#reading and northern 2102
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Pictures of Reading & Northern 2102 at Port Clinton (7-2-22)
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focr · 3 months
Reading & Northern 2102: The Iron Horse Rambles Experience: Reading & Northern 2102 is back again for another round of Iron Horse Rambles through the scenic mountains of Pennsylvania’s beautiful Anthracite Region. The 120 mile round trip journey between North Reading and Jim Thorpe continues to attract railfans and tourists alike to the Anthracite Region from all over the country, just to enjoy the sights and sounds of riding behind the loudest steam locomotive in the states. This video features both trackside scenes as well as on ride footage behind the 2102 between Port Clinton and Jim Thorpe as the train traverses the winding ex-Reading and CNJ tracks through bustling towns, a tunnel, and over the Hometown High Bridge. [Blue Comet Productions]
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capewolfe · 1 year
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Reading and Northern 425 is seen here cooling down after returning to Port Clinton, Pennsylvania from Jim Thorpe. Next to it is Reading and Northern T1 2102.
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tjtevlin · 6 months
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guerrerense · 7 months
Reading & Northern; Nesquehoning PA; 7/1/23 por Steve Barry Por Flickr: Reading, Blue Mountain & Northern Barnesville, Pennsylvania July 1, 2023 A highway overpass on the eastern edge of Nesquehoning makes for a short tunnel. Ex-Reading 4-8-4 2102 is on the final miles of the outbound trip from North Reading to Jim Thorpe; after a four-hour layover, the train will return to North Reading.
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collinthenychudson · 1 year
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Following it's life after the Iron Horse Rambles, Reading 2102 would still take part in numerous excursions. Of these which was a doubleheader with Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad (Ex Grand Trunk Western) 4070, an S3A class 2-8-2 USRA Light Mikado built by ALCO in December 1918. Unfortunately, the trip was ill-fated as the 4070 threw an eccentric rod on the Horseshoe Curve stalling busy rail traffic resulting in Conrail to ban steam operations for several years. Today, 2102 now operates on the Reading and Northern Railroad while 4070 is still currently under restoration at the Midwest Railway Preservation Society. Models and Route by: K&L Trainz, Canadian Pacific Locomotive Works, Jointed Rail, Auran, and Download Station
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airmanisr · 2 years
RBMN T-1 #2102 @ Hometown, PA
RBMN T-1 #2102 @ Hometown, PA by Darryl Rule Via Flickr: The Reading & Northern Ramble approaches Marian Ave.
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briansolomonauthor · 2 years
Reading 2102 Revisited
In the 1960s my father, Richard Jay Solomon, made numerous photos of Reading Company’s famous Iron Horse Rambles. This included countless photos of Reading T-1 2102. As I’ve previously recalled on Tracking the Light and in the pages of Trains Magazine, these photos were, in part, my inspiration for the HO-scale Reading Company that I’ve been building in my Finacé’s basement. Early in the…
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thydungeon · 3 years
Frederick Barbarossa: The Prince and the Myth
Every now and then I read history books when I read enough fiction that displeases me. While I lived in West Africa, I read books about the Hundred Years’ War and the Thirty Years’ War. You would think I’d follow it up with the Seven Years’ War or Eighty Years’ War, but no, I read a book about the main character from the most difficult of the five campaigns in the base version of Age of Empire 2.
Anyway, the book was on loan from another library, so I didn’t get a chance to renew it (I read 550 fucking pages in 3 weeks, and that writing is dense), and actually flesh out what all these pages note, but here’s what I remember. I assume there are a lot of errors in my memory, so please don’t sue me if I included Bohemia in a list when it shouldn’t have been included.
25 - the author goes into excruciating detail about an insane bust of Barbarossa that includes metaphors about his position as the emperor and if he actually is bringing peace on earth (?)
43 - an amusing paragraph about how we have written evidence that many of his cousins/predecessors/successors/sons/brothers have canonically fucked, but we don’t know if he fucked before he married
100 - the empire had this thing called the Fodrum, which was basically a tax of goods that was levied on all the places (?) in the empire, namely Germany and Italy (but probably also, like, Burgundy, Denmark (?), Bohemia (?), and Austria (?)) - and the amounts are absolutely batshit crazy, like 4762 bags of rice, 77 cattle, 2102 strands of wheat, etc.
