#real dream lie
lululeighsworld · 6 months
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it was literally their moment and they just let us watch
(if you need me i'll be marinating in this for the foreseeable future)
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bleue-flora · 3 months
It never ceases to amaze me about how many different dehumanizing labels Dream is cast in. The tyrant, the green boy, the bad guy, the wrong’un, the villain, a psycho, psychopath (which tbh are already rather kinda extreme for his supposed crimes especially at the beginning when they started). But then they go further, calling him a snake thing, pure evil, a monster [clip], a freaking ghoul [clip], even to the point of calling him Lucifer in the finale - The Biblical incarnate of evil [clip].
And what’s really interesting is the inconsistency in which Dream reacts - because on one hand he should stand up for himself, but on the other maybe he should just lean into it and maybe they’ll leave him alone. Maybe the fear and label can be his defense instead of their offense. And that gives him control over it, turns him from the victim to the victor.
In the disc confrontation, Tommy calls him pure evil and asks “how do you sleep at night”, to which he responds “just fine” [clip] {oddly, directly contradicting his comment to Techno about no sleeping btw lol…}. Later, he talks about building the prison with a “little bit of evil” but then counters Tommy’s accusation of calling him evil again with “evil is in the eye of the beholder” and “you’re evil to me” [clip].
In the finale, towards the end, Tommy talks about how he saw Dream as nothing but The villain but that isn’t true, and surprisingly Dream disagrees by saying “I am. I tortured you” [clip] {also contradicting what he says to Sam in Daedalus…}. Which is interesting. In the finale, he also makes statements like ‘we can’t because we’re soo evil’ and “we have done plenty of evil evil things” [clip] (which Punz actually counters with “not for no reason.”) But in instances when they call him a psycho and psychopath he has a different reaction saying “huh, I mean, I wouldn’t say that,” [clip] “I’m not a psycho. Everything I do is deliberate” [clip] and, in the finale, “you guys are psychos. You broke in and tried—and killed me in my own house—the prison.” [clip]
One of the keys here I think is the distinction of having reasons - he’s not evil for kicks, he has a reason and motive and logic behind it. Something, in the finale, he questions whether Tommy has, first because he broke in and killed him unfounded and then towards the end of the stream asking about why he constantly steals and griefs and stuff, “why are you trying to ruin everything all the time.” [clip] - What was your reason? Because that mattered to Dream, someone can do evil things but they have their reasons, it’s when they don’t that they are more so truly evil.
He may have done evil things, he may even be the villain, but in his mind he’s not a psycho or pure evil, or a monster because he has reasons, there is a reason he did the things he did, there is a reason he ended up here. Not that those make his deeds justified and less evil (like Sam and Quackity more so believe) but that just makes him a person, who sure does evil, but also feels, and has reasons, desires, and motivations…etc. Just like everyone else. He doesn’t even see Quackity, who confessed to being sadistic and spent months torturing him, as pure evil or even a psychopath instead saying sarcastically in Daedalus, “like Quackity ‘cause he’s full of feelings… He’s totally not a sociopath…” because that distinction between sociopath and psychopath in Dream’s mind is important. Quackity is a bad person but he isn’t the embodiment of evil, he’s just a person who did evil things.
