalmusingmoments · 7 years
I read your scenario about TFP Knockout, Smokescreen, & Optimus Prime realizing their feelings for potential human s/o. If it's ok with you, would you mind a continuation? If not, said human crush likes them back but never confessed before so they try to figure how to confess properly. The mechs accidentally heard them say to themselves " I'll just say I love you romantically, (said mech name)!". They're confident until they realizes the mechs were behind them. The mechs' reaction to this?
I’m going to post thesein different replies so be on the lookout for the other two. Optimus goes firstbecause we all love our boss bot. I’m putting a spin on this one because I can’tsee the reader being caught like that. Not in front of OP at least. Here’s thefirst part of the story so you can refresh your minds. And because it is 3amand I want to get this out there, it’s a cliffhanger. Sorry not sorry ;)
TFP Optimus
You met team prime after you noticed Raf, one of your smarteststudents was missing more and more class. You had followed him out to the curbone day after school where he waited for his ride to pick him up. You tried tomake conversation but he was becoming more and more nervous as time ticked by.The real reason you were out here was because you were hoping to snag a momentto talk to his mother or father about his increasing absences. When a yellowCamaro pulled up with tinted windows and no driver you weren’t letting Raf getin concern for his safety. Long story short Raf and “Bumblebee” managed to getyou into the car and soon conned you into being an after school teacher for himand two other students. Base life was easy enough, the bots came and went onmissions and you got along well with Ratchet and the Autobot leader Optimus.You pretty much became “Den Mother y/n”. You would make snacks and meals forthe kids and pick up anything that could possibly help the bots. You did mostof this without being asked and not expecting any thanks. But of course as youwent about your business someone was watching you from afar.
After a long Saturday sessionof tutoring the kids he decided that would be a good time to approach you. Thekids had already taken their snacks and moved on to play their video games outof ear shot. You were leaned back in a chair both arms over your face in anuncomfortable position. When he called out to you you startled awake.Apologizing, he asked if you were ready to return home for the day. He watchedas you looked back at the kids, frowned and then said you were ready to go.When you started making your way to Bumblebee, he stopped you and told you he wouldbe driving you home today. Your face morphed into one of concern as hetransformed and popped open his passenger door. As you both barreled throughthe desert he began to express his gratitude for what you had been doing forthe kids and his team. When you finished he noticed your face had grown into asmile that stopped his spark for a second. You told him not to worry about itand that you didn’t mind doing the small things. They know he works hard andthat he shouldn’t have to worry about everything. As he pulled up to your homeyou didn’t reach for the door and he didn’t move to open it. You awkwardlymentioned how nice it was outside and he took the hint. He started up hisengine and was on the move again. With no destination in mind he moved alongthe outskirts of the town. He would keep his new feelings to himself. Hewouldn’t risk this new budding relationship.
 Months have gone by since you began your after school tutorsessions with the kids. So many months in fact that now it’s the last daybefore school is out and summer begins. You’re sitting at your desk now supposedlybeing on the lookout for anyone who may be cheating on their final exams. You can’thelp but zone out as the silence in the room gives you time to think. The otherteachers had been gushing in the faculty room about their vacationsout of this hell hole, too far away paradises with less desert. As they hadprattled on the gnawing feeling of anxiety settled into the pit of your stomachagain. With summer starting the kids wouldn’t be needing a tutor anymore, or atleast till the school year started up again. So when Kathy, a fellow teacherasked what your plans were for vacation you came up with the lame excuse of visitingyour parent’s home in “___”. The loud ringing of the last bell cut off yourthoughts as students lined up to hand in their exams. One by one the studentshanded off their papers to you at the door until none were left and you were surroundedby the droning noise of kids out in the hall.  Truth be told you were waiting for someone, anyone among “Team Prime”, to ask youabout your summer plans. Fishing to drop the sad bomb of “nothing” with a nonchalantair about yourself. Pitiful. You thought to yourself as you shuffled the papersand let out an exasperated sigh as you flopped into your chair. If you werebeing really honest with yourself, you were more miffed that Optimus hadn’t askedwhat your plans were. Though as soon as the thought entered your head youquickly pushed it out. Optimus had more important things to worry about then your sadexcuse for a summer. Like a civil war.