142 - I had this marked as “curb your enthusiasm,” so it can only refer to the hilarious moment where Alexander III (or maybe Adrian IV, I can’t remember) and Barbarossa had a big fight because the latter held the wrong (?) stirrup when doing some kind of ceremonial thing
148 - okay I had to hunt down the exact passage because this quote is pure fan fiction (and hilarious)
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Take now, O Rome, Teutonic iron instead of Arabian gold. This is the price which your prince offers you for your crown. Thus do the Franks purchase empire. 
160 - apparently, as a punishment, Barbarossa had two dukes (or counts, or margraves, or whatever) each carry a dog from one city to another as punishment? Is this the cruel and unusual stuff we outlawed in the constitution?
186 - Barbarossa’s second wife Beatrice had 11 children :/
223 - I wrote “incompetent glory hogs” in my notes, so I can only assume this is a reference to somebody doing something I read about like 30 times in the Hundred Years’ War book, which is doing something tactically/strategically stupid for the sake of looking good, and then getting btfo as a consequence
289 - I wrote “straight savage fam” here, so I think this is about Barbarossa burning multiple cities to the ground, I think either Tortona or Crema in northern Italy
314 - Barbarossa enfeoffs the same land (Sardinia) that he does not own to two people at the same time
347 - Barbarossa again burns down a city, and apparently there is written evidence that his wife was satisfied about it
355 - Barbarossa was friends with Saladin????
404 - Barbarossa had the gall to offer mystery terms to Alexander III, in which Alexander would un-excommunicate (communicate?) Barbarossa, but Alexander wouldn’t know what he would receive until he agreed
479 - I wrote “caught and killed for raping,” which I think is a reference to one of Barbarossa’s sons, who was.... here we go, from Wikipedia:
This chronicle is uncertain whether he was killed by a woman whom he had raped or by her husband.[18] But the Annals of Konrad von Scheyern recorded specifically that he was bitten in the left nipple by a girl he was attempting to rape; although an increasingly large wound developed, he did not want to be treated and died three days later.
499 - Barbarossa used the words “burning zeal” in a letter to his son - nice turn of phrase
508 - starving soldiers ate horse poop
521 - there is apparently conflation between Frederick I and Frederick II (grandson) in the sleeping-king-in-the-mountain myth because [ERR: DATA NOT FOUND]
Anyway, my conclusion:
very hard book to read
overall enjoyable
there were a LOT of Fredericks and Henrys in medieval Germany
shout out to whitman college for having this book and loaning it to the seattle public library
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luna-redamancy · 5 years
The Curse pt.2 (Thorin x Reader)
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Word Count: 2102, my longest fic ever. 
Warnings: None? 
The sunlight hit your eyes, causing a grimace to form on your face as you rolled over to try and avoid waking up for the day. But it was too late, your ears woke up to the noises of the townsfolk down on the cobblestone streets below your window, the birds chirping a little too cheerful for your liking.
Sitting up, you grabbed the blankets off of you, a renewed energy bubbling in you. Today you could go see the bookkeeper, “Surely they must have something new in stock..” You mumbled to yourself as you tidied your hair back with a ribbon, pulling on a simple blue dress over your slip as you slid on your flats.
Grabbing the leather-bound copy of Romeo and Juliet, you made your way to the door, a basket for groceries looped over your elbow. “I’ll be off papa!” You called, only getting a snore in response. Shaking your head with a smile, you bounded off. ‘Must’ve been staying up late inventing again,’ You thought as you walked through the town.
The buildings were close together as if it was a barrier against the eyes of outsiders, the streets narrow and hard to get around if you didn’t grow up here. “Little town…” You sighed, staring at the same old buildings you’ve seen since you were just a child. “Quiet village, every day like the one before..” You mumbled out loud, hearing everyone around you calling good morning to the others.
Putting on a smile you nodded at them, “Good morning,” You recited in a polite tone, your eyes wandering as you came across the potter of the town. “Good morning, Monsieur Jean!” You called happily, one of the only villagers who didn’t find you odd for your passion for books.
“Good morning (Y/n)!” He called back to you, a smile forming on his face before his brows furrowed as he began to look deep in thought.
“Have you lost something again?”
“Well, I believe I have. The problem is, I can’t remember what! Oh, well. I’m sure it will come to me. Where are you off to?”