During the first war, Wilbur calls him a little lizard snake thing, to which Dream responds “I’m powerful” [clip]. Which is strange and kinda sad to me that despite being called an actual animal(s), one more importantly often representing evil like Lucifer the snake, he doesn’t counteract it. Maybe because he’s tired of Wilbur calling him similar dehumanizing terms or tired of arguing with Wilbur in general, since everyone believes him anyways. Regardless, he instead rephrases Wilbur’s words - maybe I am a lizard or a snake but you better not step on me because I am venomous and powerful. Which aligns pretty well with his monologue [transcript] where he talks about “Do snakes just bite?” or is there a reason. Because maybe he can’t change Wilbur and Tommy’s metaphor and maybe he can’t change the label of evil despite his attempts because everyone believes them instead, but maybe he can try and use their own words to defend himself. Maybe then they’ll see him as an actual person. {or not…}
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calwasntfound · 3 months
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dsmp art in the year of our lord 2024
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objectyuri · 4 months
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haha hes hot get it!!!! i feel so braindead
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w-i-m-m · 2 years
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dnfcliparchive · 2 years
okay so
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resssistance · 2 years
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Happy 25th birthday to Shoma Uno! To all your smiles, and many more that are yet to shine. Thank you 💙
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tullycicero · 1 month
the funniest part of being in dark academia spaces etc online is that you do really begin to see how like fake all of it is when people are posting and reblogging pictures of your own university (and romanticising your own degree) and they've all just been... desaturated to high heaven like no the shortcut to your lectures doesn't look like that - nothing weirder than seeing people look up to what is essentially half of your life as an aesthetic pinnacle and meanwhile there you are doing studying the classics in an old british university and that is not the vibe
idk it just makes me laugh, seeing photos that can literally include the outside of my own student bedroom being romanticised when i can see very clearly that the sepia filter is blasted to 100 and there aren't tourists everywhere
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demonstars · 5 months
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this is a tweet i could've made about dream
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seafoam-taide · 3 months
Absurd that dreams can just play pretend at being memories. Me when I have to actually take a moment to go 'no, that's insane, there was no point in the real world where several small spiders made homes in the gaps between your fingers. Why did you think that was real and why did we have to think about it this long.'
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from @camilarsz on instagram
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bleue-flora · 10 days
What would it be like in the finale if c!sap or c!quackity confronted c!dream instead of c!tommy. Do you think we would have seen that “you just want friends” moment. I feel like c!sapnap possibly would understand reach that moment with c!Dream maybe better than c!tommy did but as for c!quackity I see no chance of that happening
The quick answer is no. I talked about it I think somewhere before, but it had to be Tommy. Tommy was the only one who could have brought that vulnerability out of Dream. And Tommy had to die and experience limbo from Dream’s pov for that all to happen. In other words, it was the ideal situation.
But let’s say it was Sapnap or Quackity. Let’s say they sent Q to stall Dream and let’s say Dream and Punz didn’t just kill him off the bat, but they allowed him to talk and then killed him and brought him back. What would have been Quackity’s reaction to Dream’s pov limbo?… honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on Quackity but here are my thoughts…
Well I don’t think he would be the selfless character to put himself in that situation in the first place, and Tommy also had an upper hand in the fact that his method of stalling was asking Dream why and for his pov. I imagine Quackity wouldn’t ask that though so wouldn’t experience the same limbo. So I imagine, Quackity’s likely method of stalling would be to accuse Dream and justify his own actions, maybe under the guise for Dream’s forgiveness, knowing that if he pissed off Dream then he’d just died and it wouldn’t really be a very good stalling tactic, would it? In other words, it likely wouldn’t be far off from his encounter in the Las Nevadas Finale or perhaps it would be similar to how he interacts with Wilbur.
Now let’s say regardless, Quackity experienced Dream’s pov limbo, then I don’t know, he’d probably use it in his manipulation and stalling tactics, maybe use it to mock Dream or turn Punz against Dream. Perhaps he uses the “you just want friends” to make fun of him - *read in condescending voice* “you say you want all this power and knowledge but really poor little Dream, just want friends” *theatric pout* … Whatever his reaction is it wouldn’t be to reach the understanding Dream and Tommy did, not just because Quackity is well… Quackity, but also because only Tommy could fix what he broke. Only Tommy had the power to change Dream, because it was him that ruined him in the first place, Q and Sam only got the leftovers of what Tommy had down by turning everyone against Dream, triggering that fundemental fear of being alone. It was Tommy and Wilbur that made Dream wonder how the freak did they show up and ruin everything, spurring his yearn for answers. Sapnap and Awesamdude were already in the server and Quackity is just the later infection taking over the wound Tommy left behind…
Having said that, it would have been interesting to see what Sapnap’s reaction would have been. I think like Quackity he wouldn’t be asking the questions of why like Tommy was to stall, because part of his problem is his assumption that he knows. His tactic probably would have been pulling Dream into a long fight and perhaps playing at Dream’s ego. Accusation and nostialga used as weapons - “remember me and you and George built the community house, and then you blew it up, Dream!”- If Sapnap experienced the same limbo, I wonder if it would have done anything more than remind Sapnap what he lost. Unlike Tommy, Sapnap did see Dream as good in the beginning so seeing his perspective at the beginning would not shatter any huge misconception for him. It probably would have just left him feeling angry. making the situation actually worse.