You and he had become closer over the past months. Ever sincehe took it upon himself to drive you home that one day it had become a happy ritualafter almost every tutoring lesson. But of course that had come after theattempts to stay at the base longer after the lessons ended. In the beginning youtwo would only discuss in a casual manner. How the kids were doing in school,how the war effort was progressing, theweather. Though as time moved on so did both of you, and the effects of thebattles Optimus fought began to show more than ever. Throwing caution to thewind you had asked him how he was feeling, as himself and not as the leader of the Autobots. He had stared at youfor a long time after you asked that. Probably weighing if it was even worth tellingyou at all, but in the end he did. So much pain and grief was unloaded thenthat your head had trouble wrapping around just how he or any being could keepthis to themselves. When he finished he had apologized, an annoying trait youhad come to realize was a habit of his. You waved him off saying it was fineand that if he ever needed to talk, you would be there for him. He had agreed tothose terms only if you would speak to him in the same manner. You knew there wasn’tmuch you could do in a sense of actually “helping” Optimus defeat the Decepticons,but if you could help him stand a little straighter, so the weight of the worldwasn’t crushing him, you’d do it in a heartbeat. You’d also found out in thisshort amount of time that Optimus had a somewhat dorkish sense of charm to him.In the rare occasion that he did make a joke you always laughed, and thatseemed to make his optics brighten slightly. Speaking of his optics, you letout a shuddering breath. He always seemed to be watching you. Just blatant staring or side eyeing you. You weren’tsure why, but you could never turn to meet his stare because you were afraidwhat he might see. You had contemplated trying to amp up the flirtatiousbehavior between you to, but chickened out at the last minute when the opportunitywould arise. A thought came to you just then. A bold thought. To just tell him how you felt. What did you have tolose? You and the kids had planned a small end of the year party tonight at thebase, you could tell him then. And if you made a fool of yourself, you couldjust hide away for the rest of the summer.
“Perfect” You said aloud as you placed the exams into yourbag. Now just to figure out how you were going to do this.
“Hey Optimus, I’d like to get to know you better” No.
“Hey BossBot! You and I should spend some more time alone moreoften” Definitely Not.
“Optimus, I like you more than just a friend”
“Who do you like more than just a friend?!” came thetelltale shout of Miko in the doorway giving you a minor heart attack in theprocess.
“What?” You gasped with your hand to your chest in startledpanic.
“You were talking about how you like someone more than afriend!” she exclaimed slamming her hands on the desk. “You gotta tell me Ms/Mr.(Y/N)! I can keep a secret!” she grinned over at you. And as much as you lovedMiko, you knew that was horse shit. Composingyourself you raised up out of your seat grabbing your bag.
“I’m not quite sure what you’re talking about Miko. You musthave misheard me.” You clipped in your “teachers” voice. Which only made Mikosquint her eyes and pout.
“Whatever” She threw her hand out as if brushing it away. “Justhurry up! Bulkhead is picking us up today, we’re gonna listen to all of my favorite songs!” she saidgrinning wickedly.
All you could do was cringe at the thought of the hour long journeyahead of you as you shut off the light and closed the door behind the both ofyou.
A dual ache had settled in your head as the night droned on.The drive had been more than excruciating. Between the loud music and the constantbickering between Miko and Jack, the whole ride had been painful. Now you satwith your head hanging and arms dangling over the railing of the upper level.The loud metal music still blaring in a far corner of the room was not helpingeither. The night had not been going as you planned.
“Are you alright (Y/N)?” The rumbling baritone voice thatalways seemed to shake you to its core asked. You gripped the railing andwhipped your head up so quick you thought you may have given yourself whiplash.
“Optimus!” you exclaimed face turning red at earlierthoughts. “No! I’m fine really, ride here was just a little more unhinged themI’m use to” you said smiling up at him.
He gave a rumbled “mmm” of his acknowledgment, followed bysilence and that unnerving stare. Then continued on with “Now that the children’seducation is finished for the year, I would assume your lessons are no longerneeded”.