“Off to return this book to Balin. It's about two lovers in fair Verona,” You described, the lines of the pages etched into memory for how many times you’ve read the worn pages.
“Sounds boring,” Monsieur Jean frowned slightly, not trying to come off as rude, simply honest.
Laughing you nodded kept walking on your path, trying to avoid the whispers of the townsfolk around you.
“That girl is strange, no question about it,”
“No denying she’s a funny girl that (Y/n)”
Holding your head high, you ignored the whispers as you walked into the small library building.
“Ah, if it isn’t the only bookworm in town. So, where did you run off to this week?” Balin smiled at you as he walked up to you in greeting.
“2 cities in Northern Italy... I didn’t want to come back” You joked lightly, but your heart yearned to take off like how your mind could when you were reading a new book.
“Have you got any new places to go?” You questioned, looking over to the bookshelf.
“I’m afraid not, but you are more than welcome to re-read any of the old ones if you’d like,” He encouraged, waving his hand to the shelf.
“Thank you!” You gratefully bowed your head, letting your hand skim over the spines you’ve held in your hand thousands of times. Story after story replaying in your head before deciding on which one you wanted.  
“Your library makes our small corner of this world feel big,” You said amongst your thanks as you tucked the book in between your arm and your waist, settling the previous book you had amongst the rest of them.
“Vonveryage,” Balin smiled and waved as you muttered your goodbyes as you left the small library.
Walking through the town to return home, your nose was buried in your favorite book. Skillfully avoiding the villagers coming and going in your path, you nodded politely to those when you did look up.
Using the pages of the book to drift you away from the whispers you let your memory take your legs to their destination.
“Look at her, Legolas. My future wife, she is the most beautiful girl in the village. That makes her the best.” Thranduil grinned broadly, sitting atop a white horse, closing his scope as he finished watching you from afar.
“But she’s so well-read. And you’re so… athletically inclined.” Legolas argued quietly from next to him on his own horse.
Thranduil chuckled, “I know. She can be as argumentative as she is beautiful.” He sighed dreamily as they guided their horses to go into town.
“Exactly! Who needs her when you’ve got all of us behind you?” Legolas questioned, following behind him.
“Yes… But ever since the war, I’ve felt like I’ve been missing something. And she’s the only girl that gives me that sense of…”
“Je ne sais quoi?”
“I don’t know what that means,” Thranduil said cooly as he continued on causing Legolas to facepalm in the background.
As soon as the two entered the town, all eyes went to Thranduil. His piercing eyes drew googly eyes from the women getting their dresses fitted across the street. Legolas rolled his eyes as he could hear them gossiping about the two.
The two got off their horses, tying them up to the posts on the outskirts of the town. Legolas pinched the horse’s leg slightly, enough to get the horse to stomp its foot in the mud, launching it all over the gossiping women. Their shrieks filled the air causing Legolas to hide a chuckle, “Never going to happen, ladies,” Legolas grinned as he walked off with Thranduil.
The town was bustling as the morning was in full swing, men and women scurrying about to complete their errands before the sun rose to its full height and made it unpleasant to be out.
Thranduil’s eyes narrowed as he searched for you amongst the crowd, his smile widening when he spotted you just leaving the towns square.
“Excuse me, please let me through!” He announced, struggling to get through the bustling crowd as you made your exit.
Rushing toward you finally, Thranduil latched his hand onto your shoulder, “Good morning (Y/n)! A wonderful book you have there,”  He flashed a grin as you struggled not to rip your shoulder out of his grasp.
“Have you read it?” You questioned, closing it, your finger in the book to keep your place.
Thranduil chuckled nervously, “Well, not that one..But, books…” He drifted off, holding out the flowers he had in his other hand, “For your dinner table,” He explained, “Shall I join you this evening?”
Frowning you stepped back slightly, causing his hand to drop off your shoulder, “Sorry Thranduil, not this evening…”
“Busy?” He questioned, quirking a brow.
“No…” You drifted off, just shaking your head as you finished walking home, purpose in your step more so than before.
“Moving on now?” Legolas came up, arms crossed.
“No, Legolas… It’s always the ones who play hard to get that are the sweetest prey… That’s what makes (Y/N) so appealing... “
Thranduil turned to face Legolas, “She hasn’t made a fool of herself to gain my favor, what would you call that?”