In other words, in order for Sapnap and Dream to reach a similar point as discduo, Sapnap needed a pov of more recent Dream to highlight his poor misconceptions, whether that’s of seeing Punz and Dream setting up the staged vault room, Dream learning about how everyone is trying to kill him, Dream being tortured in prison, or something especially something that highlighted an emotional part of Dream. But as for Q, though an argument could be made against it, I don’t think he wanted to make amends with Dream and unlike Sapnap and Tommy, I don’t think he was as oblivious to his actions of how they hurt people. I feel like he already saw Dream as a person and didn’t give a damn anyways. He did what he had to do, but he isn’t naive to how Dream feels. So there was no limbo that could change that. Perhaps more circumstances and character’s involvement could do something to change Q, but not just between him and Dream. (I think the situation with Purpled and Q would have been more the opportunity to reach that understanding like that of disc duo, but we already know how that turned out.)
So to summarize - Sapnap already knew Dream’s pov in the beginning so seeing it would not have radically changed anything. What he would need is an experience of something more recent Dream that shows Dream has emotions (maybe even specifically feelings for missing Sapnap) and isn’t some just crazy control freak. Then it would more so be feasible for a similar unfolding as Dream and Tommy had to happen. Quackity on the other hand, I don’t get the feeling had a misconception about Dream that needed to be changed so there was no Limbo that would matter. Maybe that’s wrong of me to say and judge Quackity so harshly, but I honestly don’t get the impression he sees Dream as less than human in a way that resulted in what we got in the disc duo finale…
Hopefully that answers your question or at least lays out my 2 cents. I think @elmhat has also talked similarly about alternative finale options so I recommend looking at what they had to say if you haven’t already.
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katiekatdragon27 · 6 months
I'm so normal about the teensies.
I'm so normal about the teensies that I made a pre-Rayman origin story for the teensies. The teensies built the world lol, idc how inaccurate it is to the lore lol.
It's my interpretation, I get to decide the lore!
(THING TO NOTE: All of their designs are based on already existing teensies, whether it be canon or concept doesn't matter. If you can accurately figure out which teensies inspired who, I will give you a gold star🌟)
General plot synopsis: Polokus made the world. The fairies were also made; however, they were not "sentient" beings yet. All their births were from teeny terraforming of the land but that'll be explained in a later post. Anyways, the teensies were created not only to make sick beats with their noses, but to give the world guides and watchful keepers of order. Once every creature was created, Polokus took his leave, leaving all his "kids" to figure everything out. As one could imagine, that caused a lot of fighting over who's in charge. One teensy in particular knew in his heart he was built to lead. However, due to his short stature and insistence for violence, many did not even lend a passing glance.
When Polokus had a bad dream and a certain first nightmare invades the Glade, death in introduced into the world and no one knows how to deal with it. In a test of leadership and strength. This one teensy beat the odds, uniting every clan of teeny around, recruiting their most powerful fighters, and taking down the nightmare, restoring peace to the Glade.
Despite the win, there were still many rabid creatures running around, so in an attempt to establish order permanently, they "built" the Snoring Tree, the most middle part of the world where every teensy leader (and other creatures if needed) could come to discuss diplomacy and general plans of action (a knights of the round table kind of thing). It is where the Hall of Doors is located along with a direct link to the Livid Dead, which was established just a few years earlier. (After the Snoring Tree was made, that's when the fairies were "born" with Betilla being the first.)