Ouch, you thought and it must have registered on your facebecause Optimus was now backpedaling on his words. Hard.
“I meant no offense” He hurried on, “I only meant that youwill now have more free time to endeavor in your hobbies”.
Double Ouch. If it didn’t feel like you were being kickedout before, it did now. And now the pieces of your haphazard plan werecrumbling before you. The internal battle you were having on whether or not totrudge on or bail out were flipping back and forth in your mind. And the blueglow of his optics boring into you were not helping.
“(Y/N)” He said letting out a long vent. Just the way he said your name made the decision.
Fuck it. You saidto yourself and stared into his eyes straight on.
“Optimus, I think we-“ and was abruptly cut off by Mikosscreech of lyrics.
“SCHOOLS OUT FOR SUMMER” She sang and threw, what had to be,every piece of homework and schoolwork she had in yours and Optimus direction.
 Asit rained down over you and over the balcony you let out a long sigh and closedyour eyes trying to rein in your frustration.  In the distance you could hear the raspy yellfrom Ratchet about the mess and Miko’s gleeful laughter. It was then youdecided that this was fates way of saying this was a horrible idea.
“What was that (Y/N)? Optimus had broken eye contact toobserve all the papers flying with a straight face.
“I think I should go home” You muttered placing a hand overyour face and moving to grab your jacket. You could hear his foot fallsfollowing you as you went.
“Then I will take-“But you cut him off with a wave of yourhand as you shrugged on the jacket.
“It’s alright” you breathed as you placed your bag on yourshoulder. “I’ll ask Ratchet. God knows he needs to get out of here before heblows a fuse” you said laughing a hollow chuckle as you made your way down theladder, and with one last look you met Optimus’s optics
“See you around Optimus” you smiled a smile that you knew didn’treach your eyes. And with those last words you turned on your heal and walked briskly in the direction of Ratchet. All while those blue optics seared into yourback.
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metalmusingmoments · 8 years
As of sending this ask in you've only done 2 requests and already your ideas and writing are 11/10! So, can I get some fluffy headcanons for MTMTE Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus please?
Thank You SOOO Much! Even though I just started today the support is great! I’m gonna take this as it being a human s/o but if i was wrong feel free to send another one it!
Fluffy Headcanons - MTMTE Ultra Magnus/Minimus Ambus and Human s/o
When you finally are able to pull him aside from work he often tries to start working again but this time with you present. Not that it bothers you too much, this is how he his and you love him for it. But paperwork be damned, you want his attention and now. At first you do subtle things to get his attention like tapping your foot or making small short noises. This quickly escalates into you moving things around his desk and taping on the edge of his data pads so he loses his place. As you can imagine his OCD is on fire right now but hes not taking the bait, he knows exactly what your’re doing and two can play this game. So he continues to ignore you. As you finally admit defeat and sulk back into the conjoining habsuit, you hear the tell tale sign of the Magnus armor shifting. Before you can turn around Minimus is scooping you up, placing a kiss on your head, and chuckling all the way to the berthroom.  
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metalmusingmoments · 8 years
Good evening, can you do a scenario of Mtmte megatron looking for his human s/o only to find them singing "tabimichi yoiyoi yumi hanabi" at the bar and he's frozen by the words and the fact they are wearing Japanese style robes before he picks them up and takes them back to their shared hab? The song is from show by rock.
Just listened to the song :) Hope I got the mood right haha
Megatron rarely sets foot into Swerve’s bar so when he hears louder more upbeat music playing from outside the doors he initially wants to turn around and walk the other way. When he hears what he thinks is his s/o voice on the other side of the door he figures he might as well take a peak. What he sees was not what he was expecting. On top of the bar table is his s/o prancing about (a little tipsy) in what looks like traditional Japanese robes (how did he/she get those?) blurting out lyrics while Swerve puts on a impromptu light show. Everyone is cheering his s/o on and he cant help but smile at their antics. After the song he approaches them and scoops them off the counter to head back to their room. Everyone boos him for stealing tonight’s entertainment but his s/o doesn’t mind. Cause who else is gonna help them untie all these tricky knots?
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