Legolas snorted, “You mean dignity?”
“It’s outrageously attractive, isn’t it?”
Shaking his head, Legolas walked away from his longtime friend as Thranduil turned to watch you walk into your house as the village girls called after him in the background.
“I’m back Papa,” You called as you entered the house, setting down your basket of the small groceries you gathered, searching for your father in the small house.
Hearing a tune coming from the dining room you grinned.
“How does a moment last forever… How can a story never die, it is love we must hold on to, never easy, but we try…” Your father, Bard, sang to himself as he tinkered with the music box in front of him.
“Oh, (Y/n)!” He looked up realizing you were in the room, a small smile on his face before slipping back into concentration. “Could you…..Hand me--” You already knew what he was going to ask, holding up the tool he needed. “Thank you dear, I also need a---” You held up the other tool expectantly.
Bard chuckled, “No, no no… Actually…” He looked closer, side glancing at you. “That’s exactly what I need… Thank you.”
Smiling you pressed a kiss to his forehead as you began putting away the groceries. “Papa, do you think I’m odd?” You questioned, your voice small as you placed the goods in the cupboard.
“Odd? My daughter? Odd? Where did you get an idea like that?” Bard questioned, concern coming over his face.
“I don’t know. People talk…” You mumbled, shutting the cupboard door.
He sighed and shook his head, “This is a small village, you know. Small minded as well. But small also means safe…” Bard started, trying to find the words to console you. “Even back in Paris, I knew a girl like you, who was so… ahead of her time. So different. People mocked her. Until the day they all found themselves imitating her.”
Turning to face him, you realized who he was talking about. Your mother. “Please, just tell me one more thing about her.” You asked, moving to lean against the dining chair as your father stood up, realizing how late it was.
Packing up his bag, your father began to leave the small house, leaving your question unanswered.
“Papa?” You called his attention again as he reigned Philippe, the family horse.
Sighing, Bard looked down with unbearable sadness clouding his eyes, tears almost stinging the surface. “Your mother was…. Fearless.” He choked out, turning so you wouldn’t see him getting upset.
Sniffling slightly, he coughed as he rubbed away any signs of his heartache, “So, what can I bring you from the market, my child?” He questioned as he turned to face you once more.
You grinned, knowing he just asked to be polite, “A rose, like the one in the painting.”
Bard chuckled as he shook his head, remembering the painting he created long ago and the red rose he painted in it also. “Are you sure you don’t want anything else? You ask for that every year..”
Patting his head, you smiled softly, “And every year you bring it.”
“Then I shall bring you another. You have my word.” Bard kissed your forehead fondly, hating to leave you alone.
“Goodbye, papa!” You called as he gathered the reins. “Goodbye my dear, come on, Philippe, you know the way.”
Waving at him as the cart rolled along the cobblestone, “I’ll see you tomorrow?” You questioned, worry in your voice.
“Tomorrow, with the rose!” Bard called back, turning to smile at you as you gave a worried smile back. “Stay safe!” You yelled out as he disappeared from view. Sighing you leaned against the fence, “He’ll be safe… He always is..” You reassured yourself as you walked inside to cook yourself lunch.
Day turned into dusk, the townsfolk happily in the taverns and inns drinking their night away as you sat against the windowsill, a blanket draped over you and your book happily in your hands. The fire crackled pleasantly, warming the house with its flames.
Pausing your reading, you glanced outside the window, trying not to worry too much. Winter was coming soon, and that meant it was getting more dangerous for travelers like your father to be out late.
“He’s fine.” You scolded yourself for worrying as you dragged your eyes back to the book now in your lap.
High pitched whining caught your attention to outside this time. Cupping your hands around your eyes to see through the glass better, you gasped.  Philippe barrelled back into the town, whining and raising up on his hind legs to stamp his hooves on the cobblestone.
Throwing on your cloak, you abandoned your book and warm house, throwing on your flats once more. “What is it, Philippe?” You questioned worriedly, your eyes widening in horror as you saw the fabric of your father’s coat in his mouth. “Where’s papa, Philippe….” You muttered out, your eyes searching his for some sort of answer that never came.
“Philippe, show me the way,” You begged, determined to find out what happened to your father.