However, his establishment of peace fell on it's face almost immediately due to teensy nature being lowkey selfish lol. The first "generation" of teensies was very good at this "guide and order keeper" job, but as each generation passed, more and more of the teensies' diplomatic mindset was pushed to the wayside in favor of a superiority complex. And when Betilla made Rayman as a protector of the Glade, many teensies lost interest in fighting themselves, leaving them very susceptible to attacks. That's why every creature ever is adamant in sticking these guys in cages. Cuz they're lowkey assholes who can't fight lol.
There are gonna be 10 important people to the plot, but I only got five finished right now. Their bios are below the cut:
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Aurthr the Grand Minimus (Fighter):
Aurthr is actually the First King in his prime. He was the first teensy made by Polokus, although he is not the "oldest" (like imagine a creator making ocs of different age ranges but they were all made at the same time). By default, he feels an entitlement to the first throne position in his kingdom, but before he is deemed "king", he has to go though a trial. That trial is ... defeating Jano! Yes, these are gonna be the group of teensies that defeat Jano and create the Livid Dead lol. But in order to do that, he needs to learn to be a leader. Along the way, he also learns that to be a grand leader, he needs to value solutions through diplomacy over violence (something that is lost in later generations *cough cough*).
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Orion the Adventurous Ranger:
Orion is Aurthr's childhood best friend who comes from outside the castle walls. Being a Murkin (a clan of teensies that has since disappeared), he is very good at going undetected and just navigating the world outside of civilization in general. Despite his soft-spoken nature and cowardness, he really wants to make a difference for the better in teensy society, and it may just come around by teaching Aurthr to listen first before attacking (along with how to be an amazing Kungfoot player).
And yeah, he has ears. Ears are a recessive gene, but the Murkin were the clan that had that trait the most. (They usually get cropped if they're too big to hide in their hats.)
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Sapphie the Beautiful Bard:
Sapphie is a teensy who's primary magic use is of the darker arts (hence her ability to go natural hair). Before being Aurthr's first recruit, she spent most of her days traveling about and doing small thieving jobs. She was a well-know musician, and she performed for money a lot. However, what she loves more than money is adventure. She immediately jumps onboard to Aurthr's crew, leading as healer until a different teensy joins the group later on and giving her the chance to fight. She teaches Aurthr about strength in presentation (and how to play his nose like a musical interment).
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Umber the Undead Warlock:
Umber is one of the two mages that Aurthr sought out to help fight Jano. They are the Griskin Chief and trying their best to keep their people safe. This dedication to their people's safety led to a deal with a slumbering spirit, giving up their voice in exchange for power and sanctuary near his den. While constantly struggling to keep their clan quiet, they have been trying to manage the sudden influx in stressed out and scared ghosts showing up and causing a ruckus. Stressed and overwhelmed, it takes more than just some talking to convince them to go with Aurthr. But after helping with some big tasks and beating them in a game of Kungfoot, they decide to assist, and put a stop to whatever is killing everyone from above the bog.
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Soria the Stunning Sorceress:
Soria is one of the two mages that Aurthr sought out to help fight Jano. Being part of the Sylkin sorcerers, she was the main protecter of Polokus's resting place high in the mountains. She is incredibly strong for a teensy in terms of magic, making her quite the formidable fighter. However, she would much rather sing and dance, and overall just have fun being alive than perform combat. She decides to help defeat Jano after being bested in music fight with Aurthr and having her eyes open to the destruction occurring down below.
She also has ears. They are long, but since her hat is also long there was no need to crop them.
There are five more characters that will be posted later, but these are the important ones at the beginning of the story. I have a lot of this world thought out with a very solid plotline, so if y'all got any questions, I would be more than happy to answer them. Thank you for your reading all this and have a lovely day ^^
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cupiare · 9 months
my brain is so evil sometimes conjuring an extremely vivid dream that feels borderline lucid and then waking me up and forcing me to distinguish whats real again and then Face It.
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w-i-m-m · 1 year
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shiryawashere · 2 months
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i just think they're neat_sketchdump.jpeg
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