Hoisting yourself onto the stead, you trotted off into the night, down the trail your father traveled so many nights before. “Please be okay...” You whispered to yourself as you galloped down the path, anxiety smacking inside your core, the cool night air sending shivers down your spine as your mind thought hundreds of horrible things that could have happened to him. 
Forever tag:
@lady-of-lies @all-things-fandomstuck @xxno-wayxx @fizzyxcustard @izzydaelleth @aquaangel18@raindancer2004 @love-colorfulglittercollection
Thorin tag:  @greennightspider @ashleygrrrl @skylarkvip
The Curse Tag: 
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pareidoliarp · 2 years
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One of the first expedition teams sent out to identify habitable worlds found Terminus at the very end of their run in 2102. With the situation on Earth dire, Earth’s ultrarich invested heavily in colonization and the first colonists arrived as early as 2109. These colonists consisted of those rich enough to buy a ticket and those poor and desperate enough to sign themselves into indentured servitude.
That original injustice carried forward to 2189. Terminus has grown rapidly, though its legendary pleasures and riches belong to a very few. The violence and misery of its slums are just as legendary as its excesses.
Read on for more in-depth info on Terminus!
In depth
Established in 2109, Terminus was the first colony founded after the invention of the Fermi drive. Despite a century of climate disasters, displacement, and human misery, Earth was popping at the seams. The trend of falling birth rates and declining populations that came with higher education reversed when massive segments of the population were driven from their homes and entire countries were wiped out by climate change.
Luna was a fragile colony, heavily reliant on the scientists that kept her domes running. When one of the first Fermi drive survey teams ended their mission with the discovery of a habitable world, the possibility of colonizing other worlds—worlds better suited to human life, worlds where the air was breathable and the sky would not be locked away behind a dome—was a tempting one.
The first expedition was almost fully funded by Earth’s elites, who were willing to brave space travel as long as a safe trip there and back was almost assured. They would need people to assist in the building of their new haven, though, and so they recruited professionals of all sorts—scientists, engineers, construction workers, medical professionals—to help build their home.
More importantly, though, they would need the underclass that kept them comfortable on Earth. They needed the maids, the nannies, the personal chefs, the yoga instructors, the delivery personnel, the private tutors, the waitstaff, the janitors, the gardeners.
In a cynical postmodern reinvention of indentured servitude, the Corporation offered passage to Terminus in exchange for “service contracts” that would last a decade. Despite the outcry on progressive media outlets, they had no shortage of applicants, particularly from the climate refugees whose nations and homes had fallen beneath the waves or become uninhabitable due to extreme heat and wildfires (including the Caribbean, the Philippines, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Miami, New Orleans, Venice, the Netherlands, Thailand, the United States midwest, Mexico, India, Brazil, Shanghai, Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Middle East).
Unsurprisingly, Terminus prospered and inequality boomed. Eighty years after its founding, Terminus is known as both a haven of the super-wealthy and Federated Space’s most glaring example of injustice. With the power fully in the hands of the ultra-wealthy, in Terminus it is next to impossible to move above your station. If you’re born in the slums, you die in the slums. The middle-class is razor thin and exists mostly as a cadre of hangers-on, desperate to curry favor with the wealthy. The wealthy live in the soaring towers of New Singapore or in walled private enclaves and have little to do with the grubby underclass, with the exception of the service workers who wait on them.
Despite (or perhaps because of) its unsavory reputation, Terminus fascinates offworlders. Much popular media is set in Terminus, and Terminus has a steady stream of visitors. Terminus is the headquarters of many corporations, and has a reputation for sexy excess. The wealth of its elites and the dangers of its slums are famous throughout Federated Space.
Terminus is a chilly, mostly barren planet. New Singapore, its capital, was established near the equator to avoid the worst winter weather. Most citizens live in New Singapore or in a handful of much smaller settlements nearby. The planet possesses extensive valuable mineral resources, and automated mining outposts (with humans serving miserable maintenance contracts) are scattered across the planet. Farming and fishing are poor, and native species tend to be small and uninteresting. Terminus possesses few forests and many steppes, deserts, tundras, and marshes.
Government, demographics, and culture:
Although Terminus styles itself as a democracy, Terminus is ruled by oligarchs who trade power to and fro between themselves. Votes are held and routinely manipulated or discounted to disenfranchise large segments of the populace. The ultrarich pay lip service to equality and progress while their policies seem to be hellbent on stripping rights away from lower-class citizens entirely and transforming Terminus society into some hellish form of neofeudalism. The politics of Terminus are reminiscent of flawed 21st century Western democracies taken to their absolute worst extreme.
The vast majority of Terminus’s citizens are lower class and live in slums or run-down working-class neighborhoods. Terminus’s slums are frequently ruled by gangs and may bring 21st century favelas to mind, though these criminal subsets are highly sophisticated and the more powerful have plenty of connections off-world. Working-class neighborhoods are less desperate, though they are almost entirely ignored by Terminus’s political powers and their children have approximately nil chance of escaping crushing poverty. Middle-class citizens tend to live in New Singapore and exist in a desperate liminal space between the descent into the lower class and ascent into the upper class. Though they preach democratic values and may engage in charity, middle-class citizens tend to protect their own rights ruthlessly. Upper-class citizens enjoy tremendous, stratospheric wealth and privilege and access to any luxury and technology they could want. Many are involved in Terminus’s ruling class or its shady activities, such as its casinos, though they take care never to let their hands be dirtied.
As in ancient Rome, tensions in Terminus society are blown off in fantastic displays of revelry. Most Earth holidays persist. As in New Orleans, Rio, and much of western Europe, Carnival is celebrated to a legendary extent with street parades and parties that draw tourists from throughout Known Space. Lunar New Year is another popular event, often referred to as Galactic New Year on Terminus, and European Christmas Markets combined with Latin American and Filipino Noche Buena spawn festivals that consume Terminus on Christmas Eve.
Despite the crushing classist inequality rife in Terminus culture, racism, sexism, and various ‘phobias hold little sway. The wealthy who footed the bill for the first colonists and the climate refugees who followed them came from a vast array of nations. Race is of little importance, but social class and wealth matters a great deal. Intermarriage between classes borders on taboo, and very few are willing to cross those social borders. Sexism is at a low level, though there is a slight imbalance towards male politicians, and homophobia is next to nonexistent (outside of certain religions and slum neighborhoods). Terminus boasts the universe’s best health care, for those who can afford it, and its gender-affirming health services are a draw throughout human space.
Notable locations:
New Singapore Like the Earth city it was named for, New Singapore was built near the coast. Situated near Terminus’s equator and buffered by the sea, New Singapore has relatively pleasant temperatures year-round. Almost all of Terminus’s citizens live in or around its capital city. Vast, glittering skyscrapers near the city’s heart give way to a dark tangle of crowded streets and alleys below, and crowded lower-class neighborhoods butt up against walled and gated middle-class communities. New Singapore is a bustling, chaotic place.
The Heights The sardonically-named Heights are the grimy heart of New Singapore’s worst slums. The crime rates are high, corruption is rampant, and police often don’t even bother with crimes committed against its residents. Many Heights gangs have close ties with New Singapore’s corrupt elites, and do the dirty work that funds many of Terminus’s entertainment districts and projects. Gang leaders aside, little of Terminus’s wealth trickles down into the Heights.
The Grand Glades Not all of Earth’s climate refugees were poor. The Seminole Tribe were major backers of the Terminus expedition, and in 2189 the Grand Glades casino and hotel in New Singapore is famous throughout human space. Shaped like a massive steel-and-glass guitar and with a park styled to simulate a piece of the lost Florida Everglades, the Grand Glades hosts all sorts of high-rolling nonsense and is the anchor of New Singapore’s entertainment district. Members of the board are upper-echelon Terminus elites and have tangled interests in every facet of Terminus society.
The Ritz Named with typical Terminus cynicism, the Ritz is the common name for the MPC, or the Mobile Penal Colony that grinds endlessly across the chilly wastelands north and south of the equator. Made up of several huge, oil-rig-sized platforms that rumble along on treads, the Ritz houses both people foolish or desperate enough to take work contracts there and inmates sentenced to hard labor. This work force conducts mining and mineral exploration operations.
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lifeblog319 · 3 years
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NEW SUNTEC Oil Burner Pump A2VA A2VA Beckett Wayne BRAND Suntec A2VA A2VA A1VA BASIC Repair Kit & Seal for Oil.M34DK-3 SERIES FUEL UNITS SINGLE STAGE UNITS To meet the needs of today’s fuel-efficient, downsized and space efficient burners, Webster’s popular M34DK-3 incor-porates improved access to both the bleed valve and bypass plug.
Locating the bleed port plug assembly on the side of the fuel unit provides the service technician with one visible.
BAPL has a description of A2VA SUNTEC FUEL PUMP WARNING This product can expose you to chemicals, including Chromium which are known to the state of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. check the piping and the system layout (refer to Suntec installation bulletins* for details).
Step 5. If the lift and run is not excessive for the fuel unit model, the problem could be caused by a.
the number and type of bends in the piping (includes kinks and flattening), b. the number and types of fittings in the piping.
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guerrerense · 10 months
Reading & Northern; Nesquehoning PA; 7/1/23 por Steve Barry Por Flickr: Reading, Blue Mountain & Northern Barnesville, Pennsylvania July 1, 2023 A highway overpass on the eastern edge of Nesquehoning makes for a short tunnel. Ex-Reading 4-8-4 2102 is on the final miles of the outbound trip from North Reading to Jim Thorpe; after a four-hour layover, the train will return to North Reading.
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collinthenychudson · 3 years
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Gonna do a Train Themed Christmas Advent Calendar
Day 1: Reading T-1
Info from K&L Trainz After WWII, the Reading Railroad Company needed a new strong engine for freight service, but no spare money could afford something new and brought into service. So the company decided they would convert all thirty of their 2-8-0 Consolidations into Class 'T-1' 4-8-4 Northerns for about two years of work until the newly-redesigned locomotives were put to the test. Successfully, these engines accomplished both freight and passenger service for eleven years until 1956. At that time when steam was coming to an end, nearly every steam engine on the Reading Railroad was scrapped except for only five 4-8-4 Northerns that were kept from being sold as junk. At the Reading Roundhouse, 'T-1' no. 2101 stood as a standby locomotive for the popular excursion run; the "Iron Horse Rambles" which lasted for seven more years before retirement plus the rising operational costs and declining tracks had pulled the special fan trips into turmoil. By the 1970's however, the 2101 was decorated and re-painted for the American Freedom Train special, where as yet also it was renumbered exactly "1". After the A.F.T. excursion, the 2101 was repainted once again for the accurate locomotive candidate of the Chessie System Steam Special in 1977. This was arranged by the man responsible for the plan; Ross Rowland. Unfortunately the Kentucky roundhouse was on fire, damaging the poor 2101 in 1979, thus changing plans to replace the locomotive with another 4-8-4 Northern from the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad in 1981. Ever since that event, Reading 2101 was decorated as the American Freedom Train Northern - this time before it was put on display at the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum. In the meantime, the 2101's original tender was swapped with its sister engine 2100. After the next decade being sold from owner to owner, the 2100 made its final stand running on the Golden Pacific Scenic Railroad at Tacoma, Washington in 2007. Years later in 2015, the American Steam Railroad Preservation Association bought the 2100 for a new career at the former B&O roundhouse in Cleveland, Ohio. Sister-engine no. 2102 was also under restoration a year later at Port Clinton, Pennsylvania. So now in the coming years to follow, both the 2100 and 2102 will have their new careers received while two of their sister locomotives remain on display in museums while 2123 deceased a few years back.
Models and Route by: K&L Trainz, RRMods, Auran, and Download Station
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airmanisr · 2 years
RBMN T-1 #2102 @ Barnesville, PA by Darryl Rule Via Flickr: In the midst of a heavy rain, the first Reading & Northern Ramble works upgrade through the "S" curve at Barnesville, PA.
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guerrerense · 9 months
All aboard! por Kevin Madore Por Flickr: With all of their Port Clinton passengers safely on board the train, the Reading & Northern's T-1 Locomotive #2102 begins the process of starting the heavy, 15-car, "Iron Horse Rambles" extra. With the cylinder cocks open and each, throaty exhaust stroke echoing off the hills surrounding the yard, the process starts slowly, but quickly builds momentum. Passengers can hear this, of course, and immediately poke their heads out of their coach windows to capture the memory with their cell phone video cameras. Within just a minute or two, this train will be moving right along at the very generous yard speed, bound for Jim Thorpe, just over two hours run time to the north.